
tortibHello everyone, how do I restart the network device in ubuntu?00:00
histotortib: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart00:01
Cheapshotifconfig eth0 down && ifconfig eth0 up00:01
histotortib: or sudo service networking restart00:01
stercorcan I upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04.1?  If so, what´s the command?00:01
histo!upgrade | stercor00:01
ubottustercor: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:01
urgodfatherszal, but then how would you know that the response isnt something just easily picked up by a friendly user who took the liberty to search it in google than regurgitated the collected information vs someone who knows the correct answoer from experience00:02
tortib$ sudo service networking restart restart: Unknown instance:00:02
wrapidsIT's stil doing it with the alt cd00:02
wrapidsimguring a pic of it, gimme a sec00:02
histotortib: just sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart00:03
tortibgot it thanks00:03
histotortib: although either command should work00:04
Cheapshottortib do you just want to restart the connectionts or? For that use sudo ifdown -a and to get it up use sudo ifup -a00:04
Cheapshotthat takes down and back up all the network interfaces00:04
tortibyeah /etc/init.d/networking restart was the better choice00:05
szalurgodfather: if you're so anal about that, you could as well ask in #konversation00:05
shaladoreCheapshot: sorry was reading emails.. Well Junk mail... But it won't let me edit the connections and it doesn't even say there is a connection when i get in there the hard way00:06
histotortib: I think it may have to be sudo service networking --restart00:06
wrapidsI get this: http://tinypic.com/r/14upf4/6 Every time I try to install ubuntu. With/without alternative install disc00:07
histotortib: both accomplish the same thing though00:07
urgodfatherszal, my point is... anyone can do a google search. not everyone has experience in that said topic. so maybe a preliminary question would be in order so that you can identify those with experience/ disqualify those without. either way, i resolved the issue thanks to an unnamed user how happened to chat message me purely b/c i ask "does anyone use konversation...?"00:07
shaladorecheapshot: gives error when i try to see connection info.00:07
histowrapids: do you get anything before that such as the grub menu?00:07
wrapidshisto: This is on a new install, I get the menu for "boot from cd, live boot, blah blah". With alt version I get the Ubuntu - - - - splash screen.00:08
urgodfatherszal, clearly you know ALL about the term anal.00:08
wrapidsAfter those, it goes into this.00:08
histowrapids: on the splash screen you can push F6 for more options right?00:08
histowrapids: there's a vga safe option I can't remember the name of it00:08
szalurgodfather: no need to get personal, now stop bragging already00:09
Cheapshotshaladore try if editing /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and turn "managed=false" to "managed=true00:11
Cheapshotand do a sudo service network-manager restart00:12
szal!es | juan_00:12
ubottujuan_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:12
shaladoreI seem to be missing that directory00:12
Cheapshotyou dont find the networkmanager.conf?00:13
DG_Hey guys, is it possible to have a live wallpaper like on android?00:13
DG_i heard it was but im not sure if it's true00:13
shaladorehola juan.. englasho00:13
wrapidshisto: f6 is taking me to a command line that shows \the progress of the splash00:13
shaladorebeen a long time since i typed spanish00:13
shaladoreI don't find the directory NetworkManager00:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:14
Cheapshotwrapids when you boot to the ubuntu menu press f6 and turn acpi=off and add line --vga=791 in the end of the command line00:14
Cheapshotand then boot it00:14
shaladoreI do think something might not of installed correctly00:15
Cheapshotshaladore did you type it exactly NetworkManager00:15
airshockHello all Ubuntu users, I'm new to getting help in IRC but wanted to see if I could throw my question out there and see if anyone could help. I'm running Ubnut Server 12.04 x86-64 and am trying to build Apache from source, but am getting an error. It reads, "openssl/opensslv.h not found", and "OpenSSL version is too old". But running the command "openssl version" shows 1.0.1 or something like that. Not sure how to solve this issue.00:16
Cheapshottry cd / etc/00:16
shaladoretried upper lower and abbrevated.00:16
Cheapshotand ls00:16
Mitsuairshock: you need to install the development headers for openssl probably00:16
szalCheapshot: you can't put 2 paths in the cd command ;)00:16
shaladoreahh found it.. hold one00:17
wrapidsCheapshot: thanks a bunc, acpi workarounds did the trick00:17
Mitsuairshock: try installing libssl-dev00:17
airshockMitsu: Would that be openssl-dev? On CentOS its openssl-devel but not sure what it is on Ubuntu.00:17
Mitsuit'd be something like that, yeah. i think you need the development headers to build software that depends on it.00:18
airshockMitsu: just saw your MSG, trying to install that now.00:18
Mitsui think it's libssl-dev if i'm not mistaken00:18
shaladorethat did it.. glad it was something simple.. thanks Cheapshot.00:18
shaladoreI hate being a noob..00:18
Cheapshotshaladore It worked? nice00:19
airshockMitsu: That worked, and now Apache is building without any issues. Thanks for the help. :)00:19
shaladoreYeppers thanks again Cheapshot.. is there anything that i can find use look up about more on ubuntu and server?00:19
shaladoreor just linux in general?00:20
Mitsuyour welcome airshock, glad i could help!00:20
Cheapshotshaladore Ubuntu forums have tons of good tutorials and howto's + a nice wiki for basics00:24
AreckxIn Ubuntu 10.04, I use a logitech m510 wireless mouse. It worked fine, but just now, it isn't really working. It is moving in reverse, and in only small increments. I just replaced the batteries, and the side-buttons work(I have them set to zoom in compiz)00:24
Daniel_do i need a swap partition if i have 6gb of ram?00:24
shaladoreyeah I went to the ubuntu.com and was checking out things.00:24
Daniel_i am dual booting windows 7 and ubuntu00:25
firewyre-s couples seduce 2300:26
MitsuDaniel_: by default, hibernate will be disabled if you don't have a dedicated swap partition.00:26
CheapshotAreckx Is there anyway you could confirm that the problem only appears on ubuntu?00:26
taixzoIs it possible to add a directory to $PATH containing the '%' character?00:27
CheapshotAreckx Because it sounds a bit like there is a actualy hardware problem with the mouse00:27
Daniel_Mitsu: can i still suspend?00:27
Daniel_i have a laptop00:27
MitsuDaniel_: yeah, but not hibernate.00:27
Daniel_Mitsu: by default, when i close the laptop lid does it hybernate or suspend?00:28
Mitsuit is possible to hibernate without a swap partition, but it requires extra setup.00:28
MitsuDaniel_: ubuntu will only hibernate by default if your battery is about to give.00:28
AreckxCheapshot::  I will try next time my room mate is around00:29
Daniel_ok thanks so basically this is the first time installing ubuntu and i want to dual boot it with windows, but my hp laptop has already 4 paritions00:29
MitsuDaniel_: if that's the case you can create an "extended partition"00:30
CheapshotAreckx I'd start solving the problem by cleaning the laser lense first00:30
MitsuDaniel_: an extended partition can contain sub-partitions.00:31
Daniel_but i still need to deleter one of the paritions right?00:31
Deutopiayou can use wubi and install linux like a windows app00:32
MitsuDaniel_: just make all ubuntu-related partitions "logical" partitions instead of "primary" and make them all side-by-side next to eachother.00:32
CheapshotAreckx Also on wireless mouses  a wifi router can actually cause problems if they are close to each other (i know its far fetched but i've seen it happen :) )00:32
Daniel_yes but can i have 4 primary partitions + and extended parition?00:32
CheapshotI mean the receiver and router being close eachother00:33
MitsuDaniel_: shrink your windows partition to make room for ubuntu, and then in the free space you created, create the ubuntu partition and the swap partition as logical partitions.00:33
Mitsuwhy do you have 4 primary partitions?00:33
MitsuMBR-formatted hard drives can't have more than 400:34
Mitsuand if you have 4 primary partitions you can't have any logical/extended partitions00:34
AreckxCheapshot::  I tested it on my friend's Win7 machine and it had the same problem00:34
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AreckxCheapshot::  it worked fine until just today, do you thin kit is something wrong with the mouse?00:34
XubuntuPlis help me00:35
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Daniel_hp_tools, recovery, c, system00:35
Guest8784Help me please00:36
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Guest8784Algum brasileiro por aqui ?00:36
CheapshotAreckx Ok so first clean the lense hole from the bottom with something, if doesnt help swap it to another usb port-> and if nothing works and it doesnt have any warranty left you could always open it and check if the laser module isnt loose00:36
CheapshotA single hair on the lense makes the mouse go wild00:37
Guest8784I installed Compiz and emerald in xubuntu, but i cat drag window00:37
Guest8784the window is block00:37
Guest8784Help me00:38
CheapshotGuest8784 try #xubuntu00:39
unless__Hey I just created a ssh-keygen -t rsa and I need it to have open access to localhost, then I 've copied like cat id_rsa.put >> authorized_keys and first time I log it asks my password but it keeps asking always. How do I eliminate the need of password for a localhost user?00:40
MitsuDaniel_: what is hp_tools?00:40
Daniel_i am not sure00:41
Daniel_i am afraid to delete it though00:41
Mitsutry looking inside?00:41
Daniel_i thing i am deleting recovery00:41
Mitsudo you have windows 7, Daniel_?00:41
Daniel_yes mitsu00:41
CheapshotDaniel_ Im making a wild assumption that you have a prebuild hp computer and the hp_tools contain the recovery files for hp's windows 700:42
Cheapshotand you werent shipped with a windows 7 disc00:42
Mitsui think you can go ahead and delete the HP partitions. if you want to reinstall windows, just download it and use your activation key printed on the sticker on your computer.00:42
Mitsuthe windows 7 disc is downloadable.00:42
Daniel_ok after i delete the hp_tools?00:43
wilee-nileehas to be the oem though most likely.00:43
Daniel_do i create a new primary or extended parition?00:43
bobweaverunless__,  you need to change /etc/ssh/sshd and ssh conf file's uncomment the lines and put yes for suth00:43
bobweaverauth *00:43
bobweaverunless__,  I made a video00:43
Mitsucreate an extended partition, and inside create a 6GB swap partition and fill the remaining space with an ext4 partition.00:44
unless__bobweaver, where is it ?00:44
Deutopiadon't rely on the HP recovery disk maker. i've seen those things fail time and time again. (Eg; the recovery disks made by my gateway laptop don't work for that laptop)00:44
Guest8784Help me compiz fusion00:44
Mitsuthen install ubuntu onto the ext4 partition, as /00:44
bobweaverunless__,  changing to port that is not 22 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YzCxBkx6GQ00:44
bobweaverunless__,  changing to have no auth  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRLzCHkfW8A00:45
Daniel_what an ext4 parition? how can i create it on widnows00:45
Deutopiayou cant00:45
Deutopiayou do that in the ubuntu setup00:45
Daniel_so after i delete the hp_tools paritions, i create and extended parition, install ubuntu and create the swap and ex4 parition while installing00:46
Deutopiado you have backups? do you have a disk to restore windows if everything were to ever melt down?00:47
MitsuDaniel_: you will have to shrink and move some partitions, which could take several hours for your computer to complete.00:47
=== d0ze is now known as d0zetop
Mitsushrink your C partition to make room for logical ext4 and swap partitions00:48
AreckxCheapshot::  I think I'll put it aside for now. I have work to do00:48
CheapshotAreckx yeah :) i've had plenty of similar problems with logitech mice and usually ended up tearing them apart and putting it back together00:50
airshockHi all. Can anyone explain to me why the following warning occurs? I'm running Ubuntu Server 12.04 x86-64 and trying to install ProFTPD through apt-get, and get this warning: vd1.airshock.net proftpd[18416]: mod_sftp/0.9.8: compiled using OpenSSL version 'OpenSSL 1.0.0e 6 Sep 2011' headers, but linked to OpenSSL version 'OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012' library01:01
daddyserver -m irc.nevernet.net01:09
Mitsuairshock: sounds like something to safely ignore01:09
airshockMitsu: Why exactly though is it something that should be ignored? I mean it sounds like an OpenSSL version mismatch, shouldn't this be corrected?01:11
jen__does anyone work with mypaint?01:12
daddymsg nicksrv identify Kaite412201:14
BullSharkhow do i get gobby 0.4 in ubuntu?01:14
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:14
jribdaddy: you should change your password now01:15
daddythat wasn't it anyway01:15
daddywireless keyboard...01:16
jen__okay every time my updates pop up it says it can only be partially updated01:16
jen__its been like this for a year now01:16
netturucan anybody help ??01:17
Cheapshotdont ask for help just ask the question netturu01:17
netturuhello ?01:17
wilee-nileenetturu, not if we don't know the problem form a question.01:17
netturucan anybody tell me how to fix my ryhtmbox the music cuts in and out01:17
netturuis their away i can use rythmbox and my ipod01:19
wilee-nileejen__, Are you backed up?01:19
jen__wilee-nilee, doubt it01:20
wilee-nileejen__, I would make some suggestions but not being backed up wont allow me really.01:20
WeThePeoplenetturu, does music cut in and out on any onther palyers01:21
netturui havent tried with banshee because it doesnt recognize my i pod01:22
netturuhow do i get banshee to recognize my ipod01:24
kika_how come spicctrl cannot be found by apt-get anymore?01:25
wilee-nilee!info spicctrl01:26
ubottuPackage spicctrl does not exist in precise01:26
kika_I guess it used to (according to some forums)01:27
kika_Now I have to manually download the .deb file01:27
wilee-nileeaww now where is that tiny little violin. ;)01:27
kika_it actually took me a whole morning trying to revive an old sony vaio01:28
wilee-nilee11.04 is the last release here use at your own risk.01:29
kika_seems to work in lubuntu 12.04...may depend on the machine though01:30
kika_fyi, I'm an irc newbie!01:33
warmmy ubuntu is getting larger and larger with the auto update. and the 9G volume partition is using up.01:41
warmhow to shrink the size? or is the older version files still in my computer?01:42
Cedyi have gnome and installed the kde plasma desktop. Is their a gksu to kdesu app01:43
w0rm_xwarm extend the partition01:43
warmw0rm_x, is there a way to extend the partition without reinstalling the system?01:44
w0rm_xwarm sure is!! why would you re-install the system to only extend a partition?01:45
warmw0rm_x, my entire system is on that partition except the /home folder01:46
ForSparePartsQuestion about C devlopment under Ubuntu: where can I find all the header files so that Eclipse can do proper code completion?01:46
Kryptronwarm try "apt-get clean"01:46
ForSparePartsI have build-essential installed, if that matters.01:47
warmw0rm_x, is fdisk able to do such thing?01:47
warmKryptron, i tried that and also "apt-get autoclean"01:47
kika_warm check out http://maketecheasier.com/8-ways-to-maintain-a-clean-lean-ubuntu-machine/2008/10/0701:49
warmkika_, thanks, i will try01:50
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kika_I'll try apt-get clean myselft, see what comes out01:51
WACOMaltAnyone have a guide for getting cuda SDK and drivers installed on precise? Trying to build a cuda program from source01:52
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kika1ggrrr, chatzilla died on me01:54
unless__kika1, why?01:56
nikozzzzzz_cuda can be obtained on nvidia website. there are also instructions01:56
kika1cause I'm dumb, did a list on the freenode server and my comp browser crashed01:58
imadamGood morning guys, sorry if this is a noob question but does anybody know a utility to erase a dvd-r for re-burning?02:01
Cheapshotimadam there is no such thing on dvd-r02:02
bobweaverimadam, maybe try k3b ? for dvd-rw02:02
Cheapshotimadam you need a dvd-rw for rewrite02:02
imadamCan data not be deleted off DVD-R discs and re-burned?02:03
bobweaverimadam,  neededs to be vdv-readable writeable aka dvd-rw02:03
violinapprenimadam: from a terminal: wodim blank02:03
violinapprenimadam: the dvd disk has to support erasing02:04
WACOMaltHow do I install cuda/opencl on Ubuntu?02:04
imadamThat sucks.02:04
Deutopiai saw that either on nvidia or ati's site not too long ago02:05
bobweaverWACOMalt,  did you try asking that also on #cuda ?02:06
Palace_ChanI have a GEForce GT 630M on my laptop, and a dell monitor working through vga..but nothing happens when i plug in the second dell with an hdmi cable..if i go to nvidia-settings it says you do not appera to be using the nvidia x driver02:06
Palace_Chanbut running nvidia-xconfig as root did nothing to change this02:06
WACOMaltI didn't will check there, thanks02:06
Deutopiadownload the nvidia hdmi thingy from the app center or synaptic02:07
=== r is now known as Guest16269
Palace_Channvidia hdmi yields no results in the software center though02:08
WACOMaltOK um... In Ubuntu software center if I click to install anything it spits a windows saying I need to authenticate, it shows up for amplit second shaking like crazy then goes away any my software doesn't install02:08
WACOMalt*a split sefond02:08
wilee-nileeWACOMalt, try apt-get and see if a missing key shows.02:09
Deutopiaim waiting on a synaptic install so i cant check or open a browser at this very second so all i can saw is dont use the search02:09
WACOMaltUnable to luck install directory02:09
WACOMaltBecause system updates are running02:10
wilee-nileeare they02:10
WACOMaltBut I've always been able to queue apps to install at the same time02:10
WACOMaltYes they are02:10
violinappren!enter | WACOMalt02:11
ubottuWACOMalt: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:11
wilee-nileeWACOMalt, you can only use the software center or apt-get individually not at the same time02:11
WACOMaltI'm aware02:11
WACOMaltI'm saying just in software center its not queueing apps when system updates are running like it used to02:11
wilee-nileethere may be conflicts, hard to say I don't use the software center.02:12
WACOMaltAnd the authentication box behavior is certainly not working right02:12
WACOMaltWorking now02:13
WACOMaltYet another rough around the edges Ubuntu bug02:13
amagee(if there's a more appropriate place to ask this question, please let me know..) I'm using gparted to create a partition table on a blank 2TB drive, and it's asking me which partition type I want (msdos, aix, amiga, bsd, ...).. which one should I choose?02:13
WACOMaltOK thanks for the help, bye02:13
violinapprenamagee: msdos02:13
amageeviolinappren: ok, coolio.  what does that actually mean btw?  what are the implications?02:14
unpersonI've just upgraded my 10.04.4 LTS system to 12.04.1 using the update manager.  Now when the system boots I get kicked out into Busybox during booting.  I'm hoping someone can help me get a clue of why this is happening and how to fix it.02:15
unpersonNone of the messages on screen before the busybox prompt seem to clearly indicate an error.02:15
violinapprenamagee: its the format of the table at the start of the disk that an operating system reads to find your partitions (regardless of the filesystem on the partition itself, which can be for example NTFS or EXT4)02:15
Palace_Chanso even though i ran sudo nvidia-xconfig i still get "you do not appear to be using nvidia x driver"02:16
Palace_Chanhow can i get into nvidia-settings?02:16
unpersonAlso, if I simply type exit the boot will continue to the GUI without an obvious issue, but rebooting gets me stuck at the busybox prompt again.02:16
amageeok, so "msdos" should allow me to create large (1TB) ntfs and ext4 partitions that can be used both in linux and in windows 7?02:16
unpersonI should clarify that I'm not dual booting (which is mostly what was discussed when I did a little nonspecific googling on the problem).02:17
violinapprenamagee: MSDOS is pretty much the standard out there, macs are popularizing a newer more advanced partition table format, GPT02:17
violinapprenamagee: you're welcome02:17
amageeumm, does windows 7 still use ntfs? :$02:18
unpersonBasically my issue here is that I have no idea *why* I'm being kicked to busybox, so I don't know where to begin on troubleshooting.02:18
violinapprenamagee: yes, newer versions02:19
amageethanks again, now going to reboot into windows and use my new partition to install skyrim :P02:20
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unpersonI've had problems long ago (with previous configs on previous OS versions) where I got kicked out into busybox, but IIRC they were usually preceded by an error message that gave some clue of what the issue was.  And generally just exiting busybox did not allow boot to continue successfully, so I'm very confused.02:22
violinapprenunperson: save yourself the pain and do a clean install, ubuntu desktop upgrades are still .. not very well tested02:23
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rgenito_anyone here use ubuntu 12 for chinese input?02:23
violinappren!zh | rgenito_02:24
ubotturgenito_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw02:24
unpersonviolinappren, I may go that way eventually, but given that it seems superficially to work 99% of the way and it took me a while to download the 2.5 GB of packages, I think I won't give up quite that easily.02:24
dwarderhello, i'm trying to NAT my 80 port, so that i could go to my real_static_vps_ip and it would route this request to my vpn adress(tun0 if and ip) this is what i use http://pastebin.com/1sshUZkP what am i missing?02:25
violinapprenunperson: all the best02:25
rgenito_violinappren, thanks :)02:26
rgenito_violinappren, i'm gunna be so mad if no one there speaks english!!! ;)02:27
unpersonviolinappren, It's funny.  I've been running Ubuntu since warty and for a long time version upgrades went quite smoothly.  One of the things I liked about Ubuntu is that it "just worked".  But recently my experience has been much more buggy (which goes for Ubuntu overall, actually).02:27
=== SoulShadow is now known as Shadows`away
unpersondwarder, Someone here may have the answer, but you might have better luck in, eg., ##linux02:29
unpersondwarder, Someone here may have the answer, but you might have better luck in, eg., ##linux02:29
violinapprenunperson: it's a consequence of system complexity growing with new "cooler" features02:29
blackshirtsomething maybe here02:30
unpersonviolinappren, I guess that's probably so.  For my part I'd take reliability over cool, but I recognize that's a subjective value judgment. :-)02:32
blackshirthey charlie02:32
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Guest75628hey...my name changed02:32
jrib!register | Guest7562802:32
ubottuGuest75628: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:32
violinapprenunperson: desktop-wise, i dont see how my any distro out there now is better than  the last install of  mandrake linux  i had in 2004!  it's another story on the server-side though.02:33
blackshirti think it was more and more getting better... It was naturally02:36
unpersonviolinappren, Assuming more googling doesn't yield an answer, do you think I should take my issue to ubuntuforums or file a bug on launchpad?02:36
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violinapprenunperson: perhaps the forums would help, i dont think filing a bug would really help even though you should02:37
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unpersonviolinappren, I suppose nothing stops me from doing both.02:38
violinapprenunperson: not that i know of02:39
ehlodexdoes this channel cover ubuntu derivatives? (e.g. Xubuntu, Lubuntu, and Edubuntu)02:44
=== A-MrDan is now known as AMrDan
unless__Could someone help me about how to change network config file to use DHCP.02:45
Cheapshotehlodex In some part yes, but for a distribution specific problems use the right channels #xubuntu #lubuntu etc..02:45
unless__I am running Ubuntu Server and it doesn't seems to be default.02:46
Gycklarnunless__, It should be02:46
GycklarnMy Ubuntu server uses DHCP by default02:46
unless__Gycklarn, I've bridged it to my Wifi modem and it is not giving a IP address.02:47
Cristiano_SaidI need help with iptables02:48
CheapshotGycklarn what does your /etc/network/interfaces say02:48
Cheapshotunless__ I meant, sorry gycklarn02:48
Gycklarnnp 8]02:49
GycklarnCheapshot, You asked the very question I was going to ask. Except, you asked me.02:49
unless__What  are you talking about ?02:49
Cristiano_SaidI need to know what really makes this rule (-A PREROUTING -i eth1  -d -s -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128)02:49
Cheapshotunless__ type "sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces"02:50
WeThePeoplecristiano_said, use --help02:50
dev___hey- my usb mouse is all skippy but the touchpad on my notebook works ok02:50
AMrDanHi everyone .. does somebody knows why my desktop changes from gnome to xfce everytime... I just installed xfce..02:50
dev___what could be the problem?02:50
unless__Cheapshot, it says for primary network interface (but I am not using eth0 here) iface eth0 inet dhcp02:51
riexHello, i am trying to run this php script http://pastebin.com/RyCsfu6d from cron, but i dosen't work. I use this commando here in crontab: */60 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/antg/traffic.php <-02:51
unless__Cheapshot, I am using eth2 (wifi)02:51
dev___i am using a logitech usb mouse02:51
dev___it's like the mouse resolution is too low or something02:51
Toph2AMrDan,,, xfce must be your default at login02:52
Cristiano_Saidspeaking seriously, I need help02:52
Cristiano_SaidI need to know what really makes this rule (-A PREROUTING -i eth1  -d -s -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128)02:52
tenXCristiano_Said: qry02:52
dev___any ideas?02:52
riexHello, i am trying to run this php script http://pastebin.com/RyCsfu6d from cron, but i dosen't work. I use this commando here in crontab: */60 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/antg/traffic.php <- please anyone :-p02:53
AMrDanToph2 I did that .. my desktop is all gnome, but the entire system is xfce02:53
tenshinonekohello ^_^ anyone had made a full ubuntu install on a macbook air before? o.o I'm planning to do that since i dont use OS X but i dunno much of the EFI and all that, i'm scared of killing the system. plus I have to buy a usb superdrive because no matter how many times I tried, i can't boot from USB =(02:54
Cristiano_Saidthe channel has 1500 people and nobody can help me?02:55
wilee-nileeCristiano_Said, many or most are idling.02:55
wilee-nileeand 8 min to get frustrated is less then even your advised to repost02:56
nonubyhow can I tell pulseaudio to use my custom convert_mic device http://pastebin.com/ it doesnt show in pavucontrol etc..02:57
AMrDancan somebody give me some help? :)02:57
blackshirtamrdan,what is your problem?02:58
wilee-nileeAMrDan, what ever DE you boot into will be where you end up at ikf you are auto-logging in.02:58
Cristiano_Saidqual é seu problema AMrDan?:02:59
AMrDanblackshirt  my desktop changes from gnome to xfce everytime... I just installed xfce..02:59
CheapshotAMrDan Isnt that what you wanted when you installed xfce03:00
wilee-nileeAMrDan, Are you changing the DE at login or on the DE?03:00
AMrDanwilee-nilee .. you are saying that i'm auto logging in with gnome?03:00
blackshirtamrdan, change default login dm on login window03:00
Cristiano_SaidAMrDan: entendo.. desculpe nao serei útil nessa .. rsrs .. mas pode ser que nos canais #planeta-ubuntu-brasil ou #ubuntu-br-seguranca alguem possa03:00
wilee-nileeAMrDan, I don't know are you is the question, if so logout choose xfce a\nd you should get there on the next reboot and auto login if you are doing a auto.03:01
AMrDancheapshot.. I wanted everything xfce .. but my desktop is gnome03:01
AMrDanwilee-nilee .. sorry but what is DE? :)03:02
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »03:02
CheapshotAMrDan You need to logout and chance the session to xfce03:02
wilee-nileedesktop enviroment03:02
AMrDanblackshirt I changed in the login window to xfce desktop.. is that it?03:03
CheapshotAMrDan http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/images/xfceoneiric03.png03:03
AMrDanCristiano_said . Hhuahuauhahuahu .. agora que eu peguntei um monte de vezes tah todo mundo respondendo .. rsrsrs otimo!! . uhwwll03:04
AMrDancheapshot I chose the xfce session .. (my ubuntu does not have the Xubuntu session) ..03:05
AMrDanwilee-nilee i did it to .. but it seems like a bug03:06
WeThePeopleamrdan, Now I peguntei a lot of times everyone responding tah .. lol great!03:06
CheapshotAMrDan So is everything now like you wanted it?03:06
WeThePeopleNow that I asked a lot of times everybody's responding .. lol great!03:07
wilee-nilee3 people are not everybody03:07
AMrDanwethepeople I mean that I ask so many times and I'm finally getting answers...03:07
WeThePeoplethats ok03:08
CheapshotAMrDan I personally would just install xubuntu-desktop and use it if you like the xfce03:08
AMrDancheapshot... how could I do it ..03:08
AMrDancheapshot i did it this way: apt-get install xfce403:09
NikozzzzzzYou could download xubuntu iso o.o03:09
Toph2Cheapshot,,, what is the difference between xfce and xubuntu?  I have just installed xfce and it works fine03:09
NikozzzzzzXfce is a desktop enviroment. Xubuntu is ubuntu with this enviroment03:09
black_13what is casper03:10
CheapshotAMrDan "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" But to warn you its a big install so it takes a while03:10
black_13i am trying to use uck and it chokes because casper is missing03:10
Jhkierhello :)03:10
Jhkierwondering if someone can give me some quick advise about apache setup on ubuntu03:11
wilee-nilee!info casper03:11
ubottucasper (source: casper): Run a "live" preinstalled system from read-only media. In component main, is extra. Version 1.315 (precise), package size 51 kB, installed size 271 kB03:11
NikozzzzzzBlack, excuse me , what are you trying to do ?03:11
wilee-nileemake a custom cd03:12
domtronhello is there a way to turn off the gui for the installer. I think it might solve my installation problem.03:12
AMrDancheapshot... thank you so much ... i'm gonna try tomorrow .. I come back to feedback you ... heheh :D03:12
JhkierI'm just trying to do a very basic install of Drupal - and.. while phpmyadmin is working, I can work out how to configure it to be accessible...03:13
wilee-nileedomtron, you can use the alternative install it is text.03:13
black_13Nikozzzzzz: i am trying to make an install cd with a custome preseed to allow auto installation03:13
NikozzzzzzThere is a way to turn off gui. You have to start allover with a TEXT INSTALL03:13
L1I'm trying to sahre a folder on an NTFS partition (previously owned by a Win7 install). I have done "sudo chown -R MyName/media/myPartition/*". However when I try share it, I get "'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot share path /media/myPartition as we are restricted to only sharing directories we own."03:13
L1Any ideas?03:13
Nikozzzzzzoh i see. I thought you had problem with already created live cd. Sory cant help you with that(03:14
domtronwilee-nilee: I was hoping not to use that because it requires a net connection and mine isn't very good.03:14
NikozzzzzzShare it as root. Root owns everything03:14
black_13Nikozzzzzz: yeah i get a lot of that03:15
domtronNikozzzzzz: I want my system to have gui just not the installer03:15
wilee-nileedomtron, Your best having a net connection if you can, the alternative is not the mini it will do a full install without the net.03:15
Jhkieri'm pretty sure my phpmyadmin accessibility issue has something do do with /apache2/availables-sites/.....anyone got something they can point me in the right direction?03:16
zymasterHello guys I am having a problem with permissions. I can not boot into recovery mode because I am not at my server I am only using ssh. I do however have su to change permissions. First when I try sudo I get sudo: must be setuid root. Second when I try screen -S somethinorother I get Directory '/var/run/screen' must have mode 777. Anyone have a solution that does not involve booting into recovery mode? Also I do not want to run everyt03:16
NikozzzzzzDomtron then kill xserver or boot in text mode03:16
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NikozzzzzzDomron , boot in recovery mode ( selected during booting in grub)03:17
domtronthere is no recovery mode since it's a first install(windows is currently on there)03:18
Nikozzzzzz  Zymaster did you try just   '  su  '    ?03:18
zymasterNikozzzzzz: Yeah I can use su but I can not use sudo or screen while not as root.03:19
NikozzzzzzThen kill xserver. Google can tell what key combination to use. I cant tellsimply cos i dont remeber.(03:19
zymasterNilozzzzzz wait how would that kelp?03:20
iateadonuthow can i make my settings in compiz the default settings for all users?03:20
NikozzzzzzThat would run your system in text mode03:21
skraitohi guys03:22
skraitois there any shortcut to maximize and minimize windows ?03:22
Cheapshotskraito try alt+ f9 and f1003:23
skraitohmm cant03:24
skraitoit show file or something like that03:24
kxtwoHey guys, I used the ubuntu software center to download java 7 runtime, but when I type javac -version I am still using the 1.6 compiler and any code I try to r\un in eclipse with the 1.7 compiler wont work?  Am I missing something?03:24
zymasterOk some how or another I fixed it. I just chmoded a few things and now it works. Dont remember exactly what I did though03:24
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skraitoanyone know how to maximize and minimize windows03:26
NikozzzzzzYeah with the button _03:27
NikozzzzzzOr do yiu mean a keyboard shortcut ?03:28
root___hello from uruguay03:29
root___anybody speak spanish im a new in this03:29
NikozzzzzzHello from russia03:30
tim442hola (i don't know much more than that though)03:30
DG_i speak a little bit of spanish03:30
arand!es | root___03:30
ubotturoot___: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:30
DG_hola como estas? me llamo daniel03:30
root___hola daniel03:31
nexusguy59root___, spent a bunch of tiem in Guayaquil Ecuador I speak Spanish but can't write it03:31
nexusguy59oops time I meant03:31
nexusguy59hole root___ hola mi llamo michael03:31
nexusguy59oops lol hola03:32
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:32
nexusguy59nice ubottu very nice03:33
nexusguy59See now I can read that but I can't write it lol03:33
unpersonI'm posting a bug.  I thought perhaps I should include my syslog, but I was wondering what sensitive info might be in there that should be scrubbed.  So far all I've thought of are IP addresses and user names.03:33
nexusguy59probably passwords even if their encrypted not sure they are actually in there03:34
Cheapshotskraito did you find the shortcut yet? its ctrl + win + up or down03:35
black_13did ubuntu stop using casper at some point?03:35
unpersonnexusguy59, It's a good thought, but I don't think they'd be in there under any normal circumstances.03:35
unpersonnexusguy59, More likely in auth.log, but I don't actually think they appear there either.03:36
DG_are there any good apps?03:37
drupini am not able to load the newly installed OS on a flash drive wit two ext3 partitions one for os and other casper-rw. is there any way i can fix what is broken in the OS ... The message i get is no operating system found... first time it was loaded and grub menu came and it took forever so i came in recovery mode and did the update after that its not reading the OS..03:37
Petaz!start chaterbot03:42
DG_anyone know some good apps?03:42
CheapshotDG_ please be more specific03:43
OerHeksDG_, for what exactly?03:43
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DG_anything really, everything but developer tools03:43
Petazyes give us the details03:43
OerHeksDG_, softwarecentre is full of "good apps"03:43
=== ltscn is now known as Guest50388
msmith0957Having trouble getting pulse working with a fresh ubuntu install. When i run pulseaudio its trying to open /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p when i dont even have a device with that name, the only names i have are controlC0, hwC0D0, hwC0D1, pcmC0D6c, pcmC0D6p, seq, and timer. the output from launching is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1206483/03:44
blackshirti think not03:44
msmith0957I spent a lot of time on here last night trying to debug but couldn't come up with a solution03:44
DG_How about this, useful tools03:44
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:44
mattwj2002hi guys03:45
adam2012Hello nice folk, would anybody happen to know the command for installing wine in 12.04. sudo apt-get wine won't work for me.03:45
DG_alright thanks03:45
msmith0957adam2012: sudo apt-get install wine maybe ?03:45
adam2012software center doesn't seem to be working for me.03:46
mattwj2002well I bought two new computers today they are el cheapos but I am dual booting them both with ubuntu!03:46
almoxarifeadam2012: sudo apt-get install wine03:46
adam2012almoxarife I fail life ): its 5am here. My brain doesn't work in the morning. I love you. <303:46
skraitohi guys03:47
skraitois there any converter for mp3 to youtube video ?03:47
DG_@skraito listentoyoutube.com03:50
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skraitoyeah for punde03:51
skraitonot for a clean website03:51
skraitostop spreading virus here03:51
drupini cannot load the OS i am so stuck03:51
drupinonly option is a fresh install03:52
mattwj2002drupin: what happened?03:53
drupinI am not able to load the newly installed OS on a flash drive wit two ext3 partitions one for os and other casper-rw. is there any way i can fix what is broken in the OS ... The message i get is no operating system found... first time it was loaded and grub menu came and it took forever so i came in recovery mode and did the update after that its not reading the OS..03:53
OerHeksskraito, ffmpeg can do that >> http://www.webupd8.org/2009/11/turn-mp3-and-image-into-video-for.html03:53
drupini opened the install.. ok i stop03:53
mattwj2002guys if memory services03:54
mattwj2002won't this just be a grub issue?03:55
drupinhow can i fix?03:55
mattwj2002I suck at grub but I think it is fixable03:55
drupini hope so03:56
drupinlet me ask #grub03:57
phunyguyIs it possible to disable the new scrollbars for a single application only?03:58
drupinit did the updates in recovery mode03:58
mattwj2002a couple of questions for you03:59
mattwj2002number one what is on this thumbdrive?03:59
mattwj2002I mean what happens if you lose the data?04:00
drupinit has 2 partitions one for OS and other casper-rw04:00
drupinnothing its fresh install04:01
drupinno personal data yet?04:01
DG_drupin, idk if this will help but try typing in grub "sudo update-grub"04:01
mattwj2002no idea if that'll work but hey that is what the all mighty google told me04:01
DG_no quotes04:01
mattwj2002I just hate to give advice if important data is on this device04:02
drupinDG_: i am on live system now and the .. will this update the grub on flash  drive...04:02
tenshinonekohello ^_^ anyone have any experience full installing in a macbook air?04:03
unless__I am suffering from lots of spam from my server. I already told the guys but nothing has being made. Now the best option I see is move along to a new server, but I wonder is there isn't a option to install to avoid suck spam issues, is it?04:03
DG_it should update the bootloader list if you installed it and it doesn't show up thats what it's used for04:03
OerHekstenshinoneko, did you have a look at the mactel pages ?04:03
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages04:03
DG_i've never tried it with a flash drive but still04:03
tenshinonekoOerheks, i did. I have a macbook air 3,1 tried all night long yesterday to create a USB installer but it won't boot no matter what =( and i dont want to go to the cult store to get an expensive cd drive just to cleanse os x away from my macbook air =(04:04
phunyguynevermind, answered my own question04:05
mattwj2002also make sure you don't have two thumb drives stuck in the machine and when it boots it is trying to boot off th other one04:05
unless__I mean, is there any anti-spam tool available to Ubuntu?04:05
mattwj2002or a hard drive with no image etc04:05
OerHekstenshinoneko, maybe this howto is any help >> http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-macbook-air-3-1-via-usb-flash-drive04:06
mattwj2002never done anything with it just heard about it04:06
mattwj2002unless__: that was for you!04:07
tenshinonekoOerHeks, ok let me read that, will be back in a bit then ^_^04:07
enixtrying to find a folder on an external HDD, getting pastebin.com/fSJEsGQn   any ideas? i know the folder existes04:08
OerHekstenshinoneko, i do not own a macbook, so i cannot walk you trough the installation.04:08
unless__mattwj2002, well, let me have a look. Thank you.04:08
mattwj2002your welcome I do have another suggestion one second04:09
kxtwoI have an epson xp-400 wireless printer.  I can't seem to find any linux drivers for it.  Do I have any options to get this running on 12.04?04:10
smacktalkI'm trying to create a freenas image on a thumb drive and it's choking... using the command xzcat FreeNAS-8.0.4-RELEASE-x64-img.xz | dd of=/media/0000-001 bs=64k04:10
unless__matterbu1, in this case I would have to run a mail server?04:10
smacktalkit's telling me I don't have permissions04:11
mattwj2002unless__: also take a look at the tldp: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/ and maybe http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/Spam-Filtering-for-MX/04:11
smacktalkwhen I go to SU it gives me password failure04:12
mattwj2002maybe nothing there but always a good place to check04:12
smacktalkany suggestions?04:12
drupinDG_: usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).04:12
OerHekskxtwo, your printer question is answered here, read it trough > https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+question/20498604:12
tenshinonekoOerHeks, thanks for trying to helping me out it's really nice of you =) yes i tried to do a diskdump yesterday into a usb, but then it wouldnt boot into it =/04:12
drupinbut i can see the system file in that mounted drive04:12
dinsmacktalk: sudo su - maybe?04:12
ZenGuya friend of mine is having trouble screating a udev rule which runs a script when he plugs in his monitor via hdmi .. undev monitor shows devname is card0 so he setkernel=="card0" action=="change04:13
tenshinonekoOerHeks i'll end up having to get some money borrowed and go to the cult store =(04:13
ZenGuywhat else does he need to do?04:13
OerHekstenshinoneko, sorry to hear that. maybe someone else here has experience with macbook air 3.1 ...04:14
nexusguy59kxtwo, did you try these drivers -> http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/du/02/DriverDownloadInfo.do?LG2=NL&CN2=&DSCMI=17706&DSCCHK=a29a993708b8d59a6f850f9b0330aff7bdda7b1004:14
mattwj2002praise be to Steve Jobs to assend the Apple stock price! :P04:15
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OerHeksnexusguy59, that driver is on the launchpad post too, thanks.04:15
smacktalkDin: That worked thanks!!04:16
nexusguy59OerHeks, Sorry I didn;t see it I shoulda looked04:16
tenshinonekomattwj2002, lol ur funny04:17
msmith0957I'm having sound card issues on an older alienware laptop, anyone have any experience dealing with alsa/pulseaudio ?04:18
mattwj2002man is that stock ever going down? :P04:18
tenshinonekomattwj2002 never!04:19
sl33k_is canon lide 110 supported for 10.04. on scanimage -L i get this message04:19
mattwj2002before too long Apple will have more money than the US....which isn't saying much haha04:20
sl33k_found USB scanner (vendor=0x04a9 [Canon], product=0x1909 [CanoScan], chip=GL843) at libusb:002:005 # Your USB scanner was (probably) detected. It may or may not be supported by04:20
sl33k_  04:20
mattwj2002obviously I am joking04:21
sl33k_is there a some new update that will support my scanner?04:22
mattwj2002hp scanner?04:22
sl33k_lde 11004:23
mattwj2002there is something called something like hplib for hp devices never owned a canon04:23
tenshinonekomattwj2002 i know u are :3 but i wish i was joking about this whole dilemma i have with the installation =(04:24
* mattwj2002 scrolls up04:25
andrebguys i am trying to configure dnsmasq and when i try to start it i am getting "dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket: Address al;ready in use" ./... and no i dont have any other dhcp service running on teh box04:25
mattwj2002tenshinoneko: can you summarize what is going on?04:26
tenshinonekomattwj2002 trying to install ubuntu 12.04 to cleans the os x away from my macbook air 3,1 without a usb superdrive. tried doing a disk dump of the iso into a usb but no luck04:27
DHRHow come $MAIL isn't set when I login?  I've been using Unix and Linux for decades and this has always been set (well, since 7th edition anyway).04:28
tenshinonekomattwj2002 yup did that no dice =/04:28
mattwj2002I truely suck at macs04:28
mattwj2002what happened?04:28
tenshinonekomattwj2002 when i did that, it will show on the bootscreen but, it wont really boot xD04:29
tenshinonekoi did that on ubuntu tho04:29
tenshinonekolet me see if i can do it on os x04:29
tenshinonekohold on and i'll report back to ya  :304:29
mattwj2002that is from os x I though04:29
Jak_AtackkaHelp! My computer keeps crashing!04:30
mattwj2002hi Jak_Atackka what is going on?04:30
NikozzzzzzBSOD :D04:31
Jak_AtackkaJust that, the computer completely freezes, requiring me to hold down the power button until it turns off. I've tried reinstalling it. The RAM is in perfect condition (according to memtest), so I suspect it's a driver issue04:31
mattwj2002did you do updates and restart receively?04:31
Jak_AtackkaNo. However, on my first install, the first thing I did is install every update, and I still had the crash. This time, I didn't install any04:32
Jak_AtackkaIt's been crashing like this since day 104:32
mattwj2002no idea here04:33
AreckxSSH into iPhone, no route to host04:33
Jak_AtackkaI'm using Intel HD 4000 graphics, which is the integrated graphics on my processor. Driver support is practically nonexistent04:33
oratedHello! I've scheduled a command in cron to run in every 10 minutes as - */10 * * * * sh ~/IP_konv.sh - but it is not working. How do I find why its not working?04:33
mattwj2002if you did updates recently and it started I was thinking maybe a kernel upgrade problem or video card drivers04:33
thomedyi need to update icedtea04:37
thomedycan i run apt-get update04:37
DHRJak_Atackka: you can play with kernel parameters.  The easiest way to play is to interrupt grub's booting (hit a character) and edit the menu entry you want to run (changes it only for this run).  Go to the kernel line and try adding nomodeset, for example.  That will probably force a vesa video driver, one which is crude but may not be buggy.  Good luck.04:37
imadamHello, just upgraded to 12.04, although for some odd reason software centre won't let me install any programs. Any fix?04:38
DHRimadam: does it say why?  Perhaps you are not an admin user?04:38
Sajanimadam, what sort of error message are you getting or what is happening when you try to install something?04:39
imadamNo error message, running as admin user. The 'install' button just doesn't work within software centre. Been reading up alot of users have the same issue, although I can't find a fix.04:39
reasearcher123mp4 videos downloaded rom youtube dont play or dont have sound.what to do?04:40
AreckxSSH into iPhone, no route to host04:41
imadamSeems like its a reported bug. Would anybody happen to know where I could find the update? sudo apt-get update didn't seem to fix the issue.04:41
Ann-MariyaIs there any IP spoofer for ubuntu 12.04 ?04:42
reasearcher123my pc sometimes show boot menu with option for previous linux version.When  restarted  the same menu is seen.When shut off for long time then start properly.How to solve this problem?04:42
lotuspsychje!info macchanger | Ann-Mariya04:42
ubottuAnn-Mariya: macchanger (source: macchanger): utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.5.0-9 (precise), package size 162 kB, installed size 532 kB (Only available for linux-any)04:42
unless__imadam, type software-center at terminal at terminal and paste it somewhere.04:43
tenshinonekomattwj2002 no luck =(04:45
tenshinonekoapple 1, linux 0 =(04:45
mattwj2002so you can't boot off of the usb thumb drive?04:45
tenshinonekonop =(04:46
tenshinonekoi can on 4,204:46
imadamunless__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1208226/ appreciate your help!04:46
tenshinonekobut not on 3,104:46
thomedyran the ./configure in the icedtea plugin and it said it couldnt find the ant program04:46
mattwj2002did you press the alt option key?04:47
ben_ashgroveDoes anyone know how to play pingus?04:47
blackshirtthomedy, install ant parser04:47
thomedyokay i can google that04:47
mattwj2002during bootup?04:47
mattwj2002like I said I know very little about the new macs04:48
blackshirtthomedy, that available on repository04:48
tenshinonekohaha its ok =) the intention is what matter :3 im just gonna run it from wubi :304:48
imadamben_ashgrove: wine?04:49
thomedyi hope that wa sright sudo apt-get install ant04:49
mattwj2002maybe someone else will know in the future04:49
ben_ashgroveimadan no for ubuntu04:49
unless__imadam, try sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yannubuntu* && sudo apt-get update04:49
blackshirtthomedy, ensure you update apt databse04:49
ben_ashgroveI ddi the tutorials ages ago and forgot how to play04:49
imadamunless__ thanks. Will do.04:49
thomedywill sudo apt-get update work for that04:50
nexusguy59apt-get update then apt-get upgrade couldn;t hurt04:50
Jak_AtackkaMy computer crashes very frequently. What logs should I check to find out what specifically is causing my computer to crash?04:50
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imadamunless__: Won't work.04:50
rainchickHi everyone. Where are fonts installed in the filesystem? I don't want to use Font Viewer to install a few TTFs.04:51
imadamI get: No such file or directory04:51
thomedycrap i dont know why my machine is missing so many things04:51
thomedyi am apt-get installing jar now04:51
thomedypiece o'shit machine04:51
ben_ashgroveimadan I need gameplay instructions04:52
Richhhnearest thing to private email?04:53
imadamben_ashgrove: is http://pingus.seul.org/faq.html any help?04:53
namespaceI'm having trouble with my path variable.04:53
thomedyokay now its saying a jdk home cant be found...?04:54
namespaceWhen I try to add directories to it, my executables still don't run.04:54
AreckxI am also unable to mount my iphone via usb cable, I just install ifuse but it is ot workin04:54
unless__imadam, how about sudo dpkg --purge software-center && sudo apt-get install software-center04:55
ben_ashgroveimadan no it's not sorry. how do I create a bridge builder?04:55
rgenito_is there any application like "alfred" for ubuntu?04:55
unless__imadam, or sudo apt-get install aptitude && sudo aptitude reinstall software-center04:55
rgenito_i loved alfred's feature where i could hit a key (ie: hit the HUDkey) and then i'd get a screen where i could type in math problems to get quick solutions :D04:56
imadamunless__: Hmmmm both don't seem to work. Guess I may just giveup trying to fix it and install software via terminal, I'm just so lazy haha.04:57
thomedyokay in googling the jdk home problem i made a symbolic link for it04:57
thomedybut its still not working04:57
imadamAlthough thank you for your help.04:57
unless__imadam, :)04:58
imadamI've tried everything haha. Alot of people seem to be having the same issue with 12.04. I dont really use software centre anyways.04:58
phunyguyI see xchat on Ubuntu has an indicator plugin for the envelope, but is there a similar feature to display popups when a highlighted message occurs?04:58
unless__imadam, yeah, after i realize how apt-get works I never used Software Center anymore.04:59
namespaceunless__: Can't help me with my path variable then?05:00
imadamunless__: apt-get is more fun to be honest with you.05:00
unless__namespace, what?05:00
blackshirtthomedy, for first to update apt database, run apt-get update05:01
imadamunless__, have you got Skype installed?05:01
namespaceunless__: My path variable, when I add paths to it the executables contained therein still don't run. "No such file or directory".05:01
tenshinonekomattwj2002 i just erased the os x partition from windows 7 mwahaha is there a way i can choose where to install wubi?05:01
thomedyblackshirt, i did that thank you05:02
unless__imadam, no, is there a Ubuntu version for Skype?05:02
blackshirtthomedy and what exactly the errors showed?05:02
h22turbophunyguy: xchat-indicator05:03
imadamunless__, yeah. Its not as good but it gets the job done. sudo apt-get install skype just won't seem to work.05:03
thomedyoh so you know im getting errors way to go let me check one sec and also pre thank you05:03
phunyguyh22turbo, first of all I get the reference with your username (Prelude?), second, A popup happened that time, but didn't before.  Thanks.05:04
unless__namespace, are you using .bash_alias or /etc/bash.bashrc?05:04
h22turbophunyguy: yep... 93 prelude05:04
namespaceunless__: I edited my path variable inside the shell and then used export. Does it need to be done in .bashrc?05:04
mattwj2002not sure tenshinoneko05:05
mattwj2002never installed wubi before05:05
thomedyokay i have a couple so cp past them05:05
imadamAnyways, thank you for all your help today. Going to have to get ready for work ): Take care everyone!05:05
thomedymy original goal tonight was just to teach myself the math for computer graphics so i can properly aanimate a vector field05:06
thomedyi ahvent done calc in a while05:06
Cheapshotunless__ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype05:06
thomedyso im refreshing and strengthing my math to make a 3 leveled vector field05:06
thomedybut i need icedtea05:06
unless__namespace, well I use to edit the file /etc/bash.bashrc but if you just need to open an application on run you can make a alias also.05:06
thomedyto get through this online text book05:06
sl33k_i have scanimage backend 1.0.20. how would i update it to support lde 110 scanner?05:06
thomedyso now like everything else my machine gives me crap05:06
blackshirtthomedy, exactly i sit on handheld devices, and can't follow your link... Sorry guys05:06
thomedyno worries ill put them here05:07
thomedy1 at a time05:07
thomedyW: GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key05:07
sl33k_sane-genesys 5 shows to having supported it http://www.sane-project.org/man/sane-genesys.5.html . How would i go about upgrading to it?05:07
thomedyW: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>05:08
thomedyW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net precise Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 46830400C4A100CF05:08
thomedyW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/cheleb/blender-svn/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found05:08
wilee-nilee!pastebin | thomedy05:08
ubottuthomedy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:08
blackshirtthomedy, look wasn't recognize the gpg sign05:08
h22turbothomedy: ur about to be kicked/banned05:08
thomedywilee-nilee, i tried that... but blackshirt said he coudn't follow05:09
thomedyi dont mean to be rude guys im sorry05:09
thomedyhes handheld05:09
thomedyim not trying to be a dick05:09
h22turbophunyguy: it workz!05:09
thomedyi actually have a pastebin up there05:09
thomedyhe didn't have a way of linking to it on his hand held05:09
wilee-nileethomedy, blackshirt does not make the rules. run this for each key sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys "missing key"05:10
h22turbophunyguy: it workz!?!?!?05:10
phunyguyh22turbo, just as I suspected, it's not xchat-indicator sending balloon popups.  It is the tray icon that is hidden.  I had to check the box to display popups for highlighted messages05:10
thomedyokay again im not trying to be a dick  and im sorry...05:10
[muttox]is it done differently between desktop and server version or is the user you create in the install not added to the audio group done for a reason05:10
thomedyokay so each one of those errors is a key?05:10
h22turbophunyguy: my tray icon doesnt work... well, its hidden & I havent had time to mess with it05:10
phunyguyh22turbo, in the preferences, there are tray icon settings.05:11
thomedyand your saying i can run the same key with "missing key" as a var with each one05:11
phunyguybut unity only whitelists certain tray icons05:11
h22turbophunyguy: if i minimize to tray... xchat is hidden. i checked the use tray icon thing. a ps aux shows xchat is still active but tray icon is hidden05:11
phunyguyh22turbo, there is a whitelist file, cant rember where, you can put it in there05:12
phunyguybut in unity, why worry about it.  The launcher icon works well05:12
h22turbophunyguy: yea, i'll get around to it someday. i use gnome fallback... i hate unity05:13
phunyguyh22turbo, some do, others dont, I like it.  I think it works well!05:13
thomedywilee-nilee, if you wouldn't mind going to my pastebin ^^ and helping with the rest05:14
thomedyi ran the one key05:14
thomedyand i have it now05:14
thomedybut i still have errors in my apt-get update05:14
wilee-nileethomedy, run the same command with each key05:14
thomedyi dont see any more key numbers05:15
thomedyso i figured it was the only key05:15
thomedyare the rest of them keys too and if so how do i identify them with ubuntu.com05:15
sl33k_canon lde 110 is not working on 10.04. could anyone help me?05:16
wilee-nileethomedy, You have two bad keys you ran one run the other and try the update or whatever you were running again afterward.05:17
thomedyso okay idef only ran one key... let me see if i can recognize the 2nd key and running it05:18
wilee-nileethomedy, 46830400C4A100CF is a key and the first set was this 40976EAF437D05B505:19
thomedycooli ran the 468 ill run 409 right now...sorry for being retarded05:19
thomedythank you05:19
wilee-nileehehe it is cool.05:19
andrebhow can i totally remove bind9 ?05:21
andrebi did sudo apt-get remove bind905:21
andrebbut the config files for bind and teh bind folder are still there05:21
WACOMaltHi, does anyone know how to get the required headers and support files to build OpenCL source code in ubuntu 12.04 ?05:21
thomedyplease dont hate me i still have errors05:22
thomedybut i did run those keys05:22
thomedyand it helped05:22
thomedyjus tthis stuff now05:22
FloodBot1thomedy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:22
wilee-nileethomedy, I would change the mirror Not sure if the ftp might be your problem.05:24
thomedycrap i just want to learn adva calc for comp graphics ... if your willing.. i would love some help it wasn't my intention to ubuntu tonight if you want me to google... ill do that05:25
blackshirtandreb, what the problems?05:25
=== james is now known as Guest64757
blackshirtwacomalt, install development packages05:26
marcagioHi, could anyone help with an SSD? I can't mount it, hdparm -tT looks good, but -d tells me HDIO_GET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device05:26
marcagioHow can I figure out what io control to use and how do I change it?05:27
bonez2046why does this error come up and how can I resolve it: dpkg: warning: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 29887 package 'handbrake-cli': error in Version string 'svn3917ppa1~lucid1': version number does not start with digit05:27
wilee-nileethomedy, I'm not I'm your best help but always paste the commands as well, not everyone come on the channel at the same time and might miss that if posted earlier.05:27
thomedyokay may i ask specifically what you mean by change the  mirror05:28
blackshirtbonez2046, i think that was a bug05:28
WACOMaltblackshirt, thats about as non-detailed as you could be...05:28
blackshirtwacomalt, i don't ply with opencl before, but if you need headers and related thing to included needed files, you should install opencl-dev packages ... Thats way debian/ubuntu naming development packages05:30
bonez2046blackshirt: that 'bug' has been popping up over the last few months. How can I clean it up for when i use dpkg05:30
wilee-nileethomedy, Sure open the software center-edit-software sources first tab download from drop down then other and check select best mirror or one close by05:30
FloorduckHi, I've just installed Lubuntu on my laptop and I am having some issues with the internet connectivity. I am able to access websites but often suffer spikes of latency and/or 137 errors. Could anyone here be of assistance? I am totally new to ubuntu and linux. My laptop is an MSI X Series X460DX-423US and the wireless card is an Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 1030.05:31
blackshirtbonez2046... If you want bit a hack, you should edit that files05:32
examancermmoebius: thanks for all the raid/lvm tips. 12.04 runs great and this SSD actually makes this underpowered E350 feel usable!05:33
WACOMaltblackshirt, ok thankyou that's a start05:33
Artemis3bonez2046, i have that problem in another machine, been too lazy to fix it, problem is update-manager becomes useless, but apt-get and synaptic do just fine (don't use software center)05:36
wilee-nileethomedy, You have a closed ppa as well you can remove it probably in the softwrae sources a swell, here is a link regarding the PPA,  http://askubuntu.com/questions/169542/want-to-install-latest-blender-ppa-does-not-work05:37
bonez2046Artemis3: thanks... apt-get is working fine05:37
thomedyyour a gem wilee-nilee05:38
thomedyim still doing the first cuz i was a bit distracted05:38
Artemis3bonez2046, would like to fix it tho, it's annoying to get update-manager nags about "broken count > 1" errors, silly thing :P05:38
thomedyi hope that works i picked one is in illinois... which is a state a way does that sound bad or good?05:39
marcagioI guess nobody can help here?05:39
wilee-nileethomedy, run a update after choosing that mirror is probably fine,05:40
WACOMaltmarcagio, I am not sure, but have you tried other SATA ports for it?05:41
thomedyit seems to be better im doing the 2nd thing now05:41
thomedyand then runing an apt-get update05:41
WACOMaltmarcagio, I know on my system there are certain ports that dont behave well with ubuntu05:41
wilee-nileeremove the PPA as well, and use the one suggested on the link page before running the apt-get update05:42
wilee-nileethomedy, ^^^^05:42
WACOMaltand I have to go, bye folks05:42
thomedyi went to the link and following the updateing the ppa05:43
thomedyi havent removed anything yet.... crap i hit enter sorry05:43
=== WACOMalt is now known as WACOMalt|AFK
marcagioWACOMalt... strange... this drive has been working very well... This machine here is a hackintosh and my SSD has got OSX on it... since I installed Ubuntu on my secondary hdd... I can't even boot on my SSD...05:44
marcagioLet me just try to swap the sata port...05:44
prodigyWhen will ubuntu become user friendly like windows, gain wide acceptance and have the support of the major devs?05:49
thomedyim googling how to purge ppa's i have ppa-purge i just apt-get installed it05:49
thomedybut i dont know what im purging05:49
loyd1234i am a new people to learn the ubuntu05:50
prodigygood luck with that05:50
marcagioprodigy... your question reveals how much you don't know about the pilosophy05:50
wilee-nileethomedy, removing PPA can be confusing the first time, here is a link on adding, removing and purging, and turning them off.  http://www.webupd8.org/2012/02/how-to-use-launchpad-ppa-add-remove.html05:50
=== WACOMalt|AFK is now known as WACOMalt
thomedyokay rise to the occasion your amazing wilee-nilee05:50
examancerprodigy: you are trolling. that is not a very productive activity.05:50
marcagioWACOMalt, I tried 3 ports and still nothing05:51
wilee-nileethomedy, been there.05:51
marcagioGparted detects all the paritions05:51
prodigyhmmm may be but the unfriendly nature drives me crazy05:51
prodigyi apologize05:51
examancerthomedy: why can't you just remove the repos by going into the software and Edit > Software Sources05:52
marcagioprodigy, take the blue pill and go back to sleep with the rest of the humans05:52
thomedyi probably can exaem but i have no idea wha tim doing and no one said tha tyet...so let me follow your directions and see if i can05:52
thomedyone sec thank you by the way05:52
examancerthomedy: you'll find them under other software and can just remove them in the nice gui05:52
prodigyno, i am not neo05:52
FloorduckI don't mean to spam, but does anyone have an idea to solve my internet problem? :l05:53
rgenito_how do i get information on the processors/cores on a machine?05:53
examancerprodigy: i'm not sure in what way you find windows easier05:53
marcagioprodigy, neo did not go back to sleep...05:53
examancerits certainly easier and more reliable to install software in ubuntu, IMO05:53
examancerapt beats the hell out of running random EXEs05:53
prodigyi know but since I don't have that option...i am not him05:53
examancerand the software center even gives a nice pretty gui for you windows users05:54
marcagioexamancer is right... Windows is for wussies who will never have sex and play fucking games instead of freeing their minds...05:54
prodigyhmmm let me think...everything about windows is awesome05:54
prodigybut I want to switch before win 805:54
examancerlol. must not be that awesome then05:54
prodigybut i don't know where to turn to05:54
IdleOne!language | marcagio05:54
ubottumarcagio: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:54
thomedyit looks like a bunch of checkboxes to click off and that will remove them... and then i have no ppa's05:54
rgenito_hey you bastards! anyone know how to list the processors on a machine?:D05:54
examancerwell telling ubuntu enthusiasts that their OS sucks is probably not a good place to start, prodigy05:54
bazhangprodigy, thats enough05:55
bazhangrgenito_, no cursing here05:55
prodigyi did not mean to do that05:55
examancerrgenito_: `cat /proc/cpuinfo` will give you a wealth of knowledge05:56
examancerif you want less, the system monitor will let you monitor load on each processor05:56
thomedyi have clicked off the ppas in the software center but my question is that the ppa in the link suggested seems to be for blender what is the proper ppa05:56
examancerthomedy: sorry, not familiar with blender ppa's, or blender at all05:57
thomedyi dont need blender05:57
thomedyi  need to update my icedtea plugin... sorry i hit enter again05:57
examancernot even sure what that is... java?05:58
FloorduckI keep getting Error 137 in chromium... :(05:58
thomedyyeah im pretty sure right now i jus tneed to apt-get update and i dont have i386 binary packages05:58
thomedyits kicking out an error05:58
examanceri can tell you how to manage PPAs, but i don't know dick about any particular ones, except the sublime ppa05:58
thomedywhat ever one you tell me to get ill get... i only just now started reading about them with the link ^^05:59
thomedyi can run a *nix command but am a bit vague on admin05:59
rgenito_bazhang, cursing?you mean examancer saying s****s?05:59
rgenito_btw ty examancer  :)05:59
=== Legend is now known as iOminous
rgenito_oh cool! with 4 cpus, it looks like my intel i3 is probably dual core, with hyperthreading... right?06:00
examanceri can tone it down. didn't realy consider that cursing, but i have a fowl mouth and could stand to clean it a bit06:00
examancerrgenito_: that is correct06:00
FloorduckCan someone at least respond negatively to my question? :p06:01
FloorduckAt least then I'll know that I'm being heard.. haha06:02
phunyguyhow can I start an application minimized (like thunderbird) on launch if it doesnt have a command line parameter to do so?06:02
examancerFloorduck: I hear you, but I don't use Chromium. I use Chrome, but have no idea what that error would be.06:03
examancerI think I came in after you detailed your issue, but even still I doubt I can help. I empathize though... broken browsers suck.06:04
FloorduckError 137: (net::ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED): Unknown error.06:04
examancersounds like a DNS issue right off the bat06:04
FloorduckI'm pretty sure its not the browser06:04
examancercan you ping domains?06:04
CheapshotFloorduck your problem isnt chrome related06:04
Floorduckoh hi cheapshot.06:05
CheapshotYour wifi is running at 1mb/s rate for some reason06:05
Floorduckit says 65Mb/s now06:06
thomedyokay.... i have one last error... i pulled off the ppa's and then ran update and have this error06:06
CheapshotIs the router far from the laptop?06:06
Floorduckupstairs, one room to the right06:06
FloorduckNow its 1mb/s again.06:07
FloorduckI'm on my desktop computer, right next to my laptop06:07
dwakarI've got a bit of a problem, http://imagebin.org/22858206:07
sl33k_sudo scanimage -L gives device `genesys:libusb:002:005' is a Canon LiDE 110 flatbed scanner. but x-sane cant find any scanners. what gives?06:08
FloorduckIt's running at 130 Mbps06:08
CheapshotFloorduck You could try to change the wifi channel from the router for a better signal06:08
wilee-nileethomedy, here of a couple of commands try each individually the instructs are there. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1208288/06:09
thomedyi am pretty married but i think i love you wildc4rd06:09
FloorduckWhy would there be such a stark difference between the two computer's ability to access the web?06:10
wilee-nileefirst is a set of commands I think you get it. ;) thomedy06:10
FloorduckI never have this problem on the windows partition06:10
CheapshotFloorduck The wifi drivers for that specific wifi card seem to be bad or bugged, so it is not running as it should. Are you using the latest 12.04 lubuntu ?06:12
FloorduckI downloaded and installed it 2 days ago06:12
FloorduckI assume, although I dont have the version number right in front of me06:13
CheapshotIt is 12.0406:13
=== aaron is now known as Guest59270
Floorduckwindows seems really slow >.>06:14
CheapshotFloorduck Disabling the wireless N mode from your lubuntu might help, but I dont know howto do it06:14
thomedyit looks to have worked wilee-nilee so thank you ... now just to remember why i did it in the first place... scroll up time but again thank you06:15
Floorduckthe boot screen showed two windows options on sda3 and 406:15
wilee-nileethomedy, Cool I wasn't sure on the bad sig had to google it, hehe, glad its working.06:15
FloorduckI hope I chose the right one >.<06:15
dwakarwhile running update manager i got following error: "failed to  download repository information" here's the snapshot http://imagebin.org/22858206:17
wilee-nileethomedy, I wondered if it was icetea notated after the post errors06:18
thomedyit is i had to boot around my desktop to figure wtf i was doing when i started06:18
thomedyjdk... still no home...06:20
=== atrius is now known as atrius_away
thomedycrap in a hat and call it a lottery i just want to do math06:23
Floorduckwhat do you mean by that, cheapshot?06:25
FloorduckIs there any chance that shrinking a windows partition could cause the OS to run more slowly?06:29
FloorduckAnyone here? :o06:32
Floorduckin the GNU bootup menu thing I have more than one windows option D:06:33
FloorduckI dont understand...06:33
daviddoes anyone here use gnome-shell06:33
Floorduckis there any way to view my partitions from terminal?06:34
phunyguyok let me rephrase my question.  Is there a command to start an app completely hidden, and calling the app again unhides it?06:37
phunyguyi want thunderbird to launch at startup but only run in the background for notification reasons06:38
phunyguydevilspie seemed to ignore the fact that thunderbird is runnin06:38
thomedyokay im running out of ideas06:39
thomedycuz i have still no jdk home for my icedtea plugin update06:39
tuffgonghow to configure router dlink06:41
FloorduckIs it bad that my 4th partition doesnt start on a physical sector boundary?06:41
tuffgonghow to configure router dlink06:44
marcagiotuffgong you're in the wrong place06:45
andrebmorning all06:46
thomedyokay im begging now i need my icedtea plugin to learn the math here and i cant update it at all everytime it says  it couldn't run it... but when i apt-get install icedtea 7 plugin it ssays the most current is there06:46
thomedyi have been doing this for a while now06:46
andrebi am following the instructions on this page to setup split dns for my emial server on ubuntu 10.04 http://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Ubuntu_8.04_LTS_Server_(Hardy_Heron)_Install_Guide06:46
andrebbut when i start the installer for the email it tells me it cant resolve my mx record06:47
yaaic|demoGuest12039: hi06:55
eziowhy can't i apt-get install openbios-sparc06:57
ezioE: Package 'openbios-sparc' has no installation candidate06:58
ezioPackage openbios-sparc is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:58
ezioThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or06:58
eziois only available from another source06:58
FloorduckBoth windows and linux feel slow since I changed some partitions and installed linux... is that because a "Partition does not start on physical sector boundary?"06:59
lauratikawhy does sound settings show more than 100 percent slider chance?...07:02
Smackbookis there some wierd setting i could have set in 10.04 so that it wont send or recieve pings from any other machine on the network even though all the other machines can ping each other? and it's obviously on the network since http browsing works07:06
=== melow01 is now known as 16WAA4NLX
gaelfxI've got a fresh install of lubuntu, but it doesn't seem to have recognized my webcam, how can I get it to see the webcam?07:11
=== troy_ is now known as Troy^
prodigywelcome back everyone07:20
auronandace!test | gaelfx07:20
ubottugaelfx: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )07:20
prodigywhat happened?07:20
auronandace!netsplit | prodigy07:20
ubottuprodigy: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit07:20
gaelfxI've got a fresh install of lubuntu, but it doesn't seem to have recognized my webcam, how can I get it to see the webcam?07:20
prodigyty for the info07:20
timfrost!webcam | gaelfx07:23
ubottugaelfx: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras07:23
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:25
phunyguyis it possible to tweak the unity launcher bar so it doesn't change colors depending on background?07:25
jussHello ppl ! Smart status says that I have 9 dead sectors on my hdd , how can I lock them ? I cant buy I new hdd now . Is it possible to lock dead sectors? Any ideas pleas ?07:36
jussSorry ... Typing from phone..07:37
Smackbooki think the file system does that automatically, the problem is your drive is dying07:38
jussWell yea hdd is dying, but I don't think that system is locking those sectors07:39
FloorduckIs it a problem if my partitions arent lined up with physical sectors?07:40
Floorduckwhat does that even mean... :L07:40
auronandacejuss: i wouldn't trust that harddrive with anything important anymore07:40
jussHdd is working like this about 6 months , nothing missed, but system lagging a lot... I just thought there is a way to make it work better by locking those sectors..07:45
auronandacejuss: make sure you backup what you need, that harddrive is only going to get worse07:46
jussYea, sure07:47
jussauronandace: Thank you.07:47
Aster|ThingHello everyone. I have a slight problem with upgrading from Ubuntu 11.10 to 12.04LTS. I loaded the 12.04 .iso onto my flash drive, and started installing the normal way. The installer offered an update that let me keep my data, and that' s what I chose. However, the installer froze midway, and I had to restart my computer. When I started the installer again, it no longer offered the 12.04 update, and claimed the partition was runn07:49
Aster|ThingBut it' s not, and I can07:50
Aster|Thing t boot anymore.07:50
Aster|ThingAny idea on how I can resume the update without losing my data?07:50
tuffgonghow to configure router dlink07:51
auronandacetuffgong: that doesn't really have anything to do with ubuntu07:52
rgenito_you know what would be so awesome?07:54
andrebhi guys anyone ehre uses dnsmasq ?07:54
tuffgongauronandace, how can i use it  cuz07:55
rgenito_if there was a way to "right click" in unity on a single-button mouse. for example... by holding control and then clicking (sort of like on OSX)07:55
szal!anyone | andreb07:55
ubottuandreb: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.07:55
tuffgongauronandace, i want to share  with others07:55
rgenito_szal why not ... not care if a high %of people do something a certain way?07:55
=== mimor is now known as mimor_
rgenito_seriously what else is s/he going to say? "who uses dnsmasq? :D"07:56
andrebi was following these instructions07:56
andrebi follow the steps.. and configured dnsmasq07:56
andrebbut when i run it i got the following error07:56
andrebdnsmasq: failed to bind listening socket for Address already in use07:56
tuffgongauronandace, so how can link pc by this router07:57
auronandacetuffgong: consult the router documentation07:57
andrebthis is my dnsmasq.conf fiel http://pastebin.com/H3S9FbN807:57
szalrgenito_: see? :)07:57
FloorduckCould someone guide me through re-partitioning of my computer and the installation of lubuntu? :l07:58
andrebany ideas on what can e wrong :(07:58
FloorduckI installed linux as an auxillary OS on a newly-created partion.07:58
szalFloorduck: empty disk or dual-boot?07:58
FloorduckBut I also resized the windows one and ended up with a partition that "did not start on a physical sector boundary"07:59
Floorduckdual-boot, I guess07:59
tuffgongauronandace, if so how can i access by using terminal  with the help of commands07:59
szalFloorduck: the physical sector boundary thing isn't important any more these days, the warning is there for historical reasons, I guess08:00
FloorduckPerhaps a performance decrease in windows is simply in my head?08:00
stephansis there a screen reader for ubuntu (not the one that reads the title bar and the menu items but the one that you can select text and have it read to you)?08:01
eziomy issue cannot be resolved08:01
szalFloorduck: depends on how much you've shrunk that Windows partition08:01
FloorduckI'm just worried that I've done something wrong and somehow tarnished the quality of my OS installs08:01
FloorduckIts 150 gigs08:01
FloorduckThe laptop is brand new, so I'm not averse to reformatting if it means improved performance/reliability.08:01
=== bgstrx is now known as bagus
Calinouwindows + performance...?08:02
FloorduckI suppose I could abandon the idea of dualbooting and simply install linux...08:03
szalFloorduck: in that case: wipe the disk, use a Linux live CD to create one primary partition & format it w/ NTFS, install Windows on said partition, then install Linux & let the installer do the partitioning08:03
Calinouif you use windows-specific software, maybe not, though you can run windows software using Wine in linux08:03
szalFloorduck: a partition in the above named size range, that is08:04
szalleaving the rest of the HDD unpartitioned, the installer can then take care of that08:04
szalthough I'm not entirely positive that this will improve performance08:05
FloorduckI'd prefer the cleanliness of such an installation :P08:05
Floorduckmaybe that's weird but... oh well.08:05
FloorduckWhen I bought the laptop there were already 2 hidden drive which confused me somewhat while installing linux... would it be harmful to do away with them?08:06
stephansFloorduck, it could be...08:07
sstaFloorduck: they're usually where the windows reinstall stuff it08:07
guest49026hii all08:07
kevinFloorduck: yeah, like recovery partitions08:07
guest49026i need help with camera08:07
stephansFloorduck, one partition is likely you system restore and the other one is a boot partition that allows you to encrypt the hard drive08:07
guest49026how i make a trigger with echo to start record08:08
FloorduckSo I suppose I should keep them, then?08:09
stephansFloorduck, if you are not planning on keeping windows for commercial apps.. then you could simply destroy all the partitions and install ubuntu08:09
FloorduckI'm a bit afraid of doing that08:09
FloorduckYou see, I know nothing about linux :[08:09
stephansFloorduck, however the standard i386 dos standard allows you to have 4 primary partition... you need atleast 2 for ubuntu08:09
WizardFloorduck: Patient, be patient, my pretty young padawan ;P08:10
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sstaFloorduck: keep them then08:10
sstastephans: no, linux doesn't need any primary partitions08:10
stephansso you will need to create a logial partition with 2 partitions in it08:10
stephansas linux can boot from any device08:10
FloorduckIt installed itself in an extended partiton I think08:10
guest49026how i make a trigger with echo to start record?08:10
FloorduckI already have 3 partitions, so it must have08:10
stephansFloorduck, correct08:11
guest49026i work now with zoneminder08:11
prashant_123456jrib, got it correctly thanks08:11
stephansFloorduck, personally I usually have a root partition and a home partition with a swap partition08:11
stephansFloorduck, this makes it really easy to re install08:12
FloorduckWhat are those? :o08:12
stephanswhile keeping setings and data08:12
tuffgongauronandace, if so how can i access by using terminal  with the help of commands08:12
=== mimor_ is now known as mimor
stephansso does anyone know it there is a screen reader for ubuntu (not the one that reads the title bar and the menu items but the one that you can select text and have it read to you)?08:13
guest49026someone can help me with zoneminder?08:14
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szal!details | guest4902608:15
ubottuguest49026: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:15
FloorduckOkay, so my hidden partitions and my windows 7 partition are sda 1 through 3. The extended partition, sda4, presumably houses partitions sda 5 and 6, linux and swap. Sda4 "does not start on a physical sector boundary." Will this fact effect my computer negatively?08:17
Floorduckand why is that? ;l08:18
guest49026szal, i want to make a buffer of 10 sec in zoneminder and trigger the recording by "signal" that i send to zoneminder,08:18
mzehrercan someone help me with http://askubuntu.com/questions/189300/doubled-auto-start-entry-for-google-chrome?08:19
zalso anybody knows whats the best way to update on tvtuners ?08:20
szalzal: update what on TV tuners?08:21
Floorduckthanks to all who helped me out... ive got to go. bye.08:21
pandahi all08:24
RPG-MasterAm I correct when I say that Ubuntu fully supports 802.11n?08:24
internetN00bI really hate gimp with so many little windows08:24
RPG-MasterI thought I remember that at one time Ubuntu didn't play well with N wireless08:25
a-l-emmm internetN00b, yes, one big big window would be much better...08:25
lotuspsychjeguys lets keep to support questions08:26
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:26
RPG-MasterI ask because I'm trying to move the one desktop off of a stupid CAT5  running through the hall way, and put it on wifi. But right now my speeds have gone from 25mbps to 10 and I'm making sure I get this set up to run as best as possible.08:27
RPG-MasterNo advice/answers?08:33
sstaRPG-Master: 10mbit/s doesn't sound awful.  If you only have one datastream (likely), then that's aroundabout right08:33
blackshirtsorry rpg-master, i just join here for a seconds,08:33
lotuspsychjeRPG-Master:maybe try to ask a fulled described question08:34
RPG-Masterssta: Data stream = one connection?08:34
lotuspsychje!it | michy08:35
ubottumichy: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)08:35
michyjoin #ubuntu-it08:36
michy\join #ubuntu-it08:36
RPG-MasterSorry. My question is, does Ubuntu support Wireless N, or do I need to stick to G?08:36
ActionParsnipmichy: use a slash instead of a switch :)08:36
sstaRPG-Master: it's a bit more complex than that.  .11n achieves its (theoretical) maximum of 600Mbit by using 4 channels at once, and by driving 4 streams along each channel simultaneously (sort of).  Basically ignore that the box says it can do 600mbit, that's an aggregate rate for many devices at once in theoretical optimal conditions...08:36
blackshirtrpg-master, i think yes08:37
sstaRPG-Master: ubuntu supports N if your card supports N08:37
lotuspsychjeRPG-Master:ubuntu supports all wifi08:37
ActionParsnipssta: and if the driver supports it08:37
sstaRPG-Master: but N isn't all that the box on the N router claims for it08:37
sstaActionParsnip: true08:37
RPG-MasterWell, I'm not expecting to full 300mbps on the box, but I do want whatever will get me as close to my wired connection speed.08:37
ActionParsnipRPG-Master: is it a centrino wifi chip?08:38
RPG-MasterActionParsnip: ath9k...?08:38
ActionParsnipRPG-Master: thats the driver module, what is the chip please?08:39
DyrkConsulta, tengo una pc corriendo ubuntu 12,04 y window$ xp, la pregunta es si es posible hacer la actualización  xp a w7 sin que borre mi querido ubuntu?08:39
RPG-MasterActionParsnip: Sorry, let me look for it.08:39
ActionParsnipRPG-Master: sudo lshw -C network    will tell you08:39
szal!es  | Dyrk08:39
ubottuDyrk: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.08:39
RPG-MasterActionParsnip:  PCI (sysfs)08:40
ActionParsnipRPG-Master: wait, your PCI bus s slow08:40
ActionParsnipRPG-Master: just the product line will do :)08:41
RPG-MasterActionParsnip: RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller08:41
ActionParsnipRPG-Master: oh man, one of those :(08:41
Ticoubottu: !nomodeset | Tico08:41
ubottuTico, please see my private message08:41
RPG-MasterI swear, sometimes I wonder if I've learned anything since I started Ubuntu-ing with 8.0408:42
ActionParsnipRPG-Master: thats the Ethernet controller, not wireless08:42
Ticowhats the command to send private message?08:42
RPG-Masterhold one08:42
ActionParsnipTico:    /msg username text08:42
szalRPG-Master: if you want to learn something, use Gentoo or Slackware or Arch.. much less handholding08:42
TicoActionParsnip: thanks08:42
RPG-MasterActionParsnip:  AR5418 Wireless Network Adapter [AR5008E 802.11(a)bgn] (PCI-Express)08:43
ActionParsnipRPG-Master: or even debian for slightly less handholding than ubuntu08:43
RPG-MasterSorry for that first one :P08:43
ActionParsnipRPG-Master: and the output of:  lsb_release -sc     please08:44
RPG-MasterI should have tried to learn more while I was in highschool and still had free time. :P08:45
ActionParsnipRPG-Master: and the output of:  lsb_release -sc     please08:45
RPG-MasterActionParsnip: quantal08:45
RPG-MasterYeah, running the beta here08:46
ActionParsnipRPG-Master: then you are in the wrong channel08:46
e-v-owhat's the easiest way to install Ubuntu into a USB pen drive?08:46
ActionParsnipRPG-Master: #ubuntu+1 for Quantal til release day08:46
ActionParsnipe-v-o: unetbootin imho08:46
e-v-ocan I make it in OS X?08:46
ActionParsnipe-v-o: yes there is unetbootin for Mac too08:46
ActionParsnipe-v-o: its on the unetbootin website08:47
e-v-osweet, I'll investigate, thanks.08:47
RPG-MasterActionParsnip: Very sorry, I totally forgot that I shouldn't ask questions pertaining to anything involving a beta running computer.08:47
RPG-MasterActionParsnip: It's late here and I'm not thinking straight. :(08:48
DyrkSee, I have a pc running ubuntu 12.04 and $ window xp, the question is whether it is possible to upgrade xp to w7 without deleting my dear ubuntu?08:48
ActionParsnipRPG-Master: you can, just not in here. This is for released versions, the prereleases are always supported in #ubuntu+108:48
e-v-oActionParsnip: ah wait. I meant to install on the drive not to create a Live USB disk, which basically copying the installation image to the USB instead of installing to the usb.08:48
sstaDyrk: it's unlikely to delete ubuntu, it IS likely to remove tyhe bootloader though08:48
ActionParsnipDyrk: I'd personally do a fresh reinstall08:48
RPG-MasterActionParsnip: That's what I mean, I knew about #ubuntu+1, but forgot about just now. :P08:49
ActionParsnipDyrk: leave unpartitioned space to install Ubuntu to when you install Windows08:49
ActionParsnipRPG-Master: no worries dude :)08:49
RPG-MasterBut yeah, sorry for troubling y'all. :)08:49
e-v-oActionParsnip: did you see my msg?08:52
ActionParsnipe-v-o: you can make a persistance so changes stick08:52
e-v-oActionParsnip: but it is technically the installation disk right?08:53
ActionParsnipe-v-o: yes but the changes you make along the way are saved so you can upgrade the OS and so forth08:53
e-v-oactually I wonder, what are the difference between the Live CD and the actual installation?!08:53
ActionParsnipe-v-o: one is on CD, one is on the HDD08:56
ActionParsnipe-v-o: you can do anything in the liveCD that you can do in an installed OS except reboot to a later kernel08:56
Deutopiaas far as i can tell the only difference is the casper-rw file (or partition)08:56
=== jakub is now known as jakub_r
e-v-owhat is the point of the installation then? I thought it got more specific drivers for the current machine, instead of generic ones used by the Live CD.08:57
e-v-oi.e better performance08:58
Deutopianot all the apps are installed, and there are some limitations / things you have to workaround that you wouldnt in an installed version08:58
apgGuys, I want to ask something. Why don't the menus in Libreoffice be alike the others' apps-menu in unity?08:59
sstayou do get better performance (disk is generally a LOT faster than CD for example).  The livecd needs a large chunk of memory as a ramdisk to unpack things into that you don't need when installed...08:59
Deutopiaand i might be wrong, but i think in persistent mode, deleting files just gets them out of your face. you cant re-use the disk space the deleted file occupied08:59
ActionParsnipe-v-o: no, the OS is identical. ust saves you having to slow boot each time and have to keep extra media  handy08:59
ActionParsnipapg: do you have lo-menubar installed?08:59
ActionParsnipapg: thats probably going to be a step in the right direction09:00
ActionParsnipe-v-o: you are also limited to storage in RAM, so you will have finitite storage as your apps also need RAM to execute09:00
ActionParsnip!info lo-menubar09:01
ubottulo-menubar (source: lo-menubar): A LibreOffice extension for the global menubar. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.0-0ubuntu4 (precise), package size 37 kB, installed size 144 kB09:01
e-v-ossta: yes I know that. That's why I am trying to install it on a USB pen drive.09:01
Deutopiae-v-o; and i might be wrong, but i think in persistent mode, deleting files just gets them out of your face. you cant re-use the disk space the deleted file occupied09:02
e-v-oDeutopia: so how can I install to the USB drive instead of just copying the Live CD image across?09:02
sstae-v-o: oh, sorry, I thought you wanted to put the installer on the USB.  Umm, I have installed to a pendrive a few releases ago (Lucid I think), not sure, but I think I used the alternate installer so I could control where teh boot record went09:03
e-v-ossta: is there a how-to?09:03
sstae-v-o: I dunno, pretty sure I didn't use a howto09:04
ActionParsnipe-v-o: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/a-much-easier-way-to-install-ubuntu-on-a-usb-device-stick-or-hd.html09:04
ActionParsnipe-v-o: there are lots of how-tos online, have a look09:04
e-v-oand could I take the installed ubuntu USB and plug it into any computer?09:04
=== dpac|away is now known as dpac
ActionParsnipe-v-o: yes09:05
apge-v-o, based on my experience, yes09:05
e-v-othanks ActionParsnip, that's a heck of a how-to!! : )09:06
apgBut, you'll have to change the Boot Priority option everytime you want to run it on other computers09:06
e-v-oapg: ah yes.09:06
Deutopiae-v-o; just install as normal, but during the partitioner section, make sure you are only installing to the USB and that the bootloader (grub) is installing to the USB09:06
e-v-oapg: do you know how to do that on a mac?09:06
e-v-oDeutopia: yeah the boot loader appears to be the tricky bit!09:07
apgWell, haven't give a hand on a mac, so far :))09:07
Deutopiain the partitioner screen: scroll down. make sure you have the correct "sd" selected09:08
Deutopiathe mac uses an Intel CPU so i dont think it would really be different09:08
Deutopiai used to install yellowdog onto old imacs and it was the same as installing buntu09:09
e-v-oDeutopia: I'm going to try your method now.  ActionParsnip's how-to mentions editing the grub file manually after installation, which I am likely to mess up : )09:10
ActionParsnipe-v-o: you should be ok09:10
apgBy the way, e-v-o, why don't you just make the ubuntu install in flash-disk via the startup-disk-creator?09:11
e-v-oapg: how so?09:12
apgSorry, if I missed something in the conversation.09:12
sstaapg: because that's basically just putting the live CD on the USB stick, which isn't what he wants09:12
Deutopiaevery time i try that startup-disk creator i end up having to re-install grub cuz it wont boot.09:12
ActionParsnipDeutopia: do you use EUFI or whatever it is now?09:13
Guido1hello, i have some problems with the sound on ubuntu 10.0409:13
Guido1there are some songs and sounds i can play with totem without problems, but if i open them with VLC or try to use them as a mailalert by mozilla they don't sound corrrectly. what can i do to fix it?09:13
apgWell, the docs in the live session still can be saved though09:14
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apgin persistent filesystem mode09:14
ActionParsnipcould grab an extra HDD and install to that instead09:14
Deutopiayou cant re-use disk space in persistent mode09:14
sstaapg: sure, but it still has all the other disadvantages of live (you can't customise much, you can't really install packages, it's slow, it eats up massive amounts of RAM...)09:15
apgOkay, if that's the reason :)09:15
ActionParsnipCould just use puppy :)09:15
Deutopiaim stuck with persistent mode cuz my HDD broke and it wont install to the flash drive (something wrong with the drive), but it works fine in persistent mode09:16
Deutopiai notice the larger the USB device's storage capacity, the longer it takes to boot. but other than that i have no problems installing packages09:17
lotuspsychjeis there a faster pfd reader for ubuntu then default?09:17
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: mupdf, xpdf09:18
sstalotuspsychje: never noticed that the default was slow, but gv should be about as fast as it gets09:18
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: i've not seen faster than mupdf09:18
apgGuys, anybody run ubuntu on coreboot?09:18
lotuspsychje!info mupdf > lotuspsychje09:19
speirosHello fellow ubuntu users09:19
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:guilhem-fr/mupdf; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install mupdf09:19
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip:tnx mate its installing already without ppa09:19
Deutopiaredo backup & recovery uses clonezilla right? i notice Redo mounts the recovered drive as readonly (making it useless). i should be able to just use clonezilla to restore the backup made with redo?09:19
apgHello, speiros09:20
ActionParsnip!info mupdf09:20
ubottumupdf (source: mupdf): lightweight PDF viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-2ubuntu1 (precise), package size 3053 kB, installed size 5939 kB09:20
speirosAll the best, and I'll be back when I have a better internet connection, and a later version of ubuntu, or if I have a problem.  Take care.09:20
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip:tnx mate very light and no page loading anymore now, cool pagebrowsing with left/right09:21
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: fast as lightening, I proposed it for Lubuntu but it lacks features apparently09:22
Deutopialubuntu lacks features09:23
=== THEJOLLYGRIMREAP is now known as thejollygrimreap
faLUCE hi. I can't open two usb cameras simoultaneously. It says VIDIOC_STREAMON failed, no space left on device, although I'm sure I'm not exceeding the 2.0 bandwidth, with the sum of the two cameras ... where can be the problem? I googled ans saw many other people having this issue but couldn't understand what to do. kernel is 3.0.0-13-generic09:23
Kartagiswhat does hvc0 mean in a ps x output=09:24
e-v-oDeutopia: I'm running the installation and came to the Installation Type screen with 3 options...09:24
Guido1 hello, i have some problems with the sound on ubuntu 10.04.   there are some songs and sounds i can play with totem without problems, but if i open them with VLC or try to use them as a mailalert by mozilla they don't sound corrrectly. what can i do to fix it?09:24
sstaKartagis: it's part of the Xen infrastructure09:25
e-v-o1. Intall alongside… 2. Erase disk and install… 3. Something else...09:25
sstaKartagis: "HyperVisor Console 0" IIRC09:25
e-v-oif i pick 2. can I then selected the USB drive?09:25
Kartagisssta: phew, so somebody is logged on with xm console?09:26
sstaKartagis: I *think* it's always there if you're running under Xen, but I'm not sure09:26
sstaI don't have any Xen enabled systems right now to check with09:27
KartagisI'll have to check that, I don't remember seeing it before09:27
KartagisI'll just kill it09:27
Deutopiae-v-o; pick something else09:27
e-v-oguys, to do a custom installation on a USB drive, what mount points do I need to select? : /09:27
Deutopiapartition only the USB and install only to USB and make sure bootloader installs to USB (scroll down)09:28
=== fantaghiro is now known as fanthagir
Deutopia"/" for the big one and a small swap09:28
e-v-oyes but apparently I have to manually specify which mount points go where!!09:28
Deutopiasmall like as much ram is in your system09:28
e-v-ooh, so I must create 2 partitions on the USB?09:29
Deutopiayes delete the USB drives partition and create a new ext4 partition and mount as "/"09:29
fanthagire-v-o, like swap and /09:29
Deutopia"/" is kinda like "C:\" in winblows09:30
fanthagire-v-o, btw it s much slower I think on USB09:30
fanthagire-v-o, mainly boot09:30
msmith0957Oh, hey there ActionParsnip. Problem under control, thanks.09:30
e-v-ofanthagir: I know but it's faster than Live CD right?09:30
ActionParsnipmsmith0957: awesome09:30
fanthagire-v-o, right09:30
ssta*LOTS* faster than Live CD09:30
Deutopiayes. USB is serial. can only read or write at 1 time. cant do both at the same time. plus it is a very slow bus09:30
e-v-oI know, but this is the compromise my gf agreed to after I told her I could not warranty a risk free installation of Ubuntu alongside Win.09:31
e-v-oit would be so handy if there was a visual way of creating partitions in the installer...09:32
sstae-v-o: if you have an external; SATA port, I've found that installing to an SSD connected to that works amazingly well09:32
e-v-ossta: sadly not, it's a fairly old laptop.09:33
Deutopiayou can install ubuntu inside windows (like it was any other app and uninstall later if you choose) if you use Wubi09:33
=== willythewisp_ is now known as willythewisp
e-v-oDeutopia: yeah I know, someone suggested that yesterday but then I'd have to re-install Ubuntu if I decide to wipe Windows later (fingers crossed ; )09:34
sstae-v-o: another alternative is to install inside win, but in a VM (both virtualbox and vmware-player are free and work pretty well)09:34
Kartagisssta: I confirmed that it's actually someone logged in via xm console because the line also reads -bash, but when somebody is sitting there via xm console but not logged in, what previously read -bash now reads /sbin/mingetty console, but it still reads hvc009:35
Jordan_Ue-v-o: There is a visual way to create partitions in the installer.09:35
Guido1i have some problems with the sound on ubuntu 10.04.     there are some songs and sounds i can play with totem without problems, but if i open them with VLC or try to use them as a mailalert by mozilla they don't sound corrrectly. what can i do to fix it?09:35
sstaKartagis: ah, that makes sense09:35
e-v-ossta: yep, but the whole point of using Ubuntu is because the machine is so over bloated with crap that a snail can overtake it.09:35
Deutopiareally, other than taking 10 minutes to fully boot, installing on USB is a great option and should be recommended / explained more09:35
e-v-ossta: so virtualising I don't think would improve the user experience.09:35
ActionParsnipGuido1: does it affect all users?09:36
blackshirti think that was right09:36
sstaDeutopia: feel free to write some HOWTOs09:36
Deutopia(20 minutes if its USB 1.1)09:36
KartagisDeutopia: what's taking 10 minutes to fully boot, Ubuntu?09:36
MonkeyDustGuido1  any reason why you don't upgrade to 12.04?09:36
Guido1ActionParsnip: i'm the only user of the laptop09:36
ActionParsnipGuido1: make a new one to test then.09:36
ActionParsnipGuido1: your OS can hold literally billions of users09:37
KartagisDeutopia: ah, through USB09:37
Deutopiakartagis; 'buntu when installed to USB09:37
KartagisDeutopia: any chance to test that with USB 3.0?09:37
e-v-oguys, I need help creating these partitions. for the /boot is it primary or logic?09:37
Kartagis(just curious)09:37
Guido1MonkeyDust: yes, my laptop is not the best and to slow for the newer versions. moreover i don't like the new design very much09:38
ActionParsnipe-v-o: you won't need a separate /boot partition, just make one for / and one for swap09:38
=== WACOMalt|AFK is now known as WACOMalt
Deutopianope im literally a bum and cant be buying nice things like a replacement hard drive or a new comp w/ USB309:38
sstaI have 60ish servers still on 10.04...and I doubt they'll ever get 12.0409:38
MonkeyDustGuido1  support for 10.04 will sooon end09:38
WACOMalthey folks, how can I change the icon on a unity dash shortcut?09:38
apgI think it is not really necessary to create a partition for /boot09:38
WACOMaltor change the command?09:38
Jordan_Ue-v-o: Either one works, though having a separate /boot/ is pointless unless you have a buggy BIOS. Also, why are you using manual rather than guided partitioning?09:38
e-v-oSooy, I meant /swap ActionParsnip… oops09:39
Guido1ActionParsnip: i think that depends on the space and because of the space i'm always working with external HDs. how can i creat a new user?09:39
e-v-oJordan_U: because during install I chose something else and I am trying got install to USB drive.09:39
fidelhi - question regarding the cli rss app newsbeuter - in case someone is using it on ubuntu as well. is there an option to let the 'open article in browser' action open the link in the background & not lose the focus from the newsbeuter main-window? right now tthe window-focus jumps mit every open action to firefox which is annoying for me. tried asking in #newsbeuter already without feedback so far.09:40
Jordan_Ue-v-o: Why did you chose "something else"?09:40
kanlioti'm trying to help a user doing apt-get upgrade on a new install.  Is there any reason he's doing apt-get upgrade?  I don't understand09:40
skraitohi guys09:40
Guido1MonkeyDust: then i will probaply switch to kubuntu or keep the last version09:40
skraitowhats the application for converting file to youtube format ?09:40
WACOMaltIs 12.04LTS still the newest Ubuntu?09:40
skraitofor ubuntu09:40
sstaWACOMalt: yes09:40
e-v-oJordan_U: Because I'm trying to install to USB pen drive. I NOT want to remove the current OS nor do I want to install alongside it.09:40
sstaWACOMalt: 12.10 is in beta right now (will release next month)09:41
WACOMaltAnother question, has Ubuntu Studio switched to Unity yet?09:41
Deutopiabest option is to make an ext4 "/" partition. then a 800MB swap partition09:41
apgthe newest point release 12.04.109:41
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Jordan_Ue-v-o: Installing to USB should not require chosing "something else", but it doesn't hurt anything to use manual partitioning (it's just more work).09:42
WACOMaltWhat are some good way to speed up an Ubuntu that was installed onto USB 2.0 drive?09:42
DeutopiaJordan_U, whoa dude. thats not the deal. you are going to get him in trouble.09:42
e-v-oJordan_U: oh, what's the easiest way then? The other 2 options sounded too scary to try out : )09:42
Jordan_UDeutopia: What do you mean?09:42
Deutopiae-v-o; if you dont "choose something else" it will install to your hard drive which is what you dont want09:43
fidelWACOMalt: bootchart might help hhecking the boot process in general in detail. maybe a first step towards messing around with optimization09:43
WACOMaltmanual partitioning is for those that know how to do manual partitioning. There is nothing bad or good about it aside from its more risky if you dont know what you are doing.09:43
e-v-oDeutopia: that's what I thought09:43
WACOMaltfidel, ok cool I'll look into that09:43
kanliotmanual partitioning also requires more RAM to run in ubiquity09:43
e-v-oOk, I'll halt everything till there's consensus in the room : )09:43
apgAgree with deutopia09:44
Jordan_UDeutopia: I've installed Ubuntu to a USB drive without using manual partitioning (though admittedly, that was with an older version of Ubuntu).09:44
WACOMaltI just did recently O_o09:44
WACOMaltit let me choose it as a drive just like my hard drives09:44
WACOMaltlike.. I literally just finished doing that :P09:44
e-v-oJordan_U: but then doesn't the boot loader installt o the hard drive and crap out the host OS?09:45
WACOMaltdidnt for me09:45
Deutopiapartition USB into an 800MB swap partition and the rest as an ext4 "/" partition and make sure bootloader installs to the USB.09:45
WACOMalthow would it know which drive to put it on if it wasnt on the drive you chose?09:45
Jordan_UDeutopia: e-v-o: Ubiquity has code to detect that you are installing to USB and when it detects that it will install grub to that same usb drive.09:45
e-v-oJordan_U: we like smart soft :D09:46
WACOMaltoh hey, how can I build from source code into a deb file?09:46
Guido1MonkeyDust: ActionParsnip: What can I do to fix it? In the beginning it worked and on another computer it is still working09:46
Deutopiayes evo, by default ubuntu is going to do the right thing and install grub into your hard drive which is what you dont want, thus why we are choosing something else, manually partitioning the USB and installing to USB ONLY09:46
DeutopiaJordan_U Ubiquity doesnt always get things right.09:47
Jordan_UDeutopia: Fair enough.09:47
WACOMaltits not about which is right or wrong, they are both right.09:47
WACOMaltits which is more dangerous :P09:47
e-v-oJordan_U: if it's that simple why does the option 2. Erase Disk and install ubuntu come with a red WARNING that all programs, docs, etc will be ERASED?09:47
Jordan_UDeutopia: If you've encountered a case where guided install to a USB drive installed grub elsewhere though please file a bug report.09:48
WACOMaltbecause they will be erased?09:48
Deutopiai say he is better off just using a persistent USB untill he decides wether or not to install09:48
WACOMaltthat's true09:48
WACOMaltit'll run faster anyways09:48
WACOMaltwhich begs the question... why does live USB run faster than installed USB?09:48
kanliotpersistent usb is slow09:48
WACOMaltor at least it did fo rmew09:49
WACOMalt*for me09:49
e-v-ooh really?!09:49
WACOMaltfrom my limited, non-pro, experience... yes. but Id listen to these guys09:49
Jordan_UWACOMalt: The data is compressed, and therefore the effects of the slow drive are less noticeable.09:49
apgyeah, persistent usb-disk. Quite fast actually, also, for me09:49
WACOMaltI need 64GB of persistance tho :P09:50
Deutopiait depends on the computer. i have 2 laptops that run from USB. a compaq Evo made in 2001 and a Gateway NV53 made in 2010. The Evo runs faster as installed and the NV53 runs faster as persistent mode09:50
e-v-oso guys? what should I do?09:50
WACOMaltso can anyone lead me through making a DEB installer from my source code tree?09:50
Deutopiapartition USB into an 800MB swap partition and the rest as an ext4 "/" partition and make sure bootloader installs to the USB.09:50
WACOMaltgranted I have to install OpenCL/Cuda headers first, which is a whole different monster to tackle...09:51
e-v-obtw my usb stick is 16gb09:51
Deutopiayou still havent done that?09:51
kanliotput swap on usb?  why not just no swap09:51
WACOMaltmy usb is 64GB flash drive09:51
blackshirtwacomalt, read debian/ubuntu packaging guide09:51
WACOMaltcand you do ramdisk for swap?09:51
WACOMaltkk where can I find that blackshirt ?09:51
Jordan_UWACOMalt: "ramdisk for swap" makes no sense at all.09:52
blackshirtwacomalt, google it, you should find it09:52
WACOMaltstill a newb :/09:52
WACOMaltI mean.. like run the whole system in ram09:52
WACOMaltI have 16GB ram, Id like to do that09:52
blackshirtwacomalt, that was possible09:53
Jordan_UWACOMalt: It can be done from a LiveCD/USB system by passing the "toram" kernel parameter.09:53
blackshirtyes, you know live cd was run entirely on ram09:53
WACOMaltstill though, "was" ?   is it not any more?09:54
blackshirtsome distro,like tinycore linux using this technique09:54
Jordan_UWACOMalt: The toram kernel parameter for live systems still works, I don't know what blackshirt is refferring to though.09:54
blackshirtI mean, run from ram09:54
blackshirtdon't be screwed up guys :d09:55
WACOMaltthoughts on this blackshirt: http://code.google.com/p/debianpackagemaker/ ?09:56
blackshirtwqcomalt, a lot of guide spread on internet,09:56
Jordan_UWACOMalt: Honestly though, copying all files into RAM at boot will probably only save time when starting programs (and only the first time they're started). Once any file is read, if you have free RAM then linux will cache it for later use and only release that cache if the memory is needed (in which case it's good that it can be dropped).09:56
WACOMaltyeah, and they are all fairly different :/09:56
blackshirtlike with keyword search, ubuntu packaging guide09:57
e-v-oDIstopia: I'm back where I started trying to decide between primary or logical for / and /swap09:57
Jordan_Ue-v-o: Either will work. I would recommend logical, just so you don't run out of primary partitions.09:57
WACOMaltHmm looks like Cuda toolkit is only available for 11.04 :/09:57
Deutopiaprimary for "/" and it doesnt matter for swap. either one works09:57
e-v-owould you place swat at the beginning or end?09:58
Deutopiathis is USB. he isnt going to run out of primaries09:58
Deutopiaswap at the end09:58
sstae-v-o: doesn't really matter09:58
kanliotswap on usb?09:58
e-v-ossta: of cours course not, the USB is not spinning lol09:58
kanliothow much ram u have09:58
e-v-ohow can I see the ram from live CD?09:59
sstafree -m09:59
WACOMaltwell folks, wish me luck. I'm about to try all the kernel modules and stuff that are needed for Cuda building. But they are all for 11.04 and I'm on 12.04... here's hoping it doesnt break my system09:59
e-v-o(it's not my laptop)09:59
blackshirtwacomalt, good luck..you sit on different version10:00
WACOMaltyup :/10:00
WACOMaltthe guide Im following is for 12.04 with these files though. I have hope!10:00
WACOMaltwonder if I need to do the cuda driver if Im only planning to build, and not run10:01
WACOMaltdoes building ever actually use your hardware drivers? O_o10:01
blackshirtwacomalt, just try to compile and look the error says10:02
WACOMalteh whatever I made a full system image an hour ago. if it all break I can go back10:02
WACOMaltI plan to break my system, but build a deb file, then rollback and install it :P10:02
internetN00bas much as I love Ubuntu but I have to go back to windows10:02
blackshirtwacomalt, no, it just build binary version from your soureces10:02
WACOMaltok cool10:02
internetN00bsoftware compatibility/quality on Ubuntu is really a problem10:02
WACOMaltI'll see if it builds without the driver installed then first10:02
Deutopiae-v-o; really what you should do is forget that. open the partioner on your live CD and partition the USB as 2GB Fat16 and 13GB ext2 labeled "casper-rw". after you make those 2 partitions, reboot to windows, download Lili from www.linuxliveusb.com/en/download  and create a Live USB with persistence. then delete the "casper-rw" file in windows and reboot. You now have linux.10:03
e-v-oDistopia: arm… there's no /swap option in the Mount point drop down!!!10:03
blackshirtwacomalt, seem a bad plan10:03
WACOMaltinternetN00b, yup. That's open source10:03
WACOMaltwait, no its not... that's jus tlinux10:03
internetN00bI do love the gnome desktop though10:03
WACOMaltblackshirt, probably. I have built this before correctly, but the drivers eventually messed up my system and I had to reinstall10:04
WACOMaltso now I'm PLANNING on the failing, but will make the deb first10:04
internetN00bthe integration of the software in the desktop is very nice. but when it comes to productivity it is nowhere as good as on windows10:04
WACOMalt^ came in here to complain about linux not being windows?10:04
blackshirtwacomalt, that look a same thing but through different way10:04
sstainternetN00b: personally I find the opposite, but different people have different needs, so whatever suits you best is fine10:05
WACOMaltblackshirt, ...what?10:05
internetN00bssta, true.10:05
internetN00bI am a bit sad though... Ubuntu does have some killing features..10:05
blackshirtwacomalt, a same build binary drivers10:05
internetN00bthat I don't want to miss10:05
WACOMaltah ok10:05
WACOMaltinternetN00b, run it in a VM then10:05
sstainternetN00b: so use both10:05
WACOMaltits what I did until I had room for both on my drives10:06
internetN00bssta, I don't want to dual boot10:06
Deutopiaso use both and virtualize 1?10:06
WACOMaltthen run as a VM10:06
sstainternetN00b: that's what VMs are for10:06
WACOMaltVirtualbox is free so is the OS10:06
internetN00bI have been tring to run win in a virtualbox but it is verys low10:06
WACOMaltdid you install guest extras?10:06
e-v-oDeutopia: why FAT16 isn't that a stone age fs?!10:06
internetN00byes, I did10:06
sstainternetN00b: so go the other way...run win as primary and ubuntu in a VM10:06
WACOMaltinternetN00b, no idea then. mine runs great.10:07
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WACOMaltok all my stuff is done, I have to kill xserver, so bbiab folks10:07
Deutopiae-v-o; Why fat16: cuz windows needs to write to it and because Fat16 is WAY FASTER than Fat32.10:07
faLUCEis there a solution for that? http://click.wetfish.net/current.php?page=usb-woes10:07
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e-v-oDistopia: does /swap need to be Fat though?10:10
e-v-oDeutopia: ^10:10
Deutopiawith persistent mode there is no swap partition10:11
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e-v-oany advantages of ext3 and ext4 over ext2?10:12
kanliote-v-o, if you wanted ubuntu to run not like a turd, you wouldn't install to a usb flash10:13
Deutopiaext2 is fast (like fat16) and for this method to work, use ext2. i have never used anything but ext2 for the ext2 partition labeled casper-rw10:13
e-v-okanliot: I know, I'm installing to USB because gf doesn't want to risk loosing Win and Live CD is just too slow.10:14
Deutopiakanliot; it is just to try ubuntu out for a while untill the woman warms up to linux10:14
ActionParsnipe-v-o: ext2 has no jounal so will reduce writes to the device10:14
Deutopiakanliot; she wont let him install to the hard drive10:14
billclol change a womans mind stick to linux10:15
kanlioti bought a full PC with monitor, mouse, keyboard 3d acceleration for $60 this year10:16
e-v-ouh oh, Live CD just crashed: BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer reference!!!!10:16
kanliotNULL pointers means you have NULLS on your pc10:16
* e-v-o sighs as he pushes the off switch.10:17
blackshirte-v-o, thats sound bad thing10:17
ActionParsnipkanliot: yes, you have /dev/null10:17
kanliotdev/null belongs to devon10:18
e-v-owhat was supposed to be a 30min job is turning out to not happen at all10:18
Deutopiaworste thing you can hear your woman say?  My hard drive came!10:18
kanlioti can't read that file anyhow10:18
ActionParsnipkanliot: its not a file, its a device10:19
blackshirti think /dev/null and NULL was different thing10:19
ActionParsnipkanliot: well, technically it is a file10:19
Deutopiae-v-o; www.linuxliveusb.com/en/download     <-just go here10:19
e-v-oyeah I'll boot into win10:20
Deutopiawindows app that makes a linux USB without messing with hard stuff10:20
e-v-ohow do you open a laptop's cd drive with pc switched off?10:20
Deutopiaget a paper clip or something to jam in the hole10:21
sstae-v-o: there's usually a little hole you can stick a paperclip into to release teh catch10:21
kanliotubiquity kills another user experience.  thanks gods of ubiquity10:21
Deutopiano we did10:21
Deutopiait was 1 simple step.  www.linuxliveusb.com/en/download10:22
ougogoHi all, how can I download a lubuntu distribution with the most recent kernel ?10:23
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blackshirtougogo download the last release10:23
Deutopiajust install the most recent version from the website from an internet connected PC and allow updateing while install10:23
e-v-oironic hat I have to download a windows program to install Ubuntu to a USB!!10:23
Deutopiano u didnt have to you just had too many people shouting different right answers10:24
ubottuTo display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears' in a terminal.10:24
kanliotwindows is also more secure, it doesn't have that malicious free software ;)10:24
nootilushello !10:24
blackshirthello nootilus10:24
kanliotougogo, i'm running kernel 3.5.0-14 and 3.2.0-30 on my lubuntus10:25
nootilusje sais pas si je suis sur le bon chan... Encrypt, ça vous dit quelqu'un ?10:25
codesciencekanliot: your words are mixed up i think10:25
codesciencewindows more secure? pffft10:25
Deutopiahow do you harden a windows PC? virtualize linux10:26
nootilusoh, oops, sorry, obvisouly it's not the right chan10:26
e-v-o: )10:27
kanliotthat reminds me of my question, why would you do an : apt-get upgrade on a new install of ubuntu?10:27
kanliotany reason or just confused10:27
codesciencekanliot: to update to the latest packages10:27
nootiluskanliot, because the CD image misses some updates ?10:27
kanliotisn't that apt-get update?10:28
Deutopiafunction timed out during install10:28
codescienceapt-get updates your repos10:28
e-v-ooh god help us, lli is downloading at 56k modem speeds!10:28
codescienceapt-get upgrade updates the system with the latest packages from the repo list10:28
nootiluskanliot, actually I just set up ubuntu on this machine. sudo apt-get update didn't do anything, but sudo apt-get upgrade installed several megas of updates :)10:28
Deutopiafree means no money to pay for bandwidth10:29
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nootiluscya, pals10:29
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e-v-oi thought open source dvs did all of it for free because you're swimming in pools of donations ; )10:30
e-v-o5% downloaded10:31
ActionParsnipe-v-o: try using apt-fast :)10:31
e-v-oI'm in a win box downloading Lili10:32
ActionParsnipe-v-o: or use torrents for downloading ISOs :)10:32
e-v-ois lili on torrent?10:32
ActionParsnipe-v-o: what is lili?10:32
Deutopialili is a windows ap. you should download it in windows10:32
Deutopiaunless you can move the download to a shared network folder10:33
e-v-onah, no network here10:33
e-v-obut I do have a USB drive LOL10:33
e-v-oat least will be useful for something10:33
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e-v-owow lili downloaded in this machine in 2 secs while the win box is still at 6% after 10mins10:34
e-v-obuntu is well overdue!10:34
ActionParsnipe-v-o: how is that different to unetbootin /10:35
Deutopiait is easier. we already over supported his @*&10:35
zalhi how do i fix mythtv db ?10:35
zaland how do i make mythtv display or server my tuner ?10:36
e-v-oActionParsnip: I tried unetbootin and after booting said no OS could be found in USB drive10:36
ActionParsnipe-v-o: did you MD5 test the iSO you downloaded/10:36
zale-v-o: how do i boot my a working tvtuner ?10:37
Deutopiahe is using it now so it will work well enough for lili10:37
Cantidespeaking of tvtuners - how well does Ubuntu support them/10:37
Deutopiaubuntu worked for my wintv tuners10:37
Cantidewould i be able to test a tvtuner from a livecd?10:38
Cantidei want to put ubuntu on my dad's PC10:38
Deutopianot from CD but from USB with persistence, yes10:38
nobcakeCantide,  if you want on there hd home run..10:39
Cantideokay, i think i'll give it a shot one of these days10:39
ActionParsnipCantide: depends on the tuner10:39
Cantidelast question - what software is used for it? can it record?10:39
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Cantidei'll check that out first10:39
Cantidethanks :)10:39
zalCantide: it will work on liveusb10:40
zalif the device is supported for that distro u run10:40
zalits v4l drivers10:40
zali messed up my drivers10:40
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WACOMaltWell.. that didnt go well.10:41
WACOMaltbut at least I know my backups work10:41
e-v-ooh crap! the USB drive now has a a 2gb Fat32 partition and ext4 with I did with Live CD and now windows only sees the fat3210:41
WACOMaltyeah windows doesnt see ext410:42
blackshirtzal, what you mean?10:42
ubottuHellooo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:42
blackshirtwhat you mean with didn't go well?10:43
WACOMaltI think the problem was I did the purge nvidia part of the tutorial but didnt reinstall ubuntu-desktop immediately after10:43
WACOMaltI went through the first part and rebooted before reinstallying ubuntu-desktop10:43
zalhi blackshirt well i tried v4l-dvb tree but have need for v4l analog tree10:43
blackshirtwacomalt, don't be worried...10:43
WACOMaltso I got stuck at the dark red screen of grub, eventually it told me something that I have no forgotten10:43
blackshirtzal, sorry10:44
WACOMaltI'm not worried, My system is back from a backup I just made10:44
nobcakeCantide,  http://www.silicondust.com/products/hdhomerun/atsc/10:44
WACOMaltI will try again (tomorrow probably) and install ubuntu-desktop right after purging and before rebooting10:44
e-v-ohelp clearing partition table containg ext4 in windows10:44
Deutopiae-v-o; if you labeled that ext4 partition casper-rw; delete the casper-rw file10:45
blackshirtwacomalt, you can repair it on pure console screen,aka text mode10:45
Deutopiaif it is labeled casper-rw you want that10:46
nobcakeCantide, did that help you?10:46
Cantidei'm not sure how it works with mythtv10:46
e-v-onope, it's untitled10:46
Cantidebut i think i'll need to try it out before asking more questions10:46
WACOMaltblackshirt, ah yeah, didnt even think of that. Well.. anyways its too late to be messing with this :P10:47
WACOMalt3:47am T_T10:47
blackshirtwacomalt, but you had a amazing day today :d10:47
WACOMalthaha XD10:47
Deutopiaif you want you can right click computer -> manage -> disk management -> delete and resize the fat, but but i would trust linux's gpararted more than i'd trust windows with partitioning a USB10:48
WACOMaltwell I'm out. I'll be back tomorrow I'm sure!10:48
WACOMaltthanks for the help10:48
blackshirtgreats, and take care your self10:49
SeveasDeutopia, gpararted is the pirate version of it? :)10:49
gsteinertSeveas: isn't that gparrrrted?10:50
e-v-oDeutopia: why is lili installing viltualbox in the USB drive?!10:50
Seveasworks too :)10:50
Seveashttp://www.talklikeapirate.com/ :)10:50
zalthis does not workout10:50
Deutopiaso you can use linux in windows if you wanted? (you did not remove that option b4 you started?)10:50
zalDeutopia: thats called colinux with a virtual x1110:51
e-v-oah no, sounds like something nice to have10:51
zalxming+colinux blackfin10:51
zalso anybody care to fix a tuner ?10:52
Deutopiaalso, download wubi from ubuntu.com and throw it in the fat partition if you ever want to use that drive to install linux as a windows app10:52
zalwhats wubi again ?10:54
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ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe10:54
Seveasit's dubstep ubuntu10:54
faLUCEwith lsusb I see that none of the usb units are marked with "high speed". Only "full speed", for 2.0 too. why?10:54
zalwhat about tv tuner linux ?10:54
zal07:09.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7131/SAA7133/SAA7135 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev d1)10:55
e-v-oDistopia: rebooting - the moment of truth is coming10:56
zal[ 3272.228186] tda827xa_set_params: could not write to tuner at addr: 0x10:57
zalhow do i make ubuntu forget all my tuner probs and autoselect once akira_ gain like initial install did ?10:57
nobcakeCantide, did that help you?10:57
faLUCEwith lsusb I see that none of the usb units are marked with "high speed". Only "full speed", for 2.0 too. why?10:58
faLUCEwith lsusb I see that none of the usb units are marked with "high speed". Only "full speed", for 2.0 too. why?10:59
akira_anybody here??10:59
ActionParsnipakira_: 1495 people, so yes10:59
akira_but why so silent11:00
ActionParsnipakira_: nothing is happening, so no need to say anything11:00
akira_ok. got it11:01
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e-v-oDistopia: It is up and running :D11:01
gsteinertakira_: if you have a question to ask, ask away =), if you're just here to talk, then talk =)11:02
akira_i'm very new to Linux11:03
gsteinertakira_: then welcome to the community =)11:03
ActionParsnipakira_: everybody is at some point :)11:03
akira_now i'm working on socket programming11:04
akira_in the future11:04
akira_hope you guys give me good advisories11:06
medemanhey there, i have a problem with a netbook11:09
fantaghirmedeman, what is the problem11:09
medemanfantaghir: it is an eee pc 1025c with intel gma 500 graphics11:10
blackshirtakira_ greats11:10
medemanob ubuntu, it says there's a restricted driver available11:10
truexfan81which package contains the "Login Window Preferences" app?11:10
fantaghirmedeman, it is installed but not used?11:10
medemanwhen i install it however, it takes a while but then theres a black screen11:10
fantaghirmedeman, ahaaa11:11
truexfan81i want to change my gdm theme11:11
medemanit is used and it works without the driver, but only with 800x600 pixels and no acceleration11:11
blackshirtthat was common trouble on ubuntu11:11
blackshirtlooks bad11:11
fantaghirbut I ve read somewhere there s an emulation of graphic card by CPU11:11
blackshirtakira_ what advices you needed?11:11
zalso witch apt-line does an initial scan like when u install from a livecd for the tvtuner ?11:12
medemanbut then the acceleration will be very bad fantaghir or not?11:12
fantaghirmedeman, it drains CPU much11:12
BlueWolfHi, can anyone tell me when the Ubuntu 10.04 support ends?11:12
ActionParsniptruexfan81: ubuntu-tweak can change the login screen there11:12
ActionParsnipBlueWolf: april next year (for desktop)11:12
jribBlueWolf: april 2013 for desktop, april 2015 for server11:13
medemanfantaghir: but that wont help me, i dont want it draining the cpu11:13
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layke__How do I download a link with a redirect?11:13
zalokey so no help on tv tuners ?11:13
truexfan81Reading state information... Done11:13
truexfan81ejv: Unable to locate package ubuntu-tweak11:13
layke__curl -L -O is thwat I tried...11:13
zallayke__: offline explorer11:14
truexfan81idk where that jv came from lol11:14
medemanisnt there a different way to do it? or do you know a different linux distribution that doesnt have trouble with the gma 500?11:14
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fantaghirmedeman, maybe somebody else11:14
layke__zal Really? I'm sure it's possible using curl11:14
blackshirtzal, i think someone here had a problems like you, but maybe sometime he was idle :d11:14
e-v-oDistopia: are you still around?11:15
layke__Using httrack for downloading a single document suplied via a link that redirects seems odd.11:15
truexfan81ActionParsnip: aptitude search also finds nothing when searching for ubuntu-tweak11:15
ActionParsniptruexfan81: you need a PPA11:15
zalsomebody ?11:15
BlueWolfjrib: Why is the desktop 2013? Is the Ubuntu 10.04 still considered the better Ubuntu or have the new ones proven adequate? Sorry it's been a while since I have checked up on new releases form 11.04.11:15
ActionParsnipzal: wassup?11:16
jrib!lts | BlueWolf11:16
ubottuBlueWolf: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)11:16
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: its a 3 year support for the desktop release and 5 years for server11:16
e-v-oDeutopia: All that lili created was a live USB drive which is not persisting : (11:16
ActionParsnipBlueWolf: ^11:16
zalhi ActionParsnip :) still no tuner :p11:16
medemanfantaghir: do you know if this problem is reported and gets fixed?11:16
ActionParsnipzal: use the lsusb code to fid guides11:16
Fudge!search mangler11:17
e-v-odoes anyone know how to make a Live USB drive keep changes?11:17
ActionParsnipBlueWolf: "better" and "adequate" are opinions11:17
fantaghirmedeman, I dont know that11:17
Fudgee-v-o  you are looking for persistant storage11:17
BluesKajHowdy all11:17
e-v-oFudge: precisely11:18
e-v-ohow do i do that?11:18
fantaghirmedeman, have u tried older gnome-panel? instead of unity? It was just the suggestion11:18
ActionParsnipBlueWolf: have you tried the other DEs?11:18
jribBlueWolf: from a desktop user point of view, 10.04 is the last ubuntu still supported and using gnome 2. So if you want to cling to that for another year, that's your best option.  12.04 now uses unity by default.  I'd suggest going with 12.04; even if you do not like unity, you should find a suitable replacement environment anyway11:18
Fudgee-v-o  usb creator will do it for you11:18
medemanfantaghir: how do i try it?11:18
Fudgeand unetibootin or something like tha tthe program is called11:18
e-v-oI have used Lili to create the USB drive11:18
zalActionParsnip: cant seem to find any good guide11:18
ActionParsnipzal: are there any bugs reported?11:19
fantaghire-v-o, you put the stick into PC, U put the key into PC, U boot up, u choose other option and partition key to swap and / ant then install the OS to / key thats it11:19
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sayresI was install Ubuntu 12.4 and Install Nvidia driver,but my resolution is very bad.what can i do??11:19
zalnot that i think so with the lsusb11:20
zalits lspci for that card11:20
e-v-ofantaghir: I tried that before and abandoned as not as straight forward as you make it sound.11:20
ActionParsnipsayres: can you give the output of:  sudo lshw -C display; sudo dmidecode -t 1; lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep nvidia11:20
e-v-ofantaghir: custom partitioning with live cd isn't easy for non-pros11:20
ActionParsnipsayres: please use a pastebin like http://pastie.org   to host the output11:21
zalActionParsnip: what do u advise on tvtuner pci ?11:21
fantaghire-v-o, then U should boot to liveCD and with terminal: sudo apt-get install gparted and then partition the stick, later to install11:21
medemanfantaghir: how do i try the older gnome thingy?11:22
medemanfantaghir: by the way i tried xubuntu, but same problem...11:22
zalunder the light tonight, stand around , feel it hard11:22
ActionParsnipzal: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tvtime/+bug/47277011:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 472770 in tvtime (Ubuntu) "No Audio in Tv Time using Ubuntu Karmic: not using pulseaudio" [High,Triaged]11:22
e-v-ofantaghir: what I fear with that is that it will mess up the boot in the host OS11:22
zalActionParsnip: its not only no audio atm11:22
zalits allso no audio no visual11:22
fantaghirmedeman, sudo apt-get install gnome-panel or in ubuntu center gnome-panel, after inst U should log off and select gnome without effects and then log in11:22
BlueWolfActionParsnip:How well does 12.04 feature then in terms of user ratings or opinions. Is it as buggy as 11.04 and 11.10 or is a stable system with fewer bugs than other releases?11:23
BlueWolfjrib: Thanks, Basically I want to upgrade my Linux but not a necessity and I don't like the new Unity setup or perhaps I don"t know the advantages of it?11:23
e-v-ofantaghir: I've been trying to do this for the past 4 hours and Deutopia, which appears to have left, recommended Lili (the Win software that creates USB linux) but this turned out to be just another live USB disk!11:23
medemanfantaghir: okay, ill try that. thank you!11:23
sayresActionParsnip: http://dpaste.com/801672/11:24
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zalActionParsnip: thanks to ... i'll slob on11:24
fantaghire-v-o, is your hardware supported? because I had the problem with SATA HDD on 11.04, the HDD simply dissapeared11:25
jribBlueWolf: judging only by the unity feedback I see on this channel, I'd say initial versions of it usually had negative feedback but lately I see most people praising it.  In the end, it's a personal preference.  If you don't like the way unity and gnome 3 are going, then just install a different desktop environment and select it at the login screen11:25
zali still have no clue how to have a ubuntu device manager or hardware adding thing add saa7135 phillips11:26
fantaghire-v-o, dont forget to arrow the GRUB installer to sdb device to have the selection of OSes to boot into11:26
zalor devmapper11:26
e-v-ofantaghir: I'm trying to install to 16gb USB stick. And I want an easy option as I'm no pro.11:26
zalje speelt en spel met mij maarja je bent ... en ik ga men eigen gang11:26
zaljij bent11:26
BlueWolfjrib: Ok and the software it's self still operates smoothly?11:27
sayresActionParsnip: I think by change resolution my problem is fix.Is it true?11:27
ActionParsnipsayres: http://pastie.org/473126811:27
ActionParsnipsayres: later driver will help11:27
fantaghire-v-o, see my private msg11:28
sayresActionParsnip: can you put your information in this sait:http://dpaste.com..plz.I can't open your link11:29
SkeiMorning, all. I'm trying to set gnome-terminal to open using --full-screen when I hit Ctrl + Alt + T. I'm running 12.04 under Gnome. I've tried using the Window Rules under Compiz, and I've edited the correct key under gconf-editor, but the terminal is still appearing small. Any suggestions ?11:31
zalERROR: Module saa7134 is in use by saa7134_alsa11:31
samhuhi,how to edit the source list to fix the problem of failed to fetch11:31
zalhow do i findout what uses it ?11:31
ActionParsnipsayres: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1208689/11:31
zaland kill it ?11:32
sayresActionParsnip:tnx dude.I do it11:32
samhucould anyone tell me?11:32
jribsamhu: pastebin your current sources.list and the errors you are getting11:33
ActionParsnipsamhu: can you run:  sudo apt-get update; lsb-release -a   and use a pastebin to hold the output please11:34
zalnobdoy ?11:34
samhu# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release i386 (20120423)]/ precise main restricted11:34
samhu# See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to11:34
samhu# newer versions of the distribution.11:34
samhudeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise main restricted11:34
samhudeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise restricted main multiverse universe #Added by software-properties11:34
FloodBot1samhu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:34
samhu## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the11:34
ActionParsnipzal: if you use modprobe you can unload modules as needed11:34
zali cant11:34
zalerror in use11:34
ActionParsnipsamhu: 1) use a pastebn  2) you want the output of:   sudo apt-get update; lsb_release -a    NOT the sources.list file. I dodn't ask for that11:35
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ActionParsnipsamhu: why did you paste the file,when I asked for the output of a command?11:35
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ActionParsnipsamhu: I was quite clear....11:36
zalhow do i findout witch executable uses a certain modprobe that i can rmmod on it ?11:37
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medemanfantaghir: it works now, the other one works as well now (the unity) - however i get like 4 fps in a simple game such as armagetron advanced, while it ran perfectly on windows 7 starter (sorry i had a disconnect)11:42
zalso still nobody ?11:42
samhui guess i just paste on paste.ubuntu.com then what ? and i am sorry again11:42
Kartagissamhu: paste here the URL11:43
SkeiI'm trying to set gnome-terminal to open using --full-screen when I hit Ctrl + Alt + T. I'm running 12.04 under Gnome. I've tried using the Window Rules under Compiz, and I've edited the correct key under gconf-editor, but the terminal is still appearing small. Any suggestions ?11:44
jribSkei: when you run "gnome-terminal --full-screen" from a terminal, does it open as you want11:45
ActionParsnipsamhu: wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage; chmod +x ./fixpackage; sudo ./fixpackage11:45
ActionParsnipSkei: if you use terminal a lot I suggest you install guake11:46
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Skeijrib, yes, that works fine.11:47
SkeiActionParsnip, why's that ?11:47
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jribSkei: isn't there some keyboard shortcuts editor exposed in the gui?11:48
Skeijrib, I can hit F11 when the term is open.11:48
ActionParsnipSkei: its a terminal that hides and shows on key, you can run long running commands and hide the terminal and check on it later, saves having to hunt for the gnome-terminal11:48
SkeiBut that's not great. I'd like it to start full-screen.11:48
ActionParsnipSkei: it drops down from the top, like the tilde terminal in quake / counterstrike etc11:49
zalstill no signal11:49
fidelSkei: using Terminator here - which supports calling it via: terminator --fullscreen11:49
fidelin addition it offers splitting hrizontale / vertical on demand and tons of other stuff11:50
ActionParsnipSkei: or make an alias in ~/.bashrc11:50
jribfidel: but did you bind that to a key?11:50
fideljrib: what?11:50
jribfidel: Skei wants to bind "gnome-terminal --full-screen" to a key.  But when he tries, it doesn't work11:50
fideljrib: personaly i do start all my stuff via kupfer (launcher). well i've overseen the bind to key part ..good catch ;)11:51
ActionParsnipSkei: add:    alias gnome-terminal='gnome-terminal --full-screen'    to ~/.bashrc11:51
ActionParsnipSkei: then run: source ~/.bashrc  and you are away11:51
SkeiActionParsnip, hah, that's one way of doing it. I'll do that for now, thanks. Also looking at guake now.11:51
ActionParsnipSkei: guake is badass11:51
jribSkei: you could use some different daemon to handle the keypresses (like xbindkeys).  You're likely just not editing the right gconf key (is gconf even used anymore?).  Maybe you need to do it in dconf or find the actual keyboard shortcut editor11:51
ActionParsnipSkei: yakuake if you are using KDE11:51
SkeiLooks interesting so far. It's way too transparent, just messing with the settings right now.11:52
ActionParsnipSkei: or a lighter variant is tilde11:52
ActionParsnipSkei: you can reduce transparency in prefs11:52
SkeiYep, just playing now.11:52
Chikohas anyone here used/setup mono?11:52
ActionParsnipSkei: should be default installed imho, as well as unp11:52
Skeijrib, I've just been following random search hits. I had managed on my old install using gconf, but this isn't having it. Thanks.11:52
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jribChiko: ask your real question11:52
jribSkei: it's dconf now.  Though I'm pretty sure those settings are exposed somewhere in the gui (I don't know where)11:53
ChikoI need help setting it up i'm not sure what repository to point to and i don't use linux very often so running on limited knowledge11:53
SkeiThanks, jrib, might look into that next.11:53
Chikoserver i've been using for a while is also experiencing issues where i issue apt-get update/upgrade and it just has errors parsing the dpkg/available file or something~ not sure what's going on11:54
SkeiActionParsnip, uhhhkay, hitting F12 for your term is much better. But can I have several running ?11:54
Chikoseems as newer versions of ubuntu come out the old ones die painfully11:54
sre-suHello! I'm having ssh issues. I did complete reset of ADSL router and configured it for SSH port forwarding TCP 22. And, now I'm using a fresh install of Ubuntu with openssh-client and openssh-server packages  installed. Now, whenever I try ssh from outside, I get ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host. How can I fix this issue? What am I missing?11:54
jribChiko: what version?11:54
ActionParsnipSkei: you can have multiple tabs11:54
jribChiko: pastebin the command you run and the full output11:54
ActionParsnipsre-su: try:  ssh --vv user@server11:55
SkeiActionParsnip, bah, can't use Tab in keyboard shortcuts.11:56
ActionParsnipSkei: sure you can, try running:  source ~/.bashrc11:56
SkeiActionParsnip, I mean in Guake. I can't set Ctrl + Tab to switch between tabs.11:57
Chikojrib: http://pastebin.com/Hf3ZSS4011:57
ActionParsnipSkei: ah, CTRL + PgUp / PgDn11:58
SkeiAlso, ActionParsnip, setting the alias and then running source .bashrc still doesn't get me a full-screen term. :(11:58
sre-suActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1208719/11:58
SkeiActionParsnip, Yeah, I prefer using Tab, like in a web browser :P11:58
SkeiStill, Guake looks very promising, think I'll keep it.11:58
jribChiko: you'd probably benefit from the script ActionParsnip just posted11:58
tim442Skei: open guake preferences, set the shortcut to whatever you want11:58
* jrib queues ActionParsnip11:58
Skeitim442, it doesn't like Tab.11:59
ActionParsnipjrib: if you wanna help dude go for it, i'm off to bed11:59
zalso plz a userfriendly solution for managing tvtuner from who uses the mod till autoconfigdetect etc12:00
samhushould there be output for that fixpackage script?12:00
ChikoWhich one? I see the one sre-su posted hmm12:00
SkeiHmmm, does anyone have any handy scripts for screen for the bar at the bottom ?12:01
randomstuffGood day.12:01
jribChiko: just rename your current /var/lib/dpkg/available to something like /var/lib/dpkg/available.broken, then copy /var/lib/dpkg/available-old to /var/lib/dpkg/available, and finally, run « sudo apt-get update »12:02
randomstuffI seem to have a little difficulties with my internet connection...12:02
Chikoah ok i had to do that with status will give that a try12:02
zalokey clean system12:03
zalnow fix the tuner12:03
randomstuffMind one of you aid?12:03
zalrmmod saa*12:04
zalERROR: Module saa* does not exist in /proc/modules12:04
zalsure i wouldnt mind12:04
Chikojrib: dpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 2:missing package name12:04
zali uninstalled anything tv with synaptic12:04
randomstuffI've been trying to load a webpage for the past 25 minutes on Firefox, but it neither displays an error, nor does it finish loading.12:04
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randomstuffIt's been like that all day, and I figured that it is now time to ask for help.12:04
zalrandomstuff: maybe the php code takes to long12:04
jribChiko: delete that file then (you have backups), and run « sudo apt-get update » then12:04
Chikoseems second line just has "20308^@^@^@^@^@^@{...}"12:05
randomstuffIt's all websites Zal.12:05
zalso php ?12:05
randomstuffWhat shall I do about it?12:05
Chikonow it juist complains that it can't find the file12:05
zalremove ubuntu install easyphp12:05
Chikoill try repair the one i had no idea why it's corrupted like that12:06
randomstuffThanks... Will see what I can do.12:06
zalrandomstuff: add echo php took %dtime12:06
zalor try to search buffer underruns in the code12:07
Cantidewhy install easyphp? that'll only help if he's running the files from his local PC12:07
randomstuffI am kind of new to Linux systems... How do I do that?12:07
zalCantide: it cant hurt to have a test server12:07
zalrandomstuff do what again ?12:08
Cantidezal, seems like a long route to take to test it out12:08
jribChiko: you /are/ running "update" and not "upgrade", right?12:08
zalits all inter dimesion travel12:08
randomstuffThe searching for the buffers.12:08
Chikoah yeah i ran both update works12:09
zalrandomstuff: use php valgrind12:09
Chikothought we were trying to fix upgrade12:09
jribChiko: what's the output from upgrade now?12:09
Chikoafter removing that first line12:09
randomstuffWhere would I find that?12:09
Chiko"libfreetype6": missing version12:09
jribChiko: after, deleting the file, then doing « sudo apt-get update » and nothing else12:09
zalthers a few php memcheck scripts that u can add to ur scripts12:10
zali have no links to12:10
randomstuffThe problem is...12:10
randomstuffI can't connect to the internet at all...12:10
randomstuffNot through websites.12:10
zaltahts maybe the prob12:10
randomstuffIt keeps loading, but never finds any results.12:10
BlueWolfrandomstuff: Which linux?12:10
zaltell us more about the prob itself12:10
randomstuffNo matter what I try.12:10
Chikojrib: i did that before "file deleted", "ran apt-get update"12:11
randomstuffUbuntu 12.0412:11
Chikoboth ran fine12:11
zalu are connected but cant view webpages ?12:11
jribChiko: right, so then what's the output of upgrade?12:11
randomstuffI am connected.12:11
Chikothen i ran apt-get upgrade and it complained that "no such file or directory"12:11
randomstuffBut webpages won't load.12:11
randomstuffUpdates won't load.12:11
Chikomust have missed it before12:11
jribChiko: pastebin the full output12:11
zalmaybe dialup isp12:11
zalmaybe viral12:11
BlueWolfrandomstuff: Is your internet on?12:11
zalmust be hes here12:12
randomstuffIt says that my internet is on, yes.12:12
samhudoes anyone have a problem with thunderbird recently? mine  freeze every time i start it ??12:12
BlueWolfsamhu: Might be a bug, have you updated?12:13
jribChiko: run « dpkg --clear-avail », then « sudo apt-get update » and pastebin the output12:13
JaxanWhat's the best way to transfer photos from my desktop to my iOS device?12:13
samhubluewolf: i did recently and got the problem12:13
randomstuffJaxan: Dropbox, I believe?12:14
Jaxanrandomstuff: then they're not in the photos app, so i have to save them all one by one?12:14
BlueWolfsamhu: Then you can ether report it as a bug or try and Update again.12:14
randomstuffJaxan: I am not familiar with iOS, but Dropbox is an excellent tool for that, to my knowledge.12:15
samhuActionparsnip: i got this Error info:W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com precise-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>12:15
BlueWolfsamhu: when I did updated my firefox would take ages to start up, then I updated and it was fine.12:16
jribChiko: now try upgrade12:17
jribChiko: although I am seeing taht you have hardy and lucid repositories... you should fix that...12:17
randomstuffI've really tried anything I could think of (Including resetting the network accesibility altogether).12:18
blackshirtrandomstuff, basically,whats your need?12:19
BlueWolfrandomstuff: You know I have had a similar problem on my other computer and I have not been able to fix it.12:19
blackshirtbluewolf, what the problems?12:20
randomstuffblackshirt: My Ubuntu 12.04 is unable to both load anything related to the internet, and also unable to show any errors to do with it.12:20
randomstuffJust... An eternal loading.12:20
blackshirtrandomstuff, are you using dhcp server ?12:21
BlueWolfblackshirt: Well my other computer would not auto connect to the internet, and when I put in the connection details it still would not work and I have Ubuntu 10.04 on it.12:21
randomstuffblackshirt: Am I using what-now?12:22
BlueWolfblackshirt: Unfortunately I don't have it here with me.12:22
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blackshirtbluewolf, check your gateway/router, dns12:22
blackshirtor maybe firewall12:22
blackshirtbluewolf, are you using desktop version?12:22
BlueWolfblackshirt: Yes I am12:23
samhuguys i still got fail to fetch problem with output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1208758/12:23
blackshirtbluewolf, what connection are you using now? Usb modem, LAN ?12:24
samhuwhat should i do?12:24
JonathanDoeI will always be sure of this... one ddos is the way to live! I won't let go! I will be strong! the time is now! I'm undefeated! I'm undersold!12:24
JonathanDoeI will always be sure of this... one ddos is the way to live! I won't let go! I will be strong! the time is now! I'm undefeated! I'm undersold!12:24
JonathanDoeI will always be sure of this... one ddos is the way to live! I won't let go! I will be strong! the time is now! I'm undefeated! I'm undersold!12:24
JonathanDoeI will always be sure of this... one ddos is the way to live! I won't let go! I will be strong! the time is now! I'm undefeated! I'm undersold!12:24
JonathanDoeI will always be sure of this... one ddos is the way to live! I won't let go! I will be strong! the time is now! I'm undefeated! I'm undersold!12:24
FloodBot1JonathanDoe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:24
=== JonathanDoe is now known as SupaDupaJenkins
SupaDupaJenkinsI will always be sure of this... one ddos is the way to live! I won't let go! I will be strong! the time is now! I'm undefeated! I'm undersold!12:25
SupaDupaJenkinsI will always be sure of this... one ddos is the way to live! I won't let go! I will be strong! the time is now! I'm undefeated! I'm undersold!12:25
SupaDupaJenkinsI will always be sure of this... one ddos is the way to live! I won't let go! I will be strong! the time is now! I'm undefeated! I'm undersold!12:25
SupaDupaJenkinsI will always be sure of this... one ddos is the way to live! I won't let go! I will be strong! the time is now! I'm undefeated! I'm undersold!12:25
FloodBot1SupaDupaJenkins: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:25
BlueWolfblackshirt: But why do all my other computers work with out a problem but that computer in particular is a problem. I am using LAN connection now and the one at work is the same12:25
randomstuffNeat... A DDoS attack...12:25
JonathanDoeI will always be sure of this... one ddos is the way to live! I won't let go! I will be strong! the time is now! I'm undefeated! I'm undersold!12:25
JonathanDoeI will always be sure of this... one ddos is the way to live! I won't let go! I will be strong! the time is now! I'm undefeated! I'm undersold!12:25
JonathanDoeI will always be sure of this... one ddos is the way to live! I won't let go! I will be strong! the time is now! I'm undefeated! I'm undersold!12:25
JonathanDoeI will always be sure of this... one ddos is the way to live! I won't let go! I will be strong! the time is now! I'm undefeated! I'm undersold!12:25
JonathanDoeI will always be sure of this... one ddos is the way to live! I won't let go! I will be strong! the time is now! I'm undefeated! I'm undersold!12:25
JonathanDoeI will always be sure of this... one ddos is the way to live! I won't let go! I will be strong! the time is now! I'm undefeated! I'm undersold!12:25
samhuplease help me12:25
FloodBot1JonathanDoe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:25
=== JonathanDoe is now known as SupaDupaJenkins
blackshirtsamhu, change your repo12:26
jarradDoesn't this channel have any mods?12:26
samhuhow to ?12:26
=== avis is now known as Guest99295
blackshirtbluewolf, can you ping some site, eg. Google.cim12:26
Chikoit has a flood bot that seems to work...12:26
Chiko@jrib it's doing a lot more now how was you able to influence this? :S12:27
=== Guest99295 is now known as avis-
samhuhow can i fix that invalid signature12:27
randomstuffYup... Flood bot just killed the "Undefeated" DDoS...12:27
=== avis- is now known as Guest90819
jribChiko: it should be rebuilding the available file... "dpkg --clear-avail" told it to clear its knowledge about the old one12:27
Chikoah right12:28
BlueWolfblackshirt. No, it won't connect at all, I thought it was hardware but I have windows installed on a duel boot and it works at first my windows was not working but it is now.12:28
randomstuffAlmost same story with me...12:28
randomstuffThe Ubuntu is on a Virtual Machine... Can't connect to the itnernet.12:29
randomstuffNot properly, at least.12:29
blackshirtbluewolf, your windows not working too?12:29
randomstuffBut Windows works just fine.12:29
samhuW:Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_main_source_Sources  Hash Sum mismatch12:29
samhu, W:Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_main_binary-i386_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch12:29
Gycklarnrandomstuff, What VM software are you using?12:29
samhuhow can i fix those ?12:29
BlueWolfblackshirt: It wasen't. How ever it is now.12:30
blackshirtrandomstuff, set to nat on networking type12:30
randomstuffOracle VM Virtualbox... Newest version.12:30
Chikohmm didn't realise that would nuke all my screens and everything i was running12:30
randomstuffblackshirt: I'll see of Nat works.12:31
blackshirtsamhu, look at your /etc/apt/sources.list12:31
blackshirtbluewolf, seem a hardware related problem12:31
randomstuffblackshirt: Nope... Nat made it lose what little connection it had.12:31
samhublackshirt:then what?12:31
blackshirtchange your repository source samhu and then rerun apt-get update12:32
BlueWolfblackshirt: How can that be when the windows is working. I must admit at first on a fresh install both Linux and Windows would not connect, then a friend fixed the windows, and now the Linux just will not register the internet connection.12:33
Chikothanks jrib that looks good now12:33
samhublackshirt: change what to what ?12:33
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories12:34
Chikoi'm not sure what you meant by "you should fix that" in regards to having hardy and lucid repositories12:34
blackshirt!repos > samhu12:34
ubottusamhu, please see my private message12:34
jribChiko: you should only have repositories for the version you are running12:35
slappy3If anyone wants to know the TRUTH behind the creation of the universe join #AncientAliens12:36
blackshirtbluewolf, sorry, is your pc using dhcp for ip addressing the network?or you have been setup it statically?12:36
Chikoah ok i believe it's just lucid then i didn't add the extras12:36
e-v-oChiko: did you mean lucid as in http://LucidTree.com ; )12:37
doomgiveris there any easy way to manually download all dependencies of "xyz" package?12:37
BlueWolfblackshirt: I am actually not sure, how can I check that with the internet I am using here as it is the same?12:37
doomgiverim using ubuntu 12.04 rescue remix version, if that really changes things12:37
Chikowould you happen to know where i can get mono from? can only see information on mod_mono which seems to be for apache not sure if it's the same thing i'm after i just want to run .net applications on it12:37
samhui still don't get it should i delete all the text in the file?12:37
ChikoThe one and only e-v-o ;-) :P12:38
blackshirthello bluewolf,still around?12:38
blackshirtHello asker12:38
e-v-ohey hey asker12:38
askerhow are u?12:38
e-v-oI'm nice and YOU?12:39
randomstuffblackshirt: It didn't work... Now what?12:39
blackshirtsamhu, you can do it and replace the entries with new one12:39
askerim fine12:39
doomgiverso.... how would you go around installing software in a machine that has no internet access?12:39
BlueWolfblackshirt: I am actually not sure, how can I check that with the internet I am using here as it is the same?12:39
liujianfengIt seems that there are a lot of people12:39
doomgiveri bet you cant install packages in a machine with no net access12:39
liujianfenguse deb12:40
askeri have aproblem . i am using my latop with my tv but . when i want a video fullscreen . flash will fullscreen in my laptop screen12:40
askeri have aproblem . i am using my latop with my tv but . when i want a video fullscreen . flash will fullscreen in my laptop screen12:40
samhublackshirt: is there a reliable version for it?12:40
blackshirtbluewolf, i can't help too much if you not sure12:40
doomgiverliujianfeng: care to euclidate? how to find .deb packages from a different machine?12:41
blackshirtsamhu, what you mean with version12:41
samhua reliable copy12:41
samhuif my old source.list is not right i want download a reliable copy12:42
jribChiko:  mono is in the repositories12:43
blackshirtsamhu, you can make a backup before12:43
BlueWolfblackshirt: I think it's dhan12:43
blackshirtrandomstuff, if your host can connect to internet, and your guest has been setup to nat networking,you should can connect to net12:43
Chikoapt-get install mono ?12:43
randomstuffIt's been setup to only be able to access the network, through specific programs (Which I -do- have open).12:43
jribChiko: maybe "mono-complete", but I'm on 12.0412:43
blackshirtsamhu, learn how to change your sources list entry12:44
Chikoi'm not sure what its called exactly or how to find what i'm after i must google more12:44
Chikoah ill try ta12:44
e-v-ois it normal for ubuntu install to hang during Language Packs?12:44
e-v-o: (12:44
blackshirtsamhu, maybe better you using software sources to edit them12:44
Chikohow do you determine what a package is called12:44
yeatse-v-o: how long of a hang?  it's having to download those from the web12:44
Chikogoogle hasn't been very friendly12:45
e-v-oit downloaded in 2 minutes and it's been hanging for about 512:45
Chikoi just keep seeing apt-get install mono12:45
yeatse-v-o: I would let it finish12:45
blackshirtchiko stop it and retry12:45
e-v-oyeats: ok. but if it hangs, isn't this a post install update? so the install should be ok, right?12:46
BlueWolfblackshirt: What was it you asked me about my connection again?12:46
yeatse-v-o: I *believe* so12:46
yeatse-v-o: actually, I don't think grub has run yet, so it wouldn't boot :-/12:46
blackshirtbluewolf, dhan??? You mean dhcp?12:46
e-v-oyeats: what language packs is it installing anyway? I didn't ask for any extra languages, just English : (12:47
BlueWolfblackshirt: Yes, what were the other two options you gave me?12:47
yeatse-v-o: I'm not sure12:47
Chikoah right apt-cache search mono >_>12:47
yeatse-v-o: I've just seen that take a while in the past12:47
e-v-oyeats: how long before I should panic?12:48
blackshirtbluewolf, lets paste your output of $route -n12:48
e-v-oyeats: oh wait.. "Configuring hardware"12:48
e-v-oYAYY! :D12:48
yeatse-v-o: yeah - that's actually not as long as I've seen that step run before12:49
BlueWolfblackshirt: It's saying command not found?12:49
=== willythewisp_ is now known as willythewisp
layke__I just tried to install something, and it says.. "You will have to enable the component called 'multiverse'"12:50
blackshirtbluewolf, sorry, lets paste your output of $sudo route -n12:50
layke__How would I do this. Do I just look in my /etc/apt/sources.list and find something that says multiverse?12:50
layke__Is there only one multiverse? Or is there lots? Not sure what it really means12:50
yeats!multiverse | layke__12:50
ubottulayke__: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories12:50
Calinouonly one12:50
BlueWolfblackshirt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1208800/12:51
yeatslayke__: open software center and Edit -> Software Sources... is the easiest way12:51
blackshirtsorry bluewolf, it was just simple output, maybe you can paste here,  in one row12:51
blackshirtbluewolf, i'm on handheld12:52
BlueWolfblackshirt: Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface12:52
BlueWolf192.168.1.0   U     1      0        0 eth012:52
BlueWolf169.254.0.0     U     1000   0        0 eth012:52
BlueWolf0.0.0.0         UG    0      0        0 eth012:52
layke__Thanks yeats - This is what I had at the moment. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1208802/ I looked at the !multiverse links you provided. None of them really say multiverse though?12:52
layke__I'll look at the Software Sources.12:52
yeatslayke__: in the software sources it's a checkbox you can just click12:53
layke__yeats : Is it "software restricted by copyright or legal issues"? That looks like it is already ticked for me.12:53
layke__Perhaps I already had multiverse.12:54
e-v-oyeats: FATAL ERROR: Executing Grub Install /dev/sdb failed! :((((12:54
blackshirtbluewolf, exactly which one was the gateway output ?12:54
layke__yeats, O actually I'm being an idiot. I'm trying to install multiverse on my server. Not my desktop. lol.12:54
blackshirtbluewolf, exactly which one was the gateway address ?12:54
layke__Clearly the server probably doesn't the software center :) lol.12:55
yeatslayke__: ah ok ;-) - in that case you might see if theres a line to uncomment in /etc/apt/sources.list12:55
BlueWolfblackshirt: I think. If you open the pastebin I gave you, you will see the information12:55
layke__yeats No there isn't. Did you see that pastie I provided?12:55
layke__It only has four repositories by the looks of it.12:55
e-v-ohow do I get past FATAL ERROR: Executing Grub Install /dev/sdb failed - during install.12:55
blackshirtbluewolf, i can't see the link you given12:56
lost_and_unfoundgreetings all, I have written a small html / web app with a similar layout as a mobile loayout. Instead of using firefox to open the app/page, I am looking for a widget / notification browser (e.g gwibber-type) to just display the page. Any suggestions on apps or keywords to look for ?12:56
ThinkT510e-v-o: you sure its sdb you want to install grub to?12:56
yeatse-v-o: open a terminal (Ctrl-Alt-T) - then less /var/log/syslog and PgDn to the bottom to see if there's anything related there12:56
blackshirtbluewolf, delete two route from routing table12:56
blackshirtexcept your gateway address12:57
e-v-oyeah Think, I'm trying to install to USB12:57
BluesKaje-v-o, what was the command you used to install grub to /dev/sdb ?12:57
iwerthi i have a proble; zith ;y keybeord12:57
layke__yeats On this page  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine#Adding_the_Universe_and_Multiverse_Repositories It says "hardy multiverse" What's the significance of "hardy" Is that like lucid? etc12:57
BlueWolfblackshirt: ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/1208800/ ) How can you not open it? How do I delete two route from routing table?12:57
blackshirtlayke_ yes12:57
iwertits set to belgiu; on the  keybeord layout12:57
e-v-oBluesKaj: I didn't run any command, I just ran installation into USB key.12:57
scales11hello all.  anybody have good alternatives to demonoid?  i have no place to turn since they shut it down12:57
blackshirtbluewolf, use route del command12:58
yeatslayke__: yes - replace 'hardy' with the name of the release you're on12:58
BluesKaje-v-o, ok12:58
layke__blackshirt, So, here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1208814/ I should change "hardy-updates" to lucide-updates12:58
layke__@ yeats12:58
iwertbut so;ehoz its set to qwerty12:58
ThinkT510!piracy | scales1112:58
ubottuscales11: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o12:58
askeri have aproblem . i am using my latop with my tv but . when i want a video fullscreen . flash will fullscreen in my laptop screen12:58
yeatslayke__: 'lucid-updates' yes12:59
layke__!release | layke__12:59
ubottulayke__, please see my private message12:59
iwertit was azerty 2 min ago12:59
BlueWolfblackshirt: What will deleting that do? Because this machine I am using is working fine with the internet, the machine that is the problem is the one at my work?12:59
layke__yeats Thanks for the advice. So are releases just code names? ie.. for the version of the release? I haven't understood the signifncance of release names?13:00
yeatslayke__: correct13:00
scales11ThinkT510: torrents are not illegal,13:00
layke__yeats, So for example, the fact that I am on "lucid" means that I am on version 10 of ubuntu. And anyone on hardy, must be 8.0.13:00
randomstuffblackshirt: Got an error: "Write failed: Broken pipe"13:00
layke__Cheers :) Learnt two new things today.13:00
ThinkT510scales11: i didn't say they were13:00
askeryes it is in some contry13:00
yeatslayke__: lucid = 10.04, hardy = 8.0413:01
askercan be illagel13:01
scales11ThinkT510: but you immediately jumped on piracy...thats illegal13:01
yeatslayke__: numbers are year.month13:01
omfghelpis this for ubuntu?13:01
layke__O wow. I didn't know that either. I just assumed they were major versions.13:01
scales11ThinkT510: and i am not linking to anything pirated13:01
ThinkT510scales11: but you are using demonoid?13:02
blackshirtbluewolf, oh... You make me misunderstood,sorry guys13:02
yeatslayke__: well, they *are*, but they're timed releases, thus numbered that way ;-)13:02
blackshirtrandomstuff, like a bad things13:02
omfghelpwhere is the help section13:02
scales11ThinkT510: it does link to pirated content, but it is not soley a piracy site13:02
randomstuffblackshirt: So I am not able to fix it?13:02
scales11ThinkT510: and i am not using it since it no longer exists13:03
ThinkT510scales11: what torrents are you looking for and how is this related to ubuntu?13:03
scales11ThinkT510: now thats a better question. and i suppose it doesnt so i shall stop13:03
omfghelphey can anyone tell me how to install programs13:03
bagusqhartman:  /msg nickserv register nurleytta bagustris@yahoo.com13:03
BlueWolfblackshirt: No Problem, is there anything wrong with my connection here that would have made the problem?13:03
blackshirtrandomstuff, try to look at virtualbox documentations, or their forums, how to fix it.. I think that was related corrupted local pipe..maybe reboot can fix them13:04
arloHello how can i check when my ip adress is public ?13:04
e-v-ocan I install boot loader to /dev/sdv2 if it failed installing to /dev/sdb?13:05
randomstuffblackshirt: Shall I also do that, when it's the terminal that gives the error?13:05
bagusjoin #ubuntu-beginners13:05
blackshirtrandomstuff, try to shutdown your vm and start again13:06
randomstuffblackshirt: I'll try.13:06
magicalChickenomfghelp: "sudo apt-get install <name of package>"13:07
blackshirthello bagus, like familiar with you13:07
blackshirtarlo, check your ifconfig output13:09
randomstuffblackshirt: Same story... Just says "Connecting".13:09
yeatsbagus: best to identify to nickserv *outside* of a channel - FYI13:10
layke__yeats, I just installed the package that I wanted, but I noticed it's really old. I think I want to ditch it and download the latest version and install it myself. Would I just `apt-get remove ec2-api-tools` and then download the ZIP file that Amazon provide, and extra the /bin/* to /usr/bin on my own system?13:10
arloblackshirt where in ifconfig i can see?13:10
arloblackshirt can i open ports without router?13:10
yeatslayke__: I don't know about that specific package, but you might investigate PPAs for the package you're looking for (or a .deb or repo from amazon if they offer it)13:11
yeatslayke__: only if that approach doesn't work would I consider installing manually13:11
layke__Okay thanks. I found.. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ec2-api-tools13:11
yeatslayke__: cool13:12
layke__So I run apt-add-repository https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ec2-api-tools13:12
layke__apt-get update and install that?13:12
layke__(Not sure how PPA works)13:12
blackshirtarlo, your address.. you should understand differneces between public and private address13:12
velhohello ubuntu friends :)13:12
ThinkT510!ppa | layke__13:12
ubottulayke__: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge13:12
layke__And also, yeats, will the previous package I installed from multiverse not clash? Will it overright?13:12
arloblackshirt my adress is public13:13
gsteinerthi velho13:13
arlobut i dont have router, how can i open ports?13:13
yeatslayke__: I would probably use this (keeping in mind the caveats about ppas in general): https://launchpad.net/~awstools-dev/+archive/awstools13:13
blackshirtarlo, okey...thats you want to know13:13
velhohow can I change the GRUD order?13:13
velho*GRUB order, I mean13:14
yeatslayke__: once you add the PPA you can do 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' and it should upgrade the older package13:14
arloyes blackshirt - im try to install ubuntu server but i dont now how i can open ports without router13:14
blackshirtvelho, you mean grub?13:14
velhoblackshirt, yes, GRUB. sorry :D13:14
blackshirtarlo, you cand build ubuntu as a router13:15
warddr_Hello all, does anyone know a good linux tool to design databases (like connecting fields with arrows and things like that to design a big database)13:15
Tm_Twarddr_: Kexi perhaps13:15
arloblackshirt this is only the way to this?13:15
velhohow to change the GRUB order?13:15
DoctorD90Someone knows how to type vhosts and receive All ip available?13:15
ThinkT510!grub2 | velho13:16
ubottuvelho: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)13:16
arlonice, so i can build my server to router ?13:16
bobcat__all my icons from menu panel in pangolin 12.0413:16
blackshirtArlo, commonly ports was associated with some services13:16
bobcat__is missing.  can anyone help out ?13:16
blackshirtvelho, grub config resides on /etc/grub.d/ directory13:17
ThinkT510codescience: don't advertise please13:17
warddr_Tm_T, that looks like the kind of tool I am looking for, thanks!13:17
codesciencesorry, mistake13:17
codesciencedid not know that was going to happen!13:17
arloblackshirt i only want to open to wep13:18
ThinkT510!wep | arlo13:18
arloso i install my ubuntu server to router and after i open ports on this.13:18
ubottuarlo: WEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:18
arloubottu not wep, i mean webserver.13:18
ubottuarlo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:18
iwerthow do i unistall software?13:18
yeatsiwert: how did you install it?13:19
Tm_Tsre-su: hi, I suspect your ssh issue is due to too open rights on the key files on server side, please review those13:19
iwertvia terminal13:19
arloBlackshirt can i run Router server - Webserver - on the same server?13:19
velhoThinkT510, I just want to change the GRUB order. I know what GRUB is13:19
velhoblackshirt, and how can one change it?13:19
yeatsiwert: okay - but how?  ./configure/make/make install? some setup script? etc.13:19
blackshirtarlo, you can install webserver on your ubuntu13:19
ThinkT510velho: that page has great info to help you13:20
dstaubsaugerHi, in ubuntu's current thunderbird, i just dragged and dropped an attachment from my "sent" folder to a new mail. thunderbird attached a file with the correct name, but the content was that of the first attachment i ever sent with thunderbird (a totally unrelated holyday photo, renamed to the name of the pdf file i intended to send). what bugtracker do i report this on?13:20
yeatsiwert: then there's not a way anyone can advise you without more details13:20
velhoThinkT510, where is that info?13:20
ThinkT510!grub | velho13:20
ubottuvelho: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)13:20
iwertdeb pakige install13:20
blackshirtvelho, look at 10_linux and learn some thing, if you have enough understand you can edit it,but be carefully13:21
yeatsiwert: so you downloaded a deb and did 'sudo dpkg -i <package'?13:21
iwertyeas i thinkl13:21
velhoThinkT510, don't get me wrong here, but I JUST want to change toe grub order. as simple as that. don't want to read for hours and understand GRUB in a pro way. just want to change the order...13:21
ThinkT510velho: i'm trying to help you learn, /etc/default/grub is where you change the order13:22
yeatsiwert: in that case, 'sudo dpkg -r <package>'13:22
nexusguy59Good Morning everyone13:22
iwertthe origenal packige name?13:23
iwertore just the short name?13:23
yeatsiwert: and - general unsolicited advice - you probably need to read up on software installation on ubuntu13:23
yeatsiwert: I would try the short name13:23
velhoThinkT510, thank you for that, but I just want to learn tat one thing, not the hole GRUB thing. I think I found the link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Setup#Configuring_GRUB_2 thank you :D13:24
Mtn_Bkng_Daveanybody here?13:24
arloblackshirt can i run router - and webserver on the same server?13:24
Mtn_Bkng_DaveI have an error13:25
Mtn_Bkng_Davei cant figure out13:25
gsteinertMtn_Bkng_Dave: only 1524 of us13:25
=== CaffeCorretto is now known as romano_cam
gsteinertMtn_Bkng_Dave: whats the error?13:25
Mtn_Bkng_Davedoesnt mean your awake gste LOL13:25
ThinkT510velho: just because i link a page to you doesn't mean i expect you to read the whole thing ;)13:25
Mtn_Bkng_Davewatchdog.c:241 watchdog_overflow_callback+Oxac/Oxdo13:26
Mtn_Bkng_Daveim running 12.04 LTS13:26
velhoThinkT510, I'm really a noobie...13:26
Mtn_Bkng_Daveive googled it but cant find any real info on it13:26
velhoThinkT510, can't understant those commands13:27
gnomefreakis that the whole error and what are you doing to get the error13:27
Mtn_Bkng_Davecausing my computer to hang13:27
Mtn_Bkng_Davethats from Xorg13:27
velhoThinkT510, and don't know how to use them.13:27
myhero1how to do yahoo cam on pidgin.....???13:27
Mtn_Bkng_Davethats all it says13:27
arloanyone now can i run router - and webserver on the same server?13:27
ThinkT510velho: then you likely won't want to change the order13:27
Mtn_Bkng_Davedont think ya do myhero13:27
velhoHow can I change the GRUB order? thank you for any help13:28
Mtn_Bkng_Davethe symptoms are it hangs......... peroidically13:28
Mtn_Bkng_Davenot crashes13:28
myhero1Mtn_Bkng_Dave: its saying currently video is not supported for yahoo13:28
slatewhat kind of QA goes into the apt repo? I am installing pdns-mysql-backend from a brand new install. It asked me if I wanted to pkgconfigure it and it errors with right syntax to use    │13:28
slate │ near 'type=InnoDB' at line 10. Isn't innodb default in mysql, this is rediculous13:28
blackshirtvelho, are you haven't solved it?13:28
velhoThinkT510, sure I do. That's the ONLY thing I want to do. But I need help because I cannot do it alone13:28
Mtn_Bkng_Daveany ideas?13:29
velhoblackshirt, no.. I don't know what and how to do it. can you help?13:29
velhoblackshirt, and please don't RTFM me...13:29
ThinkT510velho: the documentation explains it rather well, where are you stuck?13:30
Beast1hi all13:30
Mtn_Bkng_Daveok it just did it again13:30
Mtn_Bkng_Daveit hangs for a few seconds then releases13:30
yeats!attitude | velho13:30
ubottuvelho: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:30
gsteinertMtn_Bkng_Dave: we need to know what you are doing to cause the error13:30
Mtn_Bkng_Davejust sitting here13:30
slatevelho: ur wasting ur time here.. as am I13:31
Mtn_Bkng_Daveit just did it again13:31
Mtn_Bkng_Davesystem just hangs for a few seconds then takes off again13:31
Mtn_Bkng_Daveruns fine for a few minutes and does it again13:31
velhoThinkT510, at the begining. how can I edit , and what to edit?13:31
Mtn_Bkng_Daveany logs I could look at to diagnose?13:31
yeatsslate: you'd get further if you just state your problem without the griping - you haven't provided enough detail for anyone to help yet13:32
velhoslate, why are you saying that? this community always as been helpfull to me. great people here13:32
ThinkT510velho: i told you what to edit: /etc/default/grub13:32
iwerthow do i unhide text file extensions13:32
gsteinertslate: ubuntu, along with the majority of the software available, is developed and supported by volunteers. coming in complaining will only get you ignored. people don't appreciate griping when they give up their free time for this13:32
KyaHuaawhat daemon tools I should use for running  Ubuntu.iso directly on Windows. Without  installing Ubuntu13:32
velhoThinkT510, so how can I edit that? thank you for your pacience13:32
KyaHuaawhat daemon tools I should use for running  Ubuntu.iso directly on Windows. Without  installing Ubuntu13:32
ThinkT510velho: the documentation tells you how to edit: gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub &13:32
victor_hacía tiempo que no entraba yo en un irc ...13:33
KyaHuaaSorry accidently happened twice13:33
ThinkT510velho: that will open /etc/default/grub in a text editor (gedit)13:33
slategsteinert: sounds like a canned response as if this happens freqently. wonder why so many people gripe13:33
Chikocan only get c# console apps running on linux not ones with forms =/13:34
Mtn_Bkng_Daveany diagnostics or logs i could check?13:34
gsteinertslate: because people expect the same sort of support they get in paid for products. you can't expect a community of volunteers to take your complaining as well as somebody who is paid for it13:34
velhoThinkT510, nevermind... I was using the GUI search instead of the terminal. "palmface"13:34
gsteinertslate: help us with a decent attitude and some more information and we'll be happy to help you13:35
iwertoke what the hell13:35
ThinkT510velho: then you change the line: GRUB_DEFAULT=0 to whatever number you want to boot first13:35
iwerti instal love deb it dint work, u uninstall it and instal the old version on the usc and now its no where to bee seen13:36
Mtn_Bkng_Davegsteinert: any logs i could check to help diagnose my error?13:36
ThinkT510velho: check which number corresponds to what by looking at the order the entries appear in /boot/grub/grub.cfg13:36
yeatsiwert: in a terminal do 'dpkg -l | grep <packagename>'13:36
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gsteinertMtn_Bkng_Dave: take a look in /var/log... i forget what the name of the xorg log is13:37
iwertits says its instaled in the ubuntu software center13:37
Mtn_Bkng_Davegot a few13:37
yeatsiwert: so what do you mean by 'its no where to bee seen'?13:37
Mtn_Bkng_Davegimme  a second13:37
iwerti cant find it13:38
ThinkT510velho: when you finished editing and then save the file run: sudo update-grub13:38
iwertonly in terminal if i type its name it runs13:38
arlohello are there a simple way to open port without router, i need to run webserver ?13:38
arloi have public _ ip adress13:38
gsteinertMtn_Bkng_Dave: you can ignore anything ending in .1, .2, etc. they are older logs13:38
yeatsiwert: what is the name of the program? (more details are better)13:38
iwertbut i need its root and the finder isnt finding it13:38
yeats!info love13:39
ubottulove (source: love): 2D game development framework based on Lua and OpenGL. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.2-1build1 (precise), package size 900 kB, installed size 2083 kB13:39
myhero1Mtn_Bkng_Dave: any way to make yahoo cam work on pidgin ??13:39
yeatsiwert: is it supposed to have a GUI?13:39
velhoThinkT510, I cannot understand this text :( but I know that I want the 4th option to be selected as default. should I insert the number "3"?13:39
iwertyes the one that dint work i cude find13:39
ThinkT510velho: yes13:39
yeatsiwert: development frameworks typically don't as far as I know13:39
iwertits a lua engine13:40
ThinkT510velho: so it would be: GRUB_DEFAULT=313:40
yeatsiwert: okay - then I wouldn't expect it to be available via Unity/the GUI13:40
myhero1can anyone help ???13:40
iwertit was with the one i did the deb instal on13:40
iwertbut i needs its root13:41
velhoslate, just be pacient and chill out. People are helping because they want, this is not a "service". If no one is helping you, try to be more descriptive, and patient13:41
yeatsiwert: I'm sorry - I don't understand13:41
iwerti need to put a folder in the engine to run my own games13:41
velhoThinkT510, AHA! :) thanks!13:41
ThinkT510velho: so save it before you close it then run: sudo update-grub13:42
velhoThinkT510, done :)13:43
velhoThinkT510, thank you so much for you patience and time :D13:43
ThinkT510velho: no worries, see it's easier than you think :)13:43
blackshirti have lost my connection13:44
velhoThinkT510, it always is! I gotta use more linux. it's not easy to adapt do the terminal, but it's easier to change system configurations that way13:44
slatehow to enable innodb in mysql? I set default-storage-engine=innodb  default-table-type=innodb in mysql but still get error on query near 'type=InnoDB' at line 1013:45
yeatsslate: can you pastebin the file that's showing the error? (scrubbing any private information of course)13:46
blackshirtslate, mysql support innodb table'by default13:46
velhoblackshirt, in the house! welcome again :) ThinkT510 helped me awesomly, but thank you for your time too :D13:46
slateyeats: this is apt-get install pdns-mysql-backend and it is running dpkg configure13:46
Mtn_Bkng_Davegonna reboot13:47
slateor dbconfig-common, ... some autoconfig curses thing13:47
CTLwmanyone using openvpn client in ubuntu?13:47
velho\j #gimp13:48
yeatsslate: is that the exact full wording of the error?13:48
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gsteinertslate: i think the query should be ENGINE=InnoDB, instead of type=InnoDB is the query part of the dpkg configure?13:48
slatemysql said: ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 1: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'type=InnoDB' at line 1013:49
gsteinertslate: is that all the output you get?13:50
slategsteinert: yes13:50
evilpoptartIs there a way to make the ubuntu software center only show free software?13:50
raidgh0st01:04.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8169 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 10) does not work as expected in latest ubuntu.13:50
raidgh0stIs there a way to get it work propperly, cause it doesnt show up with mii-tool or ifconfig ethx13:51
slategsteinert: http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_from_2012-09-16_09_50_06-wXxzGlUH.png13:51
blackshirtslate, mysql support innodb by default13:53
yeatsslate: I would grep for 'type=InnoDB' in /etc/mysql/ and possibly other places to try and track down the source of that13:54
blackshirthi xuserr13:54
xuserrdoes anybody know a n64 emulator for ubuntu?13:56
xuserri tried project 64 under wine but it doesnt work13:56
evilpoptartHow do you make the ubuntu software center not show apps that cost $$ ?13:56
jactaCan anyone help me how to unmount/mount my usb drive? http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-09162012-035623pm.php13:56
blackshirtsorry user, i dont't have experience with it13:56
raidgh0stAny problems found on this card13:57
raidgh0st01:04.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8169 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 10) does not work as expected in latest ubuntu.13:57
blackshirtjacta, identify what is your usb device recognized by kernel13:57
jactablackshirt, not sure what to do? Just inserted the drive in usb13:58
blackshirtjacta, are you familiar with command line?13:58
evilpoptartHow can you make the ubuntu software center only show free software?13:59
jactablackshirt, yep, just not commands in general :)13:59
BluesKajevilpoptart, the enterprise apps or perhaps you have a repository that contains commercial packages , check your repositories in the software center13:59
yeats!info mupen64plus | xuserr - I don't know anything about this but:13:59
ubottuxuserr - I don't know anything about this but:: mupen64plus (source: mupen64plus): plugin-based Nintendo 64 emulator (transitional dummy package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.99.4+4 (precise), package size 5 kB, installed size 31 kB13:59
blackshirtjacta, mount -t type /some/device/recognized /some/mount/point14:00
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evilpoptarthaving issues with my xchat app- is anyone able to see this??14:00
evilpoptartGreat - thank you14:01
anonymous_urr wellcome14:01
evilpoptartNow for the real question... does anyone know how to make Ubuntu Software Center only show free software?14:01
evilpoptartNot the stuff that costs $$14:02
Kingsyhow is this possible ==> sudo modprobe /lib/modules/3.2.0-30-generic/updates/dkms/fglrx.ko             FATAL: Module /lib/modules/3.2.0_30_generic/updates/dkms/fglrx.ko not found.     <-- where the hell did thos _ come from?14:02
Enekooshi anonymous_14:03
ThinkT510Kingsy: surely its just: sudo modprobe fglrx14:03
anonymous_hi enekoos14:03
raidgh0stI must say that this channel is helpfull.14:03
BluesKajevilpoptart, did you see my post above ?14:03
evilpoptartno, I had to reconnect because my app was acting up14:03
evilpoptartsorry - can you repost?14:03
BluesKajevilpoptart, the enterprise apps or perhaps you have a repository that contains commercial packages , check your repositories in the software center14:03
slategsteinert:  changed query to ENGINE=InnoDB in, /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/pdns-backend-mysql/install/mysql and the query seems to have finished, seems the package is shipping with out dated schema14:04
EnekoosI try change SO ubuntu running to raid but have problem with  grub any can say what is my error? I make this howto http://pastebin.com/FF4dhXEm14:04
ki2wt funny i was in london  i came across anonymous group , why do they all look like spanish?14:04
ThinkT510!ot | ki2wt14:04
ubottuki2wt: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:04
KingsyThinkT510: but the driver installation put that file there, surely I am supposed to use it?14:05
evilpoptart/etc/apt/sources.list doesn't really give many details about what the sources actually are so I'm having trouble pinpointing which one it is.14:05
gsteinertslate: glad to hear it =) you should file a bug report on launchpad with the fix. that way it should find its way into the repos14:05
ThinkT510Kingsy: my point was why are you quoting the whole path?14:05
KingsyThinkT510: to specify the exact .ko I wanted the kernel to use14:06
ThinkT510Kingsy: are there multiple fglrx modules?14:06
BluesKajki2wt, they actually have Guy Fawkes masks , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_Fawkes14:07
KingsyThinkT510: weird it says WARNING: Not loading blacklisted module fglrx14:07
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KingsyThinkT510: where is a module blacklisted?14:07
florianI have a tft screen additionally to my notebook screen. when I close the top of my notebook, both screens go off. however, I would like to have the notebook screen off and the tft display on. how can I do it? who can help me? where do I find a how-to?14:07
ThinkT510!blacklist | Kingsy14:07
ubottuKingsy: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »14:07
florianI have a tft screen additionally to my notebook screen. when I close the top of my notebook, both screens go off. however, I would like to have the notebook screen off and the tft display on. how can I do it? who can help me? where do I find a how-to?14:08
ThinkT510florian: does it turn the display off or is the notebook actually going into hibernate/suspend when you shut the lid?14:11
evilpoptartDoes anyone know which repository is populating the software center with "For Purchase" software?  I would like to disable it.14:13
testing123florian i would like to ask if you have used the bios options?14:13
ThinkT510evilpoptart: i don't use software centre, i use synaptic and haven't seen any pay-for software in there14:14
ThinkT510evilpoptart: maybe its just a software centre thing14:14
evilpoptartGood to know, thank you.14:14
floriantesting123, which bios options?14:14
testing123when you first turn on your note book. you can enter the bios by tapping the 'delete' key or the 'F2' key.14:16
faLUCEhi. I can't open two usb cameras simoultaneously. It says VIDIOC_STREAMON failed, no space left on device, although I'm sure I'm not exceeding the 2.0 bandwidth, with the sum of the two cameras ... where can be the problem? I googled ans saw many other people having this issue but couldn't understand what to do. kernel is 3.0.0-13-generic14:17
vinceableworldNew linux user here... having all kinds of problems with skype - just uninstalled again after installing skype wrapper and skype contacts window kept stealing my cursor. help?14:17
ThinkT510!skype | vinceableworld14:17
ubottuvinceableworld: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga14:17
vinceableworldIf anyone who uses skype - successfully - on ubuntu - could message me I'd greatly appreciate it.14:18
floriantesting123, thank you, I'll give it a try.14:18
testing123okay, have a good day.14:18
ThinkT510florian: its unlikely to be a bios setting14:18
vinceableworldThink... I believe I've already tried this in some form or another... will try again however.14:19
vinceableworldThink: Do u use skype?14:20
ThinkT510vinceableworld: no, i try to avoid closed source software14:20
vinceableworldIs there an alternative to skype... but still be able to chat with skype contacts?14:20
vinceableworldI hear you my friend.14:20
vinceableworldAlready built up a ton of contacts on there however.14:20
yeatsvinceableworld: skype is the only program to use with the skype network (afaik)14:21
vinceableworldWill need to move them over to open source.14:21
testing123ThinkT510 i have the option to enable/disable what displays to use in my note books bios settings. I thought by me sharing this info might be of help to florian.14:21
ThinkT510testing123: regarding using external displays? how woulf the bios be aware of that?14:22
xCyb0rgHow come every second there is a problem with my ubuntu14:22
vinceableworldusing pidgin.. how do I get rid of the "entered" and "left" messages?14:22
xCyb0rgI just reinstall last night after having a login error at the login screen14:22
xCyb0rgI stay up all night just to reinstall14:22
xCyb0rgthen I wake up in the morning and its not reading my mouse or network connect14:23
Mtn_Bkng_Daveok back14:23
xCyb0rgWhich in order to fix I have to enter a book of commands just to fix14:23
floriantesting123, ThinkT510: Thank you very much, I'll have a look into the bios, I know a bit about it. thanks for your help.14:23
xCyb0rgI am only going to run ubuntu as a iso to only learn bash shell14:23
user82i am looking for a new graphics card for my barebone. the ati is 100% wrecked with the driver does nvidia proprietary work better?14:24
yeatsvinceableworld: see this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8661527&postcount=514:24
vinceableworldokay really anoying... how do I get rid of the channel messages in here?14:24
gordonjcpuser82: depends what you mean by "better"14:24
gordonjcp!ignore | vinceableworld14:24
ubottuvinceableworld: If you really don't wish to see the messages from a particular person on IRC, you can use /ignore nickname14:24
gordonjcpvinceableworld: sorry, that was useless14:24
gordonjcpvinceableworld: it's something like ignore parts joins14:24
yeatsvinceableworld: '/ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS' I think14:25
user82gordonjcp the ati driver causes video stuttering and has no 3d acceleration so it is worse thatn the opensource one with my card. i just expect a workign 3d graphics14:25
vinceableworldunknown command14:25
user82there was one specific version that worked because it is a special low profile barebone card...but it does not anymore with ubuntu 12.0414:26
vinceableworldi think i need to install the plugin pack.14:26
Mtn_Bkng_Davegsteinert ya still here?14:26
vinceableworldvery frustrating... working ON my computer instead of WITH it.14:26
ThinkT510vinceableworld: pidgin is more designed for im rather than irc, maybe a dedicated irc client like xchat would be better to use14:27
tomek__hi everyone. If i edit my /etc/profile, can I reload the system without rebooting?14:27
yeatstomek__: '. /etc/profile'14:27
tomek__sorry, fairly new to Linux14:27
Mtn_Bkng_Davethe old messages pop up in the messaging system14:28
tomek__i thought so14:28
Mtn_Bkng_Davenot very friendly tho14:28
testing123ThinkT510 i dont know that much about external device and bios options, but i did have good intentions to share what little i know about my note book.options. I am not intending any offence to you.14:28
tomek__it looks like PowerShell leached off of linux than14:28
Mtn_Bkng_Davecouldnt find them to reply LOL14:28
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epzil0nhi, i need to set a keybinding to the brightness controll in ubuntu using the keyboard setting control, but what's the command for brightness up and brightness down?14:29
ThinkT510testing123: sorry, in my experience using external displays depends mostly on the graphics card and driver and os settings, the bios hardly enters into the picture14:30
ThinkT510testing123: perhaps its screensaver settings or what to do when the lid closes (power settings)14:31
testing123I am in agreement with you.14:31
testing123thanks for sharing and good day!!14:33
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vinceableworldAlright I think I got that14:33
vinceableworldno more joins/parts (using hide plugin)14:33
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vinceableworldalright friends... now that I can see myself think.14:34
vinceableworldAnyone here use skype? successfully? (please answer this question specifically)14:35
raidgh0sthttp://unixblogger.wordpress.com/2011/10/18/the-pain-of-an-realtek-rtl8111rtl8168-ethernet-card/ didnt solve the problem. So DOES anyone else have a solution?14:35
xangua!anyone | vinceableworld14:35
ubottuvinceableworld: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:35
vinceableworldtried that - I got a non-skype user pointing me to skype information.14:36
vinceableworldNot very useful and time consuming to boot.14:36
Mtn_Bkng_Davewhat do you need vince14:36
Mtn_Bkng_DaveI use it daily14:36
vinceableworldOkay does it work? On Ubuntu? I've had all kinds of problems... then installed skype wrapper...14:37
Mtn_Bkng_Daveyes it works fine for me14:37
vinceableworldand skype contacts window kept jumping up and stealing my cursor.14:37
Mtn_Bkng_Daveno issues14:37
vinceableworldis there a specific PPA I need to install?14:37
Mtn_Bkng_Daveim running 12.0414:37
Mtn_Bkng_Davei just ran the skype install package14:38
vinceableworldI just had to uninstall it again - same here 12.04... now I'm talking to the right bring.14:38
Mtn_Bkng_Daveand it worked14:38
xanguavinceableworld: skype is on the Partner repository, no need to add or install third party apps like what 'wrapper'14:38
vinceableworldDo you frequently have issues with it making you offline when you're not offline?14:38
Mtn_Bkng_Davenot at all14:38
vinceableworlderrors sending messages?14:38
Mtn_Bkng_Daveive been on video call all day14:39
Mtn_Bkng_Davefrom malaysia to the US14:39
vinceableworldthis is a fairly new computer... lenovo thinkpad edge - so wtf is my problem?14:39
xangua!language | vinceableworld14:39
ubottuvinceableworld: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:39
vinceableworldyes master.14:39
vinceableworldwtf= what the fudge14:40
Mtn_Bkng_Daveive got an older fujitsu..............my problem is my nvidia card14:40
vinceableworlddid u think i meant something else?14:40
Mtn_Bkng_Daveit makes me drop calls because my computer is locking up14:40
vinceableworldokay so xangua - u use skype from a specific ppa?14:40
Mtn_Bkng_Davebut after it unfreezes it calls right back14:40
xanguavinceableworld: no14:40
vinceableworldokay then please... kindly stop helping me.14:41
vinceableworlddo you use skype at all?14:41
ThinkT510vinceableworld: ease up on the attitude14:41
Calinouwhy do you even use skype?14:41
vinceableworldAs soon as others do... I will too friend. I think most linux users are linux users because they don't want to be bossed around by the likes of bill gates.14:42
vinceableworldCal: Have many contacts - hundreds. just migrated from windows two days ago.14:42
Mtn_Bkng_Daveummmmmmmmmmm free phone calinou14:42
vinceableworldwill take time to wean myself off skype.14:42
CalinouMtn_Bkng_Dave: it's not free14:43
blackshirthelo lodasn, what are you doing?14:43
Calinouyou can phone for free skype-to-skype, not skype-to-phone14:43
ThinkT510!test | lodasn14:43
ubottulodasn: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )14:43
Calinouactual phones14:43
Mtn_Bkng_Daveok $2 a month............cheaper than $2 a minute14:43
vinceableworldCal: Is there a free phoning app on linux?14:43
Calinou"phoning"? no, why?14:43
vinceableworldcuz that would be AWESOME?14:43
lodasnI use irc first time.14:43
Calinouif you want to call from computer to computer, I advise not using skype.14:43
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xangua!ot | Calinou Mtn_Bkng_Dave14:44
Calinouit is terrible spyware14:44
ubottuCalinou Mtn_Bkng_Dave: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:44
blackshirtgreat lodasn14:44
Calinouno u ot14:44
vinceableworldThanks for the advise my friend.14:44
Calinouxangua: try harder, I'm banned from #ubuntu-offtopic14:44
blackshirt!irc > lodasn14:44
ubottulodasn, please see my private message14:44
vinceableworldunsolicited even.14:44
xanguaCalinou: this is a support channel, not what i think about x app channel14:44
vinceableworldThanks xan14:44
vinceableworldnow back to support issues...14:44
vinceableworldSo should I just reinstall ubuntu completely? I started from the DVD14:45
Mtn_Bkng_Daveok somebody help me with this error ......... watchdog.c:241 watchdog_overflow_callback+Oxac/Oxdo()14:45
xanguavinceableworld: neved had a trouble for skype, neither from the Parter repository or downloadink the package they provide from skype.com14:45
vinceableworldxan you use skype then?14:46
Mtn_Bkng_Davethats from Xdiagnose14:46
Mtn_Bkng_Davei use it for everything.............computer to computer, computer to phone, phone to computer14:47
xanguavinceableworld: i could only suggest you to remove third party apps like that 'wrapper' you mentioned it and maybe delete skype configuration files in your home14:47
vinceableworldOkay so just uninstalling doesn't remove the configuration files?14:48
vinceableworldI've uninstalled both skype and the wrapper.14:48
Mtn_Bkng_Daveok can somebody help me with this error ......... watchdog.c:241 watchdog_overflow_callback+Oxac/Oxdo()14:48
arlo_hello how can i check about port 22 open on my windows server14:48
ThinkT510arlo_: try ##windows14:48
arlo_i mean ubuntu server :-)14:49
blackshirtarlo, try to check with some tool14:49
xanguavinceableworld: it does not, open your home with nautilus, Control+h will show your hidden directories, delete or remove .Skype14:49
Mtn_Bkng_Davewhere did gsteinert go?14:49
arlo_what is the simple way on ubuntu server?14:49
vinceableworldah nautilus...14:49
vinceableworldwhat is that?14:50
GeneralxCyb0rgUbuntu has way to many problems and you have to code everything in14:50
Mtn_Bkng_Daveok can somebody help me with this error ......... watchdog.c:241 watchdog_overflow_callback+Oxac/Oxdo()14:50
GeneralxCyb0rgits very very annoying14:50
blackshirtarlo_, netstat -ntapl14:50
ThinkT510vinceableworld: nautilus = default file manager14:50
vinceableworldah... so just click the folder then.14:51
vinceableworldOkay I see em... tyvm14:51
vinceableworldI guess I'll try to reboot and reinstall now.14:51
vinceableworldIs reboot usually a good idea or un-necessary on ubuntu?14:52
Kingsyguys, I have no xorg.conf in /etc/X11/ how do I generate a clean one?14:52
ThinkT510vinceableworld: normally unnecessary14:52
Mtn_Bkng_Daveok can somebody please help me with this error ......... watchdog.c:241 watchdog_overflow_callback+Oxac/Oxdo()14:52
Kingsybecause xrandr is saying xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default   <--- I assume that is because of xorg14:52
blackshirtvinceableworld, unnecessary14:52
linuxuz3rhow are ubuntu people doing14:53
linuxuz3rme im not doing well14:53
linuxuz3ri have not slept14:53
ThinkT510!ot | linuxuz3r14:53
ubottulinuxuz3r: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:53
linuxuz3rcant sleep for the past week14:53
Mtn_Bkng_Dave I think ya need #sleepingpill14:54
Mtn_Bkng_Daveok can somebody please help me with this error ......... watchdog.c:241 watchdog_overflow_callback+Oxac/Oxdo()14:54
Mtn_Bkng_Davehow many lines can you post in here before the floodbot boots you?14:55
blackshirtmtn_bkng_dave, that from dmesg?14:55
Mtn_Bkng_Davethats from xdiagnose14:56
Mtn_Bkng_Davegot a log file if you wanna see it14:56
Mtn_Bkng_Davelooks like a driver conflict of some sort14:56
Mtn_Bkng_Davei just cant sort it out14:56
Mtn_Bkng_Davecomputer is loading up...........freezing.........then taking off again14:56
Mtn_Bkng_Dave[   911.059] [mi] EQ overflowing.  Additional events will be discarded until existing events are processed.14:57
Mtn_Bkng_Dave[   911.059]14:57
Mtn_Bkng_Davethat starts it all14:57
saviohello i have an issue with network-manager sometimes i try to connect to my dsl connection but it just don't connect i need to restart servral times to connect it14:58
savioi'm bad after half hour i'm able to connect now14:58
linuxuz3rjava script is nice14:58
linuxuz3rnow i can see how it works14:59
Mtn_Bkng_Daveok can somebody please help me with this error ......... watchdog.c:241 watchdog_overflow_callback+Oxac/Oxdo()15:00
linuxuz3rsavio, try ifconfig eth0 up15:00
vinceableworldOkay so rebooted... now I should just go direct to skype's site and install it?15:00
L3topKingsy: xorg.conf is depreciated, but you can generate one by closing any x windows (if you are using unity sudo service lightdm stop), and typing Xorg -configure  it will dump an xorg.conf.new in your home directory15:00
linuxuz3rsavio, or ifconfig eth0 down15:00
savioi try all this15:01
xanguavinceableworld: or just install it from software center, automatic updates15:01
L3topHow are you connecting? Wireless? Wired? savio15:01
saviosometimes nm just don't show anything15:01
savioppp connection dsl15:01
mario_hi im having trouble to update my ubuntu  and i think it has to do with this Acquire::http::proxy ""; this ip is giving me problems.15:01
L3toproute -n | grep UG15:02
mario_way  is update conecting over  a proxy15:02
L3topdoes that return a result?15:02
Mtn_Bkng_Daveyes..........vince its not in the software center.........it will redirect you to the skype site15:02
vinceableworldI don't think I have the correct build in software center.15:02
savioright now i'm connected15:02
Kingsyhmm ok15:02
L3topmario_: do you have any PPAs installed?15:03
Mtn_Bkng_Daveit wasnt even in my software center...........it sent me to the skype site15:03
vinceableworldsays "available from the 'precise-partner' source15:03
savioL3top, it return result15:03
saviowhy this is happening15:03
mario_L3top,  dont know  but when i try  to update i get 0% [Connecting to (] [Connecting to (]15:03
Mtn_Bkng_Davei would google skype for linux15:03
Mtn_Bkng_Davethats what i did15:04
vinceableworldI wouldn't "google" anything :-P15:04
vinceableworldGoogle is a gun-grabber.15:04
mario_and i get this type messages W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-updates/multiverse/i18n/Translation-en  Unable to connect to
L3topmario_: does ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d    return a result?15:04
vinceableworldIf you like rights... stop "googling"15:04
mario_L3top,  i get  this /etc/apt/sources.list.d15:05
mario_L3top,  /etc/apt/sources.list.d: Is a directory15:05
vshivamgedit /etc/apt/sources.list15:05
mario_but way is update conecting over  some proxy?15:05
Mtn_Bkng_Daveok can somebody please help me with this error ......... watchdog.c:241 watchdog_overflow_callback+Oxac/Oxdo()15:06
vinceableworldOkay i'm now installing and praying.15:06
L3topI know... that is why I said to ls (list) its contents. If it is empty that answers the question... however I dont know what i18n is... and your problem connecting is to a cononical repo... so that also answers that.15:06
L3topmario_: ^15:06
yeatsMtn_Bkng_Dave: why are you using a proxy?15:06
yeatsMtn_Bkng_Dave: sorry - meant for Mtn_Bkng_Dave15:07
yeatsMtn_Bkng_Dave: sorry - meant for mario_ - (tab complete) ;-)15:07
yeatsmario_: why are you using a proxy?15:07
jribMtn_Bkng_Dave: you should probably give more context (use one line to ask a detailed question though)15:07
Mtn_Bkng_Davemine is Malaysian internet.......they stole it from Thailand15:07
mario_yeats im not using proxy i just saw this  line in apt.get config15:08
jribL3top: i18n is short for internationalization I believe15:08
Mtn_Bkng_Daveits complicated jrib15:08
Mtn_Bkng_Daveyou wanna give it a shot15:08
Mtn_Bkng_Daveill send you the info15:08
mario_yeats,  i have that proxy line in apt-config dump15:09
jribMtn_Bkng_Dave: I want you to just ask a proper question to the channel.  If I think I can help after I read your question, I will try15:09
Mtn_Bkng_Davethat was as proper as it gets15:09
Mtn_Bkng_Davethats the error code15:09
jribMtn_Bkng_Dave: as you wish.15:09
ThinkT510Mtn_Bkng_Dave: there is no context though15:09
Mtn_Bkng_Davedo you know anything about that error code?15:09
yeatsmario_: there should be a file named something with "Proxy" in the name in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d - either open it and comment out (add a "#" at the front of) the line or remove the file altogether15:09
savioplease i need help?15:09
yeatsmario_: then to apt-get update and you should be able to connect15:09
jribsavio: ask your question; we will help if we know how15:10
Mtn_Bkng_DaveOk what kind of context would you like?15:10
jribMtn_Bkng_Dave: all of it...15:10
saviohello i have an issue with network-manager sometimes i try to connect to my dsl connection but it just don't connect i need to restart servral times to connect it15:10
mario_can someone  post apt-config dump in that proxy area to see what it says15:10
Mtn_Bkng_Dave[   911.077] 0: /usr/bin/X (xorg_backtrace+0x37) [0xb774f627]15:10
Mtn_Bkng_Dave[   911.077] 1: /usr/bin/X (mieqEnqueue+0x223) [0xb772d973]15:10
Mtn_Bkng_Dave[   911.077] 2: /usr/bin/X (0xb75c7000+0x4ccd5) [0xb7613cd5]15:10
Mtn_Bkng_Dave[   911.077] 3: /usr/bin/X (xf86PostMotionEventM+0xf9) [0xb7654d99]15:10
Mtn_Bkng_Dave[   911.077] 4: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/evdev_drv.so (0xb4e43000+0x3c3d) [0xb4e46c3d]15:10
FloodBot1Mtn_Bkng_Dave: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:11
yeatsmario_: 'cd /etc/apt/' then 'grep -Ri proxy *' will find it for you15:11
mario_buy way that proxy apeared in first place i didnt put it. did i get hacked?15:12
yeatsmario_: almost certainly not15:13
saviosame issue as this https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+question/17111715:13
savioonly i'm using realtek driver15:13
yeatsmario_: for one thing, a hacker wouldn't bother setting up an APT proxy ;-)15:13
saviomario_, if hacker wants to patch your system then he will setup ....:)15:15
AscavasaionI am running Lubuntu on an old AMD 2500+ XP, 384Mb RAM, with 20Gb, 60Gb and 20Gb HDDs.  What is the best Filesystem to format to... ext 3 or 4?15:17
ThinkT510Ascavasaion: 384mb of ram... sounds painful15:17
ThinkT510Ascavasaion: ext415:17
AscavasaionThinkT510: hehehe  I am using it for downloading torrents, and as a server for th printer and scanner combo.15:18
AscavasaionThinkT510: Thank you.15:18
mario_yeats i commented that proxy line but its stills try to conect to 0% [Connecting to (] [Connecting to (]15:19
layke__If I run sudo su - user15:20
layke__How do I get back to the user I was before?15:20
mario_yeats,  it still tried to
ThinkT510layke__: don't sudo su15:20
ThinkT510layke__: exit15:20
layke__Thanks :) ThinkT51015:21
mario_update managet seems to be  working now15:22
ThinkT510Mtn_Bkng_Dave: use a paste site next time15:23
Mtn_Bkng_Daveok found some info while i was trying to log back in15:23
Mtn_Bkng_Daveit has something to do with the Nvidia driver15:23
Mtn_Bkng_Daveand 12.0415:23
Mtn_Bkng_Davedoes  anybody here have any info regarding that?15:24
ThinkT510Mtn_Bkng_Dave: you are being vague again15:24
Mtn_Bkng_Daveread that post15:24
Mtn_Bkng_Daveits the same problem I am seeing15:25
ThinkT510Mtn_Bkng_Dave: and what nvidia driver are you using?15:25
Mtn_Bkng_Davethe Xorg log is Identical15:26
alek66any idea why mt-daapd package is no longer in the repository?15:26
mario_yay thanks for the help its updating15:26
mario_ but still doent expains way that  proxy apeared15:26
Mtn_Bkng_DaveIn additional drivers it is listed as NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (post-release updates)(version current-updates)15:27
ThinkT510Mtn_Bkng_Dave: open nvidia settings to get the version15:28
Mtn_Bkng_Davewhere would i open that15:28
ThinkT510Mtn_Bkng_Dave: gksudo nvidia-settings in a terminal15:28
* Ggggg ÆÆÆÆ«¤¥¤»ÆÆÆÆ :-$ ÆÆÆÆ«¤¥¤»ÆÆÆÆ15:29
Mtn_Bkng_Daveversion 172.14.3515:30
Mtn_Bkng_Daveoops 173.14.3515:30
ThinkT510Mtn_Bkng_Dave: 173? is this an old nvidia card?15:30
Mtn_Bkng_Daveold laptop15:31
Mtn_Bkng_Daveabout 6 years old or older15:31
ThinkT510Mtn_Bkng_Dave: what kernel are you on? uname -a15:32
savioanyone help me again i run to similar problem15:32
Mtn_Bkng_Dave 3.2.0-30-generic-pae #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 24 17:14:09 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux15:32
ThinkT510Mtn_Bkng_Dave: hmm, i'm not sure what to suggest then, sorry15:33
ThinkT510Mtn_Bkng_Dave: you could try out the nouveau driver, see if that has problems15:35
Mtn_Bkng_Davewhats the get?15:36
ThinkT510!nouveau | Mtn_Bkng_Dave15:36
ubottuMtn_Bkng_Dave: nouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default since Ubuntu 10.04. Currently, 3D rendering is only partially supported. More information can be found at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ | See !nvidia for the closed-source Nvidia driver.15:36
dr_willisits built in  by default. if it supports that old a card is the big question15:36
JoshuaPI just went root and did chmod 770 /15:37
Mtn_Bkng_Davethat may have been the original driver15:37
JoshuaPEverything is messing up now. Ho can I fix this?15:37
Mtn_Bkng_Davei changed it to the nvidia drivers to try to correct it15:37
Mtn_Bkng_Daveno change15:38
Mtn_Bkng_Daveif that is the default15:38
OerHeksJoshuaP, uh oh, that means reinstall15:38
L3topMtn_Bkng_Dave: try to correct what15:38
Mtn_Bkng_Davethe stuttering problem15:38
JoshuaPAw, man..15:38
Mtn_Bkng_Davecomputer just freezes for a few seconds15:38
Mtn_Bkng_Davedoesnt crash...........just freezes15:39
L3topMtn_Bkng_Dave: how did you install nvidia-17315:39
Mtn_Bkng_Davefrom the additional drivers selection in the config15:39
Mtn_Bkng_DaveSystem Settings, Additional Drivers15:39
L3topMtn_Bkng_Dave: lastly what version of buntu are you running15:39
Mtn_Bkng_Dave3.2.0-30-generic-pae #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 24 17:14:09 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux15:40
L3toplsb_release -sc15:40
dr_willisJoshuaP:  you could    boot a live cd and see what permissions are on / and try to fix it.15:40
L3tophow much ram do you have in a 6 yr old laptop that you are running the PAE kernel Mtn_Bkng_Dave?15:41
ThinkT510L3top: pae is default now15:41
dr_willissavio:  i dident evn see the question..15:41
dr_willispae would only be needed if more then 4gb wouldent it?15:42
L3topThinkT510: I thought it made a determination based on ram... and that would have done it... but... I am not sure how I feel about that if you are correct ThinkT510...15:42
L3topmore than 3.2 I would assume dr_willis15:42
saviodr_willis, i have dsl connection my isp provides me i got device not manaed so i edit .conf file of nm15:43
dr_willisi wonder if hes not defaulting tothe vga drivers.15:43
savioi set ifdown=true15:43
saviobut still at some point nm don't connect to internet i need to restart several times to able to connect it15:44
Mtn_Bkng_Daveit seems to be a pretty common problem with 12.0415:44
Mtn_Bkng_Davethis describes the issue15:44
Mtn_Bkng_DaveXorg log is almost identical15:45
Mtn_Bkng_Davejust  a different driver version15:45
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L3topMtn_Bkng_Dave: do you have an audio playback problem as well?15:48
Mtn_Bkng_Davehttp://pastebin.com/ydyvMi00       this is my logfile15:48
Mtn_Bkng_Daveyes audio and video freeze simultaneously15:48
L3topthat isn't what I meant... you do hear audio before the crash correct Mtn_Bkng_Dave?15:49
saviodr_willis, ?15:49
Mtn_Bkng_Daveit doesnt crash15:49
Mtn_Bkng_Daveit just freezes momentarily15:49
Mtn_Bkng_Davei just did it again15:49
Mtn_Bkng_Daveits not a hard crash15:49
L3topbut you do have audio... in general.15:49
Mtn_Bkng_Daveyes i have audio15:50
GirlyGirlHi, I have no idea what happened but my sister did some stuff and her laptop boots to busybox and nothing beyond that. its supposed to have kubuntu 12.04.115:50
Mtn_Bkng_Daveive been on skype all day15:50
Mtn_Bkng_Davevideo and audio playback work fine15:50
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Mtn_Bkng_Daveit just hangs..........then continues15:50
JoshuaPdr_willis, what permissions should I place on / then?15:51
Mtn_Bkng_Daveand this is a brand new install15:52
* L3top wonders if this has to do with the loss of the xserver-xorg-abi-1* drivers.15:52
L3topor the compensation thereof.15:53
L3topMtn_Bkng_Dave: lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A315:53
L3topwhat kernel module is in use?15:53
* L3top guesses you are using nouveau still15:53
L3toplsmod | grep nouveau       Mtn_Bkng_Dave15:53
Mtn_Bkng_Dave01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation G86 [GeForce 8400M G] [10de:0428] (rev a1)15:54
Mtn_Bkng_DaveSubsystem: Fujitsu Limited. Device [10cf:1422]15:54
Mtn_Bkng_DaveKernel driver in use: nvidia15:54
Mtn_Bkng_DaveKernel modules: nvidia_current, nvidia_current_updates, nvidia_173, nvidia_173_updates, nouveau, nvidiafb15:54
L3topdoes the second command poduce a result Mtn_Bkng_Dave?15:55
Mtn_Bkng_Daveits running the nvidia15:56
L3topok... so there goes that theory15:56
ThinkT510Mtn_Bkng_Dave: if you are pasting multiple lines please use a paste site15:56
JoshuaPdr_willis, what permissions should I place on / then?15:56
L3topMtn_Bkng_Dave: out of curiosity, does sudo dpkg --configure -a   produce any dialog with regards to fixing or failing?15:57
ThinkT510JoshuaP: you are likely better off reinstalling if you've messed up permissions on the whole of /15:57
JoshuaPI just thought it'd give everybody in the group root read/write permissions.15:57
JoshuaPThinkT510, why did this happen when I did this? the terminal w0on't even execute now.15:58
ThinkT510JoshuaP: why did you do that?15:58
Guest29165hello, i need an advice on buying a pci sata controller to use with ubuntu 11.04, can you help?15:59
JoshuaPThinkT510, I just thought it'd give everybody in the group root read/write permissions.15:59
ThinkT510JoshuaP: that doesn't answer the question15:59
ThinkT510Guest29165: 11.04 support will be ending soon16:00
Mtn_Bkng_Daveso now what?16:00
JoshuaPThinkT510, I thought it would take out having to use sudo all the time.16:00
ThinkT510JoshuaP: sudo is there for a reason16:01
ThinkT510JoshuaP: you need to accept the use of sudo as a security measure16:01
JoshuaPThinkT510, to run things as root, but I always forget to use sudo so I have to write entire commands yet again.16:01
e-v-odoes anyone know of an open source documentary?16:01
Guest29165ThinkT510 , but can i still using it with the support made till then?16:01
ThinkT510JoshuaP: how often do you run things as root?16:01
ThinkT510Guest29165: sure, but support ends next month16:02
JoshuaPEverytime I open a terminal, almost.16:02
ThinkT510!11.04 | Guest2916516:02
ubottuGuest29165: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110416:02
Al0011235813To avoid writing sudo all the time, use sudo -i at the beginning to make yourself root16:02
black_13what does hd-media mean in reference to a boot cd16:03
ThinkT510JoshuaP: what are you running that requires root all the time?16:03
Guest29165ThinkT510 , do you know where can i find a list of supported pci sata controllers for ubuntu 11.04?16:03
JoshuaPWell, today, I was trying to tamper with file mod privileges.16:03
ThinkT510!hcl | Guest2916516:03
ubottuGuest29165: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:03
JoshuaPThinkT510, then I thought, "why not have the whole dang FS accessible to the root group! What harm could come out of such?"16:04
ThinkT510JoshuaP: haha, you have a lot to learn16:04
JoshuaPOnce I did it, not even chmod could be found as a command.16:05
Al0011235813I agree with Josh, it's generally a bad idea to mess with root permissions without good reason16:05
Guest29165hello, i need an advice on buying a pci sata controller to use with ubuntu 11.04, can you help?16:05
Daghdhahi, when i click the 'DASH HOME' button the dash home does not appear. I do get a minimize/maximize/close button on the top right after i click it.What'sgoing on? It's running but not visible it seems16:06
IdleOne!hcl | Guest2916516:06
ubottuGuest29165: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:06
Al0011235813I think Ubuntu supports the vast majority of sata controllers natively..16:06
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DaghdhaI can even typ ekeyword adn run an app16:06
Guest29165Idleone , i cant find anything about pci sata on that page16:06
Al0011235813You know, you could always check the manufacturers web page if they require any specific OS support16:08
arlo_hmm are there are ubuntu expert some can help me to open port 22 on my server?16:09
Al0011235813sudo ufw allow out 2216:10
Al0011235813In the terminal16:10
ThinkT510!sshd | arlo_16:10
ubottuarlo_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)16:10
maco_arlo_: no ports are blocked by default. you just need a service to listen on the port. i presume you need ssh since you said 22? sudo apt-get install openssh-server16:10
arlo_maco i have a openssh server16:10
arlo_but i can not connect with my public ip16:10
arlo_but i can connect with local ip16:11
ThinkT510arlo_: then you need to port forward to your router16:11
maco_arlo_: what do you mean public ip versus local ip? are you behind a NAT-based router?16:11
arlo_I dont have router16:11
arlo_its a direct with cable16:11
ThinkT510arlo_: what's giving you your local ip?16:12
arlo_ifconfig from server16:12
arlo_this giv mig intet addr : this working <16:12
arlo_you can connect me with teameiwer and i can show you16:13
Al0011235813@arlo; that sounds like an issue with your ISP16:13
Al0011235813Maybe you should contact your ISP and ask them if they have their own firewall?16:14
arlo_im sure16:14
arlo_its working before16:14
arlo_can anyone connect me with teamwiewer and i can show you?16:14
JoFoHello every body16:15
JoFoDo you know a way to customize the IM Cedilla?16:15
Al0011235813It's more likely an issue with your ISP on their side. If you want to be sure, you can run a liveUSB and try that so there can't be any configuration issues with you#r server16:15
arlo_Its a clean ubuntu server16:15
randomdrakeHello. I have dual monitors hooked up to my Geforce video card. I got twin view working okay through nvidia-settings-manager, but Unity just thinks I have a single big monitor called "Laptop".16:15
vshivamhow to use git pull push.. I am behind a proxy server16:16
randomdrakeThis prevents me from being able to maximize videos in a single monitor. Any suggestions?16:16
sisarI have a Leno Ultrabook U410 (500GB HDD + 32GB SSD). When I tried installing Ubuntu 12.04 on it, the installer failed to detect aither hard disk. However, GParted, whcih is able to recognize the drives. How do I install Ubuntu ?16:19
Guest29165hello, i need an advice on buying a pci sata controller to use with ubuntu 11.04, can you help?16:19
* King5 ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤16:19
kilroysorry, afk... bye16:21
sisarvshivam: u can set proxy settings using: `git config --global <proxy_details>`16:21
sisarvshivam: sorry, u have to use: `git config --global http.proxy <proxy_details>`16:21
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mannytuHow to Fix Ubuntu Black Screen of DEATH - OS.ALT16:30
ThinkT510mannytu: please don't advertise16:30
Austinalguien habla español?¿16:30
ThinkT510!es | Austin16:31
ubottuAustin: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:31
mannytuI think this is sisar problem and how to fix16:31
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Mtn_Bkng_Daveok back16:34
ubottuhome_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:34
Mtn_Bkng_Daveany more ideas L3top?16:34
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L3topafraid I am afk now16:35
L3topor afc as the case may be16:35
TheLordOfTime!es > Austin16:35
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ubottuAustin, please see my private message16:35
cobfucking 3rd world micro-blackouts16:36
TheLordOfTime!language | cob16:36
ubottucob: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:36
=== Guest46108 is now known as avis-
coboops, sorry16:36
Al0011235813Isn't it possible to make a word filtration system on IRC, ubottu?16:37
TheLordOfTimeAl0011235813, that's offtopic for here.16:37
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black_13what does hd-media mean16:45
Matanblack_13: google it16:46
black_13Matan: guess what wonder woman i did it was unclear16:47
Matanblack_13: where you saw that16:47
tudromi'm in lucid using panel-auto-hide function not expanded. now the panel doesnt show up any more. how to remove or adjust? any idea?16:47
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shihanhowdy all, for some reason when i try and umount something, its telling me its not mounted and i cant quite figure out what might be occuring: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1209280/ (any suggestions?)16:49
mkohlerhi guys, "java -version" says "java version "1.6.0_24"" and "javac -version" says "javac 1.7.0_07" .. how can I make java use 1.7 too?16:50
mbrigdanHello, I have an ubuntu instance running on Amazon EC2, and mysql suddenly can't write to /tmp (and therefore can't start). /tmp permissions are 1777, and I've disabled apparmor16:50
joruHi, i've installed some new machines (VM's) recently (12.04.1), they frequently call apt-get update every hour but I cannot seem to track down and understand how to disable or change this behavior. (I've enabled unattended-updates). the crontab for root is empty. Any hints?16:50
shihanmkohler: have a look at "update-java-alternatives" command16:50
shihanmbrigdan: do you know if its trying to write to a file that already exists (owned by someone else)?16:51
BluesKajjoru, enabled unatteneded updates settings might be the key16:51
shihanjoru: have a look at /etc/cron.*16:52
mbrigdanshihan, I don't think so. I did "sudo -s -u mysql", and it can't write to ANY name in /tmp16:52
joruBluesKaj: I get nothing in the unattended logfile yet16:52
mkohlershihan: thanks, I will16:52
jorushihan: there is a /etc/cron.daily/apt , this is running hourly. is there some pending updates that does not get installed adn it tries again every hour?16:53
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joruBluesKaj: I get no records in the unattended logfile yet16:53
shihanmbrigdan: hmmm, thats a little weird.... does "getfacl /tmp" say anything weird?16:54
shihanjoru: might be wanting to ask you a question during update perhaps16:54
mkohlershihan: thanks, that helped :)16:55
mbrigdanshihan, As a matter of fact, yes! "user:mysql:r-x" How on earth did that happen!?!16:55
shihanmbrigdan: that *IS* weird :)16:55
jorushihan: well apt-get update finishes successfully.. so I am a bit confused16:56
shihanjoru: if you do unattended-upgrades -d, that might tell you a few things?16:56
shihanin truth, i dont actually use the unattended-upgrades feature16:56
jorushihan: what is the -d arg for?16:56
jorui'll check16:56
mbrigdanshihan, Yeah, I'm pretty sure I never played around with /tmp's permissions, so.. I'm confused. Whatever, should be simple to fix16:56
usr13shihan: Maybe it is a problem with update-manager itself.  Try changing the setting to weekly, (or something other than it is now).  I think the default is Daily.16:58
jorushihan: ok, no unattended upgrades pending.16:58
BluesKajjoru, heh , I thought an option like unattended upgrades might have some timer option settings ...guess I'm mistaken , can't even find the settings in synaptic16:59
shihanmbrigdan: that is an odd cercumstance, thats for sure, its not like it'd be easy to do that "accidentally" cept by cut and paste as root i guess?16:59
usr13mbrigdan: Maybe it is a problem with update-manager itself.  Try changing the setting to weekly, (or something other than it is now).  I think the default is Daily.17:00
usr13shihan: Sorry, wrong nick.17:00
shihanusr13: figured :)17:00
jorushihan: I belive i've tracked it down now through the process tree, not easy to find it ...17:01
joruBluesKaj: see last comment to shihan:17:02
Guest91527is there any software which grabs online videos and download them for me??17:02
tobias_TV connected through HDMI in my ATI Radeon HD 7950. I guess I have the wrong refresh rate or something on the TV since it feels like I'm pulling the cursor through jelly. Please help someone :)17:03
TheRickwhat kind of videos? from what site?17:03
usr13Guest91527: There are a couple firefox plugins17:03
tomreynGuest91527: youtube-dl for what the name says17:03
TheRickit's easy enough to grab torrents... and there are ways to pull from youtube or whatever17:03
fidelGuest91527: clive / cclive is a cli app which might do the job17:03
usr13Guest91527: And as tomreyn points, there is a CLI one too.17:03
joruBluesKaj: /etc/cron.daily/apt has a record about unattended-upgrades, it runs every day17:04
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usr13humm... gues there's more than one...17:04
tobias_Is no one able to take on my TV problem?17:05
Guest91527 thanks for the suggestion17:05
tomreynsomeone here recently suggested a replacement for webmin / usermin / virtualmin, which is less problematic17:05
tomreynwhich one may this be?17:05
tomreyn(i forgot the name)17:05
ThinkT510!ebox | tomreyn17:05
ubottutomreyn: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).17:05
tomreynthanks ThinkT510 , thats the one17:06
shihantobias_ how do you mean "pulling the cursor" do you mean the mouse is just slow to respond, or is the whole gui laggy?17:06
Viktori got problem with UBS17:09
TkkoeHello to all17:09
Viktoris there any hacker here?17:10
joruBluesKaj: shihan: it was ispconfig causing this.17:10
shihanjoru: i am not even sure what that is, but glad you found it :)17:11
jorushihan: thanks for help though, learned about the -d option =)17:11
AscavasaionHOw do I get Chromium to open Transmission torrent programme when I open a link.  It is popping up a window warning me that it may be an attack.  It asks me to continue or not and when I say yes it opens another Chromium instance and goes to my default homepage.  And not Transmission.17:12
eliohannjoin #ubuntu-fr17:13
ThinkT510omar: rather difficult to help without a description of the problem17:14
omarI'm trying to solve this problem please help17:14
omar Ubuntu 12.04 to update the browser stopped only works funcinar google is the homepage17:14
tobias_shihan the whole gui on my TV. My monitor works great, but my plasma TV feels a little hurt17:14
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omarskype and such works and not xchat17:15
omarmy english is so so17:16
omarmi lenguaje  native es spanish17:16
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ThinkT510!es | omar17:16
ubottuomar: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:16
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navap_I connect to my server with putty/pageant with agent forwarding turned on. The forwarding doesn't work from within byobu but it does when I leave byobu. SSH_AUTH_SOCK is set in both cases. Any thoughts?17:20
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ZaycaHello! What do you think abiut my site IMPIRAT.COM:D? By the way, if some one need an web-site for business I could make ^^ (in english too)17:21
bartjeHi all, anyone else here with a Intel 6 series/C200 onboard sound device? I've got issues with it, I do hove output but ubuntu seems not to find the line in...17:21
shihantobias_: hmmm, thats a weird one, havent heard of something like that before myself... its possible its just a x config issue, have u messed aournd a bit with the settings in the ati-config tool (i cant remember the name)? might be worth setting up vnc so you can do that remotely (and hopefully not get lag)17:22
tzHi, i'm completely new to ubuntu, just installed it on my netbook to test, I'm going to set up a small server for our business, but is it possible to get a exchange like mail-server with ubuntu server? we really need the marking system from exchange17:24
melvsterhi all ... has something changed in the last few days with unity?  i used to have a sidebar, now it seems to be a new theme with 'activities' in the top left and a new dash ...17:24
ThinkT510melvster: sounds like you upgraded from one release17:26
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ThinkT510melvster: lsb_release -sd17:26
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melvsterUbuntu 12.04.1 LTS17:26
ThinkT510melvster: is that what you were expecting?17:27
melvsterThinkT510: i dont remember that i changed anything ... maybe i upgraded by mistake17:27
melvsterjust running the update center every so often17:28
xanguamelvster: sounds like you are using gnome-shell17:28
aniketmelvster, it seem your unhappy with the new look17:28
f2prateek_Trying to start with a clean install of ubuntu 12.04.1. I matched the md5 of the download, burnt it using OS X. When I boot into the live cd, i get the ubuntu loading screen, but i'm redirected to the busybox shell with the message '(initramfs) unable to find a medium containing a live file system'17:29
melvsteroh right ... strange ... i cant say I'm unhappy, it was just something new that I didnt expect .... and I'm not sure if i have a system error or it's just normal17:29
IdleOnemelvster: can you post a screenshot of what you are seeing17:29
melvstersure ...17:30
ThinkT510melvster: yeah, screenshots to the rescue!17:30
f2prateek_mount dev/disk/by-label/<drive name>gives me erro /etc/fstab17:31
f2prateek_mount:can't read '/etc/fstab' : no such file or directory17:31
melvsterhmm seems the screenshot mechanism isnt working for me anymore, i get the sound of the camera, but not the dialog box to save ... if i run unity --reset it tends to take me back to my old settings tho17:32
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melvstermaybe ill just do a fresh install17:33
aniketf2prateek_, are you running the command being a root?17:33
f2prateek_cnat run sudo17:33
f2prateek_cant run sudo17:33
f2prateek_or su17:33
f2prateek_says command not found17:33
anikettry 'su -'17:34
jribf2prateek_: pastebin the exact command and full output17:34
PythonStudentI'm taking a database management course this semester, as well as a linux course, so I'd like to keep everything on the same OS if I can17:34
fidelf2prateek_: what is the output of: which sudo17:34
shihanwait, he's in the initramfs, it has almost nothing in the way of tools17:34
PythonStudentwhat's a good access alternative for ubuntu?17:34
jribf2prateek_: never mind, I thought you were asking a new question but it seems someone is already helping you17:34
f2prateek_k will do, just s ec17:34
jrib!who | f2prateek_17:35
ubottuf2prateek_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:35
ThinkT510PythonStudent: libreoffice base?17:35
fideljrib: actually it was a new question - feel free ;)17:35
melvsterecho $DESKTOP_SESSION17:35
f2prateek_ubottu: ahh sorry , i'll keep in mind17:35
ubottuf2prateek_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:35
melvstersomehow it switched me to gnome-shell?17:35
melvsteror is that normal?17:35
PythonStudentThinkT510: oh really? I haven't looked at libreoffice yet17:35
f2prateek_fidel: 'which sudo' doesnt give me any error, but doestn display anything either17:36
ThinkT510PythonStudent: if they are dealing with access specifically then you may need to bite the bullet17:36
SokelGnome shell is annoying. So is unity. But Gnome Shell is a forward direction than Unity. And XFCE is a forward direction from Gnome Shell. Take your pick.17:36
tzIs there some mail server that allows users to "mark" the mail they are working with? so 2-3 people don't start working on the same incoming mail?17:36
IdleOnemelvster: it didn't switch on its own, you have to have installed it.. Not a big issue, if you prefer Unity when you login select it by clicking on the gear icon.17:36
PythonStudentThinkT510: They're not17:36
jribf2prateek_: have you managed to install ubuntu yet?17:36
ThinkT510PythonStudent: awesome17:36
f2prateek_jrib: her's a picutre of the screen https://www.dropbox.com/s/yj8fnq607ugk16l/2012-09-16%2011.34.03.jpg17:37
f2prateek_not if sure if that link went through, there it is again http://bit.ly/U0S1Bf17:38
f2prateek_aniket: su - has the same result, /bin/sd:su not found17:38
aniketf2prateek_, was your ubuntu a complete installation or with errors, that didn't install some packages.17:39
ThinkT510aniket: thats a livecd17:39
f2prateek_aniket: this is just me setting it up the first time, all i did was prepare the cd, and boot into it17:39
jribf2prateek_: you should (1) run "check the cd for defects" from the first menu you see when booting, and (2) if that doesn't work or isn't available, just use the alternate install cd17:40
f2prateek_aniket: i was expecting to see the ubuntu welcome screen and installer, but got this busybox shell17:40
f2prateek_jrib: i checked the md5 of the download image,i'll cehck the discs as well and get back17:41
Pinkamena_DHello, i am beck again still having a random problem. I am trying to run Halo:CE (the first one) on ubuntu. Hw is htinkpad t60, radeon x3100, ubuntu 32 bit all updates. I have tried many things so far. Problem is it runs past the intro videos but does not load the menu. (where directx is started)17:41
ThinkT510!wine | Pinkamena_D17:42
ubottuPinkamena_D: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:42
Pinkamena_DPlease do not assume i have not searched about this problem before i came here, but if no one really has any idea, i will accept that and give up.17:43
ThinkT510Pinkamena_D: are you running unity or compiz?17:43
^-^Kyrinajoin #japan17:44
xibalbaanyone have a preference on distros for a laptop?17:44
xibalbai was looking at backtrack, but i dont know if that's feasible to run on a full laptop all the time17:44
Pinkamena_Dthe window system is fine. It just shows a black screen after loading with the background music playing17:44
ThinkT510Pinkamena_D: #winehq clearly states that games dislike compiz17:44
ThinkT510Pinkamena_D: try it in unity2d (that uses metacity instead of compiz)17:45
Pinkamena_Dof all the htings i have tried so far, the only hting that changes anything is if i use the -use00 switch when running the program17:45
Pinkamena_Dthen it shows a bunch of distorted lines instead of a black screen17:45
ThinkT510Pinkamena_D: its not really a ubuntu issue, its a wine issue, use #winehq17:46
lauratikaim looking for a calendar app that can remind me on events or activities by date or litlle bit before does anyone know of a good one?17:46
tim442Pinkamena_D: Have you installed the restricted drivers for your video card?17:46
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puppy_paradeAny idea when the AMD 7000 series Open Source drivers are going to get pushed?17:47
Pinkamena_Di was trying to unserstand the radeon page on the ubuntu website, and from what i gathered after running the commands it said, i already have the correct drivers. But no, i have not installed anything additional after installing ubuntu17:47
shihanlauratika: i use sunbird in thunderbird myself17:47
ThinkT510!test | nsaquatics17:48
ubottunsaquatics: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )17:48
nsaquaticshuh.. sorry.17:48
tim442Pinkamena_D:  try to open the application "Additional Drivers" and see if ubuntu finds one for your card.  if available, select activate on the latest version17:48
lauratikashihan can i use it withoput using thunderbird currently using other mail app17:48
shihanlauratika: yeah, sunbird is the stand-alone version, "lightning" is the embedded addon one17:49
gear4_I'm getting an "Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory" error ..17:50
f2prateek_jrib: selecting the check disk takes me to the ubuntu loading screen and into the busybox shell again. I'm guessing that means something is wrong with the disc.17:50
Pinkamena_Dit says no propriatary drivers in use on this systtem17:50
Pinkamena_D(nothing below that)17:50
tzMy ubuntu is sluggish, new install, even Irc is lagging. Maby my netbook is not great enough? can I don anything to "turn down" the gui effects to increase performance?17:51
ThinkT510tz: specs17:51
lauratikashihan:where is located?...17:51
shihanlauratika, the standalone verion i think you have to get direct from the mozilla site17:52
armsxhai all user...17:52
armsxcan some on help me..17:52
tzThinkT510:  1,2ghz celeron ulv, 4gig ram, hd 3000 graphics17:52
gear4_I'm getting an "Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory" error ..17:53
ThinkT510tz: that should be fine17:53
ThinkT510tz: try out unity2d to see if you notice a performance improvement17:53
shihan!ask | armsx17:53
ubottuarmsx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:54
tzThinkT510, I'll give it a try, this is almost unusable17:54
wilee-nileearmsx, The channel works by you asking a question regarding your problem.17:54
Beast1Should running badblocks -sv -b 512 /dev/sda from a live CD and sudo badblocks -v /dev/sda1 while running off the HD ilicit different results?17:54
Beast1Should running badblocks -sv -b 512 /dev/sda from a live CD and sudo badblocks -v /dev/sda1 while running off the HD ilicit different results?17:54
Beast1Should running badblocks -sv -b 512 /dev/sda from a live CD and sudo badblocks -v /dev/sda1 while running off the HD ilicit different results?17:54
Beast1oops! sorry17:55
bkc_Beast1: ^17:55
Beast1I got 9 badblocks with the first command running from Ubuntu live cd17:55
armsxi need a tutorial or guide how to install efront(LMS) in ubuntu..17:56
Beast1and nothing after reinstalling and upgrading to 12.10, running off of the HD17:56
bkc_I'm guessing sda1 is the root-partition :/17:56
Beast1bkc_: yep17:56
bkc_well... don't run badblocks on the mounted partition ^^17:57
shihanwell, if the bad blocks are before the first partition then there would most likely be a difference between /dev/sda and /dev/sda117:57
AscavasaionHOw do I get Chromium to open Transmission torrent programme when I open a link.  It is popping up a window warning me that it may be an attack.  It asks me to continue or not and when I say yes it opens another Chromium instance and goes to my default homepage.  And not Transmission.17:57
Beast1off, there might still be badblocks but ouside of sda117:58
bkc_ooh, missed that you ran on sda for the first one :)17:58
Beast1I guess I shoudl rerun it on on sda and not specifiy a partition17:58
bkc_and sda1 on the second17:58
=== JoshuaP is now known as eir
aniketf2prateek_, can you provide with you system info. or see if this helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80734517:59
Beast1bkc_: yes17:59
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=== Guest15938 is now known as JoshuaP
Beast1I'm looking at following this procedure to isolate the badblocks http://ubuntu-install.blogspot.com/2010/12/bad-blocks-on-harddisk.html17:59
Meetis there any channel for general programming discussion?18:00
shihani think theres ##programming?18:01
Beast1ok thanks for hearing me out bkc_  I got a plan of action and know why the second time no errors popped up. Should have caught it18:01
jragonI just deleted a file from my usb drive, now there's a grey box hovering where teh delete box was. How can I reset gnome?18:02
armsxwhich channel is web administration basic discussion ?18:02
Sokeljragon: sudo killall gnome-panel or I think it's now gnome-shell or nautilus. Take your pick.18:02
bkc_jragon: press F518:02
Beast1jragon: there used to be program to recuperate deleted files called photo something18:02
bkc_Beast1: he wanted it deleted, not recovered. but thanks for the tip ;)18:03
bkc_Beast1: also, that program only works on photos (looks for "files" starting with a certain set of magics) :)18:04
jragonhttp://imgur.com/5xkcl this is what is on my screen.18:04
armsxi got problem in installing the LMS (efront) in ubuntu..... after already done installing phpmyadmin..... i want configure httpd.conf...but my httpd.conf is blank...18:04
Beast1bkc_: I thought it did more. Let me see find that page18:04
jragonI'm using Cinnamon btw18:05
bkc_!mint | jragon18:05
ubottujragon: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:05
tzThinkT510, thanks for the suggestion, unity 2d helped alot18:05
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ThinkT510tz: seems like compiz is a little too heavy for your system then18:08
=== william is now known as Guest68786
Ray2Is it possible to move an os from a small flash drive to a larger flash drive18:09
jpastoreHola I'm in Peru at a Starbucks using my phone to hopefully get some tips. My NetBook won't connect to their wifi but has connected everywhere else...any ideas?18:09
SokelRay2: Of course it is.18:09
SokelRay2: You can actually use dd to do that.18:09
layke__When I click on a text file, it opens it in vim. How can I change this behaviour?18:09
xibalbajpastore, try the dns or icmp proxies18:09
Beast1bkc_: foudn it. It's called PhotoRec. and it supports more than photo formats. see http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/File_Formats_Recovered_By_PhotoRec18:09
SokelRay2: Only problem is that the partitions will not fill up the bigger drive until you expand them via lvm18:09
smjmy Make has been broken for too long, what should I check and how do I fix it... no matter what parameters I give it, no matter what directory it's run it, it just eats memory and crashes the system18:10
Sokeljpastore: That's a problem on their end. You can't do anything about it, essentially.18:10
jpastoreXibalba: I can't authenticate from the NetBook but I can from my phone18:10
shihansmj: personally, i'd go "apt-get purge make", then "apt-get install make", see if that fixes it18:11
Sokelxibalba: He's saying he can't connect to their wifi.18:11
Sokelxibalba: It has nothing to do with proxies.18:11
jpastoreSokel: I was thinking they might need a firmware update...they speak English so I've been making friends18:11
bkc_Ray2: short answer "yes"18:11
jpastoreGracias guys18:12
SokelRay2: dd if=device1 of=device218:12
shihanjparker, it *MIGHT* be a jurisdiction thing... if your from the US your wifi might only go to channel 11, and in peru, they might go to 14 (thats a big *might*)18:12
SokelRay2: And then it's up to you to expand the lvm partitions to fill the rest of the drive.18:12
bkc_Sokel: don't do that -.-18:12
shihanerr jpastore, not jparker18:12
bkc_Ray2: ^18:12
Sokelbkc_: Best way to do it.18:12
bkc_Sokel: no... it will most likely mess up your hdd...18:13
Sokelbkc_: He's asking about transferring a small USB OS to a bigger drive. That's the easiest way to do it. It will NOT mess up the main drives.18:13
Sokelbkc_: Unless you specifically target them.18:13
xibalbadd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1 will solve your problem18:13
Sokeltr -c "[:digit:]" " " < /dev/urandom | dd cbs=$COLUMNS conv=unblock | GREP_COLOR="1;32" grep --color "[^ ]"18:14
SokelThis will.18:14
f2prateek_where can i read up more about partitioning specifically for new ubuntu installation18:14
ThinkT510!partitioning | f2prateek_18:15
ubottuf2prateek_: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap18:15
Ascavasaionf2prateek_: man fdisk ???18:15
f2prateek_oh perfect18:15
smjshihan: that would remove some other packages too18:16
shihansmj: yeah, mostly development ones18:17
mcdermmnim trying to create a xen guest with virt-manager and it fails leaving this in xend.log, ERROR (SrvBase:88) Request wait_for_devices failed.18:17
mcdermmnanyone run into this before18:17
DarkAceLaptop1. I stick in my SD Card 2. I accidentally press open with Shotwell and it saved the settings to always do that when I plug my SD in 3. How am I supposed to UNDO??18:18
shihansmj: the other option is to "strace -f -o /tmp/somelogfile make" and try and figure out why its going memory nuts via looking at /tmp/somelogfile18:19
phunyguyDarkAceLaptop, go into system settings, and Details18:19
phunyguyautorun options are in there18:19
ThinkT510DarkAceLaptop: there should be some removable media settings somewhere18:19
DarkAceLaptopwhat's the command for system settings, phunyguy18:19
phunyguyThinkT510, that was helpful,  ;)18:19
=== null1023 is now known as null1024
ThinkT510DarkAceLaptop: if you are on unity type removable in the dash18:19
phunyguyDarkAceLaptop, type it in the unity launcher18:19
DarkAceLaptopI'm not in Unity18:20
phunyguyWhat version of Ubuntu?18:20
phunyguyand no unity?18:20
DarkAceLaptopMATE DE18:20
ThinkT510DarkAceLaptop: mate isn't supported18:20
SokelYou're using mint. Go to their channel.18:20
phunyguyHave fun with that18:20
DarkAceLaptopno one likes Unity though :P18:21
Sokel(Though in my opinion, mint is going in the right direction in terms of desktops ;)18:21
DarkAceLaptopSokel, I'm not mint, if you're talking to me :P18:21
SokelDarkAceLaptop: Ok, then leave.18:21
xideahello world18:21
SokelNot supported.18:21
ThinkT510DarkAceLaptop: thats not true, but you go on believing the hype18:21
SokelUnity is pretty dumb18:22
SokelStep backwards.18:22
Petazand it violates apple patents18:22
phunyguyDarkAceLaptop, I must be nobody.18:22
phunyguyPetaz, how can it violate a patent if it's free18:22
phunyguy!ask | omar18:23
ubottuomar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:23
shihan!ot |everyone18:23
ubottueveryone: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:23
Petazwhat free has got to do with it?18:23
phunyguyPetaz, no money being made18:23
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Petazso ...?18:23
kyubutsufree as in 'freedom' not 'beer'18:24
Al0011235813Is there any actual support question here? Or just another mate vs unity debate? Can't you do that on the forums?18:24
SokelWhy would Apple care, honestly. It's all open source. Apple's main kernel and inner workings are open source too. so they can suck it.18:24
phunyguyofftopic it is18:24
omarI can not browse after update I can only enter skype and more programs that deal with the internet in Ubuntu 12.0418:24
shihanyeah, this isnt the place for either the patent discussion or a unity vs everyone flamefest18:24
kyubutsuopen source has its legalese as well..18:25
upsetHelp help help! I just finished my brief speech for a funeral and uberwriter has made an unclosable dialogue before i could save!!18:25
upsetHelp, please help. i have to have this text18:25
ugethello everybody. i'm still using ubuntu 10.10 and i have plan to upgrade it into the latest ubuntu.18:25
upsetI have to leave in 15 minutes18:25
Sokelupset: Sounds like trouble.18:25
ThinkT510upset: what is uberwriter?18:25
upsetSokel: No kidding18:25
upsetIt's a markdown doc writer18:25
cute_bettonghow do you install a .deb file if you don't know the dependancys the standard "sudo dpkg -i <filename>.deb isen't working18:25
ThinkT510uget: you are better off installing afresh18:26
upsetcute_bettong it will ask for the dependencies18:26
smjshihan: can you translate the log file?18:26
shihancute_bettong: usually its "dpkg -i" then "apt-get install -f"18:26
shihansmj: probably not, but if you pastebin the last 100 or so lines i'll have a look?18:26
Tuba-RespectCan anyone help me. Ubuntu is crashing and I was told to go to technical support.18:26
ugetwhat is the effect of installing a fresh ubuntu?18:26
ugeti'm in dual boot.18:26
SokelTuba-Respect: How is it crashing18:26
cute_bettongim trying to install streamtuner in ubuntu 12.04 32 bit and i can't find it in the repo's and i can't get the .deb file to install18:26
upsetIs there a location where the temp data is stored for uberwriter??18:27
tzIsnt temp data deleted when a program get closed?18:27
Sokeltz: When a program crahses, the files are NOT deleted.18:27
tzSokel, ow, sorry, didnt read it was crashed :)18:28
SokelIf I'm writing in libre, and it crashes, the files are left over and are recoverable.18:28
spoljotz: even some new are writen , core dump18:28
upsetDoes anyone know?? There's an uncloseable dialogue because of pantheon18:28
SokelThat is true18:28
shihanupset: if you can, drag the unclosable dialogue to one side, see if theres another dialogue underneight it (hold down alt and click on it perhaps)18:28
smjshihan: http://pastebin.fi/raw/Q0FTRZhL2U18:28
aniketcute_bettong, isn't there any option right clicking and installing through a package installer.18:29
smjhere's a thousand lines http://pastebin.fi/raw/2fiBnzXH4I18:29
wilee-nilee!eol | uget18:29
ubottuuget: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:29
upsetshihan: I can't, modal dialogue because of pantheon.18:29
upsetshihan: I don't know if there is a safe way to close this dialogue without accidentally quitting the program18:30
wilee-nileeuget, Make sure you always have your stuff backed up is your best insurance.18:30
tzAnyone here has experience with citadel mail server?18:30
Tuba-RespectI have a Macbook mid 2007 and am running Ubuntu 12.04.1LTS. The graphics driver (xserver-xorg-video-intel) is constantly crashing. Also, the kernel panics.18:31
shihanupset: ouch, that sounds painfully problematic18:32
shihansmj: hmm, cant see it doing much thats bad, are u sure its make thats chewing up the memory?18:32
upsetshihan: It's my own grandfather's funeral. I'm going nuts18:32
shihanupset: well, it *might* be possible to dump the memory from the process and perhaps retrieve parts of the document from it... thats a big might tho18:33
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upsetshihan: nvm, elementary guys helped. The key was ESC btn18:34
ugetwhat about the applications that i've installed? will they lost from my system after i install a fresh ubuntu?18:34
upsetshihan: Thank you18:34
MonkeyDustmate is a mint DE18:34
shihanupset: no worries, glad to here its sorted18:34
wilee-nileeuget, Afresh install is what its name implies.18:35
wilee-nileeuget, If you install 12.04 it is supported for 5 years not 18 months like 10.10 was.18:37
jragonhttp://dpaste.com/801773/ that's the permissions for /var/www/Tocora I can't cd into any of the directories nor can I open any files.18:37
jragon(I don't have permission)18:37
ugetmay i know, how to back up my machine, especially the installed applications?18:39
XATRIXhi guys, is it a ubuntu-server support channel ?18:40
ThinkT510XATRIX: here or #ubuntu-server18:41
kyubutsunot sure if deja dup will do what you want but its the default backup app in ubuntu 12.04, uget18:41
kyubutsuworks well for common backup needs18:42
wilee-nileeuget, What you want backed up is the stuff you can't lose such as media docs..etc. With a end of life you are best to have a list of the applications and any extra repos that may have been used like a ppa for example. With a jump from 10.10 the a[pplications at best will be a newer version, and may or may not be supported in a 3rd party ppa, you have to check. I think you may be realizing now that waiting so long and letting the OS go end of l18:43
wilee-nileeife causes a bit of a problem.18:43
smjshihan: here's the last 1000 lines after I let it run for a longer while http://pastebin.fi/raw/KKG5BvQaTH18:43
GeekAdminhi. Whats the command used to create a list of all the packages that are installed? I need to reinstall Ubuntu and want to make it easy to install all my packages again. Thanks18:44
ugetwell, i will try it. thanks.18:44
MonkeyDustGeekAdmin  dpkg --get-selections18:44
MonkeyDustGeekAdmin  or else: dpkg -l|grep ii|awk '{print $2}'18:45
GeekAdminMonkeyDust:  thanks!18:46
ChrisWerehey guys, I've just install 12.04 and got a tonne of errors off the bat, anyone got time to help me?18:46
* Otrock Ytyy18:47
wilee-nilee!help | ChrisWere18:47
ubottuChrisWere: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:47
* Otrock Hello%C518:47
ChrisWereokay so first error I'm constantly getting this popup box that says System program problem detected, do you want to report the problem now?. Excpet there's no problem with my machine, what can I do about this?18:48
kyubutsu'a ton of errors' is quite the general statement..; but if its a fresh install it might just be easy to reinstall. if that failed already, plot thickens...18:49
edveis there anyone that really know well Squid3 proxy ?18:50
wilee-nileeChrisWere, have you run gthe update manager and are updated? Have you clicked on the warning for info on the error.18:50
MonkeyDustChrisWere  is this what you mean? http://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2012/08/how-to-disable-apport-reporting-on.html18:50
kyubutsui don't think disabling apport should be the first course of action .. :(18:51
edveis there anyone that really know well Squid3 proxy ?18:51
MonkeyDustChrisWere  kyubutsu when my 12.04 was fresh and new, I had that issue too, it went away18:52
kyubutsuthere is that one command that rebuilds dpkg.. maybe that would do; along with running 'apt-get update'18:52
DanTheBeastManAnyone had recent success debootstrapping precise or quantal?18:52
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:53
wilee-nileeedve, You will not know unless you folow the channel guidelines which are ask the actual question not for help.18:53
mikk0i need a list of what sata raid devices ubuntu supports. ubuntu.com's online documentation links to some old document that only mentions ide and scsi devices. can anyone help?18:53
ChrisWereMonkeyDust: thanks that should help, okay next problem. I've been trying to set up dual moniters one with a resolution of 1280x960 and another with 1024x768. I have the Nvidia drivers and everything's up-to-date but I can't get gnome or unity to work with 3d effects. Any ideas?18:53
notlrac11HELLO DOES ANYONE WANT TO HELP WITH CREATING A OPERATING SYSTEM IF SO EMAIL notlrac11@icloud.com       ps. sorry bout the caps just needed to make it stand out18:53
GeekAdminunfortunetly I have to install XP, even though I have Ubuntu installed.  I was hoping I could install XP without having to uninstall Ubuntu first, but cant find a good up-to-date guide.  Anyone have a good up to date guide?18:53
MonkeyDustChrisWere  try arandr18:54
shihanmikk0: you probably want to look more at what linux itself supports rather then ubuntu18:54
wilee-nileeGeekAdmin, Is the ubuntu in a a extended partition as of now, and your only OS?18:54
kyubutsuGeekAdmin: you MUST install windows first . there is no way around that18:54
MonkeyDustnotlrac11  trying to stand out is the best way to get ignored18:54
GeekAdminwilee-nilee:  yes its the only OS18:55
wilee-nileeGeekAdmin, YOu answerd only 1 of 2 questions.18:55
GeekAdminwilee-nilee:  I want to keep Ubuntu but install XP side by side. I sortof understand the process, but I dont know how to resize the partiton properly with gparted18:55
DanTheBeastMankyubutsu: that's not true at all, you can install them in either order18:55
GeekAdminwilee-nilee:  Ubuntu is the only OS currently18:55
kyubutsusuit yourself then18:55
GeekAdminkyubutsu:  I know its possible to do it the other way around18:55
GeekAdminkyubutsu:  just a pain in the butt18:56
GeekAdminkyubutsu:  you have to reinstall grub and replace the windows boot loader18:56
notlrac11ok so does anyone want to help build a operating system if so message me or just email at notlrac11@icloud.ocm18:56
ChrisWereMonkeyDust: I've installed arandr and run the program, what is it supposed to achieve?18:56
notlrac11com i ment18:56
wilee-nileeGeekAdmin, Can you take a screen shot of gparted looking at the HD and imagebin it.18:56
Sokelnotlrac11: No one really cares18:56
GeekAdminwilee-nilee:  shoot, I wish I could, but that PC isnt hooked up to the net right now. It doesnt have a wifi adapter18:57
DanTheBeastManif you install windows after Ubuntu, Windows will wipe the MBR and use it's own bootloader instead of grub, which you can fix by booting a live cd, mount and chroot into your ubuntu install and run `grub-install`18:57
wilee-nileekyubutsu, If ubuntu is not sda1 things can be moved around and XP put in the first partition, it does not have to installed first.18:57
kyubutsuwell.. am all about the simplest way to fix a problem.. am not about to recommend something i wouldnt do myself and 'the other way around' isnt it18:57
DanTheBeastManit's a bit of a hassle to install to fix the bootloader, but to say that one cannot is simply wrong18:57
GeekAdminkyubutsu:  I'm thinking I might take your advice and just do it that way18:58
wilee-nileekyubutsu, In the theme don't push what YOU think is correct as the whole answer.18:58
ChrisWereMonkeyDust: okay so what do I do with a randr?18:58
kyubutsuthat it can be done in other ways only adds complexity to a simple solution .. thats al18:59
wilee-nileeGeekAdmin, If you have ubuntu as showing a higher then sda1 partition you most likely can resize the ubuntu and slip XP in as sda118:59
sambagirl10.04 is still supported correct?19:00
DiNgL3Hi guys Im needing some assistance please im trying to secure some of my websites so have been doing some reading and came across this guide http://www.thefanclub.co.za/node/50 I have created a test lamp server updated to 12.04.1 and started following the guide didn't want to do it on my live sites19:00
DiNgL3I have got to securing the shared memory and im stuck19:00
GeekAdminIf I totaly reinstall Ubuntu, is all I need to do for backing up is back up the home folder, and a list of installed applications?19:00
DiNgL3I add tmpfs     /dev/shm     tmpfs     defaults,noexec,nosuid     0     0 to /etc/fstab19:01
sambagirl10.04 is still supported correct?19:01
DiNgL3Once I have done that I reboot and receive errors upon reboot19:01
imarksambagirl: yes until april next year19:01
DiNgL3It says failed to load file type tmpfs19:02
DiNgL3Anyone got any ideas please19:02
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:02
=== ^GeCk0^ is now known as DjGeCk0
sambagirli use clonezilla19:03
sambagirlor just up it to a hosted site19:03
dethcubeHey, I cannot see my Ubuntu partition in grub (actually, when I try to boot my computer I just get the grub command line) I am not sure what's wrong.. have tried reinstalling it (grub) multiple times and multiple ways... no dice.19:04
DiNgL3Can any one help with my shared memory securing please?19:04
saeii am trying to go to kernel 2.6 to 3.2 in ubuntu 10.4 lu.... it wont  can any one help me with this problem please19:05
Sokelsaei: Upgrade your ubuntu to a higher version. And then we can talk.19:06
ChrisWereevery time I login Ubuntu creates an extra 2 new panels (top and bottom) by itself, how do i stop this from happening?19:06
saeisokel are you telling me that kernel 3.2 dont  work on ubuntu 10.4 dont like ubuntu 1219:07
xibalbahey, i just loaded ubuntu 12.04.1 onto a usb key for install and now it's saying can't mound /cdrom, anyone know how to address this?19:08
ChrisWere!help everytime I login ubuntu creates 2 new panels automatically every time. How do I stop this?19:08
ubottuChrisWere: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:08
DiNgL3Do I need to go to another forum for help does anyone know what my issue may be please :)19:08
ThinkT510saei: it might work but then you won't be supported so why bother running 10.04?19:08
usr13xibalba: If it's on USB, why do you need to mount /cdrom?19:08
xibalbai dont know the installer is trying to detect and mount cdrom19:09
dethcubeHey, I cannot see my Ubuntu partition in grub (actually, when I try to boot my computer I just get the grub command line) I am not sure what's wrong.. have tried reinstalling it (grub) multiple times and multiple ways... no dice.19:09
testihi all19:10
testisb here?19:10
=== nxguser is now known as n0m4d
Robinuxhey, I'm not sure, will the first example of the /etc/network/interfaces file example ((here ---> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConnectionBridge )) work to bridge my tv box and laptop so that eth0 (tv box) can access wifi internet on eth119:10
Robinuxon the laptop19:11
Sokelsaei: What I'm saying is that, if you're not getting it through their repositories, don't even think about it.19:11
testiNobody talks to me, but why?19:11
saeiok will upgrade to 12.4 lts will the kernel 3.2 come with my upgrade or 3.5 ?19:11
ThinkT510saei: 12.04 uses 3.219:11
n0m4dim trying to install lol19:11
n0m4dand i can get to a certin point and it freezes19:12
killerhi....how do i enable syntax highlighting in vi editor19:12
n0m4di have tried through disc through usb and different distro19:12
ChrisWereNo-one seems able to help today.19:12
Robinuxor should I just use brctl? ... and will I be able to talk to the tv box from the laptop (but for sure I must able to talk to it from another machine in the wifi network).19:12
n0m4dof ubuntu19:12
n0m4di have been googleing for like a coupe of days19:12
n0m4dback to that the19:12
andrebgood day all19:13
andrebanyone has any experience setting up split dns ?19:13
compdocRobinux, thats to set up a bridge on a pc with 2 nics19:13
Robinuxwhich one compdoc?19:13
compdocunder the How to Bridge example19:13
Robinuxoh right19:14
saeiok thank you all for you're  help19:14
compdocthats what bridges are for - to share access to a single nic, or multiple nics on the same pc19:14
compdoctesti, this isnt a chat channel - if you have a problem, tell us19:15
killerhow do i  enable syntax highlighting in vi ?19:15
ChrisWeregetting any help for ubuntu is a nightmare, help us out guys! My gnome keeps adding in pannels every time I login19:15
testicompdoc: yes I've problems, much problems19:15
testicompdoc: yes I've problems, much problems19:16
compdocwhich problems?19:16
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testiwell i don't like unity - don't want to make it bad  but i don't like it19:16
testiand i don't know what to do19:16
n0m4di am trying to install and it freeze at the selection screen to choose a connection19:16
Sokelkillar: make a .vimrc file and put in there syntax on19:16
n0m4dubuntu kbuntu19:16
Robinuxcompdoc, oh my... if I use brctl directly on the command line the bridge will be lost after a reboot :O19:16
testiwell i don't like unity - don't want to make it bad  but i don't like it19:16
testiand i don't know what to do19:17
n0m4dfedroa an all will install19:17
n0m4dbu not ubuntu19:17
DiNgL3Hi guys Im needing some assistance please im trying to secure some of my websites so have been doing some reading and came across this guide http:/​/​www.thefanclub.co.za/​node/​50 I have created a test lamp server updated to 12.04.1 and started following the guide didn't want to do it on my live sites.  I have got to securing the shared memory and im stuck.  I add tmpfs     /dev/shm     tmpfs     defaults,noexec,nosuid     0     0 t19:17
DiNgL3the end of /etc/fstab. Once I have done that I reboot and receive errors upon reboot  - mount: unknown filesystem type tmpfs mountall: mount /dev/shm [312] terminated with status 32 mountall: Filesystem could not be mounted /dev/shm fsck from until-linux 2.20.1 (PLEASE SOMEONE HELP MY WEBSITES BEEN ATTACKED FOR A FEW DAYS NOW ;( )19:17
Sokelkiller: And then in .bashrc, make an alias. alias vi='vim'19:17
FloodBot1DiNgL3: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:17
Sokelkiller: Restart the terminal and you're good to go.19:17
Robinuxcompdoc, so I'm gonna have to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file I guess?19:17
testiwell i don't like unity - don't want to make it bad  but i don't like it19:17
testiand i don't know what to do19:17
compdocRobinux, yes, I think thats true. you modify /etc/network/interfaces to make it permanent19:17
ThinkT510testi: then use a different desktop19:17
dethcubeHey, I cannot see my Ubuntu partition in grub (actually, when I try to boot my computer I just get the grub command line) I am not sure what's wrong.. have tried reinstalling it (grub) multiple times and multiple ways... no dice.19:18
Robinuxcompdoc, will be able to talk to the tv box from the laptop?19:18
killerSokel:vimrc file....even for vi ( i m using vi not vim)19:18
testiThinkT510: i want an improvement to unity, not something worse19:18
ThinkT510testi: then use a different desktop19:18
compdoctesti, you get used to unity after a while, and its not that bad19:18
AzelphurDiNgL3: nothing you said indicates that your server has been attacked, fyi19:18
ChrisWereanyone about to help? Fuck ubutnu's costs me a fortune in lost hours19:18
testiThinkT510  @ compdoc : i want an improvement to unity, not something worse19:18
xangua!language | ChrisWere19:18
ubottuChrisWere: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:18
compdocRobinux, that all depends on how they connect19:18
AzelphurChrisWere: ubuntu doesn't use gnome panel any more, upgrade to the latest version of Ubuntu.19:19
Sokelkiller: Vim and vi are the same thing. Vim automatically turns on the syntax highlighting. And it usually presents colors if you don't get colors by default.19:19
testii want an improvement to unity, not something worse19:19
Sokelkiller: Thus making the syntax highlighting easier.19:19
testiif i change to kde or so i've something worse than UNITY19:19
ChrisWereAzelphur: I have the latest version of Ubuntu/gnome, but I can't get unity or gnome 3d working. Can you help?19:19
DiNgL3This is a test server this is not getting hacked but my lives ones have been so im following a guide to secure server but im stuck on securing the shared memory if I use the code in the /etc/fstab im unable to boot system normally I get errors and it wants me to go in recovery mode19:19
ThinkT510testi: then what are you complaining about?19:20
sambagirlin ubuntu setup it shows wolof what country is that language assocaited?19:20
usr13testi: Use another Desktop Environment.19:20
AzelphurChrisWere: so you're running Ubuntu 12.04? what graphics card?19:20
usr13testi: xfce is nice.19:20
testiusr13: kde is not good xfce is not good lxde is not good unity is not good19:20
DiNgL3Azelphur: Are you familiar with securing shared memory19:20
testiusr13: so what alternative?19:20
ChrisWereAzelphur GTX550 Ti with propietory drivers19:20
AzelphurDiNgL3: no.19:20
sambagirltry commodore vision os for a new trist :D19:20
ThinkT510testi: gnome3, enlightenment19:20
vitimititesti, what about gnome? or gnome classic19:20
testiThinkT510: vitimiti gnome and e17 are not good19:21
AzelphurChrisWere: that's odd, 3d all works for me on my GTX 570, what happens when you try and login under unity?19:21
DiNgL3So please is there anyone in the channel who can offer me support19:21
xanguatesti: if nothing is good to you then do not use anything¿19:21
testixangua: gnome 2 is good19:21
D[4]nithere is another channel dedicated to programming for ubuntu, right?19:21
vitimititesti, use gnome 219:21
testihow? vitimiti19:21
ThinkT510testi: then use gnome fallback19:21
vitimititesti, install gnome-shell and select gnome classic instead of gnome19:22
testiThinkT510: don't like it19:22
ThinkT510!notunity | testi19:22
ubottutesti: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:22
testivitimiti: don't like it19:22
ChrisWereAzelphur same, no 3d, but I am trying to get dual moniters up and runnig which might have something to do with it. ATM I'm just trying to solve one problem at a time and stop gnome contrantly creating enw panels every time I log in. I can easily end up with 3 or more on the top and 3 or more on the bottom19:22
testialt + tab doesn't work vitimiti ThinkT51019:22
ThinkT510testi: if you don't like anything then you're quite out of options then19:22
AzelphurChrisWere: I run a quad monitor setup. :)19:22
testialt + tab doesn't work vitimiti ThinkT51019:22
ChrisWereAzelphur ah good, so you should be able to help right?19:22
ThinkT510testi: alt tab works fine in xfce19:22
vitimititesti, use arch linux, i don't know19:23
AzelphurChrisWere: tbh if you are multi monitor you don't want unity, it's not good for multi monitor, I'd suggest going down the Xubuntu route.19:23
SokelArch is nasty.19:23
ChrisWereAzelphur can you help me just get it working?19:23
testiThinkT510: i don't like xfce because the logo19:23
SokelMight as well go plain gentoo if you're going to go that route. Or actually, use Sabayon.19:23
SokelCall it a day19:23
ThinkT510testi: are you 10 or something?19:23
xangua!ot | Sokel vitimiti19:23
ubottuSokel vitimiti: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:23
ChrisWereAzelphur Xubuntu's too buggy, although Ubuntu isn't any better. I can't belive this made Realease Candidate19:24
ThinkT510testi: go troll elsewhere19:24
testiThinkT510: nooo i'm 2319:24
kyubutsuall the available options are in the repos, testi .. look'em up and try them.. and let us know19:24
testiThinkT510: it's not trolling19:24
AzelphurChrisWere: Xubuntu isn't buggy for me, 12.04 isn't a release candidate19:24
testionly like GNOME 219:24
Azelphurtesti: go and get MATE desktop, it's a supported fork of gnome 219:24
theadmintesti: There's MATE (which *is* GNOME 2), but it's not officially supported by Ubuntu, check http://mate-desktop.org19:24
testiAzelphur: i don't like MATE19:24
ThinkT510Azelphur: its not supported on ubuntu19:25
ChrisWereAzelphur: nevermind you misunderstand. so are you able to help in any way or is your only advice nstall xubuntu?19:25
testitheadmin: i don't like MATE19:25
ThinkT510testi: how can you not like mate yet like gnome2?19:25
Azelphurtesti: don't use gnome 2, it's unsupported and we won't support it here, gtfo :p19:25
EtwasCan someone help me, I am having trouble opening my SD card reader thingyjigger...19:25
theadmintesti: So you like GNOME2 but don't like MATE when they're the same thing?19:25
testiThinkT510: it misses an applet19:25
OerHeksAzelphur, Mate is not supported here,...19:25
testiThinkT510: it misses an applet theadmin Azelphur19:25
theadminOk, troll much. Not helping trolls.19:25
EtwasWell, I want legitimate help. :)19:26
AzelphurChrisWere: I never put too much effort into getting Unity running myself, Xubuntu works really well in multi monitor setups, which as Unity doesn't so much. So for people with >1 monitor I generally recommend Xubuntu or a different DE19:26
EtwasI was unfortunately born female, and cannot make machines do as I would like them to.19:26
mafiaboyhi...if i wanna only download a package (for eg : vlc)...and wanna install it later using apt-get ....WHAT should i do?19:26
shihanetwas: are you getting any errors?19:26
ChrisWereAzelphur, what abotu lubuntu?19:26
theadminEtwas: Hey, that's not a problem, you're not the only girl round here :P So can you give any details?19:26
OerHeksmafiaboy, use "dpkg -i <package>19:26
compdocunfortunately born female? there nothing wrong with that19:26
ChrisWereAzelphur: or KDE? why is GNOME so bad?19:27
AzelphurChrisWere: this is like the fourth time now, Ubuntu 12.04 does not ship with Gnome, it ships with Unity19:27
testiso no help here again19:27
EtwasUhm, well, it usually would pop up on it's own, and it isn't and then I typed some sort of -i lfnubgfi whatever thingy, and I don't think it showed up in there, I don't know.19:27
testii already thought that19:27
testii already thought that19:27
EtwasBut if I don't see my pictures, I will explode.19:27
ChrisWereAzelphur: I installed GNOME19:27
xanguaAzelphur: ChrisWere Ubuntu 12.04 comes with gnome desktop 3.4 and unity shell19:27
AzelphurChrisWere: I havn't tried KDE4 didn't work on my setup last I checked, and havn't tried LXDE, but it should be promising :)19:28
shihanetwas: you unplugged it, re-plugged back in?19:28
theadminEtwas: Okay, insert your card and then pastebin the output of: "sudo fdisk -l"19:28
EtwasIt's built in, laptop here.19:28
mafiaboyOerHeks: what i want is apt-get first download a package and later i can install it19:28
guntbert_!who | Etwas19:28
ubottuEtwas: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:28
shihanum, ok, when you plug it in, can you have a look at "dmesg |tail 50" on the command line?19:28
OerHeksmafiaboy, apt-get install wil install it, use wget to download the package.19:29
EtwasYou guys have to speak to me as if I have no idea what you are saying, okay. :)19:29
torqyHey all. For some reason my computer keeps booting to GRUB terminal rather than giving me options to choose my ubuntu installation... any ideas?19:29
OerHekssee !offline for download and transport to a machine without internet.19:30
EtwasAlso, if you can help me, I am not against being messaged privately... I really want to be able to see these photos.19:30
theadminEtwas: Hm, okay, your card isn't being detected19:30
EtwasWell, what the heck?! :/19:30
theadminEtwas: That's what I want to know... You sure you plugged it in before giving me the pastebin?19:30
EtwasYes, it's been in this whole time.19:30
EtwasIs it another driver issue? :/19:30
* Etwas grumbles.19:30
theadminEtwas: Try removing it and plugging it back in19:31
theadminEtwas: Maybe you just ejected it, idk19:31
sambagirlit keeps telling me i dont have a swap19:31
ChrisWereWe I'm now going to crack open an install of lubuntu 12.04. Honestly I didn't think this was the only way I could work out my issues here.19:31
EtwasThe same.19:31
torqyI keep getting the "minimal BASH-like" interface instead of being allowed to choose my partition.19:31
jragonhow can I change waht's on the side bar in nautillus?19:31
compdocEtwas, those sd cards can go bad. but try it on another PC to be sure19:31
krababbelmafiaboy: 'aptitude -d' would download only, just beware of ia32-libs with aptitude19:32
karthick87How to fix this error on ubuntu 12.04 ==> "E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_universe_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened."19:32
theadminkrababbel: Don't use aptitutde, apt-get has "-d" too19:32
EtwasI don't have another PC, I'm on holiday.19:32
mithran hai im xsane scanning program in my ubuntu 12.04 now its hanged its not saved yet how to continue scanning with out closing19:32
sambagirlnevermind i fixed it19:32
krababbeltheadmin: thanks19:32
tzIs ubuntu server hard to maintain for a newbie sys-admin? Compared to maby, some other flavours?19:32
Robinuxcompdoc, it depends how the br0 is connected to the router/internet? well I'm gonna use dhcp on br0.19:33
guntbert_Etwas: does your camera have an usb port too? the you could connect it that way19:33
theadmintz: Well, Ubuntu Server doesn't come with a graphical interface -- pretty much no server distro does. Long as that's fine with you, you're good19:33
Guest40570! list19:33
ubottuGuest40570: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:33
shihantz: there are some newbie-oriented server distro's out there, but ubuntu is probably more complete and up to date19:33
shihantz: though it does depend on what you want it for...19:34
Robinuxcompdoc, I'm basically gonna use the second example of /etc/network/intefaces file on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConnectionBridge19:34
tzshihan: It's for a small business, need it as a mail, file and web-server19:34
shihantz: things like webmin/zentyal might make it easier to administrate... its worth trying ubuntu simply for its up-to-dated-ness imho:)19:35
compdocRobinux, all that pre-up and post-down stuff? that looks crazy19:35
burnthey ffmpeg wont install, did an update to 12.04 now cant play avi's, says when I try to view a video, gstreamer plugin needed, then errors, giving list of dependencies ... please help, here is a paste bin of the erros tia19:36
Robinuxcompdoc, I agree, think I'll use this:  http://wiki.debian.org/BridgeNetworkConnections#Configuring_bridging_in_.2BAC8-etc.2BAC8-network.2BAC8-interfaces19:36
tzshihan: cool, we'er currently getting a web site and exchange hosted out of the house, want to bring it all back in to the house to lower costs.. so open source products would be very nice19:36
mithran hai im using xsane scanning program in my ubuntu 12.04 now its hanged its not saved yet how to continue scanning with out closing or losing my data?19:36
shihantz: just keep in mind, "exchange replacement" can be a little difficult, though not impossible19:37
karthick87How to fix this error on ubuntu 12.04 ==> "E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_universe_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened."19:37
torqyI keep getting the "minimal BASH-like" interface instead of being allowed to choose my partition.19:37
=== Petaz_ is now known as Petaz
tzshihan: thats also my biggest concern, since we have a group mail where we need to "mark" the emails people start working on..19:37
burnthow can I fix unmet dependancies arg19:38
tzshihan: exchange has this feature, don't know if Imap can do the same19:38
theadminkarthick87: Do this: sudo rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/* && sudo apt-get update19:38
shihankarthick87: try "apt-get clean", the "apt-get update" and see19:38
shihantz: you can have group shared folders and the like, you might find you need to adopt a different way of doing some stuff in some cases19:39
burntif I try to install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg via synaptic, it gives me this error19:39
burnt Depends: libavcodec53 but it is not going to be installed or19:39
burnt libavcodec-extra-53 (<5:0) but 6: is to be installed19:39
FloodBot1burnt: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:39
anikettorqy, i think this might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191669819:39
tzshihan: okay, fortunatly we'er only 2 people working but sometimes from home or the office.. but all our orders goes to a inbox, where we through exchange, mark them with colors when we start working on them..19:40
tzshihan: hard to find the same feature in other mail servers i think..19:41
burntcan anyone help me19:41
aniketburnt try 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras' without quotes.19:41
burnttried that19:41
burntbut still wont play movies with the same error19:41
* burnt cries 19:41
xanguaburnt: are you using a thir party repository¿ did you add a ppa¿19:43
Ascavasaionjragon: Not sure about Nautilus, but in PCManFM you browse to the folder you want to add to the sidepane, and then add it to bookmarks.  Hope that helps.19:44
n0m4dis lilu creator a good tool to use19:44
n0m4dor is there something better19:44
n0m4dbecause i keep getting non stop install errors on ubuntu only19:44
shihantz: well, you could perhaps use a crm, like sugar to do the same, but thats probably overkill... in your case it might just be easier to have another account on your imap server and have both of you login to the same account... but you could have mail delivery to a shared folder and do the same (i use dovecot in a similar fashion)19:45
theadminn0m4d: lili is fine, though if possible I'd use dd (that's a Linux-only thing though, no Windows one. Well, there is a Windows version but it probably won't work)19:45
n0m4di using my wifes laptop19:45
theadminn0m4d: Alternatives to LiLi are Universal USB Installer and Unetbootin, though19:45
n0m4dbut doesnt matter if its a cd or dvd19:45
shihantz: as in have a "personal" account and "sales" inbox19:45
n0m4dor usb ubuntu will just freez after network selection and it connects i press next and it freezes19:46
n0m4dive tried kbuntu just to see if it goes any father and it load and then freezes19:46
tzshihan: yes that might be the way to go, you got experience with systems like Sogo or Citadel?19:46
n0m4dive done a mem test19:47
n0m4dand a media checke ive redownloaded19:47
n0m4dfedora installs fine19:47
n0m4dbu ubuntu just wont lol19:47
guntbert_!enter | n0m4d19:47
ubottun0m4d: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:47
shihantz: sadly not :) one other thing too, outlook (as an imap client) doesnt always push changes to an email straight away to the server, so sometimes theres quite a delay between when you might mark one with "important" or something and when it'll appear on someone elses client that way19:48
guntbert_n0m4d: did you check if the download was ok?19:48
n0m4dyes sir19:48
n0m4di can boot in live19:48
n0m4dits a sansa cruze usb drive would that be a problem ?19:49
karthick87I m using gnome shell classic on ubuntu 12.04. However, i notice that tht (ALT + F2 + r) didnt work. How do i get this effect on gnome shell classic? I just want to restart shell without logging out.19:52
=== berihumsup is now known as Rajsun
n0m4di might have gotten kbuntu to work19:54
TheMadDrizzleI have a few questions about getting grub to work.19:55
n0m4dnever mind it froze19:55
theadminTheMadDrizzle: Just ask the questions19:55
saviohay i will gone crazy if no one help me now19:55
TheMadDrizzleI have ubuntu and archlinux both installed on the same drive, yet when I just did this most recent ' partial upgrade ' with ubuntu, it's deleted my menu entry for grub19:56
savioi having problem with nm19:56
theadminTheMadDrizzle: Hm... Which OS' GRUB are you using?19:56
savioi'm not able to connect dsl connection my isp provide me19:56
TheMadDrizzleI purposly installed arch first and then ubuntu to have ubuntu's grub2 auto-detect script run and eliminate any fuss.  now this partial update has overwritten my grub custom?  and how do I manually go back through and update it, because update-grub isn't working.19:56
n0m4dsavio get a router19:57
Atlantic777savio: what kind of connection do you need? pppoe or ethernet  connection to a router?19:57
theadminTheMadDrizzle: If Ubuntu's, running "sudo update-grub" should detect any other operating systems (detects even my Gentoo installs and gives them weird names :/)19:57
Atlantic777then +1, get a router19:57
saviowith service name compulsary19:57
savioAtlantic777, why so?19:57
theadminTheMadDrizzle: Ah, not working... Hm... What configs have you modified?19:57
TheMadDrizzleI haven't modified anything yet.19:58
n0m4dbecause a router will dchp19:58
theadminTheMadDrizzle: Ah, thought you said you did... What's a "partial update" anyway?19:58
n0m4dand it will be ten times easier for you tset it up19:58
TheMadDrizzletheadmin: Sorry, I ment I did the most recent ' partial upgrade ' from ubuntu19:58
savioits budget problem19:58
SilfenXHello! Just installed 12.04 LTS Desktop and the vertical 'launchbar' to the left of the screen doesnt display any icons but display texthints when hoovering. Whats gone wrong?19:58
theadminTheMadDrizzle: (I'm a Gentoo person and the only way I understand "update" is "update all the packages" so I have no idea the heck that means)19:59
n0m4dbufflo h some low cost routers19:59
OerHekssavio, were yiu here yesterday, with the mac adress issue ?19:59
n0m4dand they come with dd-wrt pre programed19:59
TheMadDrizzletheadmin: It was explained to me as a partial kernel upgrade, not a package upgrade19:59
saviocan anyone seriously gona help me19:59
theadminTheMadDrizzle: That sounds... weird...19:59
theadminTheMadDrizzle: Can you just upgrade everything to make sure we're on the same wavelength? "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"20:00
saviothere is no option to set service name20:00
LCID_FireUbuntu 12.10 just ruined my install. Grub is completely empty. Is there a way to see why it isn't generating any grub entries?20:01
burnthow do I fix this when I try to install gstreamer ??? gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg : Depends: libavcodec53 (< 5:0) but it is not going to be installed or libavcodec-extra-53 (< 5:0) but 6: is to be installed  E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.20:01
theadminsavio: Run "sudo pppoeconf" to configure a PPPOE connection.20:01
TheMadDrizzletheadmin - totally updated, no actions performed durring updates, nothing deleted20:01
burntran apt-get update / upgrade20:01
saviopppoeconf don't provide servicename option20:01
aniketburnt see if this helps http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-mplayer-and-multimedia-codecs-libdvdcss2w32codecsw64codecs-on-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric.html20:01
saviootherwise it says login incorrect20:01
burntthanks aniket20:02
OerHekssavio, servicename = networkname ?20:02
aniketburnt, update. upgrading upgrades your ubuntu to new version.20:03
TheMadDrizzleWhen i update-grub, it says that I've got two sets of linux and two sets of initrd, and the memtest20:03
theadminsavio: Um, when you configure a DSL connectio in NetworkManager there is "Service"...: http://i.imgur.com/7LytX.png20:03
savioto enable the internet i need to changed conf file then need to restart the nm service then again need to chaned conf file then need to restart service as well as restart the system20:03
TheMadDrizzletheadmin: It doesn't say anything about having archlinux installed20:04
theadminTheMadDrizzle: That kinda... meh. Sorry, not sure about anything... I'm not familiar with GRUB2 since it autoconfigs too much and that confuses me20:04
TheMadDrizzletheadmin:  Thanks alot for the help anyways.  I'll just putz arround with it for a while until I can get it to work.20:05
saviootherwise nm sometimes don't recognise any network device sometimes it don't recognise ethernet card it just acting like wired one20:06
theadminTheMadDrizzle: Sure. Um, you sure your Arch has a kernel? Cause if not that may be a problem. Sounds silly but just making sure20:06
thomasrossHow much ram does Ubuntu 1004 require to install?20:06
saviowhen i do above procedure it connect to internet properly20:06
savioand service name means it assign my isp20:07
fasdHi! Whenever I boot into ubuntu 12.04 it gives me this: The disk drive for /boot is not ready yet or not present20:07
fasdAnd then it gives me the option to manually repair or S to skip..20:07
savioaccess concentrator20:08
saviolike that20:08
fasdSo I press S and then it just goes to my desktop no problem.20:08
thomasrossHow much ram does Ubuntu 12.04.1 require to install?20:08
karthick87I m using gnome shell classic on ubuntu 12.04. However, i notice that tht (ALT + F2 + r) didnt work. How do i get this effect on gnome shell classic? I just want to restart shell without logging out.20:08
theadminfasd: Does your /etc/fstab have a /boot entry? If so you probably want to remove it since it appears you don't have a separate boot partition.20:08
theadminthomasross: Both *require* 512M, but you probably want more for it to work smoothly20:09
savioplease help me i'm going crazy here20:09
thomasrossWhat do you reccomend?20:09
theadminthomasross: What do you mean?20:09
thomasrossHow much ram do you recommend?20:09
theadminthomasross: Hm, I'd say 1G would do just fine.20:10
thomasrossOkay i've got around 745 MB20:10
thomasrossWould that be enough?20:10
theadminthomasross: That'd work, yeah, might run into problems with some apps though (Firefox, GIMP...)20:10
thomasrossWhen i try to install it, I get an error though20:10
thomasrossIt says20:10
thomasrossIBM detected, refusing to download module20:11
thomasrossIt is an IBM machine20:11
theadminthomasross: Xubuntu or Lubuntu will work with less RAM than the regular Ubuntu, by the way. And uh... I have no idea the heck that error can be20:11
burntaniket : after all that, still no go20:11
fasdtheadmin: Here's my fstab: http://www.pasteall.org/3528820:11
thomasrossOkay, I'll go with Xubuntu then, Thanks.20:11
burntthis sort of thing that makes me want to re-install ubutu or at worst go back to windows :?20:11
burnt:( even20:11
thor__guys i have a bis problem with ffmpeg the terminal send me this:   THIS PROGRAM IS DEPRECATED ***20:11
thor__This program is only provided for compatibility and will be removed in a future release. Please use avconv instead.20:11
aniketburnt, even after update?20:11
thor__what can i do?20:12
daddyis there someone here who has experience with VNC and ubuntu?20:12
theadminfasd: Put a "#" on the beginning of the last line, save it and reboot, see if it works20:12
fasdThanks.. will try theadmin20:12
TheMadDrizzletheadmin: Well I had arch up and running before I installed ubuntu, so I'd better have a kernel avaliable for arch.20:12
compdocdaddy, I use vnc4server. Its not for desktop sharing, tho20:12
theadminfasd: If not, boot from a livecd, find that file and remove the #20:12
xibalbahow can i tell if the box i'm logged into is a server or desktop install?20:13
TheMadDrizzletheadmin:  Is there anyway I can manually check?  ( sorry had to get my son from a nap )20:13
black_joedaddy: Yes. You need to install and run a package called "x11vnc". Then you can connect to it via remmina or some other client.20:13
thor__THIS PROGRAM IS DEPRECATED This program is only provided for compatibility and will be removed in a future release. Please use avconv instead.20:13
daddyI have a remote box I need to make stop refusing my connection, I think its the router but Im not sure.20:13
burntaniket :) yep, this is doing my head in hehe20:13
fasdtheadmin: Just the line that says "defaults"?20:13
compdocdaddy, you have to forward the right port on the remote router20:13
saviono one is answering20:13
daddycc it worked before, after a rebot of the macine it refuses the connection20:14
theadminTheMadDrizzle: Well, find your arch's boot directory and search for the kernel, it normally has a name like "vmlinuz-linux" in Arch20:14
theadminfasd: Uh, no, your last line in the paste starts with UUID=... and has a /boot in there20:14
thor__savio what do you nned?20:14
daddycompudoc I mean20:14
aniketburnt, lol! can you paste a screen shot of the error.20:14
fasdtheadmin: Right.20:15
theadminfasd: So that's the one I mean20:15
aniketor whatever result20:15
thor__guys I need some help whit this warning:  THIS PROGRAM IS DEPRECATED This program is only provided for compatibility and will be removed in a future release. Please use avconv instead.20:15
fasdtheadmin: Right. So, should I comment out both or just the one?20:15
saviothor__ i having problem with nm20:15
compdocdaddy, what vnc is running there?20:16
zykotick9thor__: that's just a "warning" not an error really.  install avconv if you wish.20:16
burntyeah its on my paste bin20:16
savioto enable the internet i need to changed conf file then need to restart the nm service then again need to chaned conf file then need to restart service as well as restart the system20:16
compdocsavio, it works sometimes, and sometimes not?20:16
black_joethor__: It just means it is outdated software and should not be used.20:16
saviootherwise nm sometimes don't recognise any network device sometimes it don't recognise ethernet card it just acting like wired one20:16
burntsame error20:16
daddycompudoc tightvnc20:16
saviocompdoc, to able to work i need to perform above steps20:17
theadminfasd: Uhm, I confused, you don't have a line that says just "defaults" (is your editor splitting one line in several to save horizontal space?)20:17
thor__zykotic9 i can convert the .flv format eaven using mencoder or avidemux, some suggestion?20:17
fasdtheadmin: That must be it..20:17
fasdtheadmin: but it is fixed now!20:18
zykotick9!tab | thor__20:18
ubottuthor__: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:18
fasdtheadmin: Thanks a ton.20:18
zykotick9thor__: using ffmpeg is fine as well...20:18
theadminfasd: Good20:18
daddytab doesn't work here but I think its because of my retarded keyboard :/ lol20:18
thor__zykotick, thanks20:18
aniketburnt, hey it clearly states that 6: needs to installed for some dependencies. i think you might have tried installing it suing apt-get, did you?20:18
zykotick9!tab > thor__20:18
ubottuthor__, please see my private message20:18
aniketburnt, *using20:19
daddycompdoc neverm, anyway should I be able to SSH into the box easier than using VNC>20:19
savioany solution20:19
burntI tried to when it gave me that error20:20
black_joedaddy: It is pretty easy. And you can use ssh -X -l username IPADDRESS to pipe graphical programs over ssh.20:20
aniketalright. do a reboot and try again. i suggest!20:20
andrebhi all20:20
thor__savio did  you try to use the privative drivers ?20:20
compdocdaddy, when I have tried installing tightvnc on ubuntu, it doesnt work as well as vnc4server. I once tried installing tightvnc on a centos 6.3 box, and it installed and ran wonderfully. It even includes vncconfig for clipboard transfer. So whoever created the ubuntu packages of tightvnc seems to only have created a bare minimal install. It might not even be set to auto run.20:20
burntbb in 30 seconds :) ssd ftw20:20
andrebcan anyone help me with bind ?? cant seem to configure it right20:20
daddyproblem is Im using a windoze machine to SSH into the Ubuntu box20:21
saviowhat are they20:21
andrebi amusing this guide here toi setup teh split dns20:21
daddycompdoc should I build from source then>20:21
FloorduckMy laptop's battery life is really bad on ubuntu... it's only about 2 hours, basic use20:21
andreband i get this erro "DNS ERROR resolving MX for zimbra.chapmans.co.tt"20:21
compdocdaddy, vnc should be as easy as ssh when its working. If you installed openssh-server, it should be running20:21
ns-nazrimaybe your battery is bad20:21
guntbert_daddy: whats the problem with ssh?20:22
compdocdaddy, never build from source if it exists in the repos. Try vnc4server - its more complete20:22
FloorduckMy laptop is brand new, though...20:22
thor__savio try this:  sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common & ndisgtk20:23
saviofor ethernet20:23
compdocsavio, do you have more than one network card? like a wired and a wireless?20:23
savioi'm using r816920:23
ns-nazrifloorduck: try something new software linux20:23
saviocompdoc, nope20:24
savioone wireless and one wired20:24
Floorduckns-nazri: whats that?20:24
FloorduckI don't understand what you're saying...20:24
ns-nazriare u new laptop20:24
compdocsavio, can you pastebin the changes you have to make?20:24
burntaniket, still the same :'''(20:24
savioi just changed ifdown to true in NetworkManager.conf20:25
l0ll0lllhi all. Are there any kde>=4.5 packages for ubuntu 10.04 LTS? It seems ubuntu-backports no longer provides them...20:26
theadminl0ll0lll: Not official ones anyway. Ubuntu's kinda like Windows, if you want the latest and greatest you should use a latest release -- you can easily upgrade between LTS releases so I suggest getting 12.0420:27
karthick87I m using gnome shell classic on ubuntu 12.04. However, i notice that tht (ALT + F2 + r) didnt work. How do i get this effect on gnome shell classic? I just want to restart shell without logging out.20:27
andrebcan anyone look at these and tell me where i have gone wrong20:29
andrebhttp://pastebin.com/4u2MrKF0 http://pastebin.com/HtnAuDBH http://pastebin.com/Y4dV20Uw20:29
aniketburnt, did you try any post installation guide. cause they solutions for most of the problems.20:29
aniketburnt, check this out if it helps http://www.my-guides.net/en/guides/linux/330-ubuntu-1204-precise-pangolin-post-installation-guide20:29
wiickeedHow can i free a port i seem to have something runing on port 69 thats soposed to be reserved for tftp20:29
wiickeedhow can i kick of any program on socket 6920:30
Dr_willisId bet its your tftp server.. ;)20:30
l0ll0llltheadmin: ok, thanks20:30
FloorduckIs 5400rpm significantly worse than 7200rpm for a harddrive?20:30
l0ll0lllseems will have to compile it myself20:31
theadminkarthick87: Try "killall gnome-panel" (you can assign that to a keyboard shortcut if you want), it will restart the gnome panel (there's no "classic shell", by the way, only the gnome-panel)20:31
wiickeedDr_willis: possible it's a script i ran before but no way of closing it cant find it under programs20:31
jerry_l1i would not say significantly.20:32
theadminl0ll0lll: ...If you're ready to compile KDE might as well go with Gentoo [/offtopic]20:32
theadminl0ll0lll: Try googling "KDE ppa lucid"20:32
wiickeedDr_willis: im looking for a way to kick it off the port via terminal if possible20:32
savioanybody knows how to setup service name in pppoe connection20:32
FloorduckI ask only because I've found an alternative, cheaper laptop of the same brand20:32
Dr_williswiickeed,  use ps or top or htop to find the process and kill it.20:32
l0ll0llltheadmin: i have googled, but the ppa is no longer useful for lucid20:32
jerry_l1you ave to try the hard drive and see if it is acceptable.20:32
julia145anybidy help20:32
Floorduckwhich has a 7200rpm drive instead of a 5400rpm one (which I have now)20:32
l0ll0llltheadmin: and as for Gentoo, it's overkill, especially for netbook20:33
Dr_willisFloorduck,  the rest is identical?20:33
aniketsavio, try nm-connection-editor20:33
julia145with usb modem on ubuntu20:33
theadminl0ll0lll: Heh, okay then, makes sense20:33
FloorduckUh, more or less. let me double check20:33
jerry_l1the laptop is a different senario because of smaller platers.20:33
julia145i got some errors20:33
wiickeedDr_willis: gives me nothing same as task manager20:34
theadminl0ll0lll: This appears to provide 4.7 on Lucid: https://launchpad.net/~euroford/+archive/kde20:34
jerry_l1i have a 5400rpm 160GB sata WD hard drive for my laptop and it is fine running XP and puppy linux20:34
Dr_willisFloorduck,  one thing to consider.. the hard drive is going to be aboyut the easiest thing to replace/upgrade20:34
Dr_williswiickeed,  task manager? Try ps ax and look for what might be using the port.20:34
jerry_l1although i dont use the laptop for media editing.....20:35
julia145and this is it20:35
l0ll0llltheadmin: wow, looks promising, will try, thanks20:35
Dr_willislsof -i :<port number>20:35
wiickeedDr_willis: heh same thing nothing on 69 : /20:36
FloorduckThese are the two laptops: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152354CVF http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683415231920:36
FloorduckThe latter is less expensive, has 6gb of ram instead of 4, and has a 7200rpm drive :l20:36
julia145this it20:36
Dr_willisFloorduck,  hd is easier to upgrade then ram . ram is fairly easy. but  if you got 6gb you most likely wont ever upgrade it.20:37
theadminl0ll0lll: However, you use PPAs at your own risk. Neither me nor the Ubuntu team are responsible for any breakage they make cause.20:37
Dr_willisFloorduck,  BEST boost for a system i find is putting in a SSD.20:37
l0ll0llltheadmin: yeah, i understand this20:37
jerry_l1reviewing laptops.....20:38
FloorduckSomeone told me that getting "uneven" ram was bad20:38
Floorduckand that therefore 4gb would be better than 6...20:38
burntnothing works aniket :)20:38
burntthinking of a full wipe20:38
theadminFloorduck: That makes... no sense whatsoever20:38
wiickeedis there a more direct approach / command i could call to free a port like free 69 : )20:38
julia145please help20:38
theadminjulia145: Be patient. People here are volunteers, thus not everybody knows everything.20:39
harshnremastersys fails on Ubntu 12.04, Live user is not created... any workaround so far??20:39
l0ll0llljulia145: your link is broken20:40
mg_I have a MacBook Pro 5,5 with ubuntu 12.04 and the mini-display port doesn't work at all. nvidia-config shows only one screen, so does xrandr. I've tried downgrading to 290.10 but no luck. Any tips?20:40
jerry_l1well i gues the main diff would be the wone that costs more is prettier.20:40
navap_julia145: That's a private IP, only you can see anything at that IP20:40
jerry_l16gigs is cheaper that 4gigs and the 7200 is cheaper than te 5200... sounds more like the price diff is for the packaging.20:41
harshnRemastersys fails on Ubntu 12.04, Live user is not created... any workaround so far??20:43
black_13what is name of installer application20:43
theadminblack_13: Ubiquity20:43
black_13in ubuntu 12?20:43
Dr_willisharshn,  checked askubuntu.com yet? I recall seeing some info about it there.20:43
black_13unity or uquity or something else20:43
theadminblack_13: If you mean the one that installs the Live system to a hard drive, Ubiquity.20:43
black_13theadmin: when Ubiquity is started where does it read the preseed file from?20:44
black_13or how does it find the pressed file it does use this file?20:44
harshnDr_wills..Apart from that.. Yes I tried looking into remastersys forum as well.. many people have faced this problem...No unique cause is known... there may be various reasons... I have tried everything...No luck so far20:46
theadminblack_13: You can see here for info on this: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/amd64/appendix-preseed.html20:46
Robinuxhas network manager stabilized with 12.04 yet/20:47
mikk0where can i get a list of what drivers are in the 12.04LTS install cd's kernel?20:47
Dr_willisRobinux,  cant say ive seen very many people in here with issues with it...20:47
black_13theadmin: i have read tht document and unfortunately its not clear on where the preseed file is located when you specify hd-media20:47
ConHi. When I do do a 'apt-get update' I get a key error for a non-Ubuntu repository: http://pastebin.com/i2RT26DC . 'apt-key list' doesn't show any expired keys. How can I get more information out of apt?20:47
RobinuxDr_willis, when I first upgraded to 12.04 before the summer it gave me HeLL!20:48
Robinuxhehe ... but I'm guessing everything should be ok now :)20:48
RobinuxI'm gonna remove wicd and install it back cuz I need to NAT.20:48
theadminblack_13: Hm... Maybe you can find info on that in "man ubiquity" or such? (I don't have ubiquity so don't have the manpage)20:48
nobcakecantide it gae us all "Hell"20:48
k1l_Con: contact the admin from the repo20:49
black_13theadmin: source for ubiquity should be available some place shouldn't it?20:49
theadminblack_13: Source-code for any of the opensource Ubuntu packages is in the repos, "apt-get source packagename"20:50
Conk1l_: The repository isn't the problem. Others can update fine to it. I simply want to debug my situation, but I can't seem to get more information out of apt.20:50
theadminblack_13: You need to have source repos enabled though20:50
d00durk00lI am running a sftp server .. How can I monitor what he is doing from my admin account?20:51
d00durk00lhe is transfering a file how can I check what the status is on that?20:51
black_13theadmin: thanks20:53
d00durk00lalso the "w" and "who" commands don't show him as a logged in user20:53
d00durk00lbut I know he is20:53
d00durk00lAny help would be useful guys :)20:54
himanshu_how can i work my yahoo messenger in ubuntu20:54
Dr_willis!im | himanshu_20:54
ubottuhimanshu_: The Empathy Instant Messenger is installed by default and supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and  variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete and !pidgin20:54
Dr_willisactually Pidgin is the default  these days? or am i backwards20:54
theadminDr_willis: Pidgin is in Xubuntu methinks20:55
Dr_willisDident that one web site that did several differnt IM protocalls get sold out/closed? Meebo? Mebo?20:55
theadminDr_willis: Kopete in Kubuntu, and I haven't used the plain Ubuntu20:55
Dr_willisI dont really use any of them. :)20:55
ougogoHi, when I right click on my network icon I have the "Enable Network" is grayed out. In addition, when I want to add an ethernet connection or wi-fi, I can not learn any fields, everything is grayed out ... what to do?20:55
theadminDr_willis: Meebo was closed, I switched to imo.im from that20:55
d00durk00lougogo: Means the internet is down :S20:56
theadminougogo: Uh... "service network-manager status", please.20:56
d00durk00lougogo: Means the earth is coming to a end20:56
drupinhow can i remove a non working icon from the left top start menu20:56
d00durk00lDude you have no suggestions for me?20:57
Dr_willisdrupin,  using what desktop?20:57
drupinXFCE Dr_willis20:58
d00durk00ltheadmin: No suggestions?20:58
theadmind00durk00l: If I had any I'd tell.20:58
d00durk00ltheadmin: Dude I'm very disapointed20:58
black_13i started the installer on a vmware vm and looked aht the processes using one of the alternate consoles20:58
annaStarhi! i have mounted an iso file from a windows game and i want to run it in wine, but i don't know where the iso is mounted! any help, guys>20:59
nibbler_annaStar, how did you mount it?20:59
theadminannaStar: Can you browse to that location in the filemanager? After that, hit Ctrl-L aaand you'll get the location20:59
nibbler_annaStar, besides this, the output of "mount" in the console would tell you20:59
black_joeannaStar: Probably in /media or /run/media/username/21:00
nibbler_~/.gvfs/* ?21:00
annaStarnibbler_: just double clicked on it.... and i can see the mounted file under "network"21:00
d00durk00lnibbler_: Now if you had of mounted it via cli would know exactly where it was mounted21:01
annaStari mean... I can see it in the window manager under "network"21:01
d00durk00lis it shared?21:01
annaStarHow can I mount it in command line?21:02
nibbler_annaStar, execute "mount | grep -i iso" in a command shell (ctrl-alt-T) and you will see21:02
nibbler_annaStar, sudo mount -oloop -tiso 9660 /patch/to/file.iso /mnt (to mount it to /mnt)21:02
black_13lord nibbler21:02
theadminannaStar: To mount an ISO file in a commandline, do: mkdir iso ; sudo mount -o loop /path/to/your/file.iso iso21:02
theadminnibbler_: You've got some mess with spaces there21:03
nibbler_oops ;-) -tiso9660 that should be ;-)21:03
=== AlanBell is now known as zAlanBell
d00durk00ldamnit come on peeps I need HELP!21:05
d00durk00lfeedback here21:05
deitrickwith what?21:05
d00durk00lI am running a sftp.... He is connected and downloading a file.. How do I check on the progress from my side?21:06
d00durk00lwhen I do a "w" or "who" he doesn't even show..21:06
deitricksorry no idea. why do you need to know?21:07
zykotick9d00durk00l: from terminal see if this shows anything?  ps aux | grep ssh21:07
d00durk00lyeah it shows he is connected21:08
d00durk00lbut wondering why it isn't showing up in the w or who.. Shouldn't it?21:08
d00durk00lalso I can't monitor how his download is going21:08
d00durk00lthere has to be a way I can do that21:08
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.21:08
nibbler_d00durk00l, iptraf, tcpdump.....21:08
theadmind00durk00l: Not unless the user is actually logged in, as for "who" (and logged in means got through the login program and is running a login shell...)21:08
d00durk00lkk thx admin21:09
nibbler_d00durk00l, but those won't provide a percentage bar etc. but you could check on the download speed etc21:09
d00durk00lnibbler_: Hmmm they are just sniffers correct?21:09
nibbler_d00durk00l, correct. but they tell you bandwith usage and stuff... ntop should be mentioned along that, too21:10
nibbler_d00durk00l, don't know what your problem is, but i assume you need to find a solution like these...21:10
d00durk00lnibbler_: Its not really a problem just would like to have more control on monitoring him on my system21:11
=== zAlanBell is now known as AlanBell
blahdyblahblahcan anyone hear me?21:11
nibbler_blahdyblahblah, i can read you21:11
d00durk00lI chrooted the directory but still don't like the idea of someome on the machine without seeing what he is doing :P21:11
blahdyblahblahnibbler_: Thanks21:11
nibbler_d00durk00l, ah - paranoia - lsof etc might be helpfull - also some logging shell if they have ssh access and for the ftp server some logfiles/loglevel tuning?21:12
TJ-d00durk00l: Get the ssh process id, and then do "sudo cat /proc/$PID/net/netstat"21:13
d00durk00lnibbler_: Thx21:13
d00durk00lTJ THX21:13
nibbler_TJ-: thats a nice one.... i'll try to remember ;)21:14
kicker86hello people. just made the switch to ubuntu :) owing to my project about semantic filesystem.21:15
TJ-nibbler_: Well, anytime you know a related PID, you can just look at the wealth of info in /proc/$PID/21:15
kicker86I needed help about how to store the installed packages so that in the event of reinstall, I can have the same versions of everything21:15
kicker86like gcc, libs and all...21:15
kicker86any help would be much appreciated :)21:15
jribkicker86: your packages should be frome the official repositories, all you really need are their names21:16
jrib!clone | kicker8621:16
ubottukicker86: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate21:16
black_joekicker86: You can use a package called apton-cd to make a backup .iso file. Or you can generate a markings list in synaptic to re-download the packages again.21:16
nibbler_TJ-, that part i knew... mainly used for cmdline... but the per-process net statistics are nice. there should be cli tools also to display bandwidth etc there...21:16
zykotick9jrib: i don't think !clone should be used anymore.21:16
TJ-nibbler_: Where do you think lsof gets its stuff from? :p21:16
jribzykotick9: sad :/21:17
kicker86no, I meant backup/copy them to a seperate location and install it again. I already tried copying my packages, but the depencies craze me out.21:17
blahdyblahblahkicker86: Just backup the drive with rsync. As long as you preserve the permissions you should be fine21:17
kicker86drive? as in the entire drive? :P no man! I just need the packages21:18
nibbler_TJ-, and top, ifconfig, ip.... but there is also /proc/net/... and other stuff that might hold the summaries for networking, a per-pid statistics with the extra infos of multicasts etc etc... thats what i like about this "file"21:18
zykotick9kicker86: /var/cache/apt/archives/ stores downloaded packages21:18
TJ-kicker86: If you need that, install to an LVM volume then take a snapshot before you do anything... in the event you need to go back, just use the snapshot21:18
=== _alecst is now known as alecst
kicker86ubottu: okay... could you please just let me know what that exactly does???21:18
ubottukicker86: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:18
jribkicker86: if you're using multi-arch, aptitude won't play nice.  You can use dpkg --get-selections and --set-selections instead21:18
TJ-nibbler_: I agree... /proc/... is great especially if the system is misbehaving ... all you need is "ls" and "cat" :)21:18
jribkicker86: it just records a list of what packages you have installed so you can install them again easily (it's just a text file)21:19
=== willythewisp_ is now known as willythewisp
zykotick9jrib: dpkg in debian just got multi-arch support, are you certain ubuntu's has it?  (you could be right!)21:19
kicker86jrib: multi-arch? I hope you mean x86-x64 thing right?21:19
kicker86ubottu: no problems, as long as you help ;)21:19
ubottukicker86: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:19
jribkicker86: multi-arch lets you install i386 packages on an amd64 system for example21:19
TJ-kicker86: Do you want just the list of packages, or the packages and the *exact* versions ?21:19
kicker86TJ: exact versions. I'm aware of how synaptic can generate list of pacakges, so that I can again download them on another machine.21:20
jribzykotick9: no, I just wasn't aware that dpkg did not support it21:20
kicker86the thing is: I am doing a project, and I need to retain a certain version number across the entire project. So, the same packages need to be installed eg some tools and libs. I tried copying the packages out of the directory storage and using dpkg but then they have dependencies21:21
d00durk00lssh-agent 1423      sysop  cwd   unknown                              /proc/1423/cwd (readlink: Permission denied)21:22
d00durk00lssh-agent 1423      sysop  rtd   unknown                              /proc/1423/root (readlink: Permission denied)21:22
d00durk00lssh-agent 1423      sysop  txt   unknown                              /proc/1423/exe (readlink: Permission denied)21:22
d00durk00lssh-agent 1423      sysop NOFD                                        /proc/1423/fd (opendir: Permission denied)21:22
d00durk00lsshd      2791       root  cwd   unknown                              /proc/2791/cwd (readlink: Permission denied)21:22
FloodBot1d00durk00l: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:22
d00durk00lsshd      2791       root  rtd   unknown                              /proc/2791/root (readlink: Permission denied)21:22
kicker86btw, dpkg does have multi-arch support.21:22
zykotick9jrib: i don't know the specifics, but there are other issues using dpkg to generate/regenerate package listings.  the OPs shot down my suggestion of using dpkg as an alternative to aptitude quickly, to try and fix !clone.21:22
hex20decHey people, question, I have a machine running ubuntu. And I want to upgrade, do I have to reinstall the OS? Or can I just transfer the hard drive?21:23
jribkicker86: imo it's not worth it to do that since in a given release of ubuntu the versions aren't going to significantly change.  If you insist on doing it though, both the apt-on-cd suggestion or lvm snapshot suggestion should work21:23
kicker86hex20dec: transfer as in what? what are you upgrading?21:23
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:24
TJ-jrib: zykotick9 I've been using dpkg with multi-arch successfully ... I wonder what the 'problems' are?21:24
Dr_willishex20dec,  you mean upgrade to the next release?21:24
hex20deckicker86: Completely new machine. I'm just wondering if it's like on windows that it's a must to reinstall because of the drivers.21:24
kicker86jrib: sorry, I did not get your point. Mine was that I install some additional tools and libs not available in the OS, which I need to install again after a reinstall.21:24
hex20decTaking the hdd from one computer to another.21:25
Dr_willishex20dec,   move the HD over and see.. this is a desktop or laptop?21:25
zykotick9hex20dec: fyi, propritary video cards / wireless driver "could" be an issue changing h/w (but mostly it should work and/or be fixable ;)21:25
kicker86hex20dec: no, if you are just transfering the HDD, it must me fine. Unless the configs are waay to crazy different.21:25
Dr_willishex20dec,  ive moved HDs to differnt machines befor with very few issues.. like from an old old nvidia card to a new one.. had to install differnt nvidia drivers.21:25
kicker86hex20dec: rightly :) experiment and let us know too! :) btw, right on that graphics driver thing. but you can fix that up easily...21:26
jribkicker86: my suggestion is to just have a text file that tells you what packages you have installed.  Saving all the debs seems like overkill imo because of ubuntu's update policy on releases.  This doesn't do what you asked but I'm merely pointing out to you that it's unnecessary work in my opinion21:26
unless__LordG33k, I am having huge issues in to forward ports of my router.21:26
unless__ups, sorry.21:26
hex20decAlright, good to know linux works differently. Thanks guys.21:27
kicker86jrib: yeah, I realised that it is the elegant solution! btw, does it also automatically add the dependencies to list?21:27
zykotick9jrib: apt-cacher ftw in downloading updates and sharing for a local network/VMs21:27
kicker86you guys must have heard of keryx right? the package downloader thing? works?21:27
zykotick9jrib: i like you text file idea - i only wish there was a "good" way to do it ;)21:27
jribkicker86: run "dpkg --get-selections" now, you'll see what it does (it just records the state of packages you've installed at some point)21:28
kicker86jrib: exactly :P which includes galaga and dope wars which I dont want :P :D21:28
ActionParsnip!info keryx21:28
ubottuPackage keryx does not exist in precise21:28
kicker86rightly pointed out: keryx needs to be downloaded and requires python, which again, is not instaled in precise.21:29
ActionParsnipkicker86: is it for installing debs?21:29
jribzykotick9: kind of curious about the issues with dpkg; do you remember who mentioned there might be some?  In any case, if we can't verify dpkg is safe to use, I'll ammend the factoid to at least include a warning21:29
kicker86which brings me to another point, ubuntu is becoming such a generic distribution. Any alternatives for programmers? specifically?21:29
kicker86ActionParsnip: yes, I suppose...21:29
FloorduckI'm wondering if linux is slow because its slow or because its on a 5400 rpm harddrive that im not used to...21:30
kicker86ActionParsnip: the site is http://keryxproject.org/21:30
TJ-kicker86: keryx is rather like simply doing "apt-get --download-only"21:30
Floorduckis there any diagnostic software which could take hardware into consideration and assess my computers performance?21:30
zykotick9jrib: i don't remember who/specifics sorry.  but it was several people confirming dpkg wasn't really a good "drop-in" replacement for the !clone factiod.  it was in #ubuntu-irc (or whatever) a couple months ago.21:30
kicker86TJ: what about the support thing? like offline installations and all?21:30
kicker86TJ: I download packages in it and I can always "offline" install it later right21:31
kicker86Floorduck: yes there are.21:31
TJ-kicker86: That's what "dpkg" is for ... "dpkg -i <list of .debs>" or "dpkg -di <directory of debs>"21:31
drupinissue with java21:31
drupini got bad PPA loaded21:31
TJ-kicker86: apt stores all the packages it has downloaded to /var/cache/apt/archives/21:31
zykotick9jrib: but aptitude is closing in on "dangerous" to use.21:32
drupinbarely now managed to remove it21:32
wolterHow can I have a wired and a wireless connection at the same time?21:32
kicker86TJ: dpkg installs downloaded deb. But it does not manage dependencies.21:32
kicker86TJ: am aware of the apt archive.21:32
wolterIt seems that enabling a wired connection kills my wireless connection (in the sense that I can no longer connect to the internet, but the connection remains active)21:32
drupinnow two non working java console and visualVM icons are sitting inside the settings menu.. how i remove them21:33
sambagirli am tryhing to install novo-builder do i have to modify the repos?21:35
Dr_willismenus get defined by the various .desktop files, find where those are comming from, remove/move the .desktop file and restart the desktop to regfenerate the menus21:35
TJ-wolter: Sounds as if the wired connection is being allowed to take-over the default route21:35
sambagirli type sudo apt-et install novo-builder novo-preset-latest21:35
sambagirli type sudo apt-get install novo-builder novo-preset-latest21:35
wolterTJ-, how can I prevent that?21:35
Dr_willis!info novo-builder21:36
ubottuPackage novo-builder does not exist in precise21:36
TJ-kicker86: I think your simplest solution will be a snapshot of a base install before any customisations have been made - Installing into a raw image virtual machine means you could just 'dd' it to a hard drive and fire it up21:36
Dr_willislooks like you need to add a ppa or somthing. ;)21:36
sambagirlwell dr_willis21:36
kicker86TJ-> sure. but then that would not be the simplest solution :)21:37
sambagirlmaybe synaptic has it21:37
kicker86I suppose, synaptic->list isn't bad and looks to be better than the options!21:38
TJ-wolter: In the Network Manager applet, choose Edit Connections..., select the Wired connection, Edit... then "IPv4 Settings" tab, then "Routes..." button then tick "Use this connection only for resources on its network"21:38
Dr_willissambagirl,  err.. synaptic is a front end to the apt/dpkg system.. so if its not in the repos.. its not in the repos..21:38
sambagirli have the tar21:38
sambagirlbut it doesnt install21:39
TJ-kicker86: Really? It's a darned site faster that reinstalling packages! You install once.. then only need to bitblt the image when you restore21:39
sambagirlseems to me i could jsut do a install file21:39
Dr_willissambagirl,  given the variaty of things that could be in a 'tar' its hard to tell..21:39
sambagirl ok21:40
wolterTJ-, how can I prevent that?21:40
kicker86TJ: right. maybe I got the wrong idea. Could you please elaborate?21:40
Dr_willisall the novo-builder hits i find on google are like 2011 and earlier..21:41
SilfenXis there a vncserver for 12-10 that the realvnc viewer is capable of establishing an encrypted connection to?21:41
sambagirli decided to run it in the terminal it works with perfection21:42
sambagirlbtw i installed 10.04 cause it works :D21:42
sambagirland it is supported :D21:42
Dr_willisfor a while at least.21:43
sambagirlwell i have 10.10 on this one and it's not yet an earlier ver is. go figure. the logic is alomst microsoftish in idiocy :D21:43
Dr_willisLimited man power is the bottom line.21:44
sambagirlall the desktop wars are to much anymore.21:44
sambagirlwell you need a few good women21:44
sambagirlthat is the problem21:44
drupini tried to install the java 7 via some non working PPA later found its not supported. all files i removed only this two icons are there in settings menu.. how i can remove21:44
TJ-kicker86: There's 2 ways. 1. Install from LiveCD. Create  10G file-system partition on the HDD. Install into it. Before rebooting, create a 2nd 10G partition on the HDD and 'dd' the installed image into it ("sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sda2"). Now you have an identical 'recovery' image. Boot as normal to the installed image in /dev/sda1 and use it. Any time in the future you need to reinstall you would boot from the liveCD do "try Ubuntu", start a terminal and do "su21:44
TJ-do dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sda1". After that completes you can reboot the PC and sda1 will be like new21:44
Dr_willisdrupin,  menus get defined by the various .desktop files, find where those are comming from, remove/move the .desktop file and restart the desktop to regfenerate the menus21:44
L3top!lts | sambagirl21:45
ubottusambagirl: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)21:45
sambagirli am about to resort back to Hoary21:45
sambagirloh god l3top21:45
TJ-kicker86: The 2nd way is like that but you'd install twice. Once to the hard disk, and a 2nd time into a virtual machine raw image that was aimed at sda2. The first method saves repetition of the install.21:45
drupinin the /home Dr_willis21:45
L3topI get that a lot from the wimmins21:45
Dr_willisdrupin,  no idea where they are at. User installed stuff can bein their home.. system wide stuff sould be somewhere else..21:45
sambagirlwhy dont you stay in your own channel this is for professional ubuntu personnel :D21:46
wolterTJ-, thanks!!21:46
Neptuhej how can i get the version of apt-get for asterisk without install it first?21:47
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »21:47
jribNeptu: apt-cache policy PACKAGE21:47
TJ-jrib: impressed! I was still trying to figure that question out!21:48
Neptujrib: thanks21:48
jribTJ-: took me a couple of reads ;)21:48
* TJ- rubs eyes and goes for a coffee!21:48
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Robinuxwill I need a restart for net. m applet to show up? after installing the applet?21:54
Dr_willisRobinux,  log out/back in perhaps21:55
TJ-Robinux: You should be able to start it in a terminal and put it into the background using "nm-applet&"21:55
TJ-Robinux: I used to do that when I was bug-fixing it21:55
Robinuxok will try, Dr_willis .... its just that I hate restarting ever since I upgraded to 12.04 ...... it takes ages loading networking configurations or whatever21:56
Robinuxthat I will never use21:56
Dr_willisRobinux,  weird.. mine loads almost instantly.. from Grub -> deskktop in about 10 secs..21:56
Robinuxthe networking stuff it loads takes 60 seconds21:57
Dr_williscant say that ive really seen it load any networking 'stuff'21:57
TJ-Robinux: sounds like a time-out waiting for something... do you have any NFS mounts in fstab ?21:57
RobinuxTJ-, oh wait I'm on unity I believe, and I installed network-manager-gnome21:57
Dr_willisor some odd ipv6 quirk.21:57
Robinuxno NFS21:58
TJ-Robinux: It's always best to check the log files. They're very helpful since they timestamp each entry. You can see where the delays are and find out if they're necessary, or the result of some issue.21:58
Robinuxbut my wireless nic doesn't match well with 12.04 I've read about so many others having issues... the fix to get it to connect was to install wicd and remove nm.21:59
TJ-Robinux: That's a pain.. what's the NIC?21:59
Robinuxso I dunno that could be the reason for the 60 second+ delay loading that sheet22:00
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RobinuxTJ-, Dr_willis:  https://pastee.org/9ht3j22:01
draxxxuswtf is this22:04
TJ-Robinux: The usual problem is that the "ipw2200" module doesn't get loaded. I recall that issue on one of my older test notebooks, but once the module was added to "/etc/modules" it had no problem with Network Manager22:05
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Robinuxis that automatic or do I have to do it manually TJ-22:08
Robinuxand is network-manager-gnome applet supposed to work with unity?22:08
|Anthony|?? X22:09
TJ-Robinux: Adding a module name to "/etc/modules" means it'll be loaded at strart-up. As long as there isn't an entry in "/etc/network/interfaces" for the WiFi interface (usually wlan0 but can vary) then Network Manager will find and manage the interface for you22:09
|Anthony|what version of Xorg is in use for 12.0422:09
TJ-Robinux:  network-manager-gnome is the package that contains nm-applet :)22:10
TJ-|Anthony|:   2:1.11.4-0ubuntu10.822:10
Toberroalguem d eportugal22:10
genewitchi was looking at system requirements for 12.10-beta1-server and it doesn't mention HDD space, what's the bare minimum needed?22:11
TJ-!pt | Toberro22:11
ubottuToberro: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:11
RobinuxTJ-, ^^22:11
|Anthony|TJ-, the version number assigned by Xorg, not the ubuntu version number22:11
TJ-genewitch: Best asking in #ubuntu+1 but I think it's still to be determined22:11
|Anthony|like R7.x22:11
genewitchTJ-: what about 12.04.122:11
tuxhatoi ooi oi22:12
ToberroObrigado peço desculpas eu deixei a muitos anos de usa ro mirc e vim agora  asaber que ele ainda funciona me ajudem pois ja me esqueci como s eusa  onde encontar canis d eportugal obrigado22:12
silverghostooi people u like stage 3 install22:12
tuxhatstage 3 install in ubuntu WOOOT o.O22:12
TJ-|Anthony|: It's in the package version: 1.11.422:12
ActionParsnipsilverghost: yeah its not bad, stage 1 is no lnger supported as far as I remember22:12
|Anthony|i want to know which user doc i should be looking at here http://www.x.org/wiki/UserDocumentation22:12
tuxhathey whats the best portage tarball for ubuntu eh22:12
|Anthony|the version numbers don't exactly match hehe22:13
silverghostppl i wamt to compile cinnamon in ubuntu how to do it22:13
tuxhati like ubuntu using openrc22:13
tuxhatu guys are the best22:13
uberTacogot a weird ACPI problem, for anyone savvy to that sorta thing22:13
tuxhatopenrc FTW22:13
silverghostubuntu switching to systemd oioioioi22:13
|Anthony|silverghost, that's not true22:14
tuxhatubuntu switching to openrc lulz22:14
genewitchafter stage4 how much HDD space is used? anyone know offhand?22:14
Enekoosany know good man page to move ubuntu-generic to raid unit? I try it but have problem whit grub22:14
silverghostubuntu like zfssss filesystem it consumes less memory22:14
genewitchwrong channel again.22:14
tuxhatcomsumes less memory LULZ22:14
tuxhatzfs frrrrrrrrt22:14
silverghostpfffffffftttttttttttt ext4 lulz22:15
uberTacoSo my battery charges just fine, except after resuming from suspend22:15
tuxhatHAMMER fs is cool i like what dragonfly bsd is doing22:15
uberTacoafter resuming from suspend, my battery state (/proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state) is "charged"22:15
tuxhatubuntu is a bad system for portable devices22:15
uberTacoeven if the battery is at 40%22:15
tuxhati say windows starter is better choice22:15
silverghostubertaco try mageia its better than ubuntu22:15
tuxhati am not joking22:15
tuxhatubuntu is fucking bloated22:15
uberTacosilverghost: 'k, not helpful22:15
ActionParsniptuxhat: not had an issue on my lappy with it22:15
|Anthony|Tux, try Xubuntu22:15
|Anthony|super light22:16
k1l_!ot | silverghost tuxhat22:16
ubottusilverghost tuxhat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:16
tuxhatmaybe not a laptop22:16
tuxhatbut netbooks22:16
silverghostguys i want t o compile metro for ubuntu in unity lulz any help22:16
hwkiller-netbookI'm pretty sure tuxhat was a troll in herearlier in the week22:16
tuxhatwe are getting ban22:16
tuxhatubuntu sucks suck my cock22:16
tuxhatwait i shouldn't say that22:16
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!22:16
ActionParsniptuxnetbook is just a smaller laptop22:16
tuxhatlots of fagz in here22:16
|Anthony|!kick tuxhat22:16
tuxhatcry babies22:16
tuxhatwaa waa ubuntu22:17
silverghostguys wanna compile metro in ubuntu anyhelp22:17
ActionParsniptuxhat: do you have a support question?22:17
uberTacotuxhat: dude, you're spamming up a support channel. Go find something constructive to do.22:17
silverghosti have man22:17
tuxhatfucking baby lala esti tabanack la22:17
silverghosti want metro in ubuntu22:17
tuxhatte baby22:17
ActionParsnipsilverghost: metro as in Windows 8 interface metro?22:17
Fuchstuxhat: drop that please22:17
k1l_ActionParsnip: they are trolls. dont mind them22:17
tuxhatwhatcha got u fucking unity faggot22:17
silverghostwe can use metro in ubuntu22:17
|Anthony|ActionParsnip, theses people know this. and our replies are furthering their enjoyment. please remove them22:18
tuxhatmetro lulz22:18
silverghostcanonical supports azurre l22:18
ActionParsnipsilverghost: you could make something similar in python I guess22:18
f2prateek_should i use the linux drivers listed on the AMD support page or the one that shows up in the additional drivers menu? this is for the radeon hd 577022:18
silverghostcanonical support microsoft eh22:18
silverghostlulz radeon 577022:18
MonkeyDustplease guys, type /join #ubuntu-offtopic22:18
uberTacof2prateek_: the ones in the additional drivers menu are gonna be better ubuntu-supported, but the ones on AMD's support page will be newer22:19
ozette_ubuntu 12.04, my backlight sometimes randomly turns brighter and then darker again - what's up?22:19
uberTacof2prateek_: so it's just a matter of picking which route you'd prefer22:19
silverghosti want jolicloud interface in ubunt uhow to do it man it is shit22:19
Artemis3Fuchs, you missed silverghost22:19
Fuchssilverghost: please be nice as well22:19
ActionParsnip!ati | f2prateek_22:19
ubottuf2prateek_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:19
Fuchssilverghost: or else just leave.22:19
ActionParsnipozette_: what make and model system?22:19
f2prateek_uberTaco: ActionParsnip: thanks, I was just wondering if anyone has some experience with either and which one they would recommend22:20
ozette_ActionParsnip asus k53 laptop22:20
silverghostfuck ubuntu fuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubun22:20
silverghostt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck ubunt ufuck u22:20
TJ-ozette_: Could it be the power-savings / backlight dimmer timer settings?22:20
FloodBot1silverghost: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:20
uberTacoWhen someone ACPI-savvy has a spare moment, I've got a weird issue with battery charge state after resume.22:20
ActionParsnipozette_: why was that not in the initial question?22:21
|Anthony|thank you22:21
ozette_TJ- my backlight is at it's lowest, but sometimes gets somewhat brighter for no reason22:21
ActionParsnipuberTaco: are there any bugs reported?22:21
TJ-uberTaco: Any clues in kern.log ?22:21
ActionParsnipozette_: do you have the latest BIOS?22:21
uberTacof2prateek_: I'm on a Radeon mobility system. I'm just using the version from the "Additional drivers" menu, no problems so far.22:21
uberTacoActionParsnip: not that I've found by googling (incl. with domain filters)22:21
|Anthony|xubuntu running Xorg 1.11.3.  Which version does that match up with here http://www.x.org/wiki/UserDocumentation22:22
TJ-ozette_: Hmmm... are the brighter times linked to anything you/the PC are doing - like programs being run?22:22
uberTacoTJ-: wasn't aware of that logfile. I'll repro the issue and see what I find there. Thanks22:22
ozette_ActionParsnip, I might not, but how can I know if 12.04 will support that?22:22
ActionParsnipuberTaco: I suggest you report a bug22:22
uberTacoActionParsnip: I wanted to ensure it wasn't misconfiguration first.22:22
ozette_TJ-, webbrowsing, when I scroll up or down with arrow keys22:23
ozette_TJ-, for example ..22:23
f2prateek_uberTaco: sounds good, thanks22:23
ActionParsnipozette_: you may need a windows OS to do it :(. Check to see what fixes the newer BIOS gives. You may not need it if you get no ACPI fixes22:23
uberTacoozette_: hm. Stuck function key maybe?22:23
ozette_ActionParsnip, no thanks :)22:23
uberTacosoftware-stuck, not hardware. Or possibly weird keycode issues of that sort22:24
ozette_uberTaco, I don't know but it's really anoying and it's at random so it can't be a setting22:24
TJ-uberTaco: There are some additional ACPI-related boot-time kernel parameters you can try that may help. The current set are found in the kernel source's "Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt" which you can find on the kernels' git-web site22:24
ActionParsnipozette_: so, why didn't you mention the make and model of the system in the initial question?22:24
uberTacoTJ-: ah, awesome. Thanks22:25
uberTacoActionParsnip: bit hostile, dude. Mellow a bit. :)22:25
ozette_ActionParsnip, does it matter, I want to have a broad audience22:25
TJ-ozette_: sounds weird, but could it be related to when the CPU switches from a low speed to a higher speed (as you ask it to do more when pressing a key) ?22:25
ActionParsnipozette_: yes because it uniquely identifys the components in the system and we can also search for bugs for the model22:25
ozette_TJ-, hmm ..22:25
uberTacoback in a bit -- gonna suspend/resume to reproduce the issue and watch kernel log22:26
ActionParsnipozette_: does it have a dual video chip? Intel and nvidia for example?22:26
Neptuhej how i can download the kernel sources of my current project?22:26
ozette_ActionParsnip, Ok but now you know it right22:26
[twisti]is there no ubuntu server live cd ?22:26
ozette_ActionParsnip, no ati22:26
k1l_[twisti]: no, that doesnt make sense ata ll22:26
[twisti]it does to me22:26
TJ-Neptu: "git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git"22:26
ActionParsnipozette_: if you run:  sudo lshw -C display    do you see an intel GPU too?22:26
ozette_ActionParsnip, I believe this Asus' model is k53U22:26
[twisti]just because you personally dont want or need something doesnt mean nobody does22:26
k1l_[twisti]: then use a regular live cd22:27
jrib[twisti]: I don't believe there is one.  Why do you need it?22:27
ozette_ActionParsnip, let me check22:27
ActionParsnip[twisti]: if you boot to the server installation, you can press CTRL+ALT+F1 and get a terminal22:27
NeptuTJ-: does not sound like a plan22:27
[twisti]where does one get the regular live cd ?22:27
|Anthony|why does the Xorg version numbering differ from the man page (1.11.3) and here http://www.x.org/wiki/UserDocumentation22:27
|Anthony|makes it difficult to know which doc to read22:27
jrib[twisti]: the regular ubuntu cd (the desktop one) is also a live cd22:27
[twisti]i see only the regular download on the page22:27
k1l_!downloads > [twisti]22:27
[twisti]ah, ok, thanks22:27
NeptuAnyone know how to get the sources from my current kernel using apt-get?22:27
ActionParsnip[twisti]: the regular download has the option to run a live desktop and not install22:28
TJ-Neptu: "apt-get source <package-name>"22:28
ActionParsnipTJ-: prefixed with sudo?22:29
TJ-ActionParsnip: nope, not for sources22:29
ActionParsnipTJ-: cool, just checking :)22:29
ozette_no intel chip22:30
ActionParsnipozette_: good, that makes life a tonne easier22:33
ActionParsnipozette_: try the boot option: acpi_backlight=vendor22:33
Neptuok cross fingers22:34
TJ-ozette_: It'd be helpful to know what backlight controller is in use right now. Do "ls -l /sys/class/backlight/"22:34
thomasrossIs there an xubuntu room?22:35
ozette_ActionParsnip, ok22:35
k1l_thomasross: #xubuntu ?22:35
ozette_TJ-, oki22:35
uberTacohmm, not much in kern.log that seems useful22:36
uberTacoonly errors are "IBS APIC setup failed on cpu #1" and the same for cpu #222:36
uberTacogoogling those errors isn't exactly revelatory22:36
uberTacobut I think since they're CPU-related, they shouldn't affect battery state -- right?22:37
TJ-uberTaco: AMD CPU?22:37
uberTacoTJ-: yep, Phenom II X322:38
uberTacoa mobile chip22:38
TJ-uberTaco: Can you pastebin the lines from kern.log from when the system prepares to go into suspend, until it has fully resumed?22:38
ozette_TJ-, does acpi_video0 tell you anything?22:38
chriswerehey guys, why is it so darn difficult to get duel monitors working from different graphics cards? I set up my windows partition to do this in less than 10 minutes but have spent the whole day doing it here and I'm only find more bugs. Please help guys.22:39
TJ-uberTaco: The IBS reports is usually reported as a firmware bug... ACPI is otherwise known as firmware, so yes, it could be related22:39
TJ-ozette_: Can you show me the entire output of that command ?22:39
k1l_chriswere: i think its easy, atleast its for me with my nvidia card.  but if you mention your real problem and the driver and video card someone could help22:40
chriswereI've tried to set up dual monitors in gnome and every time i log in it creates additional panels, I don't know why, also with dual monitors enabled I'm stuck without gnome 3d which is a pain.22:40
uberTacoTJ-: http://pastebin.com/yqwgwZLN22:40
mg2013I have vino setup on my desktop, I want to remote view it on my laptop but how do I do that?22:40
TJ-chriswere: Unfortunately, the folks that write the display drivers apparently don't use multi-GPU multi-monitor set-ups too often and therefore don't test it!22:40
Kiihi there22:40
chriswerek1l_: do you know how i go about fixing this?22:41
uberTacomg2013: you'll want to use a VNC viewer to connect to your desktop22:41
mg2013do you know of any?22:41
Kiidoes anyone know how to use play on linux or wine22:41
k1l_chriswere: fixing what?22:41
ozette_TJ-, acpi_video0 -> /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/backlight/acpi_video022:41
ActionParsnipKii: play what?22:42
uberTacomg2013: Vinagre is a good one if you're in regular ubuntu (GNOME desktop), krdc is good for Kubuntu (KDE desktop)22:42
chriswerek1l_: fixing the fact I can't set up dual monitors, that since I select two monitors it gets rid of my gnome 3d and puts me into the 2d version, which adds additional panels each and evry time i log in.22:42
KiiI've got an original CD of Age  Of Empire but wine nor pol recognize it22:42
ActionParsnipKii: is it listed on the wine appdb?22:42
ghassaniI am having issues with GRUB in 12.04.1 - It never times out and automatically selects the OS I specified in the config. I have to hit enter. I havent even changed the config at all.. My config: http://pastebin.com/mHL9ArTK22:42
mg2013ok, thanks!22:43
Kiiis that appdb relative to me ?22:43
TJ-ozette_: OK, that tells us that the backlight is being controlled by ACPI system firmware written by the PC maker. It could be some kind of ACPI firmware interaction that isn't correctly interpreted. Try ActionParsnip's suugestion for an alternate backlight driver at boot time22:43
k1l_chriswere: that depends on the videocards and the used driver.22:43
as007boys....boys everywhere.22:43
ActionParsnipKii: yes as it tells of users experiences with certain apps22:43
TJ-uberTaco: Your log matches reports I'm reading ... file a bug against the "linux" package on launchpad22:44
uberTacoKii: http://appdb.winehq.org has a list of which apps/games are supported well by Wine. Often there are instructions for making more problematic apps behave properly in Wine22:44
Kiiit is listed on POL available software, where can I find this list ?22:44
Kiity :)22:44
chriswerek1l_okay just found another bug, my terminal won't let me type anything in it22:44
chriswerewow I can't belive how many bugs I'm finding in ubuntu today. so much buggier than windows22:45
uberTacoTJ-: are there existing bug reports? No need to clog up the bug tracker22:45
ActionParsnipchriswere: i doubt it22:45
TJ-ghassani: That occurs when the operating system didn't shutdown cleanly last time. GRUB won't autoboot in case it starts a kernel that is broken22:45
uberTacochriswere: you didn't happen to press Ctrl-S, did you?22:45
chriswereuberTaco: no22:45
TJ-uberTaco: You'd find that out when you write the bug summary and launchpad looks for existing bugs that may match22:46
ActionParsnipchriswere: the ones in Ubuntu are just mor visible22:46
d00durk00lOkay I am going to ask this question again and hopefully someone here has a answer!22:46
Kiii found it on the wine appdb22:46
ActionParsnipchriswere: if you use terminal a lot, I can recommend you install guake :)22:46
uberTacochriswere: mmkay, that happens sometimes. Ctrl-S sends a character that stops output in the terminal -- a holdover from old TTY days22:46
ActionParsnipKii: what rating does it get?22:46
ghassanihmm, I am shutting down with sudo shutdown -h 022:46
ghassanishould I be doing it another way?22:46
uberTacoTJ-: thanks, will do22:46
d00durk00lI am runnig a sftp server and have a friend downloading a file through it... How can I check on my side what the % the download is at... There has to be a way to monitor what is taking place on the server...?22:47
ActionParsnipghassani: sounds fine, you can also use:  sudo shutdown -h now22:47
chriswereActionParsnip: well you can say what you like but I'm finding far too many bugs doing simple things in Ubuntu. I'm surprised it's even made release, the about of time and money it's cost me22:47
ActionParsnipKii: great :), read down and it will give a howto guide to getting it working22:47
TJ-ghassani: No, if the PC correctly shuts down that should be setting the simpleboot flag correctly. It is possible that GRUB's default settings have been changed I guess, or that it can't load its own saved environment (I've seen that recently!)22:47
genewitchd00durk00l: downloading from your server or to it22:47
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d00durk00lgenewitch: Sorry what?22:47
ActionParsnipchriswere: I can name some dumb bugs in Windows which exist, one is as old as the hills22:48
genewitchd00durk00l: is your friend downloading ON TO your server, of ON TO his computer FROM your server.22:48
d00durk00lMy friend is downloading a file from my server correct... i want to know what the % its at?22:48
ghassanilet me try to shutdown from the server itself rather then from SSH see if that makes any difference. I did notice if I just do a simple reboot it does auto load the OS22:48
d00durk00lhe is downloading not uploading22:48
d00durk00lfrom my server22:48
Robinuxhi TJ-, should this work with 12.04 ---> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing#Ubuntu_Internet_Gateway_Method_.28iptables.2922:48
genewitchd00durk00l: what's he downloading it from, apache? ftp? NFS? samba?22:48
mg2013Its not that fast..kinda laggy.. is there any way to havfe it faster?22:49
genewitchd00durk00l: check the documentation for your stfpd22:49
chriswereActionParsnip: not saying Windows isn't buggy, but setting up dual monitors took me less than 10 minutes. I had to take a day off work to do it in Linux and I'm still no closer.22:49
ActionParsnipmg2013: what isn't taht fast?22:49
d00durk00lgenewitch: really?22:49
mg2013the vino remote desktop stuff22:49
d00durk00lI was hoping someone knew off hand22:49
genewitchd00durk00l: i do know off hand22:49
ActionParsnipchriswere: i've setup dual screens but I always buy nvidai, there is a handy app to configure it easily22:49
d00durk00lgenewitch: Ahhh come on22:50
genewitchit's not an ubuntu issue, d00durk00l, it's an sftp issue. read the docs22:50
RobinuxHi, should this work with 12.04 ---> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing#Ubuntu_Internet_Gateway_Method_.28iptables.2922:50
chriswereActionParsnip: I've got 2 nvidia cards, what's the app?22:50
ActionParsnipmg2013: what do you do on the remote desktop once you connect?22:50
ActionParsnipchriswere: nvidia-settings22:50
genewitchd00durk00l: watch -n 1 'ifconfig |grep TX'22:50
mg2013use it..lol move windows around and stuff..22:50
d00durk00lgenewitch: You rock!! thx :)22:50
ActionParsnipmg2013: yes but to achieve what?22:50
genewitchthat just shows you bits moving, not a %22:50
genewitchd00durk00l: ^22:50
chriswereActionParsnip: That's what I've been using. Why can't I get gnome 3d to work then?22:51
d00durk00lgenewitch: Is there a way to see percentage?22:51
mg2013I don't know I tinker around with stuff..22:51
ActionParsnipchriswere: what nvidia chip are you using?22:51
usr13chriswere: I was about to say the same thing as ActionParsnip.  Linux users learn early on to shop wisely.  Buying the right hardware makes things much easer.22:51
coredestructionusing bash to move some rename some mp3 files using id3info. what would be the best way to replace a / in a variable?22:51
ActionParsnipmg2013: like what, can you at least try to be specific please22:51
KiiActionParsnip: thank you very much, i'm right now installing my game :)22:51
usr13chriswere: You have an Nvidia display adapter?22:51
mg2013Move files, open up Nautilus and stuff...22:51
ActionParsnipKii: coolio22:51
zykotick9coredestruction: / isn't a valid filename character?22:51
chriswereActionParsnip: GTX550TI and I can't remember the 2nd (also nvidia) I can't use a console to lspci because it's bugged22:52
Kiisee you !22:52
ActionParsnipmg2013: you can do that with SFTP, you don't need the desktop for that22:52
mg2013I know I can do it with FTP or SSH but I like to have a gui22:52
ActionParsnipchriswere: what driver version does nvidia-settings say you are using?22:52
jgcampbell300I am looking for a version of linux to do nothing but view my security camras ... they have there own dvr and are viewed right now throu http:// in browser ... anyone know of a good sys to install22:52
chriswereActionParsnip: the one's from jockey-gtk22:52
black_joejgcampbell300: Something lightweight like tinycore or puppy may do for that.22:53
ActionParsnipmg2013: install openssh-server and you can move your files round a lot quicker via SFTP from your client PC22:53
d00durk00lgenewitch: But doesn't that just show my transmission of all connections not just the sftp server?22:53
ActionParsnipchriswere: what version does it say?22:53
lucian_hi how can i get aircrack ?22:53
chriswereActionParsnip: i doesn't say how do i find out?22:54
coredestructionzykotick9, i am using mv to rename the files - mv $1 "ARTIST - $ALBUM - $TRACKNUM - $TITLE.mp3" However, artists like AC/DC or track numbering like 6/12 causes mv to fail saying - naturally - the directory doesnt exist22:54
lucian_on the default reposi.. i can't find them22:54
ActionParsnipchriswere: when you first run the app, read the window in front of you22:54
zykotick9coredestruction: ahh.  sorry, i have no idea.  but you can't use / in filename, as you've discovered.22:54
d00durk00lgenewitch: It shows the how many gb have been sent so really it is a percent.....22:54
chriswereActionParsnip: 295.4022:54
coredestructionindeed. I knew AC/DC would be an issue, but the track numbering is a bigger problem.22:55
zykotick9coredestruction: AC/DC rocks BTW </OT>22:55
TJ-d00durk00l: I think I've found out how you can check... using /proc/$PID/fdinfo/22:55
uberTacocoredestruction: might be time to bring out something more heavy-duty than bash22:55
lucian_hello can anyone help me get aircrack the easy way22:55
ActionParsnipchriswere: could try the xorg updates ppa (less fresh more stable) your 550 will benefit from the later driver22:55
d00durk00lgenewitch: Or at least gives me a good idea of where the transmission is at ... unless i am using u/l22:55
lucian_terminal package22:55
d00durk00lTJ kk lemme check that thanks :)22:56
coredestructionuberTaco, do I have to? :P22:56
jgcampbell300black_joe: i was thinking the same ... thanks ... do you know if tinycore comes with a browser22:56
uberTacocoredestruction: alternatively, pipe it through sed and replace "/" with "\/"22:56
ActionParsnip!find aircrack22:56
dwarderzykotick9: Alternating Current/Direct Current ?22:56
ubottuPackage/file aircrack does not exist in precise22:56
coredestructionzykotick9, agreed.22:56
L3topcoredestruction: you are going to have to run this through sed I believe. something to the effect of sed 's/\/\\/g'22:56
chriswereActionParsnip: Why do you think this will help, every time you guys have asked me to install PPA it's almost always broken my install.22:56
zykotick9dwarder: ya AC current rocks as well ;)22:56
lucian_i know i can't find it but a rep source22:56
L3topuberTaco beat me to it22:57
ActionParsnip!info aircrack-ng22:57
ubottuPackage aircrack-ng does not exist in precise22:57
TJ-d00durk00l: If you know the process ID (ssh I assume) you first find the file-descriptor number for the file using "ls -l /proc/$PID/fd/", then do "cat /proc/$PID/fdinfo/$FD" it will report "pos: and flags:" I *think* "pos:" is the currentl position of the seek in the file22:57
tortibHello everyone22:57
ActionParsnipchriswere: you have a fairly new nvidia chip and the driver is quite old, the newer driver will help22:57
cyberporkanyone can help me? my apt crash when it tries to install or upgrade /linux-image-3.2.0-25-generic22:57
blackshirthello tortib22:57
cyberporkand also on /linux-image-3.2.0-26-generic22:57
chriswereActionParsnip: where's the ppa?22:57
ActionParsnipchriswere: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade22:58
blackshirtcyberpork, what do you mean with crash?22:58
d00durk00lTJ > Interesting .. sec22:58
zykotick9!info linux-image22:58
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB22:58
tortibI'm trying to setup openvpn to connect to my android phone, I've almost have it setup but when i try to connect with my phone I get an error stating "FATAL: linux ifconfig failed: could not execute external program" does anyone have any idea  as to what may be causing this?22:58
coredestructionL3top, would I for example be able to use echo $ARTIST ¦ sed 's/\/\\/g' ?22:58
chriswereActionParsnip: and how do i do this with a broken terminal emulator?22:59
cyberporkblackshirt, it says there is a problem22:59
coredestructionno, that would do sod all as it wouldnt write it to the variable22:59
ActionParsnipchriswere: open another one22:59
L3topno.... I would need to see the whole thing to show you how to pipe it22:59
kefiranyone else getting partial upgrade warnings? I've had one for almost a week now, it won't go away22:59
zykotick9cyberpork: what version of ubuntu are you using "lsb_release -a" if unsure.  you should be seeing if on current?22:59
cyberporkblackshirt, i put the error in a pastebin and i link to you22:59
L3topcoredestruction: ^22:59
ActionParsnipchriswere: or save the command in a text file and treat it as a script file ni CTRL+ALT+F122:59
cyberporkblackshirt, i use 12.04 precise22:59
TJ-coredestruction: I usually encode 'illegal' characters the same way HTML Entities are encoded in URLs, so %2F is /23:00
blackshirtcyberpork, you should more detail i think...that just a problem, many posibilities23:00
cyberporkblackshirt, it's a ditro upgrade from the 10.04 studio23:00
ActionParsnipchriswere: or run xterm  and use taht instead23:00
tortibI'm trying to setup openvpn to connect to my android phone, I've almost have it setup but when i try to connect with my phone I get an error stating "FATAL: linux ifconfig failed: could not execute external program" does anyone have any idea  as to what may be causing this?23:00
chriswereActionParsnip: xterm doesn't seem to want to open up23:00
cyberporkblackshirt, yes i write to you the output of apt-get upgrade23:00
zykotick9ActionParsnip: urxvt ftw ;)23:00
d00durk00l806  ssh-agent 1423      sysop  cwd   unknown                              /proc/1423/cwd (readlink: Permission denied)23:01
d00durk00l  807  ssh-agent 1423      sysop  rtd   unknown                              /proc/1423/root (readlink: Permission denied)23:01
d00durk00l  808  ssh-agent 1423      sysop  txt   unknown                              /proc/1423/exe (readlink: Permission denied)23:01
d00durk00l  809  ssh-agent 1423      sysop NOFD                                        /proc/1423/fd (opendir: Permission denied)23:01
d00durk00l  810  sshd      2791       root  cwd   unknown                              /proc/2791/cwd (readlink: Permission denied)23:01
FloodBot1d00durk00l: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:01
d00durk00l  811  sshd      2791       root  rtd   unknown                              /proc/2791/root (readlink: Permission denied)23:01
d00durk00l  812  sshd      2791       root  txt   unknown                              /proc/2791/exe (readlink: Permission denied)23:01
TJ-tortib: run openvpn with maximum debug logging should pin it down23:01
coredestructionL3top, pastebin.org/ntLUtky7 By my own admission i struggle with sed23:01
TJ-!pastebin | d00durk00l23:01
ubottud00durk00l: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:01
tortibTJ-: how do i do that?23:01
usr13chriswere: Ctrl-Alt-F623:01
cyberporkanytime i want to install a package it stays this error23:02
cyberporkblackshirt, anytime i want to install a package it stays this error23:02
blackshirtcyberpork, upgrade with a lot of packages installed would increase risk of broken23:02
d00durk00lTJ Does that sound flaky to you?23:02
usr13chriswere: (tty6)23:02
blackshirtcyberpork, please, more specific with the error...what is it said?23:02
ActionParsnipchriswere: add the line to a text file and you can run the command in TTY123:03
Robinuxwhat does this error mean? ---> sudo ip addr del dev eth023:03
RobinuxRTNETLINK answers: Cannot assign requested address23:03
z1gg3hEvenin' chaps. OR Morning to those in England like me XP.23:03
usr13chriswere: But write down the command first.  Ctrl-Alt-F7 will bring you back to the GUI, (or what's left of it).23:03
z1gg3hWelcome back marmot.23:03
tortibTJ-: i'm gettin connection refused in the syslog23:03
d00durk00lTJ why can't I get it to see your name with tab?23:03
|Anthony|why does the Xorg version numbering differ from the Ubuntu Xorg man page (1.11.3) and here http://www.x.org/wiki/UserDocumentation23:03
|Anthony|makes it difficult to know which doc to read23:03
cyberporkblackshirt, http://pastebin.com/0Cwyf0fF23:03
TJ-tortib: See "man openvpn" ... the "--verb n" option sets verbosity levels for logging23:03
coredestructionz1gg3h, morning :P23:03
tortibTJ-: is there a way to set it in the configuration file?23:04
ActionParsnip3 past midnight is morning?23:04
d00durk00lTJ-: Nevermind23:04
chriswereActionParsnip: look before i do this sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade cn you help me get my terminal working?23:04
blackshirtanthony, read debian packages numbering23:04
z1gg3hIn my world, tis. XD23:04
ActionParsnipchriswere: try a reboot23:04
d00durk00lTJ-: Didn't see the "-"23:04
z1gg3hAnyway, got a slight graphical goin' on with my install, if someone could be kind enough to help?23:04
chriswereokay brb, this is seeming more and more worse than windoze23:04
z1gg3h*graphical error23:04
TJ-d00durk00l: firstly, when reading entries in /proc/ you'll often need to prefix commands with "sudo" because regular users often don't have privileges23:04
|Anthony|blackshirt, i almost didn't see your response. lol my nick is |Anthony|23:05
cyberporkanyone can help me with this apt error?? http://pastebin.com/0Cwyf0fF23:05
|Anthony|blackshirt, thanks for the reply23:05
Cyclohexaneis it possible to download files using apt-get without installing? (actually view the files not the .deb file)23:05
blackshirtcyberpork, sorry, i sit on handheld devices.. I can't see your link23:06
cyberporkblackshirt, i've just tried apt-get install -f and dpkg --configure -a but nothing function23:06
chriswereActionParsnip: okay done a reboot, what's that ppa command again?23:06
ActionParsnipCyclohexane: sure, read the man page for apt-get and you'll see there is the option for what you want23:06
blackshirtcyclohexane, you mean download it ? Yes23:06
cyberporkblackshirt, no problem thanks anyway23:07
nannesdoes ubuntu Precise use readahead for boot managing?23:07
Robinuxwhat does this error mean? ---> sudo ip addr del dev eth023:07
RobinuxRTNETLINK answers: Cannot assign requested address23:07
tortibTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1209962/23:07
ActionParsnipchriswere: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade23:07
usr13Robinux: What are you trying to do?23:08
d00durk00lTJ-: No I got those from open files with ssh process via the lsof | grep ssh23:08
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L3topcoredestruction: try http://pastebin.com/SE6ZFYze23:08
Robinuxusr13, give eth0 that IP ... I'm trying to NAT23:08
d00durk00lI found those a little odd however not sure if they are created from sftp23:08
TJ-d00durk00l: You need to use "sudo" to beat that "permission denied" response for some details23:09
bkc_Robinux: change del to add23:09
d00durk00loh its a permission denied on my part kk23:09
usr13Robinux: sudo ifconfig eth0  #Will assign eth0 an IP of
bkc_usr13: don't recommend using ifconfig23:10
TJ-tortib: The problem is there in the log "local='dev-type tun', remote='dev-type tap'" In other words, locally you're telling openvpn to TUNnel (level 3 - IP protocol) but on the remote device you're telling it to TAP (level 2 - Ethernet)23:10
tortibany idea how i can tell openvpn on android to use tun?23:10
Robinuxi can't believe I did that23:10
usr13Robinux:  If you want to share the internet connection, see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing23:10
usr13bkc_: Why not?23:10
tortibTJ-: under help on the openvpn client it says tun in kernel or tun.ko23:11
tortibon android23:11
tortibso it should be using tun23:11
RobinuxI AM following that usr13 bro... its just I did a dumb command line newbie mistake ... lol23:11
bkc_usr13: depricated for ip23:11
usr13bkc_: I haven't recommend anything yet, accept, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing23:12
tortibTJ-: i tried to set the openvpn server to tap and that didn't help either23:12
tortibit still gives the same error23:12
bkc_usr13: you told him to use ifconfig... that's a recommendation in my eyes :)23:12
usr13bkc_: Maybe so, but it still works.23:12
usr13bkc_: I did not tell him to do anything.23:12
blackshirtstill usable and available23:13
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blackshirtthat was not wrong23:13
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TJ-tortib: the kernel driver for tun/tap is tun.ko (which is built-in to Ubuntu kernels)23:14
gordonjcpbkc_: is there a comprehensive guide to using "ip"?23:14
bkc_gordonjcp: man ip23:14
gordonjcpbkc_: I've never been able to get "ip" to work23:14
gordonjcpthe syntax is insane23:14
TJ-tortib: from that pastebin log you also need to match the MTUs23:14
bkc_gordonjcp: the syntax is better/easier than ifconfig... it also embeds route :)23:15
gordonjcpbkc_: the syntax makes no sense at all23:15
cyberporkanyone can help me with this apt error?? http://pastebin.com/0Cwyf0fF23:15
tortibTJ-: how do i set the MTU in the config?23:15
coredestructionL3top, nope :/ mv: cannot blah blah blah. thinking about it, surely i could pipe into a second sed? grep '^=== TIT2' | sed -e 's/.*: //g' ¦ sed 's/\/\\/g'`" ?23:15
TJ-tortib: "man openvpn"23:15
gordonjcpbkc_: and it messes with the routing table, which I thought was a bug23:15
cyberporkthis is the apt-get upgrade output http://pastebin.com/0Cwyf0fF23:16
blackshirtcyberpork, can you show the most importan error here?23:16
gordonjcpbkc_: apparently "ip" mucking up the routing table is desired behaviour23:16
bkc_gordonjcp: as I said, it embeds route... which is a good thing :)23:16
tortibTJ-: man openvpn gives all the arguments for the command line not for the server.conf23:16
gordonjcpbkc_: no, it's an extremely bad thing23:16
tortibi want the server.conf options23:16
gordonjcpit *always* does the wrong thing23:16
gordonjcpbkc_: routing has nothing to do with interface management23:16
tortibTJ-: or can i just drop the -- and add the option to the server.conf ?23:17
bkc_gordonjcp: no? I never have to mess around with routing... and my network is pretty big and messy...23:17
TJ-tortib: "OPTIONS OpenVPN allows any option to be placed either on the command line or in a configuration file.  Though  all  command  line options are preceded by a double-leading-dash ("--"), this prefix can be removed when an option is placed in a configuration file."23:17
jribcyberpork: install the syslinux-themes-debian package (and file a bug maybe)23:18
gordonjcpbkc_: does it have a mail client too?  What about an mp3 player built into ip?23:18
bkc_gordonjcp: just give it a rest will ya...23:18
cyberporkblackshirt, it says E: /usr/share/syslinux/themes/debian/extlinux: No such file or directory23:19
cyberporkrun-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-extlinux exited with return code 123:19
cyberporkFailed to process /etc/kernel/postinst.d at /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-3.2.0-26-generic.postinst line 1010.23:19
cyberporkdpkg: errore nell'elaborare linux-image-3.2.0-26-generic (--configure):23:19
cyberpork il sottoprocesso vecchio script di post-installation ha restituito lo stato di errore 223:19
gordonjcp!pastebin | cyberpork23:19
ubottucyberpork: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:19
cyberporkjrib, ok i try23:20
ActionParsnipcyberpork: what is the output of:  file /usr/share/syslinux/themes/debian/extlinux23:20
tortibTJ-: also those are just warnings, they shouldn't cause the client to not connect23:20
jribActionParsnip: it's probably debbug #65666323:20
tortibTJ-: i take that back i don't know the behavior of openvpn23:21
TJ-tortib: well try it again with maximum verbose debug logging see what else is revealed23:21
cyberporkActionParsnip, the output is config.c32  memtest.bin  other.cfg   rosh.c32    stdmenu.cfg  vesamenu.c3223:22
cyberporkhdt.c32     menu.cfg     reboot.c32  splash.png  theme.cfg23:22
Deutopiawhat is a good site to learn apache2?23:25
jribDeutopia: maybe #httpd can give you some pointers23:25
TJ-Deutopia: apache.org23:26
cyberporkjrib, oh man it's all ok now!23:26
cyberporkjrib, thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!23:26
brightsparksI'm trying to install an nvidia card. It says that the headers and sources need to be installed. I'v installed the headers but how do I install the linux sources?23:26
sambagirlhi i am currently working on my own distro and i was just curious if there is any kind of authority that inspects releases before they are posted on distrowatch?23:26
jribcyberpork: no problem.  It's debian bug #656663 .  But I didn't look to see if one had been filed in launchpad23:26
ubottuDebian bug 656663 in syslinux-themes-debian "deconfigure theme if active theme is removed" [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/65666323:26
cyberporkthanks to all!!!!! you are great!23:27
gtech_I think vncviewer is causing X to crash, how do I find out?23:27
Dr_willisbrightsparks,  you are trying to use the .run driver package from nvidia.com ?23:27
cyberporkjrib, on the webforum there wasn't anything23:27
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brightsparksDr_willis: yes23:27
Dr_willissambagirl,  disrtowatch has its own rules and guidelines.. they decide what they want to put up.23:28
Dr_willisbrightsparks,  the ones from the repos dident work?23:28
sambagirloh i see23:28
tortibTJ-: et to 323:28
tortibSep 16 16:27:45 miner1 ovpn-server[5864]: Zentrex/ TLS: tls_multi_process: i=123:28
tortibTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1209991/23:28
brightsparksDr_willis: not sure what you mean. I usually install the nvidia driver for this card.23:29
chriswereActionParsnip: okay i'm install the ppa now, I hope it works23:29
gtechI think vncviewer is causing X on my client machine to crash, how do I find out?23:29
tortibgtech: logfiles23:29
gtechtortib: which ones+23:30
tortibX should have a log file23:30
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Dr_willisbrightsparks,  the addational-drivers tool *aka  jockey-gtk* is how one normally installs the nvidia drivers.23:30
brightsparksDr_willis: so do you know how update and install the linux sources. Sorry I don't know anything about jockey-gtk (I think).23:30
gtechtortib: I found /usr/share/X11/XErrorDB through the manpage23:31
tortibgtech: it would be in /var/log23:31
TJ-tortib: I don't see anything there that tells me a fault, but it is a long time since my openvpn connections had issues23:31
zoktaranyone have an idea how to get libfreetype6-dev:i386 with libfreetype6-dev already installed ? some kind of workaround?, it does not seem to like the multilib/arch :(23:32
Dr_willisbrightsparks,  You SHOULD be using the addational-drivers tool (gksudo jockey-gtk) first.. befor you try to use the .run package.23:32
Robinuxdoes NAT require dnsmasq?23:32
TJ-tortib: Is the link UDP or TCP?23:32
draxxxusbe care ful of the echelon23:32
zykotick9brightsparks: i agree with Dr_willis's statment.  using the nvidia.com drive on ubuntu, is a poor choice.  (could, but probably isn't, required though).23:33
gtechtortib: is each successive log a different invocation of X?23:34
blahdyblahblahdo not use the driver from nvidias website.23:34
brightsparksDr_willis: I usually can manage to install the nvidia card by shutting down gdm and switching to a terminal. Running the package it automatically removes the nouveau or whatever and successfully installs.23:34
tortibgtech: logrotate will backup older logs23:34
tortiband gzip them23:34
tortibso if you see more than one that's why23:34
tortibthe most recent one wont have a .gz extension usually23:35
Dr_willisbrightsparks,  y You have been doing it wrongly.. even if it works..  try the ones in the repository FIRST.23:35
draxxxusthank you all for the info **()#23:35
Dr_willisUsing the  jockey-gtk i get the nvidia drivers going in about 60 sec.. and 4 clicks...23:35
Dr_willisno need to get the .run package from nvidia, no need to mess with other stuff.23:36
zykotick9Dr_willis: additionally, you don't contiminate you install using the .run - and you get updates!23:36
tortibTJ-: is there an openvpn client for windows?23:36
[twisti]i am running ubuntu 12 as a persistent live cd, is there an easy way to completely shut down all this X crap and leave only text mode ?23:36
brightsparksDr_willis: I must be using those at the moment. I have limited screen resolutions available. That's mainly why I want to install the nvidia card driver23:36
cyberporkbye bye and W UBUNTU23:36
Dr_willisbrightsparks,  run the nvidia-setting tool and see what driver you are using..23:36
draxxxusqiuit it23:36
TJ-tortib: I have no idea!23:36
Dr_willisbrightsparks,  the ones in the repos are the same as what you would get with the .run drivers. tehy may be a little older version. but  the main thing is 'they are supported here'23:37
Dr_willisand they will update like any other packages.23:37
battlehandsI just installed lubuntu, and I'm wondering which directory I should install matlab to23:37
brightsparksDr_willis: lspci?23:37
[twisti]or am i going to have to hunt down all the various X and unity packages and uninstall them one by one ?23:37
Dr_willisbattlehands,  most likely anywhere in the users home.23:37
TJ-[twisti]: Add "text" to the kernel command line(s) via GRUB's /etc/default/grub file and then "update-grub"23:37
Dr_willis!text | [twisti]23:37
ubottu[twisti]: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode23:37
[twisti]awesome, thank you guys23:38
zykotick9battlehands: use /opt to install out-of-repo packages that you want multiple users to access.  use ~ if it's just you.23:38
tortibTJ-: it seems that everyone uses TAP for their tunnels i thought TUN was better?23:38
nannesdoes ubuntu Precise use readahead for boot managing?23:39
zykotick9tortib: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TUN/TAP tap-tun seem like that same thing to me, different layers perhaps.23:40
TJ-tortib: TAP is level 2, TUN is level 323:40
tortibi heard TAP has some problems with TCP connections23:40
brightsparksDr_willis: all running nvidia-settings tells me is that I don't appear to have the nvidia driver installed and that I need to edit my xconfigeration file23:40
brightsparksWould be quite happy if someone could tell me how to install my linux sources23:41
zykotick9tortib: i have a tap0 for my kvm VMs... good luck.23:41
[twisti]i guess thats not possible on a live-usb thingy, or am i missunderstanding how this works ?23:42
sambagirlif i remove the branding-ubuntu will that remove the ubuntu artwork?23:42
tortibzykotick9: why good luck?23:42
TJ-[twisti]: You can edit the linux command line from the initial boot menu of the liveCD, with I think the F6 Advanced key/menu23:42
[twisti]ill try that, ill have to walk over to it, bbiab23:43
Robinuxhow do I restart iptables to load the new settings?23:44
TJ-Robinux: You don't as such. iptables is just a program that injects rules into the kerne's netfilters tables... what you can do is clear all rules and reload a predefined set23:45
zykotick9tortib: "why good luck?" 'cause i don't use N-M, so i have zero idea how it works in ubuntu these days.  so, "good luck" ;)23:45
battlehandssudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.15.so /lib64/libc.so.623:46
Dr_willisbrightsparks,  run gksudo jockey-gtk and use the repos to install the driver is what everyone has been telling you to do.23:47
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto23:47
battlehandswhen I attempt to run: sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.15.so /lib64/libc.so.6 on my netbook it says "failed to create symbolink link"23:49
[twisti]TJ-: no joy. i get to the screen under point 6 here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode which shows just what that shows when i press F6. 'text' is not one of the options as you can see, and it doesnt let me manually enter anything23:49
brightsparksDr_willis: when I run the nvidia installation program it tells me that the driver I want to install is already install and do I want to replace it with the one I am attempting to install( the same driver). Normally reinstalling it gives me full nvidia resolution options etc.23:49
h22turboRobinux: iptables -F will flush all rules and start over everything23:50
zykotick9battlehands: i imagine it already exists "ls -l /lib64/libc.so.6" to confirm.23:50
Dr_willisbrightsparks,  sounds like you are using the .run drivers allready.. and basically they are not supported here.. you have been ignoreing everyones advice.23:50
zykotick9battlehands: this sort of linking is a bad idea generally.  seldom works as well.23:50
tornado__When is the next LTS version after 12.04 going to be released? What may be the new features?23:51
zykotick9tortib: ubuntu is on a strict schedule.  lts releases every 2 years, so 14.04 will be the next (yet to be named ;)23:51
kostkontornado__, in 1.5 years time23:51
TJ-[twisti]: Yes it does... I think you press escape to lose that menu then you can directly edit/type to the kernel's command-line that is displayed at the bottom of the screen23:52
TJ-[twisti]: The line that starts: "Boot options"23:52
zykotick9tornado__: sorry, see above23:52
brightsparksDr_willis: only ignoring in so far as I am not familiar with the advice you are giving me (not familiar with gksudo jockey-gtk). Anyway I'm pasting it into terminal now. But I don't want to mess up the system by trying the unfamilair if my usual run method works.23:52
chriswereokay guys, someone was trying to help me set up duel monitors and now he's left me high and dry with more bugs than when i started. I took a day off work for this, and I'll have to take another tomorrow.  set this up in 10 mins on windows and it's taken all day on ubuntu and i'm still nowhere. I hate the infinite bugs in this OS. How hard can it be to set up dual monitors if windows does it so easily. He made be upgrade my 23:53
tornado__Zykotick9 , Thankyou23:53
phunyguy14 is the year, and 04 is the month, so April, 2014 will be the next LTS release23:53
zykotick9!tab > tornado__23:53
ubottutornado__, please see my private message23:53
zykotick9tornado__: typing Z y k o t i c k 9 is a pain, use tab completion23:54
Dr_willisbrightsparks,  and how long have you been using the .run method?   jockey-gtk has been the preffered method for extra drivers since.. well.. several releases backk.23:54
Dr_willisthe .run method is definatly NOT advised.23:54
tornado__You all just answered my very first IRC question...I'm a newbie-nube23:55
* zykotick9 thinks using nvidia's .run installer is supported in #nvidia channel on freenode...23:55
chriswereso no-one helping me again?23:55
phunyguy!patience | chriswere23:56
ubottuchriswere: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:56
TJ-chriswere: Is it dual monitors on dual GPUs, or dual monitors on a single GPU?23:56
Dr_williswith my nvidia card systems. dual monitors takes me about 2 min.. and a reboot..23:56
chriswereTJ- dual monitors on two different gpus23:57
[twisti]TJ-: now i feel stupid, that worked, thank you23:57
Dr_willisthats including the nvidia drivers..23:57
brightsparksDr_willis: well I just upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 today from ubuntu 11.10-where the run method worked just fine for me. Anyway I have done what you suggested and installed the driver or activated it using gksudo jockey-gtk. If I'm not happy with it I'll still try my "run" method. But thanks for your help anyway. But I still don't know how to install the linux sources which was my original question.23:57
TJ-[twisti]: no worries, it isn't obviously until you've done it once!23:57
Dr_willisbrightsparks,  you dont need to.. and the .run method can cause problems in the long run.. do not use it as your first attempt..23:58
nannesHow to change GDM background image ?23:58
zykotick9!wfm | brightsparks23:58
ubottubrightsparks: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/23:58
nannesUbuntu Precise 12.04.123:58
phunyguynannes, is lightdm not the desktop manager vs GDM?23:58
* Dr_willis wonders how you installed the drivers befor.. withhout knowing how to install the sources.. actually you just need the kernel headers as far as i know.23:58
nannesphunyguy: No, I have gnome-shell, and I have GDM with it23:59
Dr_willisLogin manager = Lightdm, or KDM, GDM, or others..23:59
ActionParsnipphunyguy: lightdm is the new default, gdm is available though if you desire (or any other for that matter)23:59
phunyguynannes that is unsupported23:59
nannesare you kidding?23:59
nannesit's in the repos23:59
Dr_willisfind the image its using.. and edit it. :) or edit the gdm.conf file perhaps.23:59
ActionParsnipphunyguy: how is it not supported?23:59
chriswereActionParsnip: I've installed the PPA like you said, it did nothing23:59
uberTaconannes: old post, but I found this: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/05/change-gdm-theme-background-in-ubuntu.html23:59
nannesuberTaco: You said it, old post.23:59

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