
ailolen-dt: If all went well, ppa:ailo.at/ustesting should soon include ubuntustudio-default-settings 0.3809:24
ailoI'll upload it to the bzr branch, once I confirm it's fine and working09:24
ailoAh, I haven't added the toggle yet..09:40
agondakui want to install ubuntu studio in windows to use dual boot like ubuntu but its not the same like the ubuntu ?09:54
ailoagondaku: #ubuntustudio is the channel for user questions09:57
ailoagondaku: Could we continue there?09:58
ailoagondaku: #ubuntustudio-user09:58
smartboyhwlen-dt: You here? Why did you change the ubiquity slideshow bug to TODO? Don't tell me the bug came back again:(09:58
smartboyhwIt is #ubuntustudio09:58
ailoAh, yeah09:58
ailosmartboyhw: 15:59 < len-dt> :P Our photo and publishing apps are still not there. The scroll bars are back in our slide show after having been gone for a month.09:59
smartboyhwGrrr that is bad in any means09:59
ailomicahg: I was just doing some changes to the ubuntustudio-default-settings package. Am I right in assuming I don't have the rights to commit?11:11
ailomicahg: I need to create my own branch, and push that, as described here? http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/fixing-a-bug.html#committing-the-fix11:12
ailolen-dt: ^11:13
len-dtyou have the right to push directly13:36
len-dtailo, you did to seeds right?13:36
smartboyhwailo: If you are  in the dev team you can push directly...13:36
ailolen-dt: This is not the seeds13:37
ailolen-dt: I was not getting the same results as when working with the seeds13:38
ailosmartboyhw: Yes, thank you. I am aware that me being a dev does grant me some rights13:38
smartboyhwailo: LOL13:38
smartboyhwYou deserve it anyway13:39
holsteinthe phrasing of questions sometimes gets me going13:39
holstein"why doesnt ubuntustudio support dual monitors?"13:40
holsteinhow about.. "does ubuntustudio support dual montitors?"13:40
holsteinor, how do i set up dual monitors?13:40
ailolen-dt: Let me recheck the lp adress..13:40
len-dtailo, there is a problem in the seeds still. The photography and publishing metas are created but not shipped for some reason.13:44
len-dtI need to look at that.13:44
smartboyhwlen-dt: Add oil! (Add oil in HK = give support)13:45
ailolen-dt: I was trying to commit to the ubuntu bzr repo13:46
len-dtI commit to my branch then push13:46
smartboyhwailo: it should be easy13:47
len-dtThat is I branch to my machine, make changes, commit to my machine then push13:47
smartboyhwIf there are new files you bzr add or sth?13:47
smartboyhwTHen commit, then push:)13:48
len-dtOnce I have the branch on my machine, I do a pull if I think there may be other changes sinse I last did something13:48
ailosmartboyhw: I only started using bzr yesterday13:48
smartboyhwailo: What the..........I use bzr at least twice....13:48
len-dtThe learning curve13:48
smartboyhwBut ailo, welcome to bzr!!!13:49
ailoOk, I wasn't branching13:50
smartboyhwailo: Oh you didn't branch!?13:51
len-dtailo, the thing I found confusing is that you do the branch in a directory you create, then do any push or pull one directory up.13:55
len-dtailo, Why does jackd (not jackdbus) need X11 to start?14:10
ailolen-dt: No idea. Sounds weird to me14:10
len-dtI have put together a very light system14:10
len-dtno X, only 191M ram and small drive14:11
ailolen-dt: Let me just double check a couple of things..14:11
len-dtI want to play with netjack and nama etc.14:11
ailolen-dt: bzr init-repo ubuntustudio-default-settings14:11
len-dtI have never used that command :)14:12
ailoAnd inside the created dir, bzr branch <?> <custom_name>14:12
ailolen-dt: So, what's your workflow then?14:12
smartboyhwailo: I used the init-repo14:12
len-dtI have ~/software/studio/settings/14:12
len-dtthen I go there do bzr branch and it creates a ubuntustudio dir in that with the branch in it.14:13
smartboyhwI will do bzr branch lp:~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-default-settings/UbuntuStudio in ~ for me14:14
len-dtIt could probably be done simpler easier though14:14
len-dtonce I make the changes I do a bzr add from the dir below debian14:15
len-dtthen a bzr commit14:15
len-dt then a bzr push14:15
ailolen-dt: No dch -i ?14:19
ailoUpdating the changelog..14:19
ailolen-dt: It's how you normally update the changelog for debian packages14:21
len-dtThat sounds easier than editing the changelog file.14:21
ailolen-dt: Not really. It's the same things basically14:22
smartboyhwFound something interesting14:22
smartboyhwSomeone misspelt the ubuntustudio-forum.desktop14:22
smartboyhwit is ubuntustudio-formum.desktop lol14:23
len-dtThat would be me...14:23
smartboyhwlen-dt: LOL14:23
ailolen-dt: So, you edit the changelog to have the new version, and change UNRELEASED to quantal, before committing?14:26
smartboyhwlen-dt: So would you change the misspelt file name? LOL14:27
ailoI can do that14:28
smartboyhwailo: You mean changing the filename or the changelog??14:29
ailochanging the misspelling14:29
smartboyhwOk please do then:)14:29
micahgailo: no, leave the changelog  UNRELEASED until it's ready to be uploaded14:30
ailomicahg: ok14:31
len-dtmicahg, is there a reason the two new metas are not included in the ISO?14:31
ailolen-dt: If I change the name of the desktop starter, I guess a meny entry needs to be changed too?14:31
smartboyhwailo: Think so14:31
ailosmartboyhw: I'm talking with len. Please..14:32
ailolen-dt: So, is that in the same package?14:33
len-dtit is in /etc/xdg/xdg-ubuntustudio/menus14:33
ailolen-dt: etc/xdg/xdg-ubuntustudio/menus/xfce-applications.menu14:33
smartboyhwI actually changed it already14:33
smartboyhwlen-dt and ailo: I mean I changed the xfce-applications.menu and the filename lol14:34
len-dtsmartboyhw, I am not sure ailo is talking about my spelling mistake...14:35
smartboyhwlen-dt: I think he is14:35
smartboyhwSince the spelling mistake can be found there also14:35
micahglen-dt: hrm, they should be14:35
len-dtMaybe it needs one more day micahg , 14:36
smartboyhwlen-dt: In xfce-applications.menu line 37814:36
smartboyhwSo is it the spelling mistake or am I wrong?14:36
len-dtsmartboyhw, that is not important right now.14:36
micahglen-dt: no, if the ISO succeeds and the new metas aren't there, something's wrong14:37
len-dtthe link works and the spelling is not visible to the user.14:37
len-dtmicahg, I can add them to desktop, but graphics is not and it works.14:37
micahgno, you shouldn't need to do that14:38
smartboyhwMore important is that we need to add the new metas in and the scrollbars fixed:)14:38
ailoOk, made the push14:41
smartboyhwGood ailo:)14:41
ailosmartboyhw: How is your work going on documentation?14:42
smartboyhwGrrr I am too busy on school these days don't have time14:43
smartboyhwWhat is the deadline excuse me?14:43
smartboyhw*when is the deadline excuse me ailo?14:44
ailosmartboyhw: No deadline. But, since you seem to have time to be in here, it just makes sense that you would have time to do some actual work. I don't mind you being here, and it's just good for you to learn stuff. If you really do want to learn, however, I recommend you focus on work, not chat14:44
* smartboyhw opens LibreOffice Writer to work on it14:45
ailoAs a 14 year old, I know it's not easy to have the patience14:45
ailoBut, you don't need to do more than you feel like14:45
smartboyhwNow wait guys if I install ubuntustudio-publishing it should have scribus pre-installed right?14:51
smartboyhwPlease someone do tell me:)14:53
len-dtI don't know that it would work with 12.0414:54
len-dtbut it does with 12.1014:54
len-dtI tried it last night.14:54
smartboyhwOK thanks then:)14:54
len-dtailo BTW, generic does not seem to add any battery life over lowlatency14:56
len-dtMy battery just has half the capacity as when I bought it.14:57
micahglen-dt: actually, quantal is a little harder on the battery than preccise15:07
knomei hope "little harder" isn't half :P15:07
len-dtmicahg, I was talking about precise actually.15:10
len-dtWhat I noticed is that the battery info says I have less than half the watthours from new15:11
ailolen-dt: Do you test the packages before pushing?15:42
ailoOr, the package in question15:42
ailoI've been using the ppa, and also bzr builddeb to create a deb package. 15:43
ailoProblem with ppa is that UNRELEASED is not acceptable, so it needs to be edited15:44
ailolen-dt: I think it would be wise to have some sort of routine for that anyway. I'm adding something to the dev docs about this15:46
ailolen-dt: How did you test the battery life, btw?15:48
ailolen-dt: I really think we should move the extra items in the menu. It's almost by chance that I see them15:50
ailoAnd putting them between menus doesn't seem logical. I can't think of any better place than at the top of each workflow menu, and clearly separated from applications15:51
ailolen-dt: I'd like to work on some of the other menus (besides audio), to have them follow the same logic with submenus. Audacity needs to be in a menu that explains it's not a video application.15:53
ailoOther than that, I feel the menu is really nice15:53
ailolen-dt: We could use the ubuntu studio icon for the extras, or a version of it15:54
len-dtailo, I can move the icons to the top of the menus. I used the package icon because it tells the user it installs things (I hope)16:05
len-dtThe US icon doesn't really do that16:06
len-dtailo, in the battery icon in systray there is an info selection. It has design capacity and real capacity.16:08
ailolen-dt: Ok, I didn't know if you had put any thought on the icon. Didn't realize it was the package icon. 16:08
len-dtWhen I first got the Netbook I put ubuntunetbook on it and got about 3.5 hours out of it. Now I get 1.5 hours out of it.16:10
* len-dt thinks maybe a bit closer to 1.75 hours16:10
len-dtBut it does follow pretty close what the batter info says.16:11
len-dtubuntu netbook was the last LTS so that gives an idea how old the battery is.16:11

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