
drupinI am not able to load the newly installed OS on a flash drive wit two ext3 partitions one for os and other casper-rw. is there any way i can fix what is broken in the OS ... The message i get is no operating system found... first time it was loaded and grub menu came and it took forever so i came in recovery mode and did the update after that its not reading the OS..03:40
holsteindrupin: what?04:31
drupinNo operating system found on boot from flash drive04:32
holsteinwhats on the flash drive? is it a good drive?04:32
drupinthis is second time i am install the OS in it04:33
holsteinwhy ext3?04:33
drupini can see the system files in it04:33
holsteinhow did you do the install? maybe you didnt get it right04:33
drupini partitioned the flash in two04:34
drupinone for OS and other with label casper-rw04:34
holsteinsure, but that requires a custom installer scenario04:34
holsteinmaybe you did that incorretly04:34
drupinand then i installed from th installer04:35
holsteini would probably just try reinstalling, since that takes so little time, and just go with the defaults04:35
drupinto the /04:35
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drupini can see all the OS files in it04:36
drupingess it the grub issue04:36
holsteindrupin: cool.. then restore grub, and reboot and enjoy04:36
drupinhow can i restore04:36
holsteinotherwise, you might want to entertain why the grub install could have failed during installation04:36
holsteincould be a bad stick04:37
drupinsudo update-grub /dev/sdc104:37
drupin/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?)04:37
holsteini would literally not waste anymore time on it since its a fresh install with no data04:37
holsteinsince installs are like 15 minutes now.. or less04:37
holsteinwhen i want to restore grub, i reference04:37
holstein!grub | drupin04:37
ubottudrupin: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:37
holsteinthe bit about recovering from a live CD04:38
drupinit takes ok04:38
holsteinit takes ok?04:38
drupinlet me try boot repair04:42
holsteindrupin: its more envolved than just running sudo update-grub04:42
holsteinor it was when i recovered grub04:42
drupinthere is mounting and all04:43
drupini flagged boot in gparted before install04:45
drupinmay be it screwed the default parameters04:45
holsteindrupin: i would just let the defaults go by once, and get a booting system04:45
drupinthe dafault waste the 4 GB04:46
holsteindrupin: it just might bootup thought, and you can customize after that04:46
drupinbut what about casper-rw04:47
holsteindrupin: i wouldnt expect ubuntustudio to fit on 4gb's.. i would start with xubuntu or lubuntu and add what is needed04:47
holsteindrupin: im not sure what you are doint casper-rw04:47
drupinthe flash is 8 GB04:47
drupinxubuntu lubuntu are they minimalist install?04:49
holsteindrupin: not really... but i wouldnt expect ubuntustudio to fit in 4gb's04:49
holsteini made it fit back in ubuntustudio 9.10, but i stripped a lot out04:49
drupininstaller told me it needs min 3.7 GB..04:49
drupinbut then it installed in the 4 GB04:50
holsteindrupin: i would just install the OS to the stick04:50
drupinjust one partition04:50
drupinno two partition04:50
holsteini wouldnt have casper.. or persistence..i would just take a USB stick, plug it inthe sie of the box and install to it04:51
holsteindrupin: i would go with the defaults.. probably just one big one and a swap and all that04:51
drupinswap was freeing my OS before04:51
holsteindrupin: if i didnt want the swap, id wipe it out, but id get a stick booting... and it would be booting 15 minutes from now04:51
drupinso i had removed that04:51
drupinlet me try once04:52
holsteinand i'd go from there, with a booting persitent USB stick04:52
holsteini rarely use swap anyways04:52
drupinok brb i did boot repair05:06
drupinlet me see if it did magic05:06
drupinit thoug told me the space on the drive is less05:06
Presonus_ProbsHey roomies :)09:18
=== Presonus_Probs is now known as RazorWire
sticky1Hello. Xubuntu 12.04 here, unable to use XMIDI1x1 USB-MIDI adapter in MIDI program ran under WINE. aconnect fails to run properly even though it is already installed. Any help?11:23
ailosticky1: are you sure all ports are available?12:15
ailoHow does aconnect fail?12:16
sticky1which ones?12:16
sticky1let me make a paste for you12:16
ailoThe alsa midi ports you are attempting to connect to each other12:16
kroniksenvyHow come ubuntustdio does not support multiple monitors13:34
holsteinkroniksenvy: ubuntustudio is ubuntu13:35
holsteinubuntu and ubuntustudio both support mulitiple monitors13:35
kroniksenvyI should correct my self it does not allow me to extend my desktop it just gives me dual desktop on both monitors13:35
holsteinubuntustudio is quite a bit like xubuntu, so i would search for how to configure dual monitors in XFCE or xubuntu13:35
smartboyhwkroniksenvy, I think it is best to ask in #xubuntu since that this is also a Xubuntu thing;)13:36
smartboyhwHi holstein!13:36
holsteini use arandr, which AFAIK, is the main too now in xubuntu13:36
holsteinkroniksenvy: try arandr and if that doesnt give what you are looking for, let us know13:36
len-dtkroniksenvy, you need to use both arandr and the the display setting to make it work from boot to boot13:38
holsteinlen-dt: do we or xubuntu have a doc on that?..  i didnt set it up persistently yet13:38
len-dtarandr (or xrandr) to set it up and the display settings to save it13:38
kroniksenvyye i got it working now13:39
kroniksenvydid it13:39
kroniksenvynow i just need to remove this bottom popup bar13:39
len-dtYa, but when you reboot it will disapear and you will need to reset it.13:39
holsteinkroniksenvy: panel.. you can remove that panel13:40
len-dtif you go into the display settings and make any change... mirror the monitor where the settings window isn;t and then back again it will save the setting for next login13:40
kroniksenvybare with me i just started with linux yesterday i bought a new notebook and ubuntu studio seemed right for my work : )13:40
smartboyhwOh why you need Ubuntu Studio then kroniksenvy if you just started with Linux?13:41
len-dtkroniksenvy, the thing to remember is that the displays need to be plugged in and powered before booting or X will reconfigure to single and and resave that.13:42
kroniksenvysmartboyhw: i was looking around distribuions basically i wrote top distros and # was ubuntu and underneed were distrost that came from ubuntu13:42
kroniksenvyi picked studio because it seemed setup for graphic design13:42
kroniksenvylen-dt: thanks will note that13:42
smartboyhwkroniksenvy, oh you want graphic design:) That's good:)13:43
len-dtkroniksenvy, we would be happy to hear your comments on how Studio works for you and how we could improve it.13:45
len-dt... maybe after you  have tried it a while...13:46
kroniksenvywill do13:46
kroniksenvySo far i'm pretty happy with speed & response, i like the clean UI and configuration was pretty strait forward and i'm even happer now that all 3 screens are runing : )13:48
kroniksenvybut ill give feedback as i use it during few projects13:48
smartboyhwkroniksenvy, please do:)13:49
kroniksenvydoes anyone here work with ruby on rails ?14:58
=== kroniksenvy is now known as wiickeed
smartboyhwwiickeed, who?15:00
wiickeedhuh ?15:00
smartboyhwRuby on rails. what IS that?15:02
ailowiickeed: I use it for a redmine install15:24
ailoBut, seems like more of a web server related Q15:24
drupinhow can i remove a non working icon from the left top start menu in settings21:13
drupinholstein: i did it and finally fresh in the thumb drive21:13
len-dtdrupin, which one isn't working?21:15
drupini tried to install the java 7 via some non working PPA21:16
drupinlater found its not supported21:16
drupinall files i removed21:16
drupinonly this two icons are there21:16
drupinin settings21:17
holsteindrupin: i would purge whatever you installed from that ppa, and purge the ppa23:29
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.23:29
holsteini would refer to that23:29
drupinya i got from there23:30
holsteinAFAIK, alacarte will work for editing the menu in XFCE23:30
drupinbut the putge is done23:30
drupinbut still the two java icons there23:30
holsteindrupin: just get rid of one23:31
drupinwhere i find them but?23:31
holsteindrupin: AFAIK, alacart works to edit the menu23:31
drupininstall alacart?23:32
holsteindrupin: i would research what it is.. see if you think it will work for you, and choose if you 'd like to install it23:32
drupinok holstein23:32
len-dtdrupin, sorry I vanished...23:51
drupinits fine len-dt ..23:52
len-dtThere is probably a *.desktop file floating around.23:52
drupini also took break and was installing something else23:52
len-dtThey normally reside in /usr/share/applications/23:52
len-dtIf you use thunar or nautilus to look for it, you should be able to see which one it is by the icon.23:53
len-dtThe name with it will not be the file name. I don't know if you can delete it or not though... I guess if you run nautilus with pkexec or gksudo23:56
len-dtalacarte will work fine too. But will only fix the one user, any new user would still have the problem menu item.23:59

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