
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
alveo3Hey guys. I have unchecked ¨Spin down hard disk¨ in the power manager, but it still spins down every 10 seconds or so, please help :)05:34
apm1alveo3, well how can you tell if your HD is actually spinning down ?05:36
alveo3I can hear it, the system freezes?05:36
apm1alveo3, running xubuntu i presume and what laptop is it ?05:37
alveo3I think I`ve got it, thanks05:40
apm1ok , mhm05:40
Artemis3alveo3, which drive is this?05:40
alveo3Model or what?05:41
alveo3Some WD stuff05:41
apm1alveo3, how exactly did you solve it , enlighten us :)05:41
Artemis3some "green" wd stuff?05:41
alveo3How can I tell if it`s green?05:42
apm1^i have seen HD motion protectors coloured green on thinkpads05:42
alveo3hdparm -Ii /dev/sda05:42
Artemis3model could do as well :)05:42
Artemis3its an actual line of models05:42
alveo3 WDC WD3200BEVT05:42
apm1oh so green is a modle name :D05:42
Artemis3and the sticker on the drive itself has some green :)05:43
Artemis3model line actually05:43
* apm1 facepalms05:43
Artemis3well thats a blue one05:43
Artemis3should not go to sleep on its own, unless it was configured to :)05:43
apm1alveo3, how did you solve your problem , please enlighten us :)05:44
alveo3I think I can handle it.05:44
alveo3Using hdparm does not work05:44
alveo3Something it`v overwriting it05:44
Artemis3there are 2 other places where you can configure that, bios and firmware05:45
Artemis3i doubt you have changed the firmware, how is the bios?05:45
apm1firmware how do you access the firmware settings ?05:45
apm1firmware as in EFI ?05:46
Artemis3see? that threads talks about the greens, i have experience with those as well :)05:46
Artemis3no, drive's firmware05:46
Artemis3but if it's not a green drive, you probably shouldn't care05:46
Artemis3also if you used laptop tools or something05:47
Artemis3(software settings outside gui)05:47
Artemis3which drive is yours apm1 ?05:47
apm1tweaking firmware on anything can be disastrous :(05:47
Artemis3in this case, its a must, only if you have a green drive05:48
apm1Artemis3, i have a WD myself but i am not aware of it's a alien green or blue :D05:48
apm1how do i find out , it's a 320GB though05:49
Artemis3you too? are you alveo3? im confused05:49
apm1Artemis3, look , i didn't ask for help on anything , hell i don't ever care what kinda colour my drive has :D05:50
apm1Artemis3, but since you have risen my curiosity how do i find out what HD modle it is ? :D05:51
Artemis3sudo lshw -C disk05:52
apm1it says PCI (sysfs) ?05:53
Artemis3greens are usually 500ish or more05:53
Artemis3yes it takes a little05:53
apm1Artemis3, takes a little what ? time05:53
alveo3Did some tweaks, I`ll see if it works.05:54
alveo3Is mine GREEN or not?05:54
Artemis3its blue05:54
apm1why does WD take the pains to colour code stupid HD s :D05:54
Artemis3ask them, seagate also made a green line...05:55
apm1Artemis3, WDC WD3200BEVT05:55
Artemis3so you are sure you are not alveo3 ...05:55
Artemis3because the answer is identical05:55
alveo3What do you mean?05:56
alveo3I don`t need the tweaks or what?05:56
Artemis3just software or bios settings05:56
alveo3that`s what I did :)05:56
apm1holy piece of crap we both have the same HD :D05:56
alveo3The bios is limited05:56
alveo3rebootin g05:57
apm1Artemis3, i now understand why you are confused :D05:57
apm1Artemis3, i assure you i am not alveo3 :D05:59
=== irq55 is now known as alveo3
alveo3Hmm, That worked fine06:00
apm1Artemis3, but this has to be a damn coincidence for alveo3 and me to own the same damn kind of drive :D06:00
Artemis3could happen i guess...06:01
alveo3apm1, do we have the same model?06:01
* apm1 shakes alveo3 s hand for owning the exact same model as him :D06:01
apm1alveo3, what laptop is your's fitted in ?06:02
alveo3You first?06:02
apm1thinkpad x120e06:02
alveo3AMD APU?06:02
apm1yup e35006:03
alveo3HP 63506:03
Artemis3take a look and be proud: http://images.tecchannel.de/images/tecchannel/bdb/365706/890.jpg06:03
alveo3hmm, apm1, does your screen brightness reset as well?06:03
Artemis3(or something)06:03
apm1alveo3, yes but only when i am on battery not on AC power plugged in06:05
alveo3Running XFCE I guess?06:05
alveo3With fglrx or OSS?06:05
apm1yup xubuntu so yes xfce power manager06:05
alveo3Mine always resets after reboot.06:05
alveo3Did you do tweaks?06:06
apm1alveo3, resets as in ?06:06
apm1what resets06:06
alveo3Maxes out06:06
apm1brightness yeah that is supposed to happen even on my mac that happens06:06
alveo3Well, on windows doesn't :)06:06
alveo3It sucks mate, I have to set it each time I boot06:07
alveo3I want it to the minimum06:07
apm1alveo3, how dare you mention windows :D06:07
alveo3apm1, can you control your volume using the volume keys on xfce?06:07
alveo3installed xfce4-volumed, does not work06:07
apm1alveo3, i never pursed the screen brightness settings as i always feel comfortable with the max06:08
alveo3the max kills me06:08
apm1alveo3, actually earlier volume keys worked but after installing rhytmbox they don't work , although the volume applett shows up and adjusts but nothing happens unless i actually drag the gui slider in the top pannell06:09
alveo3what applet are you using?06:10
apm1alveo3, i can't work on anything but mac brightness :)06:10
apm1alveo3, the stock xubuntu notification appletts06:10
alveo3they didn't show up on my installation by default06:12
apm1alveo3, so you don't get any notification bubbless on the top right of the screen just below the panell ?06:12
apm1alveo3, try exorcizing your laptop i think it's possessed :D06:13
alveo3I've added 'mixer' applet, it still doesn't work06:13
apm1wtf , i have 15min battery left06:14
* apm1 is too lazy to connect the power cord06:14
Artemis3in xubuntu volume should work without adding anything, unless your keys are not recognized, doubt installing things will fix that06:14
Artemis3perhaps a search for ubuntu + laptop model would help06:15
apm1Artemis3, but my keys are recognized why else would the applett work ?06:15
Artemis3you did say they worked but installed something and now doesn't?06:16
Artemis3perhaps an evil gnome app?06:16
alveo3artemis3, does xubuntu come with volumed?06:16
apm1Artemis3, rhytumbox ever heard of it ?06:16
Artemis3have not checked, but you can control the volume without adding anything with a default install06:16
apm1Artemis3, exactly until you screw yourself by installing rhythmbox :D06:17
Artemis3ah yes, that evil gnome player :) you sure the volume is not affected elsewhere? in parole or something?06:17
* apm1 removes rhthmbox :D06:17
Artemis3could be the keys are controlling the volume of the wrong thing, but whatever06:19
Artemis3pulseaudio also allows separate volumes for each app06:19
apm1hmm , maybe06:19
Artemis3maybe pavucontrol? would show06:19
* apm1 types alsamixer in terminal06:20
apm1brb i gotta connect to power06:20
apm1hmm " you never realize how great it feels unless you are so close to a power source " tron from the movie tron :D06:23
apm1Artemis3, nah nothing helpful in pavucontrol :(06:24
* apm1 realizes nobody in #xubutu remembers tron :(06:27
apm1^sorry off topic06:27
Artemis3i remember tron, i'm not glued to irc :)06:34
apm1Artemis3, sorry , i never meant to offend you :(06:35
apm1^oh all is well i missed the smiley :D06:37
akisdoes anyone know where thunderbird mail store the mail adress history?07:39
doomgiverso, i wanted to know, how do i build .deb files from a *.tar.gz package?09:28
mips1911why do you wanna use a tar.gz file in the first place?09:35
doomgiverDeutopia: ok, thanks for that, but i cant do that.09:35
doomgiverhere is the deal :09:35
doomgiverim trying to install some tools on a machine which has NO INTERNET access.09:35
doomgiverso im manually downloading and instaling the tools.09:36
doomgiveri get the tar,gz files and install them via ./configere, make\09:36
mips1911Erm, have you looked at Kerryx?09:36
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD09:37
Unit193There is also apt-offline.09:38
mips1911keryx runs on winddows & linux and it will downlaod all your pacakes & dependencies for you09:38
mips1911packages & dependencies09:39
doomgiverok, cool09:39
doomgiveri'll check that09:39
doomgiverand im sorry for all those horrible typos in the 3rd line above, i was typing in a hurry09:40
doomgivermips1911: so, keryx will have to be installed in both the machines? target+source?09:41
mips1911doomgiver: I have not used it but there is a portable version of the app so it does not need to be installed. It's simply dumps the files to a folder which can be on a USB stick which you then simply copy over to the /var/cache/apt folder on the target machine09:44
mips1911Either way you only need it on the machine that will be downloading the files.09:44
doomgiverok, goody!09:46
=== doomgiver is now known as rabid_parrots
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=== Tankred is now known as doomgiver
doomgiverkeryx needs python "2.6" and pygtk.10:02
doomgiveri have python 2.7.... why didnt i do 2.6 in the first place?10:03
doomgiverthis is so darn tedious10:05
doomgiverit'll take 30 minutes to download.10:05
doomgiverwell, off to lunch10:05
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest92513
doomgiverubottu: when i use the synaptic download package script, do i have to do it in another linux, or i can use it with a windows machine with mingw installed?11:22
ubottudoomgiver: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:22
SysiI'm not sure if you can install synaptic on windows11:24
doomgiveri dont want to install11:25
doomgiveri just want to run a script (made by synaptic) on a windows machine (hopefully) that will download the required packages11:26
doomgiversometimes, you guys think of network access as granted11:26
doomgiveri really hate that11:27
Mathiasif i need network access at a comp without any other ways i use a mobile broadband :P11:27
doomgiverhere i am, surfing at the BLAZING speed of 155 kbps, and the shitty modem wont work on linux. well, fuck that, im gonna circumvent that SOB and download and install the packages by hand, like ol' linus torvalds did11:28
Mathias40 kbyte/s here :P11:28
Tm_Tanything above 5kbps is well enough (;11:29
doomgiverok, brb11:29
MathiasTm_T: in about 10 hours i'll have 2 kbyte/s :s11:30
Sysidoomgiver: what kind of moden do you have?11:30
Kingsybeen meaning to ask about this for a while, one day a while back the speaker icon vanished from my notifaction area. I added the pulse audio mixer manually.. but its not as good.. anyone know what happened?12:10
jeffreyanyone there?12:21
jeffABCDah someone!:P12:22
jeffABCDis there any GOOD documentation how to install rtl8188cus wireless adapter?12:23
jeffABCDits hell!12:23
xuserrdoes anyone know a n64 emulator for xubuntu? like project 64 for windows14:10
Makdaamhi, something keeps reseting my xkb options (compose->caps lock to be exact) I don't know where to look14:28
pcroqueMakdaam: Where are you setting the compose key?15:28
pcroqueMakdaam: Try15:32
pcroquesetting the keyboard layout to 'Use System Defaults' in xfce4-keyboard-settings. Then add the keyboard indicator to the panel and setup everything from there.15:33
asenkhey, i cant seem to enable touchpad on my laptop after disabling it.15:40
Makdaampcroque: I've got "Use system defaults" marked :S15:41
pcroqueMakdaam: I think you're not the only one with this problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-xkb-plugin/+bug/54863115:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 548631 in xfce4-xkb-plugin (Ubuntu) "xubuntu keyboard layout switch shortcuts are not remembered" [Medium,Fix released]15:43
pcroqueMakdaam: Maybe this will help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/66096/how-to-set-up-xfce4-xkb-plugin-to-remember-settings-over-reboots15:44
asenkany guesses whats causing this? xubuntu12.04. Basically what i did: touchpad works -> connect mouse -> disable touchpad through settings-manager -> enable from the same place -> doesnt work15:45
Makdaampcroque: I found that before and removed xfce4-xkb-plugin so it would stop resetting everything15:49
Makdaampcroque: still doesn't work15:49
=== Guest92513 is now known as IdleOne
pcroqueMakdaam: I went through the same thing yesterday...check the box...remove the plugin...uncheck the box...install the plugin.15:50
pcroqueSeems to be working today...but...you never know about tomorrow.15:51
gula 15:51
Makdaampcroque: doesn't work :/16:34
Makdaampcroque: I'm removing xfce4-xkb-plugin, xxkb etc.16:34
Makdaampcroque: we'll se what happens16:34
Makdaampcroque: can't make it work any way I try, probably going to switch to Arch or something with less automation on next reinstall16:42
pcroqueMakdaam: Too bad. Seems like there are two many layers all trying to set the keyboard options.16:42
Makdaampcroque: Arch it is then... good bye Xubuntu Ø= and that werenæt the characters I tried to achieve either16:51
pcroqueMakdaam: Gøød lúçķ16:53
MakdaamThanks, see you later16:53
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akishi all. could anyone help to permanently delete /Desktop and /Downloads from my /home?18:32
TheSheepakis: no, but I can help you moving them somewhere out of the way18:34
TheSheepakis: just edit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs18:35
akisok. what should i type here?18:36
autif/dev/null might work?18:37
TheSheepakis: no18:37
TheSheepakis: but you can type some paths that are out of your way, or hidden18:37
TheSheepakis: for example, /home/akis/.desktop18:37
knomeor /home/username18:37
TheSheepknome: bad idea18:37
knomeTheSheep, why so?18:38
TheSheepknome: you don't want all the files from your home to be displayed on your desktop18:38
knomeTheSheep, ah, it works that way.18:38
akislike this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1209488/18:39
TheSheepakis: yeah18:39
recon_lapgimp is a bit annoying, the tool box shows on all workspaces :(18:40
akislets see if works18:40
akisshuld i change dir name too? form /desktop to /.desktop?18:41
pleia2recon_lap: there is a way to stop it from doing that, trying to remember (I did it on my desktop)18:41
TheSheepakis: you can, or you can just delete it18:41
TheSheeprecon_lap: in the settings change the window hint from utility window to normal window18:42
akisi tried both but nothing worked18:42
TheSheeprecon_lap: it's in the 'window management' section18:42
TheSheepakis: what did you expect and what happened instead?18:42
recon_lapTheSheep: thx, that fixed it, would have taken forever to find that :)18:44
akisi expected that /desktop does not appear again in my /home but it should have stayed asa hidden file. But it appeared again and there is also the hidden i made18:44
TheSheepakis: you logged out and back in?18:45
akisno. i deleted and after some secs appeared again!18:46
TheSheepakis: the settings you changed will take effect after relogin, because there are still some apps running using the old settings18:47
TheSheepmaybe just reloading xfdesktop would do it, too18:47
akisoh. thats true. i am going to log out. is that enough or do i have to restart?18:47
TheSheepakis: logging out should be enough18:48
akisok. i come back in a couple of minutes.18:49
akiswell. i am running in 2 machines. in one we probably had a bingo. at the other i see now on my desktop /documents. why?18:59
akisi fixed it in both. thank you for your advise. i hope it will work permanently. thank a lot!19:04
XifanieHello, I'm running on Xubuntu 12.04, and just installed Win XP but now my computer ignores my Xubuntu installation and just loads windows without giving me a choice.19:41
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents19:43
TheSheepXifanie: sorry, wrong fact19:43
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:43
Xifaniesweet, thanks19:43
TheSheepXifanie: see the "Restore grub" link there19:43
xubuntu452hi, can someone help me, please?20:07
xubuntu452is this the right place to ask you some questions?20:08
recon_lapxubuntu452: just ask, if it's about xubuntu20:08
xubuntu452of course it's about that20:09
xubuntu452two days ago I bought an asus eepc x101ch with windows 720:11
xubuntu452but this operating system is very slow20:12
XifanieDo I really need Xubuntu to reinstall GRUB2? My bios is completely ignoring my USB key (even if I set it at highest priority, it reads it a bit then ignores the autorun), I don't have a CD burner, and I'm not even sure a Virtual Machine in WinXP would work.20:13
Sysiyou need some linux livecd/usb20:14
Xifanieyay, so I'm screwed -_-20:14
TheSheepXifanie: the recommended way is to install windows first, and then install ubuntu -- it doesn't wipe everything from the disk like windows does20:15
recon_lapXifanie: you cant get a USB to boot? you sure the usb is setup correctly ?20:16
xubuntu452so i would like to install a linux system. which linux system do you recommend me to install in my netbook, xubuntu, lubuntu or ubuntu?20:16
TheSheepxubuntu452: considering where you are asking, the answer is obvious20:17
Xifaniewell, it only lists my HD, CD/DVD drive, and removeable device. I set removeable device at 1st, but no matter what, my USB key flashes a bit then it gets past as if there were no autorun. Funny thing is that I used my key successfully before. Now I even made a clean reformat + Xubuntu Precise on it, and no good.20:17
xubuntu452TheSheep ok, ma un netbook asus x101ch come regge xubuntu?20:18
TheSheepxubuntu452: as long as it fits the minimal specs on the page, it should work20:18
xubuntu452but a netbook asus x101ch as holding xubuntu?20:18
recon_lapxubuntu452: sort of depends, whats important to you, fast and simple, or flashly and not so fast20:19
TheSheepXifanie: can you remove hdd from the boot order?20:20
XifanieI tried removing the other two, still no good20:20
Xifanieit told me something like "Insert a valid bootable device then press a key"20:21
TheSheepXifanie: it's the same key you used to install?20:21
TheSheepdid you try a different usb port?20:21
Xifanieall of them20:21
TheSheepsometimes they only boot from one20:21
Xifanielike I said, I'm pretty sure I'm screwed, I don't get it, why would my Bios do that all of a sudden -_-20:22
XifanieI think I'll try with another USB key but AFAIK this one works perfectly20:22
TheSheepXifanie: you might try pressing f8 or f12 at boot, sometimes that displays a menu with a choice of boot devices20:23
Xifaniealright thanks, I'll try that20:24
xubuntu452I am interested to make the netbook fast and lightweight. The activities that I normally carry out in pc are: surfing the internet with mozilla firefox, using some simple programs online (like evernote, plancake, nowdothis), reading a PDF file, sometimes skype, and especially using an Epson Stylus SX130. Xubuntu might be suitable for me?20:26
David-AXifanie: in my older asus, there are 2 ways to boot from usb. 1) esc during boot, it then asks for boot device, list incl usb. 2) f2 into bios, boot settings has boot device priority AND hard disk drives, usb must be prioritized in BOTH if i recall correctly.20:33
David-AXifanie: (terminology: boot from usb is not about "autorun")20:33
pcroquexubuntu452: Yes...it might. Xubuntu works well on my netbook (Asus eeepc 1005ha). Why don't you try it out with a live CD (or live USB).20:34
recon_lapxubuntu452: I'd say go for xubuntu then.  ubuntu might be a bit slow, but probably has better layout for small screens20:36
recon_lapxubuntu452: ubuntu would be quite a bit slower now that i think of it :)20:37
XifanieThank you TheSheep, worked like a charm!20:38
TheSheepXifanie: excellent20:40
xubuntu452recon_lap: ok! I'll try Xubuntu :)20:41
xubuntu452pcroque: ok. First, a question: How do I change my nickname here in chat? so if I go out and then come back, you might recognize me. After: I could install xubuntu, while leaving windows? or I could create a partition and install it in xubuntu? In this case the system would be affected?20:42
Xifanie/nick newnick20:42
=== xubuntu452 is now known as TheCountOfMonteC
pcroquexubuntu452: I would recommend trying the Live CD (or USB if you don't have a CD drive): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD20:45
TheCountOfMonteCI will use USB20:45
pcroqueTheCountOfMonteC: Good luck.20:46
recon_lapTheCountOfMonteC: I'd suggest dropping the "the" from the nic to, pain when using auto complete :)20:46
recon_lapno offense intended TheDrums or TheSheep ;)20:47
TheCountOfMonteCgreat suggestion20:47
TheCountOfMonteCalso by dropping the 'the', the (thethethe lol) nick can not contain the entire name. therefore, I try to download xubuntu, and burn it to a usb. in short, I will give you my news thanks20:53
=== TheCount is now known as Guest56890
Guest56890I'm downloading xubuntu. I hope I chose the right package21:14
knomeGuest56890, which one did you download then?21:14
Guest56890knome : the file name is 'xubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386'21:16
knomeGuest56890, that sounds like the safest choice :)21:16
Guest56890knome: the alternative was a file called 64bit, but my system is a 32bit, so I chose the other21:16
Guest56890well! Now, I'm going to read about how to burn an iso on usb21:18
knomeGuest56890, there are both desktop and alternate for both, but desktop should work21:18
Guest56890I'm not very familiar with linux and English. I think this is the right place to improve In both of these fields. unfortunately for you, you will see me often in the coming days. : D Now, I get disconnected and resume the installation work tomorrow. good night21:23
Guest56890thank u21:23
knomeno problem21:23
knomesee you later, and good luck with the installation21:23
Guest56890see you21:24
Guest56890but I could not change my nickname! patience, I'll try tomorrow. bye21:25
phthanoInterestingly, Xubuntu seems more sluggish than Ubuntu under the Xubuntu-desktop package.21:56
phthanoAny ideas what the cause for this could be?21:56
recon_lapphthano: how do you mean by Xubuntu-desktop package? do you mean you just changed gnome3 for xfce after installing ubuntu?21:58
recon_lapopps, i mean unity21:59
phthanorecon_lap: Sort of. It's the Xubuntu tab under the login screen, not the XFCE.22:00
phthanoWhen you install xubuntu-desktop as a package, it's that one with all the associated packages, not just XFCE.22:00
phthanoYeah. It seems much faster and I'm puzzled as to why.22:01
phthanoThese are VMs if it makes any difference.22:02
phthanorecon_lap: Is there a fundamental difference in the way Xubuntu sets up the disks for I/O?22:03
phthanoBy default.22:03
recon_lapphthano: dont think so, the basics are the same between xubuntu and ubuntu, but Canonical have been chasing the money and forgotten about performance, people with money dont use old hardware22:05
phthanorecon_lap: That's a good point. It makes me wonder if I have it misconfigured.22:05
phthanoCanonical are definitely chasing the money, but I think that's okay if desktop Linux makes headway.22:06
recon_lapphthano: dont know enough to really help, not really sure what your saying anyway. that xubuntu is mis-configured or that ubuntu is mis-configured22:08
KombuchaKipWhat is the best way to move my xfce settings from one machine to another?22:08
phthanorecon_lap: Thanks anyway.22:08
recon_lapKombuchaKip: not sure, but most of your setting should be in hidden files in you home directory22:09
KombuchaKiprecon_lap: ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/* ?22:10
phthanoKombuchaKip: Yes, go to your home folder and hit "Ctrl-H" to show your hidden folders.22:12
KombuchaKipphthano: Ok, thanks.22:12
phthanoKombuchaKip: It's also a great way to move application settings between machines.22:13
KombuchaKipphthano: Yes, thanks.22:13
KombuchaKipphthano: Where is the config that contains all my panel settings, widget placement, etc?22:20
phthanoKombuchaKip: Let me figure that out, just a moment.22:21
recon_lapphthano: I do remember some saying that installing ubuntu and then changing to xfce is not optimal.22:21
phthanorecon_lap: But it's actually faster that way.22:22
KombuchaKiprecon_lap: Dunno.22:22
phthanoKombuchaKip: I think it is .config22:22
KombuchaKipphthano: That's a big folder for many applications. Do you know where it is specifically?22:23
phthanoKombuchaKip: ~/home/.config/xfce4/panel or something similar22:23
phthanoOn 12.04, for me, literally /home/phthano/.config/xfce4/panel22:24
recon_lapphthano: lol, guess thats what I get for believing what i read on the internet :)22:24
KombuchaKipphthano: I tried that and it didn't update the panel.22:25
phthanorecon_lap: There is probably a good reason they said that and it just isn't anecdotally true in my case.22:25
phthanoKombuchaKip: Oh, interesting. Did you log in and out?22:25
KombuchaKipphthano: Yes. I wasn't logged in when I copied the files over sftp.22:27
Artemis3phthano, xubuntu doesn't seem slower to me, or do you mean time it takes to load the desktop? There is a bug about that for 12.04, didn't happen to me on 3 machines tho.22:27
phthanoArtemis3: No, I mean responsiveness.22:27
Artemis3phthano, such as?22:28
phthanoArtemis3: Menus are slower to load, applications are slower to open.22:28
phthanoArtemis3: Navigating file paths are slower.22:28
Artemis3phthano, ok, this is against a pure xfce, or against unity?22:29
phthanoArtemis3: Against Unity.22:29
Artemis3hmmmm navigating file paths slower...22:29
phthanoKombuchaKip: http://superuser.com/questions/178310/in-what-files-in-the-home-dir-does-xfce-store-the-user-config-data22:29
phthanoArtemis3: I know, right? It's odd.22:29
Artemis3did you try launching nautilus?22:29
KombuchaKipphthano: Thank you.22:29
phthanoArtemis3: Yes, I am launching Nautilus.22:29
phthanoArtemis3: I am using that.22:29
Artemis3so same nautilus, and it is slower in xubuntu?22:29
phthanoArtemis3: I believe I have figured it out.22:30
Artemis3see if in your process you hace a thumblerd taking cpu22:30
phthanoArtemis3: It think I just didn't have the video drivers enabled.22:30
Artemis3thumblerd is quite the buggy thing, specially if you open a folder where you are downloading a video22:31
Artemis3but i don't know if nautilus uses it or it is thunar only?22:31
Artemis3thumblerd makes thumbnails for thunar, but maybe it keeps running all the time22:32
phthanoArtemis3: It was the drivers, but additionally, I did not have as much RAM allocated as my Unity box.22:32
phthanoIt defaulted to less.22:32
Artemis3well you are using both xfce and gnome things22:32
Artemis3a pure xfce should consume less ram22:32
phthanoArtemis3: Right, right.22:32
Artemis3that deamon is an example you wouldn't have with a normal ubuntu running22:33
phthanoArtemis3: I don't think that is true because I am using the Xubuntu desktop enviroment, not just xfce.22:34
Artemis3and indeed, Xubuntu could use more love22:34
Artemis3thumblerd makes pretty thumbnails, it is not required to run, but Xubuntu wouldn't leave it out, would they? But if you also use nautilus and all the gnome baggage22:35
Artemis3the only way to compare is you install from minimal, and just the xfce4 metapackage instead of xubuntu-desktop22:36
Artemis3xfce4 would use wicd instead of NetworkManager, so be aware22:37
Artemis3no gnome libs tho, should give you more memory22:37
KombuchaKipphthano: I copied the entire .config/xfce/* directory over to the new machine and my panel is still unchanged, even after a reboot.22:39
knomeArtemis3, can you elaborate on the "could user more love" ?22:40
knomeArtemis3, or, regarding what22:40
phthanoKombuchaKip: I don't know what else to tell you, post on the forum, I'm sure someone can help you.22:41
KombuchaKipphthano: Thanks.22:42
Artemis3knome, more testing, more reporting, more fixing. the usual.22:44
knomeArtemis3, workforce welcome22:45
Artemis3ie, on my machines i get apport nagging me almost daily, one of the items say "unreportable reason" bleh :) so... Just can't boot to desktop without that thing appearing, need to remove it22:46
knomefile a bug, and we might be able to look at it22:46
knomeor submit a patch :)22:47
Artemis3yes, about 10 or 20 attempts later, i gave up on that thing22:47
Artemis3happens on clean installs too, wonder how could you not catch it22:47
knomeif bugs aren't reported, they can't be fixed22:48
knomemaybe it's hardware-dependent?22:48
Artemis3yes, apport launches, it says "send report" blah, if someone takes the time to browse the item, one of them says it can't be reported22:48
Artemis3so, many people might think its getting reported, but it isn't. Next day you boot up the machine, happens again. Only once, usually that thumblerd22:49
Artemis3hope 12.10 is better22:50
knomeagain, bugs can't be fixed, if they aren't reported22:50
knomemaybe it is fixed, maybe not22:50
knomeit's not going to be fixed automagically.22:51
Artemis3knome is there a place for suggestions or vote for features?22:55
Artemis3knome, the vuze team recently got one set up and its impressive22:56
thomasrossI'm trying to install xubuntu on an IBM Aptiva, All i get when i try to install is a black desktop with nothing but the picture. Can you help me?22:58
knomeArtemis3, when we start building the roadmap, all ideas are welcome22:59
knomeArtemis3, and there's brainstorm too, though that's not too well monitored.22:59
knomeArtemis3, #xubuntu-devel generally22:59
Artemis3knome, a system like this: http://vote.vuze.com/forums/170588-general23:00
Artemis3looks a bit like brainstorm23:00
Artemis3but that one is official, the devs are paying attention23:00
knomegenerally, community voting is a noble idea, but in the end, those who write the code or work on it will do whatever they think are worth their time23:01
thomasrossArtemis3: I'm trying to install xubuntu on an IBM Aptiva, All i get when i try to install is a black desktop with nothing but the picture. Can you help me?23:01
knome!patience | thomasross23:01
ubottuthomasross: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:01
Artemis3ok, assume the "more love needed" would be, for instance, implement and pay attention to that feedback. Of course some things are for upstream, but the distro related things you can actually change23:02
knomeArtemis3, we do go through the bugreports and stuff. brainstorm really rarely has had ideas about xubuntu, that's also why it isn't maintained. ideas posted to #xubuntu-devel are processed.23:03
Artemis3a bit ago an user was complaining booting and perfomance was inferior in xubuntu against ubuntu, i have noticed the boot to desktop issue, and perhaps the first time you click the menu, could be upstream related tho.23:05
Artemis3yes well, i don't think most common users would go to #xubuntu-devel and make proper bug reports23:05
knomeno, they shouldn't. bug reports should be filed to launchpad23:06
Artemis3i have filled a few on lauchpad, and can understand how difficult might be23:06
knomebut seriously, if you don't think it's worth filing a bug, how can you think a developer thinks it's worth fixing it for you?23:06
Artemis3the brainstorm thing is important imo, if it was more official.23:06
knomethe brainstorm is official, and you can volunteer to keep track of the new xubuntu ideas and report them to irc or our mailing list.23:07
knome(and yeah, we also have community meetings and all that, where everybody is welcome)23:08
Artemis3maybe you need a script to import the most voted things into the mailing list :)23:08
knomethanks for volunteering to write that23:08
knomeit's not like we're not listening to our users.23:08
knomeit's like they need to do it on the communication channels we are on, we aren't going to browse through all facebook pages that mention xubuntu :)23:09
Artemis3noo, just make it clear where people should go, i don't think it's obvious you can vote on things in brainstorm and that would be even read by devs23:10
knomeand the other side of the coin has always been the team being low on resources; why waste (too much) time to read what our users want, if we're burning down the time we could fix bugs that are properly filed23:10
Artemis3bugs first thats ok23:11
knomethere's a three-step guide on how to get involved23:11
knomethat is: the mailing list, the irc channel, the community meetings23:11
knomeand yes, if there is clear bugs in the software/OS, please report them as appropriate23:12
knomeand yes i know the brainstorm is not included23:12
Artemis3i doubt many people will join the ml to voice an opinion, or even report a bug23:12
ochosisidenote: usually ppl in the dev-team have more ideas than they can implement...23:12
knomeArtemis3, in that case, too bad23:13
Artemis3i have used ml for decades, and even i wouldn't bother anymore23:13
knomeArtemis3, maybe it is not too important for them then23:13
Artemis3think of the new generations... subscribe? mail? moderator aproval?23:13
ochosiwell, it's not like we're all just old farts :)23:13
Artemis3at least the brainstorm is just, point to url, and vote23:14
Artemis3launchpad... that can be more difficult, but for bugs its worth it23:14
knomemaybe that's one of the problems of brainstorm23:14
Artemis3remember that ubuntu cutpaper thingies?23:14
knomeit's too easy to +1 everything that is great23:14
Artemis3or what was called23:15
Artemis3where people could submit small ideas23:15
ochosii personally think it's ok if people have to show a certain amount of "interest" (=invest time) to really have their vote counting on things that others work on in their (totally free) time23:15
knomeochosi, +n, preferably >10023:15
ochosibelow that barrier, you just tend to get loads of "spam" and "trolls"23:15
Artemis3see the votes in the vuze project, the dumb stuff is ignored23:16
ochosi(which is totally unhelpful)23:16
Artemis3but important things do come, and are often implemented23:16
ochosieven ignoring takes time and energy23:16
knomeArtemis3, imagine this... i spent several days this cycle calling for people to help with our documentation rewrite23:16
Artemis3no, you don't HAVE to do all that is requested, even if it gets many votes23:17
knomeArtemis3, i think the outcome was one new guy who actually contributed a notable amount of time23:17
knomeArtemis3, compare that to the fact it took me 2 days to convert all the stuff to docbook, which is a big task23:17
knomeArtemis3, do you really think i should have used two more days to try to get people doing something?23:17
knomeArtemis3, or read their wishlists?23:18
Artemis3that is for you to decide23:18
knomeArtemis3, or would you rather just have the new documentation, because if i (or in other cases, somebody else), didn't do the conversion, you didn't have that?23:18
Artemis3same thing. you decide what to do23:19
Artemis3but at least you know what others are thinking23:19
Artemis3even making people come here is difficult23:19
knomewhat do i do with that information if i have no time to work on anything?23:20
ochosicongrats for making it here :}23:20
knomeyes, it must have been a long journey... would you like to have a seat and a drink, maybe some whiskey?23:20
Artemis3then you know that issue is there23:20
Artemis3no time today... but you are now aware of it.23:20
ochosiyeah, in a way we do. but to quote you "that's up for us to decide" (what to do with that)23:21
knomeArtemis3, yeah... but there's that other guy's request tomorrow i need to read, and again, i don't have time to do anything about either of the issues.23:21
ochosiproblem is that users often aren't aware of what their wishes entail23:22
knomei'm sorry but this starts to be quite unproductive23:22
knomethe bottom line is that we really do not have the time to go around and look what our users want, unless they are reporting their problems/wishes to us correctly23:22
Artemis3i was just pointing you could make this "reporting correctly" part easier.23:23
knomeif they don't want to make that effort, i don't think it's important enough for them, and i'm definitely not going to use my time fixing something that isn't even that important23:23
knomereporting is easy enough already. sending a mail to the -devel list even unsubscribed will eventually be approved (surprise: by me) and all the developers will be able to see it23:24
ochosiArtemis3: yeah, but there are even automated dialogs for reporting app-crashes nowadays. and there is an easy way now to just "+1" a bugreport on launchpad. it's not like these things aren't improving23:24
knomeyeah, and seriously i think reporting a bug is really easy23:24
Artemis3or could be they don't even know how to23:25
knomejust throw in a lousy title, lousy description and no attachments; somebody will come and tell you what you need to send us...23:25
ochosiproblem with ubuntuforums and askubuntu or brainstorm is exactly what you see as an advantage: it's not standardized at all. so all the work of sorting this by importance or anything is up to us23:25
knomeArtemis3, if they don't know how to send an email or how to open a simple web page to do a simple operation, then i suppose it's too bad23:26
ochosisince the work of fixing a bug or improving a behavior is also up to us (~7people at best) i think we can leave this tiny effort up to our users23:26
knomei have to point out that this isn't just about xubuntu, it's about many many other projects too23:27
Artemis3ok, but at least see how the vuze guys are doing it with their "vote" system, http://vote.vuze.com/forums/170588-general if you don't like it fine, its for the requests features, not bugs, launchpad is fine for bugs.23:27
knomeArtemis3, the vuze project probably has enough people to run that site properly, and check it out all the time. good for them.23:28
knomeArtemis3, i would build a new, better, brainstorm system myself for xubuntu if i didn't know i have better things to do than that.23:28
Artemis3or clarify how to use brainstorm in a way that's useful for you.23:29
ochosiArtemis3: if you agree to administer the brainstorming i think we'll gladly accept you as part of our team doing just that :)23:29
ochosi(if you wanna do more that's obviously great)23:29
Artemis3some guidelines23:29
knomeochosi, Artemis3: yes, as i said; you are very welcome to volunteer to monitor brainstorm pass the ideas to our mailing list23:30
knomeguidelines for what?23:30
Artemis3what do you expect, what you don't want23:30
ochosiknome: i'm _not_ going to volunteer for that :p (unless you don't want any artwork anymore ;))23:30
knomeochosi, :P23:30
Artemis3ok ochosi if you make me a dark theme, lol j/k23:31
knomeArtemis3, well, that's the issue with brainstorm: there is no guidelines, and it would defeat the purpose, if there was23:31
ochosiArtemis3: have you tried blackbird in 12.10 yet?23:31
Artemis3then i can't pass you every little thing to the ml23:31
Artemis3ill try blackbird23:31
ochosido so :)23:31
ochosiand _report bugs_! :)23:31
knomeArtemis3, when i looked the last time, there was a huge total of 1 idea about xubuntu, which was several years old23:32
knomeArtemis3, so, i'm not thinking that would really fill our inboxes.23:32
Artemis3if help points to brainstorm, with a "vote for features" or something, might attract some attention23:33
knome"vote for features" is totally misleading.23:33
Artemis3of course those wouldn't be the exact words23:33
knomethere is simply no promise that the "feature" that had the most votes would be implemented23:33
Artemis3this is what the vuze guys put: "Vote for Vuze!  Vuze would be more awesome if it could ..."23:34
knomeand that's probably the biggest flaw of brainstorm with a small developer team23:34
Artemis3and thats it23:35
Artemis3so they feel free to pick what they like and ignore what they don't23:35
Artemis3obviously someone is going to request the kitchen sink23:35
knomeArtemis3, will you draft that, and are you willing to oversee how the ideas in brainstorm for xubuntu look like, and report to developers?23:36
ochosiyeah. meh. you know we'd have so many people coming back saying: "booh, i voted for this, you didn't implement it even though it was the most-voted-for item." (replace this e.g. with "tabs in thunar")23:36
Artemis3english is not my first language so it would be difficult to write much23:37
knomewe also need somebody to sit on the complaints department23:37
ochosiArtemis3: you seem to do fine here :) (and we're not natives either)23:37
Artemis3if i knew a single url to go for Xubuntu votes or, what word would you like to use?23:37
thomasrossI'm trying to install xubuntu on an IBM Aptiva, All i get when i try to install is a black desktop with nothing but the picture. Can you help me?23:38
Artemis3and which lists i need to subscribe, etc.23:38
Artemis3where do i report things, all that23:38
knomeArtemis3, http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/ there's the top xubuntu ideas23:38
Artemis3and then promote23:39
thomasrossI quit.23:39
Artemis3little patience23:40
ochosiyeah, very typical (unfortunately)23:40
ochosinot very appreciative of those hanging out here to help in their free time23:40
knomecorrection: in their free time at almost 3am23:41
ochosiyeah, that too :)23:41
ochosiArtemis3: i'd really suggest you spend more time here, you'll start to see things from our perspective more ;)23:42
Artemis3im looking at the brainstorm page23:42
knomes/here/at #xubuntu-devel/ ;)23:43
Artemis3ok ill add the channel to my list of channels i auto join23:43
Artemis3oh wait23:43
ochosibtw, i'm already waiting for reviews to beat us up about dropping a few apps from default install...23:43
Artemis3which apps?23:44
knome"how dare they, now they even fit a CD"23:44
ochosigimp, gnumeric23:44
ochosi(to name to prominent ones)23:44
Deutopiaso whats the option for image editing?23:44
ochosiwe simply didn't have a choice, but i don't think any reviewer will take that into consideration23:44
ochosiDeutopia: sudo apt-get install gimp23:45
Deutopiagood choice23:45
Artemis3well if there is a dvd image with those as well23:45
Artemis3not like i use optical discs anymore but :)23:45
ochosijust because it's not part of default install doesn't mean you can't use it, but many don't see that...23:45
Artemis3i can only think of an offline install23:45
Artemis3where that would matter23:46
* Deutopia does a lot of offline installs23:46
Deutopiagimp isnt a big deal23:46
knomeno, there's no dvd for xubuntu23:46
Artemis3perhaps there should be23:46
Deutopiakinda goes against xubuntu being a lightweight distro23:47
ochosilightweight and userfriendly are partly conflicting ideals23:47
ochosiso it's a thin line for us23:47
Artemis3including gnumeric and abiword is fine, unless you instead put libreoffice :)23:47
knomeperhaps you should rethink how much stuff actually fits on a 700MB CD :P23:48
knomeArtemis3, we can maintain a dvd image, if you volunteer to maintain it..23:48
Artemis3i use the minimal uso :)23:49
Artemis3let me take a look at things included in the 12.10 iso23:51
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=== Angeron1 is now known as Angeroni
AngeroniWhats up guys and gals?23:56
ochosiAngeroni: you tell me23:57
ochosioh, and off he goes23:57
Artemis3you scared him23:57
ochosiby not answering in time you mean? :p23:57

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