
=== r0bby is now known as robbyoconnor
=== 50UABNR34 is now known as wallyworld
=== wallyworld is now known as Guest48627
mgzjelmer: shall we pre-thingy mumble even if jam isn't back in time?08:07
jelmermgz: sure08:27
jelmermgz: ?08:28
mgzjelmer: hopping on08:31
quotemstrThere's no interactive rebase for bazaar, is there?08:42
jelmerquotemstr: no interactive rebase, no08:42
jelmermgz: still there?08:47
mgzjelmer: yup08:50
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|lunch
=== mmrazik|lunch is now known as mmrazik
=== milleja46_ is now known as milleja46
delinquentmeOK so if i've got the primary repo with --no-trees15:39
delinquentmeand a branch of the primary repo15:39
delinquentmethen I copy the files from that branch ... back into the primary repo15:39
delinquentmewill anything within the /.bzr dir have changed in the primary repo?15:39
mgzwhat do you mean by "copy"?15:41
delinquentmemgz, like a shell command of $ cp the_branched_dir /trunk15:46
mgzright, so genenerally you don't want to do that with branches under shared repositories, use branch to move stuff from one to another15:50
mgz`bzr branch`, that is.15:51
mgzcp then `bzr reconfigure` is safe in a limited set of circumstances, and you risk breaking things with it if you get it wrong.15:52
delinquentmemgz, so basically in the situation above ...16:40
delinquentmecan I just delete all the files which I CPed in16:40
delinquentmeand leave the .bzr dir and it will be peachy =]?16:40
mgzdelinquentme: yup16:44
mgzprovided you mean also removing the branch/.bzr but leaving .bzr for the repo16:44
mgzthen doing `bzr branch` to copy the old branch under the new repo16:45
SamB_MacG5huh, the test directory isolation code doesn't normalize URLs ...16:59
SamB_MacG5so, say, TMPDIR=/var/folders/4b/4b+Qm+OQFj8f23emq17tBU+++TM/-Tmp-/ can cause problems, though perhaps not in bzr's own tests17:03
SamB_MacG5(Thankfully, the fact that /var actually a symlink to private/var seems not to be a problem.)17:06
SamB_MacG5... is there some secret development channel that nobody told me about, or has bzr, like, died or something?18:35
jelmerno, there is no cabal ;)18:47
jelmersee the recent lwn article18:47
SamB_MacG5hmm, that could be an issue if I want to build a Haskell package in the future...18:49
jelmerSamB_MacG5: hehe18:49
SamB_MacG5ookay, why does google think "lwn" is a synonym for "vs" ?18:50
jelmerheh, no idea18:50
SamB_MacG5you mean https://lwn.net/Articles/515652/, which is evidently paywalled for the next 3 days?18:51
jelmerah, yes18:52
jelmerit is based on a public thread on the mailing list though18:53
SamB_MacG5how did the thread get so fragmented ....18:59
* jelmer v19:01
* jelmer blames certain individu als19:02

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