
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest77107
Guest77107hi folks. got kubuntu 12.04 oon a laptop. it's not mine, but my roommate's. Anyway he said that it was running just fine on friday. yesterday he booted up and it won't see that he has a wifi card. it's on. as a matter of fact i'm on the machine now via a live disc and it loaded the wifi card just fine. so i guess there's some process locking the card and not sure how to release it so it can be used./01:19
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avihayGuest77107: I recommand you supply more details, you need to be more specific about "won't see that he has a wifi card.". other then that, I've had issues with network not working after a failed suspend/hibernate, though I think it's been fixed, and you might want to have a look at the state of RFKill01:26
Guest77107avihay: looking at it, the file is empty01:27
avihaywhat file?01:28
Guest77107avihay: sorry i'm not being clear here. the saved=state file in rfkill01:28
Guest77107avihay: the network manager has the wireless tab greyed out. the only option it has is wired or vpn or dsl.01:29
andrewxI'd like to run a Bash script each time immediately after logging in, How do I do this please?01:29
andrewxI want this to run automatically.01:29
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avihaycalcmandan: can you run rfkill list on the laptop while the problematic os is on?01:31
calcmandanavihay: sure i'll do that, and record what it says and come back. problem is that i'm on the problematic laptop so i'll be back in a few mintues.01:31
avihaydo you have wire lan?01:32
calcmandanavihay: i could. that would be a good idea. i think i'll do that.01:32
avihayandrewx: system settings->Startup and shutdown->autostart01:33
avihaythe add script shold do and it lets you choose when to run it01:33
avihayadd script button*01:34
andrewxI don't see any such thing...01:35
andrewxwhere is that, exactly?01:35
avihaysystem settings01:36
andrewxadvanced settings, autostart <--- same thing?01:36
andrewxyour verion of kubuntu is likely newer than this01:36
andrewxOkay, I see.01:36
avihayya, the advanced tab dissapeard over two years ago, are you on debian stable?01:36
andrewxI can't use 12.04, I seem to have trouble with it for some reason.01:37
calcmandan_avihay: rfkill list?01:37
andrewxI use 10.x, earliest 11.x, since it works so much better01:37
calcmandan_avihay: lists nothing01:37
avihayif you are using pastebing, you might as well attach lspci, lsusb and ifconfig01:38
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avihayandrewx: well, KDE has improved alot. you might wanna consider upgrading it independently, though you'd most likely need to recompile from source01:40
andrewxI'll stuck with 11.x, thanks.01:40
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avihaycalcmandan: [04:38:16] <avihay> if you are using pastebing, you might as well attach lspci, lsusb and ifconfig01:45
avihaydidn't notice you disconnected01:45
calcmandanavihay: paste.kde.org/55023201:47
calcmandanavihay: paste.kde.org/55023801:47
calcmandanavihay: paste.kde.org/55024401:48
avihayMSI laptop btw?01:48
calcmandanavihay: toshiba satellite01:49
avihaywell, there's no entry for the wlan interface in ifconfig01:49
calcmandandon't konw what he did.01:50
calcmandanif it was my machine, i'd have an idea what i did to make it happen/ but i'm sick of hearing the nags.01:50
calcmandanhe's been borrowing my laptop01:50
avihaydo you get the same output as lsmod |grep ath  as here? http://askubuntu.com/questions/95875/how-do-i-make-my-atheros-ar9285-wireless-adapter-work01:53
calcmandan avihay: if i boot that laptop on a live disc, should i copy the contents on the live ifconfig into the installed os's</01:53
avihaycalcmandan: yes, also, can you send lsmod from both systems? I don't know what driver you need01:55
calcmandanavihay: i can.01:56
calcmandanavihay: lsmod shows no result01:56
avihaysudo lsmod?01:56
calcmandanavihay: yeah01:56
avihayand also without the sudo?01:56
calcmandanavihay: i did both01:56
calcmandanavihay: i did without sudo first like a dummy01:57
avihaytry /sbin/lsmod01:57
avihayI don't need sudo01:57
calcmandanavihay: already rebooting01:57
avihayI just saw someone use it, so I thought maybe it's a permission thing01:58
calcmandanavihay: paste.kde.org/550268 from live boot02:02
avihayand the lsmod?02:02
avihayor if lsmod fails, can you go to the network manager, pick the wireless card and tell me what driver it uses?02:03
calcmandanavihay: paste.kde.org/55027402:04
avihayactually, do the networkmanager thing too, saves me time02:04
avihayok, so the livecd uses the ath5k driver and it seems to work fine02:05
avihayknetworkmanger says the same thing?02:05
calcmandanit's not a known command.02:06
avihayin the system trey02:06
avihaythe network manager gui02:06
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calcmandansorry had to look for it02:07
avihayok, I guess the next step is to look for it on the installed system02:08
avihayswitchover and try to give me the output of /sbin/lsmod02:09
avihayif the output is empty, try to run "which lsmod" (without the '"''s)02:11
avihayoh, without the | grep stuff02:11
avihaybathroom break02:12
calcmandanstill no output, after which, /sbin/lsmod02:12
calcmandanavihay: paste.kde.org/550316 just lsmod by itself02:15
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avihayumm, wow, that's a short lsmod output02:22
avihayI'm guessing the driver on the wired lan is r8169, can you confirm that with knetworkmanager?02:23
avihayalso, clearly the module for your wireless card doesn't load02:24
avihayI'm gonna assume it's ath5k, since it works well with the live02:25
calcmandannot sure why. he said he didn't do anything out of the ordinary. and he won't run updates until i review them02:25
avihayit's probably blacklisted, I guess02:27
avihaywe can  take it out of the blacklist or load it manually02:27
calcmandani'm open either way.02:27
avihaylet's try sudo modprobe ath5k02:28
calcmandanno output02:28
avihaythen lsmod with the grep, and compare to the paste from the live02:29
calcmandanlsmod |grep ath?02:29
calcmandanavihay: paste.kde.org/55037002:30
avihayconfirm that you can connect to a wireless network now02:31
calcmandanavihay: still booting on live02:31
avihaystop the live boot02:31
calcmandanalright, rebooting02:32
avihaywe had the output from 10 min ago to compare against02:32
calcmandanbrb, going to grab my plate.02:32
calcmandanroommate's my bitch tonight so he made my dinner02:32
avihayyou'd need to modprobe again02:32
calcmandanavihay: no output for modprobe02:38
cynicistGuest77107: About the wireless card, most likely the driver for it isn't being loaded. I would run lsmod during the livecd to see what modules are running and compare that with his actual install02:38
avihaythat means nothing went wrong, usually02:38
avihaycynicist: too late02:39
calcmandancynist i'm guest 7710702:39
avihaycalcmandan: try connecting to a wireless network02:39
calcmandanwell what do you know? it's working now!02:39
calcmandanhow the02:39
avihaywell, the driver doesn't load by itself02:40
avihayit's either a detection problem, or driver being blacklisted02:40
calcmandanit connected to my oruter.02:40
avihaymost likely the latter02:40
calcmandandid we do something to load the card?02:40
avihayhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1132608 this guy had that problem because he tried to use a different driver and the driver installer did the blacklisting for him02:41
avihaymodeprob loads modules (drivers are one sort of module)  into the running kernel02:42
calcmandanwell, whatever we did i wish yhhou were in this room with me cause i'd kiss you right on the lips. tongue, no tongue your choice.02:42
avihaywe ain't over yet02:42
cynicistI would run 'cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist' and see if ath5k is in there02:43
cynicistyou don't want to modprobe every time you boot hehe02:43
avihaywhat he said02:43
avihayand what he said again02:43
cynicistseems strange to me though, why it would be blacklisted02:44
calcmandanno such file02:44
cynicistI would definitely reboot then and see if it automatically works now02:44
cynicistif not you have more work to do, if it does then you're good :)02:44
cynicistoh oops, yes02:45
calcmandani opened it in kate and it's not in there.02:45
avihaytry /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ath_pci.conf02:46
avihayheck, try all the files there02:47
cynicistoh interesting, if you need blacklist-ath_pci.conf, apparently there is the potential for conflict for some atheros 5k chips02:48
cynicistso they say to use jockey to pick one driver or the other02:48
calcmandani had to run modprobe again for it to see the card. blacklist-ath_pci has ath_pci blacklisted02:48
avihayhumm, I didn't see anything that looked like a wifi driver in lsmod02:49
cynicistI would run jockey/additional drivers and see if atheros is mentioned there02:49
avihayjocky-kde from the terminal02:50
cynicistyeah or ALT+F2 and type in jockey or additional drivers02:50
calcmandanit's searching02:51
avihayyou might need to install the appropriate package02:52
calcmandan jockey loads, just doesn't see proprietary drivers.02:54
cynicistyou could try commenting out the blacklist02:54
calcmandani did. rebooting now02:54
cynicisthope it loads the right driver :s02:54
calcmandanit's still not loading the card.02:55
cynicisttry changing it02:55
cynicistto blacklist madwifi02:55
cynicistinstead of blacklist ath_pci02:55
calcmandangoing for another round of dinner, brb02:57
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calcmandancard's still not detected03:02
cynicistcalcmandan: actually if ath5k is working out for you just fine and it's not loading automatically you can just add it to /etc/modules03:02
cynicistcalcmandan: and just run sudo update-initramfs -u afterwards03:02
cynicistand keep ath_pci blacklisted03:02
cynicistI just realized it doesn't really matter if its autodetected or not as long as you can load it and wifi works :P03:03
calcmandanit's generating03:03
calcmandanthere we go, it loaded.03:07
cynicistand wifi works?03:07
calcmandanyeah. i had to delete the profile for the wifi card and readd it.03:08
calcmandanbut it works.03:08
calcmandani blow a kiss in your general direction/.03:09
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doyleHey. How can I get 12.04 to recognize my external monitor? Connected by hdmi. Nvidia graphics.06:15
Deutopiaopen synaptics or the software center and install the nvidia hdmi thingy?06:15
hateballdoyle: You need to use nvidia-settings, assuming you use the proprietary driver06:19
doyleThank you. Much better.06:22
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lordievaderGood morning06:42
SmurphyMorning ..06:55
lordievaderHey Smurphy, how are you?06:56
SmurphyTired ... Week End too short :}06:56
Smurphyas usual06:56
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* iahmad test07:41
* Daskreech checks notes07:41
Daskreechdang it wrong answer sheet07:42
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none_13hi guys....07:43
none_13can u tell  me, room for arp disscussion?07:44
Daskreechnone_13: arp ? ##networking ?08:08
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TheOneRinghi I'm trying to boot kubuntu-active beta1 on my tablet, but it  only starts with a black screen09:16
TheOneRingits a atom cpu09:16
TheOneRingwith a gma60009:16
TheOneRingis there a bootopton I could use09:20
Deutopiais that a n200 atom?09:22
Deutopiaor a very old Atom Z series?09:22
TheOneRingthe screen worked with 12.0409:24
TheOneRingit s a http://www.dell.com/us/business/p/latitude-st/pd and the last time I even got the wireless working09:25
TheOneRingbut this time the screen wents black directly after booting09:25
Deutopiahow much time did you allow? firstboot takes a lil while and that aint a camero09:25
TheOneRingquite some time, and strg+alt+f1 didnt show anything09:26
Deutopiamy friend uses a kubuntu laptop that runs from USB and it just sits at a blank screen for a few minutes b4 booting directly to desktop09:26
TheOneRinghw to get a verbose boot09:26
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TheOneRingremove quiet and splash in grub?09:27
TheOneRinghm worked for a few seconds I got some output and then the screen went black again09:28
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Deutopiatheonering; have patience; it could take that atom a half hour to boot09:35
Deutopiawont take so long next time09:36
TheOneRingit didnt when I tried it the last time09:36
TheOneRingand Im starting with unetbootin from the harddisk, because I'll need a keyboard and the thing has only one usb port09:36
mah454How can set keyboard shortcut for all users ?09:38
mck182shadeslayer: pings09:42
mck182shadeslayer: is the kdevelop 4.4rc somewhere available for precise?09:43
shadeslayeroh derp, I completely forgot about that ... you know you can backport it yourself ? :D09:43
mck182I didn't09:43
mck182shadeslayer: tell me09:43
shadeslayerwell ... install ubuntu-dev-tools09:43
shadeslayerand do you have a lp account?09:44
shadeslayerand do you have gpg keys?09:44
shadeslayerwell .. please upload your gpg keys to lp and sign the CoC with them :)09:48
mck182sounds like effort09:48
mck182I may just go and compile the tarball.. :D09:48
shadeslayerhaha :D09:57
shadeslayermck182: or, remind me this evening09:57
mck182I will bug you like crazy09:58
mck182....if I remember.09:58
shadeslayermck182: seeing how I just automated part of the backport process, packages will be landing in ppa:rohangarg/experimental10:18
mck182nice work!10:18
shadeslayeraye, I have a template script and I just define a list of package to backport :P10:18
shadeslayermck182: http://paste.kde.org/550676/10:19
shadeslayeroriginally started for KDE telepathy, which is why the header is still the same10:20
mck182I like the second line10:20
shadeslayermck182: build queues look fairly empty, so it should ideally build within the next half an hour10:25
shadeslayeramd64 is already building :)10:26
mck182shadeslayer: a-mazing10:26
mck182after the lady in the cafe asking "do you want a free coffee today?", you made my day again ^_^10:27
shadeslayerI never get free coffee's :(10:27
mck182you have to be a regular customer ^_-10:28
mah454nobody help me ?10:29
mah454I need set  keyboard shortcut for all users .10:30
mah454How can do this ?10:30
* mck182 has no idea10:31
mck182I imagine there is some default shortcuts config10:31
mck182which is probably hardcoded10:32
BluesKajHey all12:23
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Daskreechhi BluesKaj13:40
BluesKajhi Daskreech13:40
DaskreechHOw are you?13:40
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BluesKajI'm ok Daskreech , how about you ?13:53
Daskreechgetting coca13:53
DaskreechShuld be better after that13:54
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solar755alguien sabe de iproute como configurar el balanceo para tolerancia a fallos?14:32
solar755o algun tutorial14:34
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:35
hateballor whatever it may be14:35
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw15:19
BluesKajBBL ..yardwork to do15:23
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graftcan someone explain to me what 'mark upgrades' means? i have no idea what this thing keeps telling me17:38
DarthFrogThe utility has detected that upgrades are availble.  If you mark them and then apply, the upgrades will be downloaded and installed.17:39
Daskreechgraft: Some of your packages have been upgraded. Ones that are already installed17:39
DaskreechIn some cases those upgrades require new packages that have not yet been installed. Rather than adding new things on your computer yuo may not want it's asking if it should mark those new packages as an upgrade as well17:39
graftcould be clearer17:40
lordievaderHey target, how are you?17:40
graftthanks for the clarification17:40
targetHi lordievader, i'm god and you?17:41
targetbut i'm having troubles installing myonboard sd card reader17:41
lordievadertarget: I'm doing good too :), do you have a problem?17:41
targetI'm on a dell XPS M1330, clean new install but my sd card reader doesn't work17:43
Daskreechgraft: Somewhat of a jargon thing. Anyone building a technical bit of software has certain words and phrases they use to make things clearer having an understanding of the breadth of things that work. Anyone not involved doesn't17:43
Daskreechafter a while you forget which language is special and which isn't17:44
targetanyone know how to install an on board sd card reader?17:48
targetRicoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter17:48
DarthFroggraft: Does a tool-tip provide any help?18:02
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what graft and Daskreech wrote ... I tend to agree that it is not exactly straight forward18:03
qnkelis a german kubuntu irc chan avaible?18:03
apacheloggerqnkel: #kubuntu-de18:03
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:04
Daskreechhmm wonder if we can get a kubuntu exception to modify that /j command18:05
apacheloggerDaskreech: hm?18:05
Daskreechapachelogger: one of those things that I hope polish can be added. Is there an infrastructure that would allow not really bugs but user complaints/comments/observations ?18:05
apacheloggerbrainstorm :P18:06
apacheloggerultimately such things are to be discussed in a forum which is regularly roamed by a forum-dev-liaison, who would then throw big complaints at the devs and get them to fix them18:07
DaskreechIs that categorized by application? Or can a dev pull all cco's on their domain ?18:08
apachelogger(seeing as we have no such person a forum is just as big a sink hole as brainstorm though :P)18:08
Daskreechapachelogger: a queryable interface would be good though18:10
Daskreech Sort of like bugzilla/LP but with more emphasis on free form writing than filling fields18:10
apacheloggerDaskreech: doesn't work18:11
DaskreechWell we need better semantic search then :-p18:12
apacheloggerI mean the format does not work18:12
DaskreechYes I know. That's why we need semantic searches on Bugzilla wishlists then18:13
apacheloggerproblem a) most devs do not search for anything b) free form information is vastly unparsable to developers18:13
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Daskreechapachelogger: Yeah I know. It's aggregate info I was interested in18:14
apacheloggerstill needs parsing that a dev will not do18:14
apacheloggere.g. if someone writes 2k words on what is wrong with the web integration experience like 1 in 10 developers will read it18:14
DaskreechWhich yeah implies an admin compiling stuff but having software somewhat auto tag things would be helpful/interesting18:14
DarthFrogapachelogger:  It just occurs to me that this might be an opportunity to ask for volunteers to do triage.18:14
apacheloggerit's the kind of bug that remains a wishlist for ever and ever18:15
graftDarthFrog: there's a pop-up dialog that "explains" what is happening, it just uses very jargony language that is hard to figure out18:15
DarthFrogi.e folks who might like to contribute but can't program.18:15
apacheloggerDaskreech: please send a proposal of what you have in mind to kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com ;)18:15
apacheloggerDarthFrog: you too18:16
Daskreechapachelogger: Yes but it would be cool if that would be a +1 to a cloud tag of webexperience18:16
DarthFroggraft: And that's the kind of thing that a user-friendly distro shouldn't do.18:16
Daskreechgraft: feel free to try and do a better phrasing and submit it18:16
apacheloggerDaskreech: actually, with autotagging ... not the simplest of things really18:16
Daskreechapachelogger: hence we need better semantic search18:16
apacheloggerdoesn't help ... free-form data is insanely hard to automatically process, and without processing you cannot do semantic search18:17
apacheloggerthat said.. what one can do is have users tag stuff, which you then can use semantically (or semi-semantically anyway)18:17
apacheloggerI think KDE's brainstorm actually has an approach like that18:18
DaskreechYes I would expect the user to tag the overall entry for muon or installer or partitioner etc18:21
Daskreechthen the parser would pull out the most used words and sentences that contain words like problem or suggest/suggestion18:22
Daskreechsort of tag cloud the whole entry then start adding importance based on the overall tag clouds across the system18:23
Daskreech so words like the would get dropped but experience would rise18:23
Daskreechapachelogger: pm me that email please18:27
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stuqhas anyone else had their amd catalyst driver stop working after a recent update?18:38
kbroulikthe Kubuntu default settings are totally outdated and cause all sorts of weird problems.18:38
stuqseems like the nice kubuntu search for proprietary drivers tool is no longer there...18:38
kbroulikit is really time to update them people …18:38
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michealPWSo, why would my screen resolution get reset after restart? :| Using Kubuntu 12.04.18:47
shadeslayerthat sounds very odd18:48
shadeslayeryou could try using xrandr to set it and then reboot to check if it stays18:49
michealPWWhen I use the Display and Monitor utility I can't seem to successfully change the resolution/refresh rate. Almost everything I try results in an unresponsive black screen. Only thing that seems to work is xrandr.18:49
michealPWBut, as I say, after each reboot it defaults back to the ridiculous 1440x1280@75 settings, which is way out of spec for this system (1024x768@60 is this monitor's native settings)18:50
shadeslayerdoes 1440x1280 show up in the KCM?18:51
michealPWLike, don't get me wrong.. It looks nice (rofl)18:51
michealPWBut everything's really, really sluggish. It's way too much for this system heehee!18:51
michealPWYea, the KCM shows 1440x1280 as the highest setting18:51
shadeslayerthen I think KDE Defaults to the highest setting18:52
michealPWAh, I see18:52
michealPWI tried putting an couple xrandr calls in my /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup file but it doesn't seem to work :|18:53
shadeslayerwhich is odd since krandr should save it18:53
michealPWNot sure, maybe that's the wrong script to put it in?18:53
shadeslayerwell .... you could make a autostart script maybe18:53
michealPWI'm using just xrandr utility from the command-line, not a KDE program18:53
shadeslayermichealPW: handedit : ~/.kde/share/config/krandrrc18:53
michealPWAh, what's that? :|18:53
shadeslayerconfig file for krandr18:54
michealPWkrandr, ehh? Hrmm18:54
michealPWI've been using just xrandr LOL18:54
shadeslayermichealPW: http://paste.kde.org/551066/18:54
shadeslayeris what I have18:54
michealPWThx for the help mate ;)18:54
shadeslayeryour groups will most likely vary18:54
shadeslayerso you'll need to change those, but that's the file that krandr uses18:55
shadeslayerand it looks like this is a issue in KDE and not in Kubuntu :)18:55
michealPWOh bah, here it is!18:55
michealPWLOL: StartupCommands=xrandr --output VGA1 --pos 0x0 --mode 1440x900 --refresh 60.0702\nxrandr --output VGA1 --primary18:55
michealPWFail :(18:55
michealPWThank you LOl18:56
shadeslayerthat's probably why :P18:56
michealPWWhat a silly resolution!18:56
shadeslayerwhere was that though?18:56
michealPWIn the file you told me to edit, krandrrc18:56
shadeslayerheh, I have 1440x900 and its just fine :P18:56
michealPWI guess, but I don't have a video card :|18:56
michealPWIt's putting my little intel IGP in a headlock18:56
shadeslayeragain, running that on a intel card :P18:57
shadeslayer00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)18:57
michealPWShow off18:57
shadeslayerofcourse, I have my discrete card disabled18:57
shadeslayerturning that one would have been show off :P18:57
michealPW00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)18:57
michealPWSo, I wasn't aware of any krandr at all LOL. brb, let me read what I can find18:58
shadeslayermichealPW: question, did you upgrade this machine?18:58
shadeslayeror fresh install18:58
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michealPWFresh install18:59
shadeslayerI would recommend completely removing the config file18:59
michealPWCan I use something like xrandr to generate a new one entirely? This syntax looks funky19:00
shadeslayermichealPW: just remove it19:00
shadeslayerand use the kcm module to write it19:00
michealPWI haven't had any luck with that kcm module, Display and Monitors19:00
shadeslayeryou can try krandrtray19:00
michealPWIt always throws my X into a blackhole LOL19:00
michealPWShould I make an xorg.conf?19:01
michealPWWould that solve the problem, maybe?19:01
michealPWOr should I stick with this krandrrc thing?19:01
shadeslayerjust stick to krandrrc19:02
michealPWRighto, thx19:02
michealPWbrb in 'bout 20 minutes19:02
shadeslayerno point in messing with X19:02
michealPWGoing to do some reading19:02
michealPWX is a spitting camel :(19:02
shadeslayerfeel free to highlight me19:02
shadeslayernot looking at IRC all the time19:02
michealPWThx ;)19:02
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carter_once i download something off the internet how do i open it?19:50
lordievadercarter_: Depends on what you download. Can you give an example?19:51
carter_a music making software lmms-0.4.13.tar.bz219:53
lordievadercarter_: Well first you need to extract it.19:54
DarthFrogcarter_:  bz2 indicates the file was compressed by bzip2.  tar indicates that a collection of files (a directory, perhaps) was combined into a single file (a tarball) by the tar (tape archive) utility.19:54
DarthFrogSo you would use this command:  tar jxvf <filename>19:54
michealPWOr use Arc? LOL19:55
carter_alright i extracted it now what?19:55
DarthFrogOr use a graphic utilty, sure.   Sure, take the easy way out. :-)19:55
lordievaderDarthFrog: What does the -j do for tar?19:55
DarthFroglordievader:  Uncompresses a bz2 file.19:56
lordievaderDarthFrog: Ah, ok. Thank you :)19:56
SIR_TacomichealPW: I look at the bits and uncompress them in my mind : P19:56
michealPWI just use Arc (blush)19:56
carter_alright i extracted it now what?19:56
michealPWSo much easier to right-click and click Extract, let Arc figure it all out for me :P19:57
* DarthFrog notes that SIR_Taco has a vast mind, with lots of empty space for uncompression. <grinning, ducking and running>19:57
michealPWI can never remember the switches for utilities like tar hehe19:57
oneadventany idea how to make my system volume control the volume in amarok? I tried settings and multimedia and both of my options act the same19:57
SIR_TacoDarthFrog: haha :P Kind of like Marvin from the guide to the galaxy ; )19:57
lordievadercarter_: It depends on what kind of files were inside the archive.19:58
carter_well what should i do to find out or what should i do?19:58
BluesKajmichealPW, , carter_ unp is your friend ,m it extracts just about any compressed file around19:58
michealPW"Why is it named Quassel? - quasseln" is a familiar German expression for "talking".19:58
michealPWOh how ridiculous! LOL19:58
LostMonkquestion...I have 12.10 installed, but am trying to get a deb for 12.04 from a repo19:59
LostMonkit keeps trying to get the package list for quantel19:59
BluesKajlost not a good practice19:59
carter_blueskaj i dont know what anything u said means i already extracted it idk what to do now though19:59
lordievadercarter_: Could you do an "ls" command on the directory and give us that output?19:59
lordievader!paste| carter_20:00
ubottucarter_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:00
michealPWcarter: cd to the directory you extracted it to and use ls to list directory contents.20:00
carter_i dont know what a "ls" command is im new at this20:00
lordievadercarter_: Ah I see, do you know how to open a terminal?20:00
michealPWI'll teach you what ls is if you make my xorg.conf for me20:00
michealPWDeal? :)20:00
LostMonkBluesKaj: there is not packaged for 12.10 for this yet20:00
LostMonkso, gotta give it a shot20:00
lordievadercarter_: To whom was that?20:01
DarthFroglordievader:  Actually, more correctly, the "j" switch to tar indicates the use of the bzip2 utility to both compress and uncompress tarballs, depending on whether the tarball is being created ("c" switch) or extracted ("x" switch).20:01
carter_i know how to open a terminal yes20:01
BluesKajLostMonk, for what package ?20:01
lordievaderDarthFrog: Thank you, I looked at the man page, but it wasn't very clear. Thank you for the explanation :)20:02
lordievadercarter_: Ok good, do you know how to change to the directory containing the folder you have just extracted?20:02
carter_no i dont know how to do that20:02
LostMonkBluesKaj: Tv Maxe20:03
LostMonkneed a sopcast player20:03
michealPWLOL lordievader. See?! Use Arc! :)20:03
DarthFrogcarter_: lmms is available from the official repos.  You don't have to install it by hand.20:04
lordievadercarter_: Ok, not to worry. To do this you need the "cd" command (change directory). I assume that you are in /home/<your-username> and that the extracted folder is in Downloads, to change to Downloads simply type: cd Downloads20:04
lordievadermichealPW: I wanted an ls, not an extration.20:04
carter_so in terminal i need to type/home/coleman/cd download/lmms-0.4.13.tar.bz220:05
lordievadercarter_: It is indeed a good idea to follow DarthFrog's advice, however it is usefull to know your way around in the terminal.20:05
carter_alright but is what i typed in what i should type in the terminal?20:06
carter_i just wish linux was simpler20:07
michealPWOh right, lord. It was DarthFrog I was poking fun at with arc. With arc, you wouldn't need to be cd'ing or ls'ing anywhere (giggle)20:07
michealPWAlthough, knowing these command-line utilities are a good thing carter_20:08
lordievadercarter_: No. The command is "cd Downloads", this is using the relative path, this command would do the same "cd /home/coleman/Downloads", that is using the absolute path.20:08
lordievadermichealPW: Could you use my full nick, makes your message highlight.20:09
DarthFrogcarter_: Kubuntu is fairly easy to use, once you learn your way around.  You don't need to use the command line.  Really, you don't.  Though many of us prefer to do so.20:09
michealPWOh sorry, no prob lordievader :)20:09
lordievadermichealPW: ./Downloads and Download is for the ls command the same.20:09
DarthFrogcarter_:  If you want to install lmms, use muon, it's the graphical package manager and will install the official version for Kubuntu.20:09
BluesKajLostMonk, http://www.sopcast.com/download/linux.html20:09
lordievadercarter_: Linux is about as difficult as Windows, it's just what you learn to use and what you are used to.20:10
DarthFrogcarter_: No, what you typed won't work in the terminal.20:10
lordievadercarter_: This is however just an opinion.20:10
michealPWI find them all annoying and confusing. Windows, Linux, UNIX, Macs etc. They've all got their own problems20:10
carter_what is lmms?20:10
DarthFrogcarter_: Isn't that what you're trying to install?  Linux Multi-Media Studio?20:11
LostMonkBluesKaj: I was trying to avoid compliling20:11
carter_yea your right srry then whats muon20:11
michealPWLostMonk: Compiling is your friend! :)20:11
LostMonkim lazy today20:12
DarthFrogcarter_: In the K Menu/System/ Muon Package Manager.  Use it to Add/Remove Programs. :-)20:12
LostMonki just know im gonna run into crazy dependencies20:12
lordievadermichealPW: Meh, that is the great thing about ubuntu/debian, lots of packages. If you like compiling try Arch.20:13
BluesKajLostMonk, well , time to get your feet wet :)20:13
carter_i see synaptic package manager is that the same?20:13
michealPWhaha lordievader. Touche. Or Gentoo! :)20:13
DarthFrogcarter_: Near enough.  You can use Synaptic instead.20:13
michealPWI'm lazy and my wife hates the more "radical" distros so I stick to the friendly/familiar Ubuntu (Although lately it's been taking a turn for the unfamiliar...)20:14
DarthFrogIs Muon not installed by default?20:14
DarthFrogIn 12.04?20:14
michealPWYes, Darth, it is.20:14
michealPWLOL carter are you using Kubuntu or Ubuntu? (giggles)20:14
carter_now what do i do in package manager20:15
DarthFrogcarter_:  Use the search function to search for lmms.20:15
michealPWcarter_: Click on anything random in the list of packages and then start typing "lmms" to do a search20:15
michealPWIt will find the lmms package. Highlight it and set it for Install then apply your changes.20:16
michealPW"Note for 11.10 release and above: Synaptic is no longer installed by default in Ubuntu 11.10, however it is still useful in some situations." omg what is what that?20:17
michealPWWhy do the packages CONSTANTLY change for no reason other than "just because" ? LOL20:17
michealPW*shakes head*20:17
lordievadermichealPW: Ubuntu moved to the "Software Center"...20:18
michealPWYou know.... A lot of people who I've helped switch to Ubuntu moved away from Windows BECAUSE Microsoft kept forcing random changes just for the fun of it...20:19
michealPW*giggles* just saying, that's all...20:19
michealPWReally, is the "Software Center" better than Synaptics? :|20:19
lordievadermichealPW: That is, ofcourse, personal.20:19
lordievadercarter_: A good resource on learning the command line: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=201542420:21
BluesKajLostMonk,if you decide to compile , make sure you have gettext installed20:28
michealPWAh, I get it shadeslayer. So .krandrrc is the configuration file for KRandRTray, then? Is this also how the "Display and Monitors" KCM saves configuration?20:34
shadeslayerafaictl yes20:34
michealPWAh, I see20:34
michealPWSo somewhere along the lines I've saved that resolution as the default, which caused that file to be generated?20:35
shadeslayersomewhere along the line KRandr thought it would be a good idea to start executing randomn commands20:35
shadeslayerwhich is why it had : StartupCommands=xrandr --output VGA1 --pos 0x0 --mode 1440x900 --refresh 60.0702\nxrandr --output VGA1 --primary20:36
mausschubsergood evening20:39
shadeslayermichealPW: what happens if you nuke krandrc and configure the display from system settings20:39
shadeslayerdoes it work?20:40
shadeslayerbecause it looks like you've hit https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18314320:40
ubottuKDE bug 183143 in kcm_randr "Display Settings are Lost on Logout" [Normal,Reopened]20:40
michealPWWell, I haven't tried 'cause I'm just getting everything closed first. Normally I have horrible results with the Display from System Settings20:40
mausschubserI recently upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 and now can't print any more20:40
monkeyjuicemausschubser:  reinstall printer?20:40
michealPWI set it to a resolution/rate I know my monitor and do and then when I click apply the screen goes block and doesn't come back LOL so I turn off the computer :|20:41
mausschubsermonkeyjuice: hmm, ok. I'll try20:41
michealPWAnd try again. Everything I try seems to do that in Display from System Settings. Using xrandr from the command-line works fine, though.20:41
shadeslayerwhat about krandrtray?20:42
michealPWI've had success with that once but then not the second time (rofl) Iunno let me try that again20:42
michealPWYes, that bug you linked sounds like my problem exactly. I've found a lot of people with my problem and a lot of them have fixed it using /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup but that only worked once for me (Weird, no?!)20:43
michealPWLiterally, I set the xrandr command in .../Xsetup and rebooted, was fine. Resolution I set was applied. Then restarted a 3rd time and it went back to the silly 1440 LOL!20:44
shadeslayermichealPW: and which KDE SC version do you have?20:44
michealPWLet me check20:44
michealPW"System Settings v1.0 using KDE Dev. Platform v4.8.4"20:45
shadeslayerI'd recommend getting 4.9 though20:45
michealPWIunno, I just installed KUbuntu 12.04 and this is what it gave me (giggles)20:45
shadeslayer"I still have this issue under Kubuntu 12.04 with KDE 4.9."20:45
michealPWAh, bad news.20:45
shadeslayercommend number 11420:45
mausschubsermonkeyjuice: incredible! that solved my problem20:46
mausschubserthank you very much20:46
monkeyjuicegreat ;)20:46
mausschubserI run KDE 4.9.1. For me it seems to run slower than kde 4.820:47
michealPW.1's a bad number (giggles)20:47
shadeslayermausschubser: define slower20:47
michealPWIunno if KDE version codes are the same, but typically an odd version number in the last block signifies an initial release of something new20:48
mausschubserwell, everything seems to take a tiny bit longer20:48
michealPWThen an even number incrimental increase will have bugfixes for that initial feature release20:48
mausschubserbut my numbercruncher isn't the latest...20:49
michealPWSo for example 4.8.1 may have introduced a new feature, like new KCM modules. Then 4.8.2 may have fixed bugs that were in those new KCM modules20:49
michealPWSo on and so forth. That's how a lot of open-source versions work ;)20:49
shadeslayer4.8 will introduce ne features20:50
shadeslayerand 4.8.1 will be the bug fix release20:50
shadeslayerand then 4.9.0 will introduce new features20:50
shadeslayerand so on and so forth20:50
shadeslayerand usually Kubuntu ships all updates for the 4.x series in a realease20:51
shadeslayerso officially, Kubuntu 12.04 will support the latest 4.8.x release20:52
shadeslayerQuantal will support the 4.9.x series20:52
mausschubserok, thanks for the help guys20:52
mausschubsergood night20:52
shadeslayerthen again, we do backport packages from Quantal to Precise20:53
shadeslayernight mausschubser20:53
shadeslayerbut those only go in the Kubuntu Backport PPA20:53
* shadeslayer had a nice flowgraph for this 20:53
michealPWLemme do some more fiddling brb21:00
przemekthat new kde 4.9.1 is little bit buggy when i connect usb pendrive ,and i've open in dolphin21:00
przemekits crash bug21:01
michealpwLOL omg I figured it out!21:06
michealpwSo, I used xrandr from Konsole to set the resolution I wanted.. Then when I open Display in System Settings it showed all my settings... Then I just clicked "Save as default" and  it generated a new .krandrrc with the resolution I chose with xrandr (giggle)21:07
michealpwKinda of clumsy workaround but meh, it's worked through at least 1 restart so far :D21:08
skritehey all21:27
ickefeshi guys. i use x11vnc in 12.04 with firewall set to open port 5900. I can connect locally to my VNC server but not from my Android phone using external ip over 3G. It works when I have Krfb installed but not with x11vnc. Anyone have any idea why it's like this? Regards.21:45
ickefesi have set x11vnc to work on port 590021:45
ickefesi tried my other computer which is in the local network and it could not connect neither.21:48
ickefesanyone that could help me, please?21:50
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ickefesi wonder why no one shines in and give me some help. is it because it is not kubuntu specifically?21:59
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cynicalwhat's the issue?22:32
michealpwickefes: Honestly, Iunno the answer to your question ;)22:52
michealpwProblem solved completely by generating a xorg.conf and editing it (Added some modelines using gtf)23:44
michealpwNow,  no more resolution gimicks hehe23:44
LostMonkwhats the key combo to open the desktop search box?23:45
michealpwThere's a desktop search? :|23:46
michealpwLOL I just added a "Find" widget on my desktop but it seems completely useless :|23:48
michealpwI type things in it but cannot submit it, LOL.23:48
michealpwNow after all that, I get it down to 1024x768 and it seems so small (rofl)23:50
michealpwAnyone know if I can get the Display in System Settings to only show the modes I set in xorg.conf?23:58
michealpwIt's listing a big list of unsupported modes. I want it easy for my wife to change her resolution if she wants..23:59

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