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didrockshey, I think it's known (and related to this week-end issues), but I get some FTBFS on amd64 where the build succeeds: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/116381491/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-amd64.ruby-revolution_0.5-8ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz07:40
geserdidrocks: implicit functions declarations (see end of log)07:56
geserFunction `e_cal_new_system_tasks' implicitly converted to pointer at revolution.c:4007:57
wgrantdidrocks: There weren't any issues over the weekend07:57
wgrantYeah, what geser said07:57
didrocksgeser: wgrant: oupsss, will take more coffee I guess :) was mislead by Built successfully07:58
geserthe i386 build has probably the same warnings about this but it's non-fatal on i38607:58
didrocksgeser: wgrant: hum, weird, if it was fatal, it would have failed immediately07:58
didrocksit runs until dpkg-deb07:58
didrocksthose are just warnings07:58
StevenKNot on amd64 they aren't07:59
geserthe buildd filters the log for those warnings and marks the build as FTBFS on amd64 (and other 64-bit archs) when those appear07:59
didrocksah, interesting, didn't know that07:59
didrocksweird it's not the same behavior on i38608:00
didrocksthanks for the hint!08:00
StevenKdidrocks: Because pointers on i386 are 32 bit? :-)08:00
StevenKImplicit pointer conversions are harmless on i386, and usually fatal on alpha/ia64/amd64/etc08:00
didrocksok, will fix those, thanks :)08:01
wgrantOn amd64 it usually won't crash08:01
wgrantBut it's still wrong and not reliable08:01
wgrantOn other 64-bit archs or even ABIs it is always fatal08:01
didrocksyep, got it :)08:02
wgrant;/win 308:02
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=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Reduced Builder capacity at present -Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
czajkowskiwgrant: StevenK wallyworld_ can ye keep an eye on this channel for about 30 mins if you're about need to nip over to get blood work done at GP08:19
mgzbloodwork always sounds so messy...08:23
ssamfor past day, when i try to add an "also affects distribution/package" to a bug i get a timeout.10:22
lifelessssam: whats the oops id you get ?10:23
ssamError ID: OOPS-3af127f38699989d9eba99c2b3c383d510:23
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:26
lifelessubot5: help10:26
mgzwhere's the source, we should just fix that link...10:26
lifelesswould you like to chase it to ground ?10:26
lifelesscause, I would love it if someone did ;)10:26
mgzhave asked in tech, I'll bug a l-osa if I get no joy.10:28
lifelessits not canonical run10:28
mgzhm, only mup is?10:30
lifelessLaney: do you know who runs ubot5 ?10:31
Laneylifeless: no, try #ubuntu-irc10:31
czajkowskiLaney: I asked alanbell the last day to look at updating the link10:41
czajkowskilifeless: ^^10:41
Laneythere should be a URL to the source in /whois10:42
mgzthere doesn't seem to be, but lp:ubuntu-bots looks hopeful10:44
czajkowskiLaney: mgz lifeless asking in #ubuntu-ops10:45
mgzI can propose a merge with the fix and hope the reviewers handle deployment for me10:47
mgzbug 1051902 and branch upcoming10:52
ubot5Launchpad bug 1051902 in Ubuntu IRC Bots "OOPS responses do not link to current oops.canonical.com site" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105190210:52
czajkowskimgz: can you join #ubuntu-ops please10:54
mgzah, -ops not -bots10:57
mmrazikHi.  I have a question regarding the new sharing stuff in Launchpad.11:09
mmrazikI have a project-team and organisational-team. Now organisational-team is a member of project-team11:09
mmrazikIn project I shared all the information with organisational-team11:09
mmrazikbut still if I try to push into lp:~organisational-team/project/trunk I get permission denied11:10
mmrazikI had to share all project information with project-team in order to push there as a member of organisational-team11:10
mmrazikis this expected or bug?11:10
mmrazikerr.. soryy. I'm trying to push into lp:~project-team/project/trunk and not lp:~organisational-team ...11:11
czajkowskimmrazik: have you read http://blog.launchpad.net/general/information-sharing-is-now-in-beta-for-everyone11:15
czajkowskiwgrant: ^^11:15
mmrazikczajkowski: yes. I just watched the youtube video11:15
mmrazikI'm just unsure how indirect membership affects sharing11:15
mmrazikif in project I share with group X11:15
mmrazikand then X is member of Y11:16
mmrazikI would assume I can push branches into Y11:16
mmrazikmhmm.. .now when I'm reading this it doesn't make that much sense to me11:16
wgrantmmrazik: Yes, team membership in Launchpad is always transitive11:16
wgrantMembers of team X always count as members of team Y11:16
mmrazikin my private project I shared all the info with canonical-product-strategy and nobody else11:18
wgrantmmrazik: Can you describe your particular case again? You've reversed the teams at least once11:18
mmrazikthen there is a project team (lets call it project-team) who is driver of project11:19
mmrazikI, as canonical-product-strategy member, was not allowed to push into lp:~project-team/project/trunk11:19
mmrazikcanonical-product-strategy is a member of project-team11:19
wgrantRight, which means that canonical-product-strategy gets project-team's privileges11:20
wgrantNot vice-versa11:20
mmrazikI think I start to understand. What confused me is that traditionally, canonical-p-s would be able to push as a member of the team11:20
mmrazikbut I think it makes sense now11:21
wgrant~canonical-product-strategy and its members can own branches, as you shared everything with them11:21
wgrant~project-team itself doesn't have any access privileges11:21
wgrantThough its members probably do11:21
wgrantThrough ~canonical-product-strategy11:22
mmrazikwgrant: thanks. I understand this now.11:22
mmrazikor at least I hope so:)11:22
wgrantIf you're still confused, PM me the project name or something and I'll check out the config11:23
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ssamstill getting the timeout on adding an "also affects" (Error ID: OOPS-1f56120addc778765c2491bde1ee924e)16:55
czajkowskissam: what bug ?16:57
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Reduced Builder capacity at present -Help contact:- | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
ssamczajkowski, 412647, trying to add a debian bug to it17:24
TheLordOfTimeLP bug 41264717:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 412647 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Firefox is not able to play mp4 <video> tags" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41264717:30
TheLordOfTimessam, what debian bug are you trying to add?17:30
ubot5Debian bug 682917 in iceweasel "iceweasel: enable gstreamer support" [Normal,Open]17:30
TheLordOfTimenow explain to me how the two are related17:31
TheLordOfTime!info iceweasel17:31
TheLordOfTimeright wrong channel17:31
ubot5Package iceweasel does not exist in precise17:31
TheLordOfTimeor not17:31
ssamiceweasle is firefox without the mozilla branding17:31
ssamfirefox can play h264 in <video> tags if you enable gstreamer17:32
ssamboth bugs are asking to change the build options of firefox to enable h26417:33
TheLordOfTimei see iceweasel and firefox as different packages, and afaict upstream has already released such functionality17:33
ssamgstreamer is a build time option, and its off by default17:34
TheLordOfTimeand you checked the Ubuntu firefox package to make sure that that's the case?17:35
TheLordOfTimei've seen debian packages and Ubuntu packages diverge, where as the build options change for Ubuntyu17:35
ssamlook at about:buildconfig17:35
* TheLordOfTime isnt on Ubuntu atm, he's stuck on a god-forsaken Windows machine that should die17:36
TheLordOfTimekeep that in mind :P17:36
ssamditto, sitting on a fedora machine :-)17:36
TheLordOfTimelol I kid.17:36
ssameven if there is debate over whether iceweasle and firefox are the same or not, and whether its a good thing (tm) allow firefox to play stuff through gstreamer codecs, it should not give a timeout17:38
TheLordOfTime<ubottu> iceweasel (source: iceweasel): Web browser based on Firefox. In component main, is optional. Version 10.0.7esr-2 (unstable), package size 1422 kB, installed size 6403 kB17:39
TheLordOfTime"based on Firefox" doesn't sound like "is Firefox" to me17:39
ssamits a rebranded firefox. the mozilla trademark policy means that you can't patch (for example to fix a security bug) firefox and still call it firefox17:41
TheLordOfTimei'm going to consult with whomever is the packager in Ubuntu for that, according to the release team the packaging was forked long ago17:41
TheLordOfTimeso i have to make sure they're related17:41
ssamubuntu has a special agreement with mozilla, debian does not17:41
infinityWhat's the iceweasel/firefox discussion going on?17:42
TheLordOfTimeinfinity, standby for logburst17:42
ovnicrafthello i did a proposal to merge, then update my branch proposed, Q: i need to make a proposal again or LP update the diff ?17:43
TheLordOfTimeinfinity, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1211479/17:43
* TheLordOfTime must disappear for a minute17:43
infinityssam: Right then, yeah, our firefox packaging isn't directly derived from iceweasel's packaging, so just filing one bug with Debian and one with Ubuntu is fine, linking them is generally only useful if you're tracking a fix-in-progress (like a big upstream mangling), to avoid duplication of work.17:45
infinityssam: But linking them to convey the "hey, it's fixed in Debian, just needs a merge/sync" thing isn't helpful, cause we don't merge iceweasel into firefox (mostly due to us not being remotely in lockstep with versions, etc)17:46
ssamthe debian bug mentions some issues when enabling gstreamer (and i've seen similar in fedora), so the discussion there maybe useful for someone testing the option in ubuntu17:47
TheLordOfTimeinfinity, my stance as a Bug Control member is they aren't related, but i wasnt sure of whether we diverged from the packaging or not, so sorry for dragging you here :P17:47
infinityssam: Sure, it might all relate somehow, and adding trackers to debian/upstream/fedora doesn't hurt.17:48
ssamwas the timeout because they are different package names?17:49
infinityWell, shouldn't hurt. :P17:49
ssami am sure i have seen an evince bug link to an upstream poppler bug for example17:49
TheLordOfTimedoubtful, but still :P17:49
TheLordOfTimessam, timeouts happen all the time for random reasons, i've seen it happen with "old" bugs17:49
TheLordOfTimerelatively speaking :P17:50
TheLordOfTimebut my concern is the relationship of that bug to the Firefox package here in Ubuntu17:50
TheLordOfTimehence me poking -release about that relationship, and asking infinity to hop here. :P17:50
ssami have been getting that timeout for 2 days17:50
infinityHonestly, if you want to see how the bugs relate to Ubuntu, just talking to chrisccoulson might be a better option.17:50
TheLordOfTimeinfinity, indeed, is he alive? :P17:50
TheLordOfTimelike right now?17:50
* TheLordOfTime has to run to Sociology right now17:51
infinityBut I don't see much point arguing over how the packages relate, either.  If the bug is being tracked in several places and has issues arising, it's always nice to learn from the mistakes of others, even if the packaging codebases don't directly relate.17:51
infinityTheLordOfTime: Dunno.  I am not my firefox maintainer's keeper.17:51
TheLordOfTimewell, i defer to your judgement, the release team is above me in knowledge :P17:51
TheLordOfTimeinfinity, well, you should be!  </randomdisplacedblame>17:52
TheLordOfTime... CRAP, i'm going to be late to my sociology course!17:52
TheLordOfTime*runs at max speed*17:52
ssamfor now i have mentioned the other distros bugs in a comment17:57
ovnicrafthello  after update my branch proposed to merge, LP update the diff ?17:58
mdeslaurhow hard would it be to be able to download a PPA gpg key from launchpad itself instead of from a keyserver?18:45
mdeslaurwgrant: ^18:46
michaelhHi there.  I see on the blog that blueprints can now be made private.  How can I enable that for gcc-linaro?21:39
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TheLordOfTimearent private blueprints / ppas / projects part of the commercial system...?21:59
TheLordOfTimethe one that costs $250 a year?21:59
michaelhTheLordOfTime: I think there's a mix - you can do some private features in all projects to handle security vulnerabilities22:08
michaelhTheLordOfTime: in any case, Linaro has a commercial subscription FWIK22:08
wgrantmdeslaur: Launchpad doesn't have keys22:09
mwhudsonmichaelh: are you in ~launchpad-beta-testers or whatever the team is called?22:10
michaelhmwhudson: it is a beta feature and no I am not.22:11
mwhudsoni think if you join the team, you should be able to access the new shiny bits22:11
* michaelh joins22:11
michaelhmwhudson: right, I now see an access control box on the blueprint that has Public as the only option22:13
michaelhHmm, who should I ask about enabling private blueprints for Linaro?22:14
mwhudsonmichaelh: maybe you need to fiddle some stuff in general project settings22:14
mwhudsonmichaelh: sinzui would know i guess, maybe also wgrant, StevenK22:15
StevenKOrange is working on private blueprints, not Purple.22:15
StevenKI don't think it's ready yet.22:15
michaelhStevenK: hmm, the blog says http://blog.launchpad.net/general/privacy-for-blueprints-enabled-for-beta-testers22:17
StevenKAh, I didn't know that.22:17
michaelhderyck, any comments?22:18
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