
=== CTtechguy_ is now known as CTtechguy
battlehandshow do I run a green matlab file03:24
kanliotplease ask in ##matlab03:30
AscavasaionGood morning, I have returned with more questions.  Why do I keep getting flash player out of date errors in Chromium when I have just run an update and flashplayer-installer was updated?05:59
silverarrowAscavasaion, not sure, is it from a specific site you get the message?06:05
Ascavasaionsilverarrow: Random sites.06:06
silverarrowthere is the issue of adobe deciding not to make a linux version anymore06:06
bioterrorI wish they would stop making any versions at all06:06
silverarrowas long as it works i would not worry too much,06:06
bioterrorhtml5 all the way06:06
silverarrownot likely in years though06:07
silverarrowBBC, local TV here, their new pod and net tv player, all flash06:07
silverarrowactually almost all news and tv is flash06:08
bioterrordont jinx it, or it will be silverlight!06:08
silverarrownot sure why html5 isn`t more widely used06:08
bioterrorshould I tell you why06:08
bioterrorit costs money to invest DRM stuff into flash06:08
bioterrorand they want to use it then as long as they can06:09
bioterrorit takes a little longer to adopt new techniques06:09
silverarrowyoutube are trying06:09
silverarrowworking on some hardwere06:09
silverarrowhardware I have*06:10
silverarrowand so far not as backwards compatible as claimed06:10
silverarrowI know a large tv channel here is wroking on a html5 player06:12
bioterrorgood for them06:12
silverarrowhowever, they went for flash because the html5 had too many issues06:13
silverarrowthey are still on the html 5 development06:13
silverarrowAscavasaion, some sites don`t recognize the linux version properly and think it is an older version06:14
silverarrowthe tv adobe flash version is still beta06:20
silverarrowthe older is still windows media player or silverlight based06:20
silverarrow*web tv I mean06:20
silverarrowyoutube seems to be on the case though06:24
AscavasaionI havebeen told that 11.04 is soon to come to the end of its life... is therr a way to update directly to 12.04 instead of first going to 11.10 and then only to 12.04?06:29
bioterrorsudo do-release-upgrade -p06:30
Ascavasaionbioterror: Will that skip 11.10?06:31
bioterrorbut update manager should notify that you have a new LTS release waiting06:31
Ascavasaionbioterror: It does not, that is why I am asking.  I am running 11.04 and update-manager is set to emind me of LTS only.  It does not tel me about 12.04.06:32
bioterrortry that command06:33
bioterrorit will tell you versions06:33
bioterrorbut I've noticed that the "ubuntu" way of updating releases is "reinstall" :---D06:34
Ascavasaion"no new release found"06:35
bioterrorwhat if you use -d06:35
AscavasaionStill no release available06:36
AscavasaionCould it be that my local mirror just does not have 12.04 available?06:36
AscavasaionI am probably totally off the mark.06:37
AscavasaionLet me try another local mirror then.06:37
kanliotlubuntu 11.04?06:40
bioterrorman it was ugly :-)06:40
AscavasaionYes, I am running 11.04 now.06:40
bioterroroooh my eyes!06:40
kanliotThis release is considered as a «stable beta », a result that could be a final and stable release if we was included in the Ubuntu family.06:41
kanliotlol @ we was06:41
bioterror11.10 is still the best looking one06:43
kanliotactually lemme apologize bad english isn't funny unless you are a crude person06:44
AscavasaionI laughed because you laughed at your own English.06:44
AscavasaionNaaah, changing mirror never gave me a dist upgrade.06:48
kanliothttp://24.media.tumblr.com/BUFg4AYaP3hn47x70CGs8Sfd_500.jpg  bad english06:49
AscavasaionSeems like an aweful waste of time, and my monthly cap, to first update to 11.10 and then to 12.04.  Doube the downloading.06:49
AscavasaionPeople that spell like that, especially in their mother tongue, should maybe not be allowed to procreate :)06:51
kanliotor run ubuntu06:51
AscavasaionRunning a 571Mb update from 11.04 to 11.10  HOw pathetic.  What a waste.07:13
AscavasaionIf I am doign a dist upgrade... If it is still downloading can I stop it and continue later on?  Or will it start from the beginning again?  Or will it break my system?08:15
Pzat"logoff" of lxsession-logoff  from the normal shutdown/logoff menu, seems to reboot my computer when i select logoff10:25
silverarrowI see10:26
silverarrownot sure how to trouble shoot that10:27
Pzati dont think i should reinstall it, would probly end up reinstalling, but i think i saw a deb group saying somethings were wrong with lxsession-logoff10:28
Pzatso, i wasnt sure if this was happening to everyone using it10:28
silverarrowno, there should be a fix for it10:29
silverarrowa much simpler one10:29
silverarrowmine works, but I am on ppc10:29
Pzatanyway, it reboots, and a bios screen comes up complaining about a overflow something or rather, so maybe its something my hardware and bios isnt handling well10:30
silverarrowyou have multiple users?10:31
Pzati have a second user i added, but not used10:31
silverarrowdo you have swap at all?10:31
silverarrowrecommended amount is one and a half time as large as ram10:31
silverarrowbut installer usually takes care of it10:32
Pzatram = 3 gb, swap = 1gb, thought i read that it wouldnt even be needed really but do 1 gb anyway10:32
Pzatand my swap never goes beyond 0 use10:33
Pzatgot a puter with 7 partitions, i had to manually set it up10:33
Pzatbut i think i used a old swap from ubunutu that i use to have installed from version 8.0410:34
AscavasaionWill update from 11.10 to 12.04 be as large a download as 11.04 to 11.10?10:34
silverarrownot sure how it works really, but swap is fickely when you don`t use defalut setup10:35
AscavasaionOh, okay, darn.  571Mb is a big download for someone on capped account.10:35
silverarrowyou need a generous swap for login, logout, and dormant mode10:35
Ascavasaionand then to have to do it again to update to next LTS is hectic.10:36
silverarrowdoes suspend and hibernate work?10:36
silverarrowAscavasaion, yes10:36
Pzati wont use those, they always buggy anytime ive tried them in the last 12 years10:36
Ascavasaionsilverarrow: :(10:36
Pzatodd, this keyboard doesnt even have those buttons10:37
silverarrowpzat, they should be better by now, mine works painlessly for the first time ever !!10:37
silverarrowi`m in 12.0410:37
silverarrowon an old ibook g410:38
Pzatme too, lubuntu, is sweet compared to ubuntu 8.04, and i got it all customized now.10:38
Pzati got 2 copies of mate my laptop, since the OSs keep suiciding, and roomys win-7-starter died, so put mate on her laptop too10:39
silverarrowAscavasaion, it is a problem?10:40
Pzathonestly, i put lubuntu on my laptop first, but it suicided too, and on roomys, i think lubuntu doesnt lke acer aspire-one netbooks10:41
silverarrowit should though10:42
silverarrowhow do the die then?10:42
silverarrowwill not boot or freeze or something?10:42
Pzatmine died on a reboot or something, her it didnt want to install on, coulda been a bad flash, but i redid it a secondtime, was better, but still wouldnt install10:43
Pzat(..on hers)10:43
silverarrowI  have found flash a bit fickely too10:44
silverarrowI go for CD when possible10:44
silverarrowor cd10:44
Pzatfor a long time i was stuck it not booting, so i just overwrote it finally, - ya ditto on flash being odd as times10:44
Pzathehe, netbook.. usb cd, i just dont have one atm10:45
silverarrowflash need work sometimes, but mostly no fuzz10:45
silverarrowlow cpu, then flash is major fuzz10:45
Pzatthe netbook, suprisingly nice, at about half the speed and half the memory of my dsktop10:46
silverarrowit does depend a lot upon setup and os10:47
Cheapshotwhat netbook model is that Pzat10:47
silverarrowlinux usually boots fast and cleanly on notbooks in my experience10:48
CheapshotIm running lubuntu on my acer aspire netbook10:48
Pzatcheapshot, its acer aspire-one netbook, smallest thing ive seen in awhile10:48
silverarrowthose without cd rom?10:49
CheapshotPzat,  Only problems i've encountered with my is that my touchpad doesnt act as touchpad so it wont turn off when typing.10:49
Pzatthere might be a key combo that disables it when your not using-cheapshot mines got it as FN-F7? dang mine eyes dont work today10:51
Cheapshotyeah ther is but it doesnt work, the system just thinks its a regular mouse10:52
silverarrowCheapshot, and there is no settings that help?10:52
Pzatmight be able to find the file that lets you rebind, or add a keybind. but donno what is is on that version10:52
Cheapshothehe, well i've been trying to find a solution for the past 3  years but nothing :) I'm not alone with the problem10:53
Pzatbeen learning alot about lubuntu, binding up like windows10:53
Pzati installed ubuntu and it had the look and feel of a mac, i that screen is why i stayed away from anything apple/mac10:55
silverarrowCheapshot, must be a driver issue then?11:00
Cheapshotsilverarrow, Kernel issue11:01
Cheapshotsilverarrow, It worked on some really old kernel but to old for me to use11:01
silverarrowthat sounds like it needs new compiling ?11:02
silverarrowCheapshot, have they figured out any fixes? three years is a long time11:03
Cheapshotsilverarrow, Well i check from time to time if anyone has figured out but I gues its pretty much a forgotten by now, and i've learned to live with it11:04
silverarrownot very nice though11:05
silverarrowyou might file a bug on each release11:05
silverarrowit does help, even if it seems like futile11:05
Pzati just checked, i have a 6.1gb swap11:13
Deutopiai dont even have a swap11:14
Pzatits from ubuntu 8.04, i donno is this is default or not11:14
Deutopiaim obviously tired and need to watch my language11:15
silverarrowhuge swap11:15
Pzati also found anohter 31 gb partition thats never been formated, whoot more space11:15
silverarrowunless you are 64 bit11:16
CheapshotPzat,  thats nothing I just found a new hard drive from my desktop thats been disable :) a nice 250gb of free space11:16
silverarrowDeutopia, can`t live without swap?11:17
Pzatlol, gratz, it like chrstmas today11:17
Pzatok i have a swap partition, not sure how to confirm my os is using it11:18
silverarrowpush the computer a bit and it always uses some swap11:20
silverarroweven if there is plenty of ram11:20
silverarrowPzat, you have htop?11:20
Pzati think so11:21
Pzatoh, guess i dont, its on the netbook11:21
silverarrowI have swap three times ram11:23
Pzatok, looks like im using it now, - sudo swapon -s11:25
snelehi guys. I installed lubuntu 12.04 on acer netbook with atom processor. Everything works great. Only restart/reboot doesn't work. Restart/reboot ends up to blank/black screen and stays there.13:10
sneleAny ideas what is going wrong?13:10
proko7Hello there !13:21
proko7Can someone help me with my user profile picture? Can't get to set it !13:22
proko7No one awake?13:26
kanliotsnele, after pressing restart13:56
kanliotpress control+alt+f1 and see if there's an error message13:56
kanliotsomething linuxy13:56
bman_hey guys. sorry to bother you with trivial things this early in the day.. my microphone in my asus 1018pb is stuck on mute. i went into alsamixer and turned it back on to to no avail.. apparently im not the only one who has dealt with this.  my google results though hopeful havent solved anything..15:10
bman_im runnin the newest lubuntu15:10
silverarrowgetting late here15:11
silverarrowyou are on a regular pc?15:11
silverarrownot mac I mean15:12
silverarrowbman_, it is often a bit quirky, but simple15:12
silverarrowbman_, have you right clicked on the taskbar loudspeaker icon ?15:13
bman_i am right now ive digged within this settings what are you suggesting15:13
silverarrowfirst double check the icon on the task bar15:14
silverarrowright click15:14
silverarrowor double finger click, how ever your mouse behaves15:14
silverarrowit is checked off for mute or not?15:15
bman_that loads up alsamixer and mute is......15:15
silverarrowdo you get alsamixer there?15:15
silverarrowI have to launch it is terminal ? weird, but I am on a ppc15:16
silverarrowbman_, ok, just one mouse pad click on the loudspeaker icon?15:16
bman_mute is off i also previously disabled the auto mute feature and the setting has since stuck15:16
silverarrowyou are familiar with alsamixer?15:17
bman_one click just brings up volume rocker and mute box15:17
bman_as of last night yes15:17
bman_hmm ill be back im sensing a restart .  if not ill talkt to you guys later thanks for helping silverarrow much appreciated15:18
silverarrowfirst graph in alsamixer "master" is on high ?15:19
silverarrowwe can sort this out15:19
silverarrowit is typical on new install15:19
silverarrowgo for restart :-)15:19
tuxhathey my lxde not getting dual head16:17
tuxhatshows a blank screen on the second monitor with a X cursor16:17
holsteintuxhat: i would run arandr16:18
tuxhatgood lord16:18
tuxhatthat is not the idea man16:18
tuxhati use arandr lxrandr16:18
tuxhatblah blah blah16:18
tuxhatdoesn't do shit all nothing16:19
holsteintuxhat: cool.. i'll wait patiently for you to elaborate16:19
holsteintuxhat: try and keep the language "family friendly" please :)16:19
tuxhatwell in arandr it shows my dvi16:19
tuxhatbut i can't "active" it16:19
tuxhatwhat is wrong with lxde ?16:20
tuxhatall other "DE" my dual head works16:20
tuxhatbut lxde ?16:20
tuxhatis lx a DE LULZ16:20
holsteintuxhat: i usually go with the path of least resistance, and just use what works16:20
tuxhati highly doubt that16:20
holsteintuxhat: i have had not issues getting dual head to work with LXDE16:20
tuxhatso use nvidia + seperate screen setting16:21
tuxhatand it work ?16:21
holsteintuxhat: not sure what you mean by "use nvidia".. but i would try and use the same driver you were using in the other DE's... the driver that is supporting the functionality you are seeking16:21
tuxhatit works with xinerama or twinview but my panel is stretch out and my wallpaper as well and its being detected as one monitor instead of 2 seperate ones16:22
tuxhati mean like i have my nvidia settings set up to seperate views16:23
holsteintuxhat: so, whats the question? is this about the wallpaper stretching?16:23
tuxhati dont want xinerama or twinview16:23
tuxhati want "SEPERATE" view16:23
tuxhat1680x1050 on my dvi and 1360x768 on my crt16:23
holsteintuxhat: i literally open the arandr gui and just set it... what happens when you do that?16:24
tuxhatarandr shows only one monitor crt16:24
holsteintuxhat: maybe you can take a picture to better explain your situation16:24
tuxhatdvi i can't active it16:24
tuxhatwell u probalby wont like that i am using gentoo16:25
tuxhati dont know where to go for lxde16:25
tuxhatnobody helps me :(16:25
holsteintuxhat: nobody helps you?16:25
tuxhatwell i know ur trying16:25
holsteintuxhat: i am trying.. though, you should actually try lubuntu16:25
holsteinyou can fire it up live, and see how the tools work16:26
tuxhati have lxde-meta16:26
holsteintuxhat: you can then learn about how to get that functionality in gentoo if it works as expected16:26
tuxhatwhy would i need a debian base16:26
holsteintuxhat: you dont *need* dual monitors16:26
tuxhatdoesnt matter lxde is lxde16:26
holsteinim suggesting you try some lubuntu live setup to learn16:26
tuxhatto learn what16:26
holsteintuxhat: its a different version16:26
holsteintuxhat: to learn how to get support for the functionality you seek16:27
tuxhatbut i dont get it16:27
tuxhati have lxde16:27
tuxhati am using it now16:27
holsteintuxhat: its a live CD.. its easy.. plus, you can communicate with the large ubuntu support base about your hardware16:27
tuxhatwhy do i need a ubuntu base ?16:27
holsteintuxhat: using what? lubuntu?16:27
tuxhati dont need ubuntu16:27
holsteintuxhat: you dont need it.. its just a troubleshooting suggestion16:28
tuxhatwhat i need is to get lxde sorted16:28
tuxhati need help16:28
holsteintuxhat: you can just run it live to test, and to learn, and to utilized the ubuntu support base16:28
tuxhati will get the same problem with ubuntu16:28
holsteintuxhat: correct, but i and others in the community will be able to actually help you16:28
tuxhatdoesnt matter what base i use its lxde within16:28
tuxhatso because i use gentoo u wont help me ?16:29
tuxhatthats sad16:29
holsteintuxhat: i dont use gentoo16:29
tuxhatdoesnt matter its all unix shell mate16:29
holsteintuxhat: im offering a scenario where you can use the lubuntu CD ive16:29
tuxhatjust different setting thats all16:29
holsteintuxhat: i am not going to be able to help you with gentoo16:29
tuxhatalright this is a waste of time16:29
holsteintuxhat: im not being rude, or asking you to leave16:29
holsteinim just saying, i cant help you with gentoo16:29
holsteinim not a gentoo user16:30
holsteinnever used it16:30
tuxhatdoesnt matter16:30
tuxhatits LXDE16:30
tuxhatthe DE16:30
holsteinyou fire up a live CD and i and others can help easier16:30
tuxhatnot the system16:30
holsteintuxhat: sure. but its a differt version16:30
tuxhatubuntu is crap mate16:30
tuxhati hate it16:30
tuxhati wont use it16:30
holsteintuxhat: sure, and thats your opinion, and valide16:30
holsteintuxhat: but, we both know why you are here.. for the support16:30
tuxhatextactly now on topic about lxde dual head16:30
holsteinand, you can get that by using the live CD16:30
tuxhatok lets pretend i am using lubuntu16:31
tuxhatla la la16:31
tuxhatok my dual head not working16:31
tuxhathelp ?16:31
holsteinsure... maybe you want to take a picture to help me understand?16:31
holsteintuxhat: are you using the nvidia drivers from the ubuntu repos?16:32
tuxhatyes i am using the "binary" nvidia driver 30416:32
tuxhatnot open source16:32
holsteintuxhat: from the ubuntu repos? of the nvidia site?16:33
tuxhatits the same drivers ;)16:33
holsteintuxhat: OK16:33
tuxhatgentoo, debian or arch or whatever16:33
tuxhatits all the same16:33
tuxhat304 version16:33
tuxhatur not that smart eh16:33
holsteintuxhat: cool.. maybe you should try the gentoo mailing list?16:34
holsteintuxhat: maybe the maing LXDE ones16:34
tuxhatmaybe lxde should shape up16:34
tuxhati am gonna go back to xfce16:34
tuxhatit works16:34
tuxhatscrew lxde16:34
holsteintuxhat: enjoy!16:34
zorgborghi guys, anyway to stop my screen locking after about a minute even though lock screen settings are at after 20mins (still locks even when not set to lock)?19:12
zorgborg(ah forgot this is only when i close my laptop lid)19:13
zorgborgactually crap this is just me forgetting my power management settings, problem solved!19:15
TheLordOfTimethat was fast :p19:26
bioterrorwe solve problems only with out presence19:27
bioterrorwith our19:27
zleapis anyone having issues printing from libreoffice calc under lubuntu19:28
zleapwriter is fine,  calc seems to refuse to print19:28
=== IboS_ is now known as IboS

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