
oratedHello! I'm using Beagleboard XM running Canonical Ubuntu 12.04 3.2.0-30-omap. Even with the latest kernel where sound issue is fixed, I'm not able to get audio output. $ cat /proc/asound/cards lists 0 [omap3beagle    ]. Can anyone help me out with this?07:23
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orated Hello! I'm using Beagleboard XM running Canonical Ubuntu 12.04 3.2.0-30-omap. Even with the latest kernel where sound issue is fixed, I'm not able to get audio output. $ cat /proc/asound/cards lists 0 [omap3beagle ]. Can anyone help me out with this?13:41
nasrullahi do have an efika smartbook but i cannot upgrade the ubuntu os14:50
ogra_how is it failing ?14:51
nasrullahi do get error14:51
nasrullahserver error14:51
nasrullahi have tried many times the same thing14:52
ogra_(note that the images for this device were built by genesi, its unlikely that we can easily work out a fix here)14:52
ogra_server error ?14:52
ogra_thats the exact text you get ?14:52
nasrullahfail to get packages14:53
nasrullahi do want to install another os  on it14:53
ogra_can you check with "lsb_release -a" what version of ubuntu you are actually running there ?14:53
nasrullahit came with it14:54
ogra_and what server does it try to connect ?14:54
ogra_10.10 is definitely still available in the repos14:55
ogra_egypt ?14:55
nasrullahas my os is in arabic14:55
nasrullahubuntu egypt14:55
ogra_do you have the server address it tries to connect to ?14:56
nasrullahthe outcome error server not found14:56
nasrullahor if i want to install a fresh os on it14:57
nasrullahhow to proceed14:57
ogra_ask genesi ?14:57
ogra_there might be linaro images, not sure ...14:58
nasrullahok i will do e-mail genesi14:58
ogra_we have never officially supported this device with ubuntu so its hard to tell14:58
ogra_the userspace shoudl be upgradeable though, not sure why genesi made yours point to an egyptian server14:58
ogra_since all arm packages are stored on ports.ubuntu.com and usually not mirrored14:59
steevogra_: we didn't15:16
steevanything pointing to anything other than ports.ubuntu.com is a user customization15:17
ogra_ah, good15:18
ogra_sadly he is gone now15:18
steevftr we're working on a precise image currently15:18
steevit works fine with the 2.6.31 kernel but we're working on getting mainline kernel up to snuff15:20
steevogra_: happen to know if there is a uclibc cross compiler for arm (as in, runs on an arm glibc host) ?15:44
ogra_not in ubuntu afaik15:45
ogra_there might be some oout of archive stuff enbdebian has15:45
steevi have a trimslice here that runs natty15:45
ogra_well, i'm typing on an ac100 netbook running precise :)15:45
steevi'll poke konstantinos15:45
ogra_(nearly the same ting as the trimslice just with a nice shell)15:45
GrueMasterogra_: Not dogfooding???15:46
steevthe trimslice is "nice" but man does it get hot15:46
steevGrueMaster: dogfooding is crazy talk (that said, i use the hell out of my smartbook)15:46
ogra_GrueMaster, waiting for nvidia to release a binary driver for xorg abi 1315:46
satellit+1  cooler if use powered hub for keyboard and mouse15:46
steevogra_: there is one i thought15:46
ogra_so for now i stay with precise15:46
steevin the tegra dev zone or whatever, the latest hardfloat drivers I *thought* had one15:47
ogra_GrueMaster, apart from that i'm not such a big fan of lubuntu or xubuntu ... and ubuntu-desktop is no more for arm :)15:47
steevbut it may be ventana only15:47
steevogra_: hm? where did it go?15:47
ogra_well ... it is but you wont run it without binary drivers15:47
ogra_steev, ubuntu-desktop requires GLES acceleration15:48
ogra_from quantal on15:48
GrueMasterSadly, I am currently forced into a sort of dog fooding experience.  Very hot slow Intel processors running Windows 7.  Ick.15:48
steevnothing wrong with that15:48
ogra_and there is no working llvmpipe for arm yet15:48
ogra_GrueMaster, great, take them home, winder is near !15:48
ogra_steev, no, nothing worng with that apart from the fact that you need drivers for GLES :)15:49
GrueMasterI wish.  Of course, i would have to reimage them first to a more stable OS.15:49
steevGrueMaster: crazy talk15:55
steevwindows is stable as long as you don't run anything on it!15:55
ogra_yu mean like a mousepointer ?15:55
GrueMasterOn my netbook, Windows 7 Home Starter (most useless version available) takes ~2 minutes to boot on my Intel 520 series SSD.  Ubuntu, booting off a partition on the same device takes ~12 seconds.16:00
ogra_you should try LennartOS^Wfedora ... systemd will make it boot in -12 seconds16:01
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GrueMasterNah.  I prefer WORKING linux distributions, not some Mega corp's litterbox distro.16:03
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steevhey now, it's not THAT bad18:50
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steev_xorg abi for oneiric is still 10? or is it 11?19:25
NekoXPit's one louder.19:27
* RoyK mumbles something about google19:28
steev_chromium was being a pita wrt mem usage so i didn't have a browser available19:29
steev_apologies for wasting your time RoyK19:30
cnanakosHi all. Can someone please have a look at this bug?19:43
ubot2Debian bug 687182 in mpg321 "program seg faults on armhs" [Normal,Open]19:43
cnanakosthe solution has been recorded here https://igw.tuwien.ac.at/ceat/node/2#comment-16219:44
cnanakosIs this a hardfp ABI incompatibility??19:45
cnanakosby disabling architecture specific optimizations seems to work fine19:46
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