
veebersHas any one else had issues with the latest IcedTea-web plugin on Quantal?03:46
TheMusoHrm. Unity 3D on Arm with OpenGLES with the pvr driver is... Interesting. A screen flicker for pretty much everything to do with window/launcher rendering. Yeah thats shippable.04:10
pittiGood morning04:49
TheMusoMorning pitti.04:50
didrocksgood morning05:28
TheMusoMorning didrocks.05:34
didrockshey TheMuso05:37
TheMusodidrocks: Is there any paperwork required for backporting unity upstream commits to the current packaging? I'd like to get the code for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1023542 into our unity package, so I can update at-spi2-atk from upstream to the latest upstream release. I don't want ot have to carry patches.05:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 1023542 in unity "[a11y] Unity and unity-panel a11y initialization need to be ported to atk-bridge library" [Undecided,Fix committed]05:39
didrocksTheMuso: there is going to be a release this week, so no need for backporting I guess as there will be all FFe and UIFe at the same time05:42
didrocksTheMuso: I'll keep you in touch05:42
TheMusodidrocks: Ok, I was just hoping to get it in before beta freeze. Do we know what version Unity will be at, as I could upload to proposed add a breaks.05:43
TheMusoAnd do we know when the release is due?05:43
TheMusoBut am happy to wait assuming its not too close to the beta freeze.05:44
didrocksTheMuso: I can just ensure you it will be before beta freeze :)05:45
didrocksTheMuso: unity 6.605:45
pittibonjour didrocks, ca va?05:46
TheMusodidrocks: Ok thanks, please keep me posted.05:51
didrockspitti: ça va bien, (toujours en train de tousser par contre) et toi?05:52
pittididrocks: nous sommes allés à Dresden, c'était bien!05:54
pittimet our family and friends again05:54
pittiit's always rather short, but we don't get to see them that often05:55
didrockssweet :)05:57
MirvTheMuso: tha paperworks includes getting FFe approved by the release time, preferably today. I added the bug report to be an FFe now as well06:02
Mirvs/time/team/ :)06:02
dpmgood morning all06:37
dpmcould someone help me with unity-lens-photo? It seems not to be translatable on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+source/unity-lens-photo - and I can see no source package for it. Am I looking at the right place?06:38
didrocksweird, the source is translatable apparently06:40
didrocksand it's using distutils-extra06:40
didrocksah, maybe I know06:41
* trijntje is also translator, if there are any questions regarding the translation side of the photos-lens please ask06:41
dpmdidrocks, what puzzled me is the "there is no source package" message on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+source/unity-lens-photo06:41
dpmthanks trijntje!06:41
didrocksdpm: yeah, because it's unity-lens-photos06:42
didrocksit's been published in universe and then promoted06:42
didrocksthere was no version directly uploaded to universe06:43
didrocksthat's why the template .pot wasn't extracted06:43
didrocksI'm uploading a dummy version just for that06:43
om26erwho should i ping about bug 104588506:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 1045885 in gnome-settings-daemon "Titlebar font is not 'Ubuntu Bold' in 12.10" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104588506:56
trijntjedidrocks: when should this take effect?06:59
didrockstrijntje: approx 2-3 hours I would say, time to import and so on07:00
didrocksom26er: hum, can you check that they have ubuntu-settings package installed?07:00
trijntjeI see, thanks!07:01
didrocksyw :)07:01
om26erdidrocks, it was not, just installed and relogin but the font is still not Ubuntu07:03
didrocksom26er: it's ubuntu there07:04
didrocksom26er: not running staging?07:04
om26eri am running unity staging ppa, i have the issue on two different machines07:05
om26erit works if i change it in dconf ;) so our setting is not changing the font i guess07:06
didrocksom26er: what setting do you change in dconf?07:07
didrocksand what do you have instead of "ubuntu"?07:07
didrocksbefore changing it :)07:07
om26erdidrocks, org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences have title bar font to 'Cantarell Bold 11'07:11
om26erchanging that to Ubuntu bold works07:11
didrocksom26er: ok, confirming the value07:15
didrocksom26er: can I get a screenshot? I still have the right title bar here07:16
didrocksom26er: oh, maybe it's because compiz is fixed in staging to read the right gsettings value now07:16
didrocks(just want to really understand what happened before making any change)07:17
om26erdidrocks, here http://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=22869307:19
didrocksom26er: this is not the ubuntu font?07:20
* didrocks maybe is not awaken, but it seems to be the ubuntu one for him07:20
om26erdidrocks, no its not.07:20
om26erits clearly not ubuntu font07:20
didrocksom26er: the unity panel, right?07:20
didrocksoh right, the n07:21
didrocksom26er: but the gnome-terminal title bar is from what the reports says, which is not the case, right?07:21
om26erdidrocks, both panel and terminal are using the same (undesired) fonts07:22
didrocksom26er: yeah, not the case here because this is fixed in compiz staging (using the gsettings key for compiz)07:22
didrocksom26er: thanks! I'm fixing it in a few07:22
om26erdidrocks, super, thanks you.07:23
didrocksyw ;)07:23
didrocksom26er: do you have handy the value we had in the past?07:32
om26erdidrocks, Ubuntu Bold 1107:32
didrocksom26er: yeah, confirming, was in the metacity space :)07:33
didrocksexcellent, changing it07:33
dpmthanks didrocks (re: fixing the unity-lens-photos template)08:01
didrocksyw :)08:01
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:18
didrockshey chrisccoulson, Laney!08:21
didrockshow are you guys?08:21
Laneywent climbing in the peak district at the weekend08:22
Laneywant to get out to fontainebleau even more now ;-)08:22
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks, Laney08:23
didrocksLaney: excellent :)08:23
chrisccoulsonclimbing in the peak district sounds nice. i wouldn't mind doing something like that again soon once i've shed another 15kg or so :)08:24
didrocksSweetshark: hey, are you back from your holidays?09:09
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Laneychrisccoulson: what do you think about the webapps/firefox ffe? Is it advisable to land it given that it depends on something going for the chop?09:18
chrisccoulsonLaney, it also symlinks folders / files between profiles, thus bypassing the profile locking mechanism which exists for a good reason09:19
chrisccoulsonthat is definitely completely unacceptable to ship anywhere09:20
Laneydoes upstream know about this?09:21
chrisccoulsonbut honestly, i don't think we have a choice about the matter. i just won't let it go near any of my machines09:21
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure how much they know. they clearly haven't reviewed any of it09:21
LaneyI meant upstream as in PS(?)09:21
Laneydo they know what they should be fixing09:21
Laneypopey: ^?09:22
chrisccoulsonoh, ok09:22
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure09:22
chrisccoulsonthe implementation makes me want to to cry though09:22
Laneythis feels like a rock/hard place situation09:22
chrisccoulsonespecially when you consider that the upstream (mozilla) webapp mode works fine without any of these hacks or depending on a feature that's about to be removed09:22
popeyLaney, one for ken / racarr / alo i think.09:23
chrisccoulsonthe symlinking of folders between profiles is asking for trouble though. that's a heisenbug (or at worst, profile corruption) waiting to happen09:24
popeyhmm, alo not here..09:24
popeyLaney, I'll poke racarr and ken when they wake09:30
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chrisccoulsongah, damn you greasemonkey09:44
chrisccoulsonbug 1051152 is now the most frequent crash in the firefox beta (well, if you ignore flash)09:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 1051152 in firefox "Firefox 16 beta crash in nsIContent::SetAttr with greasemonkey installed" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105115209:45
Sweetshark<- back!10:01
Sweetshark(connectivity limited though)10:01
Sweetsharkdidrocks: &&10:02
Sweetsharkdidrocks: ^^10:03
didrockshey Sweetshark! How were your holidays?10:03
Sweetsharkdidrocks: I still am on tenerife ;) -- but quite nice indeed.10:04
Sweetsharkoh oh, inbox 2200.10:05
Sweetsharkwell, could be worse.10:05
didrocksheh :)10:06
didrocksgood catchup!10:06
Sweetsharkdidrocks: booking a flight to gran canaria for tommorrow to visit the aentos guys.10:06
didrocksSweetshark: oh, excellent!10:07
chrisccoulsonSweetshark, i'll gladly swap my inbox for yours ;)10:08
chrisccoulsoni've got about 11000 unread10:08
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: protip: get more involved in upstream and give them your phone number. they will force you to read your inbox during vacation ;)10:10
didrockstjaalton: hey!10:33
didrockstjaalton: you did upload mesa? so the regression has been fixed upstream?10:33
tjaaltondidrocks: it never was a regression in the 9.0 branch, but we had a version created before it got branched..10:38
tjaaltonand yes it's fixed in upstream master too10:38
didrockstjaalton: excellent, I'll close the bug then! Thanks :)10:38
tjaaltonshould be closed now?10:38
didrocksjust saw you did! exellent :)10:39
tjaaltonthe upload closed it :)10:40
didrockspitti: any pick on bug #1049058, do you know what this file is for?10:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 1049058 in apport "Obsolete config file -lts-q-backports-left after precise to quantal upgrades" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104905810:41
tjaaltondidrocks: someone tested the backports ppa10:41
didrockstjaalton: ah ok, it was that bug #, as the text didn't really matched, thanks!10:41
didrockstjaalton: meaning?10:41
tjaaltondidrocks: oh it's apport.. nevermind, I have the same file here and not enabled the ppa10:42
didrockstjaalton: ok, let's wait for pitti to see if apport has some magic involved :)10:43
tjaaltondidrocks: it's the ppa where the X/kernel stack is being prepared for 12.04.210:43
tjaaltonbackport from quantal10:44
didrocksah, and so it's adding a tag to it10:46
didrocksnot sure what should clean the conffile then10:46
pittididrocks: sorry, got disconnected; looking10:48
pittididrocks: ah, we introduced that in a precise SRU for the kernel/X.org PPA testing10:49
pittididrocks: I'll handle it, thanks!10:49
didrockspitti: thanks :)10:49
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dokodidrocks, pitti: for when is the next gnome update scheduled?11:00
pitti3.5.92 tarballs are due today11:01
pittiso today/tomorrow/Wednesday11:01
Laneyyou have Beta Freeze on Thursday anyway11:01
Laneyso the builders should be quieter thereafter11:02
dokoahh, nice11:02
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GunnarHjpitti: Hi Martin, it has been a while since. I have suffered from multiple health issues, and spent about five months at hospitals and similar places.12:11
GunnarHjWhen dealing with bug 1018621 I noticed that lp:ubuntu/accountsservice does not show the quantal revisions as I would have expected. Perhaps a Launchpad issue?12:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 1018621 in accountsservice ""Language for menus and windows" is not saved if .profile is missing" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101862112:11
GunnarHjInstead of making an MP I attached a patch to the bug. Hope that's good enough.12:11
GunnarHjDo you possibly have time to sponsor the proposal? It's about a spot in the code that you reviewed previously.12:11
pittihey GunnarHj, welcome back! ugh, that doesn't sound good, are you better now?12:14
pittiGunnarHj: yeah, sometimes the automatic UDD imports lag behind, so a patch is fine12:15
pittiGunnarHj: of course, I'll have a look12:15
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GunnarHjpitti: Yes, I keep getting better, and will move back home tomorrow. Thanks for checking it out.12:41
pittiGunnarHj: ah, good to hear, good luck!12:42
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davidcallepitti, salut, I've seen Robert Ancell uploading a gir enabled exiv lib and since you asked the other day, I wanted to let you know that I have a Photos lens branch now using it.12:49
pittidavidcalle: sweet!12:49
pittidavidcalle: so you can search for tags now?12:49
davidcallepitti, you can already search for tags without using it (Shotwell takes care of extracting them and it has them in db). It's mostly for other exif things (make, model, flash...).12:51
pittihm, the photo lens doesn't currently seem to work for me at all12:52
pittiit shows no results whatsoever12:52
desrtgood morning, fellow buntuites12:55
davidcallepitti, yikes. Do you have anything imported in Shotwell? Or any online account enabled?12:55
pittiyes, I have thousands of photos, in the XDG dir12:55
ogra_probably it doesnt like their content ?12:55
pittiI don't use picasa, but I have google enabled in online accounts12:55
pittiprobably the pr0n filter12:56
ogra_anything scary one them ? :)12:56
pittiargh, back in ~ 10 min12:56
davidcallepitti, ok, currently the lens only supports what's in Shotwell. Folder support needed the new exif lib (to actually be useful), and it has only landed a few hours ago.12:59
didrocksdavidcalle: landed? there is a FFe for it?13:01
davidcalledidrocks, the exif lib has landed, not the support for it in the lens13:02
didrocksah ok :)13:02
pittidavidcalle: but I do use shotwell13:02
pittidavidcalle: I did all the tagging etc. there13:02
pitti.shotwell/data/photo.db is 2.6 MB, that should be enough fodder?13:02
davidcallepitti, oh right. Then It's because you need a newer version for it to support big Shotwell libraries. If you want to test it, there is a package in https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-lens-photos/+archive/staging , install and then just killall unity-lens-photos to restart it.13:04
davidcallepitti, it's the version that will land with the incoming Unity release.13:05
pittithat seems to help; I don't see thumbnails, though13:06
pittiwow, that's grinding the CPU13:06
pittiso I do see thumbnails for some searches, but not for others13:07
davidcallepitti, just the first search, then it should be smooth.13:07
davidcallepitti, no thumbnails as "the image not found" icon, or just the Dash background instead of an icon?13:07
davidcallepitti, first case it's because Shotwell doesn't have a thumbnail for it, second case it's a Unity bug13:08
pittianyway, thanks! seems to work much better now13:09
pittidavidcalle: just a grey default icon13:09
davidcallepitti, ok, then that's a bug for me :)13:09
* ogra_ wonders if you guys test that feature on arm 13:10
davidcalle(it should fallback on Nautilus thumbs, then raw file, but apparently it doesn't)13:10
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davidcalleogra_, not tested on arm, but if you have some hardware for me... :) More seriously, if you are able to test it and find arm specific bugs, please file them and I'll find a way to get my hands on some hw.13:14
ogra_davidcalle, well, desktop as well as Dx have pandaboards for this13:15
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chrisccoulsondoes anyone run quantal on their pandaboard?13:25
Sweetsharkjasoncwarner_: ping?13:25
chrisccoulsonogra_, oh, i had precise on mine, but it seemed to stop working after i upgraded it to quantal (nothing on the screen), but i've not had a chance to figure out why13:26
ogra_chrisccoulson, hmm i havent tested any upgrades yet, probably Qa did though13:27
ogra_chrisccoulson, and i wouldnt suggest upgrading anyway, since that would leave you with rootfs on SD13:28
ogra_which we dont engourage anymore for desktop installs, IO is way to slow13:28
pittichrisccoulson: I installed beta1, WFM13:28
pittiwell, unity is horribly slow of course, so I disabled lightdm and just use it with ssh13:29
chrisccoulsonok, i'll try doing a fresh install now13:29
chrisccoulsonheh, unity is slow, even on my main machine ;)13:29
chrisccoulson(well, it is if i leave it running for a day)13:29
ogra_pitti, hmm, it shouldnt be slow, did you actually us the final beta image or any candidate ?13:29
ogra_well, slower than on x86 ... but pretty usable still13:30
pittiwell, it's already slow on my quad-core i7 :)13:30
ogra_(we include the binary driver in the image since the last beta candisate)13:30
pittiogra_: ah, I didn't get that one then, I guess13:30
ogra_well, then unity wouldnt even start ;)13:30
pittiogra_: but doesn't that violate pretty much every promise about free software, and licenses, etc. that we ever gave?13:31
ogra_we dont have any fllback on arm13:31
pittithat seems something which should at least have gotten a big announcement from sabdfl or a TB discussion13:31
ogra_pitti, yeah, we might need to call it a panda remix or some such13:31
pittibecause the installer, ISO pages, web pages etc. all speak about FOSS13:31
ogra_since its the only opportunity to run the desktop now13:32
pittiself-selected tragedy..13:32
ogra_(note that we dropped desktop for all other arches (or switched to derivatives))13:32
ogra_but panda is our reference board atm, so it needs to work there13:32
pittihm, xubuntu or lubuntu images might indeed not be the worst choice there? that should be reasonably fast13:33
chrisccoulsonah, it's great that i can download the image in around 90 seconds :)13:33
ogra_pitti, execpt that we still need a reference image for ubuntu-desktop on arm13:34
pittiwith compiz and all those gazillion python processes the current unity packages don't seem to be something that a real product on an arm phone/tablet would use, or are they?13:34
ogra_and the panda is the only platform that even has a shippable driver13:34
ogra_what do you think all TVs have inside ;)13:34
pittiyeah, I agree that under those conditions, putting it on canonical.com and flag it as "contains binary driver" sounds like the best approach13:34
ogra_ubuntu-tv and ubuntu-tablet will be arm13:34
ogra_ugh, i would really like to keep it on cdimage13:35
ogra_pitti, i'll discuss it with steve once he's back from vac.13:37
ogra_i dont mind calling it a remox and have an explaining wikipage for this, but i dont want to have to use any non standard location for it13:37
ogra_(or any non tsandard build system that differs in any way from cdimage, else teh reference part is moot)13:38
xnoxpitti: don't we have a checkbox in ubiquity "install binary blobs" and it is offered on all images?!13:38
pittiyes, we do13:39
ogra_xnox, yes, that leaves the choice to the user13:39
xnoxpitti: don't you have to boot with "free software" option only in the boot screen?13:39
ogra_not on arm13:39
ogra_we dont have a bootloader menu there13:39
pittineither has the live session and default install without that option13:39
xnoxogra_: shouldn't we have it ticked on panda boards, and well fail install if a person unticks it?13:39
pittithe TB unanimously defeated the proposal to install nonfree drivers by default (i. e. that checkbox)13:40
xnoxpitti: true, I remember that now.13:40
xnoxhmmm =(13:40
xnoxlooks like we don't have a releasable panda then.13:40
ogra_well, thats why we have defined the remix stuff13:40
ogra_we do, we just cant call it plain ubuntu13:40
ogra_but as the netbook-remix i think that can live next to the other images as long as its tagged the right way13:41
Laneywhich package are we talking about?13:58
LaneyI see this: "All of the application software installed by default is free software. In addition, we install some hardware drivers that are available only in binary format, but such packages are clearly marked in the restricted component."14:07
Laneynot sure that matches my expectations14:08
ogra_ah, under that term pandas would be fine14:08
ogra_Laney, where exactly is that from ?14:09
Laneyogra_: http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/licensing14:09
Laneybut I don't understand that text to be in line with the TB's decision14:09
ogra_yeah, it surely isnt14:10
ogra_if the decision was actually that strict14:10
LaneyI misunderstand14:11
ogra_yeah, thats only about the checkbox14:12
Laney"the only concession is14:12
Laneyfor hardware drivers"14:12
Laneyshould be ok then14:13
ogra_though we should note it somewhere ... release notes or so14:13
Laneypossibly in the installer?14:13
ogra_so people arent surprised14:13
ogra_hmm, i dont like the idea that we might have to maintain arch specific code for this in the installer14:14
ogra_and iirc the first page of the final installer usually links to the release notes14:15
Laneywell, it's more of an ongoing thing14:16
Laneyso probably not ideally placed in the release notes, but maybe nothing is needed if we've always allowed this14:16
Riddellanyone able to test taglib 1.8 for bug 1050463 ?14:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 1050463 in taglib "FFe update to 1.8" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105046314:29
didrockstjaalton: hey, are you working on bug #966744 btw? do you need more help?14:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 966744 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965] Resume from suspend leaves me with black screen or a screen of the desktop before it suspended. Compiz hung in intel_update_renderbuffers() from intel_prepare_render() from brw_draw_prims()" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96674414:30
didrockstjaalton: same question on bug #92716814:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 927168 in mesa "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in memmove() from drisw_update_tex_buffer() from dri_set_tex_buffer2() from drisw_bind_tex_image() from __glXBindTexImageEXT() from TfpTexture::enable() from enableFragmentOperationsAndDrawGeometry()" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92716814:31
didrockshey kenvandine!14:44
didrockshow are you?14:44
kenvandinedidrocks, my unity branches got approved :)14:46
didrockssaw that!14:46
didrockscongrats :)14:46
kenvandinelibunity not quite14:46
didrockskenvandine: can you check on bug #1042343 with the U1 team?14:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 1042343 in ubuntuone-client "[FFE] Ubuntu One integration with Q sync indicator" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104234314:47
didrocksto know if it's going to land or not14:47
didrocksand when :)14:47
didrockskenvandine: I'm taking care of the empathy update for GNOME, no worry :)14:47
kenvandinegood, thanks :)14:47
didrocksI think gfvs is on pitti's plate :)14:47
didrocksso taking devhelp and empathy now14:48
kenvandinedidrocks, the word from U1 on bug 1042343 is "should be no later than tomorrow"14:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 1042343 in ubuntuone-client "[FFE] Ubuntu One integration with Q sync indicator" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104234314:57
didrockskenvandine: excellent, thanks!15:02
didrocksskaet: ^15:02
skaetthanks kenvandine,  didrocks.15:03
kenvandineprobably today actually15:03
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charlesmterry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-sync/+bug/105179815:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 1051798 in indicator-sync "Clicking SyncMenuApp's 'paused' button causes feedback loop if >1 indicator running" [Low,In progress]15:44
mterrycharles, awesome, thanks15:46
mterrycharles, does seem like low likelihood of being triggered15:46
mterryI wonder why it ever stops...  race condition maybe?15:46
charlesyeah I agree wrt low likelihood, that's why I marked it as Low  urgency15:47
charlesI didn't track down why it stopped. It's likely a race condition15:47
charlestesting for timing issues on four separate processes is fun :)15:48
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xnoxMagic Desktop people, please help with bug 105204016:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 1052040 in ubiquity "[regression] ubiquity greeter does not have overlay scrollbars in quantal, but it did in precise" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105204016:10
xnoxwhat changed w.r.t. overlay scrollbars between precise & quantal?16:10
ogra_greeter ?16:11
* xnox fail at english16:11
ogra_well, where are any scrollbars in the greeter ?16:11
ogra_it only fires up a panel and ubiquity, no ?16:12
xnoxogra_: the language selection has scrollbar, see screenshots16:12
ogra_oh, i see what you mean16:12
xnoxogra_: also this could be the reason for scrollbars during slideshow, as the overlay scrollbars would not be visible.16:12
ogra_iirc there was a var to not have the scrollbars be replaced, probably casper or ubiquity set that somewhere ... though it would be surprising if that went unnoticed16:14
xnoxogra_: as far as I know, nothing changed in ubiquity w.r.t. scrollbars....16:15
xnoxogra_: but I did notice that scrollbars became 'gtk plugin' instead of 'gtk module' or something along those lines, or LD_PRELOAD -> proper gtk module16:16
* xnox or something like that.....16:16
didrockstedg: can you please give a hand to xnox? ^16:16
ogra_oh, right, you might need to explicitly load it in csettings somewhere16:16
didrocksogra_: the default is true though16:17
didrocksxnox: org.gnome.desktop.interface ubuntu-overlay-scrollbars16:18
ogra_didrocks, and its fine if you run the live session16:18
xnoxalso notice how quantal loads in much higher resolution =) *nice*16:18
didrocksthere is really an init env issue on the ubiquity-dm :)16:18
xnoxyes, yes there is. =)))16:18
ogra_i assume we dont start gnome-settings-daemon the right way16:19
didrocksI think it's all linked unfortunately16:19
didrocksogra_: it's my bet as well16:19
didrocksthis, the font, and so on…16:19
xnoxwe actually do start g-s-d16:19
ogra_or in the right order or whatever16:19
didrocksI think ogra_ is right, there is a timing issue or something like that16:19
xnoxdidrocks: look at the screenshot, the font is correct there (well at least when I managed to take the screenshot...)16:19
didrocksor in the way it's launched16:19
didrocksxnox: yeah, but you told me that a lot of time it wasn't, right?16:20
didrocksxnox: you asked me for the gsettings key, telling gsettings didn't get the right result16:20
didrocksso there is "something" weird16:20
xnoxbut g-s-d used to crash under ubiquity-dm16:20
didrocksmaybe desrt would have an idea16:20
xnoxnow that was fixed and it doesn't anymore16:20
didrocksah :)16:20
didrocksso that's fixed16:20
xnoxso _now_ I am expecting everything to look perfect =)16:21
didrocksit was just crashing, then ubiquity loads at the wrong time16:21
didrocksok, so the overlay however isn't loaded16:21
didrocksxnox: can you just read the gsettings key and print the result?16:21
didrocksxnox: to ensure it sees "true"16:21
xnox... from the same environment eh?!16:21
didrocksxnox: from ubiquity itself16:21
* didrocks needs to run out today, see you tomorrow guys16:22
didrocksxnox: if it's seeing true, we can dig into that together tomorrow16:22
* xnox 0/16:22
didrocksjust ping me :)16:22
tedgxnox, There was a "don't scroll me bro" command that apps can use16:26
tedgxnox, It seems that it's broken though tsdgeos has submitted a patch.16:26
davidcalleLaney, hi, I'm not sure about what you are asking on the Unity UIFe for the photos lens. If the photos lens is already in Quantal? Or if the version with the new icon paths is already in Quantal?16:26
ogra_tedg, the point is that we *do* want to have them :)16:27
xnoxtedg: ok, but g-s-d is running, there are fonts, yet the scrollbar is "fat" instead of "overlay"16:27
xnoxtedg: compare the two screenshots on the bug 105204016:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 1052040 in ubiquity "[regression] ubiquity greeter does not have overlay scrollbars in quantal, but it did in precise" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105204016:27
Laneydavidcalle: you said it depends on some change in Unity16:28
LaneyI want to know if that change is already in or if it's in a future Unity version16:28
tedgAh, I see.16:29
davidcalleLaney, the changes are in the Unity branches linked to the report, so not yet in Quantal.16:29
tedgxnox, I wonder if the env is getting setup.16:30
tedgxnox, You should grab Cimi when he gets back, that should be tomorrow.16:30
xnoxtedg: Cimi being didrocks?16:31
tedgxnox, No, Cimi being Cimi :-)16:31
xnoxah =)16:31
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Sweetsharks2hi there. im getting desparate at gettin wifi to work eith network manager in this hotel an lf am running out of ideas. wifi works, i can see the notebook ip from my android phone. yet i cant even ping the gw.18:33
Sweetsharks2any hints?18:33
chrisccoulsonyou might have more luck directing that at cyphermox :)18:34
cyphermoxSweetsharks2: that's not a whole lot of info to debug wifi ;)18:34
cyphermoxso,, you're reportedly connected but can't ping the gateway?18:34
cyphermoxcan you ping ?18:34
cyphermox(maybe the gateway or a firewall is blocking icmp)18:34
cyphermoxSweetsharks2: if you can tell me what driver is used that can help too18:35
Sweetsharks2cyphermox: no, i can only ping myself.18:35
Sweetsharks2i get a good gateway though. the same i see from my android phone.18:37
Sweetsharks2no, i cant ping google dns.18:37
semkoxwill lava 7 be never in repos for ubuntu?18:38
Sweetsharks2cyphermox: i font yhink there is anything wrong on the wpa level, but routing is very broken.18:39
cyphermoxbut routing shouldn't ever be different18:40
cyphermoxI mean, you'll only have the default gateway18:40
cyphermoxif you can't ping; they're doing something funky18:40
cyphermoxperhaps you can't be connected to more than one device with the same account?18:41
chrisccoulsonogra_, if i boot my pandaboard with the quantal b1 image, i still get a blank screen (but the monitor is on) :(18:41
chrisccoulsonbut i can switch to a console, and see this error:18:41
chrisccoulsonomapdss HDMI error: failed to enable GPIO's18:41
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: I saw those briefly on mine the other day18:41
Sweetsharks2cyphrmox: Iirc I got some shaky connection yesterday  when setting ipv6 to ignore. but i do get that now. i drove to another hotel yesterday an everything worked there :-(18:43
Sweetsharks2s/do get/dont get/18:44
Sweetsharks2cyphermox: I get a ip with 1000 mtu in ifconfig18:46
cyphermoxSweetsharks2: that seems like a pretty low mtu, but it shouldn't be a problem18:47
stgraberif IPv6 is somehow involved, 1000 is an invalid MTU. Lowest MTU for IPv6 is 128018:48
cyphermoxanything in syslog mentions anything from the kernel about "TX", or transmit issues, or something caught by the firewall?18:48
cyphermoxstgraber: I doubt any hotel in the world gives IPv6 ;)18:48
Sweetsharks2cyphermox: route -n looks strange to me: gw mask 0 ug metric 018:49
Sweetsharks2checking syslog18:49
cyphermoxnah, should be fine18:49
cyphermoxotherwise I'd say check if wpasupplicant says anything in syslog again if you enable debugging (sudo /usr/lib/NetworkManager/debug-helper.py --wpa debug) and if you receive any traffic with tcpdump -i wlan018:50
Sweetsharks2syslog has "tx aggregation enabled on ra =  hexfoo tid=018:50
cyphermoxthat's normally fine18:51
cyphermoxyou could also try to disable 11n18:51
cyphermoxSweetsharks2: http://adeadhamster.blogspot.ca/2010/10/linux-iwlagn-problems.html18:52
Sweetsharks2oh and ip6addrconf timed out or failed by nw manager18:52
cyphermoxthat's normal if the hotel doesn't hand out IPv6 addresses18:52
Sweetsharks2iwlagn module isnt even loaded it seems18:55
Sweetsharks2cyphrmox: that first line of the route table looks  good  to me too, but the is another for mask 255.255.018:59
Sweetsharks2.0 with metric 1000 that looks odd18:59
Sweetsharks2169.254.0.0 mask
Sweetsharks2cyphermox: https://plus.google.com/app/plus/mp/205/#~loop:aid=z12wc11y5o2owvq0h22gv5kw5tmvgx1sm&view=activity19:15
cyphermoxSweetsharks2: there's nothing abnormal in this19:16
cyphermoxthe driver might be iwlwifi rather than iwlagn19:16
Sweetsharks2arrrrgh. if thrre is nothing wrong with it why doesnt it work?19:19
Sweetsharks2my phone even sees the ip of ghe notebook even with the correct mac address19:20
Sweetsharks2cyphermox: this is on precise, is there alternative to debug-helper.py?19:29
Sweetsharks2ok. giving up fot now :-\19:36
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jbicharobert_ancell: hey, have you had a chance to try cheese again recently?23:48
robert_ancelljbicha, no23:48
jbichadid you see my comment on bug 104553923:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 1045539 in cheese "Update to 3.5.91" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104553923:48
robert_ancelljbicha, building now23:51
jbicharobert_ancell: you might as well build 3.5.92, translation update :)23:52
robert_ancelljbicha, I'm getting this /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.7/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/libclutter-gst-2.0.so: undefined reference to `gst_message_parse_duration'23:56
robert_ancellwas also getting it with gnome-contacts23:56

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