
CIA-13installation-guide: cjwatson * r512 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog en/appendix/preseed.xml): Document network-console/authorized_keys_url feature (LP: #1042480)10:11
CIA-13installation-guide: cjwatson * r513 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20100518ubuntu810:14
davmor2hey guys is it know that there are scrollbars on the slideshow now?11:37
ogra_davmor2, yeah11:40
ogra_bug 100871711:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 1008717 in ubiquity "Ubiquity displays scrollbars inside of slideshow" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100871711:41
davmor2ogra_: nice thanks11:41
ogra_not nice ... but welcome :)11:41
davmor2ogra_: I've subscribed myself now any way if I ever get another spare 2 seconds once it's fixed I can try a fresh install again :)11:42
ogra_well, i dont think anyone looked deeply into this yet11:43
ogra_its a pretty onld but (for quantal) already11:43
ogra_*old bug11:43
ogra_(god, my typing)11:43
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davmor2ogra_: don't go blaming god for your typing unless your fingers suddenly became god ;)12:38
xnoxAnyone knows a sensible way to launch a gnome-terminal from within ubiquity-greeter?16:30
ogra_just hack an xterm call into the upstart job ?16:31
ogra_or some such16:31
xnoxogra_: tried that didn't work well enough, as ubiquity-dm is too smart to notice that I launched gnome-terminal instead of ubiquity16:32
ogra_there was another top level script where you could inject stuff16:32
ogra_wow, unpacking the ubiquity source package stalls my ac10016:34
* xnox is adding a cheeky subprocess.call()16:34
ogra_mean xz compression16:34
xnoxogra_: packing ubiquity source package stalls my i516:34
=== infinity_ is now known as infinity
* xnox it worked!16:36
ogra_leave it there and add a cmdline option to start it ;)16:37
ogra_and then commit ;)16:38
ogra_sounds like a helpful debugging tool16:38
xnoxogra_: but I think it should be part of ubiquity-dm or the upstart job, not from within ubiquity =/16:40
ogra_not sure, you would probably want it to work in oem-config too16:41
ogra_and you want it to have the exact same env as ubiquity16:42
xnoxhmmm... ok16:42
ogra_though starting it alongside in the same env rergardless which mode ubiquity runs in would likely be cleaner16:43
ogra_so -dm would probably be better16:44
xnox os.environ['GTK_MODULES'] = 'gail:atk-bridge'16:48
ogra_but that shouldnt affect the normal session16:50
* xnox yeah! =)16:51
xnoxthat fixes that bug =)16:51
ogra_accessibility or 'maybe-ubiquity' ... or 'only-ubiquity' ... or 'oem-config-wrapper'16:51
xnoxlet's see if I get scrollbars in the slide16:51
xnoxwas there a reliable way to reproduce those?16:51
ogra_i dont get why that bit would get executed in a normal install16:51
xnoxwhich bit?16:51
ogra_os.environ['GTK_MODULES'] = 'gail:atk-bridge'16:52
ogra_it shouldnt get there16:52
xnoxogra_: define "normal" install?16:52
xnoxupstart starts -> ubiquity upstart job launches -> two code patsh16:53
xnoxupstart starts -> ubiquity upstart job launches -> two code paths from there on16:53
xnoxinstall ubuntu: continue ubiquity-dm session and do an install16:53
ogra_there is an if above os.environ['GTK_MODULES'] = 'gail:atk-bridge'16:53
ogra_none of the conditions apply to a normal install16:53
xnoxtry ubuntu: quit ubiquity-dm -> launch lightdm -> auto-login16:53
xnoxogra_: default boot option is maybe-ubiquity16:54
xnoxaka greeter "try or install ubuntu"16:54
ogra_oh, since when ?16:54
xnoxsince a long time ago.....16:54
ogra_thats the part i never see on arm :)16:54
xnoxah =) true, cause on arm it's probably "only-ubiquity" which takes you straight to install16:55
ogra_since we dont support live sessions as default (only for debugging your crashed install)16:55
xnoxsimilar to how ubiquity behaves when launched from "try ubuntu" session16:55
ogra_right, but if its maybe-ubiquity then you indeed got to that point16:55
ogra_the comment above is misleading16:55
davmor2ogra_: grab your magnifier it's in that tiny dot just to the left of the oojimibob you can't miss it16:55
ogra_# Accessibility infrastructure16:55
ogra_i dont need a magnifier ... i'll use my god fingers :P16:56
xnoxogra_: well the comment is out of date.16:56
ogra_yeah, obviously16:56
davmor2ogra_: hahahahaha16:56
xnoxpreviously we only needed extra gtk modules for a11y, now we also need one extra for scrollbars16:56
xnoxanyway I made ubiquity look sexy again =)16:57
ogra_but that if condition is nonsense then16:57
ogra_i mean, that lists all modes ubiquity runs in16:57
ogra_so its always true :(16:58
xnoxogra_: != noninterractive16:58
ogra_oh, yeah16:58
ogra_so we might as well negate it16:58
* xnox win!16:58
ogra_makes the code smaller and better readable16:58
xnoxdo all spins have overlay scrollbars?16:59
infinityBy "spins", do you mean "flavours"?17:00
ogra_no, but i would expect g-s-d to be clever enough to simply ignore the module if its not there17:00
xnoxinfinity: yeah17:00
xnoxogra_: well gtk, not g-s-d.17:00
ogra_looking at that code i also wonder why we read /proc/cmdline 4 times17:00
xnoxit's just they might get scrollbars in the slideshow....17:00
xnoxogra_: I was trying to do credit/debit LOC similar to launchpad behaviour. I am non stop refactoring in ubi-partman.py17:01
infinityWasn't scrollbars in the slideshow something people were complaining about earlier in the cycle?17:01
ogra_infinity, still are :)17:01
infinityCheck.  I just read some backscroll. :P17:03
CIA-5partman-efi: cjwatson * r671 ubuntu/ (check.d/efi debian/changelog):17:59
CIA-5partman-efi: check.d/efi: Fix parsing bug in code to find the EFI System Partition17:59
CIA-5partman-efi: size, spotted by Steve McIntyre.17:59
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CIA-5partman-efi: cjwatson * r672 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 25ubuntu218:00
* xnox off to coach University of Westminster female volleyball team ;-)18:00
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