
dholbachgood morning06:57
gesergood morning07:09
iulianMorning guys.07:27
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ajmitchLaney: backports ping09:57
ajmitchok, I'll find someone else then :P09:59
Laneyno, pick me09:59
ajmitchit involves an arduous task10:00
ajmitchI've got a change on dogfood.lp.n that should allow backports to be uploaded when archive isn't frozen, needs QA before it can go live10:01
ajmitchhow are you usually doing backports at the moment? sourceful upload?10:01
Laneyyeah, using backportpackage10:02
ajmitchyou want to try it out & check that it all works as it should? :)10:02
Laneyhow do you upload to dogfood?10:04
ajmitchchange dput.cf10:04
ajmitchpretty standard, just different host10:04
Laneywhat should I do then?10:06
Laneyupload something from Debian?10:06
ajmitchyeah, and check that it lands in the unapproved queue, maybe accept from there since you're in the right teams10:06
Laneyis that reflected on df?10:06
* Laney wonders if backportpackage can handle this10:07
ajmitchdogfood is dog-slow, but I've been told that soyuz stuff is running there for QA10:07
Laneydear god, I can't type my gpg passphrase10:07
ajmitchhttps://dogfood.launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+queue shows you how old it is, if it loads :)10:07
Laneythere we go10:08
Laney7 attempts later10:08
ajmitchsounds like me trying to unlock my screen after resume today10:08
ajmitch& then I found that numlock was on (laptop keyboard)10:08
iulianHeh, that happened to me too.10:10
Laneyajmitch: looks alright so far10:19
ajmitchnice, I see it in unapproved10:20
Laneywoes with 2fa trying to log in to accept it though10:20
* Laney is being helped10:20
ajmitchheh, ok10:20
Laneywhat else would you want to test?10:21
Laneyif it works when the distroseries is FROZEN?10:21
ajmitchmaybe, though that's just checking that existing behaviour isn't broken10:21
Laneyup to you10:21
ajmitchis there a distroseries in FROZEN state on there, or can you change it?10:22
Laneyyou could ask for Q to be changed10:22
ajmitchcould do, I'm fairly certain that it'll work10:24
ajmitchsince the change I did was a 1-line change, adding backports to the list of pre-release pockets10:24
Laneyyour QA :-)10:24
* ajmitch can probably retest the upload if it's needed10:25
ajmitchbut thanks for testing it :)10:25
ajmitchsorry it wasn't by feature freeze, but at least it's done now :)10:25
Laneythe WI blues10:27
* Laney knows it10:27
ajmitchyeah, I've got a few more to do10:27
Laneyajmitch: should be OK10:32
* ajmitch wonders where those packages go 10:33
ajmitchit'll be ok if the page ever loads :)10:33
ajmitchI'll pass on these results in the morning to the kind reviewer who I owe beer to10:34
Laneyyou should just have to set the qa-ok tag10:35
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cousteaucould someone fix the package gdb-msp430?13:29
cousteaubug #86004513:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 860045 in gdb-msp430 (Ubuntu) "package gdb-msp430 7.2~mspgcc-7.2-20110612-1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/__init__.py', which is also in package gdb 7.3-0ubuntu2" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86004513:29
cousteaufixing nvidia-96 may also be interesting...  nvidia-173 had a similar problem and was already fixed13:30
bencerhi all, to remove a package now that we are in freeze is there anything special to do a part from the explained on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PackageArchive#Removing_Packages13:33
tumbleweedbencer: if it's a leaf package, there's nothing to worry about14:11
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jtayloris the date updating of dch broken in quantal?19:29
jtaylordoesn't work for me :(19:29
jtaylorprecise works19:32
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jtaylorproblem solved, feature no bug19:50
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