
three18tiAlphaWolf, sorry for abandoning you earlier, had to do my real job.  doesn't look like you're still around but I hope you got it figured out.01:09
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danawar2Hey #ubuntu i have a server and a user connects to that server types some commands via ssh then clears thier bash history, is there any way to recover that bash history02:18
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linociscohi all04:02
pythonirc101what's the pro/cons of running debian server vs ubuntu server ?04:09
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koolhead17hi all06:03
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lordievaderGood morning06:42
jamespagemorning all07:13
lordievaderHey jamespage, how are you?07:13
jamespagegood thanks lordievader - hows your monday so far?07:13
lordievaderjamespage: Just woke up, but so far pretty good. Got tea :)07:14
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randomDudeoh woops07:31
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lynxmanmorning jamespage o/08:38
jamespagemorning lynxman!08:38
TREllismorning lynxman08:39
lynxmanTREllis: morning good sir!08:39
jamespagehey TREllis08:41
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TREllisafternoon all :)09:13
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rbasakCould someone please check that I'm not missing something? It's RTC related. In http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210813/ line 5 was not what I expected. What am I doing wrong? Is this a hardware bug?11:15
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koolhead17hi all11:41
knxvilleHello, I got a ubuntu server running where my 3 video surveillance cameras record to. It takes a picture every second there is movement. This leads to thousands of pictures. Do you guys have any recommendations to sorting these pictures in some way, so it is easier to look through?11:48
knxvilleThis might be the wrong channel, but I have no idea where to ask.. I was thinking of some sort of software that organized the pictures.. At the moment I just made a bash script that zips all pictures, and another that deletes pictures that are 30 days old or older..11:49
rbasakconvert them to video perhaps? Look up mjpegtools, libav, ffmpeg for some tools11:53
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balboahhow do you disable ipv6 alltogether? Tried sysctl as http://www.noobslab.com/2012/05/disable-ipv6-if-your-internet-is.html but that didn't make a difference12:02
balboahah maybe the module blacklist should help12:04
balboahnope still got tcp6 in netstat -na12:06
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knxvillerbasak: yeah that might be a solution, problem is, I wouldn't get a timestamp on the video, so you wouldn't know what time of the day it is. I think perhaps a solution would be a script that takes files and puts it in the folders according to what day it is recorded.12:13
rbasakDo you know about http://www.lavrsen.dk/foswiki/bin/view/Motion/WebHome ? Does all of this for you. Pretty astonishing that other solutions can't insert timestamps into captured frames!12:15
rbasakIf you have the information you could superimpose a timestamp into the frames yourself though12:15
rbasakspecifically http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/draw/#text12:16
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knxvillerbasak: woow! I will look into that! Thanks12:28
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knxvillerbasak: You might not know, but in case, why is there a ; in front of some of the options in the motion.conf file?13:06
rbasakI don't know, but at a guess a ; means a comment in there perhaps?13:07
knxvillewell # is used elsewhere..13:08
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knxvilleYou're right.. ; is in from of options with parameters, # is for regular comments.. most login, username and other options is commented with ; so it doesn't break the config file13:13
DoomGuyhello all13:30
DoomGuyis there any problem with installing apache in ubuntu server 12.0413:31
DoomGuyafter installing apache in my remote server and access it from my browser I got this message13:31
DoomGuyYou don't have permission to access / on this server.13:31
chris||DoomGuy, that means your apache is running, you just haven't configured it yet/wrong13:35
DoomGuychris||, but the default installation must show me at least the famous message "it works !"13:36
DoomGuychris||, the default vhost is setup and running13:36
DoomGuyI am trying to access the page from the internet is that an issue about access forbidden ?13:37
DoomGuyall I did is apt-get install apache2... I try to access the page13:37
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dokokirkland, is there a FFe for anerd?14:26
ogra_a nerd ?14:26
dokozul, is there a FFe for websockify?14:28
zuldoko: i believe so14:29
zuldoko: gimme a sec14:29
zuldoko: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/104867914:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1048679 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] FFE for websockify" [Wishlist,New]14:30
dokozul, thanks14:32
zuldoko: no14:32
zuldoko: no problems14:32
zulhallyn: ping14:32
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koolhead17zul: https://bugs.launchpad.net/swift/+bug/1051998 Daviey ^^^14:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1051998 in swift "Unable to create a container" [Undecided,New]14:36
hallynzul: spu14:37
zulhallyn:  did you say there was a cve going in for libvirt?14:38
rockyanyone have experience setting up 9p mounts between host and guest vm's (libvirt) ?14:43
rockyhaving difficulty getting it to work and docs online that i can find are kinda vague14:43
hallynzul: it's in14:48
zulhallyn:  k cool14:48
zulhallyn: thanks...i need to update libvirt in the CA14:49
kirklanddoko: sorry, no;  it's targeted for universe, didn't realize I needed one14:51
kirklandogra_: yeah, anerd :-)14:51
dokozul, is this going to universe, or main?14:52
doko# Degraded functionality if these imports are missing14:52
dokofor mod, sup in [('numpy', 'HyBi protocol'), ('ssl', 'TLS/SSL/wss'),14:52
zuldoko: universe14:52
dokozul, numpy should be a recommendation, imo. or this the HyBi protocol essential to have?14:52
dokoyou could even hint at this (when the warning is printed)14:53
dokoohh, and it's even only for optimization14:54
zuldoko: it isnt14:56
dokozul, why?14:57
zuldoko: its only used by novnc which we dont really care about in openstack but people use it14:57
zulsince novnc is in universe as well14:57
dokozul: please look at the code. it really is only used as an optimization14:58
dokono need for a dependency14:58
zuldoko: i agree14:58
dokoahh, ok14:58
dokokirkland, rejecting anerd for now. contains binary files, config.log, etc ...15:13
kirklanddoko: okay, thanks15:14
dokolooks like the package doesn't clean15:14
kirklanddoko: hmm, yeah, I need to add a better automake clean rule15:17
dokokirkland, and for the FFe please subscribe ubuntu-release. they seem to be picky about it15:19
kirklanddoko: ack15:19
zuldoko:  so did it get accepted?15:23
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dokozul, now15:25
zuldoko: cool thanks15:25
DoomGuyhello all15:26
DoomGuywired problem..I have a server with a fresh with ubuntu 12.04.. the server can ping any machine in the LAN but the clients cannot ping the server until I initiate the pinging from the server15:27
DoomGuycan anybody explain this problem to me15:27
TheLordOfTimefirst question, do you have any firewall rules running?15:28
TheLordOfTimeon the server15:28
TheLordOfTime(might sound stupid, but... :P)15:28
ikoniaDoomGuy: probably a firewall rule that's connection established only, or something like that15:28
DoomGuyTheLordOfTime, No I have no firewall15:29
DoomGuyTheLordOfTime,  ikonia when I restart the server, everything looks OK.. clients are able to ping it15:30
DoomGuybut later on it doesn't work.. I don;t know why15:30
ikoniaDoomGuy: are you sure you have no firewall ?15:31
ikoniaDoomGuy: do the clients have firewalls ?15:31
DoomGuyikonia, nobody has firewall the firewall is the external  ports15:33
ikoniathe external ports ?15:34
ikoniaDoomGuy: what OS is the clients running15:34
DoomGuyikonia, Windows 7, Ubuntu 12.0415:41
DoomGuynobody is able to ping the server15:41
ikoniaDoomGuy: so the windows 7 firewall isn't on ?15:46
ikoniaDoomGuy: can they do anything else on the server, eg use any other services,15:46
thierryhi everyone, i configured an access point on my ubuntu-server image using this tuto ( part 2 http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/wifi_ad-hoc) , the prob is that i see that in my Pandaboard that wlan0 is connected and that iwconfig returns the correct parameters15:50
thierrybut i'm not able to find the network on any other device!15:50
DoomGuyikonia, I have doubts on physical cable.. maybe it's the real problem.. because when I changed it everyting works fine15:53
ikoniaDoomGuy: a cable wouldn't stop "ping" it would either be on the network or off the network15:54
smoserkirkland, ping16:01
kirklandsmoser: pong16:02
smoserhow would you recommend i initialize byobo for a user with a given set of status notifiactions to run16:02
kirklandsmoser: just write their ~/.byobu/status for them?16:03
kirklandsmoser: or do you want to do it system wide?16:03
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smoserper-user is fine.16:03
kirklandsmoser: yeah, just write out their ~/.byobu/status for them16:03
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kirklandsmoser: was this a trick question?16:07
smoserkirkland, well, only that i kind of wanted ot explicitly disable some things.16:09
smoserand kind of leave the others be16:09
smoserbut yeah, i can just specify it16:09
FFForeverGood morning -- What kernel version is ubuntu server 12.04 packaged with?16:17
Awakencant remember but it's definitely over 316:18
FFForeverDo you remember if it's at least 3.4? I'm looking into distros compatible with working on HVM oob16:18
iqualfragileLinux vm-fai-ubuntuserver 3.2.0-30-generic-pae #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 24 17:14:09 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux16:19
Awakeni could find out, but my virtu server currently on my desk waiting for a RAID card, and it's REALLY noisy, so I don't want to turn it on :P16:19
Awakenwhat he said :P16:19
FFForeverthanks iqualfragile, I also just found it on the release notes.16:19
bjfi have a quantal ubuntu server install and i'd like to add a ppa to my list of sources. apt-add-repository is not found even though i have installed python-software-properties16:23
bjfis that expected behavior?16:23
iqualfragilewell then: question for you: im trying to get this kerberos-autoconfiguration-thing to work as described in https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/kerberos.html#kerberos-server configuration-point 516:24
iqualfragilethere are some bits i should add to my local dns16:24
iqualfragilebut it just wont blend16:24
iqualfragilewhen trying to combine those two the dns-server just stops working, at least for me.16:25
iqualfragilehow do i add those enteries the right way?16:25
thierryhave u tried adding the sources manually? i had that problem but i forget what have i done16:25
thierryhi everyone, i configured an access point on my ubuntu-server image using this tuto ( part 2 http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/wifi_ad-hoc) , the prob is that i see that in my Pandaboard that wlan0 is connected and that iwconfig returns the correct parameters but i cant find the network on anyother device!16:27
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dokojamespage, do we want to fix the class format issues?16:36
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jamespagedoko, I think so; we said that for quantal backwards compatibility of libraries was important17:05
jamespageeven if they are not issues in the package in the archive now - as soon as someone uploads a new version it will be17:05
iqualfragilehey guys, can you help me figuring out whats wrong with my reverse dns lookup configuration? http://sebsauvage.net/paste/?53ded84c2e97c6ea#QowJWl4cVuooagNLhsHVOnwQOKyGmDx4bKLp0lJh+ew=17:31
hallynhighvoltage: bug 529611 - would you be interested in writing a 'transitioning from openvz' section for the server guide lxc chapter?17:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 529611 in lxc "No Upgrade Path from openvz to lxc available" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52961117:33
highvoltagehallyn: I might at least be able to write some things about how to do openvz things in lxc. Actual upgrade path from openvz containers to LXC containers is a lot more tricky.17:49
highvoltage(expecially since we can't anticipate what people actually did inside those containers)17:50
highvoltage(and especially judging by the hacks I've already seen in some containers :p)17:50
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highvoltagebut yes, sounds like something good for the server guide.17:50
hallynhighvoltage: cool, thanks!  i assume you're plenty busy - we can just talk at UDS about it ?17:58
hallyn(or of course you can just start if you like :)17:59
highvoltagehallyn: sounds good!17:59
highvoltagehallyn: I restarted my rlxc efforts based on the python3-lxc stuff (so it's now in python) and called llxc (but I'd still like to call it something nicer once it's more releasable18:00
highvoltagehallyn: it currently works well, I still need to package it and write something up about it, I'm planning to do so once I have 0.3 done: https://github.com/highvoltage/llxc18:01
hallynhighvoltage: cool :)18:01
resnohey yall question18:01
highvoltageit could potentially also make the transition from openvz easier. or perhaps just be nice for existing lxc users.18:02
resnoaccessing webmail, you generally use ssl. ssl certs arent expensive are they?18:02
hallynhighvoltage: should we schedule a demo session at uds?18:02
hallyn(perhaps others can demo their lxc-based things too, andw e can look for commonalities)18:02
highvoltagehallyn: good question. it's not particularly exciting from a technical perspective, I wouldn't want to bore people :)18:04
highvoltage(but I wouldn't mind showing it if there's a demo session)18:05
resnohighvoltage: you use lxc?18:06
highvoltageresno: yep18:09
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resnothats one the virtualizers that hasnt been on my radar for whatever reason18:10
resnooh, ya its openvz18:11
resnoi like proxmox18:11
resnodebians webgui thing18:11
highvoltageopenvz is similar to lxc, but they're completely different implementations18:11
resnohighvoltage: whats the major difference?18:12
highvoltageI played with proxmox for the first time last weekend. it's ok. I'd like to do something similar for lxc, at current pace I hope to have something nice'ish by the end of the year.18:12
highvoltageresno: openvz is a huge kernel patch, lxc uses technologies that already exists inside the kernel18:12
highvoltage(that's pretty much the biggest difference)18:13
highvoltageopenvz will eventually start using more of the lxc stuff itself, but keep the current openvz userspace tools for that18:13
resnobut lxc still uses the host for kernel stuff?18:13
jan__Hi. Have a problem with bind9 installation, http://pastebin.com/v9GtuAcW18:29
iqualfragileapt-get install -f18:31
jan__iqualfragile, thank you.18:33
iqualfragiledo you know something about bind9-configuration?18:35
jan__iqualfragile, did not help. Configuration? Soon, I am going thru the docs found online18:36
iqualfragilei guess you have tried apt-get update before18:37
jan__iqualfragile, sure thing18:37
iqualfragileand check your sources.list18:37
jan__iqualfragile, that is the latest output with -f , http://pastebin.com/ZFscgJVp18:38
iqualfragileno, just apt-get install -f18:38
iqualfragilewithout a packet18:38
jan__iqualfragile, "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded."18:39
jan__iqualfragile, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, precise18:42
iqualfragileso: have you added some additional repositories/ppa's?18:42
iqualfragileor did you interupt an previous installation18:43
jan__iqualfragile, no additional repositories/ppa's added, no interuption whatsoever18:43
iqualfragileapt-get install libbind9-80=1:9.8.1.dfsg.P1-418:45
jan__iqualfragile, yeah. Something moved:)18:47
iqualfragilerepeat for every lib18:49
jan__iqualfragile, thanks, much obliged.18:52
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pythonirc101is anyone using http://www.anandtech.com/print/5850 on their servers by any chance?20:01
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SpamapSpythonirc101: people still build servers?20:13
RoyKhome servers, sure20:15
RoyKbut something meant to be in production, probably not20:15
pythonirc101SpamapS: what else?20:18
SpamapSEven for home usage..20:18
RoyKSpamapS: de der støtter ikke ECC, så det er omtrent som en pc20:21
SpamapSRoyK: no hablo!20:22
RoyKlike greit å kjøpe et billig hovedkort+cpu+minne og stappe inn store disker i en pc enn å kjøpe de jallagreiene der20:24
RoyKwrong language ;)20:24
RoyKSpamapS: those things don't support ECC, so better get some el cheapo PC hardware and setup something20:25
patdk-wkhmm, two x8, x4 and x120:26
patdk-wkguess the question is, if you use one of the x8 slots does that disable the onboard video?20:27
patdk-wkif so, doesn't that make it kind of useless?20:27
SpamapSI don't think anybody cares about the video on those :)20:28
patdk-wkit helps when diagnosing, and installing :)20:28
RoyKpatdk-wk: last I checked, those 8x or 16x slots worked well unless I tried to plug an LSI card into them20:28
Karou1could somebody lend me a hand?20:59
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PawkiI need to boot via usb20:59
Pawkiand can't really figure it out20:59
morfeuPawki Can you help me configure dhcp-server21:07
PawkiI wish21:07
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:07
PawkiI can't even get my own server working21:07
Pawkimy issue is that my old pc won't read the boot.img21:08
Pawkiand idk what to do the only way I can install is via usb21:08
Pawkiif somebody could pm me if they can help that would be awesome21:09
Pawkiuntil then21:09
Pawkiima chill in #ubuntu-ca21:09
sarnoldPawki: what's your actual question? I've seen a few pleas for help but insufficient details about what you're trying to accomplish, what you've tried, and how that failed. Be precise about what you've tried and how it failed.21:15
iqualfragile1TheLordOfTime: jup, but i asked about 3 hours ago and nobody answered till now21:15
Pawkibasicly I have a older dell21:16
Pawkiand a sub drive21:16
PawkiI can only install from usb21:17
Pawkiit has a internet connectio21:17
Pawkibut for one reason or another will not boot to the usb drive21:17
Pawkiany ideas?21:18
sarnold(a) are you confident the BIOS is set to boot to USB devices? (Not all systems even support it, even if the BIOS has the option -- perhaps yours does not?) (b) are you confident your drive is actually bootable?21:18
Pawkidrive is bootable21:19
Pawkiand the bips is able21:19
sarnoldPawki: have you tested the drive to boot another system? Have you tried booting a different USB Mass Storage device on your system?21:20
sarnoldPawki: is there any chance that your NIC supports bootp or something else friendly that would let you skip the USB end of things?21:21
Pawkiother usb drives were problenatic21:21
Pawkinow what exactly should be on the drive tho21:23
Pawkijust boot.img?21:23
sarnoldbest is if you can write it using usb-creator-gtk, it'll Just Do The Right Thing21:24
PawkiI have a ubuntu partion on my current pc21:24
Pawkibut my other pc can only be running ubuntu server21:24
sarnoldit'll create the bootable stick from whichever ISO you hand it, iirc21:25
Pawkiperfect tyvm21:25
PawkiI will be back wih my results21:25
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GEMHello, does anyone know what ports need to be open on the router to access ISPConfig?22:47
patdk-lapnot really, ispconfig isn't a part of ubuntu22:49
GEMI know, but I do not know where else to go.  I have the ISPConfig manula, but I cannot find where it mentions what ports need to be open.22:50
patdk-lapthat will defently be hard for this channel to answer, as ubuntu doesn't support it, and generally don't recommend using software like that22:51
GEMWhy do they not recommend it?22:53
patdk-lapcause they are not distro friendly, they do things their way, and then you cause all kinds of issues is you update anything22:53
patdk-lapif you even get that far22:54
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GEMSo is there something else comparable Ubuntu suggests?  I am relatively new.22:55
GEMI wish people would not make a negative comment without a solution.  I.E. the comment patdk-lap made about ISPConfig23:11
Pawkiim back23:16
Pawkiim having a issue with the images i been getting they are all corrupt23:16
patdk-lapgem, if there was a solution, I might recommend one23:16
patdk-lapas there is none, I will not recommend any23:16
patdk-lapand ubuntu doesn't suggest any, why there are none that come with ubuntu23:17
sarnoldPawki: the .iso images don't sha1sum validate or something?23:17
Pawkipretty much23:17
Pawkiwhen i do check disk for errors23:17
sarnoldGEM: what does ISPConfig _do_? Why do you want to run it? What "native" tools might do the job instead?23:17
Pawkiits always something23:17
GEMWell, first, like I said, I am relatively new to Ubuntu.  It looks as though ISPConfig offers a package that contains an interface for e-mail, websites, etc.  Am I wrong?  Should I really stay way from it?23:25
patdk-lapThey claim they support ubuntu, ubuntu doesn't claim to support it23:25
patdk-lapso you will have to depend on them for your support23:25
GEMIt's not that it is a problematic app, it's just not "supported" by Ubuntu.23:28
GEMVecause I tried to Goolge complaints, issues, concerns, etc. about ISPConfig23:29
patdk-lapthose types of apps tend to cause problems23:29
GEMCpanel is better?23:30
sarnoldGEM: what does it mean to "contain an interface for email, websites, etc"?23:32
sarnoldGEM: does it provide something like kmail and chrome?23:32
sarnoldGEM: or does it provide something to write nginx and postfix configuration files?23:32
GEMDon;t know yet23:33
sarnoldGEM: hehe. Well, why do _you_ want it? :)23:34
GEMMy peeps will get a hold of your!  :)23:34
mklappstuhlhey people. I have a machine with a process in state "D" which means "reboot to kill" afaik. I need to kill this process. I rebooted the machine but the process is still there. it even has the same PID23:34
andolGEM: Zentyal might do some of what you are after, perhaps. If nothing else, it is at least included in the repos.23:34
sarnoldmklappstuhl: does that process rely upon a dead disk or unreachable network filesystem mount?23:35
GEMI guess I am wanting a GUI that I can offer to my clients23:35
mklappstuhlsarnold, apparently the machine didnt reboot. at least uptime says so. and yes the process is running on a mounted disk. thats also the reason why I want to kill it23:36
andolGEM: If you are relativly new to these things, do you really want to offer hosting services to others?23:37
sarnoldmklappstuhl: is the process waiting for IO on a dead/dying disk?23:37
mklappstuhlsarnold, lol. I did "reboot" and "shutdown -r now" and I always get the "shutting down" message but it doesnt shut down?!23:37
sarnoldmklappstuhl: hunh, I would hope that after N seconds of waiting politely that the system would reboot regardless.23:38
GEMI am in the learning process, that is why I am asking questions.  I do not intend on offering something I know nothing about.  Never have, never will23:38
mklappstuhlsarnold, Its an lvm volume. I would not saying that it is dying but I tried to use cat on a file of that fs and than trouble started23:38
GEMis cpanel free?23:39
mklappstuhlsarnold, that would be around 120 seconds now23:39
sarnoldmklappstuhl: okay that's plentyh long then. reboot takes a --force option that pokes the reboot(2) system call _directly_. Be careful. Sync and umount all the filesystems yourself before using this. (Be sure to have multiple root terminals open before starting -- you will probably _not_ be able to unmount that wedged filesystem, and it'll probably put that shell into D when you try.)23:41
xnoxGEM: it's free, doesn't mean it's not evil.23:41
* xnox cpanel is the most evil thing you can do to yourself23:41
GEMxnox, I do not believe cpanel is free23:43
GEMI have no problem with free23:44
GEMFree is good23:44
mklappstuhlsarnold, _all_ filesystems? like / and sysfs and proc?23:44
xnoxGEM: hm... wp says it's proprietary23:44
sarnoldmklappstuhl: ah, you can tell my age, I forget about sysfs and friends. :)23:45
* xnox ponders when did I get the idea that cpanel is free23:45
xnoxGEM: php is free, yet evil ;-)23:45
sarnoldmklappstuhl: you can use mount -oro,remount / for root23:45
GEMWho's line is "Free is when you don't have to pay for nothing or do nothing, we want to be free, free as the wind"?23:46
mklappstuhlsarnold, so I ignore sysfs and friends and just leave those mounted?23:47
sarnoldmklappstuhl: yeah, no harm there if those are still mounted.23:47
mklappstuhl"/" is busy ...23:48
mklappstuhlsarnold, how can I remount a busy mount ro?23:49
sarnoldmklappstuhl: that's where the leap of faith comes in, I'm afraid. :(23:50
sarnoldmklappstuhl: just hope that your filesystem is in a fairly stable state before you hit that reboot --force. :(23:50
mklappstuhlsarnold, what about fuser -v -m /23:51
sarnoldmklappstuhl: definitely useful23:52
sarnoldmake sure that you've stopped as many processes by hand as you can.23:52
sarnoldbut at some point I think you may just need to leap an reboot.23:53
mklappstuhlsarnold, wish me luck23:55
sarnoldmklappstuhl: good luck! :)23:55
mklappstuhlsarnold, yeah, ... reboot -f isn't restarting the machine either23:57
sarnoldmklappstuhl: is there anything enlightening in dmesg output?23:58
mklappstuhllots of those:23:59
mklappstuhl[2509798.184874] parent transid verify failed on 42250240 wanted 312981 found 31300723:59

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