
ali1234to do it i must #define XLIB_ILLEGAL_ACCESS00:02
ali1234pepper flash on google chrome: fixed00:06
Azelphuris it just me or does BT infinity have a lot better penetration than I think it does02:09
knightwisehey everyone :)05:19
knightwisehey TheOpenSourcerer06:38
knightwisehey bootlkhtg06:38
knightwisehow are you doing today $06:39
hoover_morning all07:33
knightwisehey hoover_07:34
=== hoover_ is now known as hoover
Monotokomornin' all! :)07:57
hoovermornin Monotoko, knightwise07:58
matttmorning all07:59
diploMorning all08:09
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
JamesTaitHello, world! :)08:34
=== daubers is now known as world
worldHi JamesTait08:34
=== world is now known as daubers
JamesTaitdaubers: :-P08:35
christelJamesTait, daubers \o/08:36
JamesTaitchristel: \o/08:37
hooverHas anyone had success connecting to an exchange 2010 server using fetchmail and IMAPS with GSSAPI / kerberos?08:50
hooverour local support are pulling their collective hair out over this08:50
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:23
hoovermorning brobostigon09:28
brobostigonmorning hoover09:28
mungojerrymy hp touchpad tablet got smashed :(09:55
mungojerryit's the glass screen, so maybe i can revive it. the lcd is OK09:57
popeyhow'd that happen?09:57
popeyOops-ID: OOPS-1569a612c39544928565b52d69b70b8109:58
popeyrefresh worked09:58
YaManicKillthat was the same for me, popey09:58
YaManicKillmaybe it hadn't finished uploading when we first looked at it?09:58
YaManicKillthat's not *too* bad a crack...I've seen much worse09:58
mungojerrywife had an accident, put in on the bed while charging, must have slipped off the bed, then a bowl fell on it09:58
mungojerryi can read stuff ok09:59
mungojerrybut it makes me sad to use it09:59
popeyis it under warranty?10:00
mungojerrywarranty won't fix accidental damage10:00
davmor2Morning all10:00
popeyloads of them10:01
mungojerryyeah, the first link is what i'm buying10:01
mungojerryhowever the process is tricky since it uses adhesive10:01
mungojerryand getting the shards off is fiddly work10:01
mungojerryeven opeining the case can cause damage (thanks HP)10:01
popeyhouse insurance?10:02
mungojerrymeh, i'll just fix it10:02
livingdaylightJust discovered a cool Android app: WeTap: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mdc.wetap Just emailed them to request to make this a global project10:06
mungojerryhmm my mouse pointer is moving under the menus instead of over them ..weird10:07
davmor2popey: thanks for the bug on cancel app install10:12
daubersAsterisk question for people, can anyone recommend an ISDN card for both ISDN2e and ISDN30e?10:14
davmor2daubers: have you had a look on the Asterisk site for hardware recommendations?10:18
daubersdavmor2: Yeah, funnily enough they recommend the digium stuff at $Lots10:18
directhexMy petition for the DWP to sell was published. Sign! http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/3874410:28
daubersdirecthex: done!10:39
diploI need to enable local-infile on my 12.04 machine10:41
diplofor mysql *10:41
diploI've read I need to add local-infile=1 to [mysql] & [mysqld]10:41
diploIt works sometimes but fails others... anyone got any ideas ?10:42
czajkowskiAlanBell: you about10:44
czajkowskiBigRedS: ello...10:50
davmor2czajkowski: PROD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello10:51
awilkinsIs it just me or is it virtually impossible to get gawk to read tab-separated files properly?11:07
awilkinsThe manual lies blatantly about --traditional -Ft being the arguments for tabs11:08
awilkinsDoesn't work11:08
Laneyisn't it something like -F $'\t'11:09
Laneyand set OFS if you want to output with tabs too11:09
awilkinsDoesn't work for me... scoured the forums, stackoverflow, etc11:09
awilkinsDon't know if it's a peculiarity of gawk vs mawk (the default awk for Ubuntu)11:10
* awilkins considers it might be join at fault11:10
awilkinsHmm, may be user error11:10
awilkinsAm joining files11:11
awilkinsJoin is not outputting tabs unless you tell it to. I am dufus.11:11
TheOpenSourcererdirecthex: Duly signed too.11:23
TheOpenSourcererIf anyone needs some moar amo for their boss to consider FOSS: http://www.amadeus.com/blog/17/09/open-for-business/ well written white paper by Amadeus.11:27
davmor2TheOpenSourcerer: I don't believe you he died ages ago I've seen the film ;)11:31
* pinky- sings Amadeus Amadeus, oh oh oh Amadeus Come and rock me Amadeus11:43
popeydirecthex, you should petition xerox to give up their too :) (good luck with that)11:44
directhexpopey, xerox don't answer to me. the government does :p11:45
popeytheir 13. addresses are hard wired all over the place11:46
popeywouldn't be surprised if DWP did same11:46
davmor2directhex: you should stop partitioning for legacy ip infrastructure and start partitioning for everyone to move to ipv6 though surely :D11:46
davmor2petitioning even11:47
davmor2I was close it sounded right in my head anyway11:47
AlanBellbut DWP should take the cash11:47
directhexdavmor2, i'm a realist11:48
directhexAlanBell, exactly11:48
directhexdavmor2, the government has a "useless" asset, why not sell it?11:49
davmor2directhex: Hence the :D11:49
directhexpopey, i had a NAS box once hardcoded to by default @_@11:49
popeyas pointed out in another irc channel, maybe they should wait 5 years, do the migration in that time, and sell when they could get 5bn for it11:50
directhexpopey, they should at least acknowledge the asset11:52
directhexpopey, if not sell it now. i.e. say "yes, we have this, yes we know it has value, we dispute how easy it'd be to change to"11:53
popeyooh, hp have 15 and 1611:55
davmor2popey: don't mit or something like that have a couple too11:56
directhexi'm sure HP need 32 million IPs11:56
daubersor we could transfer all public facing IP's to ipv6 already!11:58
popeyi expect scandanavian countries to do that before we do11:58
daubersif I was BT I would have said FTTC only works with ipv611:59
davmor2you would think that big UNIs would have enough geeks to update to ipv6 if they haven't already and sell the ipv4 address space on11:59
shaunoI'd be very surprised to see anyone ditch their v4 allocations in the process12:00
directhexdaubers, major ISPs won't start IPv6 migration for more than a decade. double-NAT will be the norm to deal with ISP-level exhaustion12:00
daubershooray latency12:00
daubersI've been mightly tempted to jump ISP's recently to avoid double-NAT12:01
xnoxdirecthex: yes HP needs 32 million IPs, they have just launched public cloud computing offering using those IPs.12:08
directhexxnox, better use case than DWP's 16 million..,12:09
xnoxdirecthex: well, they were not doing anything with them up until a 1-2 years ago. They didn't have public cloud perspectives then.12:09
xnoxdirecthex: africa should sell it's IPv4 and become rich.... then they will need more IPv4s and they will buy them back twice the price. dejavu?!12:12
xnoxI think fostering IPv4 market is a bad idea12:13
xnoxIPs should not cost anything.12:13
directhexxnox, i want ipv4 to become prohibitively expensive. it's the only thing that will drive v6 migration12:14
directhexnote: i want this to happen after i get a couple if private /25's or /26's for work12:14
* xnox giggles12:14
AlanBellthe bad situation would be if IPv4 is for "servers" and ipv6 is for "consumers"12:14
directhexAlanBell, the reverse will happen first12:14
AlanBellwell putting servers on IPV6 means that not everyone can get to them12:15
directhexbridge all the things!12:16
AlanBellan ISP could turn on IPV6 for consumer connections (no idea why phones don't do this already)12:16
directhexAlanBell, i think big ISPs lack v6-capable core routers12:17
directhexAlanBell, i.e. no HW acceleration o v6, so couldn't cope with current load if s/v4/v6/12:18
daubersAlanBell: some ISP's are already IPv6-ing all the things12:20
ali1234if i have a static IPv4, can't I use 6to4 or something?12:45
davmor2ali1234: that's just tunneling you can do that now without the need for a static ipv412:50
ali1234"This memo specifies an optional interim mechanism for IPv6 sites to    communicate with each other over the IPv4 network without explicit    tunnel setup"12:50
davmor2ali1234: oh interesting12:51
livingdaylightMicrosoft trumped Amazon, eBay and other tech giants with its more than $1 billion purchase of the majority of AOL Inc's patent trove. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/09/us-aol-microsoft-idUSBRE83809X2012040913:07
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
popeylivingdaylight, april...13:15
davmor2popey: is it not US dating so 04 september13:17
livingdaylightpopey: either, way, its bad news. They're back to their old bullying ways13:18
popeyMon Apr 9, 2012 4:43pm EDT13:18
popeyfrom the article :)13:19
livingdaylightyea, I@m slow catching up on the news, I guess :)13:20
ali1234so what patents did they get?13:21
davmor2popey: ah /me goes back to sleep13:21
ali1234year first is almost always y/m/d btw13:21
davmor2ali1234: Yeah but Americans hate standards the rest of the world use ;)13:26
ali1234the american standard is m/d/y though13:27
ali1234not y/d/m13:27
davmor2ali1234: but the rest of the world use d/m/y that was kinda my point :D13:28
ali1234not really13:28
ali1234the only internationally recognized standard is y/m/d13:28
davmor2ali1234: it was a joke chill out13:29
mungojerryall we know is that days are never in the middle13:30
mungojerryin sensible countries13:30
shaunoyou can't just pick on the yanks, belize use m/d/y too13:34
davmor2shauno: you can't belize everything you read, sorry could resist13:41
hoovercheers all14:21
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
ali1234any idea where i might get "uclibc-crosstools-gcc-4.2.3-3_LFS.tar.bz2"15:40
* AlanBell wonders whether to take the tube or a boris bike15:40
czajkowskiAlanBell: from where to where15:46
einonmali1234: I assume google doesn't provide?15:47
TheOpenSourcererali1234: CLFS?15:47
TheOpenSourcererThat sounds lile a Cross-Linux From Scratch Project15:47
einonmyou can build your own version using crosstool-ng15:47
ali1234own version isn't good enough15:47
ali1234i need the exact version15:47
einonmcrosstool-ng should be able to build an exact version of what you want, surely?15:48
ali1234how will i know if it is the same or not, if i don't have the original?15:49
einonmAs far as the toolchain name will tell you - configure it for uclibc, gcc-4.2.3-3, and the target.  Why do you need an exact version?15:53
einonm...or, after a quick google, you could try irc.linuxfromscratch.org #cross-lfs ?15:55
AlanBellczajkowski: canary wharf to waterloo15:56
czajkowskijubilee straight in15:56
AlanBellsure, but bike is more interesting15:56
Laneyyeah, bike it15:57
ali1234einonm: i need the exact version because i need to build a module for a kernel binary15:58
einonmAh, and this is a kernel binary that you didn't build yourself? If it's just a module, can you not build it natively?15:59
ali1234not without a toolchain15:59
ali1234and since it's an in-kernel module I have to rebuild the whole kernel16:00
ali1234the resulting kernel binary needs to be binary identical though, so that i don't have to reflash16:00
einonmERm, isn't that impossible? An 'in kernel module' is no longer a module. And any resulting binary won't be identical, by definition16:01
einonmali1234: I'm thinking this isn't the correct channel for your questions. Are you trying to hack something, which is why you can't re-flash?16:05
einonmprotected bootloader?16:05
ali1234not that it matters16:05
einonmIt would matter for my next suggestion - go to the LFS website and build from scratch. It'll be easier to create your own toolchain and kernel to get the job done16:07
ali1234you nuts?16:07
ali1234i have the full GPL source release16:07
ali1234it comes with a full build system16:07
ali1234all you have to do is type "make image"16:07
ali1234after supplying the necessary toolchain16:07
einonmgreat. Just use toolchain-ng to get a toolchain built then.16:08
ali1234not to mention that if i do that i'll need to reflash the kernel and root filesystem with the new ones i just built, which is incredibly annoying16:08
ali1234building the toolchain is out of the question because i don't have the source of it either16:09
einonmIf you can access the bootloader, you should be able to run from an nfs or disk mounted kernel & root16:09
ali1234why woudld that be a good idea?16:09
einonmcrosstool-ng gives you the toolchain souce16:10
ali1234no it doesn't16:10
einonmit's a good idea, as it's less annoying16:10
einonmali1234: Ok, I'm done here. Maybe you want to read the docs at crosstool-ng.org to perhaps see where you're getting muddled there16:15
ali1234i think you are the one getting muddled. i don't see how i can compile a toolchain without the source of it!16:16
ali1234there is absolutely no guarantee that the referenced toolchain download does not contain custom patches added by the vendor16:16
ali1234as a result there is no way i can ever know if the resulting toolchain is actually the same or not16:17
ali1234this is unacceptable16:17
einonmYou build everything using the same toolchain, so you don't need to compare it with your unknown binary toolchain16:17
ali1234not possible16:18
ali1234the kernel requires proprietary binaries16:18
ali1234they will only work with the exact kernel revision, compiled by the exact toolchain version, and nothing else16:18
einonmsorry, I don't offer support for proprietary code.16:18
ali1234so basically you've just been wasting my time for the past half an hour?16:19
ali1234it's a good thing i actually know what i'm doing :)16:19
ali1234you'll note i never asked how to build my own toolchain, or rebuild the vendor kernel16:20
einonmMy mistake, you didn't mention proprietary binaries at the beginning, and I assumed by 'full GPL source release' you had the full source. Best of luck in your search.16:31
czajkowskiali1234: people have only been trying to help you today, there is no need to be so short with them16:48
* popey spies mgdm mentioned in http headers16:55
popey$ curl -I http://local.stv.tv/edinburgh/190640-scottish-defence-league-told-they-cannot-hold-rally-in-edinburgh/ | grep Team16:55
popeyX-Team-BE: @weejames, @mgdm, @skippychalmers, @calummackenzie, @automatical16:55
popeyI will take the opportunity to rant at mgdm for the demented auto-starting video in the corner of the pages on stv.tv16:56
mgdmOh, not again16:57
mgdmpopey: heh, you're the first person to notice that :-) Though I do wonder why!16:58
popeyfriend of mine wondered why when he pastes an stv url to a story, like the one above, the bot in the irc channel always gets the wrong headline16:59
popeyso i used curl -I to look at the headers and saw that17:00
popeymade me chuckle17:00
mgdmthat is a bit weird, though17:01
mgdmI suspect the bot is maybe latching on to a random <h1>17:02
tarasit was me asking why the bot was returning the wrong title17:02
mgdmthe HTML uses <article> entries for the lists, which then each have their own <h1>17:02
mgdmo/ taras17:02
tarasalso wondering why it autoplays a video *every time I want to read a news story*, but that's another matter :)17:03
MartijnVdSbecause you haven't uninstalled flash? ;)17:03
MartijnVdSor set it to "click to play"17:03
mgdmit woudl actually not matter if you did17:03
MartijnVdSmgdm: it's <video> ?17:04
brobostigonwhats the keyboard shortcut to bring back gnome-terminal's menu bar.?17:04
brobostigonMartijnVdS: :) thank you, worked.17:05
mgdmMartijnVdS: it detects one or t'other17:05
MartijnVdScan't you make <video> click to play as well?17:06
MartijnVdSusing some kind of extension17:07
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
b1ackcr0warrrggg! late! Watchin c4 talking about Poundland being lying bastards19:14
b1ackcr0wNot to mention...19:14
b1ackcr0wthey don't sell...19:14
b1ackcr0wBUM WHITE!19:15
b1ackcr0wBum White! Buy a tube, and take it home for FREE!19:16
davmor2b1ackcr0w: you know this is a family channel right19:17
b1ackcr0wI'm so sorry. I thought I was in the Linux Outlaws channel19:18
b1ackcr0wmajor ooooops19:18
b1ackcr0wFWIW - I did get a colleague to install 12.04 on all his home machines this week...19:20
* zleap is now on 12.0419:23
zleapwell lubuntu but being able to create a new doc from right click is great19:23
zleapis there a way to make top not refresh so fast so i can actually follow the line across to see which pid to kill19:58
zleapok man top reveals top -d20:00
zleapcan then specify pid20:00
zleapwithin the k option once running20:00
AlanBelldirecthex: http://blog.jgc.org/2012/09/the-uk-has-entire-unused-ipv4-8-that-is.html new comments (including one calling you a cretin!)20:15
Azelphurali1234 / popey latest news from pirate http://pastebin.com/DVNsx7xz if your interested xD20:16
Azelphurthat stuff at the bottom seems real dodgy20:16
BigRedSGotta say I agree with the idea of waiting until there's an actual market for it20:16
popeyho ho ho20:17
AlanBellBigRedS: well there will be a window of opportunity for selling IPv4 space I guess20:19
AlanBellat some point in the future it will be worthless as everyone will be on IPv6 (even if that is 20+ years it will one day happen)20:20
ali1234Azelphur: please, he's obviously stalling, just like the whole thing was obviously dodgy months ago20:20
Azelphurhehe, perhaps20:22
ali1234and on the IP address note, i fail to see why deploying a firewall is a bad thing?20:23
ali1234just because you can't ping an address doesn't mean it is not in use20:23
ali1234if you could reach those machines you'd all be crying about how government IT is terrible and can't do security properly20:23
AlanBellthere was a question about whether any of them were in use, it would appear that they are, which is fine20:25
AlanBellbet they are not using all of the class A though20:25
ali1234no, almost certainly not20:25
AlanBellthey could presumably just sell class B blocks20:26
AlanBellbit like the wireless spectrum auctions20:26
ali1234it does look rather like the whole block is unroutable20:28
AlanBellwhat do you mean by that?20:29
ali1234well, try a traceroute20:30
ali1234it will only go a couple of hops20:30
ali1234that means that it's not simply firewalled20:30
ali1234your ISP literally doesn't know where to send packets for those addresses20:30
ali1234which means the machines are likely not connected to the internet at all20:30
ali1234or if they are, they are behind nat20:31
AlanBellI see20:32
ali1234i notice the MOD has one as well20:33
AlanBellso, they can see out via nat, as if they were on but their nat router is somewhere outside of 5120:33
ali1234i'm sure hey could just share it20:33
AlanBellif they did nothing and sold the whole thing then they wouldn't be able to see sites using the new addresses (probably)20:34
AlanBellactually they use multiple levels of nasty proxys so it might well be workable20:34
ali1234continuing to use the addresses and also selling them is not workable20:34
ali1234unless they are only used on machines which are not connected to the internet at all20:35
AlanBellit is a bad idea, but it is workable20:35
ali1234in whch case they can use whatever IPs they want on those20:35
ali1234no, it isn't workable20:35
AlanBellI had a customer that picked a random address range for their internal machines, they had no idea that 10 and 192.168 were special20:35
ali1234it might work, in some circumstances, but it is not workable, because it will fail in unpredictable and unexpected ways in others20:36
AlanBellbut they used a proxy server and the proxy server was configured to cope with it20:36
AlanBellso they could see sites using their internal addresses and the proxy would look outwards for the site20:36
AlanBellbut yeah, that is daft and wrong20:37
popeyhttp://blog.modernmechanix.com/gain-weight-stop-being-skinny-and-tired/  saw that and thought of mungojerry20:37
AlanBellheh, nice. None of the images on it are particularly plump though20:40
ali1234hmm actually20:44
ali1234they aren't unroutable20:44
ali1234just that nothing after the firewall returns traces20:45
ali1234so it's plausible that they are all in use in a way that would make it very difficult indeed to change20:46
AzelphurIs 802.11n faster than USB2?20:51
Azelphur(ie, should I get a USB 3 adapter)20:51
Azelphurseems like usb 2 is 480mbits, so I'm guessing not :P20:52
Seeker`'USB3 adapter'?20:53
AzelphurSeeker`: wifi usb adapters, was thinking if usb 2 would bottleneck 802.11n20:53
Seeker`have seen routers claiming ridiculous speeds for wireless n20:54
Azelphurmore than 480? o.O20:54
Seeker`never managed to reach those speeds over a PCI card :P20:54
Azelphurah apparently 802.11n caps out at 600mbits20:54
AlanBellnot going to happen20:57
YaManicKillac supports >1Gb20:57
YaManicKillbut if we are talking about bottlenecking...20:57
YaManicKillI saw a gigabit ethernet usb 2.0 adapter20:58
YaManicKillkinda pointless :-P20:58
* bittin is gonna book a december trip to the UK 21:53
Laneydon't just stay in London though!21:54
bittinLaney, hmm okay :p21:54
bittinonly going for 4days to London, might go longer in 2012 :p21:54
brobostigongood night everyone, sleep well.21:54
Laneythere's so much more than london21:54
bittinwhen my friend moved there and i have somewhere to stay21:54
bittinLaney, yeah might explore that later21:55
bittinwill go longer in 2013 and might even move there21:59
* bigcalm looks about the mad house21:59
bigcalmWhose going to the happy hour this weekend in Farnham?21:59
pinky-I prefer Alton22:00
bigcalmI'm practising my drinking right now22:01
AlanBellAlton is good too22:01
pinky-as went to school at Eggars once apon a time22:01
bittindamn i get money tommorow, this month for some reason22:01
Laneymmm money22:01
pinky-the mother of my two sons, her first name was Jackie, used to be a landlady of a pub in Alton, but I forget the name of the pub22:04
pinky-I'll ask tomorrow22:05
popeyi want that running ubuntu22:07
YaManicKillubuntu phone? or ubuntu for android?22:08
popeypersonally, I'd rather have an Ubuntu Phone, but U4A if you're buying :)22:08
bittinah need to pay via credit card on Norwegian so i have to wait until tommorow22:08
YaManicKillI actually really like the idea of U4A22:08
popeyyou are not alone22:09
YaManicKillespecially when you start thinking about the padfone22:09
AlanBellthe manufacturers should like it too, not sure why it has been so quiet22:09
YaManicKillpadfone with tablet dock + laptop dock + desktop dock + U4A ... with tegra 3 processor, and 4G...22:09
YaManicKillfor people that don't game, and don't do video/photo editing on a large scale...it'd be all they would need22:10
AlanBellmore people play games on phones than on computers22:10
YaManicKilloh, I just pressed "j" on google reader...and look what appeared22:11
popeyi have a wii and xbox360 and pc, and i play games on iphone and ipad _daily_22:11
YaManicKillthat was quite handy ;-)22:11
popeyI suspect I am not alone in this22:11
YaManicKillI don't game on my computer much anymore tbh...22:14
YaManicKillI'm not massively bothered about higher and higher resolutions22:14
bigcalmHayley has become hooked on solitaire on my iPad. I think I've lost this one, better start looking for a new lady22:17
ahayzenEvening guys.....got Uni internet working :).... i remember an option to stop disks spinning down does tht still exist somewhere on Ubuntu? Thanks Andy22:20
pinky-I like Alton because there's a lot of parsley there22:20
AlanBellahayzen: yes, hdparm options can do that22:20
ahayzenthought it was in default...did it get removed in GNOME settings reshuffle?22:21
AlanBellsudo hdparm -S 2 /dev/sda might do it22:21
AlanBellnothing to do with gnome22:22
ahayzen...the reason i want to stop spin down is i've got a Hybrid drive SSD+HDD so stopping spin down will stop the HDD from spinning down ..correct?22:22
AlanBelloh, you want it to stop spinning down22:22
AlanBellerr in that case a bigger number :)22:22
AlanBell2 is 10 seconds I think22:23
AlanBellpersonally with that drive I would let it sort itself out22:23
ahayzenbasically when u leave the lappy or a bit it spins down the HDD...but adds more wear when it has to spin up i would rather use more power...what do you think?22:23
ahayzen*for a bit22:24
AlanBellI would let it just get on with things22:24
ahayzenok think i'll leave it as it is for now then :)22:24
ahayzenit is the System76 panp9 best laptop ever so far :)....none of tht rubbish u get on windows laptops ;)22:25
ahayzenAlanBell, anyway, Thanks for your prompt and useful response as usual :)22:26
AlanBellso did you import it?22:27
AlanBellno £ on shift 3 then?22:27
ahayzenlike ~$100 delivery charge.... then + 20%tax22:27
ahayzenwell they have a UK keyboard option now :)22:27
ahayzenjust gave the UPS man a cheque to pay for the tax22:28
ahayzenAlanBell, 'International UK Keyboard Layout - Including Pound, Euro, and Alt GR keys ( + $33.00 )'22:29
AlanBellso it is22:29
ahayzenand the ship u the US keyboard in the box which is a nice touch as u have paid for it effectively22:29
AlanBellvery nice22:30
ahayzen*they ship....getting used to new keyboard lol22:30
bittin2-5th Dec, bittin goes to UK and prolly going there sometime Feb/March 2013 aswell22:30

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