
didrockspopey: hey, when will the new unity version released?08:21
didrockspopey: remember that Thursday is beta2 freeze, we need to upload the whole stack and have all UIFe/FFe sorted08:22
didrockspopey: I would suggest making the release tomorrow so that we have enough time before thursday08:22
didrocksjasoncwarner_: ^08:32
didrocksjasoncwarner_: FYI as I think you are really interesting in ubuntu releases :)08:32
didrocksand unity ones :p08:32
popeydidrocks, if we can find someone to help Mirv with the session migration issue..?08:34
* popey is chasing down FFe/UIFe08:34
didrockspopey: I gave him some new guidances on debugging08:35
didrockspopey: sorry, already crowded with the +1 team, desktop team bug tracking for features and bugs, session management and helping you guys08:35
didrockspopey: I can't add a new task to myself to help you debugging something that started 2 weeks ago and still no resolution08:36
popeyI wasn't suggesting you do it08:36
* didrocks returns on the evolution stack NBS08:37
didrockspopey: FYI, doing the indicator backports so that you can concentrate on the release09:09
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didrockspopey: on the rls-q-incoming, as told the other days, there are some components that are PS related, like account-plugins10:39
didrockspopey: can you 1. sort them, and 2. talk to skaet to know how to have the right team subscribed?10:40
* popey looks10:40
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popeydidrocks, what's your expectation of "sort them"10:48
didrockspopey: migrate them to the rls-q-tracking or rls-q-notfixing10:48
didrocksas you are supposed to do for the "dx" components on the same page10:49
popeyah ok10:49
didrockspopey: still need in the future to be in right set I guess10:50
didrockspopey: can you get skaet migrating that one + evolution-indicator10:50
didrocks(that's the 2 I spotted right now)10:50
popeyyup yup10:50
didrocksthx :)10:51
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tsdgeoskenvandine: ping14:58
kenvandinetsdgeos, pong15:01
tsdgeoskenvandine: :D15:01
tsdgeoskenvandine: was speaking with agateau (that says hi) and saw you seem to be the distro packager of overlay-scrollbar/ayatana-scrollbar, i have this patch https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/ayatana-scrollbar/qt_no_overlay_scrollbar/+merge/124697 are you the person to review it or Cimi is a better candidate?15:02
kenvandinebut i would love to look at it :)15:02
tsdgeoskenvandine: well, the patch is there, it's quite small, doesn't mean it hasn't taken almost all my day to create15:04
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davidcalledidrocks, hey15:53
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didrockshey davidcalle15:57
davidcalledidrocks, I've a new photos lens release, which depends on icons in the big Unity UIFE, do you think it's ok to land it before the new Unity, even if it breaks a few icons in the lens for a day or two?15:59
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davidcalledidrocks, knowing that it doesn't affect the look of the lens : I was providing these icons in the package, now, it's Unity that provides them.16:01
didrocksdavidcalle: is the UIFe accepted?16:01
davidcalledidrocks, hmm, good point, it's not. I thought it was, as all the Unity & other lenses branches are being merged today.16:02
davidcalledidrocks, thanks16:08
didrocksdavidcalle: so, as soon as it's accepted, no worry to upload it :)16:09
didrocksdavidcalle: yw ;)16:09
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