
* scitesy is away: I'm busy00:18
snap-lHello from 12.0404:16
rick_h__party snap-l10:19
=== lotia-away is now known as lotia
rick_h__yea, with brousch12:06
snap-lGood morning12:06
snap-lHaving fun yet?12:06
rick_h__party http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2012/09/new-fitbits-can-sync-with-iphones-androids-via-bluetooth-4-0/ jcastro doh isn't here12:07
rick_h__oh hmm, that's interesting http://www.amazonappstoredev.com/2012/09/amazon-maps-api.html12:12
brouschI didn't even know they had their own SDK12:22
brouschTwo more interesting things http://www.infoworld.com/d/application-development/googles-java-translator-eases-path-ipad-iphone-apps-20237712:32
rick_h__yea, couldn't decide if that was interesting or not12:32
brouschWow, what a confusing mess http://chicago-gtug.com/12:44
snap-lWow. That's insane. Looks like some kind of mishmash between Google and Javadoc.12:56
snap-lBTW: FIL is doing better. He's uncomfortable, but able to walk on his leg.13:00
rick_h__snap-l: great to hear!13:01
snap-lYeah, hoping he starts feeling a lot better soon.13:02
snap-lhe's off his food, unfortunately.13:02
rick_h__'off his food'?13:02
rick_h__like not following the prescribed diet?13:03
snap-lJust not eating like he usually does13:03
snap-lie: ordering the menu13:03
rick_h__ah, ok gotcha13:03
snap-lIt was discovered that PHP incorrectly handled certain character sequences13:04
snap-lwhen applying HTTP response-splitting protection. A remote attacker could13:04
snap-lcreate a specially-crafted URL and inject arbitrary headers.13:04
snap-l(CVE-2011-1398, CVE-2012-4388)13:04
rick_h__there's jcastro_13:07
rick_h__jcastro_: you see the new fitbit's with android support?13:09
=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro
snap-ljcastro: Rush, tomorrow night13:13
jcastroI heard on the radio13:13
snap-ljcastro: You going?13:18
jcastrofound out too late13:18
jcastroand I poured every ounce of cash into this house13:18
snap-ljcastro: Ah, sorry.13:23
jcastroI have this tour on bluray now so it's not so bad13:23
brouschCome on. It's Rush. Sell a kidney.13:23
jcastroI lie, yes it is.13:23
snap-lThis tour on Bluray? Um, how is that possible.13:24
snap-lNew tour.13:24
brouschMany tours sound alike13:26
jcastrosnap-l, sorry, I meant the last one we were on13:36
jcastrowhich had 2 new songs, but the CD wasn't out yet iirc13:36
shakes808good morning14:33
rick_h__ugh monday how I hate thee14:36
shakes808rick_h_: ++14:36
jrwrenhttp://linux.die.net/man/3/pcre_dfa_exec  <-- awesome, so glad this exists, now just wish more things used it.14:42
jrwrensnap-l: why did you wait so long to move to 12.04 ?14:42
snap-ljrwren: a) needed a new HDD, and b) felt like an ordeal14:52
snap-lI was on 11.04, so doing a simple upgrade wasn't possible, and I wanted to skip 11.1014:53
jrwrensweet lord: http://amoffat.github.com/sh/15:43
jrwrensnap-l: well awesome. welcome to the party. (12.04)15:43
jrwrensnap-l: upgrades work well for me. I think my system was originally breezy and has upgraded all the way through.15:44
rick_h__hah nosql bashing ammo ^16:02
paultagle sigh16:02
paultagpeople using nosql for the wrong reasons16:02
rick_h__makes my case that people just don't know their crap enough and pick up the latest trend16:02
paultagnosql rocks16:03
rick_h__(for a limited subset of large scale, limited scoped dataset problems)16:04
paultag(or data that you can not practically enforce a schema on)16:04
jrwren" Now my model, which I have carefully constructed so as to adhere to the Single Responsibility Principal..."  <-- someone doesn't know document databases.16:05
rick_h__ok, EVT is a great case. But even then I almost wonder if a mixed environment works best16:06
jrwrenthe whole point of a docdb is that you DO repeat yourself, as much as you need to.16:06
rick_h__jrwren: right16:06
jrwrenanyone have any cherrypy debug tips?16:16
jcastrosmoser, feel like lunch?16:16
jrwreni've got a request that never ends, and before I go instrumenting with logging, I want to see if there is anything else.16:16
smoserjcastro, no. i've not been productive enough to earn it.16:16
jcastroman, tough breaks16:17
jcastroyou just don't eat if you don't work hard enough?16:17
brouschjrwren: Try #cherrypy on oftc. The creator is usually in there16:18
smoserjcastro are you implying your manager allows you food independent of your performance?16:20
jcastrojill's first parking ticket in Ann Arbor!17:03
jhansonxijcastro: Admit it.  You called the parking police.17:04
rick_h__jcastro: ouch, didn't take long17:05
jcastroshe was like 10 minutes over17:05
jcastroI was like "welcome to ann arbor!"17:05
rick_h__yea, always hated parking down there, though usually I ended up in a garage17:05
jrwrenjcastro: tell her to go pay it RIGHT NOW, it will be like $8 or $10, but will be $20 by tomorrow.17:09
jrwrenits a short walk from her work.17:09
snap-lThat mongodb -> psql is a textbook example of being upset when you're looking for jewler's screwedrivers, and decide instead to use a cannon17:28
jrwrenoh snap-l you always have the funniest analogies.17:32
snap-lI just shake my head when folks decide to use MongoDB for something that doesn't require blinding speed and eventual consistency17:46
snap-lAnd frankly, I'm no fan of mongoDB anyway. Seemed your data was secondary to beating benchmarks17:48
jrwreni find the performance dubious as well.17:48
jrwren"keep everything in memory" <-- guess what, this is really fast with RDBMS too17:48
snap-lYeah, it's like a collection of dubious practices17:49
greg-g+1 to snap-l's creative analogies17:49
snap-l"We only write to disk when we absolutely have to"17:49
snap-l"We only pay people when we absolutely have to"17:49
greg-ghey, you're starting to talk like a startup!17:50
snap-lMaybe that's the true meaning of cloud computing: your data is just "out there" until someone pulls the plug17:51
snap-lThen it's puff-of-smoke computing17:51
jrwrens3 is sadly the opposite.17:52
jrwrenits been so stable, people can't imagine it not being there.17:52
snap-lgreg-g: Where we're going on the Internet, we don't need money17:52
snap-lWe'll be able to mine the walls for bitcoin, and maximize investor revenue17:53
snap-lAnd drink Pina Coladas made of put energy and good intentions17:53
snap-ljrwren: Until it isn't.17:53
greg-gsnap-l's favorite new refrain, "until it isn't"17:58
greg-gbut, it is such a koan like response, it always works17:58
snap-lIt's all fun and games, until it isn't. ;)18:00
snap-lDropping koans like Galileo dropped the orange.18:02
snap-l(apologies to the Beastie Boys)18:02
jcastrojrwren, since you're such a joel fan, what do you think about this: http://www.jorgecastro.org/2012/09/17/attaching-a-number-to-best-practices/18:26
snap-lOnce you attach a number to something, it becomes a game (paraphrase of Rob Malda over /.'s karma system)18:32
snap-lIf it's a simple binary checklist, then it's cool, but if you start putting numbers to it, you'll run the risk of people trying to game them18:34
snap-lI know it seems insane, but try this experiment:18:34
snap-lYou have a ladder: Terrible, poor, mediocre, fair, good, great, superb, legendary18:34
snap-lAnd each movement up the ladder is one point18:35
snap-lSo, if you're at mediocre, you can move to fair using one point18:36
snap-lone shift, if you will18:36
snap-lSo, starting from mediocre, you can get to great with 3 points18:36
snap-lSo, not bad.18:37
snap-lNow, try this18:37
snap-l-2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +718:37
snap-lYou start at 018:37
snap-lYou're going to want to get as high as possible on that ladder18:37
snap-lbecause +3 isn't the same as great. It's somewhere not +718:38
snap-leven though in this example, legendary is beyond even human capabilities (ie: herculean).18:39
snap-l(Example comes from The Fudge / FATE / Strands of Fate games)18:39
krondorugh to unattainable rankings. Employee review scale 1 to 5, but nobody gets a 5.18:41
* krondor shakesfist18:41
snap-lkrondor: Exactly.18:41
snap-lAnd actually, I screwed up that ladder. There's more adjectives in there.18:42
krondorlegendary, epic, minor deity, major diety, omnipotent, segfault?18:43
snap-lIn Fudge, they strictly caution against applying numbers to the ladder18:44
snap-l(as strictly as a free-form game can admonish)18:44
snap-lkrondor: YOu have caused the universe to core-dump.18:45
greg-gyeah, I'm annoyed that our new merit review rubrics have a list "25%, 50%, 75% of comparable compensation" (where "%" actually means "percentile")18:47
greg-gso, you don't think *any* CC employee is in 75+ percentile?18:48
greg-gef that18:48
jcastrodoes traffic move to or from ann arbor in rush hour?18:50
greg-ghighways aroudn A2 are a clusterfuck in all directions18:56
snap-l^ sent to the MUG board list.19:04
greg-gevery minute19:08
snap-lMaybe it's a message FROM THE FUTURE19:09
snap-lwe need to make sure the board members aren't flying on the same plane.19:09
rick_h__best oatmeal ever19:26
jcastrosmoser, did you work hard enough for a beer yet?20:55
smoserjcastro, hm... maybe. but i have 2 soccer team pictures to tend to first.20:56
jcastroalways with the soccer20:56
brouschThat's unamerican!20:57
brouschYou take football photos or move back to the EU20:57
smoserjcastro, i dont know. we'll see.20:59
jcastroI get the feeling that having these .... "kids" takes up all your time20:59
jcastrothis concept is foreign to me20:59
brouschjcastro: You are correct sir21:00
snap-l"Liked Ubuntu until they introduced that shocking GUI with stupid bar on left side of the screen.I literally began hating it....Still makes me vomit. No offence to anybody who likes it but i can't just help myself."21:16
snap-lI would pay money to see someone vomit because of Unity.21:17
snap-lno ipecac, no gagging, just a simple, straightforward cookie toss when shown Unity.21:17
greg-gI don't think I'd pay money to see anyone vomit, really21:18
snap-lWlel, I'd probably leave the room once they started21:18
snap-lBut if they could show me a tape of them in a controlled experiment vomiting when exposed to Unity, I'd pay money for that.21:19
greg-ggood thing he only literally hated it, not literally makes him vomit :)21:25
derekvI keep forgetting there's people who choose a linux distrobution because of how it "looks" out of the box22:45
lluathey are very vocal about it too derekv.22:57
derekvjokes on them, definatly quicker to change up how it looks and acts then to try a bunch of different distros23:42

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