
ActionParsnipchriswere: does nvidia-settings say you are using the later driver?00:00
brightsparksOk off  to reboot. Thanks G'night.00:00
uberTaconannes: haven't tried it -- I'm in a KDE universe -- so YMMV00:00
d00durk00lI have a stupid question... I put together a desktop and I think I put the power and hd led's with incorrect + and -... can that blow the led's?00:00
phunyguyActionParsnip, it is a best-effort scenario, but officially not supported (AFAIK)00:00
chriswereActionParsnip: Yes00:00
ActionParsnipd00durk00l: its the same type of LED so I wouldn't worry. Suprised ou even attached those00:00
phunyguymy impression is, if it's not ubuntu standard - then its not supported00:00
Dr_willisd00durk00l,  you mean the led conectors to the MB? 2 wires?00:00
ActionParsnipchriswere: great, setup the display00:01
uberTacophunyguy: I think he means he switched pos and neg/ground wires00:01
phunyguyit is community supported, but not ubuntu-supported00:01
chriswereActionParsnip: dnoe00:01
ActionParsnipphunyguy: if the package is in the repos, its supported.00:01
d00durk00lyup motherboard led's00:01
k1l_phunyguy: its in the repos, its supported00:01
Dr_willisphunyguy,  I think you missunderstand.00:01
ActionParsnipphunyguy: the OS is flexible as users have choice00:01
d00durk00lsorry case led's attach to the motherboard00:01
phunyguyI must have been told different00:01
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phunyguymy mistake00:01
d00durk00lActionParsnip: What you mean same type of led's?00:02
ActionParsnipphunyguy: its cool00:02
usr13nannes: Are you wanting to change the background image on the login screen?  Or desktop background?00:02
nannesusr13: on the login screen :)00:02
chriswereActionParsnip: Gnome 3d is still no-wehere to be found00:02
k1l_nannes: there should be alot of howtos from the days were gdm was the standard. did you try these?00:02
ActionParsnipd00durk00l: look at the LEDs, they will be the same, so one flashing instead of another doesn't matter00:02
usr13nannes: Oh, ok.00:02
blahdyblahblahnannes: dconf-editor00:02
nannesk1l_: they're all old, didn't try00:02
ActionParsnipchriswere: you may need an xorg.conf and go old school00:02
k1l_nannes: old doesnt mean that the dont work00:03
d00durk00lActionParsnip: No my question is that I attached them + to the - and the negative to the positive on both ... Just wondering if that could have burned them out00:03
k1l_nannes: there hardly wont be new, because lightdm is standard now00:03
TJ-chriswere: With 2 GPUs X can't do opengl acceleration across a shared desktop since the GPUs memories are separate.  Also, it has problems with 2 GPUs unless you run separate X sessions on them00:03
chriswereActionParsnip: I'm not doing that, every single time you guys have told me to do that, you've caused me to break X.00:03
d00durk00lThey are not working but I am wondering if that is the prob or they cable harness has issues00:03
chriswereTJ- Okay, what about on a shared GPU?00:03
TJ-chriswere: With a single GPU, multi-monitors will work 'out of the box' for most popular GPUs00:04
d00durk00lTJ-: isn't there a way to take advantage of multip gpu's to use for password cracking and the such?00:04
nannesk1l_: LightDM too is a bull**** ... Or better, ubuntu version sucks cause it's not configurable!  I don't know why devs put the hands where they shouldn't.    Linux must be free and totally customizable , and ubuntu's lightdm isn't that waY!!!00:04
ActionParsnipchriswere: thats all I can suggest00:04
chriswereTJ-: Okay thanks for that advice. Do you know where I could find a good guide on how to get 2 seperate x sessions working on 2 different GPUs?00:04
TJ-d00durk00l: It'd be easier to just tickle it out of the owner!00:05
k1l_nannes: that is way offtopic.00:05
TJ-chriswere: Are the GPUs from the same maker?00:05
chriswereTJ- yeah both nvidia00:05
ActionParsnipnannes: tried ubuntu-tweak and you can configure lightdm easily00:05
TJ-chriswere: With the Nvidia proprietary drivers installed, the "Nvidia X Settings" application should make configuring them straightforward for you00:05
ActionParsnipnannes: have you tried that?00:06
usr13nannes: Try xfce00:06
k1l_nannes: but you are telling me, that you demand newest howtos for not-standard software? i dont see your problem here00:06
d00durk00lTJ-: So it is difficult?00:06
nannesActionParsnip: I cannot even do a simple thing such moving userbox to the center. Even with ubuntu-tweak00:06
TJ-d00durk00l: is what difficult?00:06
ActionParsnipnannes: then use a different DM, you don'y have to use lightdm00:06
d00durk00lTJ-: I was actually going to try to set it up on ubuntu server .... do you have any experience with it?00:06
chriswereTJ-: Yeah I know this, trust me I've been working on this all day. I'm down a whole days pay because of this. I havn't had much luck working out how to get 2 sessions working without xinelerra though00:06
nannesActionParsnip: indeed, I was asking for help with GDM!  :P?00:07
k1l_nannes: no00:07
d00durk00lTJ-: Setting up 2 gpu's for password cracking00:07
ActionParsnipnannes: then you can ask in #gnome or see what there is online00:07
k1l_nannes: you were demanding brand new how tos for gdm :/00:07
k1l_ActionParsnip: he was given some howto, but declined because "its old"00:07
TJ-chriswere: I've been running multi monitors on Nvidia since 2005 ... there's some glitches on occasion in development but I've not had too many issues with configuring them00:07
ActionParsnipnannes: what is it you actually want to achieve?00:07
nannesk1l_: Those howtos were written in the Lucid period  lol00:07
chriswereActionParsnip: Is there an easy way do undo the PPA crap you asked me to do, I can't get my old resalution back?00:07
battlehandswhen I attempt to run: sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.15.so /lib64/libc.so.6 on my netbook it says "failed to create symbolic link"00:08
blahdyblahblahnannes: Already told you. All that stuff is controlled with dconf, gsettings, etc.. This should give you an idea maybe: http://smashingweb.info/change-the-background-of-gnome-3-gdm-login-screen/00:08
k1l_nannes: and where is the problem?00:08
nannesActionParsnip: move whatever I want wherever I want00:08
k1l_nannes: doenst it work anymore?00:08
nannestotal customization00:08
d00durk00lTJ-: Using open-cl00:08
ActionParsnipchriswere: install ppa-purge and use the same PPA address as you added00:08
ActionParsnipnannes: so, move the login box?00:08
nannesyes, too00:08
brightsparksDr_willis: well that seemed to work very. And thank you I will be using that method to install the nvidia driver in future. THanks v much.00:08
TJ-d00durk00l: Why would you do that? If the passwords are complex even GPU acceleration isn't going to help.. except for warming up the server00:08
blahdyblahblahnannes: Just use the tools that come with gnome3. All the third party apps pretty much just interface with thoise anyways00:08
ActionParsnipnannes: then why didn't you say that....?00:08
chriswereTJ- everyone says that, why am I finding just about every bug ubuntu has to offer?00:09
nannesActionParsnip: I already said that. Or better, I said that's not possible cause I've already searched for it00:09
k1l_nannes: the old howtos arent outdated. so go with that00:09
d00durk00lTJ-: Well most are not complex enough to heat up a server00:09
nannes(talking about lightdm)00:09
TJ-chriswere: maybe you're blessed :p ... still, it's nice to hear that someone's taken over my role :p00:09
ActionParsnipnannes: i don't get why you are making a deal about this, its on the screen for about 4 seconds....00:09
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usr13ActionParsnip: Mine only lasts about 200:10
chriswereTJ-: How do I work 2 X sessions without xinelerra?00:10
zykotick9ActionParsnip: +100:10
usr13ActionParsnip: I like a short fuse.00:10
nannesActionParsnip: If we all think that way, we would leave DesktopEnvironments as they already are. NO, instead we customize them as we want.  And lightdm allows that, but I don't really know why ubuntu locks it00:10
uberTaconannes: dude, I think a lot of people have already given you what you're looking for00:10
ActionParsnipnannes: its something massively trivial, have yuo nothing better to do?00:10
k1l_!ot | nannes00:10
ubottunannes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:10
uberTacobefore you say "too old, doesn't work", try it out first to see if it does or does not work00:11
nannesActionParsnip: Read again what I wrote00:11
* nannes is trying00:11
zoktaranyone compiling wine from git, with ubuntu 12.04.1 64-bit ?, im having "conflicts" with multiarch libfreetype6-dev libfreetype6-dev:i386, http://pastebin.com/e804BiR600:11
ActionParsnipnannes: have you asked in #gnome ?00:12
TJ-zoktar: Some library packages havent been completed separate as yet, I'm afraid00:12
Nisstyrezoktar: may want to ask #winehq00:12
uberTacoif you're savvy enough to have replaced lightdm with gdm, you are likely savvy enough to know that the same version of software doesn't change itself. :)00:12
zoktaryeah thanks00:13
zykotick9nannes: ubuntu is about "not-customizing"... now anyways.  it was #1 on distro-watch when it was a user friendly debian.  now it's #3 with it's "developer's know best" attitude... hummm?00:14
nannesuberTaco: Ye, I was just a bit confused, cause I'd prefer lightDM, if ubuntu just weren't locking it00:14
uberTacozykotick9: I'd say that's not strictly true00:15
uberTacozykotick9: You may be blaming a lot of GNOME3 on ubuntu, which is not terribly fair. :)00:15
nanneszykotick9: ahahah I don't have intention to start this such talks. Ubuntu has its merits, noone says the contrary, but let's face things as they are.00:15
zykotick9uberTaco: agreed.  gnome3 is guilty of same things.00:15
chriswereubuntu sucks, it just sucks slightly less than windows00:15
k1l_nannes: you should face the howtos, tbh00:15
nannesk1l_: I'm doing it :P00:16
uberTacochriswere: so why hang around? :P00:16
SlvrS3if i have a system with ubuntu installed, password protected, how can i get it to boot from disk ?00:16
k1l_zykotick9: uberTaco #ubuntu-offtopic / #ubuntu-discuss ?00:16
uberTacochriswere: explore! Try some other distros! There're Fedora and Debian and others.00:16
ActionParsnipSlvrS3: which disk?00:16
uberTacok1l_: sorry, I'll refocus. :)00:16
nannesk1l_: I just throw many of them out because they were talking about .conf files that don't even exist00:16
chriswereuberTaco: like i said sucks slightly less than windows. I've been here all day trying to find a simple fix and you guys have done nothing but make it all worse, admittedly with good intentions.00:17
SlvrS3ActionParsnip, i want to format the HD and reinstall win XP pro00:17
SlvrS3xp pro disk00:17
uberTacoSlvrS3: that's gonna be a setting in your BIOS00:17
uberTacoSlvrS3: how you access your BIOS depends on your machine, but the one thing that's pretty consistent is that you have to reboot the computer to get into the BIOS.00:18
chriswereMy gnome install now wants to create a new set of panels as well as the existing ones every time I log in. Why is this?00:18
k1l_nannes: if there were no .conf files just make them.00:18
nannesk1l_: No, I bet they're just anywhere else. Cause ubuntu also change configuration-file's names ;)00:19
k1l_nannes: alot of stuff gets automatic configuration and doesnt need .conf files as long as the user doesnt want to change smth00:19
ActionParsnipSlvrS3: then ask in ##windows00:19
nannesI think so because they say to uncomment/modify a line, k1l_00:19
ActionParsnipSlvrS3: The install CD can delete the Ubuntu partitions00:19
nannesa line of a not-existent file00:19
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:20
chrisweresorry about that guys, ubuntu crashed, were one of you guys going to help me?00:20
k1l_SlvrS3: password protecion on bios state is not a ubuntu issue00:20
SlvrS3it would be easier to just remove the HD, and format it through my main tower ?, ActionParsnip00:20
nannesIf I just find the image, I replace it :/00:20
ActionParsnipSlvrS3: why bother, the XP CD can sort out the partitioning00:21
jhansonxichriswere: I've seen that with non-Xinerama dual-head (Zaphod mode) multi-monitor configurations.00:21
chriswerejhansonxi: how does one fix this?00:22
uberTacoSlvrS3: nah, probably not -- I'd google your laptop make and model and "BIOS" or "boot from CD"00:22
SlvrS3uberTaco, its a dell tower00:23
SlvrS3but i will00:23
jhansonxichriswere: I didn't find a solution.  I'm using gnome-fallback in normal xinerama mode (Ubuntu 12.04) but am planning to use XFCE since it works in zaphod mode.00:24
k1l_SlvrS3: look into the manuals what to press to get a boot selection.00:24
red__can i boot a mac from a live usb pen?00:25
chriswerejhansonxi: as if i needed another reason why linux is more diffuclt than it needs to be. Would you also recomend switching to xfce? I'm not sure how to use a zaphod set up, are there any guides?00:25
red__usb pen being ubuntu00:26
jhansonxichriswere: XFCE seems better than gnome-fallback (which is old Gnome 2 updated for GTK3).00:26
chriswerejhansonxi: i've found a lot of bugs in xfce00:27
mrojas6996hello! i have a recomendation00:27
MonkeyDustI'm happy with fallback, didnt ike xfce00:27
red__question can i use ubuntu one on mac from a live disk?00:28
chriswerejhansonxi: how do I get a window on screen 2 in Zaphos mode?00:28
uberTacochriswere: KDE is quite a different animal from GNOME and XFCE, but it does work better (in my experience) with multiple monitors00:28
jhansonxichriswere:   With my AMD card and the buggy fglrx driver (random "ASIC hang happened" lockups with X.org), the Catalyst Control Center calls it "Multi-display desktop"00:28
uberTacochriswere: might be worth a shot -- easiest way is to grab a Kubuntu live disc00:28
mrojas6996I'm tired of Lubuntu, and i have to try with Xubuntu, but i have to know what version is stable and free from erros00:28
jhansonxichriswere: When Zaphod mode is actually working (XFCE), you configure a second set of panels on the other display along with an applications menu.  Apps can't be dragged from one screen to the next but the clipboard still works.00:29
SlvrS3uberTaco, when i enter bios, it wants me to enter password00:29
blackshirtthat bios passworded00:30
h22turbomrojas6996: just install 12.04 LTS (from live CD... not DVD) and use gnome fallback00:30
red__will ubuntu one work from a live disk???00:30
SlvrS3blackshirt, way around ?00:30
jhansonxichriswere: I use Zaphod mode because full-screen games can't take over both displays.  I can still monitor my browser/email/IM on the other display.  Works well with Wine.00:30
k1l_SlvrS3: contact dell. that is not a ubuntu problem00:30
mrojas6996Thanks h22turbo!00:30
chriswerexjhansonxi: stupid question, how do i create a panel in gnome fallback?00:31
blackshirtslvrs3, i think you have setup a password for your password00:31
blackshirtI mean for your bios00:31
h22turboSlvrS3: u can clear the bios password... search around, its easy. usually a jumper on motherboard will clear it00:31
SlvrS3someone mentioned jumpers h22turbo, was unable to locate on the sys board00:32
h22turboSlvrS3: im sure a google search of Dell (your model #) clear BIOS password will tell you how00:33
jhansonxichriswere: <logo key><alt><right or left mouse click on existing panel>00:33
compdocwhich version of unity is included in 12.04.1 ?00:34
jhansonxichriswere: (Gnome is all about being intuitive :D )00:34
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chriswerejhanonxi: any ideas how I might move it to my 2nd screen, I can't work out a way to do that?00:35
jhansonxichriswere: I don't think it is possible in gnome-fallback (at least not with the version in Ubuntu 12.04), and gnome-fallback doesn't work properly with zaphod (non-xinerama) mode.  All kinds of bad behavior happens.00:36
chriswerejahnsonxi: okay, I'm gonna call it a night now it's 1:37 here in the UK. But I think I'll check out xubuntu in the morning. Thanks so much to you and all the other chaps for being far more patient with me than i deserved.00:37
jhansonxichriswere: You may have better luck with Xubuntu 12.04 or the Linux Mint XFCE version (Cinnamon, Gnome 3, Unity, and Gnome-fallback all have problems with zaphod mode).  Or you could just use normal Xinerama mode with a wide desktop split across multiple monitors.00:38
ActionParsnipchriswere: UK here too dude :)00:39
chriswerexinelerra has it's own problems, like not knowing what screen size to play full screen youtube videos at and so on00:39
mrojas6996Ah! i have another question, ¿how is the work of Xubuntu with old printers of 1980-1996?00:39
chriswere:) ActionParsnip thanks for your help and patience too. I'm too tired for this, lol00:40
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=== Abbas- is now known as Abbas5
mrojas6996for example: Epson LX-810L with Centronics-to-USB adapter cable00:40
jhansonximrojas6996: The desktop environment doesn't matter (Gnome, Unity, XFCE, KDE, etc.)  All that matters is if CUPS supports it and the various driver packages are installed.00:41
jhansonxi mrojas6996: The adapter needs to be supported by the Linux kernel.  CUPS needs to support the printer.  Tip: you can access CUPS on your system with a web browser by going to http://localhost:63100:42
mrojas6996jhansonxi: The fact is, the printer work so fine with test pages, but with libreoffice and text, the printer work terrible00:43
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ActionParsnipjhansonxi: Unity isnt a desktop environment ;)00:44
jhansonximrojas6996: Could be a bug in the driver or an incompatible setting in the applications you are printing from.00:45
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new2ubuntuhi all00:46
jhansonxi mrojas6996: Check through the Ubuntu CUPS bug reports to see if anyone else encountered the problem with a similar printer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups?orderby=-id&start=000:46
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new2ubuntuWhat is this default keyring that keeps asking for my password when I log in? anybody know? This is ubuntu 12.0400:46
mrojas6996jhansonxi: ok, i will check it00:46
rypervenchenew2ubuntu: You can just choose to not use a password.00:47
Deutopiait is for Single Sign On purposes. its to remember password and to keep your information safe00:47
mrojas6996thanks for your patience :)00:47
k1l_new2ubuntu: maybe the wifi login that needs the wifi password00:47
DynamiteHello, I need help please. I know this is very simple, but i cant figure it out, because i dont know what i should search for. I want to do a alias "@wall" "$value"   and i want it to out to >> "echo $value | wall"00:47
k1l_new2ubuntu: check the "allow for all users" thing in the network manager for your wifi00:48
new2ubuntuk1l_, that's what I thought at first, but it's connected and I have it set the available for all users in the settings00:48
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Dynamitefor $value in @wall $"" do "echo $value | wall"    ???00:49
new2ubuntuI always have to click cancel on it twice00:49
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:49
new2ubuntuIs there like a "msconfig" with linux I can see what's starting up?00:49
k1l_new2ubuntu: hmm, then try to find a hint in the keypass msg popping up?00:49
Dynamitego read on GRUB on wiki, everything's in it00:50
Dynamitei studied it alot00:50
Dynamitefor the msconfig guy*00:50
violinapprentoo late, this is the answer for new2ubuntu https://one.ubuntu.com/help/faq/how-do-i-get-rid-of-the-keyring-password-prompt/00:52
Curiosoudhi. what does this code?  http://pastebin.com/SFnHpphQ00:53
violinapprenCuriosoud: wrong channel00:53
jhansonxinew2ubuntu: If you are referring to applications that start when the desktop loads, the answer is that it depends on the desktop environment.  With gnome-fallback they are configured by Applications > System Tools > Preferences > Startup Applications.00:53
violinapprenjhansonxi: no, his original question (as far as i can see) was to how to get rid of this prompt00:54
Curiosoudviolinappren, another channel?00:55
violinappren!offtopic | Curiosoud00:55
ubottuCuriosoud: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:55
Dynamite~~~ Hello, I need help please. I know this is very simple, but i cant figure it out, because i dont know what i should search for. I want to do a alias "@wall" "$value"   and i want it to out to >> "echo $value | wall"   something like >> ?   for $value in @wall $"" do "echo $value | wall"    ???00:55
excervohello guys, where can i download vmware workstation 32 bit for ubuntu 12.4?00:55
MonkeyDustDynamite  better ask in #bash00:55
DynamiteMonkeyDust: Thank you sir.00:56
harriswhat is new in ubuntu 12.04.100:56
wilee-nileeharris, This is support if you have a specific question that might help.00:57
harriswell what is new00:58
violinapprenharris: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes00:58
MonkeyDustexcervo  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware01:00
benqhi i ned help please01:11
benqneed help01:11
benqi need to know mi name port01:12
benqto insert in a app android01:12
Deutopiawhere to find the android?01:12
benqheee . i have the ip direction01:13
benqbut i need the pot name of my pc01:13
wilee-nileebenq, you can mount android for direct access if you want.01:13
benqno i wanna see my desktop in my phone01:14
Deutopiawrong channel01:15
violinapprenbenq: are you using a remote desktop app?01:15
violinapprenbenq: does it relay on VNC?01:15
benqi need a command to show my name port01:16
blackshirtbenq,exactly i don't know what you mean ... Your question bit a cryptic01:17
violinapprenbenq: if it it is VNC, the port would be 590001:17
violinapprenbenq: to see all open ports on your machine use:  sudo netstat -plnt01:17
benqok thanks man01:17
benqrealy you are so friendly01:18
violinapprenbenq: you're welcome, helping people is what we do here :)01:18
RelondoSo, this is probably quite far-fetched, but would it be possible to convert an Ubuntu install into one of its derivatives, like Mint, since they are so close?01:19
zykotick9Relondo: they aren't "close".  no.01:20
CongMint sucks!01:20
violinapprenbenq: add 'u' at the end of the command to show all udp ports as well, i think VNC uses UDP ..01:20
uberTacoRelondo: theoretically, it should be possible01:20
uberTacoRelondo: but it'd be waaaaaaay not worth the monumental amount of trouble01:21
uberTacoRelondo: easier to do a fresh install of the desired derivative01:21
zykotick9uberTaco: actually, mixing distros is insanity.  but believe what you want.01:21
violinapprenRelondo: if that derivative  supports it, or you're an expert in both repository layouts ...01:21
benqnetstat -plntu01:22
benqit is01:22
violinapprenbenq: yes01:23
sin_taxcan anyone suggest a good media-aggregating DLNA server / transcoding app for Ubuntu?01:23
andrewxIf I want to execute a Bash script at startup, how would I set that up, please?01:24
tortibhas anyone setup openvpn to use with android before?01:24
CongHow come I can download a package and archive manger just works with it?01:24
sin_taxPlex has been giving me headaches with my DLNA clients.01:24
violinapprenandrewx: in boot sequence or after you log in ?01:24
blackshirtcong, just install01:24
white_magiccan someone help me figure out why i cannot hear any sounds on my laptop, even though the drivers seem to be properly installed. I'm running ubuntu 12.04 x64 and the laptop is aspire 4830T-667801:25
andrewxright after logging in is fine...01:25
CongAre the archive formats hard coded in to archive manager?01:25
tortibI keep getting ifconfig failed could not execute external program when connecting from the android phone.01:25
violinapprenandrewx: add an entry in "startup applications".. search for that in the dash/application list01:25
tortibthe openvpn server is setup already on the ubuntu machine01:25
violinapprenCong: nope, support is added/remove as you install the respective packages01:26
cyphaseah yea, 11.04 is end-of-life soon01:26
cyphasei guess i should switch.. this is the longest by far i've ever stayed on one version01:26
CompuTomplease help setting up printer on 12.04LTS01:26
white_magiccan someone help me figure out why i cannot hear any sounds on my laptop, even though the drivers seem to be properly installed. I'm running ubuntu 12.04 x64 and the laptop is aspire 4830T-667801:27
violinapprenCong: what are you trying to achieve ?01:27
violinappren!sound | white_magic01:27
ubottuwhite_magic: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:27
andrewxI'm not sure where.what that is, sorry.01:27
bluphenix316hey i'm having a rather difficult problem. I tried to install ubuntu 12.04.1 on my mother's computer to show her its much better than windows and now i'm having a issue with her wireless connection. It is a RTL8188CE and it connects and works fine on initial boot of the system but after being connected a while the connect will drop and it acts like its connecting but asks for the password and01:27
bluphenix316can't connect, even if its sitting right infront of the wireless router01:27
violinapprenandrewx: the thing that pops up when you press the win logo key or click the top left corner.. search in that for "startup"01:28
bluphenix316the only fix so far is to reboot the computer01:28
benqfriend, my pc show a error in the desktop when on01:28
CompuTomhave a HP multifunction connected parallel. when I print a test page tries to fax.01:28
benqdo you want help me01:28
violinapprenbenq: what's the error? write the text or take a screenshot01:28
violinappren!screenshot | benq01:29
ubottubenq: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.01:29
benqbut i kill whit xkill01:29
benqi need reboot my pc to show again01:29
tortibcan someone help me with openvpn and android?  I'm not able to connect from my android phone here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210131/01:29
bluphenix316one thing i have noticed is, if i do a lsmod it shows rtl8129ce driver but not rtl8188ce but if i do a lspci it shows rtl8188ce device01:29
bluphenix316i think its loading the wrong driver maybe?01:29
Congp7zip package, that's the package I need for filer-roller to work with 7zip formats. I don't understand how it just works. These packages aren't specifically for filer-roller are they?01:30
Relondoubertaco: Ah. Because I was just thinking it'd be a pain to switch to Mint and have to reinstall everything.01:30
Dr_willisCong,  file-roller is a front end to the gui tools. You just install the proper binaries and it uses them01:31
k1l_Cong: fileroller is just a gui program to the cli versions rar, p7 etc01:31
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression01:31
violinapprenCong: sudo apt-get install p7zip-full01:31
Dr_willis!info unp01:31
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre7 (precise), package size 13 kB, installed size 124 kB01:31
bluphenix316is my issue a common thing that i should just RTFM or do a search?01:32
violinapprenbluphenix316: pastebin the output of: sudo lshw -C network01:32
SalmanW4sp: finally got sound working :D01:32
ActionParsnipCong: install p7zip-full p7zip-rar p7zip   and file roller can handle them01:32
violinappren!paste | bluphenix31601:32
ubottubluphenix316: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:32
Congso filer-roller opens a shell and does processing?01:32
Dr_willisCong,  in the background yes.. thats how a great many apps work in linux.. thats why they are often called 'front ends'01:32
iFlipDoes anyone know about setting up a PHP test server on Lucid Ubuntu. I'm creating PHP scripts on a Mac and want to run them on my Linux box for testing instead of constantly uploading to remote server01:33
Dr_willisfile-roller calls the archiveer tool binaries with the right arguments01:33
benqi want a tuto to mount extention shell gnome01:33
tortibcan someone help me with openvpn and android?  I'm not able to connect from my android phone here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210131/01:33
violinappren!lamp | iFlip01:33
ubottuiFlip: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:33
pinguy_I currently using Pinguy OS 12.04 in live mode. It won't recognize my Logitech wireless keyboard. Also it will not load the topbar, help?01:33
iFlipI'm running LAMP01:33
iFlipBut I need to utilize phpmyAdmin01:33
Dr_willispinguy_,  the PinGuy OS has its own support forums and channels.01:33
wadI installed a .deb file using dpkg -i filename.deb01:33
iFlipIt's for a class01:33
wadNow I want to remove it. How can I figure out what the package name is?01:34
pinguy_No one is there.01:34
violinappreniFlip: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin01:34
iFlipIs the PHP built into Apache01:34
FloorduckHi, I'm sending my laptop back to the company for a replacement. The screen is defective. I have ubuntu installed on it right now. Do you think they'll claim that voids my warranty? :l01:34
iFlipReally it's that easy LOL01:34
blackshirtiflip, just install phpmyadmin01:34
Dr_willispinguy_,  sounds like a good reason to use Ubuntu and not PinGuy.  We cant support all the variants here.01:34
violinappreniFlip: no, and please read the wiki page01:34
bluphenix316violinappren: I pasted it, though it is connected now, this is such a hard issue to troubleshoot because it works for a while01:34
ActionParsnipCong: also install unp for easy CLI extraction :)01:34
violinapprenbluphenix316: then give us the URL to your paste01:34
k1l_wad: apt-get remove programname?01:35
blackshirtiflip, php and apache was a different things01:35
pinguy_Well, is you can help me dual-monitor on Ubuntu 12.04 I will use it.01:35
iFlipWhen I want to test a PHP script, do I just drop it into the root of the Apache folder01:35
tortibI'm giving URLs to my paste but nobody seems ot be helping me01:35
violinappreniFlip: read the page before asking further questions01:35
bluphenix316tortib: be patient, mate sometimes the issues take time01:35
tortibi doubt i'm the only one that has attempted to setup android to connect to a openvpn server01:35
blackshirtIflip, commonly yes01:35
wadk1l_, that would be great if I knew what the program name was... is there a way to determine this from the .deb file?01:35
iFlipI've been reading, watching YouTube DIY - I can't seem to bridge the gap of understanding this one01:35
CompuTomHP LaserJet 3100 is multifunction printer connected parallel port to 12.04LTS. OS sees machine but cannot distinguish print from fax. Got latest HPLIP but will not check parallel port , only USB for device.01:35
k1l_wad: you dont know, what you installed? o_O01:35
Dr_willistortib,  theres also the #android channel01:35
blackshirtwad, use dpkg -S /some/path01:36
tortibDr_willis: i'll try there thanks01:36
wadblackshirt, thanks.01:36
wadk1l_, I followed the instructions on installing something, and it had me run a script that installed a bunch of .deb files. But it failed. Now I'm trying to clean up the system.01:37
iFlipI guess that wont work anyway, I'm running a WebDAV on my Apache server01:37
blackshirtiflip, i don't see any prooblem with yours01:37
k1l_wad: ah, ok01:37
bluphenix316violinappren: i can see it in my own post, the driver it is using is rtl8192ce, but its a rtl8188ce device, that is really strange01:37
violinapprenbluphenix316: http://askubuntu.com/questions/95360/how-to-get-a-stable-wlan-connection-with-a-lenovo-x121e01:37
iFlipblackshirt can I run a WebDAV and a PHP test server simul01:38
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blackshirtiflip, yes01:38
wadIs there no way to determine what a package name is from a .deb file?01:38
bluphenix316violinappren: thank you muchly for the help01:38
bluphenix316hopefully it will work01:38
wadI've looked in the file, it's not ASCII that I can see.01:39
ActionParsnipwad: it usually matches the deb file name in most cases01:39
wadI can install it, and that will tell me what it is.01:39
blackshirtI have setup some subversion service through apache01:39
wadActionParsnip, I tried that. It doesn't in this case. :(01:39
L1Any ideas why I get no sound from Amorok while music is playing, but if I play the same file with VLC it works fine? (and browsers, xbmc etc all have sound)01:39
blackshirtwad, what you mean exactly?01:39
wadMaybe there's some way to reverse engineer .deb files.01:39
ActionParsnipwad: try reading the last few lines in /var/log/dpkg.log01:39
violinappreniFlip: you have been reading and you cant tell whether  php is built in apache or not? i dont think so ..01:39
wadAh, okay.... the log files, duh.01:39
violinapprenbluphenix316: you're welcome and good luck01:40
eamonHow do I tell what version the software I'm going to get is with apt-get?01:40
blackshirtWad, .deb files is a just like other tarred files01:40
exile777hi. i need a bash script that will run a command something like this. can anyone help me? ./foo /location lineXfromfile where it runs foo, with each line from the file one by one01:40
wadblackshirt, ah, so if I untar it, there will be a file in there somewhere with the name of the package?01:40
trismwad: dpkg-deb -I filename.deb; helpful too01:40
k1l_eamon: use "apt-cache" for that01:40
iFlipviolinappren Well, I've read some people just say install an Apache Server01:40
wadI've got like 20 of the darn things to go through.01:40
violinapprenL1: perhaps something to do with the selected sound engine in amarok settings01:40
iFlipviolinappren then other says install XAMPP, or WAMP, or MAMP01:41
blackshirtwad, you can unpack iit with dpkg01:41
wadtrism, that's it! Thanks!01:41
L1violinappren: It says it is using Phonon, does that sound right?01:41
blackshirtiflip, what are you tring to do ? And what confusing you?01:41
tortibI'm trying to use OpenVPN wiht android and i'm running into some problems http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210131/01:42
Congunrar and p7zip-rar packages are similar and they both do they same thing in file-roller, is that correct?01:42
DroidDuckI can't seem to get the ubuntu live cd to run. It starts to, I get the keyboard and lil'guy icon, then the I get a white pixelated bar at the bottom of the screen.01:42
DroidDuckAnyone know how to correct this?01:42
L1OK, So I think you are right violinappren. When I go to configure Phonon, and click the "test" button, no sound is being played01:42
blackshirtiflip, wamp is for windows01:43
eamonDroidDuck try kubuntu, that might work01:43
blackshirtiflip, that why called wamp01:43
violinapprenL1: phonon can stream audio to many backends, some of them may work on your configuration, some of them may not, so look in KDE settings01:43
iFlipblackshirt, I have a simple HTML file that loads POST data to a PHP file. This is for a web program class. The HTML loads fine locally, but when I click the submit button, the PHP does not load, instaed it asks if I want to save the PHP file to my computer. I don't want to save the file, I want to execute it01:43
L1Say's I'm using PulseAudio Sound Server for music (and other) playback01:43
Deutopiaplug in your headphones and make sure its not just playing out of the wrong jack01:43
DroidDuckeamon, I don't like KDE. Is that my only choice now?01:44
WACOMaltHey folks, I am having an issue making a publicly accessible (by everyone) samba share on ubuntu. Read and Write.01:44
Deutopiagnome? xfce?01:44
CompuTomI installed HP-LIP.2.13.9.run without error. when I run hp-setup to finish installing printer get no option to poll parallel port. How do I fix?01:44
blackshirtiflip, you should configure apache module for php ...01:45
eamonDroidDuck it might not even work - it could be an X problem01:45
iFlipblackshirt, how would I go about doing that?01:45
blackshirtIflip, i don't play with lamp stack anymore.. That bit a cryptic for me01:45
DroidDuckSo, does anyone know how to solve X video issues?01:45
iFlipblackshirt, do I need to load or save any php scripts to the apache root01:45
blackshirtIflip, i like install bit by bit for a packages01:45
WACOMaltCan anyone help me with samba please? Trying to make a fully open folder to the public on my network.01:46
L1violinappren: Thanks - your suggestion got me in the right place. In System Settings -> Sound, under Applications, Amorak was on 0 volume for some reason :/01:46
blackshirtwacomalt, thats why samba play a role01:46
eamonDroidDuck what hardware are you using (video card specifically)01:46
WACOMaltyes, I'm using samba01:46
violinapprenL1: you're welcome.. im an old KDE fan  (not any more though...)01:46
Deutopiawacomalt; chmod01:46
WACOMaltto what?01:46
DroidDuckGalaxy nVidia Gefore GT 61001:47
DroidDuckis my video card01:47
WACOMaltDeutopia, chmod what and with what settings?01:47
linus-torvaldsHow do I get Ubuntu 12.04 to dual-monitor? I unfortunately have a Nvidia card.01:47
eamonu on a laytoy then?01:47
blackshirtiflip, tehnically not always,you can map it with alias01:47
DroidDuckeamon, I'm on a desktop01:47
WACOMaltlinus-torvalds, are you the real linus-torvalds? O_o01:47
jerry_l1violin what made you change your mind about KDE?01:47
blackshirti think linus-torvalds can setup it :d01:48
h22turboWACOMalt: no, i am01:48
iFlipI just SSH into my Linux Box. The /etc/apache2/mods-enabled has the PHP5 conf files already in place01:48
linus-torvaldsI wouldn't be asking a simple question as suck lol.01:48
WACOMaltlinus-torvalds, in any case, install the nvidia drivers and open NVidia settings from dash01:48
iFlipblaskshirt I just SSH into my Linux Box. The /etc/apache2/mods-enabled has the PHP5 conf files already in place01:48
WACOMaltin there youc an enable your second monitor01:48
eamonDroidDuck have you installed this? https://www.google.ie/search?q=GT+610+linux+driver01:48
WACOMaltyou'll have to from then on ignore ubuntu's display settings :/01:48
blackshirtyou were linus-torvalds..anyone know who you is :d lol01:48
WACOMaltSo anyone up for helping me with this samba setup?01:49
linus-torvaldsI have tampered with that, it was unsuccessful.01:49
blackshirtwacomalt, what the problems guys?01:49
DroidDuckeamon, I can't get to a desktop to install anything01:49
WACOMaltDeutopia, I'm sitting in a terminal, in my folder, with the prompt readin chmod, waiting for the rest of the command01:49
CompuTomwhich forum should I ask printer questions in?01:50
WACOMaltblackshirt, trying to make a fully open (to all interfaces and users) folder on my ubuntu machine01:50
WACOMaltto share with windows01:50
eamonDroidDuck do it from the command line01:50
bluphenix316linus-torvalds, are you the actual linus? if so, i won't waste your time, but thank you for all that you have done hehe01:50
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WACOMaltin linus-torvalds's honor, I flick off NVidia.01:50
DroidDuckI don't get a command line either01:50
eamonDroidDuck it's not that hard you'd be doing it that way on the desktoy anyway01:51
DroidDuckI get the keyboard plus lil' guy and then a screwed up screen01:51
eamonpress a key to boot to command line01:51
eamonidk which key you'll have to google that01:52
blackshirtwacomalt, you mean all user can access?01:52
linus-torvaldsI go into NVIDIA X Server Settings and browse to X Server Display Configuration, from there I am lost.01:52
WACOMaltblackshirt, yes, read and write01:52
violinapprenbluphenix316: my sentiment exactly01:53
eamonDroidDuck also try ctrl alt f2 f3 f4 etc some of them don't go to command line sometimes01:53
shadedpixelHow do I install the firmware for my wirless driver (included in the kernel).01:54
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eamonshadedpixel drivers dont have / aren't firmware01:54
shadedpixelhttp://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/carl9170#Firmware-1 <-- Says I need the firmware to use the driver (Im running ubuntu minimal, no update manager or anything)01:55
WACOMaltblackshirt, http://www.blindmanstudio.com/dropbox/Screenshot%20from%202012-09-16%2018:54:22.png This screenshot shows all the settings for this share and samba server. Please help if you can01:56
blackshirtwacomalt, like a bad thing01:56
WACOMaltlike a bad thing?01:56
blackshirtwacomalt, wait a minute01:57
CompuTomstanding by for printer help...01:57
WACOMaltalso this computer isnt showing up on my Windows's "Network" category.01:58
eamonshadedpixel idk how to do it on linux but you can probably do it easily on windows and it will be the same (understand what firmware is to understnd this)01:58
shadedpixeleamon, I dont use windows01:58
WACOMaltaaannnd my helper left01:59
WACOMaltAnyone else good with samba?01:59
WACOMaltjust trying to simply make a fully open public folder via samba. read and write access to anyone and everyone.01:59
phunyguyis it possible to view NFS shares with gvfs and nautilus?02:00
wilee-nileeWACOMalt, http://www.howtogeek.com/116309/use-ubuntus-public-folder-to-easily-share-files-between-computers/02:01
WACOMaltthat's close to what I need, but I need a specific folder, not just the ubuntu public02:02
CellSo I hear 12.10 ships out october 13th right?02:02
blackshirtWACOMalt: still around guys ?02:04
WACOMaltblackshirt, yup02:04
blackshirtWACOMalt: pm me02:05
trismCell: 18th according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule02:05
FloorduckFloorduck: Hi, I'm sending my laptop back to the company for a replacement. The screen is defective. I have ubuntu installed on it right now. Do you think they'll claim that voids my warranty? :l02:06
wilee-nileeFloorduck, ask them02:06
PurplePennyI'm trying to set up a diskless ubuntu client. It hangs on "* Starting NSM status monitor [OK]".. anyone have a clue what's wrong?02:08
wilee-nileeFloorduck, I would assume it is a problem and clone the ubuntu and load the backup of the stock setup02:09
phunyguyHahahaha that quit message was fantastic by null102402:12
PurplePennyI didn't see it, what'd it say?02:12
bluphenix316Quit: "My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes." -- Ronald Regan, during a mic check.02:13
phunyguyhhaha you got it first02:13
bluphenix316man its so weird to be on irc again02:14
bluphenix316when i first started coding, i started scripting for mIRC and ircII back in the mid-90s and use to spend a lot of time on irc, then real life happened, and now this is the first time i've been back on irc in almost 15 years02:15
phunyguythere is an offtopic channel we would be more than happy to join you in02:15
violinappren!offtopic | bluphenix31602:15
ubottubluphenix316: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:15
violinapprenFloorduck: if they did, fight back02:16
delinquentmeok so how about ... How to zip everything in a directory .. except for the contents of a file called "paperclip" ?              ... I think this is going to be a find command piped to the zip command ... right?02:17
violinapprenFloorduck: tell them you'll publicize it and swarms of ubuntu heads will demand a boycott!02:17
delinquentmeOR .. if theres a way I can create a zip file and then selectively add files to it02:17
wilee-nilee!ot | violinappren take that hehe02:17
ubottuviolinappren take that hehe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:17
TJ-PurplePenny: That's part of NFS... if it's diskless I suspect it is doing a PXE boot via TFTP and NFS?02:17
danawar2Hey #ubuntu i have a server and a user connects to that server types some commands via ssh then clears thier bash history, is there any way to recover that bash history02:18
Deutopia#ubuntu-server  might know02:19
PurplePennyTJ: correct. I've got 1 server providing PXE and tftp, another provides NFS02:19
TJ-delinquentme: See the zip "-x" option ... e.g. "zip archive "*.h" "*.c" -x donotinclude.h orthis.h"02:19
delinquentmeoo! $ zip -r ebi_copy.zip ebi/ -x ebi/paperclip/02:19
delinquentmethis looks like it02:19
delinquentmeTJ-,  >_<_>_<02:19
TJ-PurplePenny: Do you have any clients booting successfully so far?02:20
violinapprendanawar2: http://superuser.com/a/17640002:20
shadedpixelHi, im getting "No scan results" when trying to conect to wifi (Im doing this manually through terminal)02:21
violinapprenshadedpixel: have you connected to wireless before? are you sure your router is fine? you could also try scanning by essid: sudo iwlist scan essid NAMEHERE02:22
shadedpixelviolinappren, Yes. But im doing this with a new card because my previous one didnt have native linux support02:23
violinapprenshadedpixel: is it a usb card or a PCI?02:24
PurplePennyTJ-, I had limited success when the servers and client were 10.04. There is a bug in 10.04 that prevented me from being able to use dhcp clients so I upgraded the servers and clients to 10.10. Since then, I'm able to use dhcp but can't get past the "* Starting NSM status monitor [OK]" stage02:24
shadedpixelviolinappren, USB02:25
WACOMaltGuys is it possible to share an NTFS folder over samba?02:25
WACOMaltbeen banging my head on that for 4 hours now02:25
TJ-PurplePenny: What images are the clients booting from? LiveCD?02:25
violinapprenshadedpixel: whats your ubuntu version? pastebin the output of: lsusb02:25
violinappren!paste | shadedpixel02:25
ubottushadedpixel: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:25
shadedpixelviolinappren, Its Ubuntu 12.04 (minimal), its the TP-LINKTL-WN821N v202:26
violinapprenshadedpixel: pastebin the output02:26
shadedpixelviolinappren: Ok, hold on :)02:30
PurplePennyTJ-, No, I installed ubuntu on a machine, then copied the system to the nfs server. I used this guide: http://www.serenux.com/2011/04/howto-create-a-diskless-workstation-that-boots-from-pxe-using-ubuntu/02:30
TJ-PurplePenny: OK... and are you providing a PXE boot menu over TFTP ?02:31
WACOMaltGuys is it possible to share an NTFS folder over samba? been banging my head on that for 4 hours now...02:33
PurplePennyTJ-, Yes.02:33
shadedpixelviolinappren: http://pastebin.com/HweDGZku02:33
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TJ-PurplePenny: First thing is, to get more log output from the kernel. Edit the PXE boot entry for the kernel. add "debug" to the 'append' line so the client reports everything it is doing... that may help you determine the cause02:35
TJ-PurplePenny: Also, check the NFS logs on the server to ensure the client is being granted access02:36
PurplePennyOk, I'll do that, thanks02:38
drupini used have roboform on windoze .. any similar like app we have02:41
drupinwhich can import data and use here02:41
sambagirlwhen youi want to add a folder say from your desktop to your places drop down, where do you place it?02:42
sambagirlput it in home folder and add it as accessible via main menu options?02:42
WACOMalthow do I edit my fstab settings? I need to mount my NTFS drive as ntfs-3g rather than fuseblk02:42
wilee-nileeWACOMalt, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab#ntfs02:44
violinapprenshadedpixel: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-cw-3.3-precise-generic02:44
violinapprenshadedpixel: and then reboot02:44
violinapprensambagirl: drag and drop it to the places pane on the left of the file manager02:45
rechapossaludos ala gente de jazzperPeru02:45
violinapprensambagirl: or add as "bookmark"02:45
wilee-nileerechapos, This is an english channel if you can.02:46
WACOMaltwilee-nilee, ok I am still a bit confused how to change the current mount for this drive into ntfs02:46
violinappren!es | rechapos02:46
ubotturechapos: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:46
violinapprendrupin: check the firefox addons site02:47
drupinno i need a natice client app violinappren ..02:48
wilee-nileeWACOMalt, use the line shoiwn with the correct drive and partition I would think.02:48
bluesnowHi, I'm wondering how MIT and BSD licenses apply to web applications.02:48
bluesnowFor libraries used server side, do I have to include the licenses on my website?02:48
cornfeedis there a way to add a configuration option to a package's debian/rules file and have it be respected on subsiquent apt-get upgrades?02:49
WACOMaltwilee-nilee, my /etc/fstab/ file does not have this mount listed at all02:50
cornfeedthat is impossible02:50
PargolinBUDUSCRIPT: Tramite il comando di menu BuDuScRiPt02:50
wilee-nileeWACOMalt, okay make one it the only ones loaded automatically are the OS.02:50
WACOMaltwilee-nilee, but the drive IS currently mounted, just not listed here. How can I make sure it wont be trying to mount twice?02:51
wilee-nileeWACOMalt, How is it mounting now?02:51
WACOMaltno idea02:51
WACOMaltits in /media/DuoStor02:51
WACOMaltbut not sure WHAT is mounting it, or when or how02:52
Pargolin(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.->   I  <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)02:52
FloodBot1Pargolin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:52
wilee-nileeWACOMalt, Plugged in when booting or sudo mount /dev/sdx /mnt the other way02:52
WACOMaltwilee-nilee, it's an internal drive, so always mounted. I dont plug it in or anything02:52
wilee-nileeWACOMalt, Hmm, not sure then myself I don't have anything automounting and a single HD02:53
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somsipcornfeed: what sort of rule do you mean?02:54
wilee-nileeWACOMalt, I wonder if its in the fstab are you sure its not?02:55
zykotick9WACOMalt: if you want finer control over mounting, i'd suggest applying labels, then using fstab file.02:55
battlehandshttp://askubuntu.com/questions/127405/matlab-cant-find-lib-libc-so-6-in-12-04   Im following the instructions on that site.  How do I install the different libraries in the 4th post list?02:55
usr13WACOMalt: mount #with no arguments will tell you what you have mounted right now.02:55
violinapprenbattlehands: sudo apt-get install NAME02:56
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battlehandsviolinappren: thanks02:56
violinapprenbattlehands: in fact you can install all of them in one go02:58
WACOMaltusr13, yeah I know that. I have it mounted as fuseblk right now02:59
WACOMaltwhich is apparantly not good for trying to share on samba02:59
Floorduckhmm, so im running the windows recovery mode thing right now03:00
Floorduckfor better or for worse03:00
FloorduckI hope they arent curious and ask why03:00
WACOMaltI added a line to my fstab,  /dev/sdc1 /media/DuoStor ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 003:00
Floorduckwhen I send it back for a replacement..03:00
WACOMalthopefully that fixes it, how do I update my mountpoints? reboot?03:00
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: sudo mount /dev/sdc1    will make it mount as you state in /etc/fstab03:01
iateadonuthow can i get my screen to go black while vlc is playing sound files?03:01
Poindexter_Greets folks. Is there an application to replicate paste-bin server?03:02
uberTacoPoindexter_: probably out there someplace. IF not, doesn't seem too hard to build03:02
uberTacoif I may ask, though, why reinvent the wheel?03:02
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:03
violinapprenPoindexter_: offtopic but there are lots, looks for "php pastebin script"03:04
WACOMaltActionParsnip, "Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.03:04
WACOMaltThe volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command"03:04
sambagirlActionPArsnip when you want to change the images for ubuntu for example lets say i wanted to use my own pics for ubuntu, where exactly are these images stored?03:06
WACOMaltActionParsnip, usr13, I did sudo umount /dev/sdc1/ then mounted again as you said, and when i type $mount I it is still listed as fuseblk03:06
violinapprensambagirl: what images?03:07
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violinapprensambagirl: the wallpaper?03:07
sambagirlziolinappren yes i mean when you first get the initial boot screen with the feet and stuff all the way thru all instances03:08
battlehandsI installed matlab on my netbook that is running lubuntu...  Now I can't open matlab.03:08
WACOMaltActionParsnip, usr13, this is my fstab file: http://pastie.org/pastes/4735555/text03:09
violinapprensambagirl: thats .. a lot of things.. starting with "boot animation".. to the lightdm theme and then finally the wallpaper.. each is a different thing03:09
SachiruCan anyone recommend a good desktop motherboard that is LGA1155 and supports 32GB of RAM?03:09
WACOMaltyou can see it's set to ntfs-3g, but on umount and mount, I am getting it mounted as fuseblk which is wrong03:09
sambagirloh i see violinappren. where can i learn about these things?03:09
WACOMalthow much does real Ubuntu support assistance cost?03:10
sambagirlwell now i know what to search for violinappren, the three instances you just messaegd.03:10
violinapprensambagirl: http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/05/5-stunning-plymouth-screen-themes-for.html03:11
sambagirlthank you violinappren03:11
battlehandsany ideas of why my matlab file wont open?03:11
violinapprensambagirl: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/tool-change-lightdm-wallpaper-ubuntu-11-1003:11
violinapprensambagirl: and for the wallpaper, just right click on the desktop03:12
violinapprensambagirl: you're welcome03:12
WACOMaltholycrap it worked03:12
WACOMaltI can now share my ntfs folder over samba03:13
WACOMaltthank you blackshirt!03:13
sambagirlviolinappren i just installed 10.04 on that particular laptop so i guess i now have the ideas to study anyway03:13
sambagirlWACOMalt see, you get good help here.03:13
battlehands<< real ubuntu problems03:14
WACOMaltsambagirl, it may take time, but it certainly is ture :)03:14
violinapprensambagirl: beaware that there might be some changes depending on the version being discussed, but you'll get an idea about where to look03:14
WACOMaltthank you ActionParsnip and usr13 too. much appreciated!03:14
WACOMaltand now I'm off. goodbye folks!03:14
riexHello, i am trying to run a php script for showing some traffic data on a website over a mysql database. with this script: http://pastebin.com/z1Dq7u7p <- the eth0, eth1, lo files runs and shows up in the database, but without any kind of traffic data, so i think the traffic.php file dosen't run, if i run it manually it works. I hope someone here maybe can help me out. ;)03:15
bkc_riex: apache won't run sudo-stuff...03:17
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riexbkc_: Then what do to? :-p03:17
FloorduckHow do I get rid of linux without leaving conspicious traces of it?03:17
tom__Hi, could someone please tell me a method to automatically change permissions of files as they are added to a folder? Thanks!03:17
bkc_riex: you run a daemon that fills the database, and then you read the database from the site...03:18
cfhowlettFloorduck: reinstall your preferred OS - reformat the disk03:18
Floorduckim returning my laptop which i just got03:18
Floorduckit had 2 hidden partitions along with the main windows 7 one03:18
Floorduckid like to preserve those03:18
violinapprenriex: how is it ran "not manually"? did you set up a cron job?03:19
battlehandsI have a green matlab file in my directory03:19
battlehandshow do I run it?03:19
sambagirlriex are you running monit?03:19
cornfeedriex: yeah what you want to do should be done in a different language03:20
cornfeedor by php-cli03:20
bkc_riex: do you have read-access to the file ? (chmod 0644 eth0.txt)03:21
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blackshirtWACOMalt: still there guys ?03:24
battlehandsI have a green matlab file in my directory.  How do I run it?03:24
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genewitchwhy does ubuntu have gaps in the default partition numbers?03:28
tom__genewitch: Logical partitions03:29
genewitchtom__: but why is it like 1,4,603:32
genewitchwhy not 1,2,303:32
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battlehandsI have a green matlab file in my directory.  How do I run it?03:32
tom__genewitch: also I think if you're using the graphical installer, and create some partitions in the partiton manager, then delete them without actually writing the changes to disk, that uses up a few numbers03:33
rsvpanyone know when GIMP on Ubuntu 12.04 will be upgraded to version 2.8 ???03:33
genewitchtom__: non-graphical, i've noticed this with debian and EL03:34
bkc_rsvp: still not upped to 2.8? o.O03:35
rsvpbkc_ -- just checked current GIMP version is 2.6.12 on Precise -- NOT 2.803:36
cfhowlettgalups2000: greetings03:36
bkc_rsvp: -.-03:36
blackshirtbattlehands, matlab was for windows, I don't know if matlab available on linux03:36
bkc_rsvp: how is QQ looking? :)03:36
rsvpwhat's QQ?03:36
cfhowlettrsvp: qq = twitter in china03:37
rsvpIDK if I really care.03:37
battlehandsblackshirt: I just installed matlab.  Now I have this green file in my directory, and when I type matlab, nothing happens.  Apparently, no one knows how I can execute that file03:37
somsipbattlehands: ./matlab maybe?03:38
rsvpbattlehands, install r-base and do yourself a favor.03:38
rsvpor ./methlab03:38
battlehandssomsip: that worked03:38
blackshirtbattlehand, sorry ... I don't have play a bit with matlab on linux... but you mean you have succesfully install matlab on your box ?03:38
battlehandsblackshirt: yep, and it works now03:39
rsvphow does one check on the upgrade schedule of a particular package ???03:39
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blackshirtbattlehands: greats03:43
drummermanim looking for a good game programming help channel, anyone know of a good one?03:44
xanguahow can i start firefox in safe mode¿ can't even google it because it quits 10 seconds after i open it :(03:45
somsipxangua: in a terminal  firefox -safe-mode03:45
excervoxangua: firefox->help->restart with disabled addons03:46
TkkoeHow could anyone finds out the switchs for each program like what you said about firefox03:49
xanguaexcervo: didn't know about that one :)03:49
TuxOtakuhey, my webcam just stops working after a while03:50
somsipTkkoe: the man page usually has lots, if there is a man page03:50
TuxOtakulike, I'll reboot and it will start working again03:50
TuxOtakubut then it will just die minutes later03:50
tortibHello, how do I setup a bridged interface in ubuntu?03:50
tortibie br003:50
tortibI've been reading https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/openvpn.html03:51
tortibbut it doesn't seem to work when I set the configuration file settings03:51
jagginessTkkoe: the man command, (type 'apropos firefox' <enter>, then man <keyword><enter>)03:53
TkkoeIf it is relevent...  is it possible to change a born android tablet to ubuntu?03:53
jagginessTkkoe: #android03:53
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic03:53
excervohello guys, what this error means when i play wmv files in vlc-> VLC does not support the audio or video format "MSS2".03:54
TkkoeAndroid to ubuntu03:54
jagginessexcervo: just turn on all the *verse repos, and install all the ugly gstreamer packages03:54
jagginessexcervo: (google: ubuntu wiki multimedia)03:54
ubottuTkkoe:: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.03:55
excervothanks. I'll try that03:55
TJ-tortib: You can compare with the /etc/network/interfaces from one of my servers http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210301/03:57
tortibcan someone help me setup a bridged ethernet connection on ubuntu please?03:58
tortibthese docs are not working and are causing my network to just go down.03:59
TJ-tortib: ^^^^03:59
tortibTJ-: ?03:59
TJ-tortib: see my last comment to you with the pastebin03:59
tortibI don't see the pastebin03:59
tortibcan you repaste please03:59
tortibwhatever i set in the configuration file doesn't work03:59
tortibeven for a static ip04:00
TJ-tortib: You can compare with the /etc/network/interfaces from one of my servers http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210301/04:00
tortibi had to use the GUI to set a static IP04:00
mushroomedHi, my uname -r outputs ==> 3.5.2-x86_6404:00
mushroomedWhen I try to ==> apt-cache search linux-headers-3.5.2 <== I don't find any candidate04:00
tortibTJ-: is having the broadcast set necessary?04:00
tortibthe other docs i've read don't have broadcast set04:01
mushroomedShould I install the linux-headers-generic ?04:01
somsipmushroomed: did you get the 3.5.2 kernel from a ppa?04:01
TJ-mushroomed: If you've installed 3.5.2, you did it from the Ubuntu mainline kernel archive - you need to fetch the header files from there and install them using dpkg04:01
TJ-tortib: broadcast should be set automatically but it never hurts to be explicit04:02
jerry_l1sorry to interupt... i still dont know the difference from KDE to Gnome.. i use Puppy linx with a desktop environment alot.04:02
jerry_l1a small answer would be good..04:02
iateadonuti think ubuntu uses compiz04:03
iateadonutis that small enough?04:03
blackshirtjerry_l1, that different developer sources04:03
mushroomedsomsip: PPA?04:03
cfhowlettjerry_l1: install kde and gnome on puppy and try em out.  They're just different iinterfaces.  KDE emulates Apple OSX pretty heavily04:03
iateadonutwhich desktop environment does puppy use?04:03
tortibTJ-: also you'r enot specifying a gateway?04:03
tortiboh wait you are04:03
blackshirtjerry_l1, different base library for graphical interfaces04:03
somsipmushroomed: probably better if you reply to TJ- as he seems to know for sure04:04
tortibwhy are you specifying a broadcast and a network?04:04
iateadonutit's one of those real small ones04:04
TJ-tortib: no... that's done by other scripts... the ISP gateway is set when ppp0 comes up, then I have openvpn create a tunnel to a datacenter which replaces the default gateway with the other end of the tunnel04:04
jerry_l1hey B.s.  those answers seem pretty good.04:04
mushroomedTJ-: somsip: I really don't understand where to fetch the headers from04:05
jerry_l1as mor the mac... most of the puppy linuxs look like a mac..?04:05
somsipmushroomed: where did you get the 3.5.2 kernel from?04:05
TJ-mushroomed: What does "uname -a" report?04:05
jerry_l1thanks everyone. must do more readding....04:05
mushroomedLinux hostname 3.5.2-x86_64-hostname #1 SMP Wed Aug 15 14:31:07 EDT 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux04:06
WACOMalthey guys. I know this is more a windows thing, but... Is there a filesystem driver for Ext2/3/4 for Windows that DOESNT suck?04:06
blackshirtjerry_l1, I think puppy using KDE as a desktop environment :D04:06
blackshirtjerry_l1, most of kde libraries built with Qt framework04:06
ActionParsnipmushroomed: are you using Quantal?04:06
TJ-mushroomed: OK. That's not a kernel provided by Ubuntu, even from the kernel team's PPA archive. You need to install the kernel header packages from whereever you got that kernel04:06
blackshirtWACOMalt: hello04:06
ActionParsnip!info linux-image quantal04:06
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (quantal), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB04:07
WACOMalthi blackshirt04:07
TJ-mushroomed: "3.5.2-x86_64-hostname" is not an Ubuntu kernel version naming04:07
ActionParsnipmushroomed: you are using a 3rd party kernel04:07
blackshirtWACOMalt: I think not :D04:07
mushroomedTJ-: ActionParsnip: Linode provided the Ubuntu installation for me04:07
ActionParsnipblackshirt: I thought it was fluxbox...04:07
WACOMaltalas. Yeah both Ext2Fsd and Ext2IFS are both buggy as heck and have a tendancy to break your drives...04:07
mushroomedI just assigned the disks mounting and networking issues04:07
TJ-mushroomed: Why didn't you say!? You're on a Virtual private server04:07
mushroomedTJ-: Yes , sorry04:08
mushroomedDidn't knew it was an important detail04:08
TJ-mushroomed: on a VPS the kernel is pre-set :) Let me check where Linode's source should be04:08
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: they could add it to the OS, the defs of the file systems are freely aailable. Funny how the Linux community took the time to work out NTFS so that the OS can access NTFS partitions despite the data structure being unpublished and not available to anyone...04:08
mushroomedTJ-: Thanks! Really04:08
blackshirtActionParsnip, maybe ... but some of them I ever used04:09
mushroomedActionParsnip: Thank you too04:09
WACOMaltActionParsnip, Sad and funny, but it makes sense. Not many windows users would use it, so its not worth their time. Expecially when the linux people are making NTFS work for them. Now everyone can just use NTFS :P04:10
WACOMalt! http://www.paragon-software.com/home/extbrowser/04:10
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: I think its a bit shortsighted04:10
WACOMaltparagon has a currently free browser for it!04:10
WACOMaltActionParsnip, is Microsoft ever NOT shortsighted? :P04:10
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: they helped develop samba if memory serves04:11
WACOMaltreally? That I did not expect to hear!04:11
WACOMaltwell, I just installed ExtBrowser, gotta restart, brb04:12
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TkkoeDiff is on the mony and the goal04:14
tortibTJ-: that config does not work for me, it brings down my eth1 interface and causes my network not to work.04:15
tortibsetting my eth1 interface as static from the configuration file also doesn't work04:16
tortibit doesn't set anything04:16
tortibit's like it's ignoring the settings in the configuration file for some reason except for the bridge part04:16
TJ-tortib: I didn't expect you to use mine verbatim! Just use it as an example of how to configure a bridge04:16
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tortibTJ-: i was using it as an EXAMPLE04:17
tortibi wasn't using it verbatim come on man give me some credit04:17
tortibi will paste you what i used04:17
WACOMalthmm ExtExplorer isnt seeing my drive :/04:17
TJ-tortib: OK :)04:17
tortibignore the #'s infront of the settings04:18
tortibi put those there to comment them out04:18
tortibbecuase i can't get online without them there04:18
tortibeth1 is set by the GUI04:18
tortibI can't get it to work with the configuration file04:18
tortibit doesn't set the IPs properly.04:18
tortibTJ-: if br0 is created my eth1 loses it's ip settings04:21
tortibeventhough i set them statically in the configuration file...04:21
delinquentme grep "ebi\/javascripts\/prototype" -r ./                .. this should recurse through the current dirs subdirs .. and look through all files for the string  "ebi/javascripts/prototype"    right?04:21
TJ-tortib: do they overlap in any way?04:22
tortibTJ-: no the eth1 interface uses with a gateway of
TJ-tortib: "iface eth0 inet manual" ???04:23
tortibthat was from another config example04:23
tortibfrom the openvpn docs on ubuntu04:23
tortibubuntu is a bit retarded for not commenting their configuration files04:24
tortibit would make life a lot easier04:24
TJ-tortib: "manual" should be "static"04:24
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tortibwhen i set eth1 inet static04:25
TJ-tortib: documentation is always in the man files04:25
tortibit doens't set the ip04:25
tortibthere is no man page for the interfaces script file...04:25
tortiboh i guess there is04:25
TJ-tortib: "man interfaces"04:25
L3topif it is static... YOU set the ip.04:26
L3topits static.04:26
tortibit doesn't take04:26
xrfanghi, I try to compile exim on my ubuntu 12.04, it requires libdb-dev files, but there are libdb4.8 and libdb5.1 both installed, how can I know which lib is used by the system?04:26
tortibi have to set it from the GUI04:26
tortibor else it doesn't work04:26
tortibjust like dhcp04:26
tortibif i tell it to use dhcp04:26
tortibin the config file it doesn't take04:26
lauratikaseems sunbird comes now as an add-on for thunderbird but im using another mail service, is there a way to use only sunbird for calendar and stuff without using thunderbird at all?04:26
L3topwhat config file are you editing?04:27
mushroomed_TJ-: Did you found something?04:27
tortibwhy aren't the configurations i set in the GUI stored in the configuration file?04:27
tortibL3top: /etc/network/interfaces04:27
TJ-L3top: indeed... I think the "manual" came from somewhere that 'meant' "static"...   in fact it should be "dhcp" and drop all the up/down script stuff if there's a DHCP server on the other end of that segment04:27
L3toptortib: if you edit the file yourself... it tends to break network manager.04:27
andrebhi all04:28
tortibwhen i first edited the file my eth1 was set to dhcp and the configuration file didn't reflect that04:28
TJ-mushroomed_: ahh there you are! No, I can't find any mention of where to get the headers or recent Linode kernels. You need to ask them. They have the IRC channel #linode on the OFTC IRc network where you can ask04:28
tortibL3top: wonderful04:28
mushroomed_Thanks TJ-! !04:28
andrebi am upgrading from 10.04 lts to 12.04 lts and its taking long on "geting new packages" 1412 of 1423 (for teh last 20 minutes) ... i am using the alternate cd to upgrade04:28
andrebany ideas y ?04:28
TJ-tortib: basically, Network Manager will ignore any interface you have an entry for in 'interfaces' since it assumes you don't want your settings messed with04:28
L3toptortib: well... this is because it uses a different file... and the interfaces file overrides that.04:28
blackshirtandreb, are you upgrading using cd ?04:29
ActionParsnipandreb: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?04:29
cfhowlettandreb: do the installation offline then upgrade your packages.04:29
tortibL3top: let me set my IP to static in the interfaces file first to see if that works without breaking04:29
andrebi am doign teh isntallation of line and yes i did md5 test the cd04:29
ActionParsnipandreb: you could've mounted the ISO and used that, no need to burn a CD04:29
andrebi burned the cd from home and brought it to teh office04:30
andrebso it could be that teh cd has a scratch or is it normal to take hthat long ?04:30
tortibdoes that look correct to all of you?04:30
cfhowlettandreb: that could do it.  and did you md5sum the iso as ActionParsnip asked?04:31
andrebyes.. i did04:31
TJ-tortib: as long as you also have "iface lo inet loopback" and "auto lo"04:31
andrebhrm.. lket me down the cd on the box an dmoth it then04:31
tortibTJ-: i do at the top04:32
tortibauto lo eth0 eth1 br004:32
tortibiface lo inet loopback04:32
andrebok.. hte fetch file process started over again and stoped at 141204:32
TJ-tortib: OK, just checking, since I thought that pastebin was the entire file04:32
andreblet me down it04:32
tortibno it was just the segment i'm changing04:32
tortibi want to avoid using the gui for making network changes04:32
L3toptortib: it must read like auto eth0  /n  iface eth0 inet static  /n  address   /n   netmask
L3topfor example. /n = line break04:33
TJ-tortib: without "auto ethX" the system won't bring up the interface for you - it'll expect you to do it yourself04:33
tortibit worked04:33
tortibit changed the IP04:33
tortiblike i wanted04:33
FloodBot1tortib: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:34
tortibnow how do i get the bridge to work?04:34
tortibI did flood?04:34
TJ-tortib: see, what I don't get is, in your original pastebin, you had "eth0" defined but you were trying to create a bridge with just "eth1" - where is eth1 ?04:34
tortibit was 4 lines04:34
mushroomed_Hey TJ-04:34
TJ-mushroomed_: ?04:34
mushroomed_They told me this "All of our newer kernels are compiled from vanilla kernel.org sources. You can get the kernel from there and check your /proc/config.gz file to check any configuration options you may need to see."04:34
cfhowletttortib: dude.  you're arguing with the bot ...04:34
mushroomed_TJ-: Then, what should I do?04:35
TJ-mushroomed_: that makes sense... but strictly they are breaking the GNU GPL because if they distribute they must offer the sources themselves, not just palm you off to some other location!04:35
tortibTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210349/   there is the WHOLE file04:35
tortibin all it's glory04:35
tortibif I try to /etc/init.d/networking restart it will break my network04:36
tortibeth1 will go down and lose its ip04:36
tortiband br0 will be created with the ip i specified04:36
CompuTomNeed help installing printer. Any takers?04:36
cfhowlettCompuTom: whatchu got04:36
TJ-mushroomed_: Best thing to do is install the 'git' version control system and clone the mainline kernel source. "sudo apt-get install git" followed by (in your home directory) "git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git"04:37
CTLwmCompuTom: which printer are you installing? is it an AIO?04:37
tortibi'll brb04:37
tortibplease say my name if you reply to me i'll be able to read them when i get back04:38
CompuTomHP Laserjet3100 multifunction. I got the specific HP-LIP for this printer, but when I get to the setup phase the option to use parallel port is greyed out. All I need to use is the printer.04:38
TJ-mushroomed_: However, that doesn't help too much when you want the kernel headers to build against on a standard Ubuntu installation04:38
cfhowlettCompuTom: have you installed hplib?04:38
CompuTomyes, no errors.04:39
mushroomed_TJ-: Will I have problems doing that? I don't want to break anything04:39
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TJ-tortib: Still not sure why you only have one interface in the bridge, or why you list "auto eth0" when there is no 'eth0' defined04:40
TJ-mushroomed_: I think it'll make things unduly complicated for you if you're not experience at this stuff. What is it you need the kernel headers for?04:41
mushroomed_TJ-: I want to mount an Asterisk + FreePBX server04:42
TJ-mushroomed_: Linode's docs on that are out of date I think, too. http://www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/Asterisk04:45
TJ-mushroomed_: have you seen this? http://library.linode.com/communications/voip-services04:47
CompuTomcfhowlett-I used HP-Lip-3.12.9 and everything went without error. Then I must restart and finish with hp-setup command in terminal. That starts OK but no option to use parallel port, only USB or WiFi or network.04:47
mushroomed_TJ-: I'll read it, thanks.04:48
solofightpeople - i want to migrate from one machine to another running ubuntu - how can i transfer all my data with applications installed ?04:48
solofightis it even possible first of all ?04:48
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate04:48
cfhowlettCompuTom: so you've got partial functionality.  If HP hasn't released the driver for that model and it's an open source backward engineering product, I'd suspect the work is incomplete.04:48
ActionParsnipsolofight: sure04:48
cfhowlettCompuTom: but quite possibly the best you're likely to get.04:48
solofightActionParsnip: hwo to ?04:48
ActionParsnipsolofight: read what ubottu said....04:49
solofightActionParsnip: i want to thank you for helping out to solve the upgradation issue - i changed archives.ubuntu.com to old-releases.ubuntu.com in source file04:49
gowieI uninstalled Chrome v.18 to install the latest version (21 i think), but now I'm running into problems because I accidently installed the 32 bit version. It keeps telling me when i try and install the 64 bit version with dpkg -i chrome.deb that I have it already installed. I tried removing the old version with the --remove and --purge flag and it seems to be gone, so I don't know whats going on. Is there some way of completely getting04:49
gowierid of the bad install that I missed? Any suggestions?04:49
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solofightand i was able to upgrade to the next version (though not the latest one)04:49
CompuTomcfhowlett: thank you.04:50
ActionParsnipsolofight: np dude04:50
mushroomed_TJ-: See this answer from Linode Support ==> http://cl.ly/image/0U3N3R3h2h1W04:50
cfhowlettCompuTom: don't take my word.  Ask in channel again04:50
ActionParsnipgowie: if you installed the chrome deb, you added the google repo and you'll get an update04:51
CompuTomcfhowlett: is this the best place to ask?04:51
solofightActionParsnip: thats for packages - what about my data ?04:51
ActionParsnipgowie: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; apt-cache policy google*04:51
ActionParsnipsolofight: use your backups04:52
gowieActionParsnip I think its in a half install state and I dont think it will be able to do that.04:52
Nautilusi'm backing up my 10.04 system, already have /home backed up, but wonder which other root dirs I do/don't need to backup.  It's a LAMP stack dev machine so I know I've edited stuff in /etc, but other than that I'm unsure what's important (aka user) stuff04:52
solofightActionParsnip: i dont have one04:52
ActionParsnipsolofight: what if the drive suddenly dies, where is your data?04:52
solofightI have access to two machines now need to replicate the data from on to another04:52
ActionParsnipsolofight: you can use rsync to copy the data over, or just do a copy / paste as you exist04:53
gowieActionParsnip Doing so now.04:53
ActionParsnipgowie: use http://pastie.org or similar to host the output :)04:53
solofightActionParsnip: ok - while installing a new operating system - i heard that thre is a specific format which you install which will let you copy the home directory or something when you want to move to another machine with your complete set of softwares and data04:54
solofightis it true ?04:54
TJ-mushroomed_: It's probably not worth arguing but I think the FSF would say different :)04:54
solofightlike /username/softwares; /username/data04:54
mushroomed_TJ-: I'm surprised with their answer04:54
gowieActionParsnip Alright this is what I got: http://pastebin.com/Jqf0B1nC04:55
solofightso i copy the directory /username and put it in the new machine all the installed softwares along with data is there in new machine04:55
solofightkanliot: yes04:55
TJ-mushroomed_: So am I. You rent the VPS instance and choose what to install in it. If you get the kernel from Linode, then they are distributing. I suggest a friendly email to Chris (he has always seemed like a nice guy to me when I've had dealings with him) copied to the FSF, might help04:57
tortibTJ-: eth0 exists on the server but isn't in use.04:57
tortibTJ-: that shouldn't bring my network down when i rerun the init.d script for networking to create br004:57
TJ-tortib: As it isn't mentioned in 'interfaces' then Network Manager may well take over that interface04:58
tortibi can remove eth0 if it makes you happy but it's not going to solve my problem04:58
mushroomed_TJ-: Who's Chris?04:58
TJ-tortib: why do you re-run the init.d script? that will pull down existing interfaces since it will be doing a 'restart' which is a 'stop' followed by a 'start'04:58
TJ-mushroomed_: Chris Akers - the guy that set-up Linode04:59
tortibTJ-: what should I do then to bring up br004:59
tortibTJ-: there i removed eth0 from auto04:59
TJ-tortib: "sudo ifup br0" or "sudo ifdown br0" - however, as it is set to auto, it should be started automatically at boot05:00
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ActionParsnipgowie: ok and the output of:  dpkg -l | grep google      Thanks05:04
tort|bTJ-: you're missing my point completely05:04
tort|bbrining up the br0 interface takes my network DOWN05:05
tort|beth1 goes DOWN05:05
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tortibi just did ifup br0 and it broke my network05:05
tortibthen i have to comment out the settings in interfaces and reboot the server05:05
tortibin order to get back online quickly05:05
TJ-tortib: well it will! you can't an IP assigned to an interface, and then bridge that interface. The IP is assigned to the bridge! the interfaces in the bridge do not have IPs05:06
Nautilusi'm backing up before an upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 and trying to determine which folders I absolutely don't need to backup.  For starters I think these include: bin, boot, "cdrom" (just a symlink?), and dev.  ANY reason I might have stuff to save in those?05:06
TJ-tortib: A bridge is a layer-2 joining on multiple ethernet segments05:07
tortibI see05:07
tortibso how can I fix this05:07
nsaquaticsnautilus... clone the HD and upgrade the clone... then if you lost some thing just pull it off of the old disk....my 2 cents.05:07
tortibjust assign the 192 address to the br0 interface?05:07
tortiband use that as my interface to connect?05:07
ActionParsnipNautilus: just backup all the files in $HOME (including hidden ones) and /etc folder05:08
Nautilusnsaquatics: most people said dont try the upgrade, do it clean.  Still, I'm trying to make a good backup05:08
TJ-tortib: yes05:08
tortibTJ-: i'm doing this becuase i want openvpn to try to connect to my LAN05:08
tortibTJ-: so i set the gateway on the br0 interface?05:08
NautilusActionParsnip: OK you caught a good one there, I use the box as a dev LAMP stack and know I need some stuff from /etc05:09
TJ-tortib: yes, then your openvpn script can add the new tap interface to br005:09
tortibi use tun05:09
tortibnot tap05:09
tortibTJ-: so i would set the interface in the openvpn configuration file to br0 ?05:10
NautilusActionParsnip: Other dirs I dont -think- I need are niitrd, lib, lost-found, media, mnt, opt, proc, root, sbin, selinux, srv, sys, tmp ... see any there I should wonder about?05:10
ActionParsnipNautilus: those are generated by the installer, so no need to backup those05:12
TJ-tortib: no, you'd have an if-up script for the tap interface that calls "brctl" to add the tap interface to br005:12
NautilusActionParsnip: last two then ... usr, var05:12
TJ-tortib: and a related script for if-down to remove the tap interface from the bridge05:12
TJ-tortib: I'm pretty sure openvpn package comes with (example) scripts for that, or has docs about it05:12
ActionParsnipNautilus: those are made by the installer05:13
TJ-tortib: e.g. "brctl addif <brname> <ifname>"05:13
NautilusActionParsnip: yea but caught ya on one there, I know I put a program in /usr.  Not that I need to back it up, but the box is >2yo and I don't remember everything I did!  So, I'm being pedantic and thanks for your help with it :)05:14
tortibTJ-: I think my problem is my bridge mode wont work because i only have one ethernet device connecting to the network05:14
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tortibso i'm only bridging eth105:15
tortibso i wont have a seperate port for WAN05:15
tortibJust one port for LAN05:15
TJ-tortib: the number of ports on the bridge won't matter. But you might want to set the default gateway for the bridge so you can route to the WAN over layer 3 (IP)05:16
tortibTJ-: so something like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210390/05:18
tortibwoops forgot the bridge eth1 part05:18
tortibbridge_ports eth105:18
NautilusActionParsnip: To put it another way, I have home, etc, usr and var in the backup now.  Any of those other folders I might backup "just in case"?  I don't think so but hate to find out later I made an oops05:18
gowieActionParsnip Did you get that last link? I forgot to include your name...05:19
tortibTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210392/05:19
TJ-tortib: Yes, I think that should work, as long as Network Manager doesn't get hold of eth0 (if it has a cable plugged in!)05:20
drupinerror when getting information for the file /home/drupin/.gvfs': Transport endpoint is not connected05:20
drupinhttp://bit.ly/U2GVfh will this work out05:20
tortibeth0 does not have a cable plugged in05:21
tortibonly eth105:21
tortiblet me restart networking and see what it does05:21
tortib_TJ-: it worked05:22
tortib_TJ-: but it broke ipv605:23
tortib_TJ-: any idea how to get it working WITH ipv6 ?05:23
tortib_# ip -6 r 2001:470:d:1eb::/64 dev eth1  proto kernel  metric 256  expires 85982sec 2001:470:d:1eb::/64 dev br0  proto kernel  metric 256  expires 86300sec05:24
tortib_it added two routes05:24
tortib_deleting one or the other doesn't seem to help05:25
tortib_oh there is a default via05:25
tortib_TJ-: got it to work05:26
tortib_deleted the eth1 default route for ipv6 and now it's routing again05:26
tortib_so now i have a interface called br005:26
tortib_that's really eth105:26
tortib_layer 205:26
tortib_TJ-: now how do i setup openvpn to use br0 so i can connect to my LAN when I connect to OpenVPN?05:27
ActionParsnipgowie: didn't get the 2nd link05:27
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rmccueAfternoon all. I'm attempting to run Ubuntu in live CD mode off my USB, but I don't get a "Try Ubuntu" option05:27
ActionParsnipgowie: nm, got it05:27
cfhowlettrmccue: did you md5sum your iso?05:28
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balinhahas anyone had any success getting tinychat to work?05:28
kanliotmiore likely rmccue either downloaded the alternate, or the usb installer like unetbootin mangled the install options05:29
ActionParsnipgowie: gimme a sec, let me search05:29
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rmccuecfhowlett: I can't find any sum to compare it to, but I have MD5 (ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso) = 07823292fdc32967673d1f8a03c82df505:30
rmccuekanliot: I downloaded the ISO via the download page as per the live CD page instructions05:30
cfhowlettrmccue: go the download page and you'll find the checksums.  Compare.05:31
ActionParsnipgowie: http://pastie.org/473617305:31
rmccuecfhowlett: I can't find them listed anywhere.05:31
kanliotwhat does it look liike when you boot the livecd05:32
ActionParsniprmccue: looks bad, there are no hits in web searches05:32
Guest7285what up05:32
ActionParsniprmccue: the right hash is 06472ddf11382c8da1f32e9487435c3d05:32
rmccuekanliot: Standard Ubuntu boot screen, "Installer boot menu" with "Install", "Command line install", "Advanced options" and "Help"05:32
ActionParsniprmccue: http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/MD5SUMS05:33
rmccueAh, I'll try redownloading, thanks05:33
rmccueWhere the hell is that linked from?05:33
rmccueDeutopia: Trying to run as a live CD, not actually install it05:33
ActionParsniprmccue: I got it on the web...05:33
Deutopiaonce the installer loads, quit. you will be in linux05:33
rmccueActionParsnip: Shouldn't it be linked from the download page?05:34
ActionParsniprmccue: no idea, never used it. I guess so05:34
pickledeggsHi, how can I add resolution options for my display? I only have the option for 640x480.05:34
ActionParsnippickledeggs: what GPU are you using?05:34
ActionParsnippickledeggs: did you install the proprietary video driver?05:35
pickledeggsgeforce 630m05:35
pickledeggsi downloaded the bumble bee driver05:36
ActionParsnippickledeggs: oh, its a hybrid gpu thing?05:36
tortib_TJ-: I get this error when I try to run brctl $BR $TUN05:36
tortib_can't add tun0 to bridge br0: Invalid argument05:36
TJ-tortib: that's correct. the vpn needs to be a TAP to be bridged. a TUN is an IP tunnel, not an Ethernet tap05:37
ActionParsnippickledeggs: may help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics   I've never seen a success with dual gpus (intel/nvidia etc)05:37
drupinis AMD Atholon 64 3200+ a 64 bit processor?05:37
tortib_i'm following that guide05:37
ActionParsnipdrupin: yes05:37
pickledeggsActionParsnip, I actually believe you were helping me on launchpad, and the driver seems to be working and in fact i installed a new kernel which fixed the crashing05:38
tortib_okay so change it to tap gotcha05:38
ActionParsnipdrupin: http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/K8/AMD-Athlon%2064%203200+%20-%20ADA3200AEP4AX%20(ADA3200AXBOX).html05:38
ActionParsnippickledeggs: the commands there may help, if you can disable a GPU in some way it will help.05:39
drupinohh know i have 32 bit Unbuntu i loaded... ActionParsnip05:40
drupinmy bad..05:40
random_Hi, im having problems setting up duel monitors for my ubuntu, the monitor is both shown in displays and nvidia settings, but it wont turn the other display on. can anyone be of help?05:40
pickledeggsActionParsnip, is there a way to just add the resolutions with scripts?05:41
drupinActionParsnip: is 64 bit faster...05:42
drupini nnedd to put on torrent now05:42
drupinbut how come it shows x8605:42
aeon-ltddrupin: 64bit has it's advantages (is it faster? right now not by much, but being able to access more than 3gb of ram even without the speed gains is good enough), x86 is 32bit. to find out if your cpu is 64bit capable you'll need to google it05:44
drupinok aeon-ltd05:44
ActionParsnipdrupin: for certain tasks yes, for normal desktop stuff then no05:46
ActionParsnippickledeggs: you can mess with xrandr05:46
ActionParsnipdrupin: you will need the 64bit ISO to get 64bit OS)05:46
pickledeggsActionParsnip, Will messing with xrand make the options for higher resolution permanent?05:47
ActionParsnippickledeggs: you can add a command to run after login etc, dual GPUs is a real mess in Linux05:47
ActionParsnippickledeggs: its best to just avoid it05:47
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gowieActionParsnip Hey man that worked. Thanks a ton. Straight superman.05:53
ActionParsnipgowie: np dude, its one of the weaknesses ni package based distros but its fixable05:54
gowieActionParsnip Well thanks again. Have a good one05:55
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random_Anyone able to help me with 2 monitors on gnome classic, nvidia ?05:56
ActionParsniprandom_: nvidia-settings should help you set that up05:56
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f00dMonstaneed help with ubuntu and my wireless network card <_<05:58
random_ActionParsnip, i enable everything to how it should be, and then just get, if i put my mouse on the right side of my main monitor, it just scroll the desktop over, and makes a grey area, and it wont turn my monitor on. idk whats going on.05:58
f00dMonstait keeps saying my wirelss is disabled by the hardware switch05:58
ActionParsniprandom_: if you hit the identify button a few times, does it turn on?05:59
AscavasaionGood morning, I have returned with more questions.  Why do I keep getting flash player out of date errors in Chromium when I have just run an update and flashplayer-installer was updated?05:59
random_ActionParsnip, Nope, But, it has the monitor name and size and resolution known. i05:59
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  sudo lshw -C network; lsb_release -a; uname -a; sudo rfkill list; dmesg | grep -i firm05:59
random_ActionParsnip, i've plugged in and out the monitor, and rebooted with no luck06:00
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'     Thanks06:00
f00dMonstaActionParsnip:  http://pastebin.com/PENVXSpF06:01
AscavasaionActionParsnip: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1210444/06:02
f00dMonstaActionParsnip:  It was working before, then I restarted and it stopped working... I did this fix before and it worked, but not it doesn't work anymore: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/ilug-tvm/F5c9yHI2b_Y06:03
Kartagiswhat must I do to avoid shockwave flash keeping crashing on chromium?06:03
f00dMonstadon't use flash? :P06:03
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ActionParsnipAscavasaion: if you are using Chrome you can uninstall flashplugin-installer and get flash as it is already in the browser06:04
Kartagisf00dMonsta: I don't use it, the sites I visit do06:04
ActionParsnipKartagis: Shockwave don't own flash now, it's Adobe06:04
AscavasaionActionParsnip: I am using Chromium.06:05
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: do you dual boot the system?06:05
KartagisActionParsnip: but the message I get tells me shockwave06:05
AscavasaionActionParsnip: Do you advise me to uninstall Chromium and install Chrome instead?06:05
f00dMonstaI don't am I'm actually trying to remove grub as well06:05
f00dMonstaActionParsnip:  I don't am I'm actually trying to remove grub as well06:05
f00dMonstaActionParsnip:  I don't and* I'm actually trying to remove grub as well06:05
f00dMonstaActionParsnip:  but I have a removable drive plugged in that has Windows7 on it06:06
KartagisAscavasaion: do you have my issue as well?06:06
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: ah, then uninstall the flashplugin-installer package and enable the partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin. Natty is EOL next month so you may want to consider updating06:07
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: ok does the system have a make and model?06:07
AscavasaionActionParsnip: kay, thank you.06:07
f00dMonstaLenovo Z57006:07
f00dMonstaActionParsnip: Lenovo Ideapad Z57006:10
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: tried Fn + F% ?06:10
ActionParsnipFn + F506:10
KartagisActionParsnip: if I enable the partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin as well, will my problem be fixed?06:13
f00dMonstaActionParsnip:  yes... and tried flipping the physical switch for wifi/bluetooth06:13
KartagisI hate to not use Chromium06:13
ActionParsnipKartagis: should be ok, works for 64bit OS too as it installs 64bit flash06:13
BlackWebDoes anyone know if theres a way to have it to where it'll remember various port numbers to where if you ssh into a computer it'll remember the port numbers for each host06:14
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: also try:  sudo rfkill unlock all06:14
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: also try:  sudo rfkill unblock all06:14
f00dMonstaActionParsnip:  tried that before, and just tried again. Still no :<06:14
f00dMonstaActionParsnip: should I try to reboot without the Windows7 Drive plugged in?06:16
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: worth a shot06:17
f00dMonstaok brb06:17
ejoWhat to make of a 'configure' script that finds gcc (as it should), but then errors out saying that it could not find a suitable C++ compiler to build the package?06:17
ejoI just grabbed the source for pgAdmin3 v1.16.0 and wanted to compile from source because the ubuntu repository is only up to 1.14.0 which is not ready for the now-released postgresql-9.206:18
random_ActionParsnip,  Tried a few more things...and im getting no where. :/ do you have any ideas, cause i dont :(06:19
f00dMonstaheh... This is wierd06:24
f00dMonstaIt's working now06:24
f00dMonstabut only after 3 restarts06:24
f00dMonsta1st restart: Unplugged removable drive... didn't work06:24
f00dMonsta2nd restart: tried "sudo rfkill unblock all"... didnt' work06:25
f00dMonsta3rd restart: changed boot sequence in bios to point to primary hard drive first instead of "ubuntu" (which I assume means grub loader).... works06:25
f00dMonstaoh ActionParsnip not here06:26
Deutopiahe'll be back im sure06:26
random_i now get RANDR is not present when i go to  Settings > display. and my nvidia settings dosnt even let me hit apply on turning on my second display. i dont know whats going on. why cant i use two monitors? this is the first time this has happened to me06:34
Joebeezy10seems like 64 bit ubuntu works way better06:34
random_i really would like to get this fixed :/ ...06:37
random_i have two monitors, and only can use one06:37
VinnyAtaidehow can I hard format from the terminal? I want my system crystal clear without any partitions.06:38
random_Just use a live ubuntu disk and use gparted to delete all the partitions06:39
Joebeezy10whats a good torrent application06:39
AscavasaionJoebeezy10: transmission-gtk06:39
ejorandom_: what have you tried so far, I came in late06:39
cfhowlettJoebeezy10: transmission06:39
robotti^_I am using transmission-qt06:39
Joebeezy10if i format a drive to linux swap will that improve anything for me06:40
fidelJoebeezy10: i like transmission or deluge06:41
random_ejo, Well i use to be able to go into Settings > Display, and turn my other monitor on, but the monitor would not go on, but now i get a RANDR is not present error, and it crashes, i use to be able to go into nvidia-settings and enable my other monitor there, but still, it didnt turn the monitor on, and now i can even hit the apply button for it, im not sure what to do06:41
fidelJoebeezy10: or rtorrent for cli06:41
VinnyAtaideI have another question. My grub is invisible on the graphics mode. How can I turn it to text-mode? the solutions from the internet are quite outdated06:41
Joebeezy10what would formatting a drive to linux swap do for my system06:41
ejorandom_: I'm on ATI rather than Nvidia so I won't be able to go the full distance with you, but there are a few possibilities.  One is if you're trying to use Xinerama and shouldn't be (or vice versa)... another is you might need to just remove your drivers and reinstall them06:43
random_ejo, i saved the xorg.conf and rebooted, re-installed my driver, plugged in and out my monitor, nothing will turn my second monitor on. Nvida on gnome classic.06:43
ejohmm ok06:43
ejooh gnome classic... that might negate what I said about Xinerama too06:43
random_i did try xine06:43
random_but i think thats what broke my Settings > display.06:43
ejoyou're on a single video card, right?06:43
rob_p_Joebeezy10: The installer should have automatically created a swap partition, unless you told it NOT to.06:43
random_ejo, no, SLI 8800gt's06:44
random_but plugged into the same card.06:44
random_ejo, well was sli, until i re did my driver, so they wont be on sli mode right now06:44
blackshirtVinnyAtaide, you looks stupid when say that :(06:45
ejorandom_: hate to say it, but your configuration is probably enough different from mine that I won't be able to help.06:45
ejorandom_: however I think it's very likely you will be able to solve it06:45
random_ejo, erm they are in sli mode. and yea understandable. im just fusterated, cause literally, this is my first OS that i've had any problems with duel monitors.06:46
rob_p_blackshirt: You look stupid when you call someone else stupid, and your grammar is lacking!06:47
ejorandom_: it is true that Linux is, sadly, still the land of slightly less ease in multi-monitor setups.  However you WILL get it working for dual.  You should see what I went through to attempt triple on two cards.  Not possible for now.06:47
Oimel1987The temperature of my graficcard ist too high (72°). I use a Nvidia GTX460M and 2 Monitors with extended Desktop Mode. What can i do the temperature colder ?06:47
blackshirtrob_p_ : thanks you .. :D I'm verry happy :D06:47
ejorandom_: have you tried the nvidia on linux support channel?  (i don't know the exact name).  The similar one for ATI helped me more than this ubuntu channel by far.06:47
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random_ejo,  i would, if i knew the channel06:48
ejoOimel1987: ideally you add another internal fan blowing on it.  The other option is look for a proprietary driver that lets you manually adjust the video card internal fan speed :|06:49
ejorandom_: surely you'll find it via google if you're persistent.  Also, Sunday in the middle of North American night is not exactly the high point of IRC traffic.06:49
random_ejo, yea indeed, well right now im trying to fix my Randr is not present error :/06:50
tortibis anyone here familiar with setting up OpenVPN?06:50
tortibi'm following that and running into problems06:51
tortibI get an error unroutable control packet received from (my ip address)06:51
rob_p_tortib: Bridged or routed?06:51
ejorandom_: if I remember correctly, xrandr is just not up to date for linux currently, and for some time... it will be great when/if they get the two back together but in the meantime I think a "randr not present" error means you just went the wrong way06:52
tortibrob_p_: bridged06:52
rob_p_tortib: So your bridging scripts probably needs some work...06:52
tortibit's pretty simple06:52
Oimel1987ejo: This notebook is really well cooled on Windows before. Under Windows there are no temperature problems. My Notebook is the G73jW and this has 2 very big fans on the left and right back. The Notebook under Ubuntu is also much louder than in Windows. So i think there must be a driver problem or something else. I don't believe that there is so much grafical using of the unity desktop that the grafic card must run under hot temperat06:52
tortiblet me paste it for you06:52
Oimel1987not this kind of grafic card06:52
tortibrob_p_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210502/06:53
AscavasaionIs there a way to update from 11.04 to 12.04, without first going through 11.10?  I have tried both LTS and normal release update notification in update-manager.06:53
cfhowlettAscavasaion: nope06:53
ejoOimel1987: oh i see, it's a laptop.  Well... the problem is most likely due to driver differences... it's quite possible that they have a higher-performance driver for it in Windows that always runs its cooling fans higher.06:53
cfhowlettAscavasaion: clean install 12.04 for best results06:53
Ascavasaioncfhowlett: What a terrible waste of time, and my monthly cap limit :(06:53
tortibrob_p_: the /etc/openvpn/server.conf looks like this06:54
ejo< agree with clean install for best results... just have your data safe on a separate drive06:54
random_ejo, it was working before i stared messing with this stuff lol06:54
tortibrob_p_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210503/06:54
Oimel1987ejo: So I'll have to wait till there is a better driver for this grafic card or to change back to fuckin windows ?06:54
cfhowlettAscavasaion: install update LTS only is something to consider06:54
ejorandom_: that probably indicates that solutions similar to reinstalling stuff and cleaning out configs will be best.06:54
rob_p_Oops... gotta run. I'm actually at work!  If I get some time, I'll be back later.  But I have some bridging script examples that I use successfully on my servers.06:54
tortibrob_p_: ugh06:55
rob_p_tortib: Oops... gotta run. I'm actually at work!  If I get some time, I'll be back later.  But I have some bridging script examples that I use successfully on my servers.06:55
random_ejo, yea thanks for the help06:55
Ascavasaioncfhowlett: I did that, it will not let me update to 12.04 from 11.04.  I have even tried a sudo do-release-upgrade and nothing.06:55
nawkwhich repo has the kernel-sources package?06:55
ejoOimel1987: I'm not convinced that 72C is going to kill your card... mine was fine for three years of hard daily use at 7806:55
ejoOimel1987: but you should check with an nvidia-on-linux interest group for specifics on this, maybe they have an easy solution.06:56
cfhowlettAscavasaion: you cannot update from 11.04 to 12.04.  NOPE.  You can and should clean install 12.04.  then update from LTS to LTS i.e. 14.0406:56
ejoOimel1987: same as I was telling random_ here06:56
cfhowlettAscavasaion: 11.04 is NOT LTS.06:56
tortibanyone else know how to use openvpn with bridging?06:56
Joebeezy10cant believe someone told me 64 bit version wasnt faster06:56
Oimel1987Ejo: where can i find a group like that ?06:57
Ascavasaioncfhowlett: Oh, okay, thank you.06:57
ejoOimel1987: I don't know because I am an ATI/AMD user.  But there certainly is such a group and it must have an IRC and mailing list.06:57
ejoJoebeezy10: they were probably stuck in 200806:58
Oimel1987Ejo: ok then i will search the channel lists up to an group like that. Thank you06:58
ejogood luck Oimel198706:58
random_Oimel1987, is that to hot? like most nvidia stuff you dont ahve to worry bout till 80+06:58
Ya-Userhi all how send bit in the pin lpt?07:04
d1rkp1ttHi, just wondering if anyone can help me diagnose an issue in ubuntu 12.4 .. I was browsing a windows share and moving a file when I lost and was unable to re-establish the connection. Since then, its no longer showing the server when I click network locations, and wont browse to the server. Note, nothing changed in between on either box that I know of, and I have control of both machines07:05
d1rkp1ttI am not sure where to look for logs... samba logs are empty07:05
cfhowlettd1rkp1tt: router reset??07:06
d1rkp1ttVM on the host, cant browse to a share on the host07:06
d1rkp1ttBUT, could ... before transfering a file07:07
d1rkp1ttHave rebooted ubuntu but it still fails now07:08
ejobah... i installed pgAdmin3 v1.16.0 from source, and I still get 1.14.007:10
cfhowlettlr: greetings07:13
d1rkp1tthmm I think samba has failed and service is not running07:14
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d1rkp1ttactually I dont think samba is installed07:16
d1rkp1ttIs it not in 12.4?07:16
fideld1rkp1tt: how about just asking your paketmanagement if it is?07:18
fidelapt-cache policy PACKAGENAME will show if its installed and if so which version07:19
d1rkp1ttwell unless I have the name wrong07:19
d1rkp1ttits not installed07:19
d1rkp1ttMy question was more about whether it was supposed to be...07:20
d1rkp1ttor if it has been deprecated07:20
fidelsamba isnt installed out of the box07:20
d1rkp1ttis there an alternative?07:20
fidelbut avalable via apt as always07:20
d1rkp1ttSomething is installed thats not working, and I want to diagnose that07:21
blackshirtd1rkp1tt: I think samba was available07:21
timfrost!info samba07:21
ubottusamba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.3 (precise), package size 7821 kB, installed size 22379 kB07:21
d1rkp1ttit is available, but.................. I want to fix what is already there rather than adding more software if I dont need it07:21
timfrostd1rkp1tt: what is the problem?07:22
d1rkp1ttHi, just wondering if anyone can help me diagnose an issue in ubuntu 12.4 .. I was browsing a windows share and moving a file when I lost and was unable to re-establish the connection. Since then, its no longer showing the server when I click network locations, and wont browse to the server. Note, nothing changed in between on either box that I know of, and I have control of both machines07:23
d1rkp1ttMy original message..07:23
d1rkp1ttIts a VM to host07:23
blackshirtd1rkp1tt: describe why not working07:23
blackshirtoh, it's a vm07:24
timfrostd1rkp1tt: is it VMware or virtualbox, or something else?  And do you have the latest tools (vmware-toolbox for VMware, or the equivalent) installed in the VM?07:26
d1rkp1ttActually, I dont think I installed vmware toolbox, but it was working....07:26
d1rkp1ttWill give that a shot, and might just bite the bullet and install samba07:27
dywaynewhat up07:31
timfrostd1rkp1tt: If it is a local VM in  player or workstation, you should be OK if you can enable drag-and-drop between the VM and your host.  I have workstation, so am not sure how to enable drag-and-drop in player.  But you don't need samba if drag-and-drop works07:32
=== mimor is now known as mimor_
=== setkeh` is now known as setkeh
rcfgxWhat would happen if, in the middle of copying a large file to a usb drive, the drive were unplugged, and plugged back in?07:46
TuxOtakurcfgx, wouldn't matter07:46
cfhowlettrcfgx: nothing good07:46
TuxOtakuthe file transfer would stop07:46
TuxOtakumost likely anyways07:46
Jordan_Urcfgx: It depends somewhat on what filesystem was being used on the USB drive, but it certainly won't simply continue copying as if nothing happened.07:47
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
TuxOtakuif it didn't, then I'd venture a pretty solid guess that whatever you were transferring would be reduced to garbage.07:47
apgwhy do not try :D07:47
TuxOtakuand if you were trying to dd something to the drive...well, congratulations on your purchase of a new paperweight.07:48
apgif you are curious what would happen :D07:48
rcfgxHm...so if it's still copying, then I could safely assume that I didn't turn off the monitor, which is where the drive is plugged in? (embarrassing lapse of memory lol)07:48
rcfgxthis is via cp btw07:48
TuxOtakurcfgx, well07:48
TuxOtakuthat's a different story07:48
TuxOtakuyour monitor's USB could be passthrough07:49
TuxOtakuif it is, then you're fine turning the monitor off07:49
Jordan_Urcfgx: What does turning off the monitor have to do with file transfers?07:49
rcfgxit's not passthrough, if i turn it off, it's equivalent to unplugging the drive07:49
Joshwell, I installed cinnamon now I can't do alt+f207:49
Jordan_Urcfgx: Ahh, I understand now.07:49
JoshWhat is command for run dialogue?07:49
Joshso I can make a custom shortcut07:49
TuxOtakuJosh, apt-get remove cinnamon; apt-get install xubuntu-desktop. ;)07:50
Jordan_Urcfgx: I think it's safe to assume that, yes. If it's important, you may want to do an md5sum check of the file (though that will take about as long as copying it over again would).07:50
TuxOtakuyeah I was going to make the same point07:51
TuxOtakumaybe let it finish copying and then do an md5sum07:51
TuxOtakubut chances are still good that the data is b0rked,.07:51
sapharothJosh, i suppose you might have checked the keyboard shortcuts.07:51
sapharothJosh, for cinnamon07:52
rcfgxhmmm...alright, safer to restart the copy i suppose. thanks fellas07:52
timfrostrcfgx: you my have to check the integrity of the filesystem as well07:53
SilfenXHm, Does Pangolin come with samba support out of the box or does it require additional software from Software Center?07:54
timfrost!ask |  Rumino07:55
ubottuRumino: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:55
=== mimor_ is now known as mimor
timfrostSilfenX: you need to install it07:55
Deutopiahow do i save to a network location in a save as box?07:56
timfrost!info samba | SilfenX:07:56
ubottuSilfenX:: samba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.3 (precise), package size 7821 kB, installed size 22379 kB07:56
SilfenXtimfrost: Ok. Do I do thaty from Software Center or from terminal?07:56
Ruminoan "easy" question?: how can I add a program (like Chrome) to the Ubuntu left bar of icons?07:56
oratedHello! Is there a channel for sound related queries on Ubuntu?07:56
timfrostSilfenX: it should be possible from both07:57
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SilfenXI saw there were some samba utlities available in the Software Center, but they installed only half-functional it seem07:57
SilfenXtimfrost: Does it install with a GUI if you install it in a terminal window from desktop?07:58
d1rkp1tttimfrost, delayed response sorry...  but I want shares running because I vnc the desktop from other machines07:59
=== Jimmy-Work is now known as Jimmy1987
timfrostSilfenX: I don't know, as I don't have samba installed.08:00
SilfenXtimfrost: Ok. Thanks for taking time to answer my questions. Much appreciated.08:00
JoshTuxOtaku, Why?08:01
Joshwhat is standard command for run dialog, the command that executes when you press alt-f208:01
Joshwell anyone? :{08:04
Joshblackshirt, What is command for starting run dialogue08:05
=== mandel` is now known as mandel
Joshblackshirt, Command, Not shortcut08:07
blackshirtoh,sorry :d08:08
blackshirtsorry for my understood08:08
Ruminowell, I solved it, it was easy: I moved the Chrome icon from de Ubuntu Home Button to the desktop, and then moved it from the Desktop to de left bar08:09
blackshirti don't know exactly08:09
timfrostd1rkp1tt: in that case, you may want to install samba. I can't advise you, as I use drag-and-drop to transfer files to/from the Ubuntu  host for the 1 windows VM I run.08:10
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:13
timfrostjosh: The dialog that you get from alt-F2 allows you to *type any command* so there is no standard command08:14
Joshtimfrost, how do you restart gui without that?08:14
Joshd1rkp1tt, for me?08:14
d1rkp1ttoh sorry, no08:14
mlpoknHey :)08:15
d1rkp1ttothers that were reading about my file sharing woes08:15
d1rkp1ttIt looks like its windows 708:15
mlpoknHow do I get rid of this error message? Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:1844:16: Theming engine 'adwaita' not found: Thanks08:15
Joshtimfrost, I don't have Alt+f2 working currently, since I upgraded to cinnamon08:15
Joshso How do you restart gui :[08:15
NikozzzzzzHello free people08:15
timfrostJosh: cinnamon'?08:15
Das-Ziggs^ That's debatable depending on the context used08:15
d1rkp1ttJosh, is your function Lock key on?08:15
Joshtimfrost, cinnamon08:15
Joshd1rkp1tt, Function lock huh08:16
d1rkp1ttcinnamon in linuxmint?08:16
JoshOn ubuntu\08:16
d1rkp1ttyou can turn all your function keys off08:16
d1rkp1ttsometimes I hit that and scratch my head for a while08:16
d1rkp1tt.. on some keyboards that is08:16
Joshd1rkp1tt, I don't have that key08:17
timfrostJosh: what is cinnamon?08:17
AscavasaionIf I am doign a dist upgrade... If it is still downloading can I stop it and continue later on?  Or will it start from the beginning again?  Or will it break my system?08:18
Das-ZiggsAnyway, quick question. Every time I run a full screen application (that sees to use OpenGL or other) my screen messed up and I have to do a hard reset to fix the problem. HAppens both with games running under WINE, and Native Games.08:18
Joshtimfrost, forked version of Gnome 308:18
Joshtimfrost, http://cinnamon.linuxmint.com/08:18
Jordan_UJosh: We don't support cinnamon here, but you should be able to forcefully restart X (and switch to a supported DE) by pressing alt+sysrq+k.08:18
Das-ZiggsAscavasaion, In my experience you can always stop it during it's download procedure, and it'll pick up where it loeft off.08:18
crizisJosh, gnome-shell, to be exact. not gnome308:18
Das-ZiggsI wouldn't advise it, however.08:18
AscavasaionDas-Ziggs: Awesome!  Thank you.08:18
Das-ZiggsAscavasaion, No worries bro/sis08:19
JoshDas-Ziggs, bro/sis :D08:19
Das-ZiggsJosh, >.> Well I don't know, do I? XD08:19
JoshYou do08:19
Jordan_UJosh: Or use ctrl+alt+F1 to switch to a text tty, login, and run "sudo service lightdm restart" to do something similar which will allow X to be restarted somewhat more gracefully.08:19
Das-ZiggsDo I?08:19
JoshJust google it08:19
JoshJordan_U, I'd rather logout :D08:20
Das-ZiggsHuh. A noise group.08:20
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
os_hi .. how do i upgrade to ubuntu 12.10 beta ?08:25
enycos_: sudo   update-manager -d    maybe?08:26
enycos_: obviously, this is risky not reccomneded except for testing  etc etc  presume you know that08:26
enycos_: err    sudo do-release-upgrade -d08:27
os_yeh .. i am doing it in a kvm emulator08:27
Ruminobut, you think that Cynnamon is neccessary?08:27
fidelos_: and regarding upcoming 12.10 questions -> #ubuntu+108:27
os_it can't find the new version08:28
enycos_: in which case you can prbably hack it by just changing the /etc/apt/sources.list manually nad doing a  sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:29
fidelos_: check if you defined inside update-manager to check only for lts releases08:30
fidelthis would hide non lts betas08:30
fidelhmm's <-- say nothing but eat space ;)08:32
os_ok thanks i have made it..08:35
Das-ZiggsSo, anyone functional this morning?08:37
virtuapostahi everybody...08:40
Das-ZiggsMornin' virtuaposta08:41
virtuapostaHi Das-Ziggs, I got a question in mind, if is there a way to convert http request into dns query and so that it can be redirected to some other server to respond with08:41
Das-Ziggsvirtuaposta, I have no idea mate. I'm just here, waiting for someone to help me with my little problem XD08:42
virtuapostawhat you stuck in?08:43
tykimcan i install ubuntu in a mac?08:43
virtuapostatykim, you can.. take a look at this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick08:44
Das-Ziggsvirtuaposta, Basically, whenever I load a full screen application, such as a game, the screen distorts to the extent where it's unusable. Trying to get to the console (tty1 and the like) works, but the screen is still distorted.08:44
Das-ZiggsEven by changing the screen resolution to match the application, the same thing happens.08:45
timfrost!mac |  tykim08:45
ubottutykim: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages08:45
virtuapostaDas-Ziggs, anything interesting in logs?08:46
Das-Ziggsvirtuaposta, >.>08:47
Das-Ziggshw 2 access log plx08:47
Das-ZiggsHorrible language aside, I'm not to sure where the logs for it would be located.08:47
vintuwei i have two versions of php installed in my ubuntu vbox, 5.3.10 and 5.4.7. how do i set apache to point to the 5.4.7 which i installed from source?08:47
virtuapostanothing in syslog Das-Ziggs ?08:48
tykimi can only install ubuntu on a mac in small partition? can i have my mac with only ubuntu?08:49
Das-Ziggsvirtuaposta, just looking through the logs now08:49
Das-Ziggsvirtuaposta, Can't seem to find anything relevant to the event. I'll re-produce the problem later and churn through the logs.08:51
Das-ZiggsSep 17 08:31:49 E-V-A-2 kernel: [    0.000000] EFI: mem235: type=7, attr=0xf, range=[0x000000000a0e8000-0x000000000a0f4000) (0MB)08:51
Das-ZiggsSep 17 08:31:49 E-V-A-2 kernel: [    0.000000] EFI: mem236: type=4, attr=0xf, range=[0x000000000a0f4000-0x000000000a0f7000) (0MB)08:51
Das-Ziggs^ Got alot of those though08:51
sig_wallthose are information messages08:52
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r00t_Hey guys. Does anyone know if the unified kernel can be loaded into the newest release of ubuntu?09:12
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SilfenXWhere is the "GO" button/control to access nework under Pangolin?09:15
namoamitabuddhaHi, guys!09:15
SilfenX"Having done this you should now be able to select ‘GO > Network’ from the desktop menu and view your entire Windows and Linux based network."09:15
namoamitabuddhaI have a problem about my wireless connection.09:15
namoamitabuddhaMine is a PEAP.09:16
auronandaceSilfenX: where are you reading that?09:16
namoamitabuddhaI cannot connect to the wireless using network-manager, but I have a configuration file for wpa_supplicant09:16
namoamitabuddhaI don't know the defect.09:16
SilfenXauronandace: http://www.sitepoint.com/ubuntu-12-04-lts-precise-pangolin-file-sharing-with-samba/09:16
namoamitabuddhaCan anybody help me?09:16
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
Evil[1]Hi, I got a little question... Does Ubuntu (or to be true, the mint derivate of it) support nVidia Optimus stuff out of the box? I've read there are many problems...09:17
karthick1987How to fix this error ?? "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)"09:18
Deutopiaclose software center or synaptic if they are open09:18
karthick1987They are not open09:18
karthick1987Deutopia ^ ^09:19
SilfenXauronandace: I found it - but I need to have a filemanager/explorer open to get that menu09:20
auronandaceSilfenX: oh, well done09:20
solofightpeople am trying to install ubuntu - in the partition creation page, how much size to assign for which mount point ?09:20
SilfenXFrom there I can see all the windows machines in the network but not the other way around, ie, no windows machines can see the samba server in their network neighbourhoods09:21
krababbelsolofight: the usual desktop needs about 14GB root, so you have a couple GB for programs and temp data, a little more swap than ram if you want hibernation support09:24
solofightkrababbel: am trying to install ubuntu 12 64 bit09:24
solofightis there a link which talks about all of these which i can read and undestand ?09:24
SilfenXWhy cant my windows machines see the samba server in their network neightbourhoods but the samba server can see all the windows machines?09:25
krababbelsolofight: don't know, you could try a virtual install in vbox first and see how much it takes, my install without personal files is about 8GB09:25
Lantiziawhat's the equivalent of XP's "Phone Dialler" application - i.e. use my modem as a phone to make calls on the laptop09:28
decciHi Guys09:28
Deutopiaall you need is a huge "/" and a swap partition equal to the amount of RAM you have (to enable hibernation)09:28
decciI am following http://linux.dell.com/repo/community/deb/latest/09:29
kroniksenvy1 question about the Terminal how can i display a table with info in it in Terminal, our professor did this in class today but couldnt catch him to explain09:29
decciI dont have internet access for downloading the key through apt-get and install09:29
decciHow shall I install the key09:29
=== Das-Ziggs is now known as Das-Ziggs-[Runni
solofightkrababbel: i have 150 GB disk with 4 GB of ram09:30
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enycdecci: ??the key??09:30
solofightroot and swap are two mandatory partitions i believe09:30
kroniksenvyhe typed some command then collums ("collumn one","collumn two") & (1,"something","something else"; 2,"aga","3535")... etc09:30
deccienyc: Whenever I am trying running gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-key 1285491434D8786F it is trying to connect to this server which I am unable to09:30
Deutopiasolofight; think of "/" as "C:\"    and swap as the place your ram goes when it goes to sleep.   no root is needed09:30
kroniksenvyand it printed out a table with two collumns and two rows and no he was not using mysql or similar database09:31
deccienyc: How shall I do it manually downloading09:31
ikoniadecci: then change the --keyserver option09:31
enycdecci: you can usually manually download .deb files from somewhere else e.g. use  http://packages.ubuntu.com09:31
ikoniadecci: you are telling it what server to use09:31
enycdecci: aaaah hrrm ok  so you aren't talking about a package directly hrrm im not sure09:31
deccienyc: I am talking about key for OMSA installation09:31
enycdecci: though, if you maunlay install deb packages i think it doesn't care about the keys09:32
decciI am unable to reach  pool.sks-keyservers.net09:32
ikoniadecci: so change the --keyserver option09:32
ikoniadecci: you are telling it to use pool.sks-keyservers.net with --keyserver09:32
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
Nessajahi guys, was hoping somebody can give me some help with iptables. As Youtube is able to bypass a transpert proxy by using https, i want to block https port 443 in iptables but only for youtube, so that internet banking and so on still works, i've tried everything I can think of even iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -m string --string "youtube.com" --algo bm -j DROP but  youtube still works on https09:38
solofightDeutopia: can i give swap as 12 GB (my ram size is 4GB) and remaining to /09:38
solofight12 GB is enough for good performance ?09:39
krababbelsolofight: it is plenty, you wouldn't use that much ever09:39
MonkeyDustNessaja  try in the channel #netfilter, some 150 people there09:39
solofightkrababbel: so 8 GB ?09:39
Nessajathanks MonkeyDust :-)09:39
solofighttwice that of my ram ?09:39
krababbelsolofight: I'd use 8.5GB or 9GB to be sure, if you want to upgrade to 8GB RAM maybe09:40
slappycakesDoes anyone here have any experience with the unified kernel?09:40
slappycakesI want to apply it to ubuntu09:40
krababbelsolofight: otherwise double the ram is unnessecary09:40
oratedIs there a way to disable using laptop integrated camera and use USB attached camera?09:40
solofightkrababbel: upgrading hardware ram size is never going to happen09:40
solofightkrababbel: so how much to give ?09:40
krababbelsolofight: but with 150GB, you can go 12GB of course, you won't notice a difference09:41
krababbelsolofight: I'd use 5GB09:41
temporarytao_orated, you should be able to choose in the app that's going to be using the camera09:41
solofightkrababbel: ok am also giving 5GB09:41
BlackNarcissusHello everyone. I followed several howtos on how to encrypt external hard drives with cryptsetup and LUKS, but found almost nothing on how to use a keyfile instead of a passphrase. Any ressource I missed ? Thanks.09:42
krababbelsolofight: no problem, you can resize them afterwards even09:42
oratedtemporarytao_: I don't want to have a temporary use with the help of application or such. I want to make permanent change to use USB camera instead of laptop integrated cam09:42
solofightkrababbel: ++ thank you very much09:42
krababbelsolofight: though changing swap or root would need updates in system files too09:42
=== UrInternetSUCKS is now known as aether
luyangHey I had a problem connecting to the internet on last boot. Is there any suggestions where I could find information related to that? I checked /var/log/syslog but don't know what to look for09:45
slappycakesAnyone? :(09:45
temporarytao_orated, that gets a little complicated. you'd probably have to edit a config file for that to work. can't help you there, sorry.09:45
Dan__Hi, has anyone had this issue before http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205782609:45
=== Dan__ is now known as Guest10452
kroniksenvyHow can i write a command for Terminal so i can type say:  savetoinfo "title" "content" and in background it will connect to a mysql database and insert that into a specified database->table09:46
kroniksenvycould this be written in python or c ?09:46
kroniksenvyor does it need to be shell script ?09:46
krababbelluyang: you could look in terminal, type 'ip link' and 'ip addr' to see what's there09:48
luyangbut I am connected now... I just don't know what was wrong last boot09:48
luyangIt was as if the network cable was disconnected09:49
krababbelluyang: there are a couple files in /var/log/09:49
luyangJust wanted to see if I could learn from reading the logs out of curiosity09:49
krababbelnot sure09:49
luyangkrababbel: yes as I said I already skimmed through syslog09:49
daniellogHas anyone had this issue? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205782609:49
GJ_I had a lot of issues with unity. Solved bij using Mate end xfce ;-)09:51
MonkeyDustdaniellog  it's called 'globalmenu'09:51
daniellogYeah I have the global menu, but I somehow have window menus too and I want to disable them?09:52
MonkeyDustdaniellog  http://askubuntu.com/questions/10481/how-do-i-disable-the-global-application-menu09:53
skraitohi guys09:53
skraitohow do you connect your samsung s galaxy 309:53
MonkeyDustdaniellog  wait, do you want to have the globalmenu or the other?09:54
daniellogno I want the global menu, I want to disable the window menu09:54
WACOMaltskraito, I dont have one but I have a galaxy nexus. Sorry to say I havent tried yet. I may connect it now that you mentioned :P09:54
MonkeyDustdaniellog  ok, disregard my tip then, don't know how to do what you want09:55
temporarytao_skraito, if you mean connecting it as mass storage device, your going to have to do it via settings->usb utilities->connect storage to pc09:55
daniellogSo no one can help me?09:55
luyangI think I might've found a possible cause for the previous network issues: "device state change: ip-config -> failed (reason 'ip-config-unavailable') [70 120 5]"09:55
WACOMaltskraito, I just plugged my Galaxy Nexus (which also use MTP as I think the SGS3 does) and it showed up as a media player09:55
WACOMaltupon which I can choose to open folder09:55
luyanghow can ip-config be unavailable09:55
temporarytao_support for the new storage android is using is still lacking for linux09:55
temporarytao_luyang, it's ifconfig09:56
WACOMaltalso lacking in windows and mac sadly :/09:56
luyangtemporarytao_: that was from my log09:56
luyangtemporarytao_: but I know what it's called09:56
temporarytao_luyang, sorry. i missed the "-" :)09:56
krababbelluyang: are you using network manager, a default install?09:56
WACOMaltskraito, though my files arent showing up, I did find this, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/how-to-easily-mount-the-galaxy-nexus-on-ubuntu-11-10-via-unity09:57
gluesniffmonkeyThis is happening to a friend on Ubuntu 12.04. Computer not booting in new kernel. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210728/09:59
=== WACOMalt is now known as WACOMalt|AFK
=== WACOMalt|AFK is now known as WACOMalt
luyangkrababbel: yes a default ubuntu install10:00
gluesniffmonkeyWould booting in working kernel and doing an apt-get upgrade work?10:00
daniellogCan anyone help me with this issue? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205782610:01
skraitodont open askubuntu10:01
skraitoits virus from india10:01
luyangI think it might've been some issue with DHCP or so10:02
luyangIndia IS a virus10:02
=== railsraider_ is now known as railsraider
krababbelluyang: could be a bug? do you use wireless? https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=753482 I googled your error10:04
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 753482 in NetworkManager "wifi drops every 15 minutes (ip-config-unavailable) because of IPv6 RDNSS timeout" [Medium,Assigned]10:04
luyangkrababbel: thanks I'll check10:04
krababbelluyang: the last comment says it affects ipv4 too10:05
krababbelluyang: you could remove or disable network manager maybe to solve it for now10:06
luyangkrababbel: I am just curious how it can be fixed when it comes back again10:06
luyangbut I'm ok with this for now10:06
lcshHello, When im Clich "Shutdown" my is not shutting down, only im Logout...10:06
WACOMaltskraito, hmm that script isnt working for me, but you can apparantly switch to PTP mode to get it mounting properly for now10:06
luyangOn windows I do ipconfig /release   ipconfig /renew10:06
WACOMaltOr airdroid app. I prefer that.10:06
luyangwould be nice to learn the ubuntu equivalent10:07
luyangof ipconfig /renew10:07
luyangifdown eth0; ifup eth0; /etc/init.d network restart10:07
lcshI cannot turn off the computer.10:08
luyangmight worok10:08
luyanglcsh: pull the plug10:08
luyanglcsh: or sudo shutdown -h now10:08
lcshwhem im try to turn off, Ubuntu loging off me..10:08
lcshwhem im clich Turn off on Users Sreen = no action...10:08
lcshluyang: huhz... i've young sis.. and guest account cannot use SUDO...10:09
lcshhow to repair that?10:10
WACOMaltinstall wine and run ipconfig /renew10:10
WACOMalt:P just kidding but I need this answer too10:10
gordonjcp!ask | WACOMalt10:11
ubottuWACOMalt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:11
WACOMalt? I didnt ask to ask a question...10:12
TicoHi, is it normal to get this message after i suspend the lid on ubuntu 12.04? https://www.dropbox.com/s/nujhxg0k3e27ocg/2012-09-16%2021.32.52.jpg?10:12
WACOMaltgordonjcp, I was adding on to luyang's question10:13
CalinouTico: linux hates suspending, consider setting to just turning screen off10:13
WACOMaltsuspends fine here. Depends on your pios sleep settings.10:13
gordonjcpWACOMalt: I didn't see that, and luyang isn't in the channel10:14
Calinousame happens to hibernate10:14
RedViperMy desktop is not connecting to the internet, how ever it works in the windows psrtition. It is connected via LAN?10:14
CalinouI advise not using it anyway10:14
TicoCalinou: So i just turn the brightness on the screen off without closing the lid?10:14
CalinouRedViper: wireless/ethernet?10:14
WACOMaltnp, yeah I just noticed they left before getting an answer10:14
CalinouTico: yes, that is a better alternative, or shut the computer down when you don't use it10:14
RedViperCalinou: ethernet10:14
=== z1gg3h_[Running] is now known as z1gg3h
TicoCalinou: do you know how i can lock my computer without closing my lid and reopen?10:15
WACOMaltanyone know what the proper sleep setting are for bios for ubuntu?10:15
WACOMaltI think like p4 or something10:15
daniellogCan anyone help me with this issue? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205782610:15
CalinouTico: or, yes, you can use "lock screen". it doesn't suspend, but it locks the computer10:15
wizarddis there working driver for gma3600&gma3650 for ubuntu?10:15
WACOMalthmmm daniellog thats what I'm TRYING to get10:15
WACOMaltand none in the top panel10:16
TicoCalinou: I'll try thanks :)10:16
Calinouwizardd: explaing "working"? note intel's drivers are open source10:16
TicoCalinou: i got another question :P do you what i should do if my ubuntu hard freezes like lagg?10:16
wizarddwell has intel released driver for those yet?10:17
RedViperCalinou: ethernet10:17
Calinou1) "lagg" is not a word. "lag" is10:17
Calinou2) explain freezing? when it freezes, what do you do?10:17
Calinouwizardd: not sure10:17
TicoCalinou: i meant lag :/ i force shutdown my laptop and boot again?10:18
TicoCalinou: ment*10:18
Calinouavoid doing this; if X freezes, you can switch to text mode using ctrl+alt+f1 and see what happens (ctrl+alt+f7 to go back to graphical interface)10:18
daniellogYou have the same issue?10:19
WACOMalttry using Ubuntu-2d10:19
WACOMaltthat stopped my UI crashes and freezes10:19
WACOMaltcompiz is still very buggy imo10:19
TicoCalinou: but should i reboot or just "switch" to and back to graphical and hope it will fix the freezing?10:20
WACOMaltthough I like it10:20
CalinouTico: it can fix it, though not always. already happened to me :p10:20
=== r00t_ is now known as skippy4
WACOMaltyou could switch then run "unity" to restart the ui. if that doesnt work try sudo service lightdm stop and then sudo service lightdm start10:20
Calinouusing unity 2D can fix crashes though. it is less fancy, but faster10:20
skippy4Does anyone have any experience with longene?10:20
TicoCalinou: okey, thanks :)10:21
RedViperCalinou: ethernet?10:21
WACOMaltyeah I like what Zompiz adds to the UI, its very nice, but its the first thing to crash when memory starts getting used by heavy programs10:21
CalinouRedViper: I don't know then.10:22
Ticolast question, can i turn off the three button triggering (multitouch feature on ubuntu)?10:22
Ticoalso the touchpad10:22
Ticomousepad or something....10:22
Pzat"logoff" of lxsession-logoff  from the normal shutdown/logoff menu, seems to reboot my computer whne i select logoff10:23
oneman_ http://media.kradradio.com/files/Wayland/wl_top_tunes30p_hi.webm - https://github.com/soreau10:23
Pzater oops, thought i was in lubuntu chat .. , dang chat program10:25
WACOMaltwhat is lubuntu?10:25
RedViperMy desktop (Ubuntu 10.04) is not connecting to the internet, how ever it works in the windows partition. It is connected via LAN, ethernet?10:25
ahtmly2kHELP: I Have a second NTFS drive that can't be read at the moment because I shutdown my windows abnormally. How can I force Ubuntu to read it since I need to read it now?10:25
Pzatlxde version of ubuntu10:26
Ticocan i disable three fingers triggering feature on ubuntu 12.04? it's really annoying10:26
WACOMaltahtmly2k, not sure if you can in ubuntu but I have used a SLAX liveUSB to read broken NTFS drives10:26
Deutopiathere is also the KDE version of ubuntu, kubuntu, and xfce version, xubuntu10:26
WACOMaltor if you absolutely have to get the file you could try testdisk which can read ANY (usually broken) partition and it's files.10:26
WACOMaltbut its not really made for file backups, though it can.10:26
Deutopiaahtmly2k; install testdisk10:27
Deutopiatestdisk and photorec, the winning combination (who needs backups?   :P )10:27
ahtmly2kit is possible, i did it before and without third party app.. but i forgot the command.10:28
ahtmly2kmeanwhile i'll also try testdisk10:28
WACOMaltDeutopia, thing is his partitions are still fine, so its kinda overkill. But.. will work10:28
WACOMalttestdisk has saved my ass so many times in the past10:28
WACOMaltyou could also try the "force" argument in mount10:29
RedViperMy desktop (Ubuntu 10.04) is not connecting to the internet, how ever it works in the windows partition. It is connected via LAN, ethernet?10:29
krababbelahtmly2k: I believe ntfs or ntfs-3g driver can reset the ntfs flag10:29
WACOMaltsomething like:  sudo mount -t ntfs-3g/ dev/sd## /media/DRIVENAME -o force10:30
WACOMaltreplace with your /dev/ id for the drive and make sure the /media folder you mount to is there beforehand10:30
ahtmly2kis that available from the software center?10:30
WACOMaltbear in mind this isnt necessarily safe... always run windows chkdisk if you can.10:30
krababbelahtmly2k: when windows doesn't shutdown normally, its ntfs partitions are marked, so next boot, windows asks to check the filesystem10:30
CheapshotRedViper,  What kind of network setup do you have, a router or ?10:31
WACOMaltahtmly2k, http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Download10:31
skippy4Can anyone help me with installing Longene?10:31
WACOMaltahtmly2k, simply extract, and sudo ./testdisk in the folder10:31
WACOMaltbe sure to read their quick start and manual, you can do SERIOUS damage (and serious fixing) in this program.10:32
sabgentonisn't task sel depresiated10:32
krababbelahtmly2k: try in terminal 'man ntfs-3g'10:32
sabgentoncant i doo some sorta apt get group install  lamp-server10:32
nannes!info brltty10:32
ubottubrltty (source: brltty): Access software for a blind person using a braille display. In component main, is extra. Version 4.3-1ubuntu5 (precise), package size 1286 kB, installed size 6228 kB10:32
WACOMaltactually sorry it will be ./testdisk.810:32
RedViperMy desktop (Ubuntu 10.04) is not connecting to the internet, how ever it works in the windows partition. It is connected via LAN, ethernet?10:33
nannes!info ttf-indic-fonts-core10:33
ubottuttf-indic-fonts-core (source: ttf-indic-fonts): Core collection of free fonts for languages of India. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.5.11ubuntu1 (precise), package size 1143 kB, installed size 2628 kB10:33
krababbelahtmly2k: you can mount the partition 'ntfs-3g <device> <mountpoint> --force', so it will ignore the flag, also I'd use read only option, just to be safe10:33
nannes!info ttf-punjabi-fonts10:33
ubottuttf-punjabi-fonts (source: ttf-indic-fonts): Free TrueType fonts for the Punjabi language. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.5.11ubuntu1 (precise), package size 64 kB, installed size 220 kB10:33
WACOMalterm.. sorry "testdisk_static"10:33
ubottuTasksel is a Debian/Ubuntu tool that installs multiple related packages as a co-ordinated "task" onto your system, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel for more information. Use tasksel only to INSTALL tasks, not to remove them. It will remove every package listed within the removed task! see https://launchpad.net/bugs/57428710:33
krababbelahtmly2k: mounting it --force would be like skipping the file system check when windows asks for it at boot after improper shutdown10:34
WACOMaltafter further research, sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sd? /media/? -o force appears to be completely safe provided there arent ACTUALLY any filesystem errors and it was just an abrupt shutdown10:34
CheapshotRedViper, Can you ping your router?10:35
WACOMaltI think that's what slax does by default10:35
sabgentonsudo apt-get install lamp-server^10:36
sabgentonNote - Calling tasks from apt-get is not documented anywhere. If you find a page that documents this, please update this page with a link.10:36
RedViperCheapshot: I have not tried, what address can I ping, and how does one ping exactly I have forgotten?10:36
WACOMaltRed_M, a simple ping google.com10:37
WACOMaltman ping will show you the options you can use.10:38
krababbelahtmly2k: I don't know if testdisk can actually check ntfs and repair if needed, or if any free linux software can, usually there are no errors from a power loss10:38
WACOMaltusually I just keep a windows CD installed on USB10:38
WACOMaltjust boot into recovery command promp and type chkdisk or whatever10:39
RedViperWACOMalt: Coukd you give me an example? So I can try?10:39
WACOMaltfor ping command?10:39
WACOMaltyeah just type: ping google.com10:39
z1gg3h" ping www.google.com"10:39
Cheapshotin terminal10:39
WACOMaltyup, do that10:40
WACOMaltwill spit out the ping and response10:40
WACOMaltsi Quantal Quetzal out yet?  (also wtf name.. can we just stick to numbers?)10:41
CheapshotRedViper, Open up terminal and type : route -n     there you will see your gateway address, then try to ping that address10:41
RedViperWACOMalt: Cheapshot: Ok done it but what i it supposed to do? Because it just got this > each time I hit enter?\10:41
krababbelWACOMalt: nope, #ubuntu+1 discusses it I think10:42
WACOMaltRedViper, you should see this: http://www.blindmanstudio.com/dropbox/Selection_006.png10:43
z1gg3hRedViper, are you sure you're typing " route -n "10:43
WACOMaltoh I thought he was asking about ping command10:43
z1gg3hWACOMalt, Yay for a lack of information XD10:44
CheapshotWACOMalt, pinging google wont do much if your internet isnt up :)10:44
Deutopiawill tell you stuff aint right10:44
WACOMaltis there any way to add formatting to textedit document? like bold?10:45
WACOMaltor do I have to hop ot libreword?10:45
RedViperWACOMalt: Cheapshot: z1gg3h: Kernel IP routing table10:46
RedViperDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface10:46
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:47
WACOMaltIm lost now, I know nothing about routing tables, sorry10:47
WACOMaltit was only two lines :P10:47
Deutopiaooooo IP tables at the kernel lvl? NNICE!10:47
RedViperWACOMalt: Cheapshot: z1gg3h: My desktop (Ubuntu 10.04) is not connecting to the internet, how ever it works in the windows partition. It is connected via LAN, ethernet?10:48
Blazemore|WorkI need to set up the folder /var/foo so that no matter who creates or modifies files, they're always mode 77710:48
blackshirt777, that world readable10:49
Blazemore|WorkWorld writable, specifically10:49
ahtmly2kunsuccessful, couldn't figure out how to use ntfs-3g.. kept ending up with wrong commands..10:49
Blazemore|WorkIt's not a security thing10:49
Deutopiaset owner levl of dir to lowest and set document ownership to look to parent10:50
WACOMaltI'm making a nice text document for myself for every tweak I do to Ubuntu after install. Do you guys have any lists like this? interested in expanding my customizations.10:50
blackshirtahtmly2k, what you want with ntfs-3g10:50
blackshirtwacomalt, thats great10:51
RedViperMy desktop (Ubuntu 10.04) is not connecting to the internet, how ever it works in the windows partition. It is connected via LAN, ethernet? Does anyone know what to do to get my internet workin?10:51
MonkeyDustWACOMalt  i have such list, but it's offtopic10:51
Deutopiasudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair10:52
krababbelahtmly2k: first 'sudo umount /dev/sdX', then mount 'sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o force /dev/sdX /mnt/SOMEDIRECTORY' I believe10:52
WACOMaltMonkeyDust, feel free to PM it :D10:52
WACOMaltI'm gonna host mine soon so I can always get to it10:52
WACOMaltmaybe make a script out of it10:53
quotafailOn 12.04 I have enabled quota with tune2fs on my ext4 filesystem, now it cannot be mounted anymore (unsupported features). Is this expected10:53
WACOMaltcould that be caused by journaling?10:54
WACOMaltsorry I'm not savvy on any of that, just curious10:54
dhlalit11Please help me to boot Ubuntu installed by wubi10:54
WACOMaltdid you go to hibernate and now it doesnt work?10:54
dhlalit11My /disk/boot/grub folder is empty10:54
DeutopiaRedViper; have you enabled networking?10:55
WACOMaltAnyone in here have experience installing Maya 2012 on Ubuntu?10:55
MonkeyDustsudo /etc/cron.daily/prelink10:55
WACOMaltit's all RPMs and the guides I found do not work for 12.04 or 201210:55
dhlalit11In gnu grub command line when I type linux it shows no kernel specified10:55
blackshirtwacomalt, i'm not sure10:55
EaglemanI am getting the folliwing when i run: easy_install archipel-agent   http://pastebin.com/32xemgtq     Any idea on how to fix this?10:56
blackshirtdhlalit11 linux /some/path/to/vmlinuz/image10:56
RedViperDeutopia: Yes it is enabled networking. And it's still not connecting?10:56
CheapshotRedViper,  Ping
dhlalit11I have root.disk in /disks no image10:57
blackshirtdhlalit11, sorry,are you on wubi10:58
AL|ENhello all10:59
WACOMaltdoes wubi still break if you hibernate in the install?10:59
RedViperDeutopia: Cheapshot: This is what it's saying - connect: Network is unreachable - What now?10:59
dhlalit11I didn't hibernate10:59
blackshirtdhlalit11, i don't habe10:59
PapaSierraon ubuntu12 i added the dotdeb repository so that i could work with php 5.4 (ubuntu is only up to 5.3.10). it installed just fine until i tried to install the php:mysql extension at which point it seems as though the dotdeb repository doesn't have that requirement. so we tried installing anyway without the extension but clearly the mysql_... functions are missing from php. any hints?10:59
blackshirtdhlalit11, i don't have play with wubi10:59
SilfenXwhere is the firewall in Ubuntu?11:00
dhlalit11Anyways thanks11:00
dhlalit11Can you tell anything about grub.cfg file11:00
CheapshotRedViper, was there a adrress below the Gateway when you did the route - n , you pasted something but only half of it here. You must ping the address below the gateway section.11:00
blackshirtyes, dhlalit1111:00
user2dwhat ports i need to block in firewall rules, to block all tor and i2p traffic ?11:01
RedViperCheapshot: Thats all there was? What I posted was what there was.?11:01
dhlalit11Mine is not available in /disk/boot/grub so what should i do11:02
blackshirtuser2d, maybe you try to look for some services port on /etc/services11:02
xnixanHi, i have guest VB running windows xp, with bridge interface, i am able to connect from guest to host VB running ubuntu 12.04, but not vise versa, neither from other network machines, any idea about resolving this?11:02
CheapshotRedViper, what does " ifconfig eth0 " say?11:02
WACOMaltanyone know why after switching to youtube's html5 trial that it still is using flash? I know not quite Ubuntu, but very much an anti flash question11:02
Deutopianot all is converted11:03
nannesWhen will kernel 3.4 available in repos_11:03
dhlalit11When I type Linux it says no kernel specified11:03
CheapshotWACOMalt, try some of the most popular videos on youtube to see if they are on html 511:03
blackshirtdhlalit11, typically, your linux resides on /boot dir... and symlinked to root dir.. Usually /boot/vmlinuz-some-version11:03
RedViperCheapshot: eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found11:04
WACOMaltCheapshot, I'm watching phillip Defranco, that's popular enough right?11:04
dhlalit11Thanks again11:04
WACOMaltgranted its a new upload, thats probably why11:04
CheapshotRedViper, do "ifconfig "11:04
Cheapshotand see if there is any other eth11:05
random_Anyone here run two monitors with nvidia cards ? i cant get my second monitor to work, it worked then i rebooted, and now it wont work11:05
WACOMaltrandom_, I do. working fine with nvidia proprietary drivers11:06
WACOMaltbe sure to launch nvidia-settings as sudo or the settings wont save or only partially save11:06
RedViperCheapshot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210806/11:07
z1gg3hHow does one figure out what driver they are currently using? I suspect the problem I have at the moment is a driver issue.11:07
WACOMaltfor graphics? I look under proprietary drivers and see if nviai is activated11:07
RedViperCheapshot: What does that mean?11:07
z1gg3hGot an intel card.11:08
WACOMaltz1gg3h, ah not sure how to check then11:08
random_WACOMalt, i had this all working before reboot, but now if i do sudo nvidia-settings it outputs this error Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".11:08
WACOMaltrandom_, sounds like you may need to do a apt-get remove --purge nvidia from tty111:08
WACOMaltand then reinstall ubuntu-desktop! remember that!11:09
TheHustlehi, does anyone here know about video editing, please?11:09
WACOMaltthats what I had to do when my nvidia was biting the dust11:09
Cheapshotah reviper is ogne11:09
random_WACOMalt, Sigh.. but why did this happen, this install is literally 2 hours old.11:09
z1gg3hWACOMalt, Ha. Apparently they are installed by default11:09
cfhowlettTheHustle: what do you want to know about video editing?11:09
WACOMaltrandom_, i HEAR YA11:10
WACOMaltgah caps...11:10
WACOMaltI had to reinstall 3 times thanks to nvidia (and trying to install cuda headers.. long story)11:10
random_i dont uinderstand why this distro i have been having so much problems with 2 monitors, had none ever before11:10
TheHustlecfhowlett, i have transfered a vhs tape to my computer, the problem i have is, the vhs tape has terrible jumping, is there a software solution to fix the jumping?11:12
RedViperCheapshot: Sorry I'm back what is the problem?\11:12
WACOMaltrandom_, I always have, unless using noveou (sp?) but then nothing else ran very well11:12
cfhowlettTheHustle: kind of doubt it.  Garbage in, garbage out ...11:12
RedViperCheapshot: Did you see the paste bin?11:12
CheapshotRedViper,  type "lspci -v" and paste it11:12
CheapshotRedViper,  yes11:12
random_WACOMalt, Well im trying to use the current driver, cause i do plan on doing gaming and stuff, so i kinda wanted the most up to date driver11:12
WACOMaltyeah I hear ya11:13
WACOMaltyou could always try to download it from NVidia and to the command line install11:13
WACOMaltthat seems to have a higher success rate because it does a cleanup first of some sort11:13
CheapshotRedViper,  Problem seems to be that ubuntu doesnt recognize your ethernet card for some reason11:13
TheHustlecfhowlett, is it possible to go through frame-by-frame and remove the jumps?11:13
random_yea, but how can i kill my xserver / gnome so i can install? been so long since i've done that11:14
cfhowlettTheHustle: see openshot video editor11:14
WACOMaltTheHustle, for that sort of fix you will sadly need more than what any of the editing softwares for ubuntu can handle11:14
WACOMaltI'd use Nuke for that, which.. is in Linux, but is also $8k11:14
cfhowlettTheHustle: ask the #ubuntustudio channel as welll.11:14
cfhowlett$8K!!!  Any Foss equivalents11:15
WACOMaltI can say with experience that this is above any of the editing suites right now. stabilization and image cleanup are simply too complex currently for any free software I have seen.11:15
WACOMaltcfhowlett, nope. This is professional VFX editing software.11:15
TheHustlecfhowlett & WACOMalt, thanks for your replies.11:15
WACOMaltI use it daily for my job.11:15
nsudofolks, i have trouble with my sound in ubuntu 12.0411:15
gordonjcpcfhowlett: what do you mean "jumping"?11:16
gordonjcpcfhowlett: frame bounce?11:16
RedViperCheapshot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210817/   Ok what was that all about? :D11:16
WACOMaltand it runs so much better on ubuntu than windows, but the price is a big deterrent. Though.. they do have 30 day trial licenses available at thefoundry.co.uk11:16
adoresguys how can I switch with keyboard shortcut button from one language layout to other. I tried alt+shift and vice versa11:16
cfhowlettgordonjcp: thehustle is editing video not me.11:16
gordonjcpcfhowlett: oh, sorry11:16
WACOMaltbut this program is going to be like nothing you have used before. Nodal based image editing.11:16
TheHustlegordonjcp, yes it's frame bounce i think11:16
fabiam_hello guys!11:16
gordonjcpTheHustle: okay, you'll need to sort that out at the playback stage11:16
WACOMaltif the whole frame is bouncing I could fix that very quickly, but not tonight.11:17
WACOMaltif you're willing to wait I can try to take a look tomorrow night11:17
gordonjcpTheHustle: tbh you might well be better taking it to a proper dupe house11:17
eins11hi guys11:17
nsudo00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)11:17
nsudoSubsystem: Intel Corporation Device d60611:17
nsudoFlags: fast devsel, IRQ 2211:17
nsudoMemory at 902c0000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]11:17
nsudoCapabilities: <access denied>11:17
WACOMalt^ that too11:17
nsudoKernel modules: snd-hda-intel11:17
FloodBot1nsudo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:17
WACOMaltbad nsudo!11:17
gordonjcpTheHustle: they'll have a high-end VHS deck and a timebase corrector that might well solve a lot of it11:17
nsudosorry folks11:17
adoresWhat is the shortcut button for exchanging language layouts while/before typing some text ?11:18
nsudoi was trying to paste my errors11:18
WACOMaltI had to deal with bad VHS recordings for a thing we did for the worlds fair... it was miserable cleanup work11:18
TheHustlethank you gordonjcp11:18
fabiam_I did add some extra lines at /etc/apt/source.list concerning some older Ubuntu version of VirtualBox and I think it downloaded everything and installed, now I already removed those extra lines, how do I uninstall those extras apt-get has installed?11:18
afdHi guys. Can't get Tomboy to start. Tried from regular menu, gnome-do, terminal and with sudo... the app tries to start (appears on panel) and then fails. Here's the paste bin of sudo tomboy --debug http://www.ebuyer.com/245715-sumvision-cyclone-live-media-player-adaptor-version-2-1080p-avdv00047311:18
crizisnice pastebin..11:19
nsudoIntel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio C have issues fixing it can someone help11:19
z1gg3hnsudo, What's up bro?11:19
RedViperCheapshot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210817/   ??? :D11:19
nsudono drivers for that device man11:19
random_WACOMalt, soo umm yea, that command you said, says can't locate nvidia :P11:19
CheapshotRedViper, yes you need drivers for that11:20
WACOMaltthat's... odd11:20
z1gg3hnsudo, Dinched. Have you tried looking on System Settings - Addtional Drivers?11:20
WACOMaltrandom_, well I suppose you could just try to install over11:20
WACOMaltoh sorry!11:20
WACOMaltdo nvidia*11:20
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nsudomy audio not working tried to mod probe but no help, yes says no additional drivers11:20
fabiam_How do I reset Software Source from Update Manager app?11:20
cfhowlettfabiam_: reset?  you mean to defaults?11:21
fabiam_cfhowlett, yes!11:21
RedViperCheapshot: Ok, what drivers and where can I get them and how do I download and install them when the computer can't connect to the net?11:21
z1gg3hnsudo, Gimme a sec bro, I've got an Intel Audio device, lemme see if it's the same one.11:21
WACOMaltrandom_, did you get the change? I said you have to use nvidia* not nvidia11:22
random_WACOMalt, yes i got it, did it, and it finished11:22
fabiam_I didn't read it carefully and I add all those lines at mu source list : https://gist.github.com/373675611:22
WACOMaltcool, here's hoping :)11:22
eraser1hi guys, you know a easy way to modify gdm theme?11:22
random_WACOMalt, so should i restart now? since i did that, or install ubuntu-desktop first?11:23
WACOMaltrandom_, I am making extra sure you reinstalled ubuntu-desktop afterwards, because I didnt and broke my install :X11:23
z1gg3hnsudo, http://askubuntu.com/questions/150215/my-sound-is-not-working-in-ubuntu-12-0411:23
fabiam_And I think it got lots of not Precise upgrades. Now my system is completly out of order.11:23
CheapshotRedViper, What kind of desktop computer is that? model11:23
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nsudothanks bro11:23
z1gg3hGive that a bash and tell me if it works11:23
fabiam_I already removed those extra lines and keep just the first one.11:23
afdcrizis: sorry I'll try that again11:23
z1gg3h /)11:23
WACOMaltrandom_, and yes you should restart after reinstalling ubuntu-desktop11:24
afdHi guys. Can't get Tomboy to start. Tried from regular menu, gnome-do, terminal and with sudo... the app tries to start (appears on panel) and then fails. Here's the paste bin of sudo tomboy --debug http://pastebin.com/zC0DXCWd11:24
random_WACOMalt, hvnt done that yet :P i thought this would kill my gui desktop but it didnt11:24
fabiam_And I apt-get update and nothing.11:24
fabiam_Any ideas please??11:24
WACOMaltand download the nvidia driver .run file from nvidia and run that in tty1 when you restart, before logging in11:24
WACOMaltyou will have to sudo lightdm stop, then run the install, then afterwards sudo lightdm start11:24
blackshirtfabiam_ what happen with your desktop?11:24
z1gg3hafd, What's wrong with gedit?11:24
afdz1gg3h: I need to search for a tomboy note11:25
afdI have thousands11:25
afdnot sure I can find it without opening the app itself11:25
fabiam_blackshirt, nothing. The bad thing happen to my network. Why?11:25
z1gg3hafd, Ah. And rather than using a roundabout way of converting them, getting Tomboy to work would be easier. Not as fun though XD11:25
z1gg3hafd, what's the output when you run it through the terminal?11:25
fabiam_blackshirt, is there a way to restore default packages?11:26
afdz1gg3h: I'm going to migrate away to EverPad or something after seeing the review on omgubuntu.. but for now... I need access11:26
RedViperCheapshot: Ok, what drivers and where can I get them and how do I download and install them when the computer can't connect to the net?11:26
blackshirtfabiam_ exactly,what the problem is? You can't connect to net?11:26
fabiam_And uninstall those from old releases?11:26
fabiam_blackshirt, no11:26
fabiam_blackshirt, exactly. I can't11:27
afdz1gg3h: this is what I get when typing just "tomboy" http://pastebin.com/urQUCr5y11:27
WACOMaltso he cant download the drivers he needs11:27
fabiam_hod do I restore it?11:27
WACOMaltclassic catch2211:27
eraser1tomboy sucks11:27
blackshirtfabiam_ what do you want to restore?11:27
z1gg3hafd, Certainly alot of <filename unknowns>11:28
fabiam_blackshirt, the default Ubuntu 12.04 packages and nothing more.11:28
CheapshotRedViper, Has the network ever worked or did the problem just occur?11:28
fabiam_blackshirt, I already removed those lines about preview versions of Virtualbox from here.11:28
WACOMaltNot gonna lie, I feel like a boss working on actual professional VFX in ubuntu :)  I love this OS.11:28
random_WACOMalt, So did that, two monitors now work, turned off the mirror, and switched the resolutions to the proper ones, i dont have a nvidia settings anymore, not sure what i should do now, cause im almost certain i need a nvidia driver to be installed to work with games decently.11:28
afdz1gg3h: you think there are certain .note files it can't access? (I don't care if I lose the odd one... I have a backup somewhere)11:28
WACOMaltrandom_, wait ok.. so you dont have NVidia at all?11:29
WACOMaltdid you run the nvidia installer from their site?11:29
fabiam_Could someone help me please????11:29
quotafailcan anyone tell me something about my earlier question? I cannot find a lot of info on the ext4 quota feature in Ubuntu11:29
quotafailOn 12.04 I have enabled quota with tune2fs on my ext4 filesystem, now it cannot be mounted anymore (unsupported features). Is this expected?11:29
afdz1gg3h: I was considering making a backup, removing and reinstalling tomboy...11:29
fabiam_I did add some extra lines at /etc/apt/source.list concerning some older Ubuntu version of VirtualBox and I think it downloaded everything and installed, now I already removed those extra lines, how do I uninstall those extras apt-get has installed?11:29
fabiam_I did add some extra lines at /etc/apt/source.list concerning some older Ubuntu version of VirtualBox and I think it downloaded everything and installed, now I already removed those extra lines, how do I uninstall those extras apt-get has installed?11:29
RedViperCheapshot: Well I recently replace the motherboard and since there it has not worked. Now I don't know what motherboard it is as someone else put it in.11:29
random_WACOMalt, hvnt done anything besided the purge nvidia and install of ubuntu desktop, hvnt downloaded any other drivers11:29
WACOMaltrandom_, ah ok11:30
z1gg3hafd, What other programs do you have with 'tom' in the name? Is there anything else?11:30
WACOMaltrandom_, then go to nvidia.com, download the newest drivers as a .run file11:30
blackshirtfabiam_ just remove that lines, and rerun apt-get update11:30
ubottufabiam_:: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:30
random_WACOMalt, Ok11:30
fabiam_Is there a way?11:30
afdz1gg3h: nothing as far as I can tell (tried gnome-do for "tom" and then scrolled down)11:30
WACOMaltrandom_, then switch to tty1 (ctl+alt+f1) and run sudo lightdm stop11:30
fabiam_blackshirt, I already did that.11:30
z1gg3hafd, Actually, try renaming the .tomboy directory and see if that makes a difference11:30
random_do i need binutils and stuff?11:31
z1gg3habine, English bro11:31
WACOMaltrandom_, shouldnt, just the driver11:31
WACOMaltrandom_, then cd to the directory and do sudo ./Nvidia*...*.run11:31
blackshirtremove the lines you have been added and then run apt-get update11:31
WACOMaltonce its done do sudo lightdm11:31
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:31
fabiam_blackshirt, ok ,then?11:31
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html11:32
random_WACOMalt, alright easy enough, i just remember back in the days where i would do gdm stop, have to install binutils and what not then compile the driver etc :P11:32
WACOMaltand if you're lucky you will have the newest NVidia installed and the settings for it. It wont show up as installed in "additional drivers" but it will be.11:32
blackshirtfabiam_ if you want uninstall some packages that came from old release, you can do it11:32
WACOMalthaha yeah11:32
afdz1gg3h: so that started tomboy ok without any notes in it11:32
wizarddofftopic: does anyone know where to buy Intels ULV ivy-bridge CPU's?11:32
z1gg3hWACOMalt, THe workaround that is to install mesa-utilities, incase you didn't know11:32
afdI'll try copying the old notes to the new tomboy folder and see how it goes. thanks for your help ;)11:32
WACOMaltworkaround to what?11:32
z1gg3hafd, So tomboy works perfectly fine now. Just without it's notes?11:33
WACOMaltz1gg3h, what does mesa-utilities solve?11:33
afdthere's no notes in it since I renamed the folder. It recreated the tomboy folder aside the renamed one.11:33
kodo_ /server irc.freenode.net11:33
fabiam_blackshirt, there is no command to remove those packages, or to let me know what is not being used ?11:33
afdz1gg3h:  I'll try copying the old notes across11:33
z1gg3hWACOMalt, I misread your comment, disregard mine. Still half asleep XP11:34
blackshirtfabiam_ have you install something?11:34
z1gg3hafd, Worth a shot!11:34
fabiam_I did change the Update Manager Setting as well, is there a way to rever it to default?11:34
WACOMaltI'd like to sleep... 4:34am here, but I have to finish this shot before I go to work tomorro... today.11:34
fabiam_blackshirt, what do you mean?11:34
z1gg3hafd, But only copy 5-10 at a time. That way, you can more or less pin point what note is causing the problem11:34
RedViperCheapshot: Any idea?11:34
blackshirtfabiam_ sorry, i think you don't need remove packages11:35
afdz1gg3h: that could take a while :S there are 400 or so...11:35
z1gg3hafd, Do 100 at a time then.11:35
fabiam_blackshirt, do you think if I reset my machine now after a apt-get update everything will be all right?11:35
MonkeyDust!cn| abine11:35
ubottuabine: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:35
quotafailI will just disable the ext4 quota feature again11:35
CheapshotRedViper, Sorry im out of ideas at the moment, basically the problem seems to be that after swapping the new motherboard your ubuntu doesnt recognize the ethernet device and you have no Internet connection, you would need to install new drivers . Maybe someone else could be more of help here.11:36
afdz1gg3h: you're a gentleman and a scholar (it told me to skip one note and I'm guessing that one is lost)11:36
afdz1gg3h: got a flattr?11:36
WACOMaltis there a livestream procaster for linux? or any screencast software?11:37
z1gg3hafd, A what now? XD11:37
random_WACOMalt, So.. run me throught those commands again, i tryed, but failed. note tho, im using gnome classic, would it be different?11:37
WACOMaltrandom_, I dont think so, lightdm is still the main manager11:38
WACOMaltI'll pm you the full commands11:38
RedViperCheapshot: Well how can I check through the terminal the Motherboard specifications? And what drivers do I get? How can I get them?11:38
MonkeyDustWACOMalt  there's kazam, sound isn't very good, tho11:38
random_WACOMalt, i've heard of some stuff, ffmpeg can be used to stream11:38
afdz1gg3h: micropayments system for tipping people - look it up. I intend to use it whenever I get support online from anyone. pop a link on your website and direct people to it if they want to tip you. crowdsource some pocket money for all your good deads ;)11:38
z1gg3hafd, Ahh. That's cool. But nah. I don't believe in money for help/knoweldge.  Just be a nice person, and that's payment enough XP11:39
Siegel-hello, ubuntu 12.04 user here. often not able to open PDF files sent to me. how can i go about solving this problem11:39
Siegel-i get something like this: "aution: filename not matched:  @_Reservierungsbest\?\?\?\?\?tigung_078435AF.pdf"11:39
afdz1gg3h: well it has it's advantages... if you're a guru that could make a living out of it or are poor and need extra cash etc. also flattr is good for non-IT related stuff like tipping for online articles / music / podcasts etc11:40
z1gg3hafd, I'll look into it mate. Cheers for the info.11:41
afdz1gg3h: and thanks for your time. may FSM bless the FOSS community!11:41
RedViperCheapshot: Well how can I check through the terminal the Motherboard specifications? And what drivers do I get? How can I get them?11:42
z1gg3hafd, No worries mate. Keep safe, and sane.11:42
CheapshotRedViper,  your ethernet controller is :  Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications AR8152 v2.0 Fast Ethernet11:43
CheapshotRedViper, I gotta leave to work now, but maybe someone can help you, just include that your ethernet card is  Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications AR8152 v2.0 Fast Ethernet, and your ubuntu doesnt recognize it after motherboard swap11:43
RedViperCheapshot: Thanks man, be safe :D11:44
Siegel-guys i just read that ubuntu has a problem extracting files with an ä in them. mine has an ä. could that be the reason i cant open it?11:45
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DonDmy pc finds the keybord in startup and i can get in to the bios and stuff. but when ubuntu cd boot up and im going to change language in instalation the keybord dont work, any ideas ? :\11:46
JyZyXELwhere can i find a list of kernel boot options for the livecd?11:46
cfhowlettSiegel-: I'm in China and ubuntu choked on some files with Chinese character names.  renaming those files fixed.11:46
diresixsens@Siegel- it's possible, you should rename it11:47
nannesA little issue with the kernel11:47
Siegel-diresixsens: it wont even let me rename it11:47
Siegel-tried that11:47
RedViperMy computer is not picking up internet because I recently changed my motherboard, my ethernet card is Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications AR8152 v2.0 Fast Ethernet and my Ubuntu 10.04 is not working with it. Can someone help?11:47
diresixsens@Siegel what's the error when you try to rename?11:48
WACOMaltAnyone wanna see what I do for a living on Ubuntu?11:48
fabiam_WACOMalt, yes11:48
WACOMaltsecond... shutter is frozen :X11:48
cfhowlettWACOMalt: show it11:48
fabiam_I decided upgrade to version 12.10 :P11:49
WACOMaltNuke. professional VFX software. Currently painting out wires from a greenscreen shoot11:49
RedViperWACOMalt: And your point is?11:49
cfhowlettfabiam_: it IS beta on 12.10 you know...11:49
WACOMaltI didnt have one? hence why I asked if anyone was interested in seeing :P11:49
Siegel-diresixsens: let m e look again11:49
blackshirtredviper, i think maybe you need some firmawre for your chipset11:50
RedViperWACOMalt: this channel is for serious conversation.11:50
fabiam_cfhowlett, yes, what can I do.11:50
Siegel-diresixsens: "an error occured while adding files to the archive"11:50
crizisWACOMalt, #ubuntu-offtopic :)11:50
WACOMaltRedViper, I asked, people said show it... excuuuuse me!11:50
cfhowlettfabiam_: merely pointing out that you're upgrading to a beta product.  Personally, I stick with LTS releases only11:50
WACOMaltI'm mostly just proud that I have ubuntu running good enough to stay in it instead of windows now for my job.11:50
RedViperblackshirt: Ok where can I download it form for my specific computer?11:51
Siegel-diresixsens: i opened it with google thanks11:51
sebas_hello all,  how is  file extension association arranged in Ubuntu? I know about right click a file and "open with" but I cannot associate an NZB file to the program NNTPGrab.11:51
sebas_Who can point me in the right direction? I've googled around but cannot find anything useful.11:51
cfhowlettWACOMalt: please share some details on the #ubuntustudio channel11:51
fabiam_cfhowlett, no way, beta rocks, and I can help folks with testing the issues also.11:51
WACOMaltnope, now I'm all sad. :(11:51
RedViperWACOMalt: Next time don't ask something silly.11:51
DonDmy pc finds the keybord in startup and i can get in to the bios and stuff. but when ubuntu cd boot up and im going to change language in instalation the keybord dont work, any ideas ? :\11:51
fabiam_WACOMalt, seems cool man!11:52
blackshirtredviper, exactly i don't know..i'm not sure..but,on repo there are some firmware available11:52
WACOMalthow is "hey you guys wanna see my ubuntu?" not ubuntu related?  thanks fabiam_!11:52
diresixsens@Siegel : Sorry, i have to go to work, tip : be sure to be logged as root...11:52
knxvilleRedViper: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-laptop-and-netbook-25/nic-driver-atheros-ar8152-858811/11:52
itguruIs it me, or is Thunderbird a CPU hog?11:52
WACOMaltit is.11:53
WACOMaltas is sunbird (is that still around?)11:53
RedViperknxville: The page is not loading?11:53
fabiam_Is there a way after upgrading to 12.10 to be back to 12.04.1 ?11:53
itguruI've be renicing the damn process and still my computer runs as slow as nokia 3210 running compiz11:53
blackshirtfabiam, don't worry11:54
knxvilleRedViper: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=AR8152+linux+driver11:54
WACOMaltfabiam_, restore the disk image you chose to make before a major upgrade?11:54
fabiam_WACOMalt, yes11:55
fabiam_WACOMalt, possible?11:55
blackshirtfabiam_ 12.10 would be release as soon as on next month...11:55
DJonesfabiam_: I'm afraid not, the only way would be to reinstall11:55
blackshirtfabiam_ i think maybe better you don't reinstall or trying to downgrade11:56
fabiam_blackshirt, yes, that is the work I was looking forward. Downgrade. Is it possible?11:57
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blackshirtfabiam_ tehnically it was possible, but i was not recommended, and you should have bit knowledge on apt system11:58
fabiam_blackshirt, well, I will stick with it then.11:59
fabiam_Is 12.10 a LTS version?11:59
z1gg3hDowngrading is alot more hassle than just backing up your files and doing a clean re-install.11:59
blackshirtFabiam_ you have been warning, if you trying to downgrade, maybe could break your system and makes your system rendered unusable11:59
newziI wouldent downgrade12:00
itguruWhats your email clients of choice?12:00
mikk0where in the install process can you specify what video mode grub uses in 12.04LTS?12:00
cfhowlettfabiam_: 12.04 is LTS12:00
fabiam_blackshirt, no, I am not downgrading, I will stick with 12.10, if it is too problematic yet I wiull esintall 12.04.112:00
newziLinux and ATI hate each other!!12:00
jribfabiam_: 12.10 is not LTS12:00
raidgh0stHi GirlyGirl!12:00
fabiam_I promisse I will let you know what happened here, including a advice to upgrade ready for you.12:01
MonkeyDustfabiam_  14.04 wil be the next LTS12:02
fabiam_MonkeyDust, and when 14.4 will be launched?12:02
random_WACOMalt, So yea..after fighting with it some, i got it installed, but now no second screen, cant hit apply, its grey'd out. lol12:02
Kartagiswhat does "Can't find hypervisor information in sysfs!" mean?12:02
Kartagisfabiam_: 201412:02
cfhowlettfabiam_: 2014.  Right now use 12.0412:02
blackshirtfabiam_ maybe better you stay on your system now12:03
WACOMaltrandom_, did you launch it as sudo?12:03
WACOMaltdo sudo nvidia-settings12:03
Kartagiswhat does "Can't find hypervisor information in sysfs!" mean? I get this when I type xen12:03
WACOMaltI dunno why it doesnt ask for sudo by default :/12:03
random_WACOMalt, yes i ddi12:03
fabiam_blackshirt, I can't either I reinstall or upograde.12:03
WACOMalthmm that is very odd...12:03
nannes hey12:03
nannes A little issue with the kernel  ===> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210814/12:03
WACOMaltcan you send me a screencap of what you see?12:03
nannesAnyone who can help me?12:03
nannesI think it's the cause of my low booting12:04
blackshirtfabiam_ you can upgrade12:04
nannesmisswing firmwares for "radeon"12:05
random_WACOMalt, im going to leave it for now,12:06
WACOMaltok, sorry thats not working out. after the clean install like that I was able to change everything I needed12:06
WACOMaltyou could try installing from additional drivers again now that noveau is completely gone12:06
nannesOk. In what sense "I'm using too many partitions"?  The maximum can't be overcame! I never had this such problem and always had this number of partitions12:07
nannesI just did an ubuntu release-upgrade. Nothing more12:08
blackshirtnannes, that should no problem12:08
fabiam_nannes, are you using 12.10?12:08
ogzyi am trying to set the ubuntu client authenticate via LDAP but although i follow the steps mentioned https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication it didn't worked, any body ehlp me on this?12:08
nannesIndeed, I'm here for that reason, blackshirt :)12:08
nannesfabiam_: no, 12.04.112:08
suyash_do you guys really like ubuntu unity?12:09
nannessuyash_: Unity sucks, for a lot of reasons12:09
diegoviolais there a way to enable the repository universe/multiverse in the command line?12:09
WACOMaltsuyash_, I like it usually, but I dont like the title bar merging with the top panel. I installed gnome just for when I wanna use it12:09
cfhowlettdiegoviola: sure.  edit your sources.list12:09
blackshirtogzy, you should have fully working ldap server to serve12:09
nannesdiegoviola: Just edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add their deb lines12:09
nannes(they usually are already there)12:10
fabiam_suyash_, I don't love it or hate it, I think it is the most usable one far from lots other.12:10
fabiam_diegoviola, whats is repository universe/multiverse?12:11
diegoviolafabiam_: the repo name, community, etc12:11
ogzyblackshirt: i have ldap server running, ldapsearch is working, can give mor details from conf files12:11
RezzahHey guys, the volume control on my ubuntu doesn't work properly: It only functions as a mute control (when I slide it the volume is either mute or the same volume no matter where I drag the bar to. I'm using an Asus A54H if it matters.12:12
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blackshirtogzy, you don't explain your error...12:12
ogzyblackshirt: getent passwd just returns the /etc/passwd content, it should be returning the LDAP entries also12:13
RedViperDoes anyone know where I can download these drivers for my desktop computer as my eth0 is not connecting? ( Atheros Communications AR8152 v2.0 Fast Ethernet )12:15
knxvillei have thousand if not more pictures in a folder, ll or ls doesnt show all of them in my terminal window (ssh in to the ubuntu server) is there some way of seeing all files? (Need to check all the timestamps on the files)12:15
jribknxville: erm, what do you mean "it doesn't show all of them"?  They scroll off the screen?  Try "ls -l | less"12:16
knxvillejrib: exactly.. I can't scroll up and see them..12:16
jribknxville: then use less, though why you would ever visually inspect thousands is baffling12:16
rob_p_tortib: You still around?12:17
knxvillejrib ls -l | less sorts them by date?12:18
=== Abbas5 is now known as Abbas-
=== Abbas- is now known as Abbas5
WACOMaltknxville, I think you need to worry about your buffer length for ssh12:19
RedViperDoes anyone know where I can download these drivers for my desktop computer as my eth0 is not connecting? ( Atheros Communications AR8152 v2.0 Fast Ethernet )12:19
shesekHey all. I've shared my connection from ppp0 (a 3G netstick) to the connection on eth0 (a router that I'm connected to via the WAN port) to give internet access to the other computers connected to the router, which works well. However, I can't seem to access other computers on that network, which somewhat makes sense because I'm connected to the WAN port and not as a client. Is it possible to access them somehow?12:20
WACOMaltknxville, if using xterm I think you can set the scrollback length with some command, try man xterm or whatever your terminal is.12:20
jribknxville: -t will have ls print them sorted by modification time12:20
Evil[1]little question, does ubuntu have nVidia Optimus support out of the box? Or do I have to hop through burning rings?12:21
SilfenXJust set up samba on Pangolin but no computers in the lan can see the samba server but the samba server can see all the other machines in the lan. What might be amiss?12:22
blackshirtsilfenx, what are you have been setup?12:22
bbkE: Encountered a section with no Package: header12:23
bbkE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/dl.google.com_linux_chrome_deb_dists_stable_main_i18n_Translation-en12:23
bbkE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.12:23
bbkE: _cache->open() failed, please report.12:23
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BluesKajHey all12:23
blackshirthey blueskaj12:24
cfhowlettBluesKaj: greetings12:24
RedViperDoes anyone know where I can download these drivers for my desktop computer as my eth0 is not connecting? ( Atheros Communications AR8152 v2.0 Fast Ethernet )12:24
BluesKajhi blackshirt , cfhowlett12:24
SilfenXblackshirt: Precise Panglin 12.10 Desktop and Smba ... ?12:24
cfhowlettBluesKaj: what's the issue tonight?12:25
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blackshirtsilfenx, have you try access it with the ip address of samba server12:25
RezzahSmall problem with Ubuntu 12.04: the volume control on my ubuntu doesn't work properly: It only functions as a mute control (when I slide it the volume is either mute or the same volume no matter where I drag the bar to. I'm using an Asus A54H if it matters.12:25
BluesKajRedViper, run sudo dhclient eth012:25
SilfenXhow do i access samba with ip?12:26
BluesKajcfhowlett, coffee's getting cold :)12:26
cfhowlettBluesKaj: can't help with that.  Ubuntu issues; maybe12:26
Kartagiswhat does "Can't find hypervisor information in sysfs!" mean? I get this when I type xen12:27
blackshirtUse \\ip-address-samba-server from windows explorer from windows client12:27
BluesKajcfhowlett, none right now , but thanks for offering12:27
cfhowlettBluesKaj: OK12:27
sebas_anyone knows a good program to make NEW file extensions within Ubuntu? I want NZB files associated with NNTPGrab.12:28
jrib!defaultapp | sebas_12:28
ubottusebas_: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.12:28
gazzwi86hey guys, I'm missing some packages I want to install via apt-get12:28
gazzwi86libpngwriter0-dev libpngwriter0c2 libjpeg-prog libavcodec52 libavformat5212:28
WACOMalthmm note to self, Unity-2D makes all my programs run better.12:28
gazzwi86any idea how I could get hold of them? Ubuntu 1212:28
sebas_default solution does not do the trick12:29
sebas_cannot find any app to associate and cannot add program by hand to associate12:29
jribsebas_: you should explain why, but I must leave now12:29
RedViperBluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210917/  - I need the drivers to get the internet working12:29
BluesKajgazzwi86, have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras12:29
gazzwi86BlueKaj: no12:30
cfhowlettgazzwi86: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:30
BluesKajRedViper, the drivers are probly on your system , they're just not loading . do an ifconfig  , and paste that pls12:31
sebas_open with gives me three browsers to open an NZB file.. then I choose "show other applications" and I see a list of progs.. but not the program I'd like to associate.12:31
WACOMaltgazzwi86, is this for openCV?12:31
sebas_it seems I cannot add the NNTPGrab program12:31
gazzwi86WACOMalt: Yeh12:31
dr_willisnzb is a comic book file sebas_ ?12:31
WACOMaltif so, apparantly following this guide, but replacing step 2 with steps 1-3 ftom this guide http://www.ozbotz.org/opencv-installation/ will make it work :D12:32
sebas_nope NZB files are for binary usenet12:32
WACOMaltaccording to a random comment about missing those packages in ubuntu12:32
WACOMaltlooks like you may not even need thsoe packages because the replacement steps dont show it at all12:32
sebas_NZB file is kinda like a torrent file.. it refers to binary12:32
WACOMaltNZB is a usenet reference file12:33
WACOMaltso yes, much like a .torrent file. referencing where to download files from for whatever package.12:33
sebas_WACOMalt: like I said12:33
WACOMaltsorry didnt see until After I posted it12:33
RedViperBluesKaj: Anysuggestions?12:34
sebas_But I find it weird that Ubuntu does not know the NZB file extentiob12:34
sebas_But I find it weird that Ubuntu does not know the NZB file extention12:34
daddywow really???12:34
BluesKajRedViper, I postted above , do ifconfig , then paste as before12:34
gordonjcpwhat on earth is an NZB file?12:34
WACOMaltread up12:34
WACOMaltI immagine sabnzbd is available for linux12:34
WACOMaltit should handle them fine12:34
gordonjcpwhat's it for?12:35
WACOMaltpython technically12:35
daddyI can't get xp to load after a dualboot setup with ubuntu12:35
Kartagiswhat does "Can't find hypervisor information in sysfs!" mean? I get this when I type xen12:35
WACOMaltits a download manager for nzb files12:35
WACOMaltruns as a web server though, takes a bit of setup12:35
Kartagis!grub2 | daddy12:35
ubottudaddy: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:35
gordonjcp... bringing me back round to the original question, what's an nzb file?12:35
RedViperBluesKaj: I have done ifconfig's, I know what the problem is, I need to get the drivers for my eth0 device so my internet may work.12:35
sebas_WACOMalt: yes the program does work fine just like NNTPGrab wich is even better imo.. but I still cannot open an NZB file and the correct prog will start.12:35
WACOMalthttp://sabnzbd.org/download/ has apt commands for it12:35
gazzwi86WACOMalt: I'm following the opencv installation guide atm, but will use that as and when I bump into issues! thanks!12:36
WACOMaltoohh so this is about the proper associations12:36
WACOMaltgazzwi86, np, I know nothing about openCV so hopefully it works XD12:36
sebas_NZB is an XML-based file format for retrieving posts from NNTP (Usenet) servers12:36
blackshirtredviper, i thin i can help you, but not sure12:36
sebas_WACOMalt:  YES it is12:36
daddyexcept I didn't lose grub, I seem to have lost the other OS12:37
WACOMaltsorry I havent touched that. I'm not sure what handler sabnzb uses to open them and Im sure it doesnt run as an actual aplication12:37
sebas_I want to associate an NZB file to the Usenet download program NNTPGrab12:37
blackshirtredviper, i think i can help you, but not sure12:37
johnmgordonjcp: an nzb is somewhat similar to a torrent I suppose, but for usenet.12:37
johnmgordonjcp: think an index of every usenet post that comprises a single thread12:38
sebas_Every usenet binary download program works with NZB files in Ubuntu.. thats not the problem.. the problem is that Ubuntu does not know what to do with an NZB file..12:38
BluesKajRedViper, we need to know the NIC card , lspci | grep -i net12:38
WACOMaltsebas_, try right clicking file and choose open with, then try custom command12:38
WACOMaltI know sabnzb is apparantly "sabnzbplus" for the command12:38
WACOMaltnot sure on the other12:38
alex_I am having a problem booting. See here for detail: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1210943/12:38
gordonjcpjohnm: oh12:38
shesekHey all. I've shared my connection from ppp0 (a 3G netstick) to the connection on eth0 (a router that I'm connected to via the WAN port) to give internet access to the other computers connected to the router, which works well. However, I can't seem to access other computers on that network, which somewhat makes sense because I'm connected to the WAN port and not as a client. Is it possible to access them somehow?12:38
gordonjcpjohnm: well, discussing piracy is generally discouraged in here12:39
alex_would doing an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade fix it?12:39
sebas_WACOMalt: to get custom command I need to reset it first?12:39
WACOMaltsebas_, I'm not sure sorry, I only recently switched to ubuntu. Just search for how to change file associations in 12.0412:40
cousteauSo aptitude can't handle multiarch.  It'd have been nice to know that before installing ia32-libs.  What should I do now?12:40
sebas_WACOMalt: I do the whole day already12:40
WACOMaltah ok.. lemme read up a bit then12:40
sebas_But openwith does not work12:40
cousteauconsidering either uninstalling ia32-libs and all the deps with aptitude and then installing them with apt-get, but I'm not sure what's the right way to go12:40
WACOMaltsebas_, ok do this, right click on the nzb file, go to PROPERTIES12:42
WACOMaltgo to open with tab and choose Add which will be greyed out unles syou unselect the default app.12:42
johnmgordonjcp: It doesn't imply piracy, but I suspect thats the primary use case, yes :) - none the less, I was simply answering your question directly and I'm opting to ignore the rest ;)12:42
cousteau(also, if I'm going to stop using aptitude, I want to know how to make apt-.get behave similarly to aptitude...  probably fiddling with /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/)12:42
RedViperblackshirt: Yes please help would be good. Do you know where I can download these drivers for my desktop computer as my eth0 is not connecting? ( Atheros Communications AR8152 v2.0 Fast Ethernet ) Is this the right site? - https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/12:42
WACOMaltchoose other applications and choose something like document viewer and Add should become ungeyed12:42
WACOMaltack I;m sorry that still isnt "custom command :/12:43
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sebas_WACOMalt: hehe yes and that too won;t work..12:44
WACOMaltsebas_, this goes into detail on how to MANUALLY specify the command. it's kinda in depth12:44
WACOMaltnot sure why they removed that from gnome? O_o12:44
BluesKajRedViper, http://askubuntu.com/questions/127151/ethernet-conection-not-working-atheros-ar8152-os-12-0412:44
toky_salve a tutti12:45
sebas_WACOMalt: I've never worked with Gnome.. I use KDE for years but want to switch to the new Ubuntu.12:45
BluesKajsebas_, you'll come back to kde :)12:45
sebas_BluesKaj: haha :D yeah??12:46
BluesKajyeah '12:46
WACOMaltsebas_, I've been on gnome for years technically, but only recently came back to linux in general. Gnome has changed.. not for the better I'm afraid.12:46
* cousteau reads the package description for aptitude and thinks devs are nuts12:46
sebas_BluesKaj:  why? :) (I love KDE)12:46
toky_qualcuno parla italiano?12:46
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:47
BluesKajtry untity and gnome etc , sebas_  ..then you 'll see what i mean12:47
BluesKajerr unity12:47
niklasfihey, any ideas, why my ssh-key is rejected all tough deleted the old one and ssh-copy-ided it over? the server has PubkeyAuthenticationyes and AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys set.12:47
sebas_WACOMalt: First I thought that Unity was a replacement of Gnome.. seems not to be12:47
WACOMaltyeah its some odd mashup of gnome, unity, metacity, and compiz12:48
WACOMaltI dont quite get where one ends and the others begin12:48
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sebas_BluesKaj: I'm trying it out seriously for about a week now.. it feels different yes but I am not dissapointed yet! I only want to fix this file association for the .nzb files.12:49
sebas_WACOMalt: hehehe same here I'm confused by that.. but I must say that I like it till now12:49
RedViperblackshirt: You there?12:50
WACOMaltyeah I dont mind Unity too much, but I think Id still prefer it if they had just cleaned up the old UI rather than reinventing the wheel12:50
TheLordOfTimeWACOMalt, sebas_, if you don't have any more support questions, you may continue to discuss the differences between GNOME and Unity in either #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopick, please leave this channel open for support.12:50
WACOMaltyes sir12:50
WACOMaltactually here is a kinda support question, are there any known issues in switching to gnome completely in current ubuntu?12:51
sebas_TheLordOfTime: thanks for the tip but will go back ontopic12:51
SilfenXdoes anyone know why no windows clinets on th elan can see the samba server but the samba server can see all windows clients?12:52
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WACOMaltok folks, 6am, I should go to sleep T_T12:54
niklasfiok i think i found out why my key was rejected: bad ownership modes for /root/. how do i fix that?12:54
rigo_i would like to ask if it makes any sence to install the quantal (beta) instead of precise?12:54
TheLordOfTimerigo_, i wouldn't.12:55
TheLordOfTimerigo_, just because of the number of bugs I've seen being filed against the current quantal versions12:55
rigo_ok. this is enough for me :)12:55
rigo_and i always use a netinst version and build my own way. (im a beginner... its just for fun and learn for me)12:56
BluesKajrigo_, quantal is running ok here , but there are some minor issues with nvidia drivers12:56
MonkeyDustrigo_  also ask in #ubuntu+112:56
rigo_i c. thats to bad. i have an at3iont-i deluxe. with nvidia of corse.12:57
rigo_im planing now to try out the mythtv-live cause the tevii s470 will arrive tomorrow. im excited :)12:57
BluesKajI said minor issues rigo_ , nothing that installing nvidia-current won't solve12:58
NCS_OneI'm on ubuntu 12.04 and installed apache2, now I'm trying to install php5 and it says "To install php5 this items must be removed: Apache http server - high speed threaded model. apache2-mpm-worker". What do I do?12:58
BluesKajrigo_, but best to join ubuntu+1 for further discussion12:58
rigo_ok thanks! i will.12:58
odinsbaneHas the optimus support improved for ubuntu?13:02
i7codinsbane: mine works fine but i can't use my HDMI port13:03
odinsbanehmm, hdmi is what I use for my external monitor.13:04
odinsbanei7c: are you using the proprietary drivers or open source ones?13:04
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i7codinsbane: i use the nvidia-current from the packages. this is what bumblebee installs afaik13:05
Guest13206can a pci sata on an ide motherboard be used to boot?13:05
odinsbaneGuest13206: I think that will depend on your bios.13:06
=== blackshirt1 is now known as blackshirt
llutz_NCS_One: sudo apt-get install php5 apache2-mpm-prefork   should work, php5 cpllides with ...mpm-worker13:07
ubottupippo93: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:07
Guest13206odinsbane , does the motherboard need to have pci bus master option?13:08
nannes!info mono-devel13:09
nannes!info mono-complete13:09
ubottumono-devel (source: mono): Mono development tools. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2049 kB, installed size 7780 kB13:09
ubottumono-complete (source: mono): complete Mono runtime, development tools and all libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version (precise), package size 8 kB, installed size 53 kB13:09
LordDeathis this ubuntu specific or is this an upstream bug? http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-1569-1/13:09
odinsbaneGuest13206: I don't know how to set it up. You should be able to put in the pci card and hard drive then set it as a boot option in your bios. If possible.13:09
odinsbaneGuest13206: Have you used the hard drive through the pci card?13:10
Guest13206odinsbane , i havent bought the card yet13:11
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Guest13206odinsbane , i just found a few pages talking about it13:12
=== CaffeCorretto is now known as romano
nsudono fix for sound after loading the kernel modules13:14
cagI'm a fresh man about irc.13:15
cagWould someone chat with me.13:15
nsudoIntel Corporation N10/ICH 7 sound card as seen on terminal13:15
nsudoplease help me to fix, tried mod probe dint help13:16
cagYou should learn how to ask question first13:16
odinsbaneDoes anybody know about the state of the XPS ultrabook and ubuntu?13:18
dr_williswould depend more on the exact chipsets in the laptop odinsbane13:19
z1gg3hnsudo, Yo, sorry dude. Was reading.13:19
dr_willisthen the make13:19
z1gg3hWhat's up?13:19
=== rbrooks_ is now known as rbrooks
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.13:20
odinsbanedr_willis: there is a project sputnik where they are setting up an XPS computer.13:20
cousteauthanks, ubottu!13:20
nsudoYo, tried the debug cant get through13:20
nsudou wanna do it remotely am bugged13:22
cousteauduh, "for more information read all the bug report"13:22
newziIs it possable to change the ubuntu kernel to disable ping replys?13:23
=== jmad980 is now known as Guest91889
llutz_FSK: no "List" here, this is not a warez-channel13:25
newziDisabling ping replys?13:25
newziIn kernel?13:26
FSKgoodday guys13:26
FSK have a little problem with Visual Basic 201213:26
MonkeyDustVB is windows13:26
FSKcan anybody help me?13:26
llutz_FSK: this is ubuntu-support only13:27
gordonjcp!help | FSK13:27
ubottuFSK: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:27
random_FSK, What do you plan on doing with VB on linux lol?13:27
Sidewinder1He's gone. :)13:28
random_Lol well then13:28
DoomGuyhello all13:28
odinsbanerandom_: Doesn't the mono project have some VB stuff?13:29
DoomGuyafter installing apache ubuntu 12.04  in my remote server.. I tried to access the default page from my browser and instead of seeing The famous message "It Works".. I've got this message13:30
DoomGuyYou don't have permission to access / on this server.13:30
random_odinsbane, it may, but i mean..why toy with vb? there is better codes out there that work with Linux and windows.13:30
fabiam_DoomGuy, did you start the server?13:31
DoomGuyfabiam_, of course !13:31
DoomGuyand reload it many times13:32
random_DoomGuy, it has to do with the permissions on the folder, i hvnt done thise for so long i cant remember exactly13:32
=== THEJOLLYGRIMREAP is now known as thejollygrimreap
llutz_DoomGuy: the docroot (/var/www most likely) has to be readable by www-data, pls check13:33
SilfenXAnyone notice "issues" with Winbind on 32-bit versions of Pangolin?13:33
DoomGuyllutz, random_  drwxr-xr-x  2 www-data root 4096 sept. 17 12:21 .13:33
DoomGuythe permission looks correct13:34
DoomGuyllutz,  even for the index file : -rw-r--r--  1 www-data root  177 sept. 17 12:21 index.html13:34
DoomGuyllutz, is this an Ip forbidden issue ?13:34
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TJ-DoomGuy: check the logs in /var/log/apache2/ ... especially error.log13:37
DoomGuyTJ-, wired message I got here : [Mon Sep 17 13:59:56 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/robots.txt13:43
DoomGuy[Mon Sep 17 13:59:56 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/ipse13:43
habisravihi tbag13:44
tbaganyone using irssi ?13:44
TJ-DoomGuy: check against the access.log - you'll likely find at those timestamps a 404 error returned to a client that requested those files13:44
RenskiIm setting up a webserver which will host a load of vhost websites and users I dont trust all that match. Any tips for monitoring usage (such as bandwidth usage) and ensuring user segregation?13:46
DoomGuyTJ-, that's true : - - [17/Sep/2012:13:04:19 +0200] "GET /ipse/categorie/nos-conferences/les-rencontres/page/2/ HTTP/1.1" 404 531 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)"13:47
DoomGuythis is google bot13:47
DoomGuylooking for the robot.txt file13:47
TJ-DoomGuy: Yes. You'll get alot of those.13:47
TJ-DoomGuy: do the logs explain the permission denied though?13:48
tzviwhere can i get the mintmenu for ubuntu 12.0413:49
DoomGuyTJ-, no there is no such messages13:49
TJ-DoomGuy: OK, and you have the 00default site enabled?13:50
tzviwhere can i get the mintmenu for ubuntu 12.04?13:50
TJ-DoomGuy: I'd suggest temporarily editing "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default" and setting "LogLevel debug" instead of "warn" then restart apache and test again, then look at the logs13:52
tinaAfternoon. Im having some trouble with my wireless internet. i have a DEll Inspiron 1520 and im unable to use Wireless internet as its not showing up... Aditional Drivers arnt showing up the wireless lan card either n e help13:56
CTLwmtina: which ubuntu are you using?13:56
tinaoops never mind13:57
skunkworksIs there a way to check what a currently running rsync is doing?13:57
tinaits just come up in additional drivers13:57
bkc_skunkworks: prtree?13:57
tinaafter reboot13:57
CTLwmtine: Install the one thats recommended in additional drivers.13:57
Kartagisskunkworks: or ps x13:57
lordnikonhi all13:58
ratcheertina: Run "sudo lspci -v" and paste the output to pastie.ubuntu.com and give us the link.13:58
skunkworksI will look - thanks!13:58
tinail see if this additional drivers one works now then il let u know lol13:58
random_Anyone know how to install the 32bit libs for nvidia :/ ?14:00
smjwas there some metapackage I could remove to get the menu bars where they should be?14:01
Vooloowhy does my computer get DHCP IP when I have set it manually?14:01
c_smithVooloo, you might want to check the net settings on the router14:02
BluesKajVooloo, set what manually?14:02
VoolooBluesKaj: the IP14:02
c_smithVooloo, and then the network configuration on the PC14:02
PrgmrBilltrying to print something with CUPS and the web interface says job completed14:02
habisraviopen Synaptic Package manager  and search for nvidia14:02
PrgmrBillbut nothing is on the printer nor did it make it tot he printer queue14:02
Voolooc_smith: why would router give me IP if I have configued it manually?14:02
BluesKajVooloo, are you using network manager , if so manual settings will be over ridden14:03
VoolooBluesKaj: dont remember, but I think so, in there it says my static ip14:03
c_smithVooloo, because the router gives ANY machine an IP if it's set to that.14:03
BluesKajVooloo, does your IP change from the static setting14:04
c_smithVooloo, or I should say it attempts to14:04
ElesaJust wondering.. what's Natty's EOL date?14:04
VoolooBluesKaj: what do you mean? I have set it method: manual in ipv4 settings14:04
Voolooc_smith: but the DHCP client needs to accept the IP no?14:04
c_smithVooloo, dunno, DHCP is not my area of expertise.14:05
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c_smithVooloo, I dare not say any more on this subject for fear of leading you incorrect.14:05
gazzwi86so i've followed all the instructions on installing opencv on ubuntu and hit an issue, I'm not getting the cv.so file dropped in my python packages14:06
smjmy Audacity is missing its menu bar... I blame Unity14:06
gazzwi86anyone have any idea why this may be?14:06
ThinkT510Elesa: october14:06
fabiam_I have Flash plugin installed at Firefox but youtube pages doesn't work, what could that be?14:06
ElesaOctober 1?14:06
BluesKajVooloo, so what is the problem exactly , you have a static IP  behind the router14:06
VoolooBluesKaj: I get DHCP IP from router when I want to use my static IP14:07
bkc_Vooloo: the router will always assign an IP-address even if you tell your computer to set one manually. The preferred way of setting static IP is to assign it in the Router :)14:07
alecbhow can I tell if I'm using manufacturer wifi drivers or kernel ones? my lspci: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204994/ my lsmod: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204993/14:07
Vooloobkc_: doesnt on win 714:07
ThinkT510Elesa: not sure sorry, but it is sometime in october14:07
TheLordOfTimeVooloo, if the router is set to always assign an IP to a MAC address, it will always assign that IP.  if it isnt, your router is weird.14:07
bkc_Vooloo: it does... but win7 doesn't really support multiple IP-addresses on a single card, hence why it doesn't show up...14:08
TheLordOfTimeVooloo, i've set up numerous networks in that fashion, 99% of all routers will allow you to assign an IP by hardware MAC address.14:08
smjokay, they were the appmenu-* packages14:08
TheLordOfTimeVooloo, also, don't compare Windows to Ubuntu ;P14:08
Voolooand this router sucks because I cant select what IP to assign14:08
f3sloHi. What is a “Asking for cache data failed” warning?14:08
DSDoyleHello,  I have installed Ubuntu Server.  Initial install with one NIC.  Added another NIC.  I can make a PuTTy connection via either NIC from a LAN PC and from the Internet via the first NIC, but not the second.  I have port 22 open14:09
bkc_Vooloo: look for lease-time... and set it to either unlimited or the highest possible number available :)14:09
CTLwmbkc_: you are wrong14:09
bkc_CTLwm: ?14:09
CTLwmVooloo: are you using gnome-network-manager?14:09
Vooloobkc_: yes lease time is unlimited but I was hoping to map specifically to this box14:09
VoolooCTLwm: yes14:09
bkc_CTLwm: in what way am I wrong?14:10
BluesKajVooloo, sorry i don't know what you mean , I have a static IP setup in network interfaces , (I don't use network manager) and hosts.allow list the IPs of the pcs on our network , and IPs don't change14:10
CTLwmVooloo: Have you assigned Static IP address, default gateway and Subnet mask according to your ifconfig?14:10
CTLwmbkc_: static ip can be also set through gnome-network-manager14:10
f3sloEst' russkogovoryashii?14:10
skunkworksOk - is there a way to see the current file being coppied by rsync?14:11
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:11
bkc_CTLwm: ofc, but you will still get the old lease from the router...14:11
bkc_CTLwm: and if there isn14:11
CTLwmbkc_: yes, you can always use the flush dns command14:11
VoolooCTLwm: the stuff in my network manager is not the same as when I type ifconfig14:12
bkc_CTLwm: and if there isn't an old lease most routers will assign one even if you tell the computer to use a static one... the correct way to do what he wants is to assign a static lease...14:12
Voolooor wait14:12
tinaheya bk... the additional driver didnt work14:12
CTLwmVooloo: are you saying that the Default Gateway and Subnet Mask are not the same?14:12
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alecbbump -- how can I tell if I'm using manufacturer wifi drivers or kernel ones? my lspci: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204994/ my lsmod: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204993/14:14
DSDoyleHello,  I have installed Ubuntu Server.  Initial install with one NIC.  Added another NIC.  I can make a PuTTy connection via either NIC from a LAN PC and from the Internet via the first NIC, but not the second.  I have port 22 open14:15
bkc_alecb: lsmod14:15
tinaheya bk... the additional driver didnt work14:15
bkc_!spam | tina14:16
alecbbkc_: I pasted my lsmod -- does the fact that my driver version number is different than the card version number indicate that I'm not using the manuf. drivers?14:16
bkc_tina: don't repeat your question, sit back and wait for someone to answer if they know...14:16
Sidewinder1bkc_, I think you meant !repeat..  :)14:17
f3slohi.... What is a “Asking for cache data failed” warning?14:17
bkc_Sidewinder1: thanks :)14:17
tinasorry didnt realize id done it twice lol14:17
Sidewinder1bkc_, My pleasure.14:17
f3sloAnybody ???14:18
bkc_alecb: no, mostly there's such a small different between similar versions that they incorporate it in the same driver under a common name, for instance the RT72 and RT73 are both in RT7x :)14:18
bkc_for example*14:18
bkc_f3slo: cache-miss, don't mind it :)14:18
tinasome1 asked me to do Sudo LSPCI -V before and here is the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/1211126/14:19
CTLwmtina: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197400614:19
bkc_tina: I'll have a look :)14:19
tinathanks il take a look at link14:19
f3slo"3256.362200] sd 5:0:0:0: [sdb] Asking for cache data failed14:19
f3slo[3256.362200] sd 5:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache : write through"  What does this message means and how can it be removed?14:19
alecbbkc_: so how would I check if I'm using the manuf driver or not? I attempted to install the manuf drivers to fix some issues I was having, but it didn't seem to help, so I want to know if the problems are occuring in spite of the manuf drivers or if they didn't install right14:20
bkc_tina: please post a paste of your iwconfig :)14:20
tinabkc_: how do i do that iwconfig thingy14:22
MonkeyDusttina  iwconfig|pastebinit14:22
asunderI installed gnome manager session to enable the classic gnome interface but when I click the Applications menu and right click on application (to add it to the launch panel, for example), it simply opens the application. Is there a solution to this problem?14:23
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tinabkc_ root@tina-Inspiron-1520:/home/tina# iwconfig|pastebinit14:25
tinalo        no wireless extensions.14:25
tinaeth1      no wireless extensions.14:25
tinaYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.14:25
FloodBot1tina: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:25
MonkeyDusttina  use pastebinit14:25
tinaaye just found that out :p14:26
GirlyGirltina: What wireless card does this laptop use? and did it work before14:26
mafiaboyhi...how do i know my current download speed via terminal14:26
tinait worked with vista14:27
tinaim not sure whichg is it14:27
tinaim new too ubuntu14:27
bkc_tina: try pasting the output of `ifconfig -a` :)14:27
bkc_tina: it registers the wired connection as eth1 so that should mean your wireless should be eth0... but it doesn't show up in iwconfig which is odd :/14:28
bkc_egoitz: o/14:29
egoitzhas anyone ever been able to run Ubuntu 11.10 on xcp 1.0??14:30
egoitz1.1.0 sorry14:30
bkc_tina: that is reeeeeeally odd ^^14:30
egoitzit stais in Stopping CPU interrupts balancing daemon14:31
egoitzand stais there14:31
egoitzdoes not boot14:31
bkc_tina: http://askubuntu.com/questions/38327/how-can-i-get-broadcom-bcm4311-wireless-working14:33
bkc_tina: second answer :)14:33
bkc_tina: or this one http://codeghar.wordpress.com/2012/07/12/get-broadcom-bcm4311-working-in-ubuntu-12-04/14:34
rockyanyone have any helpful pointers on how to setup 9p mounts between host and guest vm's using libvirt ?14:35
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egoitzshould go thankzzzz14:37
Picirocky: You'd probably be better off asking in #ubuntu-server14:38
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amirouchejust installed gentoo, feels good ;)14:41
bkc_amirouche: good for you... now...14:42
bkc_!ot | amirouche14:42
ubottuamirouche: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:42
CTLwmamirouche: welcome to the master race lol14:42
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bkc_CTLwm: the master race uses arch ^^14:43
bkc_but still... ot...14:43
amirouche(arch doesn't have a comprehensive build system, just sayin')14:44
bkc_amirouche: it does... abs :)14:44
shesekI had two network interfaces that I shared the connection between (from ppp0 to eth0), which works well; However, when I connect a third network interface (wlan0), it stop working. It seems like I'm only telling Ubuntu that eth0 is "Shared to other computer14:45
blackshirtada nasrullah14:46
shesekI had two network interfaces that I shared the connection between (from ppp0 to eth0), which works well; However, when I connect a third network interface (wlan0), it stop working. It seems like I'm only telling Ubuntu that eth0 is "Shared to other computers" (via the network manager GUI), but not telling it which connection to use. Should I tell it somehow? Is there something else that could be wrong?14:46
RovanionDoes the server edition use a different kernel than the desktop edition?14:46
nasrullahhow to convert or change ubuntu 10.10 on efika smartbook14:46
auronandacenasrullah: 10.10 is no longer supported14:46
bkc_!repeat | shesek14:46
ubottushesek: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:46
shesekbkc_, my dog jumped on my keyboard and hit enter before I finished writing the question :)14:47
nasrullahi do aware but i cannot upgrade to any version it shows me error14:47
smartboyhw!patience | shesek14:47
ubottushesek: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:47
nasrullahit is an arm device14:47
shesekI didn't repeat it, I just didn't fully write it the first time14:47
bkc_shesek: np, have you specified multiple interfaces in /etc/dnsmasq.conf :)14:47
auronandace!arm | nasrullah14:48
ubottunasrullah: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.14:48
smith12hello everyone. I just came in here cause i need help with something14:48
h00ksmith12: sure, go ahead and ask your question14:48
CTLwmsmith12: shoot14:48
nasrullahthank you14:49
smith12I was woundering if there is a way to use google talk /voice on the desk top via empathy or thunderbird?14:49
shesekbkc_, I don't seem to have that file, should I?14:49
CTLwmempathy has google talk/voice support14:49
bkc_shesek: how do you share the connection? :)14:50
smith12it wire because i seen it in empathy but for some reason ddose not want to work even when i put in phone number14:50
BluesKajVooloo, for what it's worth , take a look at this , this kind of setup works well for my network , http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html14:51
CTLwmsmith12: it does not have support to call phones. only call through google usernames14:51
shesekbkc_, I just changed eth0's connection type to "Shared to other computer" via the GUI, which seems to work well... until I have another interface connected14:51
tinabkc_ Thank you so much.... now working on wireless :D14:52
h00ksmith12: You can use the web interface for Gmail, though, it requires the Google Voice/Talk plugin14:52
smith12intersting because i seen the buttons for voice calls ...14:53
h00ksmith12: you can call a contact, yes14:53
bkc_shesek: use dnsmasq for sharing connections... that way it also gives out ip-addresses for the connected devices :)14:53
itguruI've just switched back to ubuntu, and I've only got one core showing up, any ideas on how to 'switch on' the other one?14:53
bkc_shesek: also, putting wlan0 in master-mode (Access Point/Router) is not that well supported in linux :(14:53
smith12i see..14:54
bkc_itguru: where is it only showing one core? htop?14:54
shesekbkc_, I'm sharing the connection on a wired connection, not via wifi14:54
smith12ok than..14:54
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bkc_shesek: well, you said that you wanted to share it on a second interface, so I assumed you wanted it on a wireless interface :)14:55
gdanedoes htc advantage2 x7510 work with linux?14:55
itgurubkc_: I noticed when I was running top to figure out why Thunderbird was making my system grind to a halt! I only saw one core.14:55
morningSince the last few days, I've been getting error messages saying my home directory is within a few hundred MB of full. Even after I clear out, say, 20 more GB, the message comes back again, and programs start acting as if there were really no space left. Gparted shows 13.93 GiB of my home unused (250.63 used, out of 264.56 GiB). Running df - shows a size of 261G, with 247G used and 714M available (use% 100%). I suspect a possible hard14:55
smith12umm. my next question is how do i set up moonlight add on for fire fox. I got the bed adress and know how to download it but having issues setting it up14:55
morningware problem (the machine was dropped recently) but am not sure. What should I do?14:55
bkc_itguru: press '1' to see the other cores :)14:56
r00t_Hey all.14:56
shesekbkc_, no, no - I don't want to share it on another interface - I just want to connect to it14:56
r00t_Does anyone here have any experience with the universal kernel?14:56
MonkeyDust!anyone| r00t_14:56
ubottur00t_: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:56
r00t_I am wanting to apply it to ubuntu, but can find little to no documentation on it. Does anyone here have any experience?14:57
bkc_shesek: ooh... well, still... use dnsmasq :)14:57
smartboyhwr00t: You mean er vanilla kernel?14:57
shesekI'm sharing the connection from ppp0 (a 3G netstick) to eth0 (a router's WAN port). In addition to that, I want to connect to a wifi via wlan014:57
shesekbkc_, hmm, okay, I'll look into that. thanks14:57
smith12FYI moonlight is the open sorce verion of silverlight14:57
r00t_smartboyhw: Sorry,, not universal kernel. The unified kernel14:57
bkc_shesek: ooh... that's a completely different thing ^^14:57
r00t_MonkeyDust: That was my real question, thanks.14:58
shesekbkc_, what should I do in that case, that?14:58
smartboyhwroot_: What unified kernel?14:58
simon33anyone knows of an addition to nautilus that allows "splitscreen"14:58
r00t_smartboyhw: http://longene.org14:59
r00t_smartboyhw: To put it shortly, it allows you to run windows applications natively on linux.14:59
bkc_shesek: afaik the built in "share connection"-thingy has problems when you have multiple WAN-interfaces connected... I'm not really sure how to fix it, but I'd suggest reading up on "network shaping" and other stuff related to shaping network-flow on a multiple-WAN network :)14:59
morningsimon33: Nautilus lets you split the screen, so that you can see, for example, two different directories. Is that what you're looking for?14:59
smartboyhwDunno then14:59
dr_willisyou mean a dual pane view  simon33 ?  used to be on f3. but tge feature may be gone now14:59
itgurubkc_: htop is pretty nice! :)14:59
bkc_r00t_: you're refering to the 'hack' that hooks wine into the userland file-parsing on linux?15:00
bkc_itguru: indeed it is ;)15:00
r00t_bkc_: yes15:00
bbkhello. how can i resolve this proplem?E: Encountered a section with no Package: header15:00
bbkE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/dl.google.com_linux_chrome_deb_dists_stable_main_i18n_Translation-en15:00
bbkE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.15:00
bbkE: _cache->open() failed, please report.15:00
smith12hmm intersting..15:00
bkc_r00t_: try asking at #wine since this isn't related to ubuntu :)15:01
simon33dr_willis: yeah but this only allows split in 2 >_<15:01
tony_2I have a problem with 12.04 desktop. Please take a look at this image and tell me what's going on with the unity panel? http://tinypic.com/r/2ng8qqf/615:01
r00t_bkc_: #wine is invite only15:02
MonkeyDustr00t_  you have to register your nick, first15:02
shesekr00t_, you probably just need to be registered15:02
tony_2I have this weird black blob on the left -- anyone explain how to fix it?15:02
smith12ok this is my last question than im out.  the one thing i was looking for on the ubuntu help pages waas the port listings so i can configure ufw firewall. Anyone have a link or a sorce?15:02
bkc_!register | r00t_15:03
ubottur00t_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:03
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cakebossNope, still booted15:03
Picicakeboss: The channel is #winehq, and they do not require you to be registered to join.15:04
cakebossPici: Haha, thanks. I was trying #wine15:04
MonkeyDusttony_2  it works, you're in15:06
tony_2I have a problem with 12.04 desktop. Please take a look at this image and tell me what's going on with the unity panel? http://tinypic.com/r/2ng8qqf/615:06
tony_2I have this weird black blob on the left -- anyone explain how to fix it?15:06
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smith12sorry maybe my question did not go through. I am theathering right now so i will ask again for assistance15:07
cakebosstony_2: It looks like a screen crack15:07
smith12I was just looing for a lit of ports for ufw configuration15:07
tony_2screen crack?15:07
krababbeltony_2: looks like a broken icon, remove it15:07
tony_2ok - how15:08
cakebosstony_2: Type in "smashed monitor" in google images and see if it resembles your problem15:08
krababbeltony_2: right click,15:08
iljohello all, i have a question15:08
cakebosstony_2: If you want to remove the potentially broken icon, right click the guestimated location of the icon and click remove15:08
itgurubkc_: http://pastebin.com/RXzX4jJW  -- This is what my system sees as my CPU features, and I've supplied some of my real CPU info here too - /* My Ubuntu install is "Missing a Core" */15:08
tony_2ok - it's gone - thanks15:09
cakebosskrababbel: nice catch15:09
iljoi've installed ubuntu 12.04 and can't remove the folder quick links in left side of the explorer window15:09
tony_2|Anothe thing - I don't really like this unity - is there a way to go back to the original desktop?15:09
cakebosstony_2: yes15:09
iljoi am talking about those Documents, Downloads, etc. links15:10
h00k!gnomepanel | tony_215:10
cakebosstony_2: google "how to change from unity in ubuntu 12.04 to gnome"15:10
auronandace!notunity | tony_215:10
ubottutony_2: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:10
h00kthat's what it is.15:10
krababbeliljo: I'd guess that is intentional and part of the desktop15:10
iljoi want to do that because i have a partition where i keep all of my files, and both of my operating systems need access to them15:11
usr13iljo: Why would you want to remove those folders?15:11
tony_2ok thanks15:11
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iljoand i don't want double folder links15:12
usr13iljo: What is the other Operating System?15:12
usr13iljo: Is this a dual boot system?15:12
usr13iljo: Not wubi, right?15:12
iljono not wubi15:12
usr13iljo: Well, there is a little bit of a problem here.  Win7 uses a filesystem that is quite different and the normal file permissions that Linux uses are not usable on it.15:14
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iljoi'm not asking for dual boot help, i'm asking an ubuntu-specific question15:14
morningGetting error messages that home directory is almost full, when it really shouldn't be. Even after I delete, say, 20 GiB, after maybe a day the message returns. Delete more GiB again, and soon the message returns. df-h shows a home size of 261G, with 247G used but only 714M available (use%: 100%). Which leaves 13GiB unaccounted for. I suspect a hardware problem. Is there a test I can run to rule that out?15:14
iljothe shared partition is ntfs, because linux reads and writes to ntfs way better than win reads and writes to ext partition15:15
usr13iljo: But if I remember, there was some sort of option during the install that affords such a sharing of documents, and I'm not sure what it does, maybe someone here can help me out with this.15:15
OerHeksmorning, maybe not your /home isn't full, use df-h15:15
h00kmorning: Check out the 'Disk Usage Analyzer' and it can show yu what's taking up your space15:15
iljousr13: again, thanks, but i am not asking for help with setting up my dual boot system, I just want to know if there is any way to remove those folder links15:16
usr13iljo: Well, you can certainly just remove the Documents directory and use My Documents from the windows partition.15:16
BitWraithI understand there is more than one version of mesa in Ubuntu's package manager.how do I switch to the unstable version, or to a nouveau-enabled version?15:16
usr13iljo: Yes, you can.15:16
h00kBitWraith: which version of Ubuntu are you on?15:16
usr13is the short answer.15:16
morningOerHeks: Yes, I've run df-h, and there's a mismatch showing 100% full but only 247G of 261G used.15:16
h00kBitWraith: the last...two versions, I believe, have nouveau enabled by default15:17
OerHeksmorning, do you have a SSD?15:17
morningOerHeks: No.15:17
BitWraithh00k, 12.04.1 LTS15:17
usr13iljo: And you can place links to My Documents in your home folder as well.15:17
OerHeksmorning, then it is not a Trim issue.15:17
morningh00k: Ran disk analyzer. The results are a little complicated, but it looks like I should still have lots of space.15:17
iljousr13: that's what i've been after, thanks15:17
h00kBitWraith: yeah, that will have nouveau enabled by default15:17
morningOerHeks: Yes.15:17
h00kBitWraith: provided you're not using the nVidia driver instead15:18
morningOerHeks: And DiskUtility shows the disk as "healthy."15:18
BitWraithh00km as for nouveau being enabled, I just set up a Gentoo chroot, got the x serber and mesa working in it... gentoo apps run inside the chroot have GL working, a mesa app running outside it (on the Gentoo X server) still does not15:18
itguruIs it possible that my CPU is using both cores, even if only one core shows up in cpuinfo??15:18
usr13iljo: You're welcome.  Anything else we can do?15:18
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BitWraithas far as I know, the only difference between the two is the mesa version/compile time options15:18
iljousr13: no, thanks, you've been more than useful15:18
h00kBitWraith: It's out of my area there, then, apologies15:19
usr13iljo: Ok.15:19
BluesKajitguru, try system monitor15:19
sipiormorning: is the filesystem reservation still 5%?15:19
BitWraithif I set up Ubuntu with the binary nvidia driver, GL sortof works, but the machine randomly freezes up... It would be very nice if I could get nouveau working. :-/15:20
sunitHello room15:20
morningsipior: Nor sure what is meant by "filesystem reservation" and where that would be shown.15:20
sunitHello room15:20
sunitI dont know morning15:20
sunitI am mba student15:20
sipiormorning: have a look at the "tune2fs" man page, under the "-m" switch option.15:20
morningSunit: Thanks anyway.15:20
usr13sunit: Do you have a question about Ubuntu?15:20
morningSipior: will do.15:20
sunit:) U welcome i want to study technology15:21
sipiormorning: there's nothing wrong with the disk (in all likelihood). the default reservation (for the superuser) is 5% of the filesystem, which i notice is the exact amount you're missing.15:21
sunitI love ubuntu os i installed it in my laptop15:21
sunitit is good15:21
h00ksunit: this is the Ubuntu Support Channel, if you don't have a specific support question, you are directed to head over to #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support chatter15:21
mafiaboyif i upgrade with the minor release now.....is there a way ....i can ignore kernel upgrade15:22
mafiaboyprecise 12.04.1 (minor release)15:22
sunitI updated ubutu too15:22
usr13mafiaboy: It's called "point release"15:22
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sunithow so many people dissconected at a time?15:23
usr13sunit: /join #ubuntu-offtopic15:23
mafiaboyusr123 : so can i ignore kernel upgrade....as it may cause vmware or nvidia drivers to stop work15:24
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suniton the same network?15:24
bkc_itguru: no idea why it won't show up as 4 cores... It should, a friend of mine has that CPU and it shows up as 4 cores :/15:24
Shani0610sunit: yep.15:24
itguruAwww, crap!15:25
itguruThanks bkc_15:25
bkc_itguru: also, consider "upgrading" to 64bit ubuntu :)15:25
bkc_itguru: it seems as thou you run the 32bit-pae kernel :)15:25
bkc_might be the problem :)15:25
itgurubkc_: I am running 64 bit15:26
* itguru goes to double check15:26
bkc_itguru: o.O15:26
=== Guest31839 is now known as greg22
ClientAliveI needed to install the man pages for not just C but C++ as well. I did a google search and found an instruction to do a: "sudo apt-get install manpages-dev glibc-doc" I did that but if I do a "man cout" or "man cin" (something I think should be there for C++) I get that there is no man page for it. What do I need to do to get the man pages for C++  ??15:26
mafiaboyos is there a way ...while upgrading ....i can leave the kernel upgrade15:26
itgurubkc_: Linux Ubuntu 3.2.0-30-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 24 16:52:48 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:26
sunitthanks shani15:27
morningsipior: I'm just a bit lost here. I ran the man page for tune2fs and then tried to run "tune2fs -m". But that just gives me a list of options. So I suppose I'm entering the command wrong.15:29
morningSipior: Or "tune2fs -l". Same story.15:29
sipiormorning: no, but you need to tell it the desired reservation, and the filesystem to act on. i assume your filesystems are all ext3/4?15:29
sipiormorning: so the format would generally be "sudo tune2fs -m 1 /dev/sda2", mutatis mutandis.15:30
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morningsipior: home is on sda3. Ubuntu is installed on sa1.15:31
morningSipior: that's sda115:31
sipiormorning: and that's the volume that is currently full? try dropping the reservation to 1%.15:31
morningsipior: Permission denied while trying to open /dev/sda1. Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.15:33
sipiormorning: could you report the output of "mount | grep -i sda2"?15:33
morningsipior: sda3 is where the home directory is, and that's the one reported full.15:34
PatrikOlssonHello, I need help with attaching a script to a keyboard shortcut. Im unsure which command to use. The script is located at ~/bin/brightness_inc.sh15:34
possidHello, I need help with attaching a script to a keyboard shortcut. Im unsure which command to use. The script is located at ~/bin/brightness_inc.sh15:34
usr13mafiaboy: You can unselect it from the list each time update-manager puts it on the list.  You just have to remember to look for a kernel each time before you pull the trigger.15:34
possidmafiaboy: You can unselect it from the list each time update-manager puts it on the list. You just have to remember to look for a kernel each time before you pull the trigger.15:34
sipiormorning: i see. and the output of "mount | grep sda3"?15:34
possidmorning: i see. and the output of "mount | grep sda3"?15:34
sipioroh yay, someone's broken bot. moderators?15:35
possidoh yay, someone's broken bot. moderators?15:35
morningsipior: /dev/sda3 on /home type ext4 (rw)15:35
sipiormorning: and you can change the reservation on that volume?15:36
morningsipior: I suppose I could, with tune2fs. Could you guide me how?15:36
sipiormorning: sure. try "sudo tune2fs -m 1 /dev/sda3"15:37
PatrikOlssonSolved it!15:37
morningsipior: btw, that grep on sda3 showed "sda3" in red. Does that mean something?15:37
sipiormorning: no, grep just colours the search results.15:37
ClientAliveI needed to install the man pages for not just C but C++ as well. I did a google search and found an instruction to do a: "sudo apt-get install manpages-dev glibc-doc" I did that but if I do a "man cout" or "man cin" (something I think should be there for C++) I get that there is no man page for it. What do I need to do to get the man pages for C++  ??15:38
morningsipior: Clear about the colors. Yes, the reserved blocks have been set to 1%.15:38
sipiormorning: great. what does df show now?15:38
morning-sipior: No change on sda3. Same stats.15:39
sipiormorning: interesting. can you paste the line?15:39
gmachine_24Good morning. I am running a laptop with 11.04LTS which is about to be decommissioned. I have been running Linux/Ubuntu for more than a decade and I tried to do an upgrade only once; it was a mess and I had to do a full fresh install - which I don't mind. Just want to know if the upgrade experience is any better today. Thanks.15:40
usr13sipior: df reports file system disk space usage15:40
morningSipior: Also, I suspect something more insidious because this has been progressive.  Delete 10 GB, all is well, but the next day the home is full again. Delete 10 more, another day, same issue.15:40
sipiorusr13: and?15:40
morningsipior: Which line should I paste15:40
quidnuncHOw do I open gui printer admin interface from the console?15:40
quidnunc(what is the command)15:40
delinquentmewhen CPing files from command line ... in the event that a possible overwrite happens ... does it let me know? or does it automatically overwrite that file?  I mean it should have one of thost [Ynandq]  or something prompts on a conflict between file contents right?15:40
sipiormorning: the one corresponding to sda3, of course.15:41
usr13gmachine_24: I've done upgrades online a number of times and usually there is no pboblem as long as the system is up-to-date and the PC stays powered up and does not loose internet conncetion.15:41
BitWraithdelinquentme, it doesn't ask by default, but I think it has an option to make it ask... see the man page.15:41
morningSipior: of course, that one:15:42
morning/dev/sda3       261G  247G  714M 100% /home15:42
sipiormorning: the problem you describe (deleting and then losing space again)…do you have any jobs running in the background that could be repsonsible? downloading anything? on what timescale does the space get lost again?15:42
usr13gmachine_24: But you can download the Alternate ISO and do it locally.  It would be obviously a little safer, (and faster).15:42
sipiormorning: can you paste the exact command you used to change the reserved blocks percentage?15:43
morningsipior: Time scale is maybe overnight. Nothing running. Plain jane apps: Firefox, etc. Windows in a VMWare session.15:43
unpaidbillHello, I'm trying out 12.04 and running into a problem where Xorg consumes nearly all of my CPU time when moving my mouse.  Is this a known problem with a simple fix?  I see many google posts regarding this but nothing with an answer.  This is a fresh install.15:43
usr13sipior: Just use the command and look at the results.  Or do:  man df  #for more details.15:43
krababbelmorning: this is not useful, look what file exactly is taking the space15:43
morningsipior:  sudo tune2fs -m 1 /dev/sda315:44
sipiorusr13: i think you're a bit confused.15:44
usr13sipior: Oh, sorry.  I see that you were not realy asking what df does?15:44
sipiormorning: i assume there was no output?15:44
morningkrababbel: I've looked for something unusual that might be taking more space but don't see anything.15:45
krababbelmorning: not even in disk usage analyser?15:46
morningsipior: No, there was:15:46
morningtune2fs 1.42 (29-Nov-2011)15:46
morningSetting reserved blocks percentage to 1% (693534 blocks)15:46
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morningKrababbel: That's where I looked. I find the display a bit confusing, but, doing my best, didn't see anything unusual.15:46
sipiormorning: certainly looks right.15:47
usr13gmachine_24: Is your laptop fully updated?15:47
morningsipior: Yes, that's how the most troublesome problems work. :-)15:47
sipiormorning: about how long has this behaviour been in evidence?15:48
sralFile permission: I have created a group with "addgroup --system mygroup" and added two users by using "addgroup user1 mygroup" and "addgroup user2 mygroup". Then i give a directory and a file in that directory permission by doing "chmod -R 770 somedir" and set group with "chgrp -R mygroup somedir". But i get access error when logged in as either user, when i ls the directory, or read/write the file? What am i doing wrong?15:48
morningsipior: maybe 3 or 4 days.15:48
gmachine_24usr13, thank you. I am mostly concerned because, in the past, it was my experience and that of others that an upgrade was difficult to pull off and we were better off just doing a clean install.15:48
gmachine_24usr13, yes.15:48
gmachine_24usr13, yes to the updated question.15:48
gmachine_24usr13, I also have a couple full back ups :D15:49
sipiormorning: hmm. i assume you have a reliable backup of your data?15:49
usr13gmachine_24: Is it 10.04?15:49
morningsipior: Yes, the important stuff.15:49
usr13gmachine_24: or  10.04.1 ?15:49
gmachine_24no 11.0415:49
usr13gmachine_24: 11.04 is not LTS    10.04 and 12.04 is.15:50
morningsipior: I'm working on high-alert paranoia regarding my data.15:50
gmachine_24usr13, support ends in October. No, 11.04 was/is an LTS as well.15:50
sipiormorning: very sensible.15:50
morningsipior: Fear does great things.15:50
gmachine_24usr13, OK maybe I got that wrong. Maybe it's just that support ends next month.15:50
sipiormorning: the root filesystem does not display the same behaviour, correct?15:51
morningsipior: I don't see a problem with root.15:51
usr13gmachine_24: If you want LTS, you will need to upgrade to 11.10 and then to 12.04.15:51
morningsipior: Right.15:51
gmachine_24usr13, so maybe I should just do the fresh install to 12.0415:51
remowylliamsHello everyone, can someone please tell me how I can bring up the buddy window for Pidgin? I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 and the conversation window opens and only gives me menus for the conversation. I can't add accounts or see my buddies.15:52
sralpermission problem - I have created a group with "addgroup --system mygroup" and added two users by using "addgroup user1 mygroup" and "addgroup user2 mygroup". Then i give a directory and a file in that directory permission by doing "chmod -R 770 somedir" and set group with "chgrp -R mygroup somedir". But i get access error when logged in as either user, when i ls the directory, or read/write the file? What am i doing wrong?15:52
gmachine_24usr13, when copying my home directory, there are so many hidden files in there ...... which I'm guessing it would not be good to copy over to a new install?15:52
gmachine_24morning, fear scares me15:53
morninggmachine_24: Me too.15:53
usr13gmachine_24: That's up to you.  I recommend LTS.  But as far as upgrading vs fresh install, they both work fine, and always have as far as I can tell, I've yet to have a failure with either.  Hidden files are not a problem.15:53
gmachine_24usr13, you're sure about that hidden files part.............15:54
usr13gmachine_24: the best approach is to have /home on a separate partition.  That way, you can just do a fresh install and leave that partition alone.15:54
morningsipior: Well, things are looking up perhaps. I ran df -h again and I see 12G on sda3.15:54
gmachine_24usr13, good idea. I can do that.15:54
usr13gmachine_24: Yes, I've done it a number of times.  Not a problem at all.15:54
morningsipior: Perhaps I ran the command wrong first time or was looking at the wrong output.15:54
sipiormorning: hmm. well, maybe. anyway, glad it's sorted for the moment.15:55
usr13gmachine_24: But for now, just back up your /home/gmachine/ filesystem and do a fresh install and put your files back and your good to go.15:55
morningsipior: Yes. It's "for the moment" that has me on edge. I guess I should just cross my fingers and see what tomorrow brings.15:56
usr13gmachine_24: When I do fresh installs, I always place /home/ on a separate partition.  It just makes a lot of sense to me.15:56
morningsipior: Thank you for your time and help.15:57
sralpermission problem - I have created a group with "addgroup --system mygroup" and added two users by using "addgroup user1 mygroup" and "addgroup user2 mygroup". Then i give a directory and a file in that directory permission by doing "chmod -R 770 somedir" and set group with "chgrp -R mygroup somedir". But i get access error when logged in as either user, when i ls the directory, or read/write the file? What am i doing wrong?15:57
sipiormorning: no trouble. good luck.15:57
morningsipior: Thanks again. And best wishes.15:58
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g0thwhen I watch a flash movie it freezes my whole browser after around 2 minutes15:58
g0thany idea what's going on`15:58
g0thI also tried gnash15:58
g0thbut it is horribly slow and 720p didn't even work15:59
usr13gmachine_24: For instance, if you have a 100G HD, you could do 20G for /  and 90G for /home/15:59
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g0thI think it is due to some change I did earlier15:59
g0ththere was a color bug (red and blue switched or something like that)16:00
g0thso I deactivated hw accel16:00
g0thhow do I reactivate it?16:00
g0thresp. how do I reset all registry entries?16:00
jason_anybody here good with openvpn?16:00
=== TomM2 is now known as TommehM
fstxI have changed nameserver in /etc/network/interfaces. How do I get resolvconf to update /etc/resolv.conf?16:03
gmachine_24usr13, I am backing up my home file minus a couple files - such as truecrypt which is megabig. Anyway, I've had separate partitions for home etc. before; just did not do it this time.16:04
gmachine_24usr13, and thank you for your help16:04
osseI have a peculiar problem: Sometimes a keyboard shortcut I've defined has no effect (it's Ctrl-Alt-T for a terminal). Any tips on how I could start debugging this?16:05
alecbI tried to install manuf. drivers for my wireless cards -- how would I check to see if they've been installed properly/are actually being used?16:06
joel135I want the console part of my Ubuntu installation to be in English and the rest to be in German. Possible without too much hassle?16:06
usr13gmachine_24: NP16:06
Pici!es | D|2aG00n16:07
ubottuD|2aG00n: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:07
=== romy420 is now known as coinandable
arooni-mobilemy sound just died on ubuntu 12.04;  is there a way to restart it without restating my whole computer?16:08
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: yes16:08
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*    wait 10 seconds and retry sound16:08
mniceis supported upgrade from 10.4 -> 12.4 ?16:09
mniceseems like not .. my actual attempts end up with errors16:09
fidelmnice: yep - thats lts-to-lts16:09
mnicefidel: okay, thanks .. let's go on16:10
usr13mnice: What errors do you get?16:10
usr13mnice: One thing I would recommend, is to start with a fully updated system.16:11
mniceokay, thanks .. will do16:11
usr13mnice: In other words, if you have updates to do on your 10.04 system, you should do them first.16:11
ActionParsnipmnice: yes, LTS to LTS is fully supported16:12
mniceusr13: i can't show right now .. doing backup .. i wouldn't bother with backup if it works .. now there's some live knoppix running16:12
mnicebut generally it wanted bigger APT::Cache-Limit.16:12
mniceand increasing didn't take affect16:12
usr13mnice: Check to see if your disk space is not low.  *df*16:13
ActionParsnipdf -h16:14
usr13mnice: You should only need to backup /home/  or /home/mnice/  and you don't need to use a LiveCD for that.16:14
ActionParsnipmnice: also run:   sudo apt-get clean16:14
mnicei did all of these "obligatory" steps16:14
usr13mnice: So your system is actually 10.04.1 right now?16:15
mniceusr13: the first attempt ended up with message that however upgraded passed it went with some errors and the system might be thus left in unstable state16:15
=== webDEViL` is now known as webDEViL
mnice**upgrade passed16:15
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: all ok now?16:16
usr13mnice: ActionParsnip's suggestion is a good idea:  sudo apt-get clean16:16
cornfeedhello. I am some what new to apt, and I am confused on how to accomplish this.... I need a package rebuilt with an added buildtime config directive in DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS. I am clear about how to compile from source, but I am wondering if there is a way I can make apt always do this when it updates this particular package, that way I can just use apt-get upgrade in the future. any ideas?16:17
usr13mnice: And make sure it ifishes without errors.16:17
sral77permission problem - I have created a group with "addgroup --system mygroup" and added two users by using "addgroup user1 mygroup" and "addgroup user2 mygroup". Then i give a directory and a file in that directory permission by doing "chmod -R 770 somedir" and set group with "chgrp -R mygroup somedir". But i get access error when logged in as either user, when i ls the directory, or read/write the file? What am i doing wrong?16:20
LaykeIs it a really bad idea to allow my NFS export to and rely on firewall for security?16:21
alecbbump -- I tried to install manuf. drivers for my wireless cards -- how would I check to see if they've been installed properly/are actually being used?16:22
ActionParsnip sral77: make sure the users are in the group with:  groups16:22
ActionParsnipalecb: sudo lshw -C network16:22
alecbActionParsnip: what would I look for in the output of that? (in windows now so I need to reboot to try it)16:23
sral77ActionParsnip: they are not in the group. do i have to reboot or something for the group to be activated?16:24
usr13sral77: 770?  why not 64416:25
ActionParsnipsral77: you need to log off and on again16:25
ActionParsnipalecb: the driver= bit#16:25
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sral77ActionParsnip: ty:)16:25
ActionParsnipsral77: its the same in windows.....16:25
mikk0can anyone recommend an affordable motherboard for doing hardware raid1?16:26
markovhwhat's with aircrack-ng missing from precise16:26
sral77usr13: its a sqlite database, that more than one user should be able to update16:26
ActionParsnipmikk0: ask in ##hardware16:26
mikk0actionparsnip, ok16:26
usr13sral77: Oh, ok.16:27
fidel!info aircrack-ng16:28
ubottuPackage aircrack-ng does not exist in precise16:28
Archaehow difficult would it be to install ubuntu applications on windows 7?16:28
fidelArchae: well - you just dont ;)16:29
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empatheI'm sorry if this is the wrong place, but is anyone having issues with Empathy and AIM accounts at the moment? I can connect on this same machine using the aim.com web client and a Mac client, but not Empathy.16:30
ArchaeI suppose what I'm asking is whether many linux/ubuntu applications have windows ports or whether there's a wine-esque program for windows that does the same thing but for linux libraries16:31
ActionParsnipempathe: what errors do you get when you try?16:31
fidelArchae: there are several projects to get some - mostly cli-tools to work on windows. one is cygwin16:31
fidelArchae: what app in particular are you looking for?16:32
ActionParsnipArchae: depends on the app and the devs, you can always port it yourself, the source code is freely available16:32
empatheActionParsnip: Sometimes I will just get a generic server error and sometimes it will show that it was still trying to spin/connect.16:32
ActionParsnipempathe: check the server names and settings in the mac client and compare to the Ubuntu ones16:33
Archaefidel: nothing in particular; default programs to give my windoze a linux-esque feel16:33
ArchaeActionParsnip: if all porting refers to is compiling it myself and having it work then, then yeah, that'd be cake16:33
GeekAdminI'm installing XP side by side Ubuntu. After I installed Ubuntu 12.04 side by side XP, when I click XP in GRUB, it now gives an error saying "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: Windows root>\system\ntoskrnl.exe"  Any ideas on what I can do?16:33
Archaebut I'm not really sure if that's all that's required xD16:33
ActionParsnipGeekAdmin: I'd ask in ##windows as well. Is the Ubuntu install fully updated?16:34
ActionParsnipArchae: what do you want to achieve and we may be able to suggest apps16:34
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ArchaeActionParsnip: I suppose the end goal is to have >75% of the included ubuntu applications installed on windows716:35
sharewhy nvidia driver keeps crashing16:35
GeekAdminActionParsnip:  no I didnt update Ubuntu. But Windows was working just fine..right after I install Ubuntu, its saying ntoskrnl.exe is missing. Im thinking GRUB must be screwed up16:35
ArchaeI'm not talking about DEs, just the open-source programs16:35
BitWraithI found an unstable driver PPA, and glxgears runs with acceleration now :316:35
fidelArchae: run a linux vm in windows - anything else will eat your time ;)16:35
sharepirated windows16:36
BitWraithminecraft keeps crashing, but this is progress16:36
mafiaboyArchae : i would then suggest ...running ubuntu itself16:36
Archaefidel: that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid. I've already got my desktop looking damn near an exact clone of ubuntu16:36
ActionParsnipGeekAdmin: get it updated, may help16:36
sharemouse stop responding when running opengl game16:36
sharesince 302.1716:36
Archaemafiaboy: my computer is too new, no adequate driver support, can't fix that myself16:36
fidelArchae: look != functions & applications16:36
ActionParsnipArchae: what do you want the apps to achieve?16:36
sharethis is so gay16:37
ArchaeActionParsnip: I don't really know what you mean or how to answer that; the idea is emulating the feel of ubuntu16:37
sharenvidia 3 months crashing computers16:37
GeekAdminActionParsnip:  updating Ubuntu might fix grub? interesting16:38
craigbass1976I can install install ssh-askpass-gnome and then run something like ssh -Y craig2@x.x.x.x thunderbird This lets me run JUST thunderbird on the box at ip x.x.x.x while standing at another box.  Has anyone run across a way to do this in XP?  VNC works, but then I've got to take control over the whole box.  If two people need to run something, one has to wait.16:38
GeekAdminActionParsnip:  I'm just worried it will be a waste of time16:38
empatheThe server was different, but I get the same behavior with the same server/port as Mac client.16:38
alecbActionParsnip: uh, so I didn't see anything that said bit # or whatever, but I did see the name of the driver that gets listed with lsmod: rtl8192ce16:38
ArchaeActionParsnip, fidel: http://i.imgur.com/o0nu9.jpg   I've emulated the desktop decently enough for my satisfaction; now i'm just looking for typical/default ubuntu programs (open-source) to install16:40
fidelArchae: i'm out ;)16:40
Archaecya, fidel16:40
empatheActionParsnip: Ah, it must be empathy specific. Just apt'd pidgin and that worked immediately. I'll continue to debug. Thanks!16:40
Archaeis there a list of the included apps installed with ubuntu?16:41
Archaei can always check them individually16:41
fission6how do i let a user switch to another user 'postgres' without a password prompt16:42
fideldefault apps do change at least slightly with each release - i still think you areheavily wasting time with your basic idea Archae ..anyway havefun & good luck16:42
ActionParsnipArchae: haha class16:43
Archaeit doesn't have to be perfect and up to date; it's merely an emulation16:43
Archaei've got the desktop look, now what I need are some of the default apps16:44
Archaethat's all i'm going for16:44
francisalguna chica de sevilla?16:44
ActionParsnipArchae: Firefox, VLC, Thunderbird, Pidgin, DeVeDe, Libre/OpenOffice, Spotify, Gimp all have Windows ports (Just a list I thought of quickly)16:44
ArchaeActionParsnip: thanks for that :D16:44
fidel!es > francis16:44
ubottufrancis, please see my private message16:44
ActionParsnipArchae: depends what you need the app to do.16:44
fidel!ot > francis16:44
ActionParsnipArchae: there is a tweak app for Windows to put the Close, Min, Max buttons on the left too if you want16:45
ArchaeActionParsnip: They're on the left in Ubuntu? o_O (been a while)16:45
TheLordOfTimeArchae, they have been for a while16:45
JyZyXELdoes ubuntu livcd initrd (casper) support booting off a ubuntu.iso image?16:45
TheLordOfTimeActionParsnip, did you hit the red button again?  :P16:46
swamimy broadcomm wireless (sifi) is not working . pls help.16:46
ActionParsnipTheLordOfTime: thought I could close pidgin main window without killing the chat16:46
ArchaeTheLordOfTime: Ah, I never was comfortable with them on the left side. I'll probably leave it as is :P16:46
ActionParsnip!broadcom | swami16:46
TheLordOfTimeActionParsnip, :P16:46
ubottuswami: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:46
swamisorry wifi is not working.16:46
thierryhi everyone, i configured an adhoc network on my ubuntu-server image using this tuto ( part 2 http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/wifi_ad-hoc) , the prob is that i see that in my Pandaboard that wlan0 is connected and that iwconfig returns the correct parameters but i cant find the network on anyother device!16:46
swamii have tried all those . but no use.16:46
TheLordOfTimeArchae, 'tis why i run everything via keyboard shortcuts, or I do everything in CLI :P16:46
ArchaeTheLordOfTime: Yeah, I'm gonna have a fun time setting up kbshortcuts. I wonder if I'll be able to find a bash emulator :O16:47
ZzBuntuMy video card only has two outputs.. to add a third monitor can I just slip in another video card and plug it in/16:48
ActionParsnipArchae: could use powershell :)16:48
ArchaeActionParsnip: </3 powershell16:48
ActionParsnipArchae: oh dude it does a lot if you can use it16:48
ArchaeActionParsnip: yeah, but it feels obtuse16:48
ActionParsnipArchae: how so?16:49
GeekAdminRight after installing Ubuntu, when I click on XP in grub it says "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: Windows root>\system\ntoskrnl.exe"  Any ideas on what I can do?16:49
ZzBuntuGeekAdmin: get a windows startup/restore disk16:50
ArchaeActionParsnip: gotta go for now, changing classes ;D16:50
eamonHow would I change the encoding of a text file to Shift-JIS on ubuntu?16:50
ikoniaGeekAdmin: did you resize your disk before installing16:51
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Sailor_Moonis any (old) version ubuntu on 486 cpu with 16 mb memory?16:51
GeekAdminikonia:  no. I just used the standard "install Ubuntu side by side Windows" option while booted to an ubuntu disc16:51
ikoniaSailor_Moon: no16:51
TheLordOfTimeSailor_Moon, i'm not sure you'd find any version that'd work on that, that's far too old specs.16:51
ikoniaGeekAdmin: your issue is reasonable common when you resize your disk16:52
GeekAdminZzBuntu:  but Windows was working just fine until after I isntalled ubuntu side by side16:52
ActionParsnipSailor_Moon: try puppy, it may work. Or tinycore16:52
GeekAdminikonia:  Should I just install XP again?16:52
GeekAdminikonia:  or is there any way I can fix it. I'm thinking its a problem with grub16:52
ikoniaGeekAdmin: seems a bit harsh, you could just copy that file over16:52
yooyoowhen using the live cd, and choosing the CD Boot Helper, when it reboots, will it allow me to choose which disk to install the Ubuntu on?16:52
ZzBuntuGeekAdmin: that does not sound like a grub issue.16:52
ikoniaGeekAdmin: it's possible it's looking in the wrong place16:52
ikoniaGeekAdmin: but more likely it's gone16:53
Sailor_Moonthank you all) i'm going to try tinycore(puppy not work)16:53
ikoniaGeekAdmin: mount the disk from ubuntu and check it16:53
GeekAdminikonia:  Windows only has one partiton. /dev/sda116:53
D7 /j #lubuntu16:53
ikoniaGeekAdmin: that doesn't mean it's looking at it16:53
ikoniaGeekAdmin: mount the disk and verify the file is there16:53
ZzBuntuwho was asking about character encoding?16:54
GeekAdminikonia:  k good idea. Doing that now16:54
Sailor_MoonZZbuntu: eemon16:54
Sailor_MoonZzBuntu: eamon16:55
ZzBuntuAh nevermind, I thought I figured it out but the one he is referring to is not listed onmy system16:55
JyZyXELdoes ubuntu livcd initrd (casper) support booting off a ubuntu.iso image?16:56
ZzBuntueamon: try saving it with something like gedit, if the encoding is available it should be listed in the 'character encoding' part of the save as prompt16:56
ikoniaJyZyXEL: if you are booting the initrd from the livecd - you should boot the livecd16:56
JyZyXELi have the initrd separated from the livecd16:56
yooyoowhen using the live cd, and choosing the CD Boot Helper, when it reboots, will it allow me to choose which disk to install the Ubuntu on?16:57
JyZyXELor from the livecd image16:57
Sailor_Mooneamon: maybe, it depends of text processor/editor you use;16:57
ZzBuntuyooyoo: the ubuntu installer will ask where you want to install ubuntu....16:57
JyZyXELi was hoping i could tell the initrd where it can find the resources16:58
MonkeyDustyooyoo  yes, in the partitioning part16:58
JyZyXELand those could be in an .iso or a directory16:58
trismeamon: iconv -f utf8 -t SHIFT_JIS filename.txt16:58
trismeamon: assuming it started as utf816:58
JyZyXELi don't care as long as i don't have to put them in root16:58
yooyoook, so it will allow me to install it on my choice of the drive, as I have 3 drives and have wiped and dedicated a clean drive to install it16:58
MonkeyDustyooyoo  you'll see, top right16:59
ZzBuntuyooyoo: have you tried installing it yet? just use the advanced partition options if you dont see the option you want initially16:59
Sailor_Mooneamon: do as trism say; i was forgot about iconv; (iconv is a simple php function, so, maybe, there is any online converter?)16:59
thierryhi everyone, i configured an adhoc network on my ubuntu-server image using this tuto ( part 2 http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/wifi_ad-hoc) , the prob is that i see that in my Pandaboard that wlan0 is connected and that iwconfig returns the correct parameters but i cant find the network on anyother device!16:59
yooyoook, thanks halfalife, I just want to make sure before I reboot and then it wants to write over my c drive and mess up my windows os17:00
halfalifeThanked the wrong person, yooyoo17:00
GeekAdminikonia:  I just checked, and all the files are there. INcluding the system file it says is missing..17:00
GeekAdminikonia:  so wierd.17:00
eamonAny idea how to figure out what encoding to convert from?17:00
ikoniaGeekAdmin: ok, so it's either a.) corrupt b.) grub is looking at the wrong place17:00
halfalifeGuess and check ^^17:00
GeekAdminikonia:  oh ok. I'll check grub.17:01
ZzBuntueamon: file command?17:01
Sailor_Mooneamon: online encoder maybe can recognize encoding?17:01
eamonhalfalife there's over 100 and each one takes about a minute to check17:01
halfalifeI was kinda joking.17:01
halfalifeBut it might work, if all else fails.17:01
yooyoois it better to install with the live cd or the windows installer?  I have attempted to install using the windows installer and it will run and then tell me Permission Denied.  Is that because I'm not actually logged in as Administrator, even though my account has full Admin rights also?17:01
halfalifeyooyoo,  are you using Wubi for the installer?17:02
halfalifeIf so, right click and Run as Administrator17:02
ZzBuntuyooyoo: ive personally found the disk to do install better... but im a bit controlling of how things get setup17:02
halfalifeRunning and selecting yes in UAC doesn't work.17:02
halfalifeWubi worked perfectly for me.17:02
yooyooeven in windows xp pro?17:02
halfalifeHm, not sure.17:02
halfalifeI've only used 7.17:02
ActionParsnipGeekAdmin: you can boot to the install CD and get a recovery prompt and run a chkdsk on the C:17:02
ZzBuntuUh. XP should let you anyways... without needing extra perms17:02
Infectaswww.infect-mu.lt VISIT! :)17:05
Infectaswww.infect-mu.lt VISIT! :)17:05
FloodBot1Infectas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:05
LaykeIf I set up an NFS export, how are users/groups set?17:05
Infectaswww.infect-mu.lt VISIT! :)17:05
LaykeOr how are they managed rather.17:05
=== Youri is now known as YBook
yooyoook, so to clarify, installing with the live cd and the the CD Boot Helper, when I reboot will allow me to pick the hard drive to install it on, and will not effect my windows os on another drive.  Is that correct?17:06
IdleOneyooyoo: provided you select the correct drive.17:07
ZzBuntuyooyoo: as long as you do not choose the windows drive. it will not change it...17:07
yooyooperfect.  thanks17:07
yooyooone last question.  So for a noob like me, is it better to install using the Windows installer or the live CD?17:08
ZzBuntuyooyoo: use wubi. then there will be no chance of messing it up17:09
IdleOneyooyoo: the windows installer (wubi) will install to your windows drive. If you want to install to a separate drive then use the Live CD17:09
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GeekAdminikonia:  sorry but how do I edit grub in 12.04? I'm so lost. lol17:09
ikonia!grub2 | GeekAdmin17:09
ubottuGeekAdmin: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:09
ZzBuntuGeekAdmin: /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:10
yooyooIdleOne, even when selecting the wiped drive when using wubi, it will install it on my C: drive?17:10
ActionParsnipGeekAdmin: in what way do you want to edit it?17:10
ZzBuntuyooyoo: yes but it will not overwrite anything17:10
ikoniaZzBuntu: no17:11
IdleOneyooyoo: To be 100% sure you could remove the drive with windows on it and then put it back in after you have installed ubuntu. That will require you to run a couple of commands after you put the drive back to be able to select windows when you want to boot it but it is simple to do.17:11
ikoniaGeekAdmin: do not do what ZzBuntu has said, read the page I gave you17:11
ZzBuntuGeekAdmin: true. editing that file will likely break something if you are not familiar17:11
ikoniaZzBuntu: it's not the way to edit it either as it's a dyanmic file17:11
ikoniaZzBuntu: so you should never edit it directly anywayt17:11
IdleOneyooyoo: to install using wubi you need to boot to windows first, then double click the wubi.exe. basically it install ubuntu as a file in windows.17:11
ZzBuntuikonia: true17:12
netraamehtDoes somebody know how to get the menubar back after disabling unity?17:12
yooyoook, so it sounds liking I should use the Live CD to install since, I want to be able to just select which drive to boot from either my C: drive (windows) or F: drive (Ubuntu), yea?17:12
ikoniaZzBuntu: right, so why are you telling people to edit it if you know a.) it will break something b.) you should never edit it17:12
IdleOneyooyoo: yes.17:12
ZzBuntuikonia: It's good for trying things quickly, easy to reverse. ill never mention it again.17:12
yooyoothanks all17:12
ActionParsnipZzBuntu: the file even says don't edit it:  head -n 3 /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:13
ZzBuntuActionParsnip: thanks, im familiar17:13
IdleOneZzBuntu: if you are familiar why are you giving less then helpful advice?17:13
ikoniahe's said he won't do it in future, it's fine17:13
ActionParsnipnetraameht: the bar on the left, do you mean?17:13
ZzBuntuY'all are kind vicious.17:14
Verghaving a problem with skype4.0.0.8 & pulseaudio17:14
ikoniaZzBuntu: not really, just stopping you giving very bad advice to people17:14
netraamehtActionParsnip, no the bar with File Edit View etc..17:14
ActionParsnipnetraameht: oh on the top?17:14
ZzBuntuikonia: thanks. >.>17:14
Vergmaybe, someone knows how to fix sound in skype?17:15
netraamehtActionParsnip, yes, that must be back in the application17:15
kostkonVerg, what problem exactly17:15
ZzBuntuVerg: is skype the only application not producing sound/17:15
Vergkostkon: may the newest version of pulseaudio help me?17:16
kostkonVerg, cant answer this sorry. you havent really described your problem17:16
ActionParsnipnetraameht: you can install gnome-panel and run that, I guess17:17
ActionParsnipVerg: do other apps make sound?17:17
Vergkostkon: problem is: skype sounds disgusting17:17
ubottuNandoPulsetti: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:18
VergActionParsnip: other apps sound OK17:18
netraamehtActionParsnip, I did, it just adds the Activity bar and stuff, but not the like File Edit View etc in the applications (like in windows)17:18
ZzBuntuVerg: mine has sounded terrible since I upgraded to 12.10... Although I assume you are on 12.04?17:18
VergZzBuntu: I'm on Padgolin, yes17:19
netraamehtActionParsnip I got the CCSM17:19
ZzBuntuSeen this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/157891/skype-sounds-sizzle-distorted-bad17:20
ZzBuntuVerg: actually that does not have a good resolution..17:20
sjefen6Is it possible to have a screen open in 2 places?17:21
MestreLionhi! Where can I find some real documentation about NotifyOSD server capabilities? I would like more info on x-canonical-append. Googling around, some use a string "true"/"false", or "allow", or a boolean value. Where is this API documented?17:21
ZzBuntuVerg: this one has a few resolutions that actually look like they may work. http://askubuntu.com/questions/153340/why-is-skype-startup-sound-scratchy-grainy17:22
Verghas anyone tried PulseAudio 2.1?17:22
FlyKindGood evening. Can anybody help me with upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04? Error log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1211371/17:25
wubinogparted unmounted a hd device, how do I remount it?17:26
ikoniaFlyKind: look at your sources.list17:26
ikoniaFlyKind: he value 'stable' is invalid for APT::Default-Release17:26
ikoniaFlyKind: that's the key line17:26
karthick87I've noticed that Windows leaves traces ("leftovers") in the registry and also leaves some useless folders and files behind after removing a program and I'm wondering if Ubuntu does the same? If so, how can I remove all files and folders associated with an application/program I am removing?17:27
bazhangbinker, #ubuntu-cn17:27
ikoniakarthick87: ubuntu doesn't use a registery like windows17:28
ikoniakarthick87: so don't worry about it or compare it to windows17:28
SilfenXJust installed pangolin. Why do I only see my 2 external USB harddrives and not all the internal drives as well?17:28
ikoniakarthick87: just use it and resolve any problems you find while using it17:28
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest16217
netraamehtAnyone knows how to get the [File Edit View Go Bookmarks etc] bar back to the applications in GNOME (like Windows has). Its gone after disabling Unity in the Cairo-Dock (Gnome+Effects) session17:29
OerHeksnetraameht, i don't know how, but the bar you want back, is called "global menu" maybe this helps finding an answer.17:30
netraamehtDont be quiet :/17:30
SilfenXHm, I can see them under "Computer", but right clicking on them revelas a context menu with a "Mount" entry. Why arent ehy all mounted during boot?17:31
netraamehtOerHeks, thanks'17:31
OerHeksSil4nc4, user mounts cannot be mounted untill login.17:31
OerHeksSilfenX, ^ ( sorry wrong nick Sil4nc4 )17:32
SilfenXnp - but must I do that manually each time the machine is restarted?17:32
SilfenXI got like 6 internal drives with stuff on them17:33
OerHeksSilfenX, add your mount to Fstab, so it is available when you login17:33
SilfenXthats supposed to be shared with samba17:33
SilfenXFstab? Okay, where is that?17:33
SilfenXI m using desktop, is there a GUI for that?17:34
OerHeksi use e Gui for Fstab, called pysdm17:34
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:34
SilfenXok, I need simple, an icon to click on and some pretty buttons17:34
SilfenXOk, pusdm, I ll lok that up in Software Center17:35
gsteinertmorning all =)17:36
gsteinertno... wait it's afternoon17:36
gsteinertalmost evening in fact =/17:36
dmp450hey, I have a problem. I have a wireless mouse and it seems to be cutting in and out for me. If I plug it in, it won't cut out. stranger yet, if I cat /dev/input/mouse2 and move my mouse around(unplugged) it has no issues at all. does anyone know what this could be?17:38
gsteinertdmp450: how do you know there are no problems when catting /dev/input/mouse2?17:39
gsteinertim thinking you might have some interference somewhere... or a dying battery17:39
FlyKindPRIVMSG ikonia http://paste.ubuntu.com/1211455/ - its my sources.list. What wrong?17:39
dmp450gsteinert, I move the mouse around and it registers in the terminal and doesn't stutter at all17:39
karthick87How can i print the standard error in red into the console instead of using the same color of the standard output?17:39
karthick87 17:39
karthick87Is it possible using Gnome Terminal ?17:39
dmp450gsteinert, that was what I thought, until I did cat /dev/input/mouse2 to see if it would stutter. doesn't stutter at all17:40
unlessHey folks.17:40
gsteinertdmp450: i'm not sure... but you may get some input even if power is failing. how do you know what you're seeing in the terminal is everything that should be transmitted? iirc its not particularly human-friendly17:40
stanleyI accidentally removed applications etc from my desktop when I was meaning to remove just one launcher17:41
stanleyCan someone help?17:41
gsteinerthey unless17:41
unlessI've just installed hplip-3.12.9 at my system, and it is behaving very weird.17:41
unlessIs there a way to remove it?17:41
dmp450gsteinert, i'm in gnome right now. so if I move my mouse around without catting that, it stutters. if I execute that command in a terminal window, my mouse moves around fine everywhere(including outside the terminal window)17:41
OerHeksFlyKind, sources list looks fine ( your message wasn't private without / )17:42
gsteinertunless: sudo apt-get remove hplip if you used aptitude to install it17:42
stanleyI accidentally removed applications etc from my desktop when I was meaning to remove just one launcher, I now have no Aplications/places on my desktop17:42
OerHekscarefull with aptitude on 64 bit !17:42
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.17:42
gsteinertdmp450: now that is odd... =/17:42
unlessgsteinert, well, now another hour till it finishes removing it.17:43
dmp450gsteinert, that's what I thought :S It just started happening one day. I then thought to cat that to see if it would cut out in my input or not, and it didn't :S17:43
=== Phase_ is now known as Phase
gsteinertdmp450: i had similar issues with my mouse and keyboard (with fewer debug options as i run windows) and found that moving the wireless receivers to the front of the computer fixed the problem... less inteference counteracted the effects of failing batteries17:44
gsteinerttwo months later and the same batteries are still going strong17:45
=== oso is now known as Guest37828
stanleyI accidentally removed applications etc from my desktop when I was meaning to remove just one launcher, I now have no Aplications/places on my desktop17:47
dmp450gsteinert, I had tried that before and it wouldn't fix it either. it's only in linux, in windows things work fine :P17:48
extecIs it normal for wine apps to always show as the last option in the unity task switcher (behaves like minimized, but not minimized)?17:48
gsteinertdmp450: then i am all out of ideas =( sorry17:52
dmp450gsteinert, no worries. thanks for the input though :)17:53
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paulsomebodyWhat kind of pipe can use in CLI to see progress in execution of rather time-consuming commands?17:58
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gordonjcppaulsomebody: bar17:59
paulsomebodygordonjcp: So the syntax would be "bar | time-consuming-command --parameters", right?18:00
paulsomebodygordonjcp: I am asking, since there is no manual entry for "bar".18:00
paulsomebodygordonjcp: My bad, it was simply not installed.18:02
ssampaulsomebody, http://linux.die.net/man/1/bar looks like it is only for copying files18:02
ssampaulsomebody, also see http://askubuntu.com/questions/17275/progress-and-speed-with-cp18:02
ssampaulsomebody, trouble is, in general, there is no way to know how far along a process is18:03
Sicpthe playback in YouTube or other video websites is always either way too fast (plugin enabled) or keeps cutting off at every second (plugin disabled)18:03
Sicpwhat do I do? this came to pass after the upgrade18:03
paulsomebodyssam: Still, knowing the speed of I/O is a help. Thank you, you have been very helpful.18:03
extecSicp: What browser?18:04
paulsomebodySicp: You can use Google Chrome, that  have an embedded non-free flash plugin provided by Google that is usually devoid of most issues experienced on GNU/Linux systems or switch to HTML5 video playback in the Youtube experimental settings, which should be of help.18:06
SicpI AM using Google Chrome18:08
Sicpit is the situation for both browsers18:08
Sicpfirefox and chrome18:08
SicpI'll see about switching to HTML518:09
extecSicp: That will only fix the issue for YouTube.  You may wish to check on the Chromium forums for assistance with Flash playback issues.18:09
paulsomebodyssam: One more thing. "bar" seems to apply only to the network data transfer. Is there a pipe that would work with disk I/O speeds? "bar" does nothing while used with, say "sfill" command.18:09
Sicpsuddenly it works?18:10
mehmet_oz21Where can ı download official stable of Chromium browser for Windows?18:10
bekkspaulsomebody: Just use iotop :)18:10
extecmehmet_oz21: Odd place to ask, but https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/18:11
craigbass1976I'm trying to run xming, and am wondering if perhaps I'm thinking backwards.  I was hoping to fire up a windows app from my ubuntu box, but what I read online makes it sound as though I'm supposed to be firing up ubuntu apps from a windows box.18:11
paulsomebodybekks: Thanks, good idea.18:11
bekkscraigbass1976: xming is for displaying X apps on a windows system.18:11
paulsomebodybekks: Works splendidly, thank you.18:12
ix_is it possible to specify the size of a window in openbox?18:12
bekkspaulsomebody: you're welcome.18:12
extecIs it normal for wine apps to always show as the last option in the unity task switcher (behaves like minimized, but not minimized)?18:12
paulsomebodyextec: It may be, depending on the option for the desktop integration you specified in the wineconfig.18:14
paulsomebodyextec: I personally have never encountered that issue.18:14
zonedim trying to set up an ssh/auto authorization between my ubuntu server and a centos client. i run (user: webistrano) ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "web test" then copy ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to my centos client's (user: webistrano) ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.... then, back on the ubuntu server, i try to ssh webistrano@ip to the centos client and it still prompts for a password18:14
utabI have upgraded my xubuntu to 12.04 now there is a strange problem that  I can not log into my account from ther gui however if I get a terminal by alt18:15
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utabALT+F2 I can use my user name and pass to login to my home dir18:15
extecpaulsomebody: I don't see it as an option anywhere in the wine config18:15
utabalso strange that it does not give me any errors or warnings when it does not log in.18:16
utabit tries to login the screen goes black for a second and comes back to the login screen again18:16
paulsomebodyextec: It does not say anything about windows sort order explicitly, but there should be some options for desktop integration.18:17
utabany ideas18:17
paulsomebodyutab: I think you would have better luck asking at #xubuntu or #xfce channels.18:17
hydesteranybody using windows media center via win8 on an ubuntu host?  been using vbox and it is unstable with this.  KVM won't even install.  anybody successful with a specific hypervisor?18:17
utabpaulsomebody: oh ok18:17
mkanyicyzoned, you dont have to manually copy the keys over anymore. use ssh-copy-id command18:17
extecpaulsomebody: Yes, but those are primarily just themes and folders.  Also, I am referring to the switching within the Unity switcher, not the Windows one.18:18
bekkshydester: I am successfully using vbox for years now.18:18
hydesterbekks: with windows 8 using media center?18:19
bekkshydester: No. But which vbox version very exactly did you try?18:19
hydesternon-open source verison 4.2 (tried earlier with issues too) for amd6418:20
zonedssh: Could not resolve hostname /home/webistrano/.ssh/id_rsa.pub: Name or service not known18:20
zoned .... ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub exists18:20
hydesterhas been working with win7, xp, etc. with no issues for years too.  specifically having issues with win8 using media center18:20
bekkshydester: Starting with 4.x there is no non-opensource version anymore. Only the extension pack is PUEL-licensed.18:20
Guest37828it is called the event viewer so that it can install ubuntu on another distribution18:21
mkanyicyzoned, which command did you run?18:21
hydesterbekks: 4.2.0-80737~Ubuntu~precise18:21
bekkshydester: And which version very exactly did you use? There have been three release candidates, and a couple of beta versions and one stable version so far.18:21
zonedssh-copy-id ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub user@serverIP18:21
hydesterusing the stable one now18:21
RenskiIm stuggling to setup suexec, could someone help me out at all?18:21
bekkshydester: Thats the first version so far supporting Windows 8 officially.18:21
mkanyicyzoned, just 'ssh-copy-id user@remoteserver'18:22
Renskibasically, I think ive done everything correctly, but my scripts are still being run as www-data18:22
mkanyicyzoned, it knows where to look for the public key file18:22
hydesterbekks: right, so the VM was installed via 4.1 or a 4.2 RC, i forget.  should that matter if i upgrade to 4.2 stable or does that mean i need to reinstall it from scratch using 4.2 stable?18:22
bekkshydester: That shouldnt matter.18:23
zonedmkanyicy, still prompts me for a password even when i run the ssh command that ssh-copy-id output for me18:23
hydesterwas using SATA as default, tried moving to IDE, tried a toggle of ext4 I/O cache, tried disabling 2d and 3d video support18:23
jilt007How to disable guest login in ubuntu18:23
hydesterit works for a little bit then i'll do something and it'll explode18:24
craigbass1976bekks, Bah...  Is there an app for the reverse?18:24
bekkshydester: With ext4 i/o cache turned off (or not enabled) you WILL have problems :)18:24
jilt007Any one?18:24
hydesterbekks: cahe was on when i went to IDE, but after crash i tried turning it off to see.  all seem to have equivalent problems.18:25
bekkshydester: Impossible, technically :D18:25
bekkshydester: But we may move to #vbox too :)18:25
hydesterbekks: what is impossible?18:25
mkanyicyzoned, that is strange18:26
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)18:26
jilt007No One18:27
=== xangua1 is now known as xangua
cloudgeekTeamviewer not working , graphics not workling , can access remote with ease18:29
cloudgeekInstalled wine too not happing anything18:29
jilt007How to disable guest login in ubuntu? Guide me18:29
sstajilt007: gksudo gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and set allow guest to false18:30
MonkeyDustjilt007  try this http://ubuntuguide.net/disable-guest-login-on-ubuntu-12-04-lightdm18:30
cloudgeekcan anybody guide over ,how to fix teamviewer18:31
SilfenXis there a newbie friendly GUI to deal with fstab and drive mounting. Just tried one but scared the hell out of me when telling me my drives werent ready and needed to be setup. They are ntfs drives full of stuff I cant afford to lose.18:32
ThinkT510cloudgeek: teamviewer ships with its own little version of wine18:32
jilt007ssta: MonkeyDust  Thanks a lot :)18:32
cloudgeekThinkT510: didn't get you , i installed wine first then installed18:33
mikeBare there any plans to include mate desktop in ubuntu?18:34
SilfenXUbuntu supposedly is the newbie friendliest linux variant there is and yet I have to deal with stuff like this18:34
michealpwHi, everybody :)18:34
michealpw!xorg michealpw18:35
michealpw!xorg.conf michealpw18:35
lanoxxi have a problem with my package manager, when i try aptitude safe-upgrade it asks me to add --full-resolver and then it prints a LOT of suggestions to resolve some conflicts18:36
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ThinkT510cloudgeek: teamviewer is essentially wine with just that one application installed18:36
ThinkT510cloudgeek: you don't need to install wine seperately for teamviewer18:37
lanoxxthen i tried apt-get upgrade and it tells me i have a corrupted package for which the package file cannot be found18:37
lanoxxE: The package sqldeveloper needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.18:37
ThinkT510cloudgeek: teamviewer is a prepackaged wine with just teamviewer in it18:37
anexhello everyone18:37
anexanyone can help with panic kernel and bsod during ubuntu 12.04 instalation ?18:38
shihanok, stupid question, if you installed something under /opt/<program name> how would you make it appear in the launcher thingo in unity?18:38
ThinkT510cloudgeek: check the .teamviewer directory in your home folder18:38
trismshihan: create a .desktop file for the app and install it to /usr/share/applications/18:39
semkoxdid ubuntu entirely abandon putting latest versions of java to repos?18:39
anexi tried both normal and alternative downloads. i tries disabling acpi lapic etc. same thing. ubuntu 8.10 is booting/installing with no problem. any ideas?18:40
jacklkshihan: You could also launch the program, right click on it then press on something like "Add to launcher".18:40
xanguashihan: if the launcher is in opt, hit Alt+F2 and type: gksu nautilus18:42
xanguayo go to the launcher location and drag it to the unity launcher....and be carefull with nautilus runing with administrative privileges; after you done close it18:42
trismjacklk: which won't help unless it has a .desktop file somewhere18:42
shihankewl, thanks ill give those a shot :)18:42
xanguasemkox: sun java is no longer in repositories since march18:42
osseI want to format a memory stick. It is currently mounted, and gparted refuses to unmount it because it is busy. both lsof and fuser give no results on running processes. How do I get out of this?18:44
=== michealpw_ is now known as michealPW
tomreynosse: eject /dev/DEVICE18:44
ossetomreyn: Now gparted would unmount it for some reason... but I'll remeber it until next time :)18:45
michealPWHey guys18:45
nsudocan anyone help me with my sound device not working Intel hda18:47
szal!sound | nsudo18:48
ubottunsudo: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:48
anexanyone can give a hint about solving " kernel panic " during installation?18:49
zigcould someone help on this problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/189845/laptop-shuts-down-upon-waking-or-bad-graphics-from-suspend18:49
nsudothx szal18:51
nsudotried everything not working the prompt says command not found18:51
=== Mr_Caboose is now known as Mysterytrain
shade34321If I currently have 7 2TB hard drives in RAID 6 and I wanted to add 5 more hard drives could I use 3TB hard drives instead of the 2TB?18:52
szal(1) "tried everything" is not an exact description of what you did; (2) neither is "not working" an exact error description; (3) what command was not found?18:52
nsudomy lspci -vv says Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)18:53
nsudosudo: /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/HD-Audio-Models.txt.gz: command not found18:54
nsudonsudo@nsudo-desktop:~$ sudo /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/HD-Audio-Models.txt.gz18:54
nsudosudo: /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/HD-Audio-Models.txt.gz: command not found18:54
nsudonsudo@nsudo-desktop:~$ sudo /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/ALSA-Configuration.txt.gz18:54
nsudosudo: /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/ALSA-Configuration.txt.gz: command not found18:54
nsudonsudo@nsudo-desktop:~$ sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base18:54
FloodBot1nsudo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:54
nsudonsudo@nsudo-desktop:~$ lspci -vv18:54
nsudoszal can you do it remotely18:55
szalespecially not now; I have a radio show to run in 3 minutes18:56
nsudoi think kernal headers are missing how update those18:56
Sokelnsudo: ... are you even trying to tar out that configuration? I don't see tar in your comman.18:56
Sokelnsudo: sudo tar xvf /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/ALSA-Configuration.txt.gz18:57
Sokelnsudo: For example18:57
karthick87Accidentally deleted grub.conf file, and now my ubuntu is not getting booted. How to fix it???18:57
Sokelnsudo: Anything ending in a gz is a zip, essentially.18:57
usr13nsudo: pkill pulseaudio ; rm -r ~/.pulse*  #wait about 10 seconds and see if it works18:57
Sokelkarthick87: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows18:58
Sokelkarthick87: You need to learn to google. This is relevant to your issue.18:58
shihanshade34321, generally speaking, drives in a raid 6 array all have to be the same size... but depending on how your doing your array, you might be able to use the extra 1tb on each drive for a second array18:58
nsudousr13 no19:00
nsudocan anyone do it remotely i have been trying everting like mod probe19:00
usr13nsudo: no?  no what?19:00
Sokelnsudo: OK, what are you having issues with?19:01
PoesghostI'm having some issues with connecting to my wireless network, it should connect automatically but doesn't ask for a password when I boot up and apparently it is set to WEP when the encryption being used currently is WPA. I have to go under configure and change thatg setting to WPA, enter the password, save, then sometimes it will connect, other times it won't.19:01
=== dpac is now known as dpac|away
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nsudosokel  Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01) no sound at all19:02
bekks!root | root__19:02
ubotturoot__: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:02
usr13nsudo: run alsamixer  and see that evertying is turned up.19:02
SokelI allow myself root access. Much easier than sudo for sure.19:02
bekksroot__: Dont use the IRC as root, thats a serious security issue.19:02
root__what is this???????19:02
root__what kinda chat box is this???19:03
muellisoft.oO(welcome to the Internet)19:03
=== muellisoft is now known as Muelli
Sokelroot__: It's called irc.19:03
execanyone know how to mount an ipod touch to ubuntu?19:04
root__what is this for19:04
Sokelroot__: Support. Now log out of root before you run irc.19:04
Sokelnsudo: http://askubuntu.com/questions/103611/no-sound-with-a-n10-ich-7-audio-controller19:04
Sokelnsudo: http://askubuntu.com/questions/138194/cant-configure-5-1-audio-with-12-04/147073#14707319:04
SokelPlenty of google support.19:04
zigcould someone help on this problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/189845/laptop-shuts-down-upon-waking-or-bad-graphics-from-suspend19:05
MrSteinis there a simple way to access mounted SMB shares from shell (cli) ?19:05
MrSteinbesides mounting them again ?19:05
SokelMrStein: What are you talking about?19:05
MrSteinWindows shared folders19:05
SokelMrStein: mount -t cifs source /folder19:05
MrSteinSMB aka CIFS19:05
SokelMrStein: I don't see the difficulty.19:05
MrSteinI didn't say it is difficult.19:05
MrSteinso the GUI mout is unusable from command line?19:06
SokelMrStein: if you can access them on the desktop already, they're already mounted.19:06
MrSteingreat, that is the path?19:06
nannesHello. Did a release upgrade  from  Lucid =====> Precise 12.04.1.   My canon printer's driver is causing some trouble, here what I see at boot time (a lot of udev errors for "invaid rule"). I appointed also some other issue in the image. :P19:06
=== tobias_ is now known as Tos
SokelMrStein: No, the path can be a multitude of things. It could be in /mnt or /media. Go to a shell and type 'shell'19:06
SokelMrStein: It'll show you.19:06
SokelMrStein: Type mount19:07
SokelMrStein: Excuse me.19:07
MrStein/home/ubuntu/.gvfs is the only thing that could be it19:07
MrSteinaha, it works19:08
MrSteinis empathy designed for kids?19:08
SokelMrStein: Using mount is pretty straight forward when needing to figure that out.19:08
SokelMrStein: Probably.19:08
* MrStein is using empathy for the first time19:08
SokelMrStein: I highly dislike it. I wish you could replace it entirely with pidgin and thunderbird and call it a day.19:08
SokelMrStein: But it's not so simple becuase of the lousy integration.19:09
MrSteinok, bye, gotta go "compute"19:09
SmrtzI'm trying to get my account on a server setup so only Asymmetric key cryptography is used, can someone help me?19:10
MuelliSmrtz: probably. Do you have a problem?19:11
MuelliSmrtz: usually, you just need to "ssh-copy-id remotehost".19:11
SmrtzMuelli: I just can't figure out how to change the ssh_conf file for only my account, I don't have sudo privleges.19:12
MuelliSmrtz: just do "ssh-copy-id $remotehost" on your local machine.19:13
SmrtzMuelli: I have the key over there, but I'm still able to connect via a password.19:13
MuelliSmrtz: have you done ssh-copy-id?19:13
SmrtzMuelli: yes.19:14
Muellihm. Maybe the sshd is not setup for key authentication. I'd do ssh -vv and pastebin the output. Mind you to look for personal data though.19:15
TJ-Smrtz: Just came in so missed your issue - still getting a log-in prompt after ssh-copy-id ? Is the remote encrypted home?19:15
SmrtzMuelli: I can set a user spesific sshd_config in ~/.ssh/config, acording to the openssh channel, thanks for the help though, Muelli!19:16
Muellino Smrtz. that's wrong19:16
nsudocan someone help with my sound19:17
Muelli!sound | nsudo19:17
ubottunsudo: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:17
pro-healthHey all. Is there a way to replace grub with windows boot manager? Lets assume I am not doing it for any practical reason (that is the case).19:17
Muellisure pro-health. You can just install whatever bootloader you want. I doubt that the window one will boot Linux though. But then again, I never tried and I don't care all too much.19:18
pro-healthMuelli: Thanks19:18
MrSteinthe gvfs performance is pathetic, a "classic" mount has 10 times the performance (writing a file)19:18
Strife_Xsome one there??19:19
Muellisure MrStein. It's all in user space. So it has loads of round trips.19:19
MrSteinBut I have a CPU that is not a 486. It is the year 2012! Even if it runs in BASIC, how can it be so slow?19:19
fm__MrStein: which protocol? maybe https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=532951 ?19:20
ubottuGnome bug 532951 in sftp backend "slow download using sftp://" [Minor,Unconfirmed]19:20
MrSteinfm__: smb://....19:20
MrSteinover LAN19:21
zigcould someone help on this problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/189845/laptop-shuts-down-upon-waking-or-bad-graphics-from-suspend19:22
nsudo lspci -v | grep -A7 -i "audio" capabilities says access denied19:22
nsudoIntel device d60619:22
Muellinsudo: maybe try sudo lspci -v19:23
Psincronistasmilienium witouth using irc19:23
=== rickytaylor26 is now known as ricky26
nsudoya found19:24
nsudokernel module as sda-hda-intel19:24
TJ-zig: Check the log files in /var/log/ at the time the resume fails. Look at kern.log and syslog in particular, but don't neglect other recently updated log files (use "ls -ltr /var/log/" to list log files in time-updated order). You can use "Log file viewer" to open the log files.19:25
BaurogGuys, anyone know the channel of ubuntu in Brazil19:25
mactallaJust installed 12.04 on a machine and / always comes up as readonly on boot.  Not finding any obvious messages in the logs as to why it's behaving that way.  Where should I be looking?19:25
ThinkT510!brazil | Baurog19:26
ubottuBaurog: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:26
zigTJ- thanks I'll see what the logs say19:26
TJ-mactalla: check /var/log/ - dmesg, kern.log and syslog in particular. Use "Log file viewer" to open the logs19:26
BaurogObrigado ubottu.19:27
nsudoin my preferences it shows dummy output19:29
chemist^hello everyone...i've got a simple question: is there any application similar to reason, ableton, protools, fruity loops for ubuntu?19:29
mactallaTJ-: I see the Command line (from Grub I expect) is marking it 'ro'.  Is this how it should be and it should turn rw later in the boot process, or is this suspicious?  (message:kernel: [    0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-29-generic root=UUID=61881b7c-8741-43c9-a574-e0c05fcfb94e ro quiet splash vt.handoff=7 )19:29
carter_can anyone help me with my nvidia graphics19:30
Muellimactalla: that's alright.19:30
Sokelcarter_: It's called google.19:30
chemist^hello everyone...i've got a simple question: is there any application similar to reason, ableton, protools, fruity loops for ubuntu?19:30
TJ-mactalla: Yes, that's to be expected... the real root file-system is mounted read-write later19:30
chemist^any music making app? (not recording)19:31
carter_i installed minecraft and it keeps crashing and i think its because of the graphics and idk how to do anything with it19:31
Muellichemist^: probably. maybe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPULcjeYEqQ lists them.19:31
gordonjcpchemist^: not really19:31
Sokelcarter_: If you expect help, we need you to dpaste your logs.19:31
mactallaWhich area is responsible for mounting it read-write?  I'm still not finding anything in the dmesg,syslog,kern.log or even grep in /var/log19:31
Muellimactalla: the scripts in the initramfs.19:31
gordonjcpchemist^: maybe something like lmms?19:32
TJ-mactalla: It might help to boot, edit the linux kernel's command-line from GRUB and replace "quiet splash" with "debug text nomodeset" so you can see more of what happens during boot.19:32
gordonjcpchemist^: there is a lot of Linux audio software but most of it is geared up to recording and synthesis19:32
Muellimactalla: you can find those in either /etc/initramfs-tools/ or /usr/share/initramfs-tools (or smth like that).19:32
TJ-mactalla: The scripts in the initial  ramdisk are responsible19:32
chemist^gordonjcp: yeah i've been doing that... now i want to have smth like lmms yes (looking at it right now on the web)19:33
chemist^have u tried it?19:33
chemist^is it good?19:33
carter__anyone help me with minecraft and why its crashes? it worked and then i turned on my nvidia graphics and now it crashes19:34
mactallaThanks.  I'll reboot w/ the debug and see if it shows anything.19:34
Mephistohi there people19:34
Mephistoalthough i'm not a ubuntu user, but it seems that this problem occurs to me on any distro and it has more to do with the kernels19:35
TJ-mactalla: You can interrupt the initrd using kernel command-line options too, that are passed to upstart's init process19:35
chemist^carter__: probably because your graphics driver is faulty19:35
gordonjcpchemist^: no, I don't use computers for music any more19:35
gordonjcpchemist^: I only use hardware synths and analogue tape19:35
rds_hai guys what is !grab in IRC19:36
gordonjcpchemist^: I *should* give lmms a go though19:36
carter__well i went to the nvidia graphics settings and it says i have to run a boot command and restart x server but it wont do it when i type it into the terminal19:36
WACOMaltrds_, some bot command. depends what they set it up to do19:36
MonkeyDustrds_  meaning?19:36
WACOMaltWhat sort of themes do I need to download to use in standard 12.04 UI?19:37
chemist^gordonjcp: hehe :) i record samples with my el. guitar and synth too...but i don't have any drum machine :) so i need somekind of virtual drum machine to make19:37
WACOMaltGnome shell or GTK3+ ?19:37
gordonjcpchemist^: I use computers for editing and generally mucking about with samples, though19:37
MonkeyDustrds_  what is the purpose of your question?19:37
abyss42how do i find all files starting with '-' in my folder and delete them19:37
rds_WACOMalt, ok thanks19:37
gordonjcpchemist^: try hydrogen19:37
carter__well i went to the nvidia graphics settings and it says i have to run a boot command and restart x server but it wont do it when i type it into the terminal19:37
WACOMaltabyss42, not sure but try to search for -*19:37
gordonjcpchemist^: it is *just* a drum machine, with various sample sets19:37
Dr_Williscarter__ what boot command?19:37
gordonjcpchemist^: no clever stuff, just a plain old-fashioned drum machine19:37
Sokelcarter__: When you intsall the nvidia driver, you're supposed to reboot your system.19:38
BluesKajcarter__, ctrl+alt+f1 or f2 ,run the commands the reboot19:38
chemist^gordonjcp: now that think of it i think i have it installed already :D19:38
BluesKajthe=then , carter__19:38
TJ-abyss42: "find . -maxdepth 1 -name '\-*' " ... if that correctly identifies only the files you want to delete... add " -delete" to the command line19:38
Mephistohas any of you guys ever had a scratchy output from mic when using ALSA only?19:39
Mephistojust as you speak some crackling thing kicks in19:39
carter__i rebooted when i installed it then it says run nvidia xconfig as a root and when i do in terminal it says unable to write to directory '/etc/x11'19:39
Mephistoand no, not only on skype, it's simply the mic output19:39
Mephistoi just wanna know if any of you ever had it19:40
kanliotMephisto, i have a audio driver that has auto noise auto volue adjustment, it messes everything up19:40
WACOMaltOk so to get a full theme installed do I need both the GTK and gnome shell theme parts? or just gtk?19:40
s3r3n1t7I'm looking for apt proxy, which i've quite a bit in the past. However, now that I have done a fresh install of 12.04 it is gone?19:40
chemist^gordonjcp: hahaha...it's cool...that's what i've been looking for..thanks alot :) bye19:40
Calypsohallo servus deutsch????19:40
bekks!de | Calypso19:40
ubottuCalypso: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!19:40
bekks\o/ first. :D19:41
chemist^gordonjcp: one more question... if u know... can you export loops you make in hydrogen?19:41
Dr_WillisWACOMalt for themes - its best i find to use the PPA's of sites like webupd8 that include themes..19:41
Calypsosorry, my fault^^ but... how are you???19:41
MonkeyDustbekks  was faster19:41
carter__i rebooted when i installed it then it says run nvidia xconfig as a root and when i do in terminal it says unable to write to directory '/etc/x11'19:42
WACOMaltDr_Willis, ok but if I find one that is just a "gtk3" theme. is that technically a full theme for ubuntu? or are there missing parts?19:42
TJ-carter__: That is because regular users do not have permission to write to system directories. You need to prefix the command with "sudo " which asks for your password and runs the command as root for you19:42
odinsbaneWhat is the state of 3d graphics (or where can I find out) of the Intel HD Graphics 4000?19:43
Dr_Willisthemes are made of parts WACOMalt the askubuntu.com site had some good writeups on it19:43
WACOMaltok, I'll search there. thanks19:43
MonkeyDustblast, just ruined the Me menu in fallback mode19:44
WACOMaltDr_Willis, can you point me to any good sites that distribute themes in ppas? All I can find are tar.gz archives of the parts, and those arent working19:46
seliteHello, can anyone help me with git?19:51
seliteI just want to know how to add 3 .c files to a repository.19:51
* mactalla is an idiot.19:51
DJRWolf1yay for internet search, found what I was looking for without having to bug any of you :), http://complete-concrete-concise.com/ubuntu-2/ubuntu-12-04/ubuntu-12-04-how-to-install-the-lubuntu-desktop19:52
TJ-mactalla: Did you misread the info and not realise it was being changed to r/w ?19:52
nsudoanyone can help me fix my sound over vnc19:52
mactallaThanks, TJ- & Muelli.  Turns out I screwed my fstab (missed putting the mount dir for an entry, so I had 2 root entries).  That debug text nomodeset showed me the error of my ways.19:52
tzAs the newbie i am, is there a guide on how to set up the ftp server with more than one user. So that I can enter the web server with one of the users using vsftpd19:52
TJ-mactalla: Ahhh... the joy of customisation :p ... always bites us one way or another19:53
mactallaTJ-: no, it was ro because mountall was failing.19:53
mactallaYeah.  About as bad as an off-by-one error.  So close and yet so far!19:53
TJ-mactalla: It's always the same... almost every bug comes down to a bit being set or reset incorrectly... the problem is, discovering which particular bit!19:54
nsudoanyone can help me fix my sound over vnc19:54
mactallaTJ-: too true.19:54
Dr_Willisvnc can do sound?19:54
Muellihm. does VNC do sound at all?19:54
WACOMaltshould I use the gnome3-team/gnome3 ppa or is there a canonical package for gnome3?19:54
mactallaSo again, thanks guys.  Now I can move on to the other stuff that needs doing :)19:55
PioneerAxon|PC2Anyone can help me with wifi connection??19:55
Dr_WillisWACOMalt gnome3 is the default in  12.0419:55
TJ-mactalla: congrats :)19:55
MuelliWACOMalt: there is gnome3-session19:55
inicholsonI'm looking for a way to set apache from automatically starting, and start and stop it manually19:55
WACOMaltWell whatever gives me the old menus and no unity, what am I looking for?19:55
gordonjcpWACOMalt: a time machine19:55
WACOMaltbadum tsh19:55
gordonjcpWACOMalt: possibly a buggy whip and a straw hat, grandad19:56
MuelliWACOMalt: GNOME3 fallback mode. Or "no effects" or "classic" or something.19:56
limeageselite: git add  first.c second.c third.c  than  git commit19:56
climbzillaHaving an issue with my wifi connection.  I believe it's a broadcom card.  I'm getting intermittent outages... like every couple of minutes or so, web pages won't load.  I wait a bit, hit reload a bunch, and it finally comes up...19:56
WACOMaltI'll just ue this guide... http://www.filiwiese.com/installing-gnome-on-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/19:56
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity19:56
WACOMaltI dont have classic19:56
WACOMaltI have ubuntu 2d19:56
WACOMaltand ubuntu19:57
Dr_Willisusing gnome2 is definatly not supported here.. theres the fallback classic mode.. but  id suggest gnomeshell or unity  or lubuntu or xfce if you want the od skool desktop19:57
MonkeyDustWACOMalt  i'm happy with fallback mode, too bad I ruined the Me Menu by adding a new panel19:57
selitelimeage: It says, please enter commit message for your changes.19:57
climbzillaintermittent issue doesn't happen to any other computer on the wireless network19:57
selitelimeage: What's that lol, sorry but I am noob for this?19:57
WACOMaltMonkeyDust, I dont have fallback mode19:57
MonkeyDustWACOMalt  you can easily install it, logout, select it, login19:57
WACOMaltMonkeyDust, whats the package name ot install though, thats my question19:57
TJ-inicholson: "sudo apt-get install chkconfig" then "man chkconfig" - great examples of how to manipulate service runlevel settings.19:58
ThinkT510WACOMalt: gnome-panel19:58
WACOMaltok, thank you19:58
inicholsonTJ, I thought chkconfig was just a redhat thing19:58
selitelimeage: Come on man.19:58
MonkeyDustWACOMalt  it's fallback in the repos19:58
WACOMaltMonkeyDust, thanks. And what is the difference between gnome-shell and gnome-panel ?20:00
limeageselite: every change to repo should be commented  use -m option  for git commit20:00
TJ-inicholson: Hmmm, good point, it works with SYSV init but not upstart's /etc/init/ ... must forget the Lucid server way of doing things!20:00
inicholsonTJ-, hahah thanks anyway! ;)20:00
damms005Pls is there a way to permanently stopped cusor freezing? (synclient TouchpadOff=0 is the temporary fix)20:00
selitelimeage: I did it, but now the source file that I added doesn't appear on github.20:00
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limeageselite: correct, because this is distributed VCS.  You've changed your local repository20:02
TJ-inicholson: For upstart you have to edit/rename the service's entry in /etc/init/<service>.conf - but even on Precise, apache2 still uses SYSV init, so you can use chkconfig20:02
selitelimeage: Hmm, then how do I make changes on the repository on github?20:02
inicholsonTJ-, thanks a lot, that's very helpful.  I wish apache used upstart instead of sysv20:03
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MonkeyDustWACOMalt|AFK  gnome-shell is a different interface20:03
TJ-selite: When you make a commit you are committing to your *local* repository. You can *push* branches to a remote repository (that youv'e configured as a remote or the origin) using "git push"20:03
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MonkeyDustWACOMalt|AFK  http://i.imgur.com/3N5f6.jpg <-- Gnome320:04
TJ-inicholson: In a rush I simply delete the symlinks in /etc/rc*.d/ to the service20:04
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limeageselite: If you are going to use   git and github not only for this specific  case, please take a look at http://git-scm.com/book20:04
seliteTJ-: Yes, git push origin master and it works omg this is so great.20:04
selitelimeage: Thank you so much.20:04
TJ-selite: See http://git-scm.com/documentation20:05
Muelliselite: next time use mercurial ;-)20:05
=== WACOMalt|AFK is now known as WACOMalt
limeageselite: git push   will do the job20:05
ejoTrying to get pgadmin3 (gui tool for postgresql) latest version installed on my 12.04 box.  Need it for compatibility with postgresql 9.2 which just came out and I upgraded.  I installed pgadmin3 v1.16.0 compiled from source successfully... but still only v1.14.0 (incompatible with postgresql-9.2) runs.20:07
limeageMuelli:  merucrial also will take your time20:07
ejochannel #postgresql is not very interested because there they only use command-line interfaces (I usually do too)20:07
WACOMalthey also how do I unlock the panels in Ubuntu like they used to be? Like I used to be able to add icons to the panels. I had a force close one that was quite useful20:08
WACOMaltbut right click does nothing on panels since 11.04 I think20:08
trismWACOMalt: alt+right click / alt+super+right click if this is gnome-panel20:08
WACOMaltah awesome! thanks. This is for both shells really20:09
WACOMaltI'm 50/50 on unity vs gnome20:09
trismWACOMalt: for gnome-shell you can't edit the panel by clicking on it (likewise with unity), so that would be gnome-panel specific20:09
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=== WACOMalt|AFK is now known as WACOMalt
TJ-ejo: There are usually three stages to installing a custom source package: 1. install dependencies. 2. build 3. install. The final step usually involves "sudo make install" or, if the source package creates .deb packages, "sudo dpkg -i <list of deb packages>"20:10
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ejoTJ-: yes, I've successfully made it all the way through "sudo make install".20:11
LorraHey hey...does anybody knows about a nice Play Station™ emulator apart from PCSX for Ubuntu 12.04?20:11
WACOMalttrism, its not working in the unity interface, only in gnome20:11
ejoTJ-: (with no errors) -- the problem is after that I don't seem to have the new 1.16.0 executable, still only 1.14.0 :(20:11
Lorra(64-bit edition)20:11
ejoactually 1.14.520:11
PioneerAxonHi all, I am always getting kernel message (deauthenticating from XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX by local choice (reason=3)) while connecting to wifi network.. Any idea??20:11
trismWACOMalt: indeed, as I said, only gnome-panel20:12
WACOMalttrism, there's not a way to edit panels in Unity? O_o20:12
ActionParsnipPioneerAxon: run:  sudo iwlist scan    do you see a lot of networks on the same channel?20:12
trismWACOMalt: you can install/uninstall indicators but that would be it20:12
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: which panel are you wanting to edit?20:13
WACOMaltyou cant even move them? I guess I have to stick with gnome then. I was just starting to like Unity though.20:13
WACOMaltActionParsnip, the top one, to move the system tray application icons I just added20:13
WACOMaltjust want to slide them to the left20:13
trismWACOMalt: no, you cannot move them20:14
WACOMaltO_o that's... a humongous oversight. is was this done for a reason?20:14
PioneerAxonActionParsnip: No. every network has unique channel..20:14
ActionParsnipPioneerAxon: also, what wifi chip are you using?20:14
ActionParsnipPioneerAxon: is it centrino by any chance?20:15
WACOMaltwhy did you want to know what panel I wanted to edit? is there any way you know of?20:15
WACOMalt^ to ActionParsnip20:15
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: because 'panel' can mean a multitude of things20:15
WACOMaltwell, what gnome has usually reffered to as panels :P20:15
WACOMaltthe top (and used to be bottom) bars20:16
|Anthony|!seen robert_ancell20:16
ubottuI have no seen command20:16
PioneerAxonActionParsnip: It is " PRO/Wireless 5100 AGN [Shiloh] Network Connection"20:16
WACOMaltand any other that you (used to be able to) add20:16
trismWACOMalt: there i no way to edit it without recompiling the source, (or as I said, installing/uninstalling indicators), if you want to edit the panel, install gnome-panel and log into the gnome classic session20:16
TJ-ejo: if it's a web app, doesn't that mean you need to restart the server/install it ... else if its a GUI, use "which <executable>" to check which path is being called, and compare against where "make install" put it20:16
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: and what wifi driver module are you using?20:16
WACOMaltWrong person20:16
|Anthony|can anyone comment regarding this 4 month old bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/99748320:17
WACOMaltSo I either have to ditch Unity, or live with a lack of customization that is distinctly non-linux :/20:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 997483 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "VT_WAITACTIVE does not work well with a multiseat setup" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:17
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: i got it20:17
Dr0p3Danyone alive here and over the (ubuntu-us-ks?)????20:17
WACOMaltActionParsnip, got what?20:17
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: echo "options iwlagn 11n_disable=1 11n_disable50=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlagn.conf > /dev/null20:17
|Anthony|it is assigned to robert_ancell but when i look at his profile page, it isn't listed there as a bug he is assigned to20:17
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: run that then reboot to test20:18
ActionParsnip!bug 57549220:18
WACOMaltActionParsnip, I am not the person with wifi issues...20:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 575492 in linux (Ubuntu) "Intel 5100 AGN wireless connection bug" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57549220:18
ejoTJ-: The strange part is there's only one pgadmin3 found by "which" (or by "locate"), at /usr/bin/pgadmin3.  But when I run it it's the old 1.14.5 and not the new 1.16.0.  This despite the fact that 'make install' completed successfully as far as I could see.  I am wiping the temp directory I installed from and trying over again.20:18
ActionParsnipPioneerAxon: ^20:18
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: sorry, crossed wired20:18
WACOMalt:D no problem.20:18
ActionParsnipPioneerAxon: your wifi is trying to connect to N speed and dropping as the driver is having issue, so you tell it not to and it will connect solidly at G speed20:19
WACOMaltWhat is a good video capture (for webcam) program for ubuntu?20:19
PioneerAxonActionParsnip: Oh!! Let me try it..20:19
JontaI have a 1TB external harddrive. Taken out of a Western Digital Wireless HDD-thingy. Put into an external-HDD-casing for such purpouses. Everything seems to be working well hardware-wise, diode lights up, disk working, but AFAIK it's not recognized by my PC. Plugged it into a Windows-machine, which claimed to install device drivers etc., but still couldn't access it. dmesg: http://pastebin.com/2X1nHVAi  lsusb: http://pastebin.com/P0RLrna9 - Ideas20:19
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: the top panel in Unity I have never played with20:19
PioneerAxonActionParsnip: Thanks..20:19
WACOMaltActionParsnip, well it looks like you cant customiz much of anything in Unity sadly. Unity is pretty, but breaks the linux mantra of everything is customizable.20:20
ActionParsnipJonta: chkdsk the partition and be sure you use teh 'safely remove hardware' option in windows20:20
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: then install XFCE, KDE or LXDE etc and use that20:21
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JontaActionParsnip: Thanks. Trying chkdsk20:21
OerHeksWACOMalt, take a look at my-unity & ubuntu-tweak.20:21
WACOMaltActionParsnip, missing the point XD  I want to use, and customize unity. Guess Ima have to start working on the source X(20:21
ActionParsnipJonta: its just the scandisk app in Windows :)20:21
JontaActionParsnip: I don't have Windows available atm. Use scandisk instead?20:21
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: there is myunity and ubuntu-tweak (from PPA) which may help20:22
WACOMaltOerHeks, those are good for adding/removing features, but I like being able to add my own panels, resize things, change colors transparency... all of this was ditched it seems.20:22
ActionParsnipJonta: is it NTFS based?20:22
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ActionParsnipJonta: as in, the partition you are having issue with20:22
JontaSadly, I'm not sure. But should think either FAT32 or NTFS.20:22
JontaDefault at the time of purchase I assume FAT32.20:23
trismWACOMalt: you can change transparency, in ccsm, unity plugin on the experimental tab (forgot to mention that)20:23
Deutopiai already have apache2, mysql and php installed. should i still install xampp or can i skip it?20:23
trismWACOMalt: that's about it though20:23
WACOMaltAnyone know of a good Webcam capture program for Ubuntu? My webcam worked on setup for the user picture, but isnt working with GUVCViewer20:23
JontaActionParsnip: There's nothing I need _on_ the disk. Sorry for not mentioning this before.20:23
WACOMaltOk, I'll live with it for now20:23
ActionParsnipJonta: sudo parted -l     will tell you20:23
ActionParsnipJonta: ah, is the partition recognised?20:24
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: cheese20:24
JontaActionParsnip: That's the thing: I think it mighten'd be.20:24
dbuggerHey guys. I just installed 12.4.1, but I cant detect my second monitor. Can someone please help me out?20:24
ActionParsnipJonta: the command I gave will tell you20:24
WACOMaltActionParsnip, does cheese do video too?20:24
ActionParsnipdbugger: what video chip are you using?20:24
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: I believe so, give it a whirl20:24
WACOMaltwill do, thanks20:25
dbuggerActionParsnip,  VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF116 [GeForce GTS 45020:25
dbuggerthats what lspci says20:25
billccheese does video here20:25
ActionParsnipdbugger: did you install the proprietary video driver?20:25
dbuggerIm not sure if its the propietary driver. I opened the "Additional Drivers" window and installed the recommended20:25
JontaActionParsnip: Aaah, there we go. 1000GB system. Output of sudo parted -l: http://pastebin.com/FMCYs7gL - I assume strongly it's the 2nd one =)20:26
ActionParsnipdbugger: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install nvidia-current20:26
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ActionParsnipJonta: cool, you can use gparted to delete the partitions etc. Seems to be holding a Linux OS20:27
JontaIndeed. Weird. Thought I'd never been able to use it with GNU.20:27
ActionParsnipJonta: well, its picked up so you can manipulate it :)20:29
WACOMaltnext up, what is a good screen recording software for ubuntu?20:29
dbuggerActionParsnip, Its running, do I need to restart after it?20:29
WACOMaltwith audio preferably20:29
ActionParsnipdbugger: I would20:29
=== dpac|away is now known as dpac
QuanSaiCan someone tell me if I can gain access to another partition from Windows 7? That partition has Ubuntu installed on it.20:30
Exodeusello govner20:30
JontaActionParsnip: Indeed it is ^^ - (Now to get to grips with gparted. Been a while…=)20:30
quidnuncQuanSai: What filesystem?20:30
ActionParsnipQuanSai: So you want to access Ext4 from Wnidows?20:31
dbuggerActionParsnip, ok, be right back20:32
QuanSaiquidnunc: ActionParsni:  Actually, I just want to see the GRUB menu... It's not coming up when I start my computer and it's booting right into Windows 7.20:32
cigan_any one know something about firefox freezhing all desktop?20:33
QuanSaiI tried modifying the boot settings via the Windows 7 system settings, but Ubuntu isn't showing up in the start option list.20:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:33
quidnuncQuanSai: Are you holding shift? In what order did you install Ubuntu, Windows20:33
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QuanSaiquidnunc: Windows was installed already.  I installed Ubuntu.20:34
QuanSaiSo Windows first, Ubuntu after.20:34
quidnuncQuanSai: Are you holding shift when booting?20:34
QuanSaiquidnunc: I tried that.20:35
quidnuncQuanSai: What is in /etc/default/grub?20:35
AClicKJe voudrais avoir une information à propos de la barre des taches sur LXDE.20:36
Technic_anyonw knows about SQUID3 ?20:36
ActionParsnipQuanSai: hold shift at boot and it should show20:36
ActionParsnip!fr | AClicK20:36
ubottuAClicK: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:36
AClicKJe voudrais mettre mon icone "démarrer" en noir comme cette capture d'écran (http://www.batraciens.net/LXDE%20-%20lubuntu%2011.10.png)20:37
QuanSaiActionParsnip: I did that.  No Ubuntu.20:37
ActionParsnipQuanSai: did you install with wubi or a proper install?20:38
QuanSaiActionParsnip:  On install, I sectioned-off about 250Gb of memory to the Ubuntu partition.  Not that the size matters, but...20:38
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QuanSaiActionParsnip: Proper install.20:38
quidnuncQuanSai: Try "escape" instead. After that is to check if grub is actually installed on the boot partition20:38
Technic_Salut tout le monde20:38
JontaActionParsnip: Thanks ActionParsnip! Now to reboot to try fixing "Daemon Is Inhibited" =)20:38
quidnunc!fr: Technic_20:38
QuanSaiquidnunc: If "escape" is supposed to raise a GRUB menu, that ship has sailed and I didn't see anything.20:39
quidnunc!fr | Technic_20:39
ubottuTechnic_: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:39
ActionParsnipQuanSai: you can boot to the live CD and install Grub to the MBR of the drive. You may need to chroot and install it that way20:39
QuanSaiActionParsnip: I was afraid of that.20:39
QuanSaiMan, when Linux becomes user-friendly, I'll French kiss a dog.20:40
QuanSaiThanks for the help, guyhs!20:40
quidnuncgrub install should have been done automatically unless you opted out20:40
WACOMaltwell, cheese fails. It crashes when I try to record... but GUVCViewer works great now20:41
QuanSaiquidnunc: Yeah, I think I opted out accidentally during install.20:41
maxipandaHey !20:42
ubottuchiara: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:42
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MaxiPandaIs there somebody ?20:43
guntbert_MaxiPanda: welcome to the ubuntu support channel20:43
ActionParsnipQuanSai: never had an issue20:43
ActionParsnipQuanSai: reinstating the Windows bootloader isn't a walk in the park either20:44
MaxiPandaSorry, I'm french, and i want to learn how can i create my own channel to discuss with my friend ? Thanks for your help !20:44
auronandaceMaxiPanda: /join #nameofchannel20:45
Ironsighthrm, the ppa I usally use for nvidia drivers (ubuntu-x-swat) seems to not be working today, is there a better ppa anyone knows of (the new drivers are getting developed for steam/left4dead 2 are pretty fast compared to the ones ubuntu gives us)20:45
quidnuncIronsight: You can search ppas20:46
Ironsightthanks :D20:46
guntbert_MaxiPanda: you find help for using the network in #freenode20:46
MaxiPandaOk, thk you !20:47
quidnuncIronsight: Use the package name as the search parameter20:47
ActionParsnipmaxiepax_: you can make a channel by simply joining a non-existant channel. It will be amde and you will be the op20:48
climbzillaI've got a Broadcom 4313, running the STA drivers, getting some intermittent disconnects.  Any advice/suggestions on how to eliminate these?20:48
Ironsightquidnunc, will do20:48
ActionParsnipclimbzilla: disable ipv6 if you don't use it20:48
newbodhiubuntu developers, here is a bad package: http://pastebin.ca/220498120:48
crumpeis there a tool for ubuntu like sosreport?20:48
climbzillaActionParsnip - how do I disable it?  Is it in the network settings?20:49
auronandacenewbodhi: if you are using bodhi that isn't supported here20:50
trismnewbodhi: disable proposed, there was an issue with the language packs there that is still being sorted out20:52
=== Mi- is now known as Mi`
croephaDoes anyone know a situation were ifup eth0 works but the interface does not work on boot?20:52
ActionParsnipclimbzilla: add the boot option: ipv6.disable=120:53
newbodhii know but bodhi folks are saying that its an ubuntu package so they (ubuntu folks) can decide it better20:53
ActionParsnipcrumpe: what does it do?20:53
ferdiiha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha dax you are a fucking idiot ha ha ha hai oicqedh rywjbthvg joisaywur izloufha jfwsdmaeiu uocvv haewtcizla upilcpqh20:54
ferdiiha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha dax you are a fucking idiot ha ha ha hauohrbzpm20:54
ferdiiha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha dax you are a fucking idiot ha ha ha hast ohlyfcwlbs muy ceebfglvqa tdqpk upqtz fp eqzfmz dq20:54
FloodBot1ferdii: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:54
ferdiiha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha dax you are a fucking idiot ha ha ha hafwlq20:54
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!20:54
ActionParsnipgone already20:54
climbzillaActionParsnip - I set that when I boot right?  From GRUB?20:55
ILoveEuroha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha dax you are a fucking idiot ha ha ha ha this shit will spread all over freenode.yvvo avwskeb pfgubrirno20:55
ILoveEuroha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha dax you are a fucking idiot ha ha ha ha this shit will spread all over freenode.o syt rxzcbsirsy kdb vkryhsy hudoy eunrlyyomr bjfutarkrb iqbypup20:55
ILoveEuroha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha dax you are a fucking idiot ha ha ha ha this shit will spread all over freenode.dm vg tzirokl qkzax y vzcvdhg yhy vpwhixf20:55
climbzillaOr is there a GUI I can use from within Ubuntu?  Sorry, I'm a noob :(20:55
FloodBot1ILoveEuro: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:55
ActionParsnipclimbzilla: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub20:56
petruswhich stable ubuntu version would be recommended for running a LAMP webserver ?20:56
petrusis 12.04 the latest "Stable" / recommended release?20:57
ActionParsnipclimbzilla: find the line:   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"   and change it to:    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash ipv6.disable=1"20:57
petrusor should i be using a previous 11.x one ?20:57
auronandacepetrus: 12.04, supported for 5 years20:57
ActionParsnipclimbzilla: save the new file, close gedit and run;  sudo update-grub20:57
petrusok, thanks20:57
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ActionParsnipclimbzilla: instead of trying to guess, try researching.....20:57
croephaCan anyone help me with my question?20:57
petruswhy is 11.10 labeled the current stable version? does it have any advantage over 12.04 ?20:57
quidnunc!lts | petrus20:58
ubottupetrus: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)20:58
ActionParsnipcroepha: did you defnie the address in /etc/network/interfaces ?20:58
petrusmore software support or anything like taht?20:58
ActionParsnippetrus: 12.04 is the current stable release20:58
auronandacepetrus: what? 12.04 is the latest20:58
petrusah, it's just that says 11.10 is :)20:58
petrusso it was confusing20:58
ActionParsnippetrus: think about the version number and think what year it is ;)20:59
croephaActionParsnip: yes, as it works with ifup eth0, I should also mention that I did a debootstrap install in an attempt to get an minimalistic installation20:59
ActionParsnipcroepha: did you add the line:   auto eth020:59
ActionParsnipcroepha: that's probably why20:59
petrusunderstood - just wanted to make sure 12.04 wasn't experimental because 11.10 was labeled "current stable" on the site. Thanks for the clarification20:59
nsudofolks i have issue with sound please have a look at this and suggest http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=e31b98404e191a0f43902f97f99cc24d51a1604121:00
climbzillaActionParsnip - thank you for the assist!  I do try to research before coming in here and bugging folks with my noober questions... but it's tough when you're not even sure what to look for, exactly.  I appreciate your help though! :)21:00
croephaActionParsnip: you were right, I had "autho eth0" instead of auto21:00
beboj_what do I need to use wwan card on ubuntu minimal?21:00
auronandacepetrus: check the topic, only stable releases are supported here21:00
croephaActionParsnip: Thanks21:00
auronandacepetrus: notice 12.04 there?21:01
EaglemanWill this work in rc.local?  service archipel start21:01
petrusyes :)21:01
nsudofolks i have issue with sound please have a look at this and suggest http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=e31b98404e191a0f43902f97f99cc24d51a1604121:01
petrusso why is 11.10 labeled the current stable version on the site? shouldn't that be updated?21:01
auronandacepetrus: matter of perception, 12.04 is the current stable release and long term support release21:02
WACOMaltAnyone using KDENlive in here? Trying to find out what the different webcam capture settings are. 100's of options.21:02
crumpeActionParsnip, it gathers the logs and config files for diagnosing issues21:03
auronandacepetrus: a normal release is only supported 18 months, hence the differentiation21:05
beboj_what do I need besides network manager to use internal gsm modem under ubuntu minimal ?21:07
ActionParsnipnsudo: what is the 'issue'?21:07
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Jimmy33is there a site where you can check compatibility of a windows program with wine?21:10
ActionParsnip!appdb | Jimmy3321:10
ubottuJimmy33: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:10
Jimmy33thank you21:11
SokelActionParsnip: don't even bother. He's been complaining for the last two hours about how his sound isn't working.21:11
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ActionParsnipSokel: its a simple link :)21:14
SokelActionParsnip: Talking about nsudo.21:14
SokelActionParsnip: I and a few others already gave him what was needed.21:15
iam8upi need a mail server for an application to send emails out, i'd like to host it locally for simplicity; any suggestions on the easiest/simplest way to make a relay server accept mail from only itself or another solution?21:15
WACOMaltHey guys how can I change the command of a unity launcher icon?21:15
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: ubuntu-tweak can do that21:16
WACOMaltwhere at? I only see quicklists21:16
WACOMaltI need to change the default target21:17
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: they are just the entries in /usr/share/applications so you can add stuff there21:17
WACOMaltoh ok21:17
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: you can make a new item if you want, or create an alias in ~/.bashrc if you want it to always be that way21:17
WACOMaltthank you sir!21:18
WACOMalthow do I... make a new link?21:18
lauratikaim trying to change the backgorund on the login screen with ubuntu tewak but it wont change any ideas what can be???21:20
ActionParsnipWACOMalt: you can make a copy of the file you want and change the lines in the file to run what you want21:20
|Anthony|?? lightdm21:22
|Anthony|is there a support chan specific to lightdm?21:22
hugolail y aurait de l'aide pour google2ubuntu ?21:23
lauratikaenglish hugola21:23
Muelli!fr | hugola21:23
ubottuhugola: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:23
=== WACOMalt is now known as WACOMalt|AFK
veryhappyhi i want to install the driver for radeon hd 3200 graphics card but i only find a 32 bit driver that i can't use how i suppose, what shall i do?21:26
Muelliveryhappy: live with the free driver that is automatically installed for you :)21:27
veryhappyMuelli: what if I have my reasons for the install of the other driver and won't let me say i shall use the free driver?21:29
|Anthony|all the fuss and rebuttals about switching to systemd, and ubuntu is using lightdm with virtually no documentation or support21:29
veryhappyMuelli: following problem: when i watch youtube videos i always notice that my youtube videos stutter very badly21:29
duckgodI reported a bug and now someone has told me to report it to kernal upstream. How am I supposed to know what maintainer it goes to. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/104989321:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1049893 in linux (Ubuntu) "Computer Freezes(Can move mouse and use CTRL+ALT+F12)" [Medium,Triaged]21:30
zykotick9duckgod: that crazyness.  the maintainer "should" be reporting it upstream, not submitting user.  but i guess that's ubuntu...21:31
OerHeks|Anthony|, true, only our French friends do have a sort of lightDM docs >> http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/lightdm21:33
TJ-duckgod: looking at it for you21:33
duckgodYou the man TJ21:33
=== WACOMalt|AFK is now known as WACOMalt
=== michael is now known as Guest81308
ironhalikIs there any way to get better MTP support under Ubuntu 12.04? Currently, my Android phone takes about 30 seconds to connect to my Ubuntu box, and after that, I get 3MBps of thoughput at most. This is compared quite low compared to Windows 7 laptop that mounts my Gnex ~instantly, and offers ~12MBps of throughput21:35
ironhalikI heard there were some problems with MTP support but it was supposed to be solved way before 12.04 was released21:36
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TJ-duckgod: I have suspicions but the log-file I'd need to see isn't attached to the bug. Can you provoke the bug again, then immediately after reboot, attach  /var/log/kern.log and /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old to the bug report?21:37
TJ-ironhalik: Any clues in kern.log?21:37
ironhalikTJ-: Dunno, to be honest21:39
TJ-duckgod: I've seen similar issues in the past. If you have another PC available, when the crash occurs, try using SSH to connect (you may need to install openssh-server on the PC prior to that)21:39
veryhappyMuelli: following problem: when i watch youtube videos i always notice that my youtube videos stutter very badly21:40
TJ-duckgod: if you can SSH you should be able to retrieve Xorg.0.log and kern.log from /var/log/21:40
duckgodTJ: OK I will do. It happens somewhat randomly so I will try and get it to happen as soon as possible and follow your instructions21:41
TJ-duckgod: That's fine, I know how it is... like waiting for a bus :p21:41
veryhappycan please someone help me? when i watch youtube videos i always notice that my youtube videos stutter very badly21:41
TJ-duckgod: I've subscribed to your bug report so I'll get notified21:41
Shambathaving some problems installing Samba on my 10.04 LTS ... I get the following error when I try to run sudo apt-get install samba "/etc/environment: line 3: JAVA_HOME: command not found". That line contains JAVA_HOME = "/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_31/bin" what can I do to fix it?21:43
TJ-Shambat: remove the spaces around the = symbol21:44
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ShambatTJ-, wow that did it ...21:45
TJ-Shambat: In shells, the variable name must join the = operator21:45
ShambatTJ-, ok, yeah this was already in the file the error happened after a dist-update21:46
TJ-Shambat: yeah, it probably just exposed the error that would normally be buried - it's obviously a custom addition since it uses the /usr/local/ path21:47
ShambatTJ-, ok ... thanks!21:48
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ActionParsnipShambat: whouldn't it be: export JAVA_HOME = "/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_31/bin"21:54
s3r3n1t7ActionParsnip, isn't export space sensitive?21:54
ActionParsnips3r3n1t7: not sure to be honest21:56
lee_y a quelqu'un21:56
s3r3n1t7ActionParsnip, allow me to PM the result :)21:57
lee_ca marche pas ce truc?21:57
|Anthony|thanks for the link OerHeks21:57
|Anthony|google translate doesn't seem to like it though21:57
lee_not french here?21:57
zykotick9!fr | lee_21:58
ubottulee_: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:58
lee_ha merci beaucoup!21:58
OerHeks|Anthony|, a good translation is welcome, i guess.21:59
|Anthony|lol OerHeks it wasn't googles fault. it was a popup blocker heh21:59
|Anthony|reading now21:59
lee_join/ #ubuntu-qc22:00
lee_bonsoir a tous!22:01
zykotick9lee_: fail.  "/join #ubuntu-qc" ;)  i like there is french and quebec-french channels ;)22:01
diablosbestfrienAre you using Ubuntu for private use? Why do you prefer it over Windows?22:02
zykotick9!ot | diablosbestfrien22:02
ubottudiablosbestfrien: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:02
ActionParsnipdiablosbestfrien: i can do as much in ubuntu as I do in windows without cost or viruses22:02
lee_personne parle le Français ici?22:03
ActionParsnipdiablosbestfrien: simple really. I can also do it with fewer system resources22:03
zykotick9ActionParsnip: "as much" ... bah so much more22:03
|Anthony|ActionParsnip, and for the brave... more can be accomplished22:03
diablosbestfrienwhat more can you do?22:03
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ActionParsnipzykotick9: my needs are basic :)22:03
diablosbestfrienarent new things lagging behind for nomral users? like wireless support was poor at least a couple of years ago and youtube wasnt working in firefox on linux22:04
ActionParsnipdiablosbestfrien: the servics and apps are free too, so you don't have to buy software to do what you need most times, unlike in windows22:04
ActionParsnipdiablosbestfrien: nearly all wirelesses I've used have ran out of the box22:04
s3r3n1t7diablosbestfrien, there is no such thing as "the best system for everything". Everything has better and worse points, it's all a matter of weighing those points against each other. For some that means windows, for some linux, for some mac.22:04
ActionParsnipdiablosbestfrien: there is a nice flash plugin, adobe are dropping linux though but the plugin in chrome runs well here22:05
|Anthony|have dropped22:05
|Anthony|will provide security patches for 5 years22:05
zykotick9s3r3n1t7: i strong disagree with your statement.  but i won't get <OT>.  free software means something besides price.22:05
s3r3n1t7zykotick9, let's take it to #ubuntu-offtopic. I'm quite curious why you disagree with my statement.22:06
iam8uptime to start using html5 and silverlight!22:06
ActionParsnipdiablosbestfrien: try it, see what you think by experience :)22:06
ActionParsnipiam8up: moonlight has been dropped too22:06
tortibdoes anyone here have experiencing setting up OpenVPN with bridged support?22:06
|Anthony|iam8up, silverlight is MS only22:06
iam8up...that's the joke =/22:06
tortibI'm getting some errors and wanted to know if someone could help me out.22:06
veryhappyeveryone's sleeping on here?22:07
|Anthony|iam8up, it's funny... but not haha funny22:07
* |Anthony| thinks big co. are systematically blocking linux desktop growth22:07
FloodBot1w1n3r: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:07
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=== Abbas- is now known as Abbas5
ActionParsnipveryhappy: well its 23:07 and i've been about 6 hours, so not sleepy22:08
FloodBot1w1n3r: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:08
|Anthony|w1n3r seems to be loosing22:09
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keviny1hmm anyone have a few min to help me with fileshareing between win7 and ubuntu?22:10
ActionParsnipkeviny1: use samba, quick and dirty22:10
keviny1i keep getting unable to mount so i must have samba set up wrong or im missing something22:11
RicharXjoin #ubuntu-es22:11
refeferHi there, anyone have any ideas about what could be limiting the total number open sockets for a process?  ulimit -n is set correctly22:11
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ActionParsnipkeviny1: does the windows system see the shared folder?22:12
keviny1windows does not no22:12
ActionParsnipkeviny1: how did you set up the share?22:13
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keviny1right click the drive set share to everybody on windows22:14
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ActionParsnipkeviny1: if you run:  smbtree   on the Ubuntu system, do you see the share?22:15
ActionParsnipkeviny1: tried a reboot of the server?22:16
keviny1yes along with both systems22:17
TJ-refefer: Is that SOMAXCONN? what's the limit you're seeing?22:17
refeferTJ-, SOMAXCONN is set at 128 but my understanding is that only affects the size of the backlog22:18
refeferTJ-, I can't seem to track down the magic number that governs it22:19
ActionParsnipkeviny1: did you configure any firewall rules at all?22:19
ActionParsnipkeviny1: can the windows box ping the ubuntu box?22:19
keviny1no firewall i turned it off, and what do you mean by the second one sorry?22:20
TJ-referer net.core.somaxconn (/proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn)22:20
ActionParsnipkeviny1: ping from the windows system to windows using the ubuntu system name22:21
ActionParsnipkeviny1: have you tried mapping a network drive too?22:21
TJ-refefer: What process is being limited? some executables (php for example) may have the limit hard-coded22:21
refeferTJ-, an erlang server I'm writing22:21
keviny1ill try here now22:22
TJ-refefer: OK, tuning the kernel knob will be sufficient then22:22
refeferTJ-, a quick grep through the code doesn't show any FD_SETSIZE abuses, outside of overriding them22:22
tortibdoes anyone here have experience setting up openvpn with bridged mode ?22:22
TJ-tortib: still at it? Have you seen the docs on OpenVPN bridging?  http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/miscellaneous/76-ethernet-bridging.html22:24
keviny1actionparsnip: no i cant ping from windows box22:24
wbyCan someone give me a hand with resolvconf?22:25
keviny1ubuntu box is not even showing up on the network devices22:26
wbyI've got a line under iface eth0 ..... -- dns-nameservers
ActionParsnipkeviny1: can you ping by IP?22:26
wbybut can't figure out how to rebuild /etc/resolv.conf without ifdowning eth0. also, got it working once but somehow got re-configured to only have in there again22:27
ActionParsnipwby: i use the tail file in resolvconf, works well :)22:27
wbyis it possible that the bind9 package is messing things up somehow when it gets updated / restarted22:27
kionHow do I convert X.mp4 to X.swf ? will avconv help?22:27
wbyyeah, I know about the tail file. I was just trying to avoid doing that when there's supposed to be a way to do it the "right" way22:27
wbyI'd just as soon disable resolvconf entirely vs. adding something to the tail file, and I was worried about having the nameserver added a second time22:28
wbyI just don't understand why there's no apparent way to just rebuild resolv.conf without bringing the interface down22:29
ActionParsnipkion: won't ffmpeg do it?22:29
wbyin other words, I'd like to simulate the entire process of rebuilding the file22:29
kionActionParsnip: I think Avconv is what you get if you try to install FFmpeg ...22:29
ActionParsnipkion: http://blog.procasts.co.uk/2008/12/convert-camtasia-6-mp4-to-flv-using-ffmpeg/22:30
ActionParsnipkeviny1: can you ping by IP?22:31
keviny1nope wont let me22:31
Archaebeen on here a while, eh ActionParsnip?22:31
ActionParsnipkeviny1: did you check the IP on the ubuntu box?22:31
ActionParsnipArchae: work is quiet :)22:32
keviny1ill double check now22:32
wbyeven doing an ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth0 doesn't "fix" it, though obviously I'd like to avoid doing this on a production box I don't have physical access to as much as possible22:32
ActionParsnipwby: could add it in /etc/rc.local above the 'exit 0' line to make it run at boot22:33
wbywell, I guess my point is, resolvconf is just supposed to magically make things work; clearly I'm doing something wrong if it's not22:34
keviny1ping transmit failed22:34
wbyagain, I'd just as soon disable it instead of resorting to some kludgy hack22:34
wbyBut I don't work with Ubuntu much, so I want to make sure there isn't an easy "correct" fix first22:34
TJ-wby: what Ubuntu release?22:35
wbyand resolvconf is version 1.6322:35
wby\/etc\/debian_version says wheezy/sid22:36
ActionParsnipkeviny1: are both systems on the same subnet?22:37
wby12.04 specifically22:37
keviny1hmm i have not idea sorry, kind newish to this22:37
kionActionParsnip: Thanks for the link ! it says that you should use avconv instead of FFMPEG, but all the switches seem the same :)22:38
TJ-wby: Is the server a gateway ?22:38
wbythere's an eth0:1 as well, if it matters22:38
ActionParsnipkion: nice22:38
wbyTJ-: at least net.ipv4.ip_forward etc. are 0, and there's no nat / etc. AFAIK22:39
ArchaeActionParsnip: just fyi, busy fooling with the win7 login screen to make it more ubunteque :D22:40
ActionParsnipkeviny1: check bot IPs have the same 3 numbers in the IP. Its not an Ubuntu thing, its networking. So being new at ubuntu is irrelevant here22:40
wbyseems similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/resolvconf/+bug/44809522:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 366967 in resolvconf (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #448095 ifupdown-udev integration should be thought-out more thoroghly" [Medium,Fix released]22:41
TJ-wby: OK, usually dnsmasq is being used (listening on and it should be configured for the upstream servers, not directly in the interfaces file. If that server is using dnsmaq, see /etc/default/dnsmasg and /etc/dnsmasq.conf - on one of my servers I have dnsmasq.conf containing several "server=a.b.c.d" lines in addition to "no-resolv"22:41
wbyonly that was supposedly fixed22:41
keviny1no there not the same22:42
wbydon't see either /etc/dnsmasq.conf or /etc/default/dnsmasq22:42
ActionParsnipkeviny1: then they are on different network, logically22:42
ActionParsnipkeviny1: are they connected to the same router?22:42
keviny1yes they are22:42
wbywould I really want to use dnsmasq on a single system that's a server with a very simple network config?22:43
ActionParsnipkeviny1: then one is set to static IP which is out of the network of your router, more than likely22:43
TJ-wby: that might be part of the issue... if you're seeing "" being added to /etc/resolv.conf ... has dnsmasq been removed previously? ("dpkg-query -l dnsmasq" will show that packages status)22:43
ActionParsnipwby: it helps cache dns resolutions and make the web a little faster22:43
wbyshows up as 'un' status22:43
ActionParsnipwby: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-disable-dnsmasq-in-ubuntu-12-04precise.html22:44
keviny1which is prob the win box22:44
wbyI'm not using "nettwork Manager" either22:44
TJ-wby: OK, that means 'uninstalled' and probably never installed since a simple uninstall of a package usually leaves the config files behind and dpkg-query reports the status as "rc" - removed, config files remain22:44
ActionParsnipkeviny1: check your router to see the network used and match it etc22:45
TJ-wby: So, I think you need to grep the files in /etc/resolv.d/ see which one is responsible for re-adding the "" - I'm assuming that's what you're trying to stop?22:45
wbySo, assuming I don't use dnsmasq or network manager, why does resolv.conf not have the nameserver specified in /etc/network/interfaces22:45
wbyno - I want
wbyI just want a *second* server listed below it22:45
wby the /etc/network/interfaces file has iface eth0 inet static .... dns-nameservers
wbyso, I am wondering why is no longer getting appended to /etc/resolv.conf below
TJ-wby:  OK, I came in after you'd explained the issue originally... let me check on some servers here to be sure what I tell you is accurate22:46
keviny1how do i do this?22:46
ActionParsnipkeviny1: you have set a static IP somewhere, set it to DHCP and it will fall into the network22:47
wbyTJ-: at one point, I did think I had "resolved" the issue, but at some later point, resolv.conf got overwritten again without that second line22:47
wbyI have to run - back later.22:47
=== _NeilB4Zod_ is now known as NeilB4Zod
zykotick9wby: revolv.conf is deprecated in 12.04 (don't use it).  i "believe" dns might go in /etc/network/interfaces but could be wrong!22:48
wbyI'm *not* editing resolv.conf directly; that's the whole point22:49
wbybut the system resolver libraries still use it, no? it's just being written by resolvconf?22:49
wbyI think it's editing resolv.conf directly that's deprecated, not the actual behavior of libresolv, no?22:50
zykotick9wby: sorry.  my bad.  teach me for reading the bottom, replying, then reading up ;)22:50
wbyAs much as my urge is to just remove resolvconf, I am trying to do this in the "proper" way22:50
Zimm3rI am trying to change my mac address with mac changer but get the error that too many files are open, how can i fix this?22:50
zykotick9wby: you're doing it the "right" way22:50
wbyis there a "right" way to rebuild that file without restarting networking or without ifdowning / ifuping the interface(s)?22:51
zykotick9wby: sorry, i wouldn't know...22:51
wbyecho blahblah | resvolconf -a [interface] doesn't seem to do the right thing22:51
TJ-wby: the resolv.conf gets recreated by the script "/etc/resolvconf/update.d/libc" - it does some quite complex stuff which is worth reading. It also sources "/etc/default/resolvconf" if that exists. It might be worth reading that to figure out how what it does translates onto your configuration22:52
TJ-wby: I'd think the stuff leading up to this will be important : "for N in $NMSRVRS ; do echo "nameserver $N" >> "$TMPFILE" ; done"22:52
wbyseems to default to 'y'22:53
TJ-wby: where NMSRVRS seems to be created by the line "uniquify_nameserver_list $(sed -n 's/^[[:space:]]*nameserver[[:space:]]\+//p' $RSLVCNFFILES)"22:53
keviny1hmmm ill try it again after, got to study for a test thanks though action22:54
wby(sorry - Bitchx does something weird with capital n)22:54
ActionParsnipisn't bitchx dead?22:54
wbyThanks all!22:54
wbywell, it's still alive here22:55
TJ-wby: Yay!22:55
ActionParsnipseems bitchx is back up and running22:55
whallzhow can i lower font-size of the ttys?23:10
zykotick9whallz: have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution ?23:11
whallzzykotick9: nope, dont have an X sessuib rybbubgm sirry23:13
whallzzykotick9: nope, dont have an X session running sorry*23:13
zykotick9whallz: links2 it is then ;)23:14
imadamHello guys, would any of you happen to know any kind of virtual server that can run in desktop? I test alot of script and its just so much effort having to keep on uploading them to my server. Thanks!23:14
zykotick9imadam: use kvm/xen/virtualbox to install a virtual server of your choice/configuration.23:15
whallzzykotick9: ty23:15
imadamzykotick9. You're amazing! Thanks for that.23:15
bulletmarkimadam, apt-get install ubuntu-virt then run virt-manager.23:18
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zykotick9bulletmark: bahhh, virt-manager :(23:19
bulletmarkzykotick9, I use Virtualbox daily but I think virt-manager has matured to become the best choice for virt linux servers.23:20
zykotick9bulletmark: i get it, i get it.  nice GUIes are important to "most" people, just not me ;)23:20
zykotick9bulletmark: "VBox" no comment :|23:20
zykotick9bulletmark: "cut out the middle man" with KVM is my VM solution.  not for everyone....23:21
bulletmarkzykotick9, but again virsh is better than the VB command line stuff anyhow. virsh is simple.23:22
imMutehow does dpkg know what the system architecture is?  is it a ./configure  option?23:22
zykotick9bulletmark: virsh... pufff.  kvm staright-up ftw IMO.23:22
giannisgui_tray_flags 123:23
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zykotick9bulletmark: "requiring CPU virtualization" is a down side.  but main-line linux-kernel support... choice seems easy to me.23:23
zykotick9imMute: "dpkg --print-architecture" shows the apt main architecture, perhaps gotten from "uname -m" (but i don't think so, they're actually separate)?23:27
zykotick9imMute: the dpkg is packages, while uname is just kernel!  and they could be mixed... not a great idea.23:28
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imMutezykotick9: how does it decide if the /var/lib/dpkg/ directory is nonexistant?23:29
zykotick9imMute: SORRY i 1) don't know this specifics and 2) don't know how multi-arch plays a part.  i'm no help, sorry.23:30
thrasher194what time does the official 12.10 drop today/23:32
zykotick9thrasher194: we're in the 9th month.  so unless it's a alpha/beta nothing "drops" today, if it does - developement versions are arbitary.23:33
thrasher194no worries my sys running top of the line.23:34
MonkeyDustthrasher194  plus, time also depends on the time zone you're in23:34
gr33n7007hWill ubuntu 10.04 work with intel HD 4000 graphics kernel 3.2?23:35
GeekDudehello, I was thinking of installing ubuntu on a partition of my hard drive23:36
GeekDudeis there any reports of the windows ubuntu installer corruption the currient partitioin?23:36
Basicubuntu 10.04 will work but ubuntu 12.04 will work a lot better23:37
gr33n7007hBasic, Thank you =)23:37
Basicyour welcome23:38
TJ-imMute: the architecture is detected by dpkg via /usr/share/dpkg/archtable, which maps to glibc triplets of the core packages23:38
ActionParsnipgr33n7007h: 3.2 kernel isn't for Lucid23:39
imMuteTJ-: I eventually got --add-architecture to add the correct architectuure (armel vs arm) and got it working.23:39
gr33n7007hActionParsnip, It's a custom kernel23:39
TJ-imMute: yeah... you're aware of dpkg-architecture ?23:39
ActionParsnipgr33n7007h: we can't support custom kernels here23:39
gr33n7007hActionParsnip, Ok.23:40
imMuteTJ-: I found out about it, but I don't have Perl on this embedded system23:40
BasicGeekDude no23:40
zykotick9ActionParsnip: +1.  trying to run a 3+ kernel on lucid seems silly to me.23:40
=== Guest10191 is now known as McPeter
gr33n7007hGotta keep with gnome 223:41
ActionParsnipgr33n7007h: why do you gotta?23:41
ActionParsnipgr33n7007h: its a dead project you know...?23:41
Basicgr33n7007h, if you get ubuntu 12.04 you can download the gnome classic and keep gnome 223:42
ActionParsnipBasic: well, a gnome2 looking session :)23:43
zykotick9Basic: 12.04's "gnome classic" is NOT gnome2, similar - but different.23:43
gr33n7007hWhen is QQ out anyway?23:43
ActionParsnipgr33n7007h: look at the version number, and think :)23:43
gr33n7007hoctober what?23:43
=== DWSR2 is now known as DWSR
Basicok,sorry im a kde and lxde user23:43
ActionParsnipgr33n7007h: well, it's 20(12) now23:43
zykotick9ActionParsnip: re: 3+ kernel in lucid.  i guess it is probably possible... my bad #2 for this evening ;)23:44
ActionParsnipzykotick9: no harm done. its a custom kernel anyway so not supported here23:45
zykotick9ActionParsnip: i still agree with that ;) [what's in backports?  that should be supported.  squeeze (what lucid is based off of) does have a 3.2 in debian backports]23:46
domtronHi, i have had some trouble installinf ubuntu 12.04 on a laptop so I'm trying the alternate cd. it seems to be working but I have hit a msg complaining about missing firmware. The firmware is for the wireless interface which works on the windows os. My questions is if I change the firmware will it messup the windows wireless?23:49
drupinfusermount -u ~/.gvfs i have to type this when the home dir is not accessable.... any fix23:49
drupinhi ENK|223:49
ENK|2mdadm --examine --scan return "ARRAY /dev/md0 UUID=xxxxx" but mdadm --detail /dev/md0 "cannot open .. no such file"  in / dev  are md127  and --detail of md127 swork chow I config it in grub, mtab  and fstab??? :/23:49
zykotick9domtron: no.  linux and windows totally separate (unless you use wubi)23:49
ENK|2hi drupin23:49
zykotick9domtron: "firmware" in this context is really just binary-blobs.23:50
domtronzykotick9: ok I thought the firmware replaced code on the IC's. thanks :)23:50
goddardIs there a way to get Geary to support multiple email accounts23:51
zykotick9domtron: do you have an nvidia/ati video card?  did you try "nomodeset" on the regular livecd?23:51
=== karl is now known as Guest89775
zykotick9domtron: with alternate i doubt you can use wpa/wpa2 wireless encryption... just sayin' (and could be wrong!)23:52
domtronzykotick9: not sure just got the laptop. it is a hp pavilion g7.23:52
Guest89775This might not be the best place to ask, but not really sure where to go.  My school uses web software called blackboard(some of you have probably heard of it).  Anyway I have a teacher who posts slides in .pdf format to the blackboard but everytiem I go to view them it says a plug in is needed(firefox).  I click install necessary plugin but it says none can be found.  Any ideas?23:52
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zykotick9domtron: hybrid?  "lspci -v | grep -i vga" does it list 2 cards?23:53
drupinwhere i get amd and asus board drivers23:53
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drupinVIA Technologies, Inc. K8M890CE/K8N890CE [Chrome 9] (rev 11) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])23:54
drupini need this driver23:54
BasicKxtwo: do you have flash installed23:54
TheLordOfTimedrupin, did you check the hardware drivers utility?23:55
domtronzykotick9: just one (i'm using the ash-shell)23:55
zykotick9domtron: so what's your card then?23:55
drupinno TheLordOfTime how?23:55
TheLordOfTimedrupin, open up the dash,  type in "Hardware Drivers", click the little utility's icon, see if there's any proprietary drivers that show up there.23:56
ActionParsnipdrupin: its in the default install23:56
drupinu mean in terminal .. dash ... ?23:57
zykotick9ActionParsnip: via chrome - your favourite graphics chip for gnu/linux i believe ;)23:57
ActionParsnipdrupin: you may need an xorg.conf file to make the display ok. You won't get 3D accelleration but the 2D will be ok23:57
ActionParsnipzykotick9: i hate them so bad :(23:57
domtronzykotick9: doesn't say "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: intel corp 2nd gen core processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev09)"23:57
zykotick9domtron: using that as a search criteria, have you seen http://askubuntu.com/questions/136593/how-can-i-fix-broken-i915-drivers-for-intel-gpus ?23:58
TheLordOfTimedrupin, i have to run, someone else will need to take over, but according to ActionParsnip, the drivers are already in the default install23:59
TheLordOfTimei think23:59
zykotick9domtron: i'm sorry.  but intel drivers that don't work OOTB are foreign to me.  i hope someone else hows something more about it/them.  best of luck.23:59

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