
drupinonly one use so far00:05
drupinlet me login to thunar by gk00:05
drupinall gone00:09
drupinin menu there were 200:10
drupinbut in /share/app there were 500:10
drupini will always look the ubuntu site before i install any app00:10
len-dtGlad you got your fix.00:17
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=== linus_torvalds is now known as estebian
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=== estebian-hackyou is now known as estebian
drupinyes thanks00:48
sobredigglerhows it hanging?02:13
holsteinsobrediggler: everything is fine... whats up? you need assistanc?02:17
sobrediggleryeah not really .... but is there an ableton live like software available in ubuntustudio?02:18
holsteinsobrediggler: what are you looking for?.. assume i dont no what ableton is02:19
sobredigglerIt's a clip sampler with the ability to time stretch with intra sample stretching, while maintaining beat consistency02:21
holsteini would try lmms02:22
holsteinive heard renoise has some of that02:22
sobrediggleryeah renoise isn't free, plus not opensource as well02:22
holsteinsobrediggler: ableton is?02:23
sobrediggleroh ableton live02:23
holsteini mean, if you are looking for open source tools, there are plenty.. i feel i can do all of that with open tools02:23
holsteinis there a monolithic all in one like ableton? probably not in the repos02:23
holsteinis there anything keeping ableton from being written for ubuntu? no02:24
sobredigglerI've actually done pre precise pangolin ubuntu studio and it's the intra clip beat stretching that's missing02:24
sobredigglerOh and a nice maximiser02:24
sobredigglerwhat's your signal chain look like holstein?02:25
holsteinsobrediggler: i do analog audio02:25
holsteinyou can ask in #opensourcemusicians02:25
sobredigglerso what do you recommend for balls to the wall maximisation?02:25
holsteinsobrediggler: i would try lmms, though i dont no what you are taling about02:26
holsteini dont know what mzximisation is02:26
holsteinardour3 will have midi support02:26
sobrediggleryou know the bit with audio dsp where you push everything as close to 0dbFS as possible02:26
sobredigglerI've yet to fine a great open source software for this02:27
holsteinsobrediggler: i try and just record things as hot as they need to be02:27
sobredigglerit's like the bbe sonic maximizer02:27
holsteini try and use as few plugins as possible02:27
sobrediggleryou've heard of that right?02:27
holsteinwhat i like for that is JAMin02:27
sobredigglerno the bbe is hardware02:27
sobrediggleroh and a proper exciter would be cool02:28
holsteinsobrediggler: i didnt meant to imply that i thought it was software02:28
holsteinsobrediggler: i like JAMin02:28
sobrediggleroh that jamin looks nice ...02:29
holsteini use it at the end for what you are talking about when im too cheap to pay for mastering.. though it does a lot more than maximizing02:29
sobredigglerhow about an exciter? Do you have a recommendation02:29
holsteinsobrediggler: i just use EQ's02:30
holsteinim sure there is a plugin called "exciter" somewhere02:30
sobrediggleri don't think jamin was a default install in the last release02:30
holsteinsobrediggler: its in the repos02:30
holsteinnot sure if its default or not02:30
holsteinim still using 10.04, though i tested 12.0402:30
sobredigglerYeah .... but i'd take recommendations over search results for exciters02:31
sobredigglerso what kind of music you do ?02:31
holsteinsobrediggler: ask in #opensourcemusicians02:31
holsteinsobrediggler: i freelance.. i play whatever im hired02:31
holsteini do a little recording on my own02:31
holsteinalmost exclusively acoustic stuff02:31
holsteini dont use an exciter...02:32
sobredigglerOh nice ....02:33
sobredigglerpiezo or condensor or mix?02:34
holsteinsobrediggler: i use a pickup live, but i never record it02:34
holsteini use the pickup live out of necessity when the rooms are too loud for me to play acoustic02:35
sobrediggleri think a nice mix of shotguns and a large diaphram condensor would really pop the recordings02:36
holsteinthe recordings?02:37
sobrediggleryeah the one on bandcamp02:38
holsteinmaybe.. i dont thought02:38
holsteini like to use just one mic, though sometimes i set up a small diaphragm as well, and might have then02:39
holsteini dont like it always though and probably took it out02:39
holsteinyou can record a bass how you like though02:39
sobrediggleroh yeah ...02:39
sobredigglerhey it's good stuff02:40
drupini used have roboform on windoze .. any similar like app we have02:40
drupinwhich can import02:40
drupindata and use here02:41
sobredigglerDid you record everything in one take? Because your levels are pretty consistent02:41
holsteinsobrediggler: the other one is all live.. "living"02:41
holstein"open" has a few edits02:42
holsteinnot much, but some here and there on the more improvised ones02:42
holsteinwell, they are all improvised02:42
holsteini "wrote" and recorded them all in one go02:42
holsteindrupin: theres an importer in the installer.. what are you looking to import? theres a backup tool.. several backup tools and ubuntuone02:43
sobredigglernice .... sometimes it's difficult to get the same levels in different sessions02:43
holsteinsobrediggler: i just knocked it all out in the same 2 hours span02:43
sobrediggleryeah ... so that's the thing with an all in one tool. Instead of trying to remember how i connected all the jack cabling, how i had to use python midi to chain up minicomputer, etc.  I'm just waiting for something that just enables me to funk out the jams02:45
holsteinsobrediggler: and you've tried lmms?02:46
holsteintheres a "free" trial for renoise02:46
sobrediggleri'm rocking around with milkytracker02:46
sobredigglerbut i think my tracking days are over02:47
drupinholstein: i mean i just dont need a backup .. i want to password fill too on sites02:47
sobredigglershared on facebook holstein!02:48
holsteinsobrediggler: thanks!02:48
sobrediggleryou've got the diggler bump!02:48
holsteinsobrediggler: i like this guys stuff too http://sharpattack.bandcamp.com/02:49
holsteinand of course http://www.zoekeating.com/02:49
drupinimporter ? holstein02:49
holsteindrupin: im not sure what you mean by an "importer"02:50
holsteindrupin: i use last pass which autofills passwords on websites02:50
drupinok let me see02:51
sobredigglermmm sweet i'll give them a listen too.02:52
drupin<holstein> drupin: theres an importer in the installer.03:00
holsteindrupin: sure, but it doesnt fill any passwords03:03
holsteindrupin: im not sure what passwords you are asking about...03:03
drupinthey have a roboform extention03:04
drupinbut i dont know how secure is it03:04
drupinin chrome03:04
drupinand ffox03:04
holsteinprobably as secure as the one included in chrome03:04
holsteinor the one in lastpass i mentioned03:05
holsteini was just letting chrome do that, and sync through my google account... then i started using lastpass and decided that with 2 factor authentication was arguably safer03:05
holsteini would trust this post on exciters sobrediggler http://ardour.org/node/40503:08
sobredigglerright ... didn't benjamin scherrer do a plugin after that?03:15
sobredigglerbut the general idea is correct .. with the highpass + harmonics03:15
holsteini just skimmed it.. im not in the market for one03:16
sobredigglerthe thing is which harmonic partial adds the most musical bits.03:17
sobredigglerthat's at least a 100 000 bucks market right there03:17
holsteinsure, but thats a matter of opinion. just want to be able to have the dontrol03:17
holsteinstill, im just saying i trust that source... im sure folks would appreciate and use a plugin like that, and im not sure we dont have them03:18
sobredigglerhehehe .... anyway another rather interesting technique is to pipe your music into a 12 bit ADC/DAC recording and use that as a sweetener.03:19
sobredigglerAnd no not using digital downgrading.03:19
holsteini dont like to go back and forth personally03:20
holsteini just dont like to process that much in general03:20
holsteinjust an opinion03:20
sobrediggleryeah ... as an acoustic guy sure.... fidelity suffers because of that. But as an electronic musician it's massively amazing.03:20
sobredigglerthanks for the link btw... it's been sometime since i've visited ardour.03:21
holsteinhttp://dinisnoise.org/ this is a fun toy03:21
sobrediggleroh yeah i've actually tried that03:22
sobredigglerbut life get's in the way03:22
sobredigglerdamn you reality *shakes fist*03:22
sobredigglerrighto going for lunch .... brb03:24
nil8ne1 on?04:03
drupinerror when getting information for the file /home/drupin/.gvfs': Transport endpoint is not connected http://bit.ly/U2GVfh will this work out05:23
pickledeggshi, can someone help me with my resolution it is stuck on 640x480 and has no option for other res05:28
SakrecoerHi all! I have a technic support question regarding ubunutstudio 12.04, may i ask it here?09:30
ailoSakrecoer: This is the right place for that, yes09:31
Sakrecoerthank you!09:31
Sakrecoerout of the blue, my CD-Rom won't mount adio CD's anymore... anything else will work, like ISO data discs...09:32
Sakrecoeri can play them using VLC, but moviep player that used to be able to play them gives the same error as the filemanager: "Location is not Mountable"09:33
ailoSakrecoer: Did you change file managers, or something like that?09:33
ailoSakrecoer: If you can play them using VLC, then the CD is mounted09:34
ailoSakrecoer: Just that totem is not finding it for some reason09:34
Sakrecoeri agree... but the filemanager tells me not... i used to be able to see the files on the CD-rom in totem..09:34
Sakrecoerto mount in terminal gives me "mount: can't find /dev/sg1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"09:35
Sakrecoeri gues i can live with this :) but it's confusing, especially since VLC isn't included in ubustu by default...09:35
ailoSakrecoer: I believe the CD is mounted, but there seems to be some other kind of error. Maybe how it is mounted. I would ask on a more general Ubuntu channel. #ubuntu, or even #xubuntu. If no one knows of a solution, maybe you could try find someone who can help you find out the actual problem09:36
ailoIt would be helpful to get a bug report on it09:37
ailoLet me try an audio CD right now, just to see09:37
ailoAh, damn. I don't have IDE on this MB09:37
ailoAnd no new DVD drive09:37
Sakrecoerno worries... :) thanks for your time anyways, it's much appreciated.09:38
Sakrecoeri'll fibble a little more and file a repport after that :) have a good day all! (or night... you know... ;)09:40
ailoSakrecoer: Lunch time here. I will see if I can find a way to test audio CD's myself. Maybe someone has a machine09:46
Sakrecoerthank you! Smaklig måltid! :) At filing the bug at the moment, then food too! :) Peace!09:49
Nova_deViatorj #lugos10:14
Nova_deViatorups sorry.10:15
=== julien_ is now known as dulien
dulienhi there10:50
dulienquick question. would you reccomend ubuntunstudio for a graphics artist>>photographer  ? or is it more geared towards musicans ?10:51
FloatingGoatdulien: hi10:51
dulienhey :)10:52
FloatingGoatinkscape and gimp im pretty sure is what ubuntu studio has for that type of thing10:52
FloatingGoatand you can getit anywhere10:52
dulieni just booted it up and liked the look and feel so far.  the only things that concerns me so far is the realtime kernel and the font rendering :)10:53
dulienjupp, i would just add the stable ppa s  anyway.10:53
FloatingGoatwhats wrong with the realtime kernel10:54
FloatingGoatrealtime rocks10:54
FloatingGoatim addicted to listening to my own song10:55
dulienFloatingGoat:  wb. maybe its just gibberish but i heard its not needed if you dont do video and audio editing.10:55
dulienanyway, i guess it doesnt harm on the other hand ?10:56
FloatingGoatyeah i think realtime is mainly for audio10:56
FloatingGoatI think thres issues with the realtime kernel and..10:57
FloatingGoatproprietary nvidia drivers or something10:57
dulienah kay. ive only got intel gma graphics anyway :)10:59
duliengma 4500MDH here,  nearly able to play full HD1080p   , but only nearly so.  :P11:02
FloatingGoatis that like really old or something11:03
dulienwell its a 2009 laptop i guess.11:03
dulienDell Latitude e430011:03
ailo-wDepends a bit on the encoding, and the video drivers. Some nvidia cards have gotten improved performance over the last couple of years11:06
FloatingGoatcan it play songs?11:06
dulienailo-w:  i have to admit the only time it did not play smooth it was a youtube video, so i could be because of crappy flash implementation11:07
duliensure sure11:07
FloatingGoatso it can play songs?11:09
FloatingGoatyou should listen to my song11:09
dulienplaying now11:10
dulienIs that you singing? Reminds me a bit of Pet Shop Boys. Not bad though.  :)11:11
FloatingGoatYeah its me11:12
FloatingGoatis that like the 80's?11:12
dulienpretty much, yes ``,  to me it has got a synthiepop touch, which is a bonus not a bad thing11:13
dulientry and look up very old depeche mode stuff and you know what i mean :)11:14
FloatingGoatyeah I usually go for that kinda sound11:14
FloatingGoatim pretty sure someone else said those two artists too11:14
dulienhehe, i bet.11:15
dulienif you like this kind of sound: search for camoufage, the band (name)11:15
FloatingGoata while back on one of my old songs11:15
duliengerman band, very rare back in the 80s, but i like them. They also were very typical *electro* and *synhti*11:16
FloatingGoatI will11:16
dulienhere you go :P  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anWILW5_llM11:17
TheHustleHi, does anyone know of a software solution to fix frame bouncing?11:19
duliengot the link ?11:23
FloatingGoatill check it out this afternoon when I wake up11:28
dulienanyway, have to go, baba :)11:28

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