
Artemis3so do you need moderators for brainstorm or you already have?00:01
ochosiwe don't have any afaik00:03
ochosiso mods would be welcome00:03
Artemis3"Ubuntu Brainstorm is read regularly by Ubuntu developers and contributors. They are doing their best to keep you up-to-date on the most popular ideas." :)00:03
Artemis3need an account i guess, they don't use the launchpad accounts i presume?00:05
ochosishould be ubuntu sson i think00:05
ochosior ssi? (single-sign-in?)00:05
knomere: moderation, i think brainstorm has its own moderators00:06
knomebut one more can't hurt00:06
ochosiwell, one dedicated to xubuntu wouldn't hurt00:07
ochosithey're just general moderators00:07
ochosiso that's not much help to us i gather00:07
knomeok, i need to hit the sack00:11
knomesee you later and good night :)00:11
Artemis3in the end i had to create an account, the one from launchpad didn't work...00:19
mlpoknHey guys!05:59
mlpoknI need some help setting up conky.05:59
mlpoknI have the config, placed it in the right place. but it doesn't work06:00
koegsmlpokn: did you put it in ~/.conkyrc and did you restart conky?06:49
mlpoknkoegs; I've put it in: /home/<user>/.conky.rc06:50
mlpoknkoegs; I've put it in: /home/<user>/.conkyrc06:50
mlpoknisn't it the same thing? Tried with a different config and that worked06:51
Mathiasit's the same location06:53
mlpoknok :)06:53
mlpoknthis is the code: http://pastie.org/private/3xlnmcsxlak89ugqkjit9g . It's really nice. Too bad I can't use it06:55
koegsmlpokn: kill conky and try to start it from the terminal, maybe there is some error-message there07:00
koegsthe minimum and maximum size is a bit odd :D07:01
mlpoknthat how I usually start conky07:01
mlpoknthere are errors: http://pastie.org/private/6kbxims93sy5cvll7ys7gg  :: koegs07:02
koegsmlpokn: try so set alignment to "top_left", reduce the size of the window and remove all the variables07:05
koegsthen you can try to add one var each restart and see which breaks the config :)07:05
mlpoknstill some errors07:08
mlpoknhmm. How can I change it's position?07:09
mlpoknHow can I make it dragable? Is it possible?07:13
mlpoknMessing with gap_x and y doesn't work07:13
mlpoknOne more question. I want to place it on a panel in xfce, how can I make it stay on top?07:14
Deutopiaright click on it in task switcher?07:15
mlpoknI mean a command in the config07:16
mlpoknfound it07:18
Deutopiahow do i save files to a network location in the Save As box?07:54
MartSu should use fstab for mounting it07:55
Artemis3if it was mounted via gvfs (thunar) it should show as well07:56
Deutopiamont the samba://host/dir  adress?07:56
Deutopiahow do i mount a network folder in thunar?07:57
Artemis3try accessing the share with thunar first07:57
MartSmount //somepc/someshare /mountpoint -t cifs -o adparams07:57
Artemis3thunar should have network icon in the tree and you could browse your shares there07:58
MartSor use fstab for permanent share07:58
Deutopiathere is nothing in the tree even after having browsed the share07:58
Artemis3how did you browse it?07:59
Deutopiaopened the Home folder on my desktop with thunar and clicked the network icon07:59
Artemis3and you can't redo this again?07:59
Deutopiain Save As boxes, there is no option for Network08:00
MartStry to mount smb share as a local folder08:00
Artemis3perhaps it would be simpler to save to desktop then move file?08:00
Deutopiathat is not an option. i do not have a hard drive08:00
Deutopiai will try mount08:00
Artemis3actually you can save things in the desktop, even if you don't have a disk its saved in ram08:01
Artemis3try it08:01
MartSmay be file is too big08:01
Artemis3then move it where you want08:01
Artemis3unless its 4g+08:01
Artemis3well depends how much ram you have08:02
MartSmay be he use thin client08:02
Deutopiawill it mess with my persistence? my understanding is you cant re-use space from deleted files08:02
MartSas a terminal)08:02
Artemis3if you have persistence on, it will actually save it :)08:02
Artemis3but moving it will take care of that08:02
Artemis3if you don't have persistence, doesn't matter, will be there until you reboot08:02
Deutopiaright but im homeless and this thumbdrive with xubuntu is my bread and butter. if i fill the drive and cant recover space by deleteing files... what am i to do?08:03
Artemis3plenty of time to move your file where you want08:03
MartSbut it will takes much time08:03
Artemis3you can see your free space the usual way08:03
Artemis3open thunar, it tells you :)08:04
Deutopiaam i incorrect? if i delete a file in persistent mode i really can re-use the space the deleted file used to occupy?08:04
Artemis3browse your home folder08:04
Artemis3its not a CD-R :)08:05
Deutopiadidnt work with kubuntu but that must have been something going wrong08:05
Mathiashow about emptying the trash bin?08:06
Deutopiai would end up with a full drive by the time i deleted all the unnessesary stuff08:06
Deutopiai did08:06
Mathiaswhich filesystem?08:06
Deutopia2GB Fat16 partition and 13GB ext2 casper-rw partition. created using Linux Live USB Creator, partitioned with gparted08:07
Deutopiai would just install to the USB instead of using live, but the installer crashes no matter what distro I use (worked fine b4 i lost my hard drive)08:09
Artemis3Deutopia, you could use the minimal iso to install08:41
Deutopiaafter failing so many times, i think the USB is the problem08:44
Artemis3Deutopia, i would not make swap, and format ext4 using the option ^has_journal (means no journal), and try to put grub where it belongs ;) you could force the installer to ask everything using priority=low08:44
Artemis3you could try another?08:44
Deutopiaall i have is a 2GB and a 16GB08:45
Deutopiabuying one isnt an option. i have a hard enough time just eating08:45
Artemis3it will probably work, try formating that 16gb with ext4 :)08:45
MathiasArtemis3: ext4 isn't reccommended on flash devices08:46
Artemis3read what i put above08:46
Deutopiayeah i know about the journaling08:46
Artemis3boot minimal from the 2gb and install into the 16gb, should work08:47
Deutopiaill try that next time i screw up xubuntu08:48
Artemis3well at least minimal iso is a small download, should be tricky to dd unless you already can boot from the 16gb08:49
Artemis3why you didn't like persistence again? :)08:50
Deutopiai was under the understanding that i couldnt re-use drive space after deleting files08:51
Artemis3hmm that should not be the case...08:51
Deutopiamust have been a fluke08:51
Deutopiamy current question is how do i mount a network folder so i can save files directly from browser to network folder08:52
Deutopiatried mount and it said it doesnt exist in fstab08:52
TheSheepDeutopia: browse it with thunar08:53
TheSheepDeutopia: or gigolo08:53
Deutopiai did08:53
TheSheepDeutopia: then it's mounted08:53
Deutopiawell how do i save to that folder?08:53
TheSheepDeutopia: it's in ~/.gvfs08:53
Deutopiawhat does that mean?08:55
Deutopiai click filesystem and all i see are folders and initrd and vmlinuz08:56
Artemis3it means a (hidden) folder called .gvfs in your /home/user, what are you looking in / ?08:57
Deutopiawell i guess i cant see it cuz it's hidden08:59
MartSls -la08:59
Deutopiaim in a save as window08:59
Artemis3usually ctrl h does the trick08:59
MartSor ctr+h08:59
Artemis3else just type it08:59
Deutopiactrl + H did the trick09:04
Mathiasjust remember "ctrl+Hidemyporn"09:07
Kingsyanyone around? I am getting this error from arandr --> /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/screenlayout/xrandr.py:42: UserWarning: XRandR wrote to stderr, but did not report an error (Message was: 'xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default\n')       warnings.warn("XRandR wrote to stderr, but did not report an error (Message was: %r)"%err)    <--- and its only detecting 1 of my 3 displays.11:15
TheSheepKingsy: what graphics card do you have?11:18
Kingsyhmm actually I think I have it11:19
KingsyI have not installed the radeon / ati drivers at all..11:19
Kingsyits a 6850 sapphire11:19
=== rainaaa is now known as strudelteig
recon_tvhi all, laptop just died and was wondering if anyone had suggestions as to whats good to get theses day. Particularly with regard to onboard video12:54
recon_tvlike whats  Intel® HD's driver support like?12:59
TheSheepintel has excellent drivers, because they are the only ones that are actually open source13:00
TheSheepand they improved greatly thanks to the work Valve did on them13:01
recon_tvTheSheep: thx, thats good to know, I normally will only buy nvidia , but not a lot of nvidia on offer13:01
TheSheeprecon_tv: http://www.zdnet.com/valve-linux-runs-our-games-faster-than-windows-7-7000002060/13:02
Mathiasi got a weird(ish) problem, i'm dualbooting with xubuntu and windows, and windows won't hibernate (it will, but when i try to boot it again it just boots normally, it doesn't restore)13:03
recon_tvlol, well. I never though anything runs particularly fast on MS.13:03
TheSheeprecon_tv: usually windows gets better performance in graphics, because the drivers are written by the hardware vendors13:04
TheSheeprecon_tv: who have very detailed knowledge of their hardware13:04
recon_tvis it possible to resize preinstalled windows theses ? do does it just cry like a baby ?13:04
TheSheeprecon_tv: theses?13:05
TheSheeprecon_tv: you mean resize the partition?13:05
recon_tvyep, tried it about 5 years ago las time i had windows and windows was not happy13:05
TheSheeprecon_tv: it is possible, but you should make a backup, because there is a chance it will go wrong13:06
TheSheeprecon_tv: but you should have a backup anyways13:06
recon_tvno big deal, have barely used windows since and never on a computer I owned13:07
recon_tvmight be nice to keep it on a little partition just incase, who know I migh need it some day13:07
TheSheepI use a virtual server for that13:08
Mathiasbrb, try something with windows :P13:09
TheSheepbe careful to not cut yourself13:09
recon_tvany other hardware I should look out for, like must have or avoid?13:09
recon_tvthink multi touch keypad is somthing I want to try13:10
Mathiasnope, still just "diea" :\13:12
TheSheeprecon_tv: you might want to check the linlap wiki13:13
recon_tvwas hoping to wait till the new year sales, but HDD died :( , bit annoying as now I'm now using my TV and media box to surf13:13
recon_tvTheSheep: I'll have a look at that , thx13:14
recon_tvMathias: would this not be a windows issue?13:17
Mathiasdon't know exactly13:17
Mathiasbut it worked before i installed xubuntu13:17
recon_tvsorry about the double neg :)13:17
recon_tvMathias: all i can think of is that windows expects it's boot loader and cries if it's not there on resume.13:18
TheSheeprecon_tv: but grub does call windows boot loader13:19
recon_tvbut there probably is something, I would think Mathias is not lying, and a issue like this is going to be in windows so ignored by linux people. Also ignored by windows people "What do you mean you loaded linux, It's you fault!!!, restore it to factory default and it'll work" baa13:23
Mathiaskind of in limbo13:24
recon_tvMathias: you looked for other people having the same issues ?13:25
Mathiasnot so extremely much13:25
Mathiasbut on some laptops it works and on others it won't13:25
recon_tvMathias, So it's got a hardware element, is your laptop new? I'd be looking for advanced features in power management supported by you laptop.13:28
olbiwhen I add new files to Templates directory, they appear in contextual menu. How I can add to them icons in this menu? They looks like blank file only13:29
TheSheepolbi: just give them the right extension and content for the file type13:30
=== TheCount is now known as Guest77859
recon_tvDisabling these features in windows/bios likely the best fix. I'd be looking to find other people with the same problem and find out what hardware they got and what windows version. also try find people with the same laptop as you and see if they have the same problem. But this is really a windows issue.13:32
Guest77859hi! how could I register in this channel?13:34
recon_tvMathias: so my guess is it a very new method of saving battery life thats badly coded and tightly bound to the default factory  setup of windows.13:34
Mathiaswindows raped my xubuntu again13:34
recon_tvGuest77859: you don't need to register use "/nick <you handle>" to change screen name13:35
Mathiasany way to easily restore the ext4 partition in windows?13:36
Guest77859recon_tv: it says me 'Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable'13:37
=== recon_tv is now known as recon-lap
recon-lapGuest77859: maybe without the caps /nick "newname"13:38
recon-lapGuest77859: also /msg nickserv help13:38
Mathiasf it, i'll reinstall xubuntu again :\13:38
Mathiasand windows still won't hibernate :s13:39
recon-lapMathias: does windows even understand ext partitions ? and what do you mean by windows raped you partition?13:39
Mathiastried marking the /dev/sda2 (which is windows) as "active/boot")13:40
recon-lapMathias: lol, just like MS, try hold the non techs hostage. glad I got myself off MS's crap years ago.13:41
Guest77859recon-lap thanks. now I see13:42
Mathiasthere's two reasons i still use it, world of tanks (game) and school13:42
recon-lapMathias: love tank games, you ever try wwiiol? had a bad addiction to that years ago, it would only run on windows too. thats was a added plus of getting rid of windows, I was badly addicted to that game.13:43
Mathiasmaybe i'll try the wubi option13:44
recon-lapMathias: Have a look in you BOIS for power management features, I'd guess disabling one of them likely to fix you hibernate problem. but it's a tricky area. as to windows messing with you boot drive setting without asking, thats just rude!!!13:47
Mathiashave they removed the install (x)ubuntu in windows option? :\13:47
recon-lapMathias: dont know, but did not see it when I loaded up my 12.04 usb today. was not looking though13:49
recon-lapMathias: anyway wubi sucks as far as I'v heard.13:50
Mathiasdamnit :\13:51
recon-lapanyway, going shopping13:51
Mathiasit didn't rape it, but it did something13:52
olbisome1 will plan to journey FOSDEM 2013? :) I will be there at 80% :)14:02
Monte_CristoAnyway, I'm going to burn the iso file of xubuntu in a usb stick, I downloaded and installed the free program ISOtoUSB, I started it, I selected the ISO file from my pc, I selected the USB drive, but under FIle System I don't know what to choose between FAT, FAT32, exFAT, NTFS. Can someone help me, please?14:08
GridCubeMonte_Cristo, it should be fat32 but you should not have to care about that14:09
GridCubeuse unetbootin, it should do all the things for you instead14:09
Mathiasunetbootin <314:10
koegsor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Live_USB_creator14:10
Monte_CristoGridCube, thank you.14:11
Monte_CristoNow, I'm going to download unetbootin14:11
Monte_CristoOther question: is it necessary to close all the applications which are running in my pc when I burn?14:16
Monte_Cristolike the antivirus, firefox...14:16
GridCubeMonte_Cristo, not really14:16
GridCubeit just converts it and copies it, but if you have low specs it can be fasters if you do14:16
Monte_CristoI apologize in advance, because I'm going to harass you with so many questions lol. Could you tell me what I should do, after that I will start the computer from the USB stick to install Xubuntu? The installation will be immediate and intuitive, or I will have to know first what steps to take? If the answer is the second could you help me? There is an online tutorial? a few days ago I have bought a netbook Asus Eee X101CH with 14:35
Monte_Cristo I decided to switch to Xubuntu to make my computer faster. However, to use programs that only operate with Windows, I would keep both operating systems, Windows and Xubuntu. In your opinion, keep them both, could slow down even more the computer? Last question: when installing Xubuntu there will be the option to create a partition where you want the new system? Even here: the procedure is simple or do I have to know something 14:36
Monte_Cristo Thank you, and please excuse my extreme ignorance in these matters. I'm trying to learn, but it's hard to be alone.14:36
holsteinMonte_Cristo: i would load the live CD up... you can do that from USB.. check it out and install from there14:36
holsteinkeeping windows around will only take up hard drive space.. no noticable performance change in either operating system14:37
Sysixubuntu uses same installer14:38
holsteinas always, i would back up all data, and know how to recover windows in case there is an issue14:38
Monte_Cristothank you Sysi. It's just what I wanted, the use of images facilitates understanding.14:42
Mathiasok, wubi didn't work, windows throws bluescreens at me when i try to format the partition and the bios is locked. lets try pxe, if that doesn't work i'll piss on the harddrive14:43
holsteinwubi doesnt make a partition... maybe its a failing hard drive?14:45
Sysiwubi isn't very trustworthy generally14:45
Mathiasholstein: brand new harddrive14:45
Mathiaswas going to use wubi temporarily14:45
holsteinMathias: i test.. new hard drives fail too, and *all* hard drives fail14:45
GridCubeMathias, it being new doesnt means that it can not be faulty14:45
Mathiasmight be windows' way to annoy people14:46
Monte_Cristoholstein: ok, I decided to keep both systems. then I'm going to run a small back up data14:47
holsteinMonte_Cristo: i would backup prior to doing any partition resizing14:47
Monte_Cristoi'm going to work. thanks and see you later14:52
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest31839
Guest31839i have a newbie question: i installed latest xububtu, and ati gr.drivers. and i cant watch even youtube without great lag15:08
Guest31839i have old laptop, sempron3200+ and radeon x110015:09
Guest31839ram 3gb15:09
Guest31839even windows 7 wasn't so slow, win xp has no lag at all15:10
GridCubeGuest31839, go to a  youtube video and go to the configuration menu for flash player and disable hardware acceleration15:11
Guest31839i tried, but SETTINGS menu is grey - can't access15:19
GridCubeyou have the same problems using default drivers?15:20
GridCubedo you have problems using other videos? like default media players?15:21
GridCubehave you installed the xubuntu-restricted-extras?15:21
GridCubeits youtube setted to use html5?15:22
Guest31839ok, now i disabled hardware acceleration, restarted, and the same old lag15:25
=== Guest31839 is now known as greg22
GridCubegreg22, did you read my questions?15:34
greg22lag with default drivers, new drivers, using flash, or html515:37
greg22now i'm tinstalled g.monkey15:37
greg22it's like using win xp without graphic drivers installed15:39
greg22lag everywhere15:40
holsteini would try with the chrome browser to troubleshoot the flash version15:41
holsteini would try with the vesa driver as well15:41
GridCubeyou could also join the #ati channel15:42
holsteinits challenging sometimes when there is poor support for your hardware... you wont be able to use the windows drivers though, so its not really constructive to compare the XP and win7 performance15:42
greg22thanx :)15:42
holsteinthreres nothing in ubuntu or linux preventing the graphics hardware from being supported... if it were me, i might load up an old 10.04 live cd as well and test an older kernel15:43
synaptixis there a way to increase the size of scrollbars globally (including firefox) in 12.04?15:50
greg22i'll try 10.04... also chrome has lag....  all brousers have lag even when scrooling down web page16:16
vermundohello, i have  problem, ive installed xubuntu on my asus eee pc x101ch and the videos are lagging. any advice?17:23
holsteinvermundo: all video? or just in flash in the browser? you can try the chrome browser as a troubleshooting step for flash.. you can run lspci and see what the exact intel gpu is and search for bugs... i had a 1015* with a tricky gpu17:27
vermundoflash videos run perfect, but at 1080p they begin to lag. Same goes for the .avi files. cant watch any movies, they lag too.17:31
GridCubeuse smplayer or other mplayer player for highdef video17:31
GridCubeflash video at 1080 will fail on linux, thats to be expected17:32
Sysibasically you're runnig out of cpu/gpu17:33
SysiI'd try mplayer217:33
vermundook, mplayer worked, thank you :) any solution for flash 1080p videos?17:34
Sysiif you have proper graphics drivers and acceleration enabled already, no17:34
vermundonot sure about that though , how do i make sure that acceleration is enabled?17:35
Sysiright click on video and see flash properties17:36
GridCuberight clic on avideo go to configuration and the first tab should have a "enable hardware aceleration" checkbox17:37
coneonehi there17:38
vermundook, thanks :)17:38
GridCube!hi | coneone17:40
ubottuconeone: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:40
coneoneyesterday i dared to install Xubuntu just because it was available, then after having installed and updated (during and after install) i ran into some _strange_ issue: apt somehow appended ":http" to each host in /etc/apt/sources.list17:40
coneoneso there was no way to update or downgrade or change the system, i even tried to manually append ":80" after each hostname in /etc/apt/sources.list, no luck my system was kind of petrified just because of this!17:42
coneonei installed ubuntu and i'll install lxde as soon as i get tired of cinnamon17:43
holsteinconeone: did you add a ppa for cinamon?17:43
holsteinconeone: i would just look at the sources and see that they are what you are expecting... get sudo apt-get update to run without any issues17:44
holsteintheres nothing about XFCE or xubuntu-desktop that should change your sources17:44
coneoneholstein, naw man there was no way to even think of something like that, all i did was install and update... IIRC17:45
GridCubeyou can always try to change the software sources from synaptic17:45
holsteinconeone: you installed xubuntu? fresh? from a live CD?17:46
coneoneholstein, i verified the sources.list, there was no CRLF... at least vi(nvi? vim?)  did not complain.17:46
holsteinconeone: whats the issue then?17:47
coneoneholstein, xubuntu from a USB-stick that was lying around . i cannot telll you how old this image is.17:47
holsteinconeone: what version of xubntu is it? maybe its end of life17:48
holsteinconeone: i would look at the sources list.. pastebin it here if you need a 2nd opinion17:48
coneone*blush* im sorry to have wasted your time, i cant remember the version either.17:49
holsteini would run sudo apt-get update, and work through any errors17:49
holsteinyou can open a terminal and run "cat etc/issue"17:50
holsteinconeone: if its a fresh install, maybe you just want to go and get a new xubuntu 12.04 iso and make a new stick and reinstall17:51
GridCubeconeone, whats the results of uname -a ?17:51
coneonethe sources list was clean, i can tell you, and after having manually added the suffix ":80" to each host in sources.list APT did not replace my value but it stopped with "cannot resolve hostname de.archive.ubuntu.org:80"17:51
coneoneim using ubuntu 12.04 and IIRC this USB-stick also installed 12.0417:51
holsteinconeone: ubuntu? or xubuntu?17:52
coneoneUSB-stick(bad install case im talking about) = Xubuntu 12.04, my system _now_ ubuntu12.0417:52
holsteinconeone: you can clear up quite a few of these variables easily by pastebin-ing the sources list and running that command and seeing that it is 12.04.117:52
GridCubeconeone, check if you can choose other sources from synaptic17:53
coneonei think i tried that changing from de.archive to archive or sth like that, but it was all in vain! "name or hostname not found"17:55
coneonei had internet with firefox17:55
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
coneoneapt-get update exited 1 because of "failed to resolve hostname de.archive.ubuntu.org:http"  OR (after having edited sources.list using VI editor) "failed to revolve hostname de.archive.ubuntu.org:80"18:18
holsteinconeone: if you'd like, pastebin your sources file here18:19
holstein!paste | coneone18:19
ubottuconeone: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:19
holsteinconeone: i didnt edit each line and add a port to mine, and you shouldnt have to change them18:20
holsteinyou should be able to use the default one, no problem18:20
coneonei cannot to that because i already installed ubuntu <- without XXX ;)18:20
coneonedo even18:20
utabI can not login to my account after an upgrade however I can login by getting a terminal with same information18:21
utabwhat is the reason for this18:21
utabany ideas18:21
holsteinconeone: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1211541/ is working fine for me...18:22
holsteinutab: typo18:23
holsteinconeone: im not following what "without xxx" means18:24
coneoneutab i say it might be your keyboard-mapping18:24
holsteinyou could temporarily set the password to something simpler that the keyboard wouldnt fail while typing and confirm18:25
coneonehostein ubuntu without the Character(letter) "X"18:25
holsteinconeone: xubuntu *is* ubuntu18:25
holsteinthe sources are all the same18:25
coneoneholstein then how come i can perfectly update and use apt now?18:26
holsteinconeone: ?18:26
holsteinconeone: whats the problem then?18:26
coneoneholstein ubuntu = main distri, xubuntu = version of ubuntu.18:26
holsteinconeone: they all use the same repos18:27
holsteinconeone: there is no xubuntu repo.. the packages are all in the main repo18:27
coneoneholstein but what went wrong yesterday?18:27
utabholstein: no I can login with  my password in terminal login18:27
utabconeone: I used a mac keyboard for that and guessed that however changing the keyboard also did not help18:28
holsteinutab: ok.. so i think the keyboard mapping suggestion is a good one.. you can temporarily set your password to something simpler and try it18:28
coneoneutab are u using unity?18:28
holsteinconeone: im still not clear that anything went wrong yesterday... if all is well now, it could have been a netowrk issue, or a mirro down.. anything really18:28
holsteinconeone: so, there is no issue with your system?18:29
coneoneutab there might be something wrong with the unity-greeter or gdm-greeter18:29
utabconeone: I do not use that18:29
holsteinutab: and how about with a simpler password? something with just lowercase letters. as a test18:29
utabconeone: I should reinstall these two from the terminal??18:29
utabmy old password was also simple 4 numbers ;P18:30
utabconeone: it is not strange18:31
coneoneutab try to add a user without password and try to login, if that fails you might have a problem with authentification on your system.18:32
utabnot to find gdm-greeter with apt-cache search??18:32
coneoneit is part of gdm18:32
utabI tried that already I created another user and I can login to that one18:33
utabhowever all my data is on the old home dire18:33
coneoneutab so it first accepts your password and then you get flickering screen and it asks again?18:33
utabexactly no errors warnings go back to login screen18:34
holsteinyeah, i dont think thats a failing password18:36
utabok let me try sth else, since I have dual screens let me take the VGA one off18:36
coneonewell then... do the following: (WARNING this will CHANGE your system) login as root, then cd /home/user, then mkdir old, then mv .* old, then mv * old, then try to login again!18:36
holsteini would start moving things out of the home directory related to config18:37
coneoneholstein jinx!18:37
bazhangno need to login as root18:37
holsteinrenaming... shouldnt need root access to fix the issue since you can login as a newuser18:37
coneonebazhang, true18:37
bazhangconeone, so dont suggest it18:37
coneonebazhang, im sorry , it has been a while i last chatted on IRC18:38
utabok the problem is not dual monitors, still having the same issuer18:39
utabjust to be sure once more I logged into the new created account and it is fine18:40
coneoneutab, you can login to the terminal?, then do it using the normal user18:40
xubuntu688cant install from usb , enters the setup t some text run on the screen then stucks18:41
xubuntu688help me please !!18:41
utabconeone: I am guessing that there is a permission wise problem.18:41
coneoneutab then you should get an error by typing "ls" after login18:42
xubuntu688cant install from usb , enters the setup t some text run on the screen then stucks help me please !!18:42
Myrttithat's not very descriptive18:43
coneoneutab i yould rather say there is a messed up entry somehow in /home/user/.xsession18:44
utabconeone: ok, now my  home dir of my old profile seems to with drwx------ access privilages18:44
Myrttixubuntu688: please ask your question in the channel and please be more descriptive of your problem18:45
=== billy_idle is now known as march
utabI guess this is a problem18:46
coneoneutab try setting "chmod g+rx /home/user" then18:48
utabconeone: I did that already and the new created user account and my old account has the same privilages now but no use still I can not log ing18:51
coneoneutab ok then pastebin the content of /home/user/.xprofile18:52
utabconeone: no file like that18:53
Sysiutab: in tty run "rm -rf .ICEauthority"18:56
coneoneutab damn... running out of ideas... pastebin /home/user/.xsessionrc18:56
=== Phantor is now known as PhantorGorth
coneonehttps://wiki.edubuntu.org/X/Config/SessionStartup maybe there is something alike for xubuntu18:57
utabSysi: no it is the same18:57
Sysiutab: you may need to wipe your .config/18:58
utabSysi: rm -rf .config/ ??18:59
holsteinutab: yeah, i aggree with Sysi ...i would just rename it18:59
holsteinutab: no reason to rm it.. just rename it and let a new one respawn19:00
utabSysi, holstein : renamed still the same19:00
holsteinutab: it'l be something in the /home directory19:00
utabholstein: ??19:01
utabholstein: what?19:01
holsteinutab: if the new user you made is working fine, then its an issue with that user account19:01
holsteinutab: a user configuration in the user /home19:01
utabholstein: it is not clear to me what you mean19:01
holsteinutab: in the /home for the user account that is failing to login.. i am proposing there is a confiuration error in there that is causing the login to fail19:02
holsteini was thinking it would be in .config but it could be anything in there19:02
holsteinutab: you can always just move *everything* out, and get the user logging in.. put back what you need...19:02
utabholstein: after renaming the old .config as .config_backup and trying to login did not create a new one19:03
holsteinutab: move it out of there then19:04
utabholstein: you mean to move the .config_backup to a different directory19:05
holsteinutab: just out of the users home directory19:05
utabholstein: ok let me try??19:05
holsteinutab: if *all* other users are getting to a desktop fine, then its pretty safe to assume its an issue in the user /home... i save the old .config files, and since it literally cant hurt anything as long as i have the backups, i typically just move *everything* out19:06
utabholstein, I am sure if I understood you correctly but now I moved the .config_backup under / with sudo'ing and tried to login to the account it was not possible19:12
holsteinutab: cool... just keep in mind that if all the other users work fine, the issue is very likely in the /home directory19:13
utabholstein: I can guess that but which one is the problem19:13
holsteinutab: i typically just take *everything* out when i cant figure out what is what19:13
holsteinespecially in an upgrade scenario where who knows what has changed19:14
utabholstein: I hate upgrades after every upgrade I spend hours configuring the system back to a healthy state :((19:14
holsteinutab: i only upgrade to test and report that it works19:15
holsteinbest case and upgrade takes about 7 or 8 hours... a freshing install is pretty fast19:15
utabholstein: yes u r right19:16
utabholstein: but now there is no config related files in the home dir still I can not login so the cause is not completely there I guess19:17
holsteinutab: i might just make a new user, and move the stuff over i want19:18
utabutab: that would be the best best and last option19:18
recon_tvI hate shopping, have to choose a new laptop on a budget. aggh!!19:20
utabholstein: I have to update lots of paths in lots of makefiles, I might search a bit more maybe to make a work around, I did not write the makefiles that flexible I guess19:21
holsteini just got one of these used, mostly because of this awesome site recon_tv https://sites.google.com/site/mtrons/howtos/eeepc-1015pn19:21
utabholstein: there is one more question to ask19:23
utabwell as a session selection I have both xubuntu session and xfce session, why are there both of these and can there be something conflicting19:24
holsteinutab: you can try as the other user thats working and confirm.. xfce should be just xfce, and xubntu will be the xubuntu configuration19:25
recon_tvholstein: interesting, dont know about the batter on second hand laptops though. but I'm looking for a laptop come desktop so a eepc not really going to do it for me.19:26
recon_tvwas looking at a toshiba c870-11h , hard to find reviews though19:28
utabholstein: the other account is working, the best bet is to compress the docs and move them here19:29
coneoneutab no need to compress, moving _AND_ chown chmod can do the trick, but make sure you make a directory within the new users directory, and move everything in there.19:40
utabconeone: you say 'no move' but then at the end you say move again??19:42
coneoneutab you can move without compressing first that will speedup the process.19:43
utabyou mean with the sudo and then changing with the sudo again ownership and group19:44
recon_tvlol, went to listen to kusf only to discover they got sold down the river19:57
recon_tvwhat do i need to play a MP3 ShoutCast playlist ? it's a .pls file, gmusicbrowser want to open it but cant play it?20:06
recon_tvnever mind Rhythmbox to the rescue, got Spanish guitar music =-O20:10
coneoneutab yes that sounds good20:21
recon_tvgot a question, if you try open a downloaded files with "other application" it's really hard as you have to know the location of the program you want to use? usability issue?20:35
TheSheepyeah, firefox has lots of those20:36
recon_tvbloodyhell, still trying to find executable of rhythmbox20:40
TheSheeprecon_tv: open a terminal and type 'which rhythmbox'20:40
recon_tvthx TheSheep, thats a useful command I never saw before20:41
TheSheepdpkg -S is also useful20:42
Deutopiawhat works better and has better compatibility than firefox?20:43
TheSheepDeutopia: two firefoxes?20:43
TheSheepDeutopia: compatibility with what?20:44
recon_tvnow to try find the url for bbc radio 6 .pls :)20:44
TheSheeprecon_tv: menu -> accessories -> catfish20:44
recon_tvcatfish is another program I never used, but "find -name" was the one i use20:46
TheSheepalso 'locate'20:47
TheSheepit's much faster20:47
Deutopiathings becides basic html420:55
Deutopialike silverlight, flash and all that odd stuff20:56
TheSheepDeutopia: no browser does silverlight or flash20:57
TheSheepDeutopia: it's all browser plugins20:57
TheSheepDeutopia: and they work equally crappy in all browsers20:57
Deutopiaim just noticeing chromium, konquorer, iceweasle having difficulties with websites that firefox is not20:59
recon_tvthough the browser wars ended in the late 90's21:00
Deutopiawhy is google and IE on my TV?21:00
Deutopiaspending lots of money it seems21:01
holsteinrecon_tv: i can tell you about the 2nd hand battery on this machine, which is dual core and quite a nice netbook... we could discuss in the OT channel at your leisure21:02
Deutopiai still dont understand why there are commercials for internet browsers on the TV21:02
recon_tvwell, I got xubuntu and netscape on my tv atm :)21:02
recon_tvsure holstein, what the full channel ?21:03
holsteinyou mean #xubuntu-offtopic ?21:04
recon_tvyep, thats the one21:04
Deutopiai already have php mysql and apache2 installed (laest version) should i remove them b4 installing xampp1.8.0?21:31
recon_tvDeutopia: cant be sure, but it should use apt-get like everything else, so would just skip the packages already downloaded. but thats just my best guess21:34
Monte_CristoI successfully installed Xubuntu, keeping windows 7 on another partition, I copied my documents into the new system, I turned off the computer and I removed the USB flash drive containing the iso file of Ubuntu. But when I turn on the computer again, Windows will automatically start and I can not choose! Why? I also installed Xubuntu Gparted ...21:46
Monte_Cristo*I also installed Gparted in Xubuntu21:46
Unit193Sounds like a grub issue to me.21:47
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:47
Deutopiaubiquity installed grub to the wrong location. a bugfix is comming in next version of ubiquity.21:47
Unit193Grub is what is used to choose what to boot,.21:47
Deutopiaboot again with the disk but dont install. just sudo grub-install && sudo update-grub21:50
recon_tvthis grub issue seems to be a regular here21:51
Monte_Cristook, I try21:52
Deutopiaor if all that sound hard, just install again but at the disk setup "choose something else" use the big ext4 partition as "/" and the swap as swap and scroll down and make sure grub installs to sda21:52
Deutopiatoo slow...21:52
recon_tvhaa, ok, it's the install windows after xubuntu issue21:52
Deutopianext he is gonna install win 8 n do it all over n end up with 3 bootloaders21:54
Deutopiagonna b a tidal wzve of that21:57
recon_tvDeutopia: have you tried $sudo  tasksel for setting up your lamp server?21:59
recon_tvmight be a bit late , but just remembered it22:00
Deutopiano im just sitting down with a "Sam's" book and starting to learn. (transitioning over from the world of IIS)22:00
recon_tvDeutopia: fire it up and have a look, all text based so will work over ssh22:01
Deutopiayeah i need to remove sql22:04
Deutopiaor if all that sound hard, just install again but at the disk setup "choose something else" use the big ext4 partition as "/" and the swap as swap and scroll down and make sure grub installs to sda22:07
Monte_Cristonothing... windows starts again22:08
Deutopiayeah install again. see my last post22:09
Monte_CristoI did22:09
Deutopiayou chose "something else" and where did grub install to?22:10
Monte_CristoI typed in the terminal of Xubuntu sudo grub-install and sudo update-grub22:10
Monte_CristoI did not choose where to install grub22:11
Deutopiano i was saying just install xubuntu all over again. in the wizard under disk setup choose "something else"22:11
Monte_Cristoagain O_O22:11
Deutopiathat would be easier rather than geeking out trying to fix grub22:12
holsteinyeah.. if its a fresh install, the install doesnt take that long22:12
holsteinthe link Unit193 linked earlier...22:12
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:12
Monte_CristoHowever, if I enter the liveusb I can choose whether to start or xubuntu windows22:12
holsteinhas information about how to install grub from a live CD/USB22:13
Monte_Cristoi red that22:13
Monte_Cristoi don't understand what you mean with something else22:14
recon_tvMonte_Cristo:  have you actualy installed xubuntu onto your computers HD, or are you just booting from the usb?22:15
Deutopiawhen you were installing xubuntu you were presented with 2 options. use the entire disk or "something else"22:15
Monte_Cristoi installed xubuntu, I also used it!22:15
holsteinMonte_Cristo: sure.. but the disc partitioning step... theres actually an option there "something else"22:16
Monte_CristoDeutopia, I've done that, now I remember, I chose something else22:16
Monte_Cristonot entire disk22:17
Deutopiaright. okay in that disk partitioning screen you need to scroll down and make sure the bootloader installs to your primary hard disk22:17
Monte_Cristothank you holstein for the photo22:17
Monte_Cristoinitially I had chosen something else, then I changed and I chose the first option! Now try with something else22:19
Deutopiayes. use the big ext4 partition as "/" and swap as swap and scroll down and make sure grub installs to the primary hard disk (the book disk)22:19
recon_tvMonte_Cristo: and probably should have a back up of all important files22:20
Deutopianot your USB boot disk  >_<22:20
Monte_Cristonel mio pc ci sono già tre partizioni primarie di windows. io devo creare due partizioni per xubuntu, una per il root e l'altra per lo swap. come faccio a creare una partizione estesa? non mi compare l'opzione!22:20
Monte_Cristoin my pc there are already three primary partitions of windows. I have to create two partitions for xubuntu, one for root and one for swap. how do I create an extended partition?22:21
Deutopiaright click on unallocated space and select New (you may need to resize partitions. have you made backups?)22:22
Monte_Cristodon't worry, i've done the back up yet22:22
Monte_CristoI deleted an empty partition of windows22:23
Monte_Cristoand now22:23
Deutopiaif you already installed xubuntu there should already be a root and swap partition22:23
Monte_Cristothere are 200 GB of empty space22:23
recon_tvDeutopia: I dont think he actualy installed ubuntu yet22:23
Monte_Cristobut when i create a new partition22:24
Deutopiaokay right click on the unused space and create a new 200GB extended partition22:24
recon_tvMonte_Cristo: use the empty space to create partitions, the swap should be about twice the amount of ram on your pc22:24
Monte_Cristothere isn't the option extended partition22:25
Deutopiaclick on where it says primary22:25
recon_tvpersonally I like to put "home" in it's own partition22:26
Monte_Cristoreally? i have red the opposite:with a ram of 1 GB swap space should be equal to or less than 1 GB22:26
Deutopiayou want to give it extra breathing room22:26
Deutopiaeven though it'll never get used22:26
Deutopiayou cant hibernate if the swap is smaller than ram (you dont want to any way, suspend it or shut it down)22:28
recon_tvsomeday someone will make a simple computer ;)22:29
Monte_Cristook, so... the swap should be larger then the ram..right?22:30
martinphoneaint that called mac nowadays?22:30
recon_tvthought they where called iphones22:30
Monte_Cristothank you22:31
Monte_Cristosee you later22:31
martinphonei enjoyed the count22:32
recon_tvMonte_Cristo: good luck :)22:32
Monte_Cristoanyway, I think I'll buy a manual to learn how to make the best use of xubuntu22:33
Monte_Cristoor maybe some online manual22:34
recon_tvMonte_Cristo: naa, just keep bugging people in IRC22:34
Monte_Cristo; - ) see you22:34
Monte_Cristoeh eh eh22:34
Monte_Cristomanual living22:34
recon_tvthere is an online manual though22:35
oelsenI want to mount a folder as an iso file that can be delivered over http22:37
oelsenhow do I do that? the files in the folder should be changeable just like files of a normal webserver22:37
oelsenI don't want to create $file.iso first, It should be generated on the fly22:38
recon_tvoelsen: sounds like a question for #web22:46
oelsenpointless: /join #web "you are already on the web, dave." :D22:53
Monte_CristoI have deleted the two partition of Xubuntu, with an option in windows, to reinstall the operating system and chose 'something else'. But when i boot pc again, from the usblive,, appeared the following inscription: 'error: no such device: 1b4f-4d78-9bfd-5cbfd41f933d: grub rescue> ... so after removing usblive  i reboot the pc : (22:58
holsteinMonte_Cristo: you'll just install xubuntu, and that'll put grub on, after installing xubuntu, then you'll just reboot the system, not the usb stick23:00
Monte_Cristoi know23:00
Monte_CristoI rebooted the system, and that error appeared, without the possibility of continuing23:01
Monte_Cristoso i removed the usblive, and the error disappeared23:01
holsteinMonte_Cristo: so, whats the problem?23:01
Monte_Cristothe error disappeared23:02
Monte_Cristobut windows starts!23:02
Monte_Cristonot the installation on xubuntu23:02
v1adimirmeh it seems grub's on the usb, that can happen23:03
holsteinMonte_Cristo: i would recover grub from a live CD/USB..23:03
recon_tvnearly should be a newbissh built into the live usb23:05
Monte_CristoToday I give up, but only for today. try again tomorrow23:05
Monte_Cristothanks to all, bye!23:06

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