
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
lifelesssmoser: around ?01:18
lifelesssmoser: I'm curious, in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~smoser/maas/maas-pkg-test/view/head:/maas-ephemeral-test-quantal.txt , why you're using libvirt, which will run dnsmasq, when you want maas to be managing dhcp and dns01:19
jtvjam, jelmer: you're not experts on “bzr builddeb” by any chance, are you?06:39
jamjtv: jelmer is, I am not. I don't think he's online for another hour, though06:40
jtvAny idea who might be?06:40
jtv(And don't say William, because he said to ask former bzr people!)06:41
jtvThis failure looks similar: http://www.mail-archive.com/openstack-ubuntu-testing-notifications@lists.launchpad.net/msg00290.html06:42
jtvHi rvba06:44
rvbaHi jtv.06:44
jtvrvba: could you help me with an experiment?06:45
rvbajtv: sure06:45
jtvThe package build seems to have broken.06:45
jtvSo please, _don't_ update your packaging branch just yet,06:45
jtvgo into your packaging branch,06:45
jtvand type:06:45
jtvbzr bd -- -k<your-gpg-key-email-address>06:46
jtvOr first, install your build-deps:06:46
jtvsudo apt-get builddep maas06:46
jtvThat may install some packages that might be missing.06:47
jtvAnd after that, the “bzr bd” command line _should_ build a package — but currently doesn't.06:47
rvbaI don't like installing the maas package on my dev machine but I guess I'll just purge it after the experiment :)06:47
jtvNo need to install it.06:48
jtvJust the build dependencies.06:48
rvbaAh right.06:48
rvbajtv: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1214273/06:49
jtvrvba: then I guess that's a failed experiment...  means you don't have the required bzr plugin.  :(06:52
jtvNobody seems able to help with this at the moment, so I'll just start bisecting.06:52
jtvWell, I _have_ started bisecting.06:52
jtvThanks for trying though — it was worth a shot.06:52
rvbaI can install the right plugin :)06:52
jtvIt's called builddeb.06:53
rvbajtv: looks like I need to install quilt (http://paste.ubuntu.com/1214283/)06:57
jtvAh yes, that too.06:58
rvbajtv: no error it seems: (that's the end of the output) http://paste.ubuntu.com/1214288/07:03
jtvWhat revision is your packaging branch on?07:04
jtvNo, that's got to be the trunk revision.07:04
rvbaMore like 78.07:05
jtvThat one's failing for me, I think.07:05
rvbaWhat's the error?07:05
jtvNo wait, I was looking at 87.  :)07:06
jtvThe patching of the network settings maas_local_settings.py fails.07:06
rvbaOk, let me try with that revision.07:06
jtvQuilt calls patch, patch says it can't find the file it should patch.07:06
jtvThen it gives you the impression that it continues regardless, but the return value is 3, not 0.07:07
lifelessbigjools was having that07:07
lifelessI think07:07
bigjoolsI take it the taxi didn't take too long then lifeless07:07
lifelessbigjools: apparently not07:07
lifelessbigjools: was at the airport at 25 to07:07
lifelessbigjools: thanks again for the power adapter. SHEESE.07:08
bigjoolsdid you go in the tunnel?07:08
bigjoolslifeless: I saw it an thought I'd better dig up your number, yes :)07:08
lifelessthere was a tunnel yes07:08
lifelessDunno if its 'the' tunnel07:08
* jtv forgets what power plugs NZ uses… not the Australian kind then I take it?07:09
lifelessjust wouldn't be useful to me if I was in NZ and it was in Julians house.07:09
jtvI was lucky to find a converter for that in Buenos Aires… just prior to getting stuck at the airport for 5 hours or so with only Australian-style sockets for some reason.07:09
jtvNow, _why_ would dh say “unknown sequence get-packaged-orig-source”?07:10
jtvlifeless, any ideas?07:10
lifelessjtv: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AC_power_plugs_and_sockets#Australian_standard_AS.2FNZS_3112_.28Australasian_10.C2.A0A.2F240.C2.A0V.29 specifically :P07:11
rvbajtv: same problem here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1214295/07:11
lifelessjtv: I've no idea, I haven't, and don't plan on, used/using bzr-builddeb that way :)07:11
jtvrvba: thanks — that puts it somewhere between r78 and now.07:11
lifelessjtv: I'm fairly sure thats not a standard target07:11
jtvClearly it isn't.07:12
jtvBut then who invokes it and why?07:12
jtvLooks like r81 is OK.07:14
lifelesscheck your rules file07:14
jtvThere is a target of that name there.07:15
jtvWhat am I looking for?07:15
jtvr81 is OK, r85 is broken.07:15
lifelessjtv: so - http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html - no mention of your custom target.07:16
jtvIs it a custom target?07:17
lifelessto find what invokes it, you probably need to grep around and follow every possible lead07:17
lifelessyes, its not part of the stock debian toolchain07:17
bigjoolsit's a builddeb target07:17
jtvThat's strange.  William/Steve mentioned the question of whether the package supported get-packaged-orig-source, and having the target in the rules file was more or less the definition of support.07:18
lifelessit looks like a builddeb special07:18
jtvLooks as if the addition of tests broke things: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/maas/packaging/revision/8207:22
jtvI need to afk for a bit.  But r82 of the packaging branch seems to be the problem.  It doesn't help that I reviewed it.  :)07:24
jambigjools: so do we need to teach the launchpad email parser about pirate speak? merge: be approved07:25
jamrejected could be: "merge: to davy Jones' Locker wit ye"07:27
bigjoolsjam: your MP is going to walk the plank, arrrr07:54
jtvjam: what bigjools said.  And likewise if you extend bzr's revision specs to accept “arrrr931”08:13
bigjoolsthe "bring out your dead" van is going down the street08:27
jamjtv: there is a rule for 'get-orig-source' vs 'get-orig-packaged-source' I wonder if they could be combined somehow?10:52
jtvjam: I have absolutely no idea.10:53
jamI wonder if builddeb is thinking it can pass a rule down to 'dh' and it will run the equivalent of make -f debian/rules $RULE10:53
jamI would guess offhand that builddeb is ignoring that failure as not supported10:53
jamunfortunately our master jelmer is still feeling quite ill today10:54
jamjtv: I do see this in the builddeb code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1214596/10:56
jtvYes, I get that in the output.10:56
jtvMaybe it's a simple matter of disabling get-orig-source?10:57
jamhowever, I see no such thing in http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html10:57
jamwhich seems to say 'get-orig-source' is the right thing to do.10:57
jamjtv: looking at the bzr-builddeb code, it would be as simple as doing:10:57
jamget-packaged-orig-source: get-orig-source10:58
jamso the 'make -f debian/rules' will be happy10:58
jtvUnfortunately I'm running out of time for experimenting with this… do you get the failure too?10:58
jamjtv: I'm not sure how to 'build the package' where are you running 'bzr builddeb' ?10:59
jamand not (bzr builddeb -S or whatever those things are)10:59
jamjtv: I don't see the dh failures, I see 'Trying to run get-packaged-orig-source' which then cleanly falls back to 'get-orig-source'.11:00
jtvcd into a packaging branch and run “bzr builddeb -- -k<your-gpg-key-email-address>”11:00
jamI'll see if I can trigger the failure you're seeing11:00
jamright now it is still exporting11:00
jamand doing it from lp:maas even though I have a local copy :(11:00
jtvBe sure to try this on r82 or higher.11:00
jtvYeah, it sure likes slow downloads.11:01
jamI'm on 8711:01
jamyeah, it is re-downloading all of maas11:01
jambecause that is what 'make get-orig-source'  says to do11:01
jamIt looks like I broke Jenkins, but I can't get the to load12:04
jamto find out any actual details12:04
jamand the public one just says "No Changes"12:04
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
smoserlifeless, i do not have libvirt running dnsmasq in that. at least if i did then i had meant to disable that.12:33
smoseri chose to use libvirt becaues it fairly simply a.) sets up nat b.) sets up bridges c.) starts the stuff on boot12:34
lifelesssmoser: it seems highly likely that your emulated network is the cause of the fault, is all.12:34
smoserd.) will eventually allow me to plug in virsh power control for a set of systems  (similar to how vdenv does it) and let maas power on and off systems.12:34
smoserlifeless, why would you say that?12:35
lifelessIIRC the symptoms you had were being unable to reach the tftp server, which is a networking issue, if the tftp server service is running.12:35
smoserwell, no12:35
smosersee the last comment there12:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1051626 in MAAS "next-server written wrong" [Critical,Confirmed]12:36
smoserits strange. the tftp *does* work. it *does* get pxelinux.0 in both cases.12:36
smoserthe only thing i could guess was that pxelinux was making a decision based on the netmask of its IP adn the address of the server.12:37
smoserand chaning its behavior.12:37
smoserlifeless, does that make any sense to you?12:40
smoserbecause it didn't make any sense to me.12:40
smoserand all i could really think was, same as you, it didn't really get the pxelinux.0 file12:40
smoserbut it says it did.12:40
lifelesssmoser: sorry, its nearly 1am and I just got off a plane, I'll follow up tomorrow12:43
smoseri notcie that i am running a dnsmasq for dns12:46
smoserbut it is not running dhcp12:46
smoserso that is not the issue12:46
smoseranyone want to pick this off really quick:13:24
roaksoaxjtv: maybe it is becuase you issue bzr debbuild instead ob bzr builddeb (or bzr bd)13:24
roaksoaxsmoser: lookin13:25
* roaksoax has a crappy netework connection today :(13:26
roaksoaxsmoser: done13:27
rvbaroaksoax: Hi there.  jam approved your branches but some tests are still missing.  I'm working on it right now.14:28
roaksoaxrvba: yeah I saw and got them approved and they got merged14:32
rvbaroaksoax: all right.  That's you unblocked then.  Gavin and I will work on adding a few tests.14:34
roaksoaxrvba: awesome thanks14:34
roaksoaxrvba: now, I've been thinking on getting the available releases vs dynamically adding new ones. I just realized that enums.js is created on packagebuild so if any release is not available during build time, it won't be shown on the UI at all if it becomes available later on, right?14:35
rvbaroaksoax: indeed.14:36
rvbaroaksoax: we could add an API method to get the available release and use that method in the UI.14:37
roaksoaxrvba: yeah I think something like that would be necessary. I have a few improvements ideas too related to maas-import-pxe-files too so i'm trying to write them down and i'll send an email14:39
rvbaroaksoax: cool14:39
rvbaroaksoax: now it's my turn, I need your help with a change I need to make in the packaging.  It's related to bug 1050492.  I've created the following MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/packaging.set-rabbitmq-creds/+merge/125248.15:26
ubot5Launchpad bug 1050492 in maas (Ubuntu) "MAAS uses the 'guest' account to communicate with RabbitMQ" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105049215:26
* roaksoax looks15:26
roaksoaxrvba: so that password is only on maas_local_settings.py?15:27
rvbaroaksoax: yes.  And then every cluster that will be accepted in the region controller will get these credentials.15:28
roaksoaxrvba: ok so you want me to generate a password and set it on maas_local_settings.py?15:29
rvbaroaksoax: that's what I tried to do in that branch yes.  Generate a password, create the rabbitmq user, and then set BROKER_URL in maas_local_settings.py.15:29
rvbaroaksoax: configure_maas_workers_rabbitmq_user is very similar to configure_maas_txlongpoll_rabbitmq_user.15:30
roaksoaxrvba: where's the branch?15:31
rvbaroaksoax: see the MP address I pasted above.15:31
roaksoaxrvba: alright, i'll review it and merge it right after I finish something :)15:33
rvbaroaksoax: cool, thanks a lot.  I've got a few questions but let me know when you'll be available.15:33
roaksoaxrvba: give me say 20 mins15:34
rvbaSure, no problem.15:34
rvbaroaksoax: I just realized that if we land this now it will break the package because the cluster controller still relies on the fact that we're using the default credentials to connect to RabbitMQ.  My change needs to be landed when we will have a separate maas-cluster package.15:40
roaksoaxrvba: ok, so that just made me think something. So cluster controller is the master MAAS, and what are you calling the client MAAS?15:41
roaksoaxhow will the client MAAS know the password to connecto to RabbitMQ?15:42
rvbaThe region controller is the master MAAS.15:42
rvbaSo the plan is this:15:42
rvbaWhen a cluster controller is installed, a debconf question asks for the address of the Region controller.15:43
rvbaThen a script connect to the API of the region controller and says: I'm the cluster controller with UUID=1234.15:43
rvbaThe on the region controller, an admin has to accept that cluster controller.15:44
rvbaThe cluster controller then polls the region controller, waiting for an admin to accept the cluster controller.15:44
rvbaSo the answer of the region controller to the cluster controller is: "hold on, an admin need to accept you"15:45
rvbaWhen an admin accepts the cluster controller, then the answer changes (remember the cluster controller is still polling).15:45
rvbaThe answer now contains the credentials so that the cluster controller can now connect to RabbitMQ.15:46
roaksoaxrvba: right, the anwer that contains the credentials, need to be written on maas_local_settings?15:46
rvbaThe cluster controller will do that each time the service is started, but, in my example, next time the cluster controller starts, it will already be accepted in the region controller so the credentials will be sent right away.15:47
roaksoaxrvba: right, but when it has the response with the credentials, does it have to write them somewhere? i.e. maas_local_settings?15:47
rvbaroaksoax: well, yes. For two reasons: a) the region controller need to be able to send tasks via RabbitMQ and b) the region controller need to be able to send the credentials to the cluster controllers.15:48
roaksoaxrvba: ok, so that process or writing into maas_local_settings will be done wher? upstart?15:48
roaksoaxor within the django code?15:48
roaksoaxcause note that packaging cannot do that in that particular case15:48
rvbaroaksoax: no, the cluster controller will use the credentials to start celeryd: celeryd -borker-url=12315:48
roaksoaxso the package will only install the cluster controller15:50
roaksoaxand after installation has finished15:50
roaksoaxthen the cluster controller will modify maas_local_settings.py15:50
rvbaThere is no maas_local_settings.py on the cluster side.15:51
roaksoaxoh ok, but where is this information stored then?15:51
rvbaIt does not need to be stored: the upstart script of the cluster will contact the API of the region controller to get the credentials every time it starts.15:52
roaksoaxah!! I see15:52
rvbaroaksoax: ok, I've added a card on our kb board.  This MP is on hold for now.  We need a separate cluster controller package with all the polling logic in place before we can land this.15:59
roaksoaxrvba: ok, cool. So now, we need to start figuring out what part of the software is that we want on the region, and what on the cluster16:04
roaksoaxrvba: so, what does the region does not do in comparison to the current package we have. What does the cluster controller do?16:04
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
rvbaroaksoax: indeed.  But that's pretty well defined already.  The cluster contains pserv, the dhcp stuff and celery.16:05
rvbaroaksoax: Julian started working on that.  He wants to touch base with you guys about it.16:05
roaksoaxrvba: righjt, but we need to figure out what's common code, and what pieces of the code we need. then we need to split up postinst16:06
roaksoaxrvba: so for example, maas package should now pull both region and cluster controllers and have everything running in one machine16:07
rvbaroaksoax: right.16:07
roaksoaxthe maas-region only the region code16:07
roaksoaxand etc et16:07
roaksoaxrvba: which means that, do they all have to install src/maasserver? do they all have to install src/provisioningserver? etc etc16:07
rvbaroaksoax: the region needs all the code.  The cluster needs src/provisioningserver.16:08
roaksoaxrvba: so region *also* needs src/provisioning server then?16:08
rvbaroaksoax: yes.16:08
rvbaroaksoax: that's because of celery.  The signature of the tasks are defined in src/provisioningserver.16:09
rvbaroaksoax: but maybe we could have a maas-common package with all the code and then maas-region and maas-cluster could contain only the upstart scripts.16:09
rvbaThat's just an idea for now.16:09
rvbaJulian is the packaging expert on our side :).16:09
roaksoaxrvba: yeah, well let's see what julian says16:12
rvbaroaksoax: yep.  I hope he will be able to make progress on this front soon as this is a fairly large change which will require a lot of testing.  Plus it's blocking some work that needs to be done.16:13
roaksoaxright, this is not gonna be an easy thing though :)16:14
rvbaIt should.16:14
rvbaroaksoax: you don't overlap much with Julian do you?16:14
roaksoaxrvba: no I don't unfortunately16:15
roaksoaxrvba: i don't at all TBH16:15
roaksoaxrvba: do we also need metadaserver on the cluster I guess?16:15
rvbaroaksoax: no, that's on the region too.16:16
roaksoaxrvba: so machines deploying will contact the region instead of the cluster controller to get the meta-data they need, say commissioning?16:17
rvbaroaksoax: yes.16:17
roaksoaxrvba: ok, but what if you put the cluster to deploy nmodes on a particular network that you dont want to access the region?16:18
rvbaroaksoax: I guess we will need to add some sort of proxy in that case.16:19
roaksoaxrvba: would provisioningserver still be considered django code?16:19
roaksoaxno right?16:19
rvbaThat's celery code really.16:20
rvbaIt simply contains celery tasks.16:20
roaksoaxrvba: pr im othjer words, what's considered django code? maasserver metadaserver?16:20
rvbaYes, these two.16:20
rvbaAnd it's not considered django code, it *is* django code :).16:21
rvbaWell, python code based on Django.16:21
mgzwhat will the clusters use for storage initially, just the filesystem?16:21
roaksoaxrvba: so the cluster controller does not need src/maas right?16:22
rvbaroaksoax: no.16:22
mgzI'm not sure what things are going to look like after the first pass of multi-cluster support either really...16:22
rvbamgz: I guess so for now, since mongodb has been ruled out.16:22
mgzbut they run some kind of server that exposes an api?16:23
rvbaThey are just celery nodes.16:23
mgzso nodes on commissioning will post directly to the region controller?16:23
rvbaThere is no way around that right now.16:24
mgzokay, thanks, that clarifies the scope of what I need to do right now quite a bit.16:24
roaksoaxrvba: so this is what I'm thinking: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1215097/16:25
* roaksoax bbl16:27
rvbaroaksoax: looks good to me.  There is something else: we need a special controller called the master which is in charge of dealing with master tasks like setting up the DNS.16:28
rvbaroaksoax: Julian mentioned we could use a virtual package for that.  That package would basically be a cluster controller package but configured slightly differently (instead of generating a UUID to send to the region controller, that cluster would be called… wait for it… 'master').16:29
roaksoaxyeah that'16:30
roaksoaxs easy to add16:30
roaksoaxI think i'd need to catch up with him16:30
roaksoaxi'll be back later16:30
allenaproaksoax: Hello!16:53
allenaproaksoax: How do you feel about creating a new binary package for the cli?16:53
allenaproaksoax: I see you're away. I'll email you about it.16:54
roaksoaxallenap will be available in 10 mins16:56
allenaproaksoax: I'll be away in 10 minutes, and there's enough detail that it's worth emailing anyway.16:56
roaksoaxallenap: k17:06
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
roaksoaxallenap: if you happen to see this, tell me where's your CLI and what does it need and I'll create a new package. it is simple enough to do17:13
roaksoaxsmoser: around?17:37
smoserroaksoax, here.17:38
roaksoaxsmoser: could you please approve this: https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/maas_correct_paths/+merge/12528617:38
smoserroaksoax, this grades on me.17:41
smoserthe right fix to that problem is NOT TO SPECIFY FULL PATHS!17:41
smoserwhy do people do that?17:42
smoserwhy do they want their code to break because a program changes path?17:42
roaksoaxsmoser: i agree we should not need to specify paths, but well... we shoudl raise that upstream17:43
smoserwhy do they not want me to be able to put preferred versions of a program in /opt/bin and do the right thing?17:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1053025 in MAAS "do not hard code paths to executables" [Undecided,New]17:53
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
roaksoaxsmoser: i think you are gonna like this:19:03
roaksoaxsmoser: https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/maas_packaging_fixe_bzr1030/+merge/12531319:03
roaksoaxsmoser: thanks!!19:23
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
* roaksoax lunch20:47
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
wkharoldjuju issue after successful maas install:23:09
wkharold2012-09-19 18:08:22,490 DEBUG Initializing juju status runtime23:09
wkharold2012-09-19 18:08:22,503 INFO Connecting to environment...23:09
wkharold2012-09-19 18:08:22,783 DEBUG Connecting to environment using maas07...23:09
wkharold2012-09-19 18:08:22,784 DEBUG Spawning SSH process with remote_user="ubuntu" remote_host="maas07" remote_port="2181" local_port="59813".23:09
wkharold2012-09-19 18:08:23,334:3276(0x7f39ca8ec700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@658: Client environment:zookeeper.version=zookeeper C client 3.3.523:09
wkharold2012-09-19 18:08:23,335:3276(0x7f39ca8ec700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@662: Client environment:host.name=maasctrl23:09
wkharold2012-09-19 18:08:23,335:3276(0x7f39ca8ec700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@669: Client environment:os.name=Linux23:09
wkharold2012-09-19 18:08:23,335:3276(0x7f39ca8ec700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@670: Client environment:os.arch=3.2.0-30-generic23:09
wkharold2012-09-19 18:08:23,336:3276(0x7f39ca8ec700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@671: Client environment:os.version=#48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 24 16:52:48 UTC 201223:09
wkharold2012-09-19 18:08:23,338:3276(0x7f39ca8ec700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@679: Client environment:user.name=ubuntu23:09
wkharold2012-09-19 18:08:23,341:3276(0x7f39ca8ec700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@687: Client environment:user.home=/home/ubuntu23:09
wkharold2012-09-19 18:08:23,341:3276(0x7f39ca8ec700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@699: Client environment:user.dir=/var/lib/maas/media/storage23:09
wkharold2012-09-19 18:08:23,341:3276(0x7f39ca8ec700):ZOO_INFO@zookeeper_init@727: Initiating client connection, host=localhost:59813 sessionTimeout=10000 watcher=0x7f39c88906b0 sessionId=0 sessionPasswd=<null> context=0x30f5910 flags=023:09
wkharold2012-09-19 18:08:23,343:3276(0x7f39c55ea700):ZOO_INFO@check_events@1585: initiated connection to server []23:09
wkharold2012-09-19 18:08:24,250:3276(0x7f39c55ea700):ZOO_ERROR@handle_socket_error_msg@1603: Socket [] zk retcode=-4, errno=112(Host is down): failed while receiving a server response23:09
wkharold2012-09-19 18:08:27,587:3276(0x7f39c55ea700):ZOO_WARN@zookeeper_interest@1461: Exceeded deadline by 911ms23:09
wkharold2012-09-19 18:08:27,588:3276(0x7f39c55ea700):ZOO_ERROR@handle_socket_error_msg@1579: Socket [] zk retcode=-4, errno=111(Connection refused): server refused to accept the client23:09
wkharoldoops, that's from juju -vvv status after an uneventful juju bootstrap23:09

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