[01:47] is there a way to get a package updated in the 12.10 repos? [02:14] lol that was fun... do-release-upgrade over ssh... it wasn't happy. Ended up with a machine that was 20% quantal, and 80% precise. [02:40] i always do d-r-u over ssh [02:56] just did an upgrade on Kubuntu 12.10, now I only get wallpaper with the mouse cursor. === astraljava1 is now known as astraljava [07:56] hmmh.. what happened to battery icon.. [11:24] hmm, cups not working after upgrade [11:24] "client-server error" [11:42] Hi i did an upgrade from precise to quantal just now, and i get segmentation faul when starting X [11:42] I have a working framebuffer as i can use links2 -g and several other fb apps. [11:44] can i solve this somehow? [11:46] It is awfully quiet in all ubuntu related channels nowdays [11:47] web forums dominate these days.. [11:47] Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting [11:48] try to get as much info on the segfault and your system, and then check out the issue tracker for quantal and if there are no similar issues posted, post your own :) [11:49] JEEB: I am stuck in cli though.. [11:49] :/ [11:49] and the webforums is a rather big task to browse with links2 .... [11:49] isn't there something like "reportbug" command or something [11:49] or was it debian [11:50] I couldn't get to X on my new box either on saturday, because the kernel's nouveau was borked for kepler GPUs [11:50] i got report-hw =P [11:50] i use radeon driver. [11:50] before the upgrade i used fglrx and i got the same error as now so i purged it. [11:51] i did a dpkg-reconfigure -a too [12:00] Hiyas all [12:12] See "apport-bug" [12:23] Well i am stuck in cli.. I will have to go to work. Laterz- === Logan__ is now known as Logan_ [13:46] Hi, is alt+printscreen supposed to work in quantal? === jimerickson is now known as Guest58621 [14:01] rye just try prtScn by itself , if you're trying to take shot [14:01] a screenshot that is [14:05] BluesKaj: right, but the Alt+PrintScreen which is supposed to be taking a single window screenshot does not work, and re-configuring in keyboard shortcuts lead to Mod2+Alt notation. Which also does not work. The thing I can't pinpoint the date when it stopped working [14:05] the thing is [14:07] rye , ok what is alt+printscreen supposed to do? Just printscreen is all you need for a single screen shot [14:11] BluesKaj: Alt+Printscreen is a default key binding for "Single window screenshot", when not the whole desktop is captured but only the foreground window. [14:12] rye, ok understood , it doesn't work here either (KDE) [14:15] hmmm [14:16] it's bug 1050416 , Alt+PrintScreen works in GNOME Shell [14:16] Launchpad bug 1050416 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Alt+PrintScr does no longer work to produce a screen capture of the active window" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1050416 [14:19] jbicha: thanks, added the info about Mod2+Alt being mapped [14:21] and accoding to xev Alt+PrintScreen does not produce anything === emma is now known as em === mortal_ is now known as mortal === philinux is now known as TheMaster === TheMaster is now known as Guest45067 === Guest45067 is now known as eye-gor [17:39] hi, which package contains the ambiance theme [17:39] or against which package do i have to file a bug regarding ambiance? [17:39] lanoxx: light-themes [17:39] hi trism [17:39] thanks [17:40] lanoxx: hello [17:40] lanoxx: no prob [17:41] is radiance also in that pakcage [17:43] ah nvm, it is === h00k is now known as Captainh00k [18:36] hi there : do you know if unity has a python interface ? [18:38] aLeSD: unity does have a gobject introspection interface, so can be used from python [18:38] trism, nice [18:39] I'd like to create an app that will show the log message on the background [18:39] it's an unity stuff or X ? [18:39] or compiz [18:39] ? [18:40] aLeSD: just the tail of a log on the background? you can actually do that with a transparent terminal (and maybe a bit of compiz to stick it to the background and position it) [18:41] aLeSD: and to remove the decoration from the terminal [18:45] trism, it's my first python app [18:46] trism, is there a applet manager for unity around ? [18:48] aLeSD: not sure what that would be, most extensions to unity would be either indicators (stuff in the top right of the panel) or lens (stuff in the dash), plus there is some stuff to interact with the launcher https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/LauncherAPI#Python_Example [18:49] ok ... next I want to find out a way to remove the panel [18:50] I mean a different concept of panel .. I'd like to have all the space in the desktop [18:50] that's what gnome-shell gives you [18:50] you don't see the launchers unless you hit the super key [18:51] I want the panel on the top desapear [18:51] oh, i see [18:53] mmm ..maybe I'd like the panel to appear when super is pressed [18:54] ok .. however thanks [19:02] Howdy [19:04] hej Hejbop :) [19:05] I couldn't resist [19:07] BluesKaj: nice to see you [19:08] thanks Hejbop , nice to see you as well [19:14] BluesKaj: you were very helpful last time, perhaps you could help me this time too. I upgraded thinking "it is soon october, i guess it is safe to upgrade now" Oh how wrong i was. When using fglrx i get "FATAL: Module fglrx_updates not found." and if i use the free radeon driver i get framebuffer in cli but xorg segfaults [19:18] anything i should do to correct this? [19:19] uhoh , Hejbop , i just found out that radeo/ati/fglrx drivers have limitrd support on 12.10 at the moment. [19:22] this problem is being worked on , but the FGLRX driver won't work right now afaik , thge default radeon driver should though [19:23] Hejbop,^ [19:24] my net died [19:25] BluesKaj: So i can not use X at all at the moment? I have a working fbdev as i can use mplayer and links2 -g [19:25] BluesKaj: Can i downgrade somehow or do i have to reinstall? [19:25] Hejbop, if you remove the fglrx driver you probly need to regenerate your xorg.conf file [19:26] BluesKaj: i know that, but i get segfault when starting X with free radeon driver. [19:26] ok , then it looks as if you have to use the vesa driver if it's available [19:28] VESA +Xorg =pain then i would prefer to stay here in my comfortable cli [19:29] hej , if yo default to the vesa , you probly don't need to fool with xorg [19:29] Hejbop,^ [19:29] the only thing that does not work very well in cli is skype... all other works. [19:30] btw how can i check waht driver i am using right now? [19:31] Hejbop, sudo lshw -C video| grep driver [19:31] i have a rather odd card in my computer, actually it is two. one 6480 and a 6750 hybrid. And it was not supported at all in pre 3.2.10 kernels. [19:31] thank you [19:32] PCI (sysfs) [19:32] is all the info i get === yofel_ is now known as yofel [19:34] glxinfo | grep OpenGL [19:36] do i do not need X for that? [19:36] Error: unable to open display [19:38] oh yeah , ok , forgot' [19:39] well, if X isn't running then how do we know what proc driver is in use === jacob_ is now known as jacob [19:43] hi again [19:43] i kept dropping my network connection in linux for some reason [19:43] now i am using the only windows computer in the building [19:44] dilapitated slow piece of crap with windows 7.. even lags to type. [19:44] must be an old XP machine [19:45] ppl put 7 on them thinking they'll run better , the opposite happens [19:45] no it is an old windows 2k [19:45] machine [19:46] dual 450mhz p2 with 512 mb ram [19:46] 2k was a pretty good OS [19:47] i talked to the admin and he claims i can not use any of the blades to irc. [19:48] yeah , the same thing where I used to work , before I retired [19:52] we used a backdoor thru one of the old dialups that were still in use in our lab , and weren't part of the admin'd network [19:56] dunno if there was such a thing as blade system then though , we just knew irc was blocked on the main company networks [19:57] hejbop,^ [20:08] coll [20:08] l*o [20:08] But what are my options if i want X? [20:08] reinstall? [20:09] and if so, how do i get a list of all apps i have installed at the moment. [20:09] because it takes ages to reinstall all my ncurses apps. [20:09] as well as my grahical apps [20:09] i do not remember them all in my head, thus taking a lot of time [20:09] !clone | hejbop [20:09] hejbop: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate [20:10] aptitude *is* problematic though [20:10] apt-get is fine as well [20:11] i would replicate all my non X programs though. Is there a command for that? [20:11] !vesa [20:11] vesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x [20:11] hejbop: sure but I doubt it has the same switches as aptitude [20:12] i give up, i will do a clean install. [20:13] sad day for humanity [20:13] new topic [20:15] BluesKaj: I have always used no swap partition at all. as my memory always faaar exceeds any usage of mine. Would i gain any performance benefits now that i have an SSD by having a swap partition. [20:16] or would it just tear more at my spanking new ssd [20:16] unlikely. [20:17] I do the same, seldom use swap. [20:19] no swap onb this install , due to 2 OSs with / and /home on both [20:19] on one HDD [20:22] I guess i could use extended/logical instead of primary and setup a swap , but i see no probs yet , and only 3G Ram [20:23] you should still have swap, swap is a good thing, not a bad thing [20:24] for instance, the kernel can determine what page maps need to stay in active memory (for frequent use) and which can be shoved off to the HDD so the real RAM is more available [20:24] tsimpson , swaps are fine , but I have no way to add one without losing my install [20:24] I say "can", I mean "this is what the kernel does" [20:24] BluesKaj: You can put swap in LVM, if you don't want to use it for hibernation [20:25] BluesKaj: use a swap file :) [20:26] yeah , tsimpson , but don't swap files slow things down ? [20:26] I ujse swapspace [20:26] use* [20:26] BluesKaj: swap will only be used when there's memory pressure [20:26] swap in linux is not used unless memory runs out [20:26] BluesKaj: not really, it's no different from a partition [20:26] that is what i am told [20:26] set the swappiness higher if needed as well [20:27] not "runs out", just "becomes under high demand" [20:27] and it will swap out things it no longer needs, but has to keep around [20:28] it's quite smart about it, that's why people recommend ~1.5x your RAM for partitions. the ~1x for when you want to hibernate, and the 0.5x for extra swap space [20:29] tsimpson, does the swap file act similar to the partitiion with page maps etc as you described above ? [20:32] BluesKaj: I mean the kernel uses a file and a partition exactly the same way, the filesystem isn't involved other than initially opening the file [20:33] you create the file at a fixed size first [20:33] 1.5 RAM is kind of a waste for normal machines [20:33] so the kernel just maps it directly into memory [20:33] well, a memory address, not actual memory [20:34] unless you hibernate with 100% ram usage often you seldom are going to use more than a few hundred mb swap that is not a cache [20:34] with a large size of ram, it does become wasteful, but it's just a rule-of-thumb [20:35] a partition has the advantage that is contiginous on the disk which a file might no be [20:36] but in practice that has no effect [20:36] if you start swapping your desktop is dead anyway [20:36] who cares if you have 5mb/s more throughput === chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson [20:40] swapping is not such a bad thing, a little swapping is actually a big performance boost [20:41] yes what I mean with swapping is you are using 100% real ram and the system must resort to swap to not crash [20:41] i never, ever, ever. want to hibernate, suspend or any of the sorts. [20:42] suspend needs no swap [20:42] good point [20:42] Using swapspace I rarely need a swap except for vbox I don't hibernate, this app makes a smooth use of swap http://pqxx.org/development/swapspace/. [20:42] you can do without swap and probably never notice [20:42] but a couple 100mb are recommended [20:43] sized to your content and then removed [20:43] a big problem for me is my awesomewm config. How can i upload it somewhere where i do not need a full javascript browser`? [20:43] you're just giving your system another tool to use for efficiency [20:45] hejbop: ubuntu one [20:45] you should be able to get a direct HTTP link to the file with it [20:45] how do i use that from cli? [20:48] I have no idea, but you need to activate an ubuntu one account first, then get the software installed. it can automatically sync a directory for you, so you just cp/mv things into it and they'll be uploaded to the server [20:49] you'd need to register at https://one.ubuntu.com/ [20:50] does anyone know of a ftp i could upload a single rc.lua file? [20:50] the hassle of creating it negates the benefit of even having X [20:50] tsimpson, ok , swapfile created , altho the tutorial mistakenly uses etc/fstab for the entry, instead of /etc/fstab [20:50] hejbop: I just remembered http://www.drivehq.com/ they offer some free FTP space [20:52] hejbop, google docs ? [20:52] WOW that is the suckiest website design i have ever seen [20:52] i do have a google docs page [20:52] hejbop: you obviously weren't around when geocities was used :) [20:52] or dropbox or even ubuntu one [20:53] but that requires me to have a webbrowser that runs the full javascript * version. All i got is links2 [20:53] hejbop: hes, it's very 90's, but it's a good free service [20:53] jtaylor, there's ablast from the past [20:54] I use it one a couple of servers to automatically upload backups via cron, haven't had an issue with it, so much so that I almost forgot about it [20:54] you could use git and a git hoster [20:54] or any other vcs [20:54] geocities, i had accumulated a playlist with my storage at 1gb on that was awesome [21:01] ah, well Launchpad has free bzr hosting [21:01] the only issue is that, if it is an issue for you, is everything you upload is visible to anyone [21:12] i'm on ubuntu 12.10 and it wont install skype... any work arounds? says package is bad quality === dubac0 is now known as aristotle === aristotle is now known as a715t0t13 [21:16] @ funkyHat [21:17] what says package is bad quality? [21:20] aha , another kernel upgrade [21:21] a715t0t13, install the package using sudo dpkg -i from a console [22:48] Hello there I was wondering if you all are having the same issues that I am having ? My issues are as followed the application lens is not working alt+tab is not working , alt+~ is not working, The launcher is not working, this is what I mean the launcher can launch things but after it launchs things it does not know that things are launched meaning that when I Min a window it is gone forever and there is no way that I can get it back [23:11] all right so I have 100% removed all ppa's and also removed and purged unity and compiz and all there dependents then re-installed everything to make sure that it is from the main repo tried to unity --replace not good I am going to try to reboot