
jrwreni think that was the most activity i've seen in months.00:20
jbichajrwren: yeah, I guess it takes an impending freeze to bring us to life00:21
jrwreni figured, which is why i've been idling for months00:23
jbichajrwren: oh, you have pending ubuntu-server merge proposals00:24
jbichaI wonder where pmatulis has been as he was basically heading up ubuntu-server docs for precise00:26
jrwreni had a pull request submitted, yes.00:27
jrwreni don't know if it was welcome or not00:27
jbichaI wish you had explicitly pinged us again on chat or on the mailing list00:27
jbichaI get too much automated LP email to see everything00:27
jbichayeah, merge requests are very welcome!00:27
jrwreni might have pinged once months ago.00:28
jbichabecause we're understaffed and busy, you may need to ping us multiple times until you get a reply00:28
jrwreni wrote a wordpress section for ubuntu-server-guide web applications section. is that welcome?00:28
jrwrenunderstood, i just don't want to nag00:28
jbichaWordPress is a bit tricky as I don't know if we actually recommend using the wordpress package to run a production site00:30
jbichabut on the other hand, I don't know if we want to specifically discourage that either00:30
jbichathere's also the juju charm way of deploying wordpress, but that requires the web admin to have access to a cloud (I don't)00:31
jrwreni really like the server guide and i felt like there was good need for such a guide.00:32
jrwrenyeah, i was aware of hte juju way, but that is, like you say, something a little different.00:32
jrwreni just felt the web apps section of the server guide was lacking so I wanted to add something00:32
jbichawhy don't you try asking pmatulis or the ubuntu-server mailing list to review the WordPress section00:33
jbichaat this point, it's running awfully close to Documentation Freeze so it might have to wait for 13.0400:33
jrwrenoh yeah, i also fixed some typos and some incorrect postgresql stuff still referencing 8.4 instead of 9.100:35
jbichaI'll go ahead and merge your other work though, thanks again!00:36
jrwrenno prob, yw, glad to have helped.00:36
jbichaI also don't know who's lurking in the chat room00:44
jbichaI mean, what's the difference between shaunm and shaunm_ ?00:44
shaunmjbicha: two computers01:25
shaunmI don't have separate nicks set up, so whichever is on first is shaunm. and usually that's my desktop computer.01:26
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
jbichamattprice: hi16:06
mattpricejbicha: hi16:07
jbichaum, so about bug 104959316:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 1049593 in unity "[FFE][UIFE]Dash - Finesse the placement, movement and behaviour of the 12.10 Dash " [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104959316:08
jbichaI'm having a hard time even triaging what that huge list of changes is, and I'd expect the Release Team to have the same difficulties16:08
jbichaas far as text content goes in ubuntu-docs we need to freeze by tomorrow unless the Release Team would postpone the freeze16:11
jbichascreenshots won't be quite complete (for instance, bug 1001229 broke the power indicator style but that will be fixed soonish)16:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 1001229 in ubuntu-mono "wrong icon for the power indicator after last 12.04 update" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100122916:12
jbichaour docs are in lp:ubuntu-docs and use the Mallard format16:15
jbichahttp://projectmallard.org/ has a tutorial & specification; there's some 1-page cheat sheets at https://gitorious.org/projectmallard/mallard-cheat-sheets16:16
jbichaI have a script in the bzr branch to help automate screenshots but it wasn't working 100% yet16:17
jbichaI'm not sure that JohnLea understands the effects of breaking the UI Freeze so dramatically is16:19
jbichait discourages the Docs Team from working on docs until the last minute since things will change anyway16:20
jbichamdke_ mentioned the tight schedule in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2012-May/016697.html16:21
jbichaand I believe it is related to the fact that we have almost no translated screenshots in ubuntu-docs16:22
jbichaon the other hand, as long as the script works, re-doing the screenshots and even translating them isn't too hard...16:25
jbichamattprice: do you have any thoughts?16:26
mattpricejbicha: this is a tough one for me as I haven't worked on Ubuntu documentation before. I've offered to help where I can, but I've got a lot of catching up to do, just to understand the issues.16:29
mattpricejbicha: Where do you suggest I start? Do you have work you'd like me to amend/add to or are you looking for someone to originate docs?16:30
mattpricejbicha: I certainly don't want to obstruct anything (quite the opposite) but I need to be clear about what you need me to contribute or I could end up wasting your time.16:30
jbichaI think I'm going to -1 the UIFE request16:31
mattpricejbicha: okay - but do get in touch if there's anything you think I can help with. As long as I'm clear about what's required, I'll make the time to help speed things along.16:32
jbichamattprice: sure, thanks; if you have extra time and want to learn ubuntu-docs, please ping again when we don't have so many imminent deadlines16:34
mattpricejbicha: will do :)16:35
trijntjeHi all, is this the correct template for the ubuntu documentation in Quantal?18:35
trijntjebecause it seems like it hasn't changed since precise18:36
jbichatrijntje: we generally don't post the translation template for the new release until DocumentationStringFreeze18:40
knomemdke_, i'm around and ready whenever you are :)18:40
trijntjejbicha: I see. I'd probably be fine to do so, most programs open their template before freeze, it gives translators more time to do their job if they want to take the risk18:42
jbichaknome: oh, another meeting?18:42
trijntjeunless there are a lot of rewrites ofcourse. But does that mean the template will be updated tomorrow?18:42
jbichatrijntje: could you ask your question about posting the template earlier to the -doc & -translators list?18:43
jbichamdke_ basically handles that & he may have reasons for delaying the template like we usually do18:44
knomejbicha, nah, he just promised to review the xubuntu docs and i promised to be around :)18:44
jbichawe are talking about pushing DocumentationFreeze back until Tuesday but once it's frozen, translations will open18:44
knomehmm, specific reason?18:45
jbichaknome: Design really wants bug 1049593 approved18:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 1049593 in unity "[FFE][UIFE]Dash - Finesse the placement, movement and behaviour of the 12.10 Dash " [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104959318:47
* knome tries to keep calm18:47
knomei thought the freezes are there to be followed, not moved around if you don't make it (:18:48
jbichaand there are so many things landing today/tomorrow I don't think I could have finished the screenshots tonight anyway18:49
trijntjejbicha: thanks. I'm not sure if opening them earlier would be better. I'll start a discussion on both lists if the amount of new strings is a big shock ;)18:49
jbichatrijntje: you do translations online on LP, right?18:50
mdke_trijntje: the translations for ubuntu-docs are done on the upstream project and not on the ubuntu package19:00
mdke_trijntje: the docs have not changed much since precise except for a big load of changes over the last few days, so opening translations earlier would not have worked for us really19:01
mdke_trijntje: but any work done on the strings that have remained will be used19:01
mdke_knome: hiya19:01
trijntjemdke_: where should I translate the docs? For precise we completed the translations on launchpad, and the docs are installed on my system19:02
knomemdke_, hey :)19:02
trijntje*translated on my system19:02
mdke_trijntje: always here: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docs19:02
mdke_we'll sync translations done on the ubuntu package location too though19:03
trijntjemdke_: looks like that template shares translations with the quantal template, so both should be fine19:03
mdke_trijntje: we haven't set up the quantal template yet for ubuntu-docs, but when we do, it will share translations with the link you posted earlier19:05
mdke_jbicha: design should really learn to respect the freezes. There seems to be a basic assumption that freeze exceptions will always get waved through19:06
knomei totally agree with mdke.19:14
mdke_knome: working on xubuntu-docs at the moment btw. (Not just whinging.)19:16
knomemdke_, great! :)19:16
mdke_I have actually ended up restructuring the doc so that all the files are in one directory, I don't think the directory structure would have worked for translating the index as things were19:17
knomeaha :)19:17
knomeworksforme, as long as it works ;)19:17
mdke_knome: did you work on the html output too when working on the branch?19:22
knomemdke_, what do you mean by that? i built the docs and looked they looked fine, but i didn't manually touch them19:23
mdke_in terms of the css and so on19:23
knomeyeah, i revamped the whole css.19:24
* knome is essentially a webdesigner/graphic artist19:25
mdke_just trying to figure out how I've mucked it up19:26
mdke_but now i see it19:26
mdke_knome: lovely job on the look19:29
knomemdke_, thanks :)19:30
mdke_knome: is xubuntu also using the startpage from this package as well as the desktop guide?19:33
knomemdke_, yup, that should be uploaded already though19:33
mdke_knome: ok. Is it ok to change the path slightly where the desktop-guide is being installed? So now under my package it would be: /usr/share/xubuntu-docs/C/index.html19:41
knomemdke_, ummh.. if you can cooperate with mr_pouit to get our launcher in the menu fixed19:42
mdke_where does it currently point?19:42
knomewell, the startpage actually19:42
knomedocs are at: file:///usr/share/xubuntu-docs/index.html19:43
jbichachanging where the launcher points should be easy19:43
mdke_what happens in other languages?19:43
knomemdke_, i've no idea.19:43
knomejbicha, yes it's trivial, but needs to get done :)19:43
mdke_my concern would be how will users view the translated docs19:44
jbichawe can push it at the same time as the xubuntu-docs upload19:44
knomemdke_, mine too, if you have that concern :)19:44
mdke_I would like to change the path so that other translations can be included at /usr/share/xubuntu-docs/fr/index.html19:44
mdke_but then again, if the browser will not change the path depending on the language, there is not a lot of point in doing that19:44
knomemdke_, if you want, i can install quantal in vbox a bit later today and try with another lang19:45
jbichaknome: see, that's why we need to get you using yelp for 13.04; translations should *just work*19:45
mdke_is there someone we can ask about what behaviour the browser would have/19:46
mdke_rather than go through the effort of installing a vbox19:46
knomemdke_, i don't think so19:46
knomemdke_, i can always report a test to the ISO tracker when i do that :)19:46
jbichaI think trying to get the browser to auto-detect the language and use a translated local copy is a bit complex19:47
mdke_we used to do it with epiphany for the Ubuntu browser startpage19:48
mdke_but I agree, it's likely to be out of reach for this cycle19:48
jbichait mostly works on help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/ but that's because apache2 is running & handling that19:48
knomemdke_, well, i can ask if somebody has a non-enlish xubuntu Q19:48
mdke_we may just have to bite the bullet for this cycle and use the old path19:48
mdke_on the basis that having one language is a lot better than no languages19:48
mdke_and then see if we can figure out something for translations in the next few days19:48
knomesounds good.19:49
mdke_I will probably change the link to the docs from /usr/share/xubuntu-docs/index.html to /usr/share/xubuntu-docs/desktop-guide/index.html for coherence19:49
mdke_that should be fine because the browser startpage can be updated in the same upload19:50
mdke_so that the link is corrected19:50
knomeyup, good :)19:50
jbichayou could have separate binaries for the different languages with their own launchers, ie xubuntu-docs-fr19:50
jbichado you have a launcher on the panel by default or just in the menus?19:50
knomejbicha, just the menu19:51
knomei believe...19:51
mdke_knome: can you try this out for me? http://www.mdke.org/tmp/xubuntu-docs_12.10.1_all.deb19:59
mdke_seems fine to me but I don't use xubuntu19:59
knomemdke_, let me boot up my quantal vbox in a moment20:00
knomeconfirmed; there's no translation for precise docs20:00
mdke_jbicha: after knome has checked it out, please can you upload the package from lp:xubuntu-docs?20:01
jbichamdke_: yes20:01
mdke_jbicha: thanks a lot20:02
mdke_knome: in due course, perhaps you can have a word with whoever maintains the browser/launcher about whether they have any ideas for allowing translated documentation to be viewed automatically. Then we'll see what changes are needed to xubuntu-docs20:03
jbichaknome: do you know off-hand what source package provides that launcher?20:04
mdke_jbicha: on an unrelated topic, you should be able to run "make pot" as shorthand to update the translation template.20:04
mdke_(for ubuntu-docs)20:04
knomejbicha, nope20:05
mdke_what's the browser?20:05
=== mdke_ is now known as mdke
jbichamdke_: oh, it's magic then?20:05
mdkeif you have done ./autogen.sh at some point in your tree20:06
mdkeit will only work if you have touched the page files more recently than the pot file20:07
mdkeotherwise it will say "nothing to do" or similar20:07
jbichaknome: ah, it's xubuntu-default-settings20:10
knomemdke, "The package is of bad quality"20:17
knomemdke, but there is no actual output on it20:17
knomemdke, do you want me to "ignore and install" ?20:17
jbichalol, that's not very nice of XFCE to criticize our packaging!20:18
knomeit was actually *UBUNTU* software center who did that..20:19
jbichaoh really?20:20
jbichaknome: I don't think the launcher link needs to be updated, it points to file:///usr/share/xubuntu-docs/about/xubuntu-index.html which I believe is correct20:21
knomemdke, hmm...20:26
knomemdke, note that there are relative links to images in the docs20:26
knomemdke, so now that you moved the docs to desktop-guide/, the relative links do not work anymore20:26
knomemdke, you should be able to edit the paths from xubuntu.ent in lib/20:27
knomemdke, just replace "common/" with "../common/"20:27
knomemdke, lines 63, 64, 67 and 7720:28
knomemdke, anyway, installed the package with gedi and it looks fine.20:29
knomenow you (too) know my test-vbox sudo pass :P20:29
mdkeknome: ok, xubuntu.ent is the only file I didn't update the links in, I think21:12
mdkejbicha: that change is pushed to the branch, so if you are able to upload, that would be great21:13
mdkewhat's all this about bad quality? Is that because it is a deb rather than in a repo?21:13
jbichamdke: knome: uploaded https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-docs/12.10.121:14
mdkejbicha: you won't have that fix then I guess21:15
mdkeah, you did it21:16
jbichaI didn't know if you were done for the night or not21:16
jbichaI didn't get that bad quality warning even when I tried using Software Center to open the .deb21:16
mdkealright, perhaps I am done for the night then :)21:17
jbichaI did fix a lintian error though21:17
mdkethanks, I'm not good at that21:17
jbichait wasn't your fault, just a left-over maintainer script; instead of fixing it I just dropped it21:18
jbichaoh, we should probably do whatever that magic is to get universe packages translatable in LP21:20
mdkenot needed, I don't think - we would just use the xubuntu-docs project21:20
mdkebut there is not a lot of point unless we know that the translations can be used by the browser21:21
skaetjbicha,  I've moved the DocsStringFreeze on the main ReleaseSchedule pages to 9/25.   Do you want me to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/ReleaseSchedule ?21:37
skaet(its still got precise dates in it),   also any other place that needs updating?21:38
jbichaif you like, I obviously haven't been using that page since precise21:38
jbichaI think the only other place is an email to -doc, -translators, and -release21:39
skaetemail in composition.21:43
knomejbicha, mdke: THANKS!21:43
knomehmm, somebody familiar with the launchpad doc teams?22:17
knomewhat's the need for https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-doc ?22:17
knomedoes people on that team get some access to stuff, since it's a subteam of ~ubuntu-doc?22:18
jbichano, ubuntu-core-doc has commit access, I don't think ~xubuntu-doc has any extra privileges22:20
knomeok, it's okay to approve people to the team as we see fit?22:25
jbichait's probably equivalent to ~ubuntu-doc-contributors but focused on xubuntu22:26
jbichayou could make the team open if you wanted, or keep it moderated22:27
knomejbicha, ok, thanks for the insight22:28
knomehmm, could we simply remove the team?22:30

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