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=== zz_chihchun is now known as chihchun
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bobweavertgm4883,  Just a headds up but like always unity has changed again and your scpe no longer works at all18:49
tgm4883what changed now?18:49
bobweaverwho knows lol18:50
bobweavermaybe david18:50
bobweaverbut here is what is going on18:50
bobweavergo to the lens and under search  enter in name that you know is in myth lib. brings back nothing. Go to the filter and mythmovies and mythshows are still there18:51
bobweaverbut When selecting them nothing shows up in the dash18:51
tgm4883probably worth testing if we're getting valid data18:52
bobweaverwas working great untill 2 days ago. It could  be that I am using the stagging ppa and not stock18:52
tgm4883bobweaver, which is easy to test with the way I built this18:52
bobweaverrestart the scope and then look for what the 456 is going on ?18:53
tgm4883run mythtvapi.py18:53
tgm4883it does a search for "house"18:53
tgm4883so we might want to change house to something you know you have18:53
bobweaverbrought back everything that is in the lib18:54
bobweaverwell not everything but a lot18:54
tgm4883so then it is returning data properly, and something did change and break it :/18:54
bobweaverthis is what I get when running ./usr/lib/unity-scope-mythtv/mythtvapi.py       http://paste.ubuntu.com/1215386/18:55
tgm4883bobweaver, yep, that is what I would expect to see18:56
bobweaverthat is what I figured it is the lens18:56
bobweavermore of that "unification "18:56
bobweaverGet this also. Unity will not get back things anymore that are privoxyed18:58
bobweaveror at least for me that is the case18:58
bobweaverLike my the tvdb api that I wrote no longer works18:59
bobweaverwell brings back text but the privoxy says no images18:59
tgm4883IDK, that looks like privoxy is blocking something19:00
bobweaverthat is what I am saying19:00
tgm4883not that I have any experience with privoxy19:00
bobweavernot good at all19:01
bobweaverthat is why my hulu lens is not working either19:01
bobweaverdosent allow for anonumous connection's19:01
bobweaverso I guess I will scrape19:01
bobweaveror wait till UDS and figure out what the heck is going on here19:02
bobweaverI like option 219:02
bobweaverOk I think that I may have found the troubles. It is the lens 100% not only is it your scope that it can not read it is also the remote video scope. It is totem thumnailer that is messing some stuff up that I can see19:09
bobweaveralso net.whatever has been depreciated  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1215413/   << as you can see19:13
bobweaverI am going to try and change the dbus path too org.launchpad.scope.mythtv19:14
bobweaverand not net.launchpad.scope.mythtv19:15
bobweaverOk changed brb re-starting unity19:18
bobweaverwell that is also strange changed it to *org*  and am still getting back the same error19:24
bobweaveralso all other 3rd party lens are not working19:24
bobweavermeaning no cooking no hulu  no well anything that is 3rd party19:24
bobweavertalk about "unification "19:25
tgm4883bobweaver, I'm sure it is something we can fix. It wouldn't make sense to lock out 3rd party lenses/scopes19:27
bobweaverNo it would not you are correct19:27
bobweaverI am going to try to purge and reinstall or build from scratch (which the code changes ever 4 hours so there is no why to program anything new )19:28
bobweaverbecause in 4 hours your work is garbage19:28
bobweaverjust like most things there is like 12 people that hold all the cards19:28
tgm4883bobweaver, admittedly, you're running the staging PPA, which by definition is there in case things break19:31
tgm4883it's possible breaking it was an accident and will be fixed19:31
bobweaverIt is just frustrating that is all. a good example would be I took like 20 hours and dedicated them to making sure that the Unity framework would match the old Ubuntu TV and the next day I go to push and the flippen Unity code is different so My code will not work19:44
bobweaverlike adding simplelauncher renderhorizanalcoverflow  ect19:44
bobweaverand the next day there was no room for it as the code had changed so much that mine would not even work19:45
bobweaverunification in its primal state I guess19:45
bobweaver /rant19:46
bobweaverbut so it is needless to say that I wasted 20 hours of straight up programming in C++19:47

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