
widoxrick_h__: what wrist rest do you have? is it a smaller tenkeyless one?02:17
snap-ljcastro: Dude, you have to get this tour on DVD / Bluray03:34
rick_h_widox: kind of. I use a generic 3m gel wrist wrest from compusa or something10:31
rick_h_widox: it's a bit thinner than the ones from elitekeyboards and I've had it a long time so thinking of getting an elitekeyboard one to try sometime10:32
_stink_in case anyone who cares is in here but hasn't seen the news on Farcebook... we had another son on 9/17. Henry Thomas Lincoln. All are healthy. And i'm relearning to type one handed.10:49
brouschGo _stink_!10:50
rick_h__stink_: dude! wtf didn't hear a thing10:57
rick_h__stink_: congrats!10:57
rick_h_sons rule! lol10:58
brouschdaughters drool!11:07
snap-lGood morning11:40
snap-l_stink_: Man, you kept that under wraps pretty well11:41
rick_h_snap-l: how was the show?11:45
snap-lIt was awesome.11:45
snap-lThey did a heavy chunk of their more synth-based albums (Signals, Power Windows, Grace Under Pressure)11:46
snap-lAnd then played a good part of Clockwork Angels with an 8-piece string orchestra11:46
snap-lafterward, they played more of the "stringy" stuff11:46
snap-llike Red Sector A11:46
snap-lThen they ripped into YYZ, said "Farewell to strings" and  finshed off the night with more of their trio stuff (Working Man, Tom Sawyer, heavier selections of 2112)11:48
snap-lAnd JoDee managed to get some uber fan next to her who sang during the whole show, and spilled a little beer11:49
snap-lon her11:49
rick_h_ugh, I hate that11:49
rick_h_I think that's when I'll go to a concert again...when they ban beer11:49
snap-lYeah, and next time we're not getting main floor, because most folks at the concert were 6' 1"11:50
snap-lso JoDee could barely see.11:50
rick_h_and productivity drops as people spend all day panning around xkcd11:54
rick_h_whoa, bigger than I thought http://www.comicmix.com/webcomics-you-should-be-reading/2012/09/19/xkcd-click-and-drag-the-biggest-comic-ever/11:57
brouschI went for like 5 minutes and it was still going12:03
brousch"Yes, there are people who have started stitching the full image together, but we’d like to warn you that the full image is not safe for work. Not that there are any naughty bits, but the full-size image is so large it will crash most computers if you try to open it."12:04
rick_h_yea, I found a stitched low-res image12:04
rick_h_I knew there were bits below but coudln't find them12:05
brouschI found a cthulu12:09
snap-lI tried to cheat and do a save as.12:13
rick_h_woot http://edc.srvs.us/1110/ is one image that works for me12:14
rick_h_though chrome is ramping up the RAM usage on me12:14
brouschsnap-l: You can't handle the terapixels!12:17
rick_h_the problem is it's a ton of images loaded via ajax so you can't just save as12:17
brouschSure you can. Just download them all and stitch them together12:18
brouschGo on. I'll wait12:18
rick_h_wow...just went over the total image from the left corner and made it back to the center image. All in one row, not up/down. Took 5min. Just the west line12:20
rick_h_http://xkcd-map.rent-a-geek.de/ cool ui around it12:37
brouschdidn't this just come out today?12:43
rick_h_like I said...pruductivity drop12:44
rick_h_productivity ugh12:44
widoxrick_h_: was looking at that one, filco also makes one. both kinda pricey though13:11
rick_h_widox: yea, I think I've got something like this http://goo.gl/RrxTo13:12
rick_h_or maybe even this one http://www.amazon.com/3M-Leatherette-Antimicrobial-Protection-WR309LE/dp/B000X4WCJU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1348060325&sr=8-1&keywords=3m+gel+wrist+rest13:12
rick_h_though I wouldn't call it 'leatherette'13:12
rick_h_widox: but yea, the elitekeyboard ones are pricey, but since I tend to use it all the time and this 3m one lasted years and year I figure it'd be worth it long term13:13
rick_h_widox: did you end up getting a keyboard?13:14
snap-lWarm.... leatherette13:17
rick_h_come see me when that rsi hits13:20
brouschI avoid it by typing with 4 fingers13:21
brouschOne time I tried proper typing, and my wrists hurt within 2 days13:21
brouschAlso, I go back and forth from keyboard to mouse a lot13:22
brouschInefficient, I know13:24
brouschWell, actually not mouse, but nipple and trackpad13:24
widoxrick_h_: I was going to buy a Filco with brown switches. but out of stock :(13:24
rick_h_brousch: so you type full time on the laptop keyboard?!13:24
* rick_h_ runs13:24
rick_h_man, I can only do that for a couple of days. Worst thing about pycon is living on the laptop for afull week13:25
brouschWith a total of 3 -5 fingers13:25
widoxthere's one place that has them, but its overseas and the shipping + foreign charge doesn't entice me13:25
rick_h_widox: yea, I'm not that nutty for those guys that get them from asia and replace keycaps/etc13:26
widoxI may just go leopold. getting kinda antsy13:26
rick_h_widox: sell you one :)13:26
widoxrick_h_: hmm. I might be interested13:28
widoxhave you tried the black/red switches at all?13:28
rick_h_widox: no, not tried them. They seem far off what I want13:31
widoxthe blacks take even stiffer. curious what that's like13:32
widoxbut, no clicky13:32
rick_h_I worry it feeling mushy without the feedback13:33
_stink_rick_h_ snap-l  brousch: thanks folks!14:21
rick_h__stink_: now you'll never get to a CHC :P14:22
_stink_rick_h_: tell me about it14:22
_stink_not like i was coming much anyway :P14:23
snap-lYeah, but you'll be even less likely.14:23
jcastrosnap-l, man that looks excellent14:30
jcastroI was "that guy" at the Roger Waters concert, singing along really loud14:30
jcastrosounds like the set list is my favorite kind of Rush too14:30
snap-lyeah, though we got the "Night B" list14:38
snap-lApparently they're playing Manhattan Project and The Body Electric as well14:38
brousch_stink_: http://ow.ly/i/WKyQ15:22
rick_h_wheee, more patent bombs flying around http://goo.gl/fXC8P17:00
rick_h_they're not asking for much are they?17:00
greg-gDid you ever watch Patent Absurdity?17:05
greg-gbuddy and ex-CCer Chris Webber created some of the graphics for it, the one depicting SWPAT Nuclear War was great17:05
greg-gthis is that17:05
rick_h_no, haven't seen that17:12
rick_h_but yea, sure seems like things are getting more and more escalated17:12
snap-lmetalinjection.fm is playing pirate metal17:42
snap-lso if your yard-arm swings that way, give it a listen.17:42
PainBankwhat is the git command to show what files are part of a commit?19:49
PainBankgit log .... with what else?19:49
jrwrendon't recall, but git help log has teh anser19:57
rick_h_git status20:02
rick_h_PainBank: oh, of a already happened commit?20:02
rick_h_PainBank: git log --stat20:03
rick_h_see git log --help20:03
rick_h_PainBank: and some .gitconfig goodness http://paste.mitechie.com/show/798/20:03
rick_h_so git lf is how I see which files20:03
PainBankrick_h_ so your .tigconfig add some shortucts  cool.20:14
snap-lI feel like I'm playing Civilization when I type: from __future__ import division20:15
snap-llike it's one of the technoligies my civilization hasn't discovered yet.20:15
rick_h_droidPainBank yea shortcuts ftw20:15
brouschIt never fails. No matter how many communication channels I use to announce a meeting, someone has to ask me individually20:51
devinheitmuellerbrousch: when is the meeting again?20:53
snap-lbrousch: There's a meeting?20:53
brouschHm, I'm usually the one trolling, safe on my side of the state20:54
brouschYou bastards20:54
snap-lYou're welcome. :)20:54
brouschOK, /r/Django is a bunch of humorless asshats http://www.reddit.com/r/django/comments/105iim/obviously_ive_been_watching_way_too_many/20:54
jrwrenits not a humor reddit.20:55
snap-lThis is a surprise?20:55
jrwreni was going to downvote, but saw it was you, so I didn't.20:56
brouschI rest my case20:56
brouschEvery Reddit is a humor Reddit20:59
brouschHell, I could barely figure out how to post it because the whole site is in pirate today21:02
PainBankwhat meeting is this?21:28
greg-gheh, my tor relay (non-exit) was connected to this computer: dco-loaner.eecs.umich.edu21:45
greg-gwhich appears to be a loaner laptop dns name, but it serves up an ssl from telex.cc21:46
snap-lPragmatic Programmer is now a DRM-free ebook from PragProg22:22

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