
=== astraljava1 is now known as astraljava
dz0nyhi ist possible to have to pulseaudi-jack sinks or sources under jack14:01
dz0nyis it*14:02
len-dtdz0ny, yes, ubuntustudio comes with that set up by default.14:19
len-dtWhen starting jack with qjackctl, you should find that it shows pulse ports already connected14:20
MaynardWatersis there an easy install for studio over vinilla for 12.04?  I know there was one for 11.0414:23
len-dtMaynardWaters, how much of studio do you want? That is do you want the DE as well or just the apps?14:24
dz0nylen-dt: yes i know that but there is limitation an you can only start one such bridge14:24
dz0nyi would need two14:25
len-dtHow so?14:25
len-dtWhat are you trying to do?14:25
dz0nyi need it to connect skype to virtual device and exclude everthing ele from that14:25
dz0nyak virtual audi input and output for skype14:25
len-dtOk, so you wish to use a jack io for skype, what is the second bridge for?14:26
len-dtJack can only deal with one device at a time anyway14:27
dz0nysecond is other apps chrome etc14:28
len-dtdz0ny, but they are going to the same audio device?14:28
dz0nyi dont want to mix other sounds from computer to skype, for example14:29
dz0nyno, you can bypass that14:29
len-dtOk, I am getting that you have one output device? And while it is ok for audio from skype and other things to go there you do not want audio from pulse to go to skype? or am I missing something?14:30
len-dtpulse can output directly to one device and send other things to jack.14:31
len-dtbut jack is a one device deal14:31
* len-dt is not very good at visualizing this.14:32
dz0nylen-dt: /home/dz0ny/Dropbox/Public/studio.png14:34
dz0nysorry this one is right http://dl.dropbox.com/u/302704/studio.png14:34
dz0nybasicly i would need another pulse audio sink and source, which would be virtual14:36
dz0nyproblem is with skype, because it only supports pulse14:37
holsteini wouldnt use skype and JACK14:37
holsteinis this for podcasting?14:37
holsteini was using the pulse-jack bridge falk made for KXstudio, but that was before all the new stuff in 11.10/12.0414:38
holsteindz0ny: ^^14:38
holsteinwe were using mumble instead of skype14:39
dz0nyno, radio station14:39
holsteini used darkice to stream from JACK to an icecast server14:39
dz0nybasicly everthing works, the onlyl problem is with separtion of other "sources"14:40
holsteinim not following... you want to be using skype in the background while streaming to a radio station with JACK?14:44
holsteinmaybe you dont need JACK at all.. maybe just an app that will stream to the radio station from pulse14:44
len-dtdz0ny, so it sounds like what you want to do is all in pulse. You want to take the lines from pulse to jack and make them into two devices. instead of having surround. So skype would be channel 1&2 and other stuff would be channel 3&4.14:45
len-dtIt looks like the only separation needs to be on the pulse outputs.14:45
dz0nythat would be one solution but skype dosn't support this it will by default route to first two channels14:47
len-dtdz0ny, Ya, so would everything else.14:47
len-dtThere would have to be some monkeying with pulse for that.14:48
holsteinyou cant seperate that out in pavucontrol?14:48
len-dtholstein, not really.14:48
len-dtthe multichannel stuff in pulse defaults to surround. Not channels.14:49
len-dtdz0ny, if you hand start the modules... that is pulse starts after jack, then it looks like it should be possible to have more than one instance of jack sink.14:50
len-dthas the commandline options for the sink14:52
len-dtuse two different sink names, make channel map 2 and connect 014:53
len-dtdo not load module-jackdbus-detect.14:54
dz0ny:) there is another problem you can only have one module-jack-sink loaded14:54
len-dtdz0ny, have you tried?14:54
holsteinalso, the pulse-jack thing that falk made for KX14:54
* len-dt hasn't and so doesn't know14:54
dz0nyalso http://www.digipedia.pl/usenet/thread/11149/13880/14:55
holsteinwhats the overall goal?14:56
holsteinto have a stream running in the background?14:56
holsteinmaybe you can do the streaming with a JACK app, and even use the dummy driver just to support the stream14:56
dz0nyyes and to be able mix two different source from pulse14:56
holsteinhave pulse running on the card, seperately14:56
holsteinwhat sources? and why? and when?14:57
holsteinif you get JACK sources, you can mix them easily14:57
holsteinif you use falks package, you can route them to jack mixer or whatever14:57
len-dtdz0ny, the other pulse sources... is there any way you can get them to go direct to jack?14:58
dz0nytrue, but you currently you can only have one pulse audio sink or source14:58
holsteinnot sure how seperated that is.. you can always do it more "analog".. route into a multi channel interface from another machine, or from the output of the interna soundcard14:58
dz0nylen-dt: no14:58
holsteindz0ny: you can have multilple JACK sources, easily14:59
holsteincan you find JACK apps that stream? and work for your needs? what are your needs?14:59
holsteini feel like we know that pulse is going to show up as one "thing" in JACK14:59
holsteinand you cant get more than one14:59
dz0nyi will try to compile custom pulse module and see from there14:59
holsteinso, what elst constructive can we come up with?14:59
dz0nyi know jack supports many many sources ans outputs thats not the issue15:00
holsteinright.. can we just find you some JACK apps that do what you need?15:01
holsteincan you just mix the sources in on a mutilchannel interface?15:01
len-dtdz0ny, the other possibility holstein was mentioning was to have one of your pulse sources go to the internal card out and have a line that then goes back into your muticard that jack can deal with.15:02
holsteini used to do that with pulse and skype.. just a cable from another computer15:02
len-dtHowever, with only two inputs that may be difficult.15:02
holsteinyup... i got 10, and lots of computers :)15:03
len-dtdz0ny, the pulse patch seems to be the nicest solution.15:06
len-dtdz0ny, the other thing to try would be to get the pulse "side" channels to be the same as "front". That is direct out and not processed. Then turn the level of the source down in front channels (up in side) on one app and and vise versa in the other.15:14
len-dtpulse mapping might be able to help15:14
n2diyThe website says the DVD image is ~2gigs, how muck hard drive space does the installation require?15:46
MaynardWaterslen-dt: I would want all the programs.... is the "DE" the user interface?16:01
holsteinn2diy: i would want 6 or 8 gb's16:29
holsteinnot much in ubuntustudio can be used without some hard drive space.. making digital media takes up space16:29
n2diyholstein, ok, thanks.16:30
holsteini did install it on a 4gb's stick though... you can always just install lubuntu or minimal ubuntu and add what you want from the packages ubuntustudio provides, which are in the normal repos and available to all ubuntu's16:30
holsteinfor example, if you only need/want JACK and ardour, just install those and not the meta package ubuntustudio-audio16:31
MaynardWatersholstein: I have US installed on an 8 gig stick and it works great17:03
holsteinMaynardWaters: yup.. 8gb's should be plently.. but the files will add up17:03
holsteinany video... my audio sessions are routinely over 8gb's17:03
MaynardWatersholstein: sounds exactly like my experiences.  I have tried the stick on about 5 harddrives, and only on one old dell the wireless didnt work immediately,  pretty awesome.19:25
MonkeyDusta friend of mine is a musician and he asked me to help promote his recordings - is this the right place?22:05
holsteinMaynardWaters: as a musician, i would say your friend is asking for help with 'promotion' and 'publicity'22:46
holsteinyou are more than welcome to link to the music here, or send if to the ubuntu news team if you think ts appropirate ubuntu news22:47
holsteinmore likely, you'll want to talk about it in places where folks read for reviews22:47
holsteinthe facebooks and twitters... reddit22:47
holsteinwhatever else22:47

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