
fullermdbzr ci foo.c bar.pl baz.pl quux.sgml [...]00:04
fullermdbjp: Not via the UI, I don't think.  And it may not be specifiable as a range period, since there may not be a unique starting point.00:07
bignosehow can I view the log entries which affected a file that is now deleted or moved, when I don't know when that was?00:15
bignose‘bzr log foofile’ just gives “bzr: ERROR: Path unknown at end or start of revision range: foofile”.00:15
fullermdThink you gotta find the last rev that has the file first, then use that as the end.00:17
lifelessyou could use bzr search foofile to find the file in your inventory /somewhere, then bzr log -r ..lastrev foofile00:17
lifelessor bzr log -v and grep/search for foofile.00:17
bignosebzr: ERROR: No matches were found for the search [u'foofile'].00:18
bignoseI remember this being asked a while ago but can't find it.00:19
lifelessI may not have finished my path indexing spike. I thought i had :(00:20
bjpfullermd: really?  theres a before: seems like there should be an after: :)00:31
fullermdWell, for one thing, ancestry is like a single-linked list, so finding the after: revs would mean shuffling through the whole repo, rather than just reading an id.00:43
fullermdBut there can be multiple revs in after: none of which are related to each other, so which would you pick to start from?00:43
fullermd(well, end with, more accurately...)00:46
bjpwell, what does -rtag:sometag.. show for its second tag?00:47
bjpstarts at sometag and goes to the end right?00:47
fullermdRoughly speaking, but close enough, yes.00:48
bjpand i'm using it with bzr log00:49
bjpso i would figure -rafter:tag:sometag.. would show all the same revs except the first one with the tag? :)00:49
bjpi'm using it to print all the changes/commits since it was last tagged00:50
fullermdBut that leaves you with a range with no unique start [end].  How to display that without misimplication isn't quite as easy as it sounds.00:50
fullermd(in the general case, which is what the tool has to look at)00:50
fullermdIt's not an insurmountable issue, but it's more complicated than you'd think at a glance, and nobody has put in the time to answer all the ambiguities and figure out a good display and whatnot.00:51
bjpso is there a better way to "show the log changes since sometag"? or is the easiest way to just "bzr log -rtag:sometag.." and just ignore the first entry00:51
fullermd's probably the best.  More accurately, figure out which rev tag:sometag is, and ignore that one.00:52
fullermd(you definitely don't want to ignore the _first_, since that's the head; lists backward, remember  ;)00:52
bjpi'm parsing it all in python and spitting it out in wiki syntax anyway, so its not hard to add00:54
bjpi just thought there was a builtin way of doing it that i was missing00:54
* fullermd nods.00:54
fullermdI think log shows the tags by default too, so you don't even have to figure out the revno/revid for the tag yourself to exclude it.00:54
bjpand i usually look for the method with the least amount of work :)00:54
fullermdIf you're doing it in python, you could probably bypass a lot of the UI level stuff and get the data more directly from bzrlib.00:56
fullermdThough that's almost certainly the opposite of "least amount of work" unless you already know the API top to bottom.00:56
fullermdAnd probably a long cry from it even if you do...00:56
bjpyea i was messing with bzrlib in another script00:58
bjpit's nice, but not nearly as well documented as the tools00:58
bjpand if i was doing more than just 'bzr log' i'd consider it00:58
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delinquentmeis there a way to drop an individual file back to the way it was at a particular commit?02:33
fullermddelinquentme: See revert02:59
mgzmorning btw07:43
vilamorning mgz ;)08:12
mgzmorning vila!08:12
vilamgz: care to re-review https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/mergetool-doc/+merge/125150 ?08:21
vilajelmer: I know I've been far too long to propose https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/514301-auth-config-unicode/+merge/124627 but I also hope you will review faster than me ;)08:21
viladarn, tyop in bug # again (bug #388725 instead of bug #388275)08:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 388725 in Duplicity "Report when duplicity is 'done' with restoring a file" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38872508:25
ubot5Launchpad bug 388275 in Bazaar "want configuration option to control progress bars" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38827508:25
emericHi folks,09:17
emericI have a bzr repository checked out somewhere, and would like to check out the same repository on another computer. Is there a way to find out the URL used in the first checkout ? bzr info does not display it.09:18
mitya57I hope I can ask loggerhead-related question here:09:19
mitya57Does this error (http://anonscm.debian.org/loggerhead/pkg-grub/trunk/grub/revision/2550.1.1)09:19
LeoNerdIf bzr info doesn't say, then likely the information doesn't remain. But you can always checkout from the first computer.09:19
mitya57happen because of old loggerhead version?09:20
mitya57or is that a known bug?09:20
emericLeoNerd: I can checkout/commit from the first computer, but if I want to code from another one, I'm out of luck if the URL is not displayed in bzr info ?09:21
fullermdIf it's a checkout, info will certainly show it, otherwise it couldn't work.  As an independent branch, you _could_ have cleared out the info so it's no longer there, but why would you?09:21
LeoNerdIf you're committing, then you are just committing to that local branch then09:21
LeoNerdOtheriwse, brz info would be showing the commit branch09:22
emericOutput of bzr info.http://www.privatepaste.com/f2817d362b09:23
LeoNerdYup, so there's no upstream checkout or submit branch there09:24
emericWhich means I can only work from the place where the first checkout has been made ?09:25
emeric(Sorry, I sound like complete helpless , but that's what I currently am regarding bzr)09:27
emericbzr checkout bzr+ssh://root@ctrl/root/atta_dev lctests09:30
emericThis one seems to work, yay !09:30
emericNote to self: also install python*-gobject*. Thanks alot for the help folks.09:35
fullermdI'm not sure what value of "works" corresponds to "can ssh in as root"...   :p09:36
emericAutomated tests having to run as root, written on a test computer, in root home, versioned using bzr. If I want to develop more tests from a workstation, it seems the only option I have is to bzr+ssh as root, unless I missed something.09:39
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