
NeilSorrelHi its me again :)11:47
NeilSorrelI am still confused about using sabyon for lock down11:48
NeilSorrelas this would seem to go against the devs philosphy11:48
alkisgWhat is the devs philosophy?11:49
alkisgI don't see any references to the word "lock" in that old page11:50
alkisgSo, what do you mean "devs philosophy"?11:50
NeilSorrelwell ltsp isn't special its sits on top of a distro11:51
NeilSorrelbut by using lockdown tools like sabyon11:51
NeilSorrelthen you are making it special11:51
NeilSorreland not part of that distro11:52
alkisgSorry, what you're saying makes no sense :)11:52
alkisgAll programs sit on top of a distro11:52
NeilSorrelhttp://wiki.ltsp.org/wiki/MueKow thats what the devs say11:52
alkisgAll debian, ubuntu, fedora etc packages need "packaging"11:52
alkisgYeah, I'm one of the devs and that page is 7 years old11:52
NeilSorrelshould be done with native tools11:52
alkisgAlso, "by using sabayon you're making it special" makes no sense either11:53
alkisgSabayon is a program, not related to ltsp11:53
alkisgSo if you use e.g. libreoffice, you're making ltsp special?11:53
alkisgWhy using sabayon makes ltsp special?11:53
NeilSorrelyeah but its distro specific11:53
alkisgSabayon isn't distro specific11:53
NeilSorreland isn't avail for all11:53
alkisgIt's DE specific11:53
alkisgWhen it was working, it was available for all distros that supported gnome11:54
NeilSorrelok gnome11:54
alkisgUbuntu, debian, fedora, arch, gentoo, whategver11:54
NeilSorrelbut thats the problem what if you don't want gnome11:54
alkisgRight, some other DEs have no mechanism for mandatory settings11:54
alkisgSo you can't have lockdown tools on them11:54
NeilSorrelwhat if I want e17 and use some of the new arm chips11:55
alkisgSo people that want lockdown tools should use only DEs that suport them11:55
alkisgDoes e17 support mandatory settings?11:55
NeilSorrelgood question as not yet11:55
NeilSorrelI think it doesn't haven't done enough research11:56
alkisgYou can't have mandatory settings if your DE doesn't support them11:56
alkisgIt's not something a tool can do; it's part of the DE11:56
NeilSorrelbut my quest has been to use some of the new arm chips as they are cheap as chips11:56
NeilSorreland it would seem using tools like sabyon locks you into what you have said11:57
alkisgEach DE has its own locking tool11:57
alkisgEach user selects a DE based on his needs11:58
alkisgLTSP is not related to the DE used, nor to the locking tools used.11:58
alkisgI don't know why you're trying to mix those things together11:58
NeilSorrelyes but sabyon is11:58
alkisgSabayon is a locking tool for gnome11:58
alkisgSo if someone wants gnome, he can use sabayon. If someone wants a locking tool, he can select sabayon. Etc etc11:59
NeilSorrelsorry just doing my usual so your forcing edu to gnome?11:59
alkisgIs anyone forcing edu to use locking tools?11:59
NeilSorreljust inquisitive thats all11:59
alkisgCurrently, I know of no locking tool that works, except for mandatory gsettings, edited manually11:59
alkisgSo if some schools really and absolutely needs locking, that's its option12:00
alkisgIf you want to make a lockdown editors that works on all DEs, sure, people will love you. Is that what you want?12:00
NeilSorrelcool ok thanks sorry if I seem critical just trying to get a better picture12:00
alkisgI'm not responsible for locking tools I don't mind about your critisism. But currently, there are _none_ such tools.12:01
alkisgSo it doesn't make sense to talk about "locking users to specific DEs"12:01
NeilSorrelnot criticisms just lack of knowledge on my part12:01
NeilSorrelhas anybody tried a bodhi ltsp setup and have any details as its a great tiny image12:02
NeilSorrelsorry another question and I am totally naive about ltsp clusters but if you have a mixed distro environ then you can just provide distro specific ltsp servers but not cohabit ?12:05
NeilSorrelor is that why open vz and the need for templates12:05
alkisgFor questions not related to edubuntu but related to ltsp, you can also ask in #ltsp12:07
NeilSorrelok sorry12:08
ogra_MueCow was the LTSP5 planning page ...12:13
ogra_i cant belive it still exists12:13
ogra_(under that name)12:13
highvoltagecool names die hard.13:27
stgraberhighvoltage: you're not in #ubuntu-arm... ogra_ managed to get the tablet to boot, now he just needs to figure out exactly what kernel it was that actually worked ;)13:39
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
stgraberhighvoltage: considering reverting bug 1046840 for Edubuntu, asked how to do that (once the change lands)14:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1046840 in Ubuntu Quantal "[UIFE][FFE] Install Amazon and Ubuntu One Music Store webapp items in the launcher by default" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104684014:08
highvoltagestgraber: that would be very nice14:10
highvoltagestgraber: I'd really like to keep Edubuntu as free of any adware as possible before it turns into a default Windows 95 installation :)14:11
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
stgraberhighvoltage: edubuntu-artwork and edubuntu-live uploaded. Updates the translations, overrides the unity launcher list and fix bfb override.16:58
jbichastgraber: it looks like you left out the gsettings override http://launchpadlibrarian.net/116725800/edubuntu-artwork_12.08.2_12.09.1.diff.gz17:14
jbichawhat launcher items will you have by default?17:15
stgraberjbicha: hmm, nope. Look at the top, it's the first diff17:15
stgraberjbicha: 'nautilus-home.desktop', 'firefox.desktop', 'libreoffice-writer.desktop', 'libreoffice-calc.desktop', 'libreoffice-impress.desktop', 'ubuntu-software-center.desktop', 'gnome-control-center.desktop'17:15
stgraber+ ltsp-live and ubiquity when in the live environment17:16
jbichaoh I see now17:19
jbichaI was expecting debian/20_edubuntu-artwork.gsettings-override for the dh_installgsettings hook17:20
stgraberoh, I wasn't aware that there was a dh command now17:21
stgraberjbicha: what's the advantage of dh_installgsettings vs just letting the libglib2.0-0 trigger do its job?17:22
jbichastgraber: well you don't have to manually include it in .install if you use the dh hook17:26
stgraberah ok, I guess we'll use that once we can finally get rid of gconf, until then, it's easier to have them sit next to each other17:28
highvoltagestgraber: great17:42
jbichastgraber: oh there's dh_gconf for that, edubuntu-artwork.gconf-defaults and set the priority to 20 or whatever in debian/rules17:56
jbichaanyway, this is what our lab's Edubuntu netbook looks like http://ubuntuone.com/1z267ltOpocIJePOdUyiTH18:01
highvoltagewhich lab would that be, jbicha?18:09
jbichahighvoltage: http://open-it-lab.com/18:11
zoktari had some ideas, im thinking about diving into this coding buisness(but i need some math edu done before that). So i thought about what my ultimate wants and needs from a full fledged learning mode os like edubuntum. Full fleged offline classes either directly from the install dvd or as packages. Ofc there is alot of documentation wikis online, but what if i could get everything directly intelligently layed out, step by step with prac22:32
zoktartices, with video guides along with each segment of the study. Something like codeschool (tho they cover basically just computer stuff) , or various online lectures and classes you can find at diverse places on the interwebs. And when you get stuck you could pay extra for online videochat support to a virtual teacher, when you get stuck on something. Id like to have something like this gradually implemented in edubuntu, allowing that i22:32
zoktarts free and legal and whatnot. Classes dont have to be limited to computer related areas either ofc. School is a nice place to meet new friends and chicks, but its not always the most efficient or convenient way to learn things. I just like an idea like edubuntu that all i need to  do is install it, download my course, complete it. And then take an official exame, basically free. Courses can be translated obviously, and supplimental tr22:32
zoktaranslated video snippets overtime. You could also hook up to other people on the same part of the chorice your already on, and maybe help eachother out, or if your stuck on the same problem, request a teacher conference for half the price. etc. This would of been invaluble to me if it existed when i went to school, i failed at classes for different reasons, the classes i wanted to complete had a bad teacher, i was forced to take classes22:32
zoktar i didnt want. And way to many classes at the same time. + the commute to the actual school was ridiculous. I think of my poor sister that lives where i used to, and will soon have to go through the whole ordeal.22:32
zoktarsorry didnt know i wrote so much22:33
highvoltagewow zoktar you pretty much wrote a novel22:46
* highvoltage catches up22:47
highvoltagezoktar: yeah that problem is common22:48
highvoltagezoktar: there are some good, free online universities and study sources these days. I wish I had more time to keep up with them because there is certainly ways in which we can integrate them into Edubuntu22:49
highvoltagezoktar: only problem is no one currently has the time to put into that.22:50
highvoltage(bbl, I have to go get some ice-cream)22:50
zoktarYeah, but one could start small. Like at whatever age you start learning math. Find a nice general way of presenting it. And being open-source, the collaboration effect could potentially make it the best way of learning intro math etc. I remember my math and physics books to be very counter intuitive towards learning and grasping new concepts. But maybe im just a slow learner. in any case, i think of places where Ubuntu is now becoming23:06
zoktar popular in third worlds. Also with ppl with disabilities falling behind in school, lets say they are just way behind, and reading the idiotic generic book and searching google just isnt doing it. Maybe more jobs for teachers?23:06

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