
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1053166] 4:4.8.3+dfsg-0ubuntu1 ftbfs on armel/armhf @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1053166 (by Matthias Klose)00:16
ScottKRiddell: Approved.02:32
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1022479] bzr crashed with SIGSEGV in QGtkStyle::drawComplexControl() @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1022479 (by Logan Rosen)03:24
ScottKdebfx: They went ahead and did the Ubuntu medium font thing anyway, despite my protests.  Can you verify it's still an actual problem?03:50
ScottKsabdfl directed, so I think it03:50
ScottKis unlikely to get changed.03:50
ScottKIf it's still a problem we can just switch our default fonts back to match upstream, I guess.03:50
soeeskype belongs to ms now ?08:45
jussisoee: welcome to the past... been that way for a good while aready09:00
soeei knew it and now they want to kill my desktop :)09:01
soeeits not funny :/ everytime some notification shows up from skype plasma gets restart :<>09:02
soeethis must be self defense against skype i think :o09:03
debfxScottK: it's still a problem09:13
debfxScottK: however when you manually change font settings kde generates a fontconfig file that seems to fix it as a side effect09:14
debfxgenerating that file in the first place is however a bug in KDE, see https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10579709:15
ubottuKDE bug 105797 in kcm_fonts "Changing fonts from Kcontrol will enable hinting and make it default. All this information it writes to ~/.fonts.conf" [Normal,New]09:15
Riddellso a bug is fixing another bug?09:20
debfxnow the Ubuntu font is used in firefox. I'm confused09:31
Riddelldebfx: hmm that is curious11:07
mparilloScottK: Sorry your protests had little effect. Does that mean Riddell needs to send the shirts back to have their fonts changed ;-)11:55
Riddellagateau: did you request your flights?11:59
agateauRiddell: not yet12:05
agateauRiddell: doing it this afternoon12:05
ScottKRiddell and debfx : How about we just switch back to the upstream fonts for default?12:37
RiddellScottK: seems like an option, just use the system defaults instead of overrideing them to Ubuntu12:43
BluesKajHey all12:43
ScottKRiddell: We switched to the Ubuntu font on a KC vote, so we probably ought to ask again.13:01
ScottKJontheEchidna, apachelogger , Darkwing , jussi: Since the Ubuntu fonts are now broken with KDE (always bold unless you manually monkey with the configuration) do you have any objection to switching back to the regular upstream KDE fonts and dropping the Ubuntu font override?13:35
JontheEchidnano objections here13:36
ScottKBTW, I don't think this is actually a KDE bug, since Ubuntu One has the problem too.13:37
Riddellit's a Qt bug13:41
jussiso wait, we want to change the ont back temporarily or permanently? 13:43
JontheEchidnaIf it gets fixed I'd also not object to switching back13:44
jussiYes, thats my stance also, until the bug is fixed, absolutely go ahead, f we find a fix, we switch back.13:45
JontheEchidnathe original ticket has been reopened, and has a fairly good description of the actual issue: bug 74481213:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 744812 in ubuntu-font-family-sources (Ubuntu Quantal) "FontConfig/Qt stack choke on Ubuntu Medium font meta-data (No medium in Inkscape and too bold in Qt apps)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74481213:45
JontheEchidnait's also being tracked for 12.1013:45
JontheEchidnaI'm off to go get breakfast and study for a calculus exam, bbl13:46
jussiJontheEchidna: good luck13:46
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* ScottK notes 4 is a majority.13:52
ScottKRiddell: So it's just a matter of dropping the overrides in share/config/kdeglobals, right?13:53
RiddellScottK: yeah I think so13:55
ScottKOK.  Let's try that.13:55
Blizzzwill owncloud client 1.0.5 hit Quantzal? in 1.0.4 is a bug that makes it unusable via SSL14:22
mparilloNot that I am a voter, but I agree on the font direction. I ended up in Ubuntu because it has much better font displays out of the box than any other distribution. Is that because of the Ubuntu Font Family, or some other setting being set by default. For example to make OpenSuSE come close, I had to enable anti-alisaing and twiddle the settings there, and it still was not as nice as Ubuntu / Kubuntu are.14:22
RiddellBlizzz: hmm, good question14:28
BlizzzRiddell: i'd say it's quite an important thing, as no one should transfer credentials plain text through the web14:32
Riddellkubotu: newversion owncloud-client 1.0.514:53
afiestasupdating a quantal installation from a few weeks ago15:03
afiestasfailed, blackscreen and tty are not working15:04
shadeslayerso ... it seems I've now officially passed my B.Tech \o/15:04
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yofelshadeslayer: great news, congratulations :)15:06
shadeslayerthx :)15:06
mparilloafiestas: I had a similar symptom (not black screen, but blank screen with the default KDE SC 4.9 wall paper). I resolved by getting a new daily ISO on 2012-09-18. It has not re-surfaced.15:07
tsdgeosafiestas: tty's work here, not sure wha you mean with blackscreen15:17
afiestastsdgeos: it boots, I see nothing15:19
afiestasthat's what I mean15:19
afiestasactually the screenis turned off, not ven thebacklight15:19
afiestastty's may work, but I dont' see them xd15:19
afiestasssh works though15:20
tsdgeosafiestas: bring it to uds and show it to someoone of the kernel team15:20
afiestasquite sure it is some update issue15:20
shadeslayerhm, would KMyMoney make a good candidate for -updates?15:29
genii-aroundShould recorditnow be able to record switching workspaces with the cube?15:29
debfxany ideas what this armel build failure is about:15:36
debfx/build/buildd/qt4-x11-4.8.3+dfsg/src/gui/widgets/qdockwidget.cpp:1184:(.text+0x39ec): dangerous relocation: unsupported relocation15:36
shadeslayerdarn it, I saw this really cool code search engine yesterday and I've completely blanked on it's name15:39
shadeslayerhttp://code.woboq.org/ < for anyone else who's interested15:41
shadeslayeris a comment15:42
DarkwingScottK: No objections here.17:30
DarkwingScottK: RE font17:30
shadeslayerSteveRiley: ok, let me phrase it this way, how hard is it for a user to pin a selected package using muon?17:49
shadeslayerand should we document pinning the package on the PPA page?17:50
yofelit's easy to force a version with muon, and IIRC think that pins the package too while at it (could be wrong though)17:55
yofeldocumenting it would be a good idea though. Users don't normally use muon17:56
JontheEchidnaIf the currently-installed version is the one you want to pin, all you have to do is right-click the package in the package view and hit "lock package at current version", and it takes care of the pinning APT-wide17:59
JontheEchidnaMuon also has the capability to specify specific versions (effectively a downgrade), but it does not pin the package at the version.18:00
yofelah ok, thanks18:01
shadeslayeroh hmm18:22
shadeslayerso you can downgrade, but not pin18:22
shadeslayeryou can downgrade and *then* pin18:22
* shadeslayer rages at uni for making a site in .net18:28
shadeslayerit keeps showing the loading button ... and it's been like that for the last 2 hours :P18:28
apacheloggerrationale for not having firefox-kde btw: unnecessary security risky as we do not have releases the same day as youbuntoo18:34
shadeslayerbest to document that on the dev mL18:35
apacheloggerfeel free to do so18:35
shadeslayerand apachelogger should update the package :P18:35
* apachelogger is not in a mail mood18:35
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