
philit seems that "kde-window-manager" is removed..00:03
philhow to get it back ?00:03
poedragonwarriorso yeah I just compiled KDE 5 alpha, and here is a screenshot of the default theme and layout http://i.imgur.com/4exYu.jpg00:20
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mparillopoedragonwarrior: Looks good, thanks for sharing. I assume it is not in a PPA yet?01:03
Platypus-Manhello, I am trying to find a torrent for Kubuntu 10.04 LTS, but am unable to locate it on the homepage or by googling, any of you know where it is located?01:12
Platypus-Mannevermind, used the waybackmachine on archive.org to give me an archived page of the Download page that had 10.04. now I just have to hope someone is still seeding it... it is an LTS release, so in theory should not be a problem01:28
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:42
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SanticlauseAnybody know how I can open the kickoff application launcher from the command line?04:44
Santiclausei.e, as if I had clicked it?04:44
Gorrothhi there05:00
Gorrothin KDE, on my netbook, i changed the workspace from "netbook" to "desktop", and then i changed it back a couple mins later, realizing i like the "netbook" variant.  now, when i alt-tab, it doesn't do that whole slide-show thing... is there a way to get it back?  just makes it easier on this computer05:01
akishi all. i chated here some months with a kind person form Canada who helped me to setup my onboard modem. i cannot remember his nickname but i know is here because i saw him again and again. if anyone knows him please provide me his nick to let me find him easiest to help me to setup it again because i reinstalled my system.05:38
=== chalced is now known as chalcedony
akishi all. anyone can help me to make efax-gtk to open my modem port (ttySL0)? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1216218/06:34
lordievaderakis: I think the person you mean is BluesKaj.06:40
akisno he is not. his nick has 2 words with a - between them. he konws very well everything about modems because as far as i understood he is working in something related. any way i thing i solved the issue. i run the efax from terminal using sudo and the port opens. is there any other option to force efax running under root permissions so it can access my modem's port?06:44
Smurphyakis: check which device (serial - /dev/ttyS0 ?) the efax uses, and add the user (you ?) to the group the device has write access to.06:47
SmurphyMeans - group fax or serial: chgrp serial /dev/ttyS0; adduser <you> serial06:49
Smurphyand you should be done.06:49
akisok. its clear. where can i find it to put my name: 'user'?06:49
akisi went to my profile and i gave access to everything. let;s see now.06:52
Smurphyeverything is the windows way. Not good.06:52
akisneed a new log to run it?06:53
Smurphyno - why ?06:53
Smurphyadduser akis serial : would add user akis to the group serial06:54
akisalthough i gave root priviliges to my user doesn't work06:54
SmurphyThe command before assigned the device /dev/ttyS0 to group serial.06:54
SmurphyEventually you will still need to do a: chmow 660 /dev/ttyS0 to give the group write access to the device.06:55
Smurphyroot privileges is just the group.06:55
akiswhat is the command i have to give in terminal?06:55
SmurphyI don't know what efax uses.06:56
Smurphymake a: ps auwx | grep efax06:56
Smurphywhen it runs.06:56
Smurphyand then tell me which fax/serial device efax uses. it must be in the configuration.06:57
Smurphyyou logged in as user: user ???06:58
Smurphylol :)06:58
Smurphyso - you are the one using the program.06:59
SmurphyNow - find out - what device efac-gtk uses.06:59
akisyep. my nickname is 'user' is that bad?-:)06:59
Smurphyno. funny if at all :)06:59
akisthat's right. thanks. so how can i check the device?07:00
SmurphyTry making a: dmesg | grep ttyS07:00
Smurphyit should give you the devices (serial devices) existing on your system.07:00
akisactually it gave me nothing07:00
Smurphymake a dmesg | grep tty07:01
SmurphyI need to know which serial Device you are using.07:01
akisany other command to verify it?07:02
Smurphynot that I knew of.07:02
akisit doesn't give me anything.07:03
SmurphyIs there something in the efax-gtk configuration talking about device ?07:03
akisno. but as far as i konw is an intel. lets check modemdata.txt07:04
akissmurphy: i will be back at 2 mins. i have to log out and come back.07:07
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akisi log out and i am back just to check that the priviliges i gave to myself are working. efax runs normally and opens modem ports without any sudo command. so don't bother more. thank you for all your advices.07:10
Smurphyok. Then it is fine.07:12
SmurphyFYI - what might have happened. The Group pertenance only changes after you log in again.07:12
akisnow i have to check if can get faxes!07:12
SmurphySo that may have been your problem.07:12
SmurphyLol Yeah - you have to.07:12
SmurphyI don't have a fax machine. I use E-Mail + PDF - better quality :)07:12
akisemail is the best, but as my this old notebook has an internal modem i wanted just to turn it working. just to be proud that i make it work!!!07:13
akisunder linux. because its initial software was win XP.07:14
ovelli  am  chinses07:15
ovell  i   need  frends07:15
ovellwho  can  make  frends  with  me07:15
spexiHi! I just happen to have fresh installation of Kubuntu and on other machine fresh installation of Windows 7. I would like to create shares on both machines, and so that both machines can see each other properly.08:10
spexiSo, question 1) should I follow some tutorials I found and use GUI based ways to create shares, or would the command line ways be more effective? question 2) How much harder is (or is it?) creating the shares when there are not the same usernames on both machines? I assume that you don't have to have same users on both machines.08:10
hateballspexi: from kubuntu -> windows it's quite easy. you can set default username and such to be used for smb connections in the system settings08:12
hateballand then just browse to smb://your.win.machine/$share in dolphin. bookmark as needed08:13
hateballas for sharing over samba -> windows, I dunno if there's a nice GUI way these days...08:14
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.08:14
spexithanks for good answer :)08:15
hateballThere seems to be some free(as in beer) ways to mount sshfs in Windows08:15
hateballas well as using NFS, if one is so inclined08:16
hateballmuch easier than using samba IMO08:16
spexihmm have to look at it08:18
tsimpsonthere's always samba if you're really stuck08:22
tsimpsonnot samba... apache!08:22
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hateballspexi: obviously the easiest solution would be to set up a third machine, dedicated to running ownCloud ;D08:32
spexihateball: hehe, okay :D08:38
speximy flat full of computers08:38
SmurphyI'll be installing owncloud on my QNap Nas ... Should be fairly simple IMHO.08:38
sorawho can tell me this problem ----08:59
soraBeing queried irc.spotchat.org08:59
sora* Is connected to irc.spotchat.org ( port 6667 ...08:59
sora* Connection failed. Error: Connection timed out08:59
sora Jump to the next Linux Mint Server server ...08:59
FloodBotK1sora: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:59
sora* Disconnect ().08:59
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Peace-ncfi1013: hi10:30
ncfi1013i have a problem with the videodownloadhelper plugin for firefox...10:31
ncfi1013it doesnt convert properly10:31
ncfi1013i already have mencoder/ffmpeg installed10:32
ncfi1013still doesnt work10:32
Peace-ncfi1013: well it's ffmpeg issue10:32
Peace-ncfi1013: wait you need to install some extra package10:32
ncfi1013are they conflicting?10:33
Peace-ncfi1013: nope10:33
Peace-ncfi1013: it's just that because some codecs has some stupid lincenses and ubuntu can't shipt them ... so easly10:34
ncfi1013so what do i do...just uninstall ffmpeg?10:34
Peace-ncfi1013: they must be installed by users10:34
Peace-ncfi1013: nope10:34
Peace-ncfi1013: wait a moment10:34
Peace-ncfi1013: names can changes but only in the numbers  ..... sudo apt-get install libavfilter-extra-2 libavcodec-extra-53 libavformat-extra-53 libavutil-extra-51 libavdevice-extra-53 libswscale-extra-210:35
Peace-ncfi1013: so sudo apt-get install libavfilter-extra nad press TAB10:36
ncfi1013nevermind that10:49
ncfi1013peace...im a little concerned...ive uninstalled packages before and replaced them with better ones...and then my computer became inoperable...and crashed...10:57
hateballDoesnt sound like they're better if they broke your computer11:00
ncfi1013no the problem was uninstalling old software11:00
ncfi1013not installing new stuff11:01
ncfi1013<peace> what does pressing tab do?11:03
ncfi1013after doing this: sudo apt-get install libavfilter-extra11:04
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:05
ncfi1013thanks...i appreciate all your help...11:08
spexiI have frozen Konsole and Dolphin window, can't kill them either in command line or with system monitor. Is the only way to reboot?11:15
spexiIt asks "are you sure you want to kill this process" but it still keeps being there11:15
hateballspexi: I guess you could try reloading plasma, that might help11:16
avihayspexi: they are probably ignoring the default signal (kill, I think), there's another signal you can send them (terminate, I think)11:18
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avihayyou can do it from system monitor, by right-clicking the program and using the send signal sub-menu, or when you send a kill and it fails, it usually adds a force kill )shift-del) menu entry11:20
spexiwell, nothing happens11:21
spexiand I can't restart plasma via command line11:21
avihayor by suppling a signal parameter to kill (look it up in man) or in top, it askes you what signal number to send. you'd want to send 7 or 9, I think11:21
spexibecause new konsole windows won't start anyway11:21
avihayyou can use a text terminal11:21
avihayuse ctrl+alt+Fx to swithc to a terminal from a graphical terminal, log in, do your thing (I recommand top), and use alt+Fx to switch to a terminal from a textual terminal11:23
avihaythe default graphical terminal is number 7 by default11:23
avihayso alt+f7 to return to that11:23
spexiwell, I have only 'konsole' for a terminal program, and I can't switch from that to any other, because I can't start one anymore. because konsole is frozen. and pressingt ctrl+alt+f7 or alt+f7 does nothing :(11:24
tsimpsonpress Ctrl-Alt-F1 first, then Alt-F7 to get back11:25
avihaypress ctrl+alt+f1, log in, run top or use kill and alt+f7 to come back to the graphical environment11:25
spexiaa, nice11:25
spexibut no, still the frozen konsole there11:26
avihayyou know the konsole PID?11:26
spexiyeah, and tried kill -9 807211:27
hateballmaybe it has a zombie11:27
avihayI think you need to use kill --sig=SIGTERM or somth like that11:27
avihaytry top11:27
tsimpsontry with xkill11:27
tsimpsonit should be bound to Ctrl-Alt-Esc, but if not just run "DISPLAY=:0 xkill" somewhere, then you click on the window11:28
avihayin top type k enter 9072 enter 9    or replace the last 9 with 711:28
avihayerr 8072             ^11:28
spexioh :D accidentally clicked desktop topp with ctrl-alt-esc11:30
spexiso plasma turned off too11:30
spexiand yes, I could close the windows with that, but processes still are there11:31
spexihow to start plasma again? :D11:31
spexior bring it back again11:31
hateballplasma-desktop &11:31
spexijust error messages.. i'm gonna think that's just easier to reboot this11:32
avihayif you can alt-f2 to get krunner, then ^11:32
spexiwell now the desktop is there11:33
spexibut yeah, still the konsole and dolphin processes are there, can't get rid of them11:33
avihaydid you try killing them with top?11:33
avihayor in ksysgurd/systerm monitor by sending them signals?11:34
hateball"ps aux |grep Z" should show if you have any zombies to get rid of11:35
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spexiwell now the desktop isn't answering to any clicks11:36
spexiAnd all this started, because I downloaded smb4k and tried to run it11:36
spexiwell, that was random.11:39
hateballI remember pulling in smb4k and swiftly removing it. After cursing a bit.11:39
spexiI can access windows share from kubuntu and mount it to /media, but I tried then to access kubuntu share from win7. it asks credentials and I try those with which I logon to kubuntu11:41
spexisays they're wrong11:41
spexiso I tried if the graphical samba gui could help :D11:41
hateballwell you need to set up all sorts of things for samba :|11:44
hateballeasier to set up nfs, pretty much one line of config, then use nfs client for windows11:44
spexihmm okay11:46
spexiI had ubuntu earlier, I was able to map a network drive. so back then I have done something right :D but now it seems so hard11:46
speximaybe I give a look for nfs11:46
hateballif you just need to transfer stuff I'd use ssh11:48
tsimpsonsamba has a different authentication system, see man 8 smbpasswd11:48
tsimpson(samba/smb/cifs is horrifically complex)11:49
hateballa quick google suggest there is this for Windows http://code.google.com/p/win-sshfs/11:49
hateball(I have not tried it)11:50
hateballor use apache and webdav ;d11:51
spexiwell I don't even now need so much sharing from linux to windows, I'm just trying different stuff. Maybe some day would be nice to have a server, where is all of the audio and video, and every other computer may connect to that. Then it should be handy if sharing works fine and with mapping networkd drives11:54
spexieasier that way, than for example just ssh11:54
tsimpsonfor just audio/video, you can just install a media server (UPnP) and it'll tend to just work11:55
tsimpsonI have mediatomb installed on my desktop, and use it to stream all my media to various devices over LAN11:55
tsimpsoneven works from windows with windows media player11:56
spexiokay, that sound good11:56
hateballownCloud is sweet for that11:56
hateballyou should really check that out, if you plan on setting up a server11:56
spexiyeah, have to remember that11:57
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BluesKajHey all12:43
noMoreMrNiceGuyi have a questio13:22
noMoreMrNiceGuyprobably it is no directly related to kubuntu or kde13:23
noMoreMrNiceGuyafter upgrading to new version 12.0413:23
noMoreMrNiceGuymy laptop suffering from backlight problem13:23
noMoreMrNiceGuyright after the boot, i need to increase the backlight manually by pressing fn+up13:24
noMoreMrNiceGuydo we have a solution for this problem?13:24
BluesKajnoMoreMrNiceGuy, open system settings>additonal drivers , if any available enable the recommended one13:25
noMoreMrNiceGuythere is no additional drivers in system settings13:26
noMoreMrNiceGuyBluesKaj: there is no such a thing there? where is it?13:28
BluesKajnoMoreMrNiceGuy, then you don't have any additional drivers available , unfortunately , if it's an intel gpu then most likely not13:29
noMoreMrNiceGuywell yes it is intel13:30
designbybecknoMoreMrNiceGuy:  and BluesKaj might there be something in the BIOS that can be set manually there that might keep it bright?13:30
noMoreMrNiceGuyi think kernel3.xxx has this13:30
BluesKajdesignbybeck, i don't know13:31
noMoreMrNiceGuyi never checked the bios... actually good idea... i can check13:31
noMoreMrNiceGuybut you know just previous version of kernel, i mean 2.xxx was running properly.13:31
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lordievaderGood afternoon14:03
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Motrakwhat could be wrong on tilp if it doesn't show any folders and terminal says this : (tilp:2761): ticables-WARNING **: usb_bulk_write (error submitting URB: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden).14:33
Motrak(tilp:2761): ticables-WARNING **: usb_clear_halt (could not clear/halt ep 2: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden).14:33
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madisonHello there, again :)15:06
madisonkubuntu doesn't like my USB speakers for a few days now15:07
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madisonEverything worked fine, then after an update, there was no sound15:07
madisonkubuntu detects my speakers and I can select them, but I don't hear anything....but for the headphones it works15:08
BluesKajmadison, install pavucontrol  , then you can setup your inputs and output options on it15:08
SanticlauseHey, how can I simulate an opening of the kickoff menu? I'm trying to open it from within a script.15:12
madisonWell....PulseAudio shows that there is sound, but I don't hear anything...15:14
madisonNo sound....15:17
madisonhmm....testing it with windows15:20
madisoncya :D15:20
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valentinlol hi16:51
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SanticlauseStill wondering how to open the kickoff launcher from inside a script or somethin'! =D19:35
lordievaderSanticlause: A work around could be to use xdotool to manipulate the mouse.20:00
Santiclausewhat I'm trying to do is capture Meta key presses in a script to try to emulate windows behaviour20:00
Santiclausei.e if you press just the meta key without using it as a modifier for another key, open the launcher20:00
lordievaderSanticlause: I have wondered about that myself, never found the solution.20:05
SanticlauseI'm able to capture the key presses just fine20:06
SanticlauseI'm using udevadm to find the keyboard devices and then reading directly from them20:06
SanticlauseI just don't know how to actually toggle the kickoff launcher20:07
lordievaderSanticlause: And you can link a script to it?20:07
Santiclauseto what, udevadm?20:07
lordievaderSanticlause: Yes, to the meta (super) key.20:07
Santiclauseoh yeah20:07
Santiclausethe key code for it is 125 for left meta and 126 for right meta20:08
lordievaderSanticlause: Oh, hey that is quite nice. Then you can have the menu display for the meta+m key combo, and have a script press the "m" for you, while you press meta.20:08
SanticlauseI want it to emulate windows behaviour20:08
Santiclausewhich is, it only displays it if you press meta and then release meta20:09
Santiclausewithout pressing anything else20:09
lordievaderSanticlause: Let me get this straight, what you want is to press the meta key and to get the menu to show up, right?20:10
Santiclauseonce I release the meta key20:10
Santiclausespecific sequence of events: press meta, release meta, menu pops up20:10
Santiclauseif I were to, say, press meta, press e, release meta20:10
Santiclausethen menu should not pop up, because I pressed something in between pressing and releasing meta20:11
lordievaderSanticlause: What are the udev rules you use for that?20:11
SanticlauseI don't know anything about udev x_x20:11
SanticlauseI'm literally reading directly from the devices20:11
Santiclausewith linux/input.h20:11
lordievaderSanticlause: Ah I though you used the udev...20:11
SanticlauseI just used udevadm because it was the only tool I could find to actually find the keyboard devices20:11
SanticlauseI didn't know how to iterate through the devices in /dev/input/ and only choose the keyboards20:11
lordievaderSanticlause: This might be interesting: http://askubuntu.com/questions/177489/how-to-set-keyboard-shortcut-to-meta-in-kubuntu20:14
SanticlauseIs that the one that disables the ability to use meta as a modifier?20:14
Santiclauseah yeah, it is20:15
lordievaderHey paco_, how are you?20:16
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lordievaderSanticlause: Yes unfortunately it does...20:29
Santiclausemy solution would work if I could just figure out how to toggle the kickoff launcher :|20:29
lordievaderSanticlause: Wait maybe I know, you can run scripts right? Is that under your own user?20:31
SanticlauseI actually have to use root to read the input device20:32
lordievaderSanticlause: Ok, well as long as you can run commands as your own user, you could set the menu toggle to some unused F# key, and then have the script run "xdotool key F#".20:33
lordievaderSanticlause: Note, xdotool is not standardly installed20:33
Santiclausewould "xdotool key F#" simulate a keypress?20:33
lordievaderSanticlause: For example "xdotool key F12" would simulate a keypress of F12.20:34
lordievaderSanticlause: So, yes.20:34
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rottingdeadHmm, wasn't it apt-get -s some_package?  It's saying E: Invalid operation mplayer..  Just trying to do a search for mplayer package.22:10
rottingdeadI looked in manpage, and it says -s for search, but it gave that error.22:11
tsimpsonno, -s is for simulate22:11
tsimpsonwhat manpage are you looking at?22:11
rottingdeadtsimpson: man apt-get22:11
tsimpson"-s, --simulate, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon, --no-act"22:11
rottingdeadtsimpson: apt-get as you know is Kubuntu's command line package manager..22:12
tsimpsonI know what it is, and you don't search for packages with it22:12
tsimpsonyou should use "apt-cache search <something>"22:12
rottingdeadtsimpson: Oooooh, what's the command?  Ooooh, thanks.22:12
rottingdeadtsimpson: Eeeeerm, anyway to slim down this list, as in grep ?22:13
spexiI have always why apt-get just cant include search22:13
spexiinstall, update, upgrade, but not search22:13
rottingdeadtsimpson: Guess I can run apt-cache search |  grep "mplayer" But might not work.22:13
tsimpsonspexi: the clue is in the name apt-GET, not apt-PLEASE-SEARCH-FOR-ME ;)22:13
darrenHello everyone.22:14
spexiyeah that i see :D22:14
rottingdeadI didn't read entire manpage, just skipped to apt-get's options..22:14
tsimpsonrottingdead: you can pass the -n option to search only package names22:14
rottingdeadtsimpson: Thanks, I'm assumig I can put n next to s as in -sn, no?22:15
tsimpson"apt-cache -n search mplayer" narrows it down to 19 for me22:15
tsimpsonsure, but you don't need or want -s22:15
rottingdeadtsimpson: Lol, sorry, still have -s on the mind,=P.22:16
rottingdeadtsimpson: Yeah, I got a few.22:16
rottingdeadAnwyho, brb, updates have finished, and it wants a reboot.22:17
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rjgonzaleplease excuse me, I am not sure this is the right place to ask this....I installed 12.10 today to test it, updated it using muon....and not the list of possible sessions in lightdm is empty23:24
rjgonzaleanything I can do to test it without installing 12.04?23:25
avihaymaybe that's more of a question for #ubuntu+1 rjgonzale23:35

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