
TDJACR_Gnome 3 is no longer a selectable option in Lightdb00:10
TDJACR_It's there, but it can not be selected.00:11
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ironhalikWere any of the icons in the top panel changed lately? Or is it a bug?09:32
ferniyes, at leas the battery icon was broken yesterday.. and today messaging menu got some new icons and the battery was fixed09:33
ironhalikthe messaging icon is a feature? :D09:36
ironhalikOh well, I'll wait and see :>09:38
vega-what's wrong with it? seems ok here..09:39
md_5and the repo hashes broke09:40
ironhaliksaid md509:40
ironhalikDunno if my messaging icon is the same as rest, but its different the other icons09:40
md_5did anyone elses fonts break with todays updates?09:44
md_5Skype and a few other apps are looking very bold09:44
md_5.... 184mb of updates in less than 6h09:44
md_5also good call ironhalik09:45
ironhalikyeah, almost like if beta2 came out09:46
ironhalikbrb, reboot09:46
graingert_ufomy messages indicator has gone missing, any way to bring it back?10:08
vega-no, it's gone forever, not even a reinstall will bring it back...10:46
HejbopBluesKaj: Now i have working X again... i reinstalled. but this time with debian.11:14
Hejbopproblem is that i can not get any newer kernel than 3.2 so my gfx card does not work properly over here either.11:15
Hejbop<rock><me><hard place>11:18
Hejbopi do not have any free cd's and i have missplaced my LTS cd.11:19
Hejbopand on this computer installing from usb always means it puts grub on the usb... rather annoying11:19
ironhalikyou can manually install and configure grub on you boot hdd11:34
ironhalikafter the install11:34
ironhaliknot sure if its the new battery icon ;D but my battery time seems to have increased lately :P11:34
Hejbopironhalik: Increased as in terms of time expected is noticable as phoronix.com wrote the regressions in LTS has been fixed.11:42
Hejbopbattery time when released was almost 33% less than it is now11:43
Hejbopeven hardy heron (if supported hardware was used) had better power savings than 10.411:44
Hejbopgo to phoronix and read about the tremendous improvement that the ubuntu team has done from 12.4 in terms of power savings11:45
Hejbopsome of the techniques are unique to ubuntu only so far.11:46
ryeanybody here uses thunderbird w/ html composing (or can switch to html composing for a test) - i see that Insert and Format menu entries (global menu) stop working as in unclickable11:57
fernirye: hmm.. works for me12:06
ryeferni: 12.10, right?12:09
ryeferni: i am an idiot - menu entries are inactive when mouse cursor is not in the compose widget12:10
ferni:) and yes 12.1012:13
ferniironhalik: oh just noticed that the battery discarding icon is indeed broken still.. well broken link in ubuntu-mono-dark status icons12:15
BluesKajHey all12:43
Captain_Protonanyone else have a problem with empathy and gtalk?12:49
Captain_ProtonI have to remove an readd the account every day or it will not connect12:49
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jbichaferni: that should be fixed now, apply the latest updates and log out & back in to Unity13:02
graingert_ufomy messages indicator has gone missing, any way to bring it back?13:20
jbichagraingert_ufo: that indicator is now hidden by default, but it will show up once you set up an account with a service that uses it (Gwibber, Thunderbird, Empathy, etc)13:23
graingert_ufoI'm running empathy now13:24
graingert_ufobut it's not there13:24
jbichahave you tried logging out and logging back in?13:24
jbichahave you done a dist-upgrade without paying attention to what might be getting removed?13:24
graingert_ufojbicha: no, I always read those13:26
* graingert_ufo login/out ...13:26
graingert_ufojbicha: nope13:34
graingert_ufojbicha: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1216711/13:35
jbichagraingert_ufo: report a bug13:35
graingert_ufois that how it's supposed to be run?13:36
graingert_ufowhat happens on a known good system?13:36
graingert_ufojbicha: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-messages/+bug/105340613:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1053406 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "indicator-messages-service fails with libindicator-WARNING **: Name request failed." [Undecided,New]13:45
DaekdroomIs there a way to limit an account in the Account Options to work for only one app instead of all those that it's available for?14:43
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thebishophey hey ho ho15:15
thebishop0=brightness lcd panel at boot has got to go15:16
bazhangquantal seems to have kde4 4.9.115:56
trismhellslinger: looks like the gnome3 ppa has it: https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome316:26
hellslingerthanks trism! I've been looking for this ppa16:28
hellslingerit's too bad 3.5.90 didn't make it in time for release, it's a huge upgrade16:30
trismhellslinger: I'm sure it'll be updated in R (though there was talk of trying a different file manager, but I kind of doubt we'll drop nautilus yet)16:31
hellslingerI'd be interested in finding out more about why the upgrade has been hindered, it seems that Nautilus has been stagnant for quite some time. The nautilus-elementary feud also had me wondering16:33
hellslingeris there a shortage of programmers or resources?16:36
AnnyOneHi. How can CUDA be activated in Ubuntu 12.10 quantal?16:36
jbichahellslinger: yes, we need someone to make those fancy new gear & view menus accessible from the HUD at least16:36
jbichabut it's enough after UI freeze & Feature Freeze that it seems very unlikely Nautilus 3.6 will land in Quantal now even if that is fixed this week16:37
hellslingerbut it could eventually make it to the repos even if after release, right?16:38
AnnyOneShould I use the nvidia driver from within the distro (in submenu "additional drivers"), or should I uninstall all nvidia and nouveau stuff and manually install the latest driver from the nvidia website?16:41
hellslingerAnnyOne: it depends on your video card, really16:42
hellslingerAnnyOne: what card do you have?16:42
AnnyOneGainward GTX460 GLH16:42
AnnyOnedesktop, no notebook16:42
hellslingernvidia-current would probably be the easiest and quickest16:43
AnnyOneIs it supposed to support CUDA too? Because I try using some programs that make use of CUDA, and right now all these programs fail at initializing CUDA.16:43
hellslingergood question, I'm going to see what I did for my card (it's been a while)16:45
hellslingerhave you installed nvidia-current-dev and nvidia-updates-dev?16:46
bobweaver!info boinc-nvidia-cuda16:47
ubottuboinc-nvidia-cuda (source: boinc): metapackage for CUDA-savvy BOINC client and manager. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 7.0.27+dfsg-5 (quantal), package size 14 kB, installed size 107 kB16:47
bobweavermaybe thrust also16:48
bobweaverhas anyone here had troubles with bamf ?16:49
AnnyOneI thought this boinc and dev stuff is only needed for people who want to develop CUDA-programs themselves? Is it also needed to just RUN cuda-programs?16:50
bobweaverI am in dependency hell16:50
genii-aroundAnnyOne: Did your CUDA apps work under 12.04? I don't see a later version than for 11.04 at http://developer.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-downloads16:50
bobweaverAnnyOne,  I am not sure there is also #cuda16:51
bobweaverHow to fix this ?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1217088/16:51
trismbobweaver: check apt-cache policy libbamf3-0 to see what ppa it is coming from16:52
bobweaverthanks trism16:52
bobweaverInstalled: 0.3.0+stagingbzr483ubuntu0+43916:53
AnnyOneLast linux I had was 10.04. There the programs worked like that: Uninstalled nouveau/nvidia-current, manually installed latest nvidia driver from nvidia-website (with kernel-headers recompile option). That driver supported running cuda programs out of the box, there was no need to install any dev- or boinc- modules.16:53
bobweavertrism,  I am trying to build the unity 6.6 that is in the stagging-future ppa , everytime that I make frame work om unity for ubuntu tv by the time I go to push it is a newer unity and my code don't work16:54
bobweaverso I figure If I use what is coming in the future maybe I will not spend 20 hours doing c++ for nothing16:55
bobweaverI should also say that I have unity 6.6 on system but I am sure that all the errors that I am getting I can fix if I can just get the dependency's correct16:57
trismbobweaver: the more interesting line from apt-cache policy is the one with the url to the ppa (although if this is just the unity staging ppa, I don't see a bamf build for quantal, so it may have been deleted and your apt cache may be out of date)16:59
bobweaverso update ? also I am looking in aynaptic and not seeing any bamf stuff there either I will pastebin the full out put of the policy17:01
trismbobweaver: it may be leftover from an earlier upgrade, but then deleted so you may need to manually revert to the quantal version before you can continue17:02
bobweaverOh I see17:02
trismbobweaver: yeah it is gone, try: sudo apt-get install libbamf3-0=0.3.0-0ubuntu217:02
bobweaver bamfdaemon (= 0.3.0-0ubuntu2)   << dep heck17:03
trismbobweaver: yeah you'll need to do it for all the packages with 0.3.0+stagingbzr483ubuntu0+439 at least, dpkg -l | grep 0.3.0+stagingbzr483ubuntu0+439; then sudo apt-get install {package1,package2,package3}=0.3.0-0ubuntu2; (etc)17:04
bobweaverok cool17:04
bobweaverthanks trism  you are one cool person !17:05
trismno prob bob17:05
bobweavertrism,  It WORKED !!17:19
bobweaverthanks again17:19
bobweaver-- Build files have been written to: /home/joseph/Desktop/unity_6.6-build17:22
bobweaverwoot woot17:22
=== Z_God_Z is now known as Z_God
trijntjeHi all, I've lost windows from the grub menu. Running sudo os-prober && sudo update grub does not solve it18:04
bobweavertrijntje,  it is seen with  sudo fdisk -l ?18:13
bobweaverthe partition that is18:13
trijntjebobweaver: yeah, the partition is still there18:14
bobweavertrijntje,  boot live cd and re-install grub18:14
bobweaverthat would be the first thing that I would try18:14
bobweavermeaning re-install grub to the Ubuntu partition that you want '18:15
bobweaverthen boot reg and then update-grub18:15
trijntjethe problem is that I've installed with full disk encryption, so I'm a bit worried I'll mess things up18:15
bobweaveryeah that is a pain , I am sure that someone with a higher pay grade then me will be able to help thou18:16
trismtrijntje: might be interesting to check out /var/log/syslog after running sudo os-prober; see what the os-prober log messages are18:16
bobweavertrijntje,  all else fails maybe try BURG18:16
bobweaverwhat is GVFS mounting ?18:22
trijntjetrism: I don't see any obvious errors: http://pastebin.com/nDLzV8jV18:22
bobweaverand why is it remote monitoring my system ?18:22
trijntjebobweaver: I think it mounts your encrypted home18:22
bobweaverthat is the thing I have nothing encrypted18:23
bobweaverI am getting these weired errors18:25
trijntjeI dont know what that is, what program is that from?18:26
bobweaverI am bewildered at gvfs I know that it is a remote monitior tool for gnome but that is about all the info that I can get on it18:27
bobweavernot sure why anything needs to remote monitor things, At 1st I thought that it was like for developers but then I seen something real real real strange18:28
bobweaverso if you ls -al ~/ | grep .gvfs   as reg user it shows that you own it but drop to root and do it.18:29
trismtrijntje: is the windows partition /dev/sda1? doesn't look like 20microsoft is detecting it, mine is followed by a line: 20microsoft: result: /dev/sda1:Microsoft Windows XP Professional:Windows:chain (which I don't see in your log)18:29
bobweaverof cource as root you must use /home/username/18:29
TJ-bobweaver: That's reporting a data structure format has changed so the client can't talk to the server correctly. The local and remote will be on the same machine, but communicating through some interface like DBus. It's to allow a privileged process (the remote server) to talk to a non-privileged (client)18:30
* genii-around is suddenly reminded that Android_X86 is also invisible to os-prober18:31
trijntjetrism: windows partition is /dev/sda2, sda1 is some weird recovery thing18:31
trismtrijntje: same thing for that one, we get: 20microsoft: debug: /dev/sda2 is a NTFS partition but then nothing else18:31
bobweaverTJ-,  I don't like the idea that there is a daemon like that seems like it could end up being a valunerbility in the long run, Now I could be wrong and have been many many times. but damons running that are connected to outside servers. Is that Read only ? I am confused sorry18:33
TJ-bobweaver: the remote isn't outside, it's on the same system. The 'remote' comes from the programming concept of "Remote Procedure Calls" which all process separation, for enhanced security and other benefits18:34
bobweaverI am going to reboot and look around and see why that volume manager is not working18:34
bobweaverOh I see v.cool18:35
bobweaverthanks a ton TJ-18:35
trijntjetrism: I see there was a grub update yesterday, I guess that broke something. I'll file a bug and hope it gets fixed18:35
trijntjeno playing diablo III for me today I'm afraid ;)18:36
TJ-bobweaver: It can also be used for remote stuff if you configure it that way, it's a nice way for network-wide monitoring and administration, but it won't do that unless it's been set up18:36
trismtrijntje: hey, I notice bug 1051306 , try mounting the partition and running sudo os-prober again18:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1051306 in os-prober (Ubuntu) "windows not found unless partion is mounted" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105130618:40
trijntjetrism: that worked, awesome!18:41
trijntjeI'm off, thanks again trism18:43
[4-tea-2]Did anybody else switch their keyboard because they thought their Shift and CTRL keys were broken?19:37
xuthi, a recent update earlier on has blanked my screen upon login19:38
xutrunning 12.10 fully update on an asus 756 netbook19:38
bobweaver!! Yes I finally got a Unity 6.6 to build the way that I want it to look. now to use valkire and see what in the world is using up all this mem19:47
ubottubobweaver: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:47
[4-tea-2]No danger there.20:04
xutusing 12.10, when I boot up, the screen goes blank and can hear login noise20:15
xuti have to close lid to suspend laptop and open it again to be able to see the login screen20:15
xutanyone any ideas?20:15
AnnyOneI installed gnome-shell about 2 weeks ago and in the beginning it went fine. But now, on the login screen I still see the selection of GNOME, GNOME Classic, GNOME Classic (no effects), Ubuntu Unity. But the first two options are not selectable anymore!!! Why??20:22
jbichaAnnyOne: bug 105245320:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1052453 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu Quantal) "Cannot click other sessions in unity-greeter" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105245320:28
AnnyOneAlright, thanks a lot20:32
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dupondje(remmina:7571): Gdk-ERROR **: The program 'remmina' received an X Window System error.21:42
dupondjeHow to debug such thing?21:42
dupondjecause with gdb is stacktraces to the main thread21:43
md_5anyone else got messed up skype font?22:25
dubac0so whats happened to the minimise/close/thing in the new version of ubuntu?22:28

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