
mhall119jvrbanac: I was wondering where the method docs were being stores, I wonder why it's in retval03:43
mhall119I suppose we need to figure out how to parse and linkify these gir doc strings03:44
mhall119looking pretty good so far though03:44
jvrbanacYeah. I don't know. I noticed that they were getting stored in the db. So I went searching for where they were getting stored in the model03:46
jvrbanacpdb to the rescue :D03:47
mhall119heh, yeah, probably something funky about the GIR file spec03:49
mhall119anyway, I pushed another revision for some added styling, plus breaking the methods table up based on defining class03:50
jvrbanacThat is much better! My eyes thank you!03:51
jvrbanacBtw, was there a reason you set that template conditional to the string of "None"03:54
mhall119yeah, some are hidden if I make it a string, others are hidden if it's the literal None, I'm not entirely sure why just yet03:56
mhall119I suspect some of them actually have a value of "None"03:56
jvrbanacweird. I didn't noticed that, ok.03:57
mhall119anyway, almost midnight here, I'll chat with you tomorrow03:57
jvrbanacYep. Have a good one!03:58
mhall119jvrbanac: gah, these Type records are gonna make everything difficult, they have no direct link to any Node records19:58
jvrbanacmhall119, You know, I was looking at that the whole model structure and it seemed like it could be cleaned up and simplified a bit.20:00
jvrbanacIt could be because I'm pretty new to that code, but it seemed like it was more complicated then it needed to be20:01
mhall119jvrbanac: I think that's how C/GObject do things that is making it overly complicated20:30
jvrbanacmhall119, yeah, oh well. So is there a reason why Type records don't have a direct link to the Nodes?  It would seem important to link the two at some point. That way you could easily correlate the return types.20:50
mhall119jvrbanac: I think it's because of the way C works20:50
jvrbanaclol ok20:50
mhall119a Node has a Namespace, which has a version20:51
mhall119so, PreviewAction is in Unity namespace, version 6.020:51
mhall119but C doesn't really care where the Type is, so it says it's a PreviewAction type, and then it's up to the runtime to decice that PreviewAction is20:52
jvrbanacgot it20:52
mhall119could be PreviewAction in Unity 5, could be PreviewAction in Unity 620:52
mhall119heck, it could be PreviewAction in FakeUnityLibrary 10.020:52
mhall119so, future work is going to need to have smarter lookups than I have in there now20:53
mhall119we'll need say "Find PreviewAction in the Ubuntu 12.04 platform definition"20:53
mhall119and from there know to use Unity 5, not Unity 620:53
mhall119as verbose and tedious as Java is to write, it cerainly made tooling easy20:54
jvrbanacBrb... moving to a different meeting room :)20:56

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