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ogra_oh, ah !13:31
ogra_stgraber, while concentrating on getting the framebuffer to work i didnt actually notice that tablet is already booting fine13:32
* ogra_ is just reading /var/log/dmesg from the SD13:32
ogra_[    17.361] ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 13.013:32
ogra_[    17.361] (EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory13:32
ogra_[    17.361] (EE) No devices detected.13:32
ogra_[    17.361]13:32
ogra_HA !13:32
stgraberogra_: yay!13:35
stgraberogra_: what did you end up doing to have it boot?13:36
ogra_damned, but that was an older boot, not the kernel i'm currently trying13:36
ogra_stgraber, dunno, i'm wildly poking kernel config opts mainly to get some kind of console (HDMI, USB serial or LCD)13:37
ogra_so if i can get back to that working kernel i should be able to set up wlan in /e/n/i and use ssh13:37
stgraberogra_: that'd be great!13:38
* ogra_ goes back to the defconfig and starts over13:38
ogra_luckily cross  building only takes a few seconds :)13:39
stgraberogra_: yeah, once you get through the initial 30-45min build, rebuilding with different options is really quick :)13:40
ogra_30-40 min ?13:41
ogra_what kind of desktop do you have ?13:42
ogra_i think building it with modules took under 5 min initially here13:42
ogra_(though i run my development folders in a ramdisk....)13:42
zenxHi, i am failing to compile latest ti-omap kernel because of a "implicit function declaration" warning. Should I try and disable this or actually instantiate the function?13:43
ogra_sigh, and now i cant get a single working boot anymore13:45
ogra_i should have checked /var/log eariler13:45
zenxogra_: When u use a ramdisk do u have a local repo to commit the changes or is this unversioned development?13:50
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ogra_i have the git tree on disk though ... and copy it into the ramdisk as needed13:51
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highvoltageogra_: so I hear you have something booting? that's awesome :)14:21
ogra_i had14:21
ogra_and i'm not at all sure which kernel that was14:21
ogra_the timestamps on the logs are 4h old14:22
GrueMasterogra_: What system are you working on?15:18
ogra_sigh, i really would like to know how it booted the last time15:28
ogra_i think i went throuh all combos of u-boot and uImae now15:29
GrueMasterSo, why not just run Ubunto on Android?15:32
ogra_why would i do such insanity ? :)15:32
* ogra_ doesnt really want to carry a monitor with the tablet all the time to make it run ubuntu :)15:33
GrueMasterI'd better just not comment.  May not bode well for future relations.15:33
ogra_i want to run native ubuntu :)15:34
GrueMasterIs that even possible on arm still?15:35
GrueMaster(yea, I went there).15:35
ogra_hmm ?15:35
ogra_sure it is15:35
gildeanwe're on a channel called ubuntu-arm, hint hint15:36
GrueMastergildean: If you knew me and my background, you would better understand my reference.15:37
gildeani was just joking, don't take it too seriously15:39
* GrueMaster takes nothing seriously on these channels anymore.15:42
geotechallo pple! I am trying to compile kernel armel from scratch... cause i need to have CONFIG_AEABI=y and CONFIG_OABI_COMPAT=Y and CONFIG_ARM_THUMB=y (in order to get and older etch ARM(not armel!) chroot working with a needed toolchaing glibc 2.3.2) - Question: Why i fail compiling inside scratchbox with "/scratchbox/compilers/cs2007q3-glibc2.5-arm7/bin/sbox-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-strip: Unable to recognise the format of the input f15:43
geotechere is the output http://pastebin.com/e0uETWfg    ... it seems to do its job, but it stops on 'debbing' the headers15:44
ogra_i doubt anyone in ubuntu land has ever used scratchbox15:44
geotecwell, me15:44
LetoThe2ndwas just about to say the same - why not use the standard toolchain?15:44
geotecLetoThe2nd: tell me more15:44
LetoThe2ndgeotec: apt-cache search gnueabi ;)15:45
ogra_right, just a std cross compiler or a plain chroot with qemu-arm-static15:45
geotecit has to be armel15:45
LetoThe2ndgeotec: so whats the problem?15:46
LetoThe2ndgeotec: just check what arm toolchains are in the repo and pick what ever you like.15:46
geotecinteresting.. approach..15:48
geotecbut i need a toolchaing like emdebian?15:51
LetoThe2ndno, why should you?15:52
LetoThe2ndthe kernel is one of the things you can compile with mostly just the bare compiler (and some accesory tools)15:53
LetoThe2nd(plus, emdebian is not really what i would call a "toolchain")15:53
geotecyeah right. But how do i make a kernel package of it15:54
geoteci mean, a debian kernel package15:55
LetoThe2ndhmh, easiest is if the source is debianzied.15:55
geotecthe source is debianized15:56
LetoThe2nd\o/ for hrw then:15:56
geotecit gots all its rules and staff goes it way to the kernel package .. ok tnx i'll have a look15:56
geotecwe should be more precise on arm architectures.. there are so many differences oabi legacy abi eabi and now hard eabi15:57
ogra_ubuntu only supports one :)15:57
LetoThe2nd"one architecture to run them all" :P15:59
ogra_(well, there is technically a rotting armv5 port in the archive nobody uses ... but thats not officially supported)16:00
geotecLetoThe2nd: thaz my problem, i am working with an arm binary which is linked to  2.3.2 glibc16:00
geotecbut my kernel is armel and has no old eabi supporto16:00
geoteco_O this is drivin'me crazy16:00
LetoThe2ndgeotec: i still do not see the problem. enable OABI and recompile the kernel.16:01
geotecyeah trying to do that, i am working on your tip16:01
geotecdpkg-buildpackage -b -aarmhf (this armhf toolchaing frightens me .. still gonna give it a try)16:03
geotectoolchain* sorry for the tuple errors16:03
LetoThe2ndwell what ubuntu are you running?16:03
LetoThe2ndif you're running a hf one, better stick to it. if not, then... not.16:04
infinitygeotec: I'd suggest that if you're trying to make OABI binaries work, there's probably something going fundamentally wrong in your life, and you might want to reexamine the choices that led here. :P16:16
infinitygeotec: (Also, OABI support will likely drop out of the kernel very soon, we've already torn it out of glibc)16:17
* ogra_ curses this tablet16:19
ogra_it definitely loads the kernel16:19
LetoThe2ndogra_: shamanic curse?16:20
ogra_(the LCD brightens up if the kernel initializes it)16:20
ogra_but all my kernels dont seem to get thruh to booting a rootfs16:20
infinityogra_: I'm guessing you can't pop the back off and slap a JTAG in?16:20
infinityPretty hard to debug early kernel failures without some sort of serial love. :/16:21
ogra_infinity, well, i just know that stgraber broke his display when opening his device ....16:21
ogra_i dont really want to do that, the HW is fragile enough16:21
infinityGet stgraber to send you his broken one to attach a JTAG to? ;)16:21
ogra_infinity, well, i did it on the ac100 and succeeded16:21
GrueMasterDoes the device enable any serial ports on the host when usb is plugged in?16:21
ogra_its not rocket science, just a matter of luck and time16:21
stgraberinfinity, ogra_: you can actually get a serial port on the emmc connector, the problem is that it's the same port you're booting from :)16:21
infinityGrueMaster: If it did, that would almost certainly be a kernel driver that does that kind of magic, not firmware, so it would be useless for debugging the kernel itself.16:22
ogra_stgraber, yeah, i'm experimenting with g_serial compiled in16:22
GrueMasterinfinity: Blaze had that feature w/o kernel booting.16:22
infinitystgraber: Oh, that's a special "design".16:22
LetoThe2ndsounds like that thing is totally braindead. apart from the fact that they obviously have been forced to admit right on their webpage that hdmi out is disfunctional.16:22
ogra_GrueMaster, yeah, TI is lovely, isnt it :)16:22
infinityGrueMaster: Blaze was also wildly overengineered for, like, engineers.  I've never seen a consumer device nearly as cool.16:23
geotecinfinity: i need to run an old arm binary linked against glibc <=2.3.216:23
ogra_infinity, well, the kernel uses some kind of pre DT devicetree feature, you can re-route any HW you like in a textfile :)16:23
infinitygeotec: Yeah, see above about "poor life decisions". :P16:23
infinitygeotec: Seriously, why would one need to do such a thing?16:23
geoteccauz the arm binary is worth one year work?16:24
infinitygeotec: (But sure, if you do need to, and there's no way around it, recompiling a kernel with OABI flipped on and running an ancient Debian chroot seems "sane")16:24
ogra_sadly the only documentation for this file format i can find is a chinese PDF :)16:24
ogra_though i already found out how to switch displays etc16:24
geotecinfinity: what i am doing actually16:24
infinitygeotec: It's a binary you have no source to, and no one knows where it came from? :/16:24
ogra_(which doesnt help if the kernel doesnt make any use of fbcon)16:25
geoteci need a kernel with old eabi support to run a etch chroot :D inside an arm device16:25
infinitygeotec: It's not "old eabi", just "old abi".  EABI was what replaced OABI.16:26
infinity(Just nitpicking)16:26
geotecotherwize i am doomed, what other choice do i have? Kill who came before me for choosing closed binaries from the heck, out of the world?16:26
ogra_old eabi is probably the ganddad of both of them :)16:26
LetoThe2nd"never touch a running system"? what kept netware alive?16:26
infinitygeotec: Or find something else that does the job.  Or find the people who produced the original binary?16:26
geotecyeah right. Kinda stole the binary ;s16:27
geotecnot really stole, but almost16:27
* infinity covers his ears.16:27
infinityLA LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU.16:27
infinityGOING AWAY NOW.16:27
* LetoThe2nd hands infinity some iron maiden cds16:28
LetoThe2ndanyways, time to leave ;)16:29
* geotec wonders what was that thing about 'poor life decisions'.. :S16:29
geotecyou know, steal is something very strange to define on the web. Is getting something sincerly offered, you should not take a steal? Is like leaving donuts to indians saying: keep it there for me, i'll be back in a min16:34
geotecwhell i am morally way below indians... i admit16:35
geotecfor loggers: dont worry is just an update to an embedded device, which included this binary. They do not let the package without their hardware. I just grabbed the update and took what i needed16:37
* geotec wonders where is everyone.. o_O 16:39
ogra_stgraber, ...16:48
ogra_booting off USB key works flawless16:48
ogra_i even have a mouse pinter now16:48
ogra_using my panda USB key16:49
stgraberoh, I never tried usb boot ;)16:49
ogra_me neither, but it was clear the the kernel comes up fine16:50
GrueMasterFor which platform, zatab?16:50
ogra_so it could only be a panic or issues mounting the rootfs16:50
stgraberok, so the problem is that booting from emmc is that the kernel can't find the rootfs...16:50
ogra_apparently, i now have a runningg system so i can start inspecing that part :)16:50
* ogra_ goes to find an usb hub so i can attach a kbd16:51
ogra_hmm, and i better create an .xsession file so that it doesnt try to boot into unity all the time :)16:52
stgraberogra_: once you figure out the right kernel config to get emmc boot, can you try and add that to the script (maybe create a zatab branch on LP with the needed kernel/uboot/script.bin/...)?16:53
ogra_stgraber, sure16:54
GrueMasterBut unity works everywhere, right?16:55
ogra_adding a hub doesnt work :/(16:56
GrueMasterYou probably need a usb gadget host cable.16:57
ogra_yes, the device only has micro USB ports16:57
ogra_(read: i'm already using one)16:57
GrueMasterKernel probably not configured for it.  I know it kept going out of cycle on omap/omap4 images.16:59
ogra_dunno if i have shared it the right way17:04
* ogra_ isnt such a big g+ user17:04
stgraberogra_: "Oliver hasn't shared anything with you."17:05
ogra_heck, how do i just publish something on g+ ?17:05
ogra_unrestircted etc17:05
stgraberogra_: you need to make sure it's shared with "public"17:06
ogra_if i click share i can only select groups or individuals17:06
ogra_ah, found it17:06
ogra_intuitive is something else though17:06
ogra_stgraber, try again17:06
stgraberyay, login screen on a tablet!17:07
stgraberhighvoltage: ^17:07
ogra_no touch yet17:07
ogra_and i cant attach a uhub, i think that draws to much power17:07
ogra_so no mouse/kbd yet17:07
ogra_bah and now DPMS kicked in17:08
stgrabergetting it to connect to wifi shouldn't be too difficult17:08
ogra_oh, indeed, i was just wondering why it didnt17:08
ogra_i should probably copy the modules onto the panda image :)17:08
stgraberajmitch managed to get wifi working pretty easily17:08
ogra_well, i bet he had modules ;)17:08
stgraberyeah :)17:09
ogra_hmm, intresting, doesnt finish booting with the modules in place17:18
* ogra_ removes them again17:19
ogra_boots fine17:21
stgraberthat's odd17:22
ogra_well, some module or some firmware being evil here17:23
ogra_ah, awesome, my USB 1.1 hub seems to work17:25
ogra_hmm, or not17:25
ogra_seems it goes into constant reboots now17:25
GrueMasterMaybe it needs some QA?17:26
ogra_no, power17:28
ogra_i found a powered hub, lets see17:28
ogra_yeah, mouse and kbd17:30
ogra_and you can actually use ctrl-alt+t even on non GL systems to get a terminal up ... great17:32
ogra_aha !17:33
ogra_init: failed to open system console17:33
ogra_all over dmesg17:33
ogra_stgraber, insmodding the wlan driver gives me a hard hang17:38
ogra_so that device might have changed between pre-prod and today17:38
ogra_next i'll try the fbcon module17:39
ogra_ugh, these modules are also out of date17:42
ogra_no woder wlan hangs it17:42
highvoltagestgraber: omg17:43
ogra_yeah, i know, i need to clean my desk17:43
ogra_oh cooool !17:46
ogra_pressing the power button actually gets me a shutdown dialog, nice17:47
highvoltagestgraber: I suddenly find it weird that we never considered trying USB17:47
stgraberhighvoltage: I don't have usb sticks17:47
ogra_well, i dont think its actually USB vs MMC17:47
ogra_i guess there is really something weird with the modules17:47
highvoltagestgraber: yeah but they're $4 across the street :)17:47
ogra_ok,. freshly built modules ...17:49
* ogra_ starts over17:49
ogra_hmm, hangs again ...17:52
ogra_even though i should have the matching symbols now17:52
ogra_thats wried17:52
ogra_hmm, unbelivable17:53
ogra_ok, so its definitely fbcon that kills it18:06
geotecarm-linux-ld: unrecognized option '-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions' .. this is tricky :S18:26
TypoNAMtried removing the comma ,  I don't think its suppose to be there18:36
geoteci think is a bug cauz ld shouldnt be passed -Wl18:38
geotecgcc is18:38
TypoNAMhmmm, based off of some googling it should be -Wl,-B,symbolic-functions  so needs another comma ;)18:42
ogra_hah, it helps to also disable android network crap isf you want network :P19:35
ogra_silly stuff19:36
ogra_so my /e/n/i network config doesnt get picked up and NM doesnt work in lightdm19:50
highvoltagestill on the zatab ogra_?19:52
ogra_ogra@zatab:~$ uname -a19:53
ogra_Linux zatab 3.0.38+ #29 PREEMPT Thu Sep 20 21:11:35 CEST 2012 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux19:53
ogra_got ssh :)19:54
ajmitchogra_: so you're making progress with yours? I'd love to see what's different & work out why mine booted so easily :)20:06
ogra_stgraber, hmm, i thought the a10 was a dual core20:12
ogra_i dont see any second core here20:12
ogra_oh, and i only have 400M20:14
ogra_hmm, no, 325M20:14
ogra_and a constant system load of 3.0020:15
ogra_bad plymouth20:15
stgraberogra_: nope, a10 isn't dual-core, it's a single core Cortex A820:16
ogra_wow, its pretty speedy for that20:16
stgraberyeah, it's surprisingly good for an a820:16
infinityIs it remarkably speedier than, say, an mx53 (also a single-core A8)?20:27
ogra_i have never touched an mx5320:28
infinityAhh.  Well, they're pretty speedy for what they are. :P20:28
ogra_it feels a lot speedier than an XM20:28
infinityAnd my guess is that the A10 is just a stock design from ARM, I somehow doubt that, at that pricepoint, they're employing brilliant engineers to tweak it.20:28
infinity(Or it could be a relicensed part from another ARM licensee, like Freescale, just to confuse matters more)20:30
NekoXPinfinity, it's not speedier than an MX53.. except it's easy to find an A10 1.2GHz, you have to special order 1.2GHz MX5320:30
ogra_well, no idea, it comes from deepeds china20:30
infinityNekoXP: Indeed, getting parts out of Freescale is vaguely like pulling teeth.20:31
ogra_might have stolen designs at fsl or developed something themselves20:31
NekoXPit's also definitely not even close to i.MX or OMAP. An ARM reference design with some IP cores they generated themselves seems like the best bet, but a really fast turnaround and very little "optimization"20:31
NekoXPas far as the docs I've seen it's about as far from i.MX as you can get, either they randomly changed every register or the IP is just different20:32
infinityYeah, I've not looked at one at all.20:32
ogra_ogra@zatab:~$ cat /proc/meminfo |grep MemTotal20:32
ogra_MemTotal:         331520 kB20:32
ogra_thats definitely not right20:32
infinityThough, I did say "relicensed from some licensee 'like Freescale'", I didn't imply it would have been Freescale.  Tons of people design A8-alike parts.20:32
NekoXPa lot of IP comes out of China though. There's probably some dirty little video codec supplier around there that gave them a video decoder.. the display unit is a very reasonable and boring design.20:33
infinityJust seems unlikely that, if pushing for volume and low cost, they'd employ any in-house engineering to reinvent any wheels.20:33
ogra_infinity, its china, why would they relicense, they just take it :)20:33
infinityogra_: That only works as long as they don't want to sell into IP-whiney markets (like Europe and North America).20:34
infinityogra_: If their goal was world domination, they have to play by our bizarre rules.20:34
ogra_well, go to fairs in europe and find all the gucci and rolex made in china20:34
infinityYeahp, and Gucci tried to shut them down as they pop up.20:35
ogra_didnt they even copy a complete BMW once ?20:35
NekoXPGucci probably makes all their stuff in china anyway20:35
infinityBut most of them are much harder to find than AllWinner, who's made themselves a large target.20:35
infinitySo, here's hoping they're playing nicely.20:35
ogra_yeah, i'm indeed not serious here :)20:36
NekoXPit's no wonder all that stuff gets Shanzhai treatment20:36
ogra_anyway, enough tabletting for a day ...20:36
* ogra_ wonders off to the TV20:36
infinityAny day with tabletting is a bad day, IMO.20:36
highvoltagethanks for doing it ogra_20:36
infinityI'm still so not the target market for those things.20:36
highvoltageogra_: so does booting from USB make a difference?20:36
ogra_highvoltage, well, now that i have it, i want to use it :)20:37
* infinity goes back to arguing with clang.20:37
NekoXPit could be that the IP in use is some standard FPGA library stuff. Some of it looks a lot like the things you'd find on opensource websites for Altera or Xilinx FPGAs20:37
ogra_highvoltage, yeah, still cant boot from MMC20:37
infinityI swear, I develop a new brain bleed every time I dive into this codebase.20:37
infinityAnd it boggled the mind every time someone else claims it's "clean and well-written" or, my favourite "has great ARM support".20:37
ajmitchogra_: I didn't think mine was too different (got it from zareason at UDS), as it boots from MMC just fine20:37
ajmitchinfinity: their definition of 'great' might be that it compiles sometimes20:38
highvoltageajmitch: yeah there's definitely some difference between the two20:38
ogra_ajmitch, well, might be pre-production20:38
infinityajmitch: Yeah, well.  There are some things about the llvm architecture that are pretty neat, and if we could go back in time a few decades, GCC could learn some lessons.20:38
infinityajmitch: But overall, the project is painful to work with, especially with their haphazard support for multiple architectures.20:38
infinityAnd every small mistake llvm makes is magnified about four thousand times by clang's clunky interface on top.20:39
infinityBUT I'M NOT BITTER.20:39
infinityllvm as a backend to gcc might actually be easier to support than clang is.20:40
ajmitchgcc's architecture has been driven by the fsf philosophy, not always in a good way20:41
infinityNope, GCC has a lot of warts, and a lot of things that are almost literally unfixable at this point.20:41
infinityBut llvm's hardly a utopia of software design either.20:41
XorA|goneyou should know by now open source devs just jump from cool eTLA to cool eTLA :-D20:43
infinityWhatever.  Perl 4 lyfe, yo.20:45
infinityAnyhow.  Let's see if this hacked-up clang actually (A) builds, and (B) produces binaries that look kinda like armhf ones.20:46
* infinity crosses his fingers.20:46
micahginfinity: abiword keeps aborting on armel21:42
infinitymicahg: Yes, this is known.  Stop giving it back. :P21:44
micahginfinity: I figured I wasn't running into the wall fast enough :P21:46
micahgany idea when things might return to normalish?21:47
infinityNot sure.  It's a catch-22 where hacking around this breaks other things.21:47
infinityAnd fixing it properly is real effort.21:47
David7Has anyone here built the kernel.org kernel using Ubuntu arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc?23:39

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