
sagacihead_victim, ping07:13
blahdeblahHi folks, is tracker the preferred free equivalent to Google Desktop now that the latter has been discontinued?07:19
head_victimsagaci: pong07:38
md_5google desktop?07:39
blahdeblahmd_5: It indexes the contents of files and lets you search them quickly07:39
md_5I remember that07:40
md_5windows vista and 7 do it now anyway07:40
blahdeblahyeah - that's why Google dropped it07:40
blahdeblahUntil it stopped supporting Firefox and Thunderbird, it was a kick-butt solution for Linux.07:40
blahdeblahBut i'm installing a new laptop and Google Desktop is not available, so i'm looking for an alternative.07:41
md_5find -name07:41
md_5yeah tracker07:43
blahdeblahmd_5: *contents*, not name, and *pre-indexed*, not sit around waiting while it trawls through 300 GB of my crap07:43
sagacihead_victim, guess so but I'm glad that the journalist did a bit of her own research... never thought I'd see Ubuntu, let alone the keyword "debian" in the local paper08:22
head_victimAny publicity is good publicity :)08:23
sagaciyeah, the article kinda sums up what I'd say to a random anyway so hits two goals08:24
* twitchie waves11:48
twitchieso quite 13:21
sagaciquite 13:22
twitchieyes but I'm quite discombobulated 13:23
twitchiesee what i did there .. *hint nudge wink*13:24
* twitchie licks sagaci 13:24
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