
=== smartboyhw-lol is now known as smartboyhw
fosburghave a new computer--1 HD Windows and 1 HD Ubuntu.  How do I get the OS's to see both drives?13:31
philinuxfosburg: i use easybcd on the winders drive and grub on the ubuntu drive.13:32
philinuxdo you mean on boting or reading files13:32
fosburgI want to keep back-up files  on a drive and also go to the drive to get folders and files for both OS's13:35
geirhaWindows can't read the filesystems Ubuntu uses by default. Ubuntu can read Windows' fine though, and no thanks to Microsoft.13:37
smartboyhwgeirha: +113:38
philinuxfosburg: you need a partition on one drive to keep this data13:38
philinuxeither ntfs on the ubuntu drive or a folder on the winders drive would do13:38
fosburgOk on the partition13:38
=== smartboyhw is now known as smartboyhw-lol
=== smartboyhw-lol is now known as smartboyhw
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
bizhanMonaHi is there such a think as a kickstart for ubuntu? and if yes where I can get info on thatplease?17:09
penreturnsyou can try ubuntu online for a start http://www.ubuntu.com/tour/en/17:15
tsimpsonah, but that's a lie17:26
Sidewinder1bizhanMona, Is this what you're looking for? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kickstart_%28Linux%2918:07
bizhanMonaSidewinder1: yes, thanks again. you great!!18:17
Sidewinder1bizhanMona, My pleasure.18:17
=== cortman is now known as HaggisAttack
=== HaggisAttack is now known as cortman
=== cortman is now known as thewildhaggis
raubEasy question of the day: how do I say that local users I create with adduser/useradd start with uid's 1000 or above?20:27
raubMy issue is that I have network users with uid 5000 or above and last local user I created ended up with uid=502720:28
geirhayou'll want to use adduser, not useradd20:52
geirhaAnd you can set the uid range in /etc/adduser.conf20:53
geirhauseradd will NOT read that file, but adduser will20:53
geirhauseradd will read /etc/login.defs instead20:55
geirhaAnd if you want to add users in bulk, check newusers (it also uses /etc/login.defs)20:55
=== thewildhaggis is now known as cortman
alo21can someone suggest me an useful site where I can read how to customize and how debian/rules file works, please?21:15

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