
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: Its because they want a import duty01:36
bkerensathis is not unusual01:36
bkerensaIts being held at UPS's Customs office in Peru I imagine?01:36
JoseeAntonioRbkerensa: because of storage, they say01:36
JoseeAntonioRnope, it's out01:36
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: makes sense storage costs them money :)01:37
bkerensaI do not like UPS's Customs Processes for international shipments01:38
bkerensaI have now had three holds occur with them for everything from them wanting to know what material a shirt is made out of to them asking me if the pens coming to me follow all federal regulations01:38
bkerensaI asked the lady "Do you think I manufactured these pens myself?"01:44
JoseeAntonioRare they still with ups?01:51
bkerensaI got them out the same day they got a customs hold01:51
bkerensaeither way we are no longer using Merchandise Mania01:52
bkerensaso going forward we will have things shipped domestically01:52
dholbachgood morning06:56
dpmgood morning all07:14
dholbachhi dpm07:28
dpmmorgen dholbach07:29
dpmdholbach, ah, you can perhaps help me with confirming whether the "Battery" string on the power indicator appears untranslated on your system?07:30
dholbachthat's the case07:30
dpmdholbach, thanks, Didier just confirmed it on #ubuntu-desktop, so it's confirmed in 3 languages - looks to me like a bug07:31
bkerensamorning popey07:44
popeyhey bkerensa07:44
popeythanks for the docteam efforts for this unity release!07:44
bkerensapopey: no problem07:47
bkerensapopey: you use Tomahawk yet?08:01
popeyno idea what it is08:04
bkerensapopey: media player http://www.tomahawk-player.org/08:04
bkerensaopen source :)08:04
popeywell that looks familiar08:04
IdleOnebkerensa: you wouldn't happen to know how I get firefox to know how to use links from toma.hk to play in tomahawk?08:37
bkerensaIdleOne: Yes08:37
bkerensaone sec08:37
* IdleOne waits08:38
bkerensaIdleOne: http://askubuntu.com/questions/44849/how-to-configure-chrome-to-open-magnet-urls-with-deluge08:40
bkerensaI thought that might be the trick08:40
bkerensabut let me check with muesli08:40
jokerdinowhoa, ask ubuntu link \o/08:44
bkerensawaiting on their response08:45
bkerensabut I imagine adding a handler for tomahawk to the desktop file will result in a win08:45
bkerensadeluge still has same issue on Ubuntu08:45
IdleOneI'm not running Unity08:45
bkerensaI have to hack my desktop file each time08:45
jokerdinoi think you can configure in preferences > apps > mime08:45
bkerensaIdleOne: you still have desktop files though :)08:46
IdleOneso, I don't think that will help me08:46
bkerensaIdleOne: What DE?08:46
bkerensayeah kde uses it08:46
IdleOneok, and I save the file in  ~/home right?08:48
bkerensauhh nano /usr/share/applications/tomahawk.desktop08:49
IdleOnethe file already exists, why doesn't it work?08:50
bkerensaand the handler is there too08:51
bkerensayou could file a bug http://bugs.tomahawk-player.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa08:51
bkerensaor ping muesli on #tomahawk08:52
IdleOnelemme poke around a littke08:53
czajkowskipopey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/105328809:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 1053288 in unity "Broken UI and no window management" [Undecided,New]09:00
jokerdinocan't reproduce the bug.09:01
popeyczajkowski, what happens if you switch to guest account, does it do it then?09:01
czajkowskipopey: yes just checked09:04
IdleOnebkerensa: thanks for your help btw :)09:04
jokerdinoaha, czajkowski i can reproduce your bug now09:13
jokerdinono appmenu, no markers in launcher, etc09:13
* czajkowski goes back to sleep now 09:13
czajkowskia bug a day at least with unity atm :/09:13
jokerdinogood night.09:14
popeyczajkowski, its not a bug :)09:17
jokerdinopopey: is it the configuration files?09:17
popeyits because you still have reminants of the staging ppa on your machine09:17
popeyyou need to a) add the staging ppa, then b) purge it09:17
popeysudo add-apt-repository ppa:unity-team/staging09:18
popeysudo apt-get update09:18
popeysudo apt-get install ppa-purge09:18
popeysudo ppa-purge ppa:unity-team/staging09:18
czajkowskiczajkowski@sheldon:~$ sudo ppa-purge ppa:unity-team/staging09:22
czajkowskiUpdating packages lists09:22
czajkowskiPPA to be removed: unity-team staging09:22
czajkowskiWarning:  Could not find package list for PPA: unity-team staging09:22
jokerdinolet me reboot. one sec09:23
jokerdinopopey: that didn't help my case.09:25
popeyczajkowski, did you add it first?09:25
czajkowskipopey: yup followed your instructions09:28
popeyhave a look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ for a file called unity-team-staging-quantal.list09:28
popeydoes it exist?09:29
popeyremove it and then do the instructions again09:33
popeysudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unity-team-staging-quantal.list09:33
czajkowskipopey: https://pastebin.canonical.com/74851/09:36
czajkowskiseem right to you09:36
czajkowskifollowed all of your instructions :s09:38
jokerdinopopey: i can reproduce the bug with bamf from repo.09:38
jokerdinousing https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+source/bamf/0.3.0-0ubuntu209:38
popeyczajkowski, no, hang on09:39
popeythis is a byproduct of you having mixed packages from quantal and staging09:39
jokerdinoczajkowski: i installed libunity-webapps0 and that helps09:40
jokerdinosudo apt-get install libunity-webapps*09:41
jokerdinoplease. take me seriously :P09:41
popeyczajkowski, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1216428/09:43
popeytry that09:43
czajkowskihe following packages have unmet dependencies. libbamf3-0 : Depends: bamfdaemon (= 0.3.0+stagingbzr483ubuntu0+439)09:45
czajkowskiE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.09:45
czajkowskipopey: didnt I do that funky one the last day09:45
czajkowskidont up update/upgrade09:48
czajkowskithanks popey for the help though09:48
popeytry that one?09:48
* jokerdino shrugs and walks away.09:48
czajkowskijokerdino: how is 12.10 for you other than this issue?09:50
czajkowskipopey: no errors that time09:50
jokerdinoczajkowski: it is generally okay. i just fixed this issue by installing libunity-webapps0 :/09:50
jokerdinoapparently, bamf was rebuilt against libunity-webapps and you ought to have it installed.09:51
czajkowskijokerdino: ok good to know, thank you.09:51
jokerdinothis is one of those times when i hate my username.09:51
jokerdinopeople don't take me seriously enough :|09:52
czajkowskijokerdino: no not at all, just hard getting info from 2 people at the same time09:53
czajkowskiapologies nothign to do with your name at all09:53
jokerdinooh, that's a little soothing.09:53
jokerdinobut really, did you not try installing it? :/09:54
czajkowskinow I'm off to find a dentist in the hope he can fix my gob09:54
jokerdinobye; take care09:54
jokerdino(i abhor dentists)09:54
popeynew unity/compiz etc will land later so all this will be more fun09:57
jokerdinopopey: what comes with the new unity/ compiz?09:58
jokerdinoother than the webapps.09:58
popeyjoy and happy times10:01
jokerdinoi see.10:01
jokerdinoi hope to switch to Fedora in case of grave dangers :P10:01
AlanBellhopefully a less explody GTK too10:02
jokerdinoi am still waiting for the sound theme, icon theme, better spread, etc10:03
jokerdinoi am sure i am missing a couple more.10:03
popeypffft, all the cool cats are switching to gnewsense10:03
popeyor something10:03
jokerdinolol gnewsense is not in development is it?10:03
jokerdinolast update on Thursday 2012-03-01,10:04
jokerdinoI think i am happy with the buggy Unity.10:04
popeyczajkowski, guys are working on your issue10:05
* czajkowski hugs popey 10:10
czajkowskifound a dentist10:10
czajkowskineed to wait an hour10:10
dpminbox < 250 \o/11:26
dpmtime to go for lunch11:26
jcastro_heya czajkowski13:06
jcastro_any idea where: https://code.launchpad.net/+daily-builds went?13:06
jcastro_at last, the last of the solaris hold outs ....15:04
snap-lThis is the first I'm hearing of Illumos.15:45
cjohnstondholbach: you added me to the card, I'll make the decision ;-) hehhe15:45
dpmhi bkerensa, around?15:46
cjohnstonwho's decision is it?15:46
pleia2snap-l: it's what pretty much all the new solaris spins are based on these days, there are some really cool server ones15:46
pleia2went to a talk on smartos recently for virtualization, runs the host OS in RAM :)15:47
snap-lpleia2: Ah, very cool15:50
dholbachalright, I've got to got and buy some medicine - see you all tomorrow :)15:53
dholbachbye :)15:54
bkerensadpm: Hello :)17:57
jcastro_cjohnston, yo yo18:51
jcastro_summit charm blog?18:51
bkerensajcastro_: someone on G+ says they will pay for you to do the horse19:04
cjohnstonjcastro_: your writing one?19:34
jcastro_no I was told you were going to19:34
jcastro_cjohnston, no seriously I thought you and mims were working on one19:53
cjohnstonslowly, yes19:53
jcastro_joseeAntonioR, ok racaar, vandine, and neil are in20:32
jcastro_I'll update the page then announce it20:32
czajkowskijcastro_: sorry only seeing message now, was offline20:54
jcastro_anyone help me out with my simple html brain freeze?20:54
czajkowskinot sure if you ask in -ops they'll let you know20:54
czajkowskiyes on our server20:54
JoseeAntonioRjcastro_: great! You meant from 17 to 18, or sometime between 17 and 1821:30
jcastro_17 to 18 right?21:30
jcastro_joseeAntonioR: so I seem to fail at simple html21:31
jcastro_see the front page21:31
JoseeAntonioRjcastro_: I won't be here at 17!21:31
JoseeAntonioRlet me check21:32
jcastro_oh, make it 18 then?21:32
JoseeAntonioRI'm having my visa interview at 16, don't know if I'll make it.21:32
JoseeAntonioRcan be, though21:32
jcastro_that's fine21:33
JoseeAntonioRif I don't arrive here at 17:55, then start without me, and I'll join as soon as I get home21:33
JoseeAntonioRI'll try to do it as quicker as I can21:33
jcastro_that's fine21:35
jcastro_no rush21:35
jcastro_WE CAN LIVE.21:35
JoseeAntonioRjcastro_: page updated21:37
JoseeAntonioRnxvl is now daddy nxvl!21:39
mhall119upvote please: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/107qr7/new_unity_66_released_needs_your_help_testing/21:45
bkerensamhall119: r/Linux is better21:46
JoseeAntonioRjcastro_: want me to test if disqus works?21:46
jcastro_I have to bail for a bit, but I'll be back21:47
JoseeAntonioRbkerensa: are you joining us on Monday?21:48
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: what time?21:48
JoseeAntonioRbkerensa: 18 UTC21:49
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: I am sleeping at that hour21:49
cjohnstonbkerensa: you only sleep about one hour a day, can't you pick a different one21:49
bkerensacjohnston: no no I get 4 hours of sleep21:50
jcastro_oh sweet21:50
jcastro_we're keeping grub2 for secure boot21:50
mhall119seems that way21:50
bkerensacjohnston: I recently learned that getting 4 hours of sleep is for the win http://www.businessinsider.com/successful-people-who-barely-sleep-2012-921:51
cjohnstonbkerensa: I read that after you posted itttttt.. and im not sure I believe you on you actually get 4 hours21:51
mhall119I did that for about a year, it was horrible21:52
bkerensamhall119: I wish I could sleep normal hours21:53
* cjohnston wishes he could go back to sleeping 4 hours.21:54
bkerensacjohnston: 4-5 hours :) is honestly about average21:54
bkerensait really depends on when I fall asleep and whether my neighbors child is being a monster in the morning :P21:55
jcastro_I need a full 8, been kind of rough this week21:55
cjohnstonthis past few months ive been requiring a lot, and i dont like it21:55
JoseeAntonioRjcastro_: I would suggest a private hangout on Saturday, so we can teach participants how to use the addon, and for testing connections/audio21:55
jcastro_the only one who sucks is racarr21:56
jcastro_and he has a new headset and stuff21:56
bkerensajcastro_: you should make a hangout on air tut21:56
JoseeAntonioRsure about that?21:56
jcastro_none of them are going to work on a saturday21:56
jcastro_I'll send a reminder on monday morning for people to test their stuff though21:56
JoseeAntonioRgreat, then21:57
JoseeAntonioRI'll send the link to the addon instructions later21:57
pleia2sleep++ (I love sleep so much I'm marrying the owner of doze.net)21:57
jcastro_what's doze.net?21:57
pleia2just a domain21:57
jcastro_and is that the guy we met at the BBQ? that one day?21:57
jcastro_is he a geek too or just opposite?21:58
pleia2he's a geek too, network engineer at google21:58
jcastro_oh cool21:58
bkerensaBtw.. if anyone was thinking of getting a Kindle Fire HD... Just dont21:58
jcastro_did he have a good time at UDS?21:59
jcastro_I bet the first time is weird for some people.21:59
mhall119bkerensa: why would anyone want an LCD ebook reader?21:59
jcastro_"this UDS thing is easy, after that party we through for you guys with the latex circus clowns, this band you guys have is tame."21:59
cjohnstonWe aren't going to have latex clowns this time? I quit!22:00
mhall119that was a very weird party22:00
mhall119volleyball > clowns22:01
bkerensajcastro_: you think it will be tame... little did you know Denmark is party capital ;p22:01
jcastro_that volleyball was getting intense22:02
jcastro_until marcoceppi ruined it22:02
bkerensaThe quad copter that kept crashing into the crowd was intense22:05
jcastro_pleia2, this weekend, single sign on22:07
jcastro_I can feel it22:07
bkerensajcastro_: for forums?22:08
czajkowskiDear 2FA please FO >:(22:08
jcastro_bkerensa, hope so22:09
pleia2yes! then we can go back to pestering IS about doing the upgrade :)22:09
bkerensapleia2: ticket says stalled22:09
czajkowskiit will do while it's n progress22:10
pleia2bkerensa: yes, because someone is working on getting the single sign on plugin working, IS can't do anything until that's done22:10
pleia2it's actually an IS ticket, the status doesn't reflect work they aren't doing22:10
* popey hugs 2fa22:22
czajkowskipopey: yer rather strange :)22:23
popeyi have it all setup sweet22:23
marcoceppijcastro_: "Mandatory break"23:40

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