
darkxstyeh its just 2 patches that fix memory leaks00:12
darkxsthmm user switching seems completely broken11:36
darkxstI can't log back into an active session from the switch user screen11:38
darkxstand to make it even worse, lock screen is not activated when switching, so can just switch VT's to get into an unlocked session11:38
jbichadarkxst: you mean while using GNOME Shell on GDM? have you restarted GDM since yesterday's updates?12:59
smartboyhwYo jbicha13:32
smartboyhwjbicha: You are in Hawaii?13:32
smartboyhwHi ricotz14:18
ricotzsmartboyhw, hi14:21
smartboyhwricotz: How´s the artwork? I heard about it14:23
ricotzsmartboyhw, sorry, i can't following you, what?14:26
smartboyhwMaybe wrong person but14:27
smartboyhwAnyway forget about it14:27
=== smartboyhw is now known as smartboyhw-lol
=== smartboyhw-lol is now known as smartboyhw
darkxstjbicha, yes I have restarted gdm20:33
darkxstdoes user switching work for you?20:45
jbichaI haven't tested that yet, I'm running Unity today20:47
darkxstwell basically I am seeing atleast 2 bugs here20:53
darkxstplus there is a really bad bug in control-center ;(20:54
darkxsttry clicking on a user's fullname in user settings20:55
darkxstit becomes editable, but the text is massive20:55
jbichadarkxst: that bug was fixed (I think yesterday)20:56
darkxstand try to actually edit, it crashes, control-centre and shell20:56
jbichait's a pretty awesome bug, isn't it?20:57
darkxstyeh, whoever thought a tiny text field could take down the entire session!20:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1053666 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Login to an active session fails from the Switch User Screen" [Undecided,New]21:18

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