[02:05] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from tdlguiinstall) [02:06] ow called the ops in #ubuntu () [02:06] darn [02:06] u beat me [02:06] :D [02:06] he kept leaving chan so my autocomplete died [02:06] :D [02:15] you shouldn't rely on autocomplete for kickbans anyway. [02:16] I don't rely on them, but it sure helps for speed. [06:24] can someone tell me what i can't ftp into .gvfs dir? [06:24] make sense? [06:24] good engrish [06:30] "it doesn't work for me: remove it from the repos!!!111" [07:10] heh, if he could ftp into it, that would be quite a worry === mrmist is now known as groupcat === chu is now known as Guest58620 === Guest58620 is now known as chu` === chu` is now known as chu_ === chu_ is now known as chu === Dave2 is now known as staffgoat === staffgoat is now known as Dave23 === Dave23 is now known as Dave2 === Captainh00k is now known as h00k [14:48] I don't understand what they were asking either. [14:48] I tried the command, it said pulseaudio is not installed [14:48] I was going to ask if they wanted the build-depends or whatever, but I decided to not bother [14:49] *after being called retarded [15:28] Boondoklife: last installation took 2 weeks [15:28] that seems a tad long === Fuchs is now known as tinyfox [19:04] IdleOne: ! [19:04] Happy birthday [19:04] Thank you :) [19:04] really? [19:05] Pici is rarely wrong [19:05] /scloak Idleone cake/nommer/idleone [19:05] just kidding. Happy birthday <3 [19:05] Thank you :) [19:05] Made it another year, congrats. [19:05] * genii-around slides IdleOne their beverage of choice and a cupcake with a birthday candle on it [19:05] hehe thank you, thank you :) [19:07] * DJones sings Happy Birthday [19:08] * DJones wonders why the channel has emptied [19:11] Can somebody explain what is happening with the user "sixx" in #u, constantly joining & leaving/quiting with " sixx!~sixx@i.am.the-king.co [Max SendQ exceeded]" seems to have been going on all day [19:12] DJones: we looked at it and (hopefully) fixed it a few minutes ago, [19:12] they are probably flooding the server with a /who [19:12] if it happens again, please do poke us [19:12] it is quite probably a misbehaving client/bouncer [19:13] Its still bouncing in #u [19:13] indeed [19:13] not anymore [19:13] :) [19:14] Myrtti: see $otherchan :) [19:14] yup I know [19:19] Myrtti: safe to deop now? [19:20] chanserv is back, so I think so [19:20] kthx [21:18] ActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu (_XMENDES I told you, you wouldn't listen) [21:19] apparently he's using 10.10 [21:19] and trying to get support for it