
jbichabummer, Unity from the staging PPA is pretty broken01:23
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Mirvand PPA:s being updated again (https://launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/+archive/uantal-compiz-unity-testing2)10:05
Mirvjbicha: staging is currently not useful because of the rush going, current tested stuff can be found in the above PPA and its friend mentioned in the description10:05
Mirvfirst of all there was lp:unity where the work was done instead of lp:unity/6.0 that staging tracks, and then merges were disabled to speed up pushing, and finally lp:unity was pushed to lp:unity/6.0. staging will start to update normally again after today's rush10:06
MirvPPA updated with latest unity build11:02
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jokerdinohey devs, is the trash supposed to be labelled rubbish bin or trash?13:55
jokerdinothe launcher tooltip says rubbish bin while the overlay is trash13:55
Zhenechits rubbish on en_GB and trash on en_US on other systems13:56
Zhenechif that helps13:56
jokerdinoah, why am i on en_GB :|13:56
jokerdinothanks Zhenech13:56
jokerdinowill be right bacl13:56
Zhenechjokerdino, it should be consistent, though14:02
jokerdinoapparently, i had en_AU instead of en_US.14:03
jokerdinoi switched it. will check back later14:03
jokerdinowill be back after a longer break now. thanks again14:03
jokerdinoZhenech: thanks. it is now consistent.14:53
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bobweaverHello there I can not get unity to build at all. I mean I can not even get past cmake ,  There are held dependencys that I can not take care of. How did you all build the unity 6.6 ? from the stagging-future ppa ?16:44
bobweaverLike when I run sudo apt-get build-deps unity      that is where the errors start16:44
bobweavererror with bamf  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1217088/16:46
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bobweaverwhat is *na* in std::unique_ptr<na::AnimationController> animation_controller_;17:35
bobweaverwhat is that lib ?17:35
Mirvbobweaver: staging-future only has compiz/nux/unity, so you need to have staging enabled as well17:54
bobweaversweet thanks Mirv  I was able to get it17:54
bobweaverit was bamf17:54
bobweaverhad to make sure that it was comming from the correct place17:55
bobweaversudo apt-get install {libbamf3-0,bamfdaemon}=0.3.0-0ubuntu217:55
bobweaverthen sudo apt-get build-dep unity     ran great17:56
bobweaverI am building it as we talk17:56
bobweaverwhat is GVFS and why is it Remote Monitor my system ?18:26
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bobweaverIs there anything else that i am missing to install a altered unity ?  cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr19:50
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bschaeferhello, so who would I bug to get bamf and libunity-webapps rebuilt in unity-team/staging?23:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1053688 in BAMF "bamfdaemon links to libunity_webapps.so but the library is named libunity-webapps.so" [Critical,Triaged]23:39
bschaefercauses bamfdaemon to die, which causes a bunch of problems in unity23:39

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