
mrojas6996hello!, anybody here?00:32
VermicelliI'm having trouble getting my Humble Bundle to install with Ubuntu Software Center. I get a "Not Found," for each title, which oddly enough while not found may or may not have ratings.00:34
ramprasadgkHello All Good Morning02:08
GridCube:) hello02:14
holsteinVermicelli: i dont see shatter in the repos02:21
ramprasadgkhey guys i am unbale to login to my admin account02:36
ramprasadgki can log in to gues but02:36
holsteinramprasadgk: you dont have a root account by default... you mean, your normal user? you cant login to it?02:37
ramprasadgki have02:39
ramprasadgkbut not able to login02:39
holsteinramprasadgk: well, assuming you need to reset your password.. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword02:39
holsteinramprasadgk: i would just double check the password, and try in TTY02:39
ramprasadgkpassowrd is right02:55
ramprasadgki even reset that02:55
holsteinramprasadgk: reset what? the password? how?02:55
holsteinramprasadgk: did you try logging in in TTY?02:56
ramprasadgkwhen i enter my password a screen flashes and bang.. i am back to login screen02:56
ramprasadgki reset using recovery mode02:56
holsteinramprasadgk: that could be a crash, more that a password failing02:56
ramprasadgkbut thats not the problem02:56
ramprasadgki think so02:56
ramprasadgkit was a brand new inst02:56
ramprasadgk3 days ago02:57
holsteinramprasadgk: sure.. 3 days is enough time for you to break it though02:57
ramprasadgkha ha02:57
holsteinramprasadgk: you can start moving things out of the /home directory02:57
holsteini think you'll find you can login from TTY02:57
ramprasadgki dont have anything great stored in there02:57
holsteinyou can get to a recovery console02:57
ramprasadgki can login as guest though!02:57
holsteinyou can get to the /home directory from a live CD02:58
ramprasadgki have it installed02:58
holsteinramprasadgk: i dont think you can do what i am suggesting from the guest account, but feel free and try02:58
holsteinramprasadgk: you can get to the /home directory of the user that is failing to login by using a live CD02:58
holsteinOR, TTY02:58
holsteinor the recovery root console02:59
ramprasadgki can login02:59
ramprasadgkusing recovery mode02:59
holsteinramprasadgk: then whats the issue?02:59
ramprasadgki dont think best way is use recovery mode everytime03:00
holsteinramprasadgk: ok.. then in there you can remove or move .config and whatever other changes in there you think might be breaking the loading03:00
ramprasadgkto use xubuntu03:00
ramprasadgkk let me try it out03:00
holsteinramprasadgk: while in recovery mode, you can recover the system.. you can remove some of the configuration files in your /home directory03:00
holstein .config would be the first one i would try03:01
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ramprasadgki have ibus03:10
ramprasadgkunder .config03:10
ramprasadgkshould i remove  that03:10
holsteinramprasadgk: what i am suggesting is to remove or rename .config03:12
holsteini would just backup what is there, and blow it out.. reboot and try and login03:12
ramprasadgkit dint work03:26
ramprasadgkanyaway i gotta reintall XUBUNTU03:26
XT_hydrahi i have a problem with my xfce configs05:02
XT_hydrai recently had problem like panel not apearing and mouse not apearing and no keyboard input and so on05:04
XT_hydraso i deleted some stuff in ".conf" in my "home" folder05:04
XT_hydrabut i dont see the little "x" button for quitting a window anymore05:04
XT_hydralikely the problem is wich configuration handle the GUI for that button?05:05
XT_hydraooh i googled it problem solved.. lol05:10
=== ball is now known as ball__
dreamr4c3rHi does anybody know how to type ascii characters?06:55
dreamr4c3rI tried with alt+numbers but it didn't work06:56
balldreamr4c3r: You should have a key for each of the printable ASCII characters.  Are you looking for something non-ASCII?06:56
ball(what number were you typing?)06:56
dreamr4c3rerm, sorry maybe not ascii haha i want to type special characters like the swedish a with the two dots and stuff06:57
dreamr4c3rthese: äåö06:57
ballThat's definitely not ASCII, but let me see what I can find.06:57
dreamr4c3rthanks :)06:57
ballMouse -> Accessories -> Character Map06:57
ball...hopefully that will help.06:58
dreamr4c3roh i see, so i have to copy them from here?06:58
dreamr4c3ri suppose there's no way to type them quickly?06:58
ballThere may be.  I notice it says u+four digits06:58
* ball experiments06:58
dreamr4c3rhehe i was thiking of compose keys, though i didn't see an options button in the keyboard layout07:01
ballThanks Sysi07:01
dreamr4c3rami just blind?07:01
ballI've just noticed that my keyboard doesn't seem to have an AltGr key07:02
Sysithere are different keyboard settings in xubuntu and ubuntu07:02
ballI wonder when those went away.07:02
Sysithere are other ways of settings compose kay, like xmodmap and xkb07:03
ballI just installed Xubuntu this morning.07:03
ballI like it.07:04
dreamr4c3rit's fast huh hahah07:04
dreamr4c3rthanks sysi07:06
ramprasadgkhey guys where can i download all plugins for parole07:06
ramprasadgkkeep it simple pals07:06
ramprasadgkdont send me a big doc07:07
ramprasadgkparole video/audio player07:07
Sysido you lack some functionality you'd like to have?07:08
ramprasadgki cant play any vido on it07:09
ramprasadgkex avi,mpeg etc07:09
ramprasadgkthats just basic rite07:09
ramprasadgkit says sometimes, decoder not installed07:09
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:09
ramprasadgksometimes plugin needed07:09
Sysiyou need plugin for subsystem that player uses rather than player itself actually07:10
Sysisearch for gstreamer plugins in software center07:10
Sysiyou need -bad and -ugly07:11
=== ball is now known as ball_
mlpoknMy USB mouse shows up twice in the Mouse Settings options. What can I do?08:07
erkan^hello, where can i change a theme? i have 12.04 ?09:06
akis i installed an add-on on my thunderbird but due to a conflict with another add-on i remove it. i am running xubutnu 12.04 and as far as i can see in /home/user/thunderbird there is no trace of this add-on after i remove it. is there any possibility of any left-over files somewhere else and how can i be sure that removing this add-on everything related to it is removed?09:07
mgs555Hey all. A bit of a newbie here. Recently installed xubuntu over the vanilla installation. 1. How do I change the appearance of checkboxes, sliders, tabs and such? I can't seem to find settings for this in either Appearance or Window Manager settings. 2. How do I make the volume control work? Best I can tell there's some conflict between pulseaudio and the one that xfce comes with. Is the xfce mixer ever gonna work "as expected" on t09:37
TheSheepmgs555: yes09:38
knomemgs555, 1) go to applications -> settings -> settings manager -> appearance09:39
knomemgs555, it's in the style tab09:40
mgs555knome - that just seems to change the color scheme and window borders, but the sliders and stuff stays the same. maybe something's bugged out? They all seem kind of "primitive" - the checkboxes are just popped up buttons and sliders are these crude bars.09:41
mgs555I switched between ubuntu/xubuntu/xfe a few times to try them out and it seems that this changed after I logged back into xubuntu the last time09:42
mgs555oh, never mind :)09:43
mgs555it finally worked09:43
mgs555I just didn't try the right themes09:43
mgs555is the sound mixer issue solvable?09:44
ramprasadgkmy wifi is not detecting any n/w even though quiet a few around, ::: all drivers installed .. rfkill list wlan says they are not hard/soft blocked09:51
ramprasadgkhow to connect to my wifi09:52
ramprasadgkanyone there09:57
Simooonramprasadgk, perhaps your hardware switch is turned off?09:59
ramprasadgkit is on09:59
Simooonand it have worked before?09:59
ramprasadgkthis is my first xubuntu install09:59
ramprasadgkwith windows it was fine09:59
Simooonyou can not detect any networks at all?10:00
ramprasadgknot wireless10:00
ramprasadgkduring installation it mentioned that dhcp server inst failed10:00
ramprasadgkis that a porb10:01
Simooonnot sure, perhaps you should try installing that10:01
ramprasadgkapart frm that10:01
ramprasadgkanything basic am i missing10:01
longwuyuanramprasad ... if you click the icon in task bar .. do you see wireless enabled10:02
ramprasadgkbecause i got all drivers installed10:02
Simooonhmm not sure, sorry but I have to go10:02
longwuyuanhave you tried to enable it10:03
ramprasadgkhow do i do that10:03
longwuyuanunless u can tell what is wrong ..   i am not sure what solution will work for you10:04
longwuyuanwhat is the output of  iwlist wlan0 scanning10:04
longwuyuan" iwlist wlan0 scanning"10:04
ramprasadgkiterface doesn't support scanning10:05
longwuyuanalso what is the output of "iwconfig"10:05
ramprasadgklo no wireless ext10:06
ramprasadgketh 0 no wireless ext10:06
longwuyuanany other line ?10:06
ramprasadgklo eth0.. no other10:06
ramprasadgkonly 210:06
longwuyuanthen your wireless card is not even initialised10:07
ramprasadgkwhat do i have to do10:07
longwuyuanbring  the wlan card up10:07
ramprasadgkbecause i m trying from past few days10:07
longwuyuanwhat hardware10:07
ramprasadgkany command?10:07
longwuyuanwhat laptop10:07
ramprasadgkBCM 431110:07
longwuyuanwhat wireless card make and model10:08
longwuyuanin "dmesg" output ... do you see the driver init10:08
longwuyuan"dmesg | less" and search10:08
longwuyuanbetter use xubuntu live and make sure that wireless works from live10:09
ramprasadgkdriver init?10:10
ramprasadgkiany command to initialize wlan10:10
longwuyuansee the output of "dmesg" by typing "dmesg | less" . then use arrow keys of laptop keybaord to go up and down (or /<<text>>) and search if broadcom and wlan0 got initialised or not10:11
longwuyuanif not then ..  i can't help in chat .. you have to read docs on how to install drivers for the hardware that you are using10:11
longwuyuanif u used XUBUNTU LIVE .. then you can know if your WIRELESS hardware works or not10:12
longwuyuando u have GUI ?10:13
ramprasadgki dint find wlan010:13
ramprasadgki have GUI10:13
longwuyuanthen connect ethernet cable and do update first10:14
longwuyuanmaybe you will be able to communicate root-cause for somone to help you10:15
ramprasadgkbut i dont  have lan10:15
ramprasadgkonly wifi10:15
ramprasadgkcommunity wifi10:15
longwuyuanok .. can u boot your computer to XUBUNTU LIVE ?10:15
ramprasadgki have alternate CD only10:16
longwuyuandid u install from USB or CD10:16
ramprasadgki have live ubuntu though10:16
ramprasadgkbut alternate CD of Xubuntu10:16
longwuyuandoes that boot to live ?10:17
longwuyuani don't know so asking10:17
ramprasadgkoh yes10:17
longwuyuanthen boot to live10:17
ramprasadgkbut i havent tried on this laptop10:17
ramprasadgkbecause thsi is pretty old10:17
ramprasadgklike just 256 mb10:17
knomealternate CD doesn't boot to live10:17
ramprasadgkthats why i got xubuntu10:17
longwuyuanif  your card is recognized .. in live CD then it will work with install10:18
knomeramprasadgk, lubuntu might be even better for you10:18
longwuyuanversions of hardware software etc need to match. what is your laptop model10:18
ramprasadgkprob i si got lesser h/w10:18
ramprasadgkpresario CT50010:18
longwuyuanhow old ?10:19
ramprasadgk7 yrs10:19
longwuyuanand which xubuntu version are you trying ?10:19
knomethere is no 4.1 version10:19
knomedo you mean 12.04.1 ?10:20
ramprasadgkits 12.04.110:20
ramprasadgkthis is gettting tough10:21
ramprasadgklet me try fedora10:21
ramprasadgki love ubuntu for its simplicity until simple things won't work :)10:22
knomegood luck with installing; whatever you end up installing10:22
knomebut i doubt fedora will support bcm any more or less10:22
ramprasadgknot sure10:23
knomeramprasadgk, did you already read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx ?10:23
ramprasadgkoh yeah10:23
knomewell, the drivers are the same for all linuxes10:23
knomeramprasadgk, have you updated your bios? that worked wonders for my wife's laptop10:23
ramprasadgki have got my drivers installed10:23
ramprasadgkhow do i do that10:23
ramprasadgkwhat do i update10:23
knomecheck your motherboard manual10:24
knomeyou should check first if there even is bios update available; but i'm quite sure there is if you have a 7-year old pc and haven't updated it :)10:24
ramprasadgkpint is windows gets this right everytime10:25
ramprasadgkwhy not with *inx10:25
knomeyeah, windows has better support for bcm*10:25
knomelong story short: because the bcm* drivers are closed source and linux maintainers would need to reverse-engineer them10:26
ramprasadgki guess this is the time to update my system10:27
ramprasadgkatleast will get a better RAM10:28
knomewell, that too10:28
knomejust check the components are known to be supported on linux, if you're going to use linux10:28
knomei know that's kind of stupid and you shouldn't need to do that, but that's how things are currently10:28
ramprasadgki know10:29
knomeotoh, if you choose the correct components, everything will work OOTB10:29
knomeand that's simply awesome :)10:29
ramprasadgkthis market is you need better h/w for better s/w10:29
ramprasadgkflip side of that is you won't learn most of things10:29
knomethat's true, but you can't always win10:30
knomei suppose it depends much on what you use the stuff for10:30
ramprasadgkbasically i wanted to get this laptop for my wife10:31
knomeif it's for leisure, it might be ok to have some unsupported/not fully supported stiff, but if it's for work, you most probably want maximum stability10:31
ramprasadgkjust to browse the net and watch movies10:31
knome256MB sounds a bit low for that; i'm not sure how that'd play movies anyway10:31
ramprasadgkit does10:31
ramprasadgknot very well but10:32
knomei've had better PC's that don't play DVD's or video files well, and when it comes to youtube, if you want to use firefox, it's known to take half a gig...10:32
ramprasadgkhowever if i get my wifi working i can get many things straight10:32
knomewhat's the step where you are stuck at10:32
knomeor have you followed the tutorial but it still simply doesn't work?10:32
ramprasadgkatleas in my case10:33
ramprasadgki tried all10:33
ramprasadgki got all wwifi drivers installed10:33
ramprasadgkit is showing up now10:33
ramprasadgkbut not scanning any wifi10:33
knomedo you have several drivers loaded? (check lsmod)10:34
ramprasadgklots of10:35
knomei mean, several for wifi10:35
knomeafaik you shold only have one10:35
ramprasadgki dont have that10:35
knomea bios update could very well work10:36
knomeupdating it is not a bad idea anyway10:37
ramprasadgkfor that i need a CD10:37
ramprasadgkmotherboard cd10:37
knomemmh, no10:37
knomeyou can get to bios on boot by pressing some keys, usually esc, del, f2, or so..10:37
ramprasadgki know to get there10:37
knomecheck the manual from the internet for your motherboard/bios10:38
knomeon how to update10:38
knomeiirc i updated the bios with a usb stick :)10:38
ramprasadgkbut tell me onething just to quickly no everything is fine with wifi ,any aprticular command or plca to chk10:39
knomewell, read the tutorials10:39
ramprasadgkquickly no--> quickly know10:39
knomethat too10:39
knomei don't have any specific ideas to test10:39
knomejust what's listed on those10:39
ramprasadgkok np10:40
ramprasadgkone more thing10:43
ramprasadgkhave you got vlan runing on xubuntu10:43
ramprasadgkand also vlc player?10:44
knomenot on this laptop, but i have it on desktop10:44
knomehow so?10:56
mgs555hey all, I'll give it another try: I am having trouble with sound mixer after switching from ubuntu to xubuntu. Been googling all day, honest. Pulseaudio is not supported in xf gui, is this the right conclusion? I must switch completely to alsa? How is this to be done? I seem to have both of them now and neither the taskbar volume control nor keyboard media keys are working.11:01
knomemgs555, have you tried installig pavucontrol?11:09
mgs555yes, but I don't get the option of adding it to the panel11:09
mgs555I can add the xf mixer to the panel, but it doesn't seem to work properly11:10
mgs555like now, I just did apt-get purge on pulseaudio11:10
mgs555but the mixer still says its using the card through pusleaudio rather than alsa11:11
knomemgs555, do you have the indicator area enabled? pulseaudio should show up there11:11
mgs555what do you mean by "indicator area"?11:12
knomemgs555, "indicator plugin" from the applet list11:12
knomeso, doesn't that show you a volume indicator?11:14
mgs555I have my other icons there - skype, bt, dropbox, etc11:14
mgs555the volume indicator is there11:14
mgs555when I click on it, though, instead of a volume control it just takes me straight to the mixer11:14
knomehmm, i wonder if that's the right item11:14
knomethat shouldn't take you to the mixed11:14
knomewhat version of xubuntu did you have again?11:15
mgs555where it says Soundcard: Playback: Built-in Audio Analog Surround 5.1 (PulseAudio Mixer)11:15
mgs555why is it puslse audio if I purged it11:15
mgs555hm, how do I check? :)11:16
knome'lsb_release -a' in a terminal11:16
mgs555Ubuntu 12.04.0 LTS11:17
knomeis it an upgraded system, or a fresh install?11:19
mgs555I installed xubuntu through apt-get over a fresh ubuntu install11:20
mgs555that's the problem?11:20
knomeprobably not, just checking :)11:20
knomecan you confirm that you don't have the mixer applet in the panel - only the indicator plugin11:21
knomeright-click panel -> panel -> panel preferences -> tab items11:21
mgs555I have the mixer applet11:21
knomeok, remove that for now11:22
knomeand see of you have a volume icon visible11:22
mgs555I believe I installed it only because the indicator applet didn't have a volume control11:22
mgs555ok, removed. indicator only has messenger, bt, wifi, skype, dropbox, spotify11:23
mgs555and I can't seem to get any options on it now - before I used to be able to hide certain icons. hm...11:24
knometry installing indicator-sound-gtk2 and see if it appears11:24
knome(you should have that installed, but who knows)11:24
=== recon_tv is now known as recon_lap
mgs555ok. so looks like dependencies are gonna take pusle audio back in11:27
recon_lapwhat joy :)11:27
knomemgs555, yes; have you had output problems with that?11:27
knomerecon_lap, pulseaudio is actually getting better and better; it works relatively well for most today11:27
mgs555ok, done - so what should happen now? :)11:28
knomemgs555, the volume/sound indicator should appear11:28
knomemgs555, you might need to restart the panel; the easiest way is to log out and in11:28
mgs555ha! Interesting side effect. I removed the indicator applet, and it reappeared again - even though it's not on the list11:30
knomehmm, weird11:30
mgs555and this one is the one that I customized, with BT and wifi hidden away11:30
knomedoes the volume icon show up?11:30
mgs555but this one is called "Notification Area"11:32
knomeright, that's not the one you actually want11:32
knomeand yeah, it's not a side effect; i think it might be expected11:32
knomeyou can't have both notification are and indicator area/plugin, afaik11:32
recon_laphow do you check that packages are installed without doing anything ?11:59
recon_lapwithout changing anything*12:00
tsimpsonapt-cache policy <package>12:00
tsimpsontells you if it's installed, if so what version, and what available versions are12:00
asenkWhy do i have to add source for virtualbox when i want to install it (nothings wrong with that, just want to know why)12:59
GridCubewhat source?12:59
GridCube!info vbox12:59
ubottuPackage vbox does not exist in precise12:59
GridCube!info vbox12:59
GridCube!info virtualbox13:00
ubottuvirtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.12-dfsg-2ubuntu0.1 (precise), package size 15439 kB, installed size 45859 kB13:00
GridCubeis in universe13:00
asenkso virtualbox isnt in the default sources list -> ok -> but why?13:02
Sysi!info xubuntu-desktop13:03
koegsasenk: because it is not maintained by the ubuntu maintainers but by oracle13:03
ubottuxubuntu-desktop (source: xubuntu-meta): Xubuntu desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.152 (precise), package size 3 kB, installed size 43 kB13:03
Sysialso universe13:04
GridCubeasenk, is in universe, you dont need extra sources13:06
jerlihi there13:21
Fohlenhi @all13:48
GridCubehello :)13:49
Fohleni have a question, is it possible to set up my mouse, so that i have the same feeling as in windows (xp/7)13:49
GridCubedescribe "feeling"13:49
Fohlenhmm, it is much faster i think13:51
Fohleni googled arround a bit, but didnt found mouch :/13:51
Fohlengenerally, is there a "tool" where i can setup my mouse a bit more precise as with settings-manager?13:52
GridCubego to the settings manager and to the "mouse and touchpad" submenu, there adjust acceleration and sencibility13:52
Fohleni tryed over 2 hours i think :/13:52
Fohlenit is really hard, as a gamer to change mouse feeling :P:D13:52
GridCubethen you can install synaptics13:53
Sysidisable acceleration, try some different values for sensitivity13:53
GridCube!info synaptics13:53
ubottuPackage synaptics does not exist in precise13:53
GridCube!info gsynaptics13:53
ubottugsynaptics (source: gpointing-device-settings): configuration tool for pointing devices (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-6 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 28 kB13:54
Fohlenkthx, i will try that :)13:54
Fohlenuhm, i have to say, xubuntu 12.04 lts is nice work, you fixed much guys ;)13:55
GridCube:) and 12.10 will be better with 4.1013:55
Fohlenuhm, in gponting device manager i can only setup middle mouse-button?13:57
Fohlenhmm, my problem is, sensivity is nice13:59
Fohlenbut mouse isnt precise13:59
Fohlenit "glitches" away, when i shot13:59
Fohlenthat drives me angry :/13:59
GridCubeadjusting the sencibility bar doesnt fix that?14:00
Fohlennope, but maybe it is that table14:00
GridCubeFohlen, we are so close to 12.10 that im going to propose you to try installing xfce 4.1014:00
Fohlenbut under windoof, it worked :/14:00
Fohlenhmm, no, i will upgrade then ;)14:01
GridCube:P but it might fix this problem14:01
GridCubeor you can try using a withe sheet of paper under your mouse14:01
erkan^xubuntu is nearly same as gnome (-:14:01
erkan^(-: is nice than :-) or no, GridCube ?14:03
GridCubeD: if you are implying that its almost the same as gnome 3 then no14:04
GridCube!ot | but in any case14:04
ubottubut in any case: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:04
erkan^I am no good in the development14:05
GridCube:P but you can go to offtopic to random chatter if you dont have any real problem14:05
Marzatabut the offtopic channel is no active14:06
erkan^have xubuntu a offtopic too?14:06
Marzatathere are better random chat channels for ubuntu users14:06
GridCubeerkan^, did you read what ubottu said?14:07
GridCubeMarzata, thats not true14:07
erkan^oeps i didn't see good, GridCube14:07
recon_laperkan^: well go into settings and increase you font size ^-^14:08
erkan^recon_lap, i have a syndrome usher14:09
erkan^type 114:09
recon_laperkan^: sorry to hear that.14:10
erkan^no problem, you didn't know about me14:10
|Anthony|how do i make it such that 2 users can access audio devices at the same time? it would be 2 different audio devices14:15
GridCubeset that up on pavucontrol14:16
Fohlenhmm, do anyone know what is the default of "Device Accel Constant Deceleration" ?14:17
GridCubeFohlen, http://xorg.freedesktop.org/wiki/Development/Documentation/PointerAcceleration14:18
|Anthony|GridCube, it's not that simple. really. i've tried. only one user has access to all the sound cards at one time, the other gets Dummy output14:18
GridCube|Anthony|, make different groups for each user, like "audio1" and "audio2" and make those devices part of only those groups also14:19
|Anthony|through udev?14:19
GridCubeyou got me there i dont really know14:20
|Anthony|well how would you implement that suggestion there314:20
GridCubei would go and create a new group for each user, then i would add those devices to those groups separadetly, and i would search how to do that on the googles and probably end using udev for all i know :P14:21
GridCube!hi | livingdaylight14:22
ubottulivingdaylight: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:22
livingdaylightthanks GridCube14:23
livingdaylightI brought backdrops from /usr/share/xfce/backdrops or wherever from, to my home directory, but, now can't save new wallpaper to that folder. I tried sudo chmod +X ~/Pictures/backdrops but that doesn't seem to give me write permission still14:26
|Anthony|that's kinda funny14:26
|Anthony|solidarity in failure i suppose14:27
FohlenGridCube, i can hear my mouseclicks/keyboard in mumble14:27
Fohlencould that be a fault of xubuntu?14:27
Fohleni dont know why, but they hear my mouse louder than my voice o.o14:29
|Anthony|livingdaylight, it might be a better approach for the future to copy the individual files to a new folder and change perms of individual files14:29
livingdaylight|Anthony|: hrmm... I didn't know. how do I change permissions now?14:30
livingdaylightyes, please?14:37
GridCubewhy +x?14:37
GridCubeyou want to execute images?14:37
GridCubedo man chmod14:37
livingdaylightwant to change permission so I can import as described above14:37
GridCubelivingdaylight, what is what you want to do14:39
livingdaylightis it really not clear? :s14:39
GridCubeyou want to be able to see the backdrops you add on your ~/ folder ont he choosing thingy for backdrops on the desktop?14:39
livingdaylightbackdrops was originally a file in root with root permissions14:40
GridCubei know, buy you tried to give it +X14:40
GridCubethat would make them eXecutable files14:40
livingdaylightAs a user I brought in the backdrops folder to my home folder so as to have a readily-available source of wallpapers and folder for adding more wallpapers available.14:41
GridCubelivingdaylight, i understand14:41
livingdaylightwell, don't mock me, give me the solution, please?14:41
GridCubebut there is a folder for that already14:41
livingdaylight|Anthony|: twat14:42
GridCubeas i was saying14:42
|Anthony|did you really just call me a twat?14:42
GridCubeyou have to create a folder named backdrops on ~/.local/share/xfce4/backdrops14:42
GridCubeand then put all your images there14:42
GridCubeand they will be listed on the chooser thingy on the desktop14:43
GridCubethat folder is own by you and you can do what ever you want to it14:43
livingdaylightthe folder is already there. Its where I copied it from to my home/folder. What's wrong with that?14:43
GridCubeyou moved permissions14:43
GridCubeand it was not really needed14:43
livingdaylightGridCube: ok, sorry, no. I moved backdrops from a root folder.14:44
|Anthony|you could have also created a ln -s14:44
livingdaylightquestion is why do I need to create a folder? I@m asking how to I copy a folder from root and move it to my home directory?14:44
GridCubebecause you dont really "need" to14:45
livingdaylightI'm sure its dead simple14:45
livingdaylightwhether I need to or not is not the question14:45
GridCubethat folder is own by root and defines the wallpapers for all users, the ones on your ~/ are own by you and only you can see them14:45
livingdaylightfact is I have moved it and now I can't save images to that folder - why? and more importantly, - how - do I change it so that I can14:45
livingdaylightoh, boy...14:46
GridCubelivingdaylight, you need to change permisions for that directory14:46
GridCubenot for the files inside them14:46
livingdaylightGridCube: yes, how, please? :)14:46
GridCubelaunch gksu thunar14:46
recon_laplivingdaylight: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/filepermissions.html14:46
GridCubego to ~/.local/share/xfce4/14:46
GridCuberight clic on the folder backdrops and go to the permision tab14:46
GridCubethere fix it to "anyone can write"14:47
livingdaylightI hoped to do it from command line, with chmod. Is that not a way?14:47
GridCubeyes, theres a way14:47
GridCubesudo chmor +r ~/.local/share/xfce4/bacdrops14:49
GridCubesudo chmod +r ~/.local/share/xfce4/bacdrops14:49
GridCubeoh man...14:49
GridCubeits +w14:49
GridCube+w means its Writable14:49
GridCubeand its backdrops... oh gods, there you have why i know the gui ways of doing this things14:50
livingdaylightI did the gksu method just to see and still says that the owner is root http://clip2net.com/s/2jPkq14:51
GridCubethe owner might be root but the permisions are to everyone can write14:55
GridCubeon "others"14:55
livingdaylightwhat a pain. I want to change owner root to me the user to make it consistent with all other folders in my /home/14:56
GridCubethen move it back to where it where and make a new folder yourself14:56
livingdaylightseems I need to create a folder and can't bring in a root folder and change the owner14:56
holsteini would just make a new one, pull in what you need and chown14:57
GridCubemmm chown14:57
livingdaylightSo, are saying it is impossible in LInux to bring in a root folder and change the owner?14:57
GridCubeuse chown14:58
GridCubesudo chown you /folder14:58
holsteinlivingdaylight: in linux, its all open, so everything is possible.. its even possible to break things and configure things improperly14:58
livingdaylightwell, gksu thunar right-click and permissions hasn't changed the 'root' as owner14:58
GridCubeit wasnt suppose to14:58
GridCubei told you how to change permissions not users14:59
livingdaylightGridCube: sudo chown /folder is what i DID - remember?14:59
GridCubeno, you did chmod14:59
GridCubeits not the same changing permision than users14:59
livingdaylightnow we're getting somewhere :)14:59
livingdaylightso, how do I change user, please?15:00
GridCubeman chown15:00
livingdaylightsudo chown - ?15:00
GridCubedo man chown and read its man15:00
holsteini would step back for a bit, and try and see what the overall goal is15:00
holsteinthings are setup as they are for good reasons typically, and the permissions system is an easy way to keep things secure15:01
GridCubeholstein, he wants to own the ~/.local/share/xfce4/backdrops folder15:01
erkan^Can I change theme for Xubuntu: Human/Ubuntu-theme?15:01
GridCubeerkan^, if you want to15:01
GridCubei dont see why anyone would want to leave greybird tho15:01
GridCubeerkan^, as long as it is a gtk2-3 compatible theme it should work15:02
erkan^I have download Human Theme in synpatic and installed too, but i cannot found him via Theme, GridCube15:02
erkan^oh yes i have him!15:03
GridCubeerkan^, see faq 7 http://xubuntu.org/news/faq-1110-oneiric/15:04
erkan^Yes, you can use themes for GTK and install themes directly to ~/.themes or /usr/share/themes. You can obtain more themes from various sites, like xfce-look.org.15:06
erkan^GridCube, bottom window is full, how make I all visible: http://picpaste.com/pics/bottom-fnPxzQs1.1348153888.png ?15:12
GridCubeoh you mean not all the items are shown in the panel?15:13
GridCubethats a known bug that i think its fixed on 4.1015:14
GridCubei dont known if theres a solution for 4.815:14
erkan^i have solved now ! :D15:16
GridCubehow so?15:16
erkan^I did item "Window" remove, and anew add, than i see that is normal all visible, GridCube15:17
erkan^which file manager do you use, GridCube ?15:23
recon_lapa question, is there a differance between using sudo or useing su to root, other than sudo is safer?15:23
recon_lapmay saying sudo is less accident prone rather that safer15:24
holsteinrecon_lap: the end result is the same15:24
recon_lapthx, going to make a CA and just wanted to be sure15:25
GridCubeerkan^, i use thunar15:32
erkan^me too15:34
GridCube!hi | acer_16:58
ubottuacer_: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:58
acer_Can someone help me with mt wireless on my acer?16:59
* ball is settling back into Xubuntu16:59
GridCube!details | acer_17:00
ubottuacer_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:00
acer_Well i dont have so much details, I have the latest v of xubuntu but my wireless dont show up in connections17:02
recon_lapacer_: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/internet/C/troubleshooting-wireless.html17:02
recon_lapacer_: sorry , let me find a more upto date one17:03
recon_lapacer_: this one is better https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-troubleshooting.html17:05
acer_recon_lap, Thanks!17:05
recon_lapacer_: and if you'd let us know the make and model of laptop17:05
acer_Acer travelmate 29017:06
recon_lapwow, never saw instruction for fixing a wireless card that require taping up pint on the card itself =-O17:12
acer_hmm looks like its disabled..17:13
recon_lapacer_: if you could tell us the model of the wifi card that would be good.17:13
acer_a sec17:14
GridCubeacer_, it says "DISABLED"17:18
GridCubeyou need to "ENABLED" it :P17:19
GridCubesee if your keyboard doesnt have a fn key to unlock wifi17:19
GridCubeor see if your bios is not locking it either17:19
acer_Yeah, but I dont know how :P Key is ON17:19
recon_lapi found this, but want to look about more to see if there is a better solution http://rfswitch.sourceforge.net/?page=laptop_matrix17:20
recon_laptaping over pins 11 and 13 sounds a but caveman17:21
acer_I'll be back later need to reboot this.17:22
acer_I'll just take the hammer so i just need to do it once ;P17:23
danwhiffinhowdy y'all17:34
danwhiffinanyone here an expert on getting nvidia drivers to work?17:35
recon_lap!details | danwhiffin17:36
ubottudanwhiffin: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:36
recon_lapmake and model of computer are useful to17:37
danwhiffinOk, cool. I've installed the latest xubuntu on a dell inspiron n5110, using an nvidia geforce 640M17:37
danwhiffini think that's the right card model...17:37
danwhiffinwhen i look at additonal drivers, it shows that there is none installed.17:38
danwhiffinwhen i used the nvidia panel (x server settings) I get the following error17:38
danwhiffinYou do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.17:39
danwhiffinI was wondering if there was an idiot simple way (cos im an idiot) to install the driver?17:39
danwhiffinrunning xubuntu 11.1017:40
recon_lapwell, try "applications menu -> settings -> additional drivers"17:40
danwhiffin"no proprietary drivers on this system"17:41
GridCubedanmackay, also paste the output of lspci | grep -i "vga"17:41
danwhiffin00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09) 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF108 [GeForce GT 540M] (rev a1)17:42
GridCubeyou have two vga cards17:42
GridCubeyou seem to be using the intel one, that uses generic drivers to the output you are seing17:42
danwhiffinoh ok17:43
GridCubeshut down your computer, change the vga cords cables to the right ones and reboot17:44
GridCubeyou might want to disable the integrated card from the bios aswel to avoid this sort of problems in the future17:44
danwhiffin...okay. im on a laptop, and I haven't changed any cable.s17:44
GridCubei dont know then :)17:45
danwhiffinI'm trying to google how to select graphics card. mentions about xorg17:47
GridCubedanwhiffin, i dont know if thats posible17:47
danwhiffinwty for all the help bt17:48
GridCubei think that your notebook screen is atached to the intel video card17:48
GridCubeand the other output is the nvidia one17:48
GridCubethe external output17:48
danwhiffinim slightly lost. on  my windows install it runs off the nvidia, and i havent changed anything after installing xubuntu...717:49
danwhiffinhardware wise17:49
recon_lapdanwhiffin: there is a thing called Optima which nvidia uses to switch between VC depending on load to save batteries, it's not well supported by ubuntu yet as far as i know17:50
recon_lapdanwhiffin: you ever heard of your bios ?17:51
danwhiffinyes. i know it.17:51
recon_lapdanwhiffin: might be worth have a look in there to see if there are any video card options17:52
danwhiffinok, ill have a look.17:52
recon_lapdanwhiffin: I'd not change anything hastily though17:52
danwhiffinheh yeah. ok, thanks for the help. cheers17:53
danwhiffinmuch obliged17:53
asenkabout the mouse acceleration which was discussed earlier: is it possible to just disable acceleration alltogether and map the pointer to move in 1:1 motion with only sensivity to control?18:01
recon_lapasenk: have you tried setting acceleration to 0/1 in setting manager?18:04
asenkrecon_lap: best you can do is 0.118:41
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest82546
Blueim having trouble installing19:58
holsteinBlue: a package? the operating system? this is the place to ask.. just ask :)20:03
BlueI downloaded the mirror20:05
Bluethen burned it to a disk20:05
Blueand my computer cant read or run any of the files20:05
holsteinBlue: you downloaded the iso? the live iso from a mirror? for the xubuntu 12.04 desktop version?20:06
MrBushidois there anything like netlimiter for linux? it's a taskmanager like app that breaks down bandwidth usage by process and allows you to limit each processes max bandwidth http://www.netlimiter.com/img/scrshots/nl2shot_limit.png20:06
Blueyes i downloaded the mirror foe 12.0420:07
holsteinBlue: you downloaded the iso?20:07
holsteinyou downloaded the iso from a mirror.. you have a file that is 'xubuntu.*.iso".. something like that.. ending in .iso? correct Blue ?20:08
Blueit's the iso20:09
MrBushidowhat message do you get when you try to boot from your cd drive?20:09
holsteinBlue: you will just boot the machine using that CD you made20:09
holsteinBlue: the computer wont "read" anything from it.. its going to be a bootable image.... you'll just reboot the machine, and boot the CD instead of the hard drive20:09
Blueok, so just re-start and on the boot up menu select the cd?20:09
Blueok thanks!20:09
holsteinBlue: correct... you might need to go into the bios for that20:10
MrBushidomost bios's let you hit F8 to see a boot menu20:10
holsteineach machine is different so i cant be much more specific without you taking and posting some images20:10
MrBushidoyou can just choose your cd drive from the list that pops up after hitting f820:10
Blueok thanks everyone!20:10
Mathiastry the f keys :p20:11
holsteinBlue: enjoy!20:11
MrBushidosooooo, anybody know a per process bandwidth monitor?20:11
holsteinMrBushido: i might try the server mailing list20:12
holsteinSysi: that should do the trick for MrBushido20:15
HeadlessZombiemy 16GB flashdrive has reached its max writes. about to install to new flash drive.  What i have: 4GB flash drive and an 8GB flash drive. The 4GB is newer and has more writes available. what install / partition scheme should I use If i wanted to use both drives to get the most storage space?20:29
genii-aroundYou already asked that question in #ubuntu20:30
HeadlessZombieand i got ignored.20:31
MrBushidoHeadlessZombie: it depends, what do you use linux for?20:32
MrBushidoare you going to be downloading a lot of stuff to your home drive, then deleting and it and downloading more stuff20:32
HeadlessZombiexampp server running opencart20:32
MrBushidothen you probably want to use the 16mb for / and /home and use your 4gb drive for /var/ or whever xampp does it stuff20:33
MrBushidounless you use your xampp server to serve static files20:34
genii-aroundHeadlessZombie: So the machine runs headless? eg: basic server install with xampp and you just access it from a web browser elsewhere?20:35
MrBushidoalso consider using ext2 or another non-journaling filesystem20:35
MrBushidosince it will cut down on writes per file20:35
HeadlessZombiegenii-around; yes.  MrBushido; yes it's ext220:36
genii-aroundramdisks for tmp space...20:36
genii-aroundHeadlessZombie: So your basic install after apt-get clean is probably somewhere in the neighbourhood of 2G, I'm thinking. I'd be tempted to mirror the 4G onto the first part of the 8G and run them as a raid1, then use the second 4G of the 8G for wherever the data gets put20:39
genii-aroundAnd no swap partitions, obviously20:39
HeadlessZombiegood advice20:40
MrBushidois there a specific place i can find log files? trying to figure out why cairo-dock freezes up every once in a while but cant see any logs in it's whereis directories21:10
Unit193One place is /var/log/21:13
MrBushidoUnit193: ty, will check21:16
iToastwhat's the minimal requrements for xubuntu21:25
HeadlessZombie256 RAM, 4GB HD21:27
HeadlessZombiecan run in 128RAM but you dont wanna use the GUI21:27
HeadlessZombieminimum install with alternate CD is 2GB21:28
HeadlessZombiereally you dont want to use less than 384 RAM and 6GB hard drive21:29
iToastI have 1.5gb of ram21:30
iToastand a 120gb hdd21:30
iToastfor a XBMC build.21:30
=== metzthepest is now known as metasansana
=== newbie is now known as Guest806
Guest806i just downloaded and installed the newest linus system, its great, but i want to disable the guest account22:44
Guest806i already tried going through the folder and editing the lightdm. file and when i tried to save a box popped up that told me the system couldnt open the file to write it22:45
GridCubesee the faq 7: http://xubuntu.org/news/faq-1204-precise/22:45
GridCubeyou need to open the file using: gksu22:46
GridCubegksu leafpad /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf22:46
erkan^Can I use PPA https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa in Xubuntu?22:59

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