
_kbulgrienI have a web host that has an old python so only bzr 2.3.4 is usable.  Is there an easy way to know what versions of a plugin are compatible.  I'm interested in fast-export/import etc. as I made my repo too big and want to break it into smaller pieces.01:32
AfC_kbulgrien: do the work on your local system, then send the results back up to the server. Distributed.01:34
_kbulgrienHmm.  Heh.  Yeah, new to the whole distributed thing.  Thanks for that thought.01:35
_kbulgrienhrm.  not having luck installing the plugin.02:00
_kbulgrienbzr plugins lists it, but when I try to use it I get bzr: ERROR: Unable to import library "fastimport": bzr-fastimport requires the fastimport python module02:01
_kbulgrienI guess that means my python installation needs something called fastimport.02:03
_kbulgrienfun. nothing in the distribution that looks like that.02:04
AfC_kbulgrien: it's the bzr-fastimport plugin on Debian/Ubuntu02:11
_kbulgrienI got that, but I think I need https://launchpad.net/python-fastimport too02:12
AfC_kbulgrien: you're obviously not on Ubuntu, or this would Just Work™02:13
lifeless_kbulgrien: how are you installing the plugin ?02:14
_kbulgrieni untarred the tarball and put it in ~/.bazaar/plugins/fastimport then ran python setup.py build_ext -i there.02:14
_kbulgrienbzr plugins shows it installed02:15
_kbulgrienNow I just found python-fastimport and have run python setup.py install for it... (working through it bit  by bit as I'm not a python guy)02:16
_kbulgrienI think I might have to set up PYTHONPATH now02:17
lifeless_kbulgrien: ok, so the usual way if you are using ubuntu etc is to do 'apt-get install bzr-fastimport' which will take care of all the dependencies for you.02:19
lifeless_kbulgrien: thats what AfC was referring to above.02:19
lifeless_kbulgrien: you might find docs in README or something in the source tree for bzr-fastimport documenting its dependencies.02:19
_kbulgrienYeah, but I am not an ubuntu user02:19
lifeless_kbulgrien: ok02:20
_kbulgrienand apparently this distro does not have python-fastimport packaged or I do not have the right source set up for it.02:20
lifelessyou might find 'pip install fastimport' works02:21
* _kbulgrien isn't aware of pip02:22
_kbulgrienok, got it.02:23
_kbulgriendid python setup.py install --user for python-fastimport02:24
_kbulgriennow bzr fast-export worked02:24
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_kbulgrienthis would be so much simpler with partial checkout... just sayin...02:25
mgrandihow would you do partial checkout with no .bzr directories in every folder02:25
mgrandiwhich makes me loathe svn02:26
mgrandiso much02:26
_kbulgrienwell, I don't know the techie details... sorry... but I am so used to partial checkout I haven't figured how to emulate it in bzr yet.02:26
_kbulgrienI don't like svn either02:27
mgrandii dont see the need for partial checkouts when you have branches02:27
_kbulgrienI probably would get abused if I said I was a cvs user02:27
_kbulgrienof course not, you're not me02:27
_kbulgrieneveryone sees things from the way they learned to work.02:28
mgrandiwe used to use svn with partial checkouts, but it was different projects inside a root folder managed by svn02:28
mgrandiwhich could of easily been split up into branches, but i dunno02:28
_kbulgrienI happen to find partial checkouts in cvs really powerful.  I have to learn a new way now, but since I only used cvs and svn enough to know I didn't want to migrate to it... well, I have to figure it out.02:29
mgrandimy teacher told the students to use cvs02:29
mgrandifor the final, at the end he asked how many people lost data / had problems, nearly everyone raised their hands02:29
_kbulgrienI must be old and musty because I think cvs works fine as I use it all the time at work and find it easy compared to picking up distributed vcs, though bzr comes the closest to fitting the idea I think a vcs should work.02:31
mgrandiinstead of partial checkouts, put the things you would partially checkout into separate branches/repos02:31
_kbulgrienwe never loose data in cvs.  the reason we are on cvs is because we lost data on everything else.02:31
_kbulgrienbut then that was maybe 15 years ago when cvs came to the shop.02:32
mgrandiand yes bzr is nice cause you don't have to be forced into one way of doing things02:32
mgrandiwhich i dont like about git02:32
_kbulgrienI tried git first.02:32
mgrandigit is nice with a pretty UI, which on osx there are plenty of02:32
mgrandion windows, nopenopenopenopenope02:32
mgrandithe only thing ive seen is the github app for windows, which is using a c# library that produces/consumes git stuff, rather then actually using the git program itself02:33
_kbulgrienAfter two weeks of struggling, I ran into  wall.  In <1hr I had converted the git repo to bzr and was working without even looking in a manual.02:33
_kbulgrienonly I find now that doing stuff like this is more complicated.  I also find bzr has some annoying bugs that seem like they will not get fixed.02:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1012907 in QBzr "Access denied in uncontrolled folder prevents add in controlled folder" [Undecided,Incomplete]02:36
_kbulgrienand similar file system permissions issues with command-line02:37
mgrandiah yes.02:38
mgrandii should take a look at that, that shouldn't be very hard to fix.....02:38
mgrandiits probably doing a 'os.walk()' without catching exceptions02:39
_kbulgrienwell what is odd is that it goes digging around where it shouldn't go in the first place.02:39
_kbulgrienthen if you have anything fail, the whole operation fails02:39
_kbulgriencvs would baulk but would keep going02:39
mgrandiso what folder are you trying to actually monitor?02:39
_kbulgrienbzr upchucks and bails without doing anything02:39
_kbulgrienwell in this use-case, I am controlling user directory type stuff so I can share my setups between machines... keep a reference setup to push/pull in and out off.02:41
mgrandihmm yes02:41
mgrandiC:\Documents and Settings\kbulgrien\Favorites\yadayada.url02:41
mgrandiit went down a directory then went into all users02:41
mgrandii'll take a look at it, ive been meaning to actually write some code for bzr02:41
_kbulgrienIn that case, I could go command-line and make it work.02:41
_kbulgrienBut the problem is that I also deliberately control areas of the filesystem that have stuff I can't read too, and command-line is just hosed there.02:42
* SamB_MacG5 doesn't remember noticing a lack of gitk on Windows ... wonders why?02:43
mgrandigit was written by linus, so it pretty much depends on the gnutils or whatever its called02:43
mgrandi_kbulgrien: where is the bzr repo on your disk?02:43
_kbulgrienC:/ for that scenario in that bug02:44
SamB_MacG5oh, right, that's because it works finefine02:44
mgrandibut then you go onto windows, you need cygwin02:44
mgrandiwhich sucks sometimes02:44
_kbulgrienoh... repo... no... the repo is somewhere else02:44
SamB_MacG5msys doesn't suck as slowly, I think02:44
_kbulgrienlike bzr+ssh://linushost....02:45
mgrandiwell the local copy of the repo02:45
_kbulgrienI use msys02:45
mgrandicause a repo monitors things inside of it, so its in C:/ ?02:45
_kbulgrienno... repo is completely somewhere else... .bzr is in C:\02:46
_kbulgrienI answered wrong the first time02:46
SamB_MacG5As I recall, gitk on Windows actually looks a lot nicer than on OS X ...02:46
mgrandiwell the thing is with bzr and other DVCS, if you have a 'branch ' of something, then you technically have the complete copy of the history02:46
SamB_MacG5something to do with the font metrics...02:46
mgrandiso you technically have the repo on C: and on your server02:46
_kbulgrienexcept in this case I used --lightweight or whatever02:46
mgrandiunlike svn where you don't have the history ever, its all on the server02:46
mgrandibut its in C:/02:47
mgrandiso thats slightly better, i thought bzr was going up a directory02:47
SamB_MacG5mgrandi: that's what bzr-svn is for ;-)02:47
mgrandiand thats kind of bad02:47
mgrandibut like i said, its probably doing some sort of os.walk() without any error handling02:47
mgrandii'll take a look at it, this seems like a nice place to start~02:47
_kbulgrienI also don't like that bzr status doesn't allow --no-recurse02:48
mgrandiwell, it makes sense when you think about it...02:48
mgrandithe whole point is that stuff under the repo folder is monitored02:48
_kbulgrienwell when, say I am working on a webserver, I lots of times don't give a rip about status anywhere except where I am, and all the boatload of status is annoying02:49
mgrandiyou can probably do bzr status --versioned02:49
mgrandiyou have a weird case where your repo is your entire hard drive02:50
_kbulgrienok... will have to try to remember that02:50
mgrandibut you are only versioning certain parts02:50
mgrandiusually everything (like in a code project) in the folder wants to be versioned unless you specifically ignore it02:50
mgrandibut yeah, use --versioned, will only show files that are actually versioned instead of all those ? ones02:50
_kbulgrienwell  I know my grief is that I want to do version control for things that aren't typical software dev, but I think version control transcends software dev...02:51
mgrandibut no recurse wouldn't make sense, cause where would it not recurse?  =P02:51
mgrandiwell bzr/git/whatever works fine for this, but yeah have to do some things a little different02:51
mgrandithe same thing with dropbox, everything in the dropbox folder gets uploaded02:51
_kbulgrienwell, I don't know what you are saying because cd ~/public_html; bzr status --no-recurse makes sense to me.02:52
mgrandibut if there are files in /public_html/stuff and /public_html/stuff2, it has to enter those folders02:52
_kbulgrienwhy does it have to?02:53
mgrandibut no recurse makes me think that it just only goes into public_html02:53
mgrandii kinda get what you are saying,02:53
_kbulgrienAll I care about most of the time is the folder where I am, and I don't really need to know status for the whole sub-tree all the time02:53
mgrandikind of like ls02:53
_kbulgrienSure, at some point I care, but not while I'm working locally in that folder only.02:54
_kbulgrienI use bzr status . all the time to not get history outside a sub-tree.  It's the same principle.02:54
mgrandihave you filed a bug report on this yet? (just so people remember)02:54
_kbulgrienNot yet.02:54
_kbulgrienI'm still getting used to things and the annoyance pressure hasn't built up to file a bug level yet.02:55
mgrandishould and link it, again shouldn't be that hard02:55
mgrandito add --no-recurse02:55
_kbulgrienwell  I guess I'm not sure if bzr status is the only thing that doesn't have --no-recurse that I wish had it... so part of the delay is to see if there are other commands that get annoying because of no --no-recurse.02:58
mgrandimight as well start with the status one =P02:58
_kbulgrienotoh bzr status not having it _is_ the most annoying.02:59
mgrandii'll look into it and see if its easy02:59
_kbulgrienI guess I'm skeptical that anyone cares these days.02:59
mgrandiopen source software for you =P03:00
_kbulgrienAnd I feel since I don't know python that people think I'm just whining... you know... submit a patch then doofus...03:00
_kbulgrienbut learning python to patch a vcs is not something done lightly03:00
_kbulgrienwell, really, its not the learning python part... its learning the bzr source part.03:01
mgrandipeople have discussed that bzr and any vcs is hard cause of complex data structures that really can't fail ever =P03:02
mgrandibut if its just command stuff like this, i feel i can take a stab at it03:02
_kbulgrienI code in so many languages and scripting languages that its really not about learning python.03:02
_kbulgrienThis is the other bug that kills me https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/96433803:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 964338 in Bazaar "bzr status abort on encountering an unreadable file." [Low,Confirmed]03:04
_kbulgrienheh, I see bug listed for bzr revert needs --no-recurse03:04
_kbulgrienOk, so maybe I add one03:04
mgrandiyeah, it seems that bzr should not be failing on these03:05
_kbulgrienok, its been did03:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1053778 in Bazaar "bzr status needs --no-recurse" [Undecided,New]03:41
mgrandii;ll take a look at it03:41
mgrandibut now need to go, later!03:41
_kbulgrienHmm. well, I guess that went ok.  Looks like I broke apart the repository the way I intended out, though I went about removing the top-level directory in a harder way than was necessary... it turns out fast-import-filter public_html/ with the trailing slash is the right way to prune top-level folder levels out of the fast-export.05:08
_kbulgrienI guess the grammar on that was bad... I meant ...specifying extra path levels is the way to prune...05:09
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emeric_moin moin07:28
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OvoceanHi! I'm quite new to bzr and I have come across a situation I don't know how to deal with:09:58
OvoceanI have uploaded a branch for Lutris on Launchpad, it's been merged with the main branch. But I had done a couple commits to my local branch before the merge, and didn't upload them yet. Now I need to get/merge back the last version of the main branch (rev 163) and have my last commits (rev 176 & 177 on my local branch) put on top of that as rev 164 and 165. How would I do that?09:58
fullermdWhy do you want to?10:08
OvoceanTo be able to continue to work on my branch, and not loose my last commits. What's the normal way to do this?10:10
fullermdJust merge trunk and move on.10:11
OvoceanRight, but then the rev numbering doesn't match the main branch. It doesn't matter? Doesn't look clean to me.10:24
fullermdDoesn't matter.10:24
OvoceanFine then. Thanks for the help10:25
fullermdOnly thing that matters in merging and suchlike is what revs are present where.  revnos just relate to the shape of the local history.10:25
kiretooohello :)14:07
kiretooowhat means that:14:08
kiretoooYou have not informed bzr of your Launchpad ID, and you must do this to14:08
kiretooowrite to Launchpad or access private data.  See "bzr help launchpad-login".14:08
jelmerkiretoo: exacyl14:27
jelmerkiretoo: exactly that. you have not told bzr what your username on launchpad is yet14:27
kiretooojelmer, i've already has a username14:38
jelmerkiretooo: does bzr know about it? have you run bzr lp-login?14:40
kiretoooi have to add some ssh keys ?14:42
SamB_MacG5kiretooo: yeah, you need to set up an ssh key on your system and paste the public key into a box in your launchpad profile/configuration15:24
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SamB_MacG5hmm. Bzr 2.3's lsprof cachegrind/callgrind output needs work :-(16:54
vilaSamB_MacG5: have you tried getting a more recent python on your G5 ?17:14
SamB_MacG5I suppose I could, though also getting the extra batteries might be a bit of a pain...17:16
vilaSamB_MacG5: easy_install ?17:16
vilaSamB_MacG5: that was just a thought, no idea how complex it can turn out17:17
vilaSamB_MacG5: on the other hand, if you can get up to 2.7, you should be good to go for quite a while17:18
SamB_MacG5would it be reasonably easy to build an installer for that, is another worry17:18
SamB_MacG5(a bzr installer, I mean)17:19
SamB_MacG5oh, and another complication would be that 10.5's xcode only comes with SVN 1.417:19
SamB_MacG5oh, I was thinking of trying to build from Apple's python sources...17:23
vilaSamB_MacG5: I was thinkinh more about http://python.org/ftp/python/2.7.3/python-2.7.3-macosx10.3.dmg18:00
vilajelmer: is bzr-svn trunk compatible with svn-1.4 ?18:01
vilaSamB_MacG5: well, you could start with a reduced number of plugins (all is defined in config.py right?) ?18:02
vilaSamB_MacG5: http://python.org/download/ says the above is for 10.3 through 10.618:04
SamB_MacG5vila: I suppose bzr *probably* doesn't have much use for apple's extra pack-ins ...18:46
vilaSamB_MacG5: sry was afk, extra pack-ins as in python modules added by apple ? In this case, I'm pretty sure the answer is yes. The only one I can think that may use apple specific stuff is for the keyring (sry, can't remember the plugin name) and I seem to recall it doesn't use any apple-specific python stuff22:28
SamB_MacG5I mean Python extensions/libraries that Apple has bundled into Python, though upstream (and in most distros) they're packaged separately22:30
SamB_MacG5er. I should have said "into the Python framework"22:30
SamB_MacG5basically, the stuff in /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Extras22:32
vilaSamB_MacG5: right, I'm pretty sure bzr uses nothing from there (well, I'm sure for the core, pretty sure for the plugins)23:21

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