
highvoltagezoktar: yeah sadly many text books are horrible at conveying new concepts00:07
highvoltagezoktar: I guess you've seen http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Wikiversity:Main_Page ?00:08
zoktarinteresting ill have a look00:09
solvI've got a problem with running google-chrome as a local app.  I managed to find a thread to get the thing working with a script and a profile hack...but the problem is that there is a bug in the built in pepperflash plugin - audio is out of sync.  Disabling it solves the problem and the change is saved for that user until a new user logs in and then everything is reset back to default.  Is there a way to install chrome without it built04:17
solv in?04:17
solvokay I fixed it....I just created a new user profile, disabled the plugin, then copied that profile over to my default-chrome-profile setup in the chroot environment...works a treat05:08
highvoltagestgraber: the login box is gone on the edubuntu site again13:09
stgraberhighvoltage: yeah, really not sure what's going on with that one...13:12
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
UhAnyone alive?20:53
alkisg30 people here, I hope some of them are not zombies20:54
Uh30 people here, and 90% of the time 1 replies20:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:55
stgraberit usually works better if you ask a question instead of just asking if someone's around20:55
Uhanyway, do you, or anyone else know how to remove all authentication passwords from ubuntu? Every guide I've found has not worked at all20:55
stgraberwell, what he said :)20:55
alkisgLogin passwords, sudo passwords, policykit-related passwords, which ones, all of them?20:55
Uhliterally all of them. when I login, the keyring, when I'm trying to install something, the password prompt, etc20:56
alkisgWhich flavor? edubuntu?20:56
UhI removed the password once, then it kept asking to authenticate, and I had no password. now my password is 123456 -.- so annoying20:56
UhI have no idea. I have 12.04 x6420:57
alkisgWhich disk did you download? Ubuntu? Kubuntu? Xubuntu? Edubuntu?20:57
UhI didn't know there were several. I suppose it was simply ubuntu20:57
alkisgWhy not ask in #ubuntu then, which has 1000+ persons there?20:58
Uhdidn't know it existed.20:58
Uhdo you know the answer?20:58
alkisgThis channel is for the edubuntu flavor20:58
Uhi see20:58
Uhsee ya then20:58
alkisgThere are 3-4 answers there20:58
alkisgOne for each component20:58
alkisgOK, bb20:58

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