
=== fenris is now known as Guest78410
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=== apachelogger is now known as trainlogger
=== fuchs is now known as Guest32490
Riddellbuenos dias07:45
Riddelldebfx: "openarena 0.8.8-5+deb7u1" what do the bits in that version number mean?08:50
debfxRiddell: I think Debian 7 update 108:51
Riddellseems like that's three debian versions where there's normally only 1 :)08:54
debfxthe maintainer already used -6 for an upload to experimental09:05
Riddellafiestas: you asked for flights from 24th?  presumably you'll find your own accomodation for then until 28th?09:18
Riddell(like I will)09:18
dokoRiddell, debfx: is qt4-x11 built in parallel mode? I can't see anything obvious when looking at the build logs10:48
debfxdoko: yes10:49
dokodebfx, well, looking at top, I see only one cc1plus process active at a time10:52
dokodebfx, or are only parts built in parallel?10:54
debfxdoko: maybe the qmake building is not parallelized10:55
debfxthe rest should be10:56
dokodebfx, as you see, the build fails on arm*. could you prepare an upload which disables the parallel build on arm? I'd like to see if the buildds survive10:57
dokobut don't upload yet10:57
debfxdoko: disable parallel build is just a matter of removing "--parallel" from debian/rules11:01
dokook, I can do this myself too when the buildds are ready11:01
BluesKajHey all11:49
shadeslayerRiddell: bug 1047387 needs your attention12:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047387 in kde-gtk-config (Ubuntu) "RFS: kde-gtk-config/2.1-1ubuntu1" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104738712:34
soeecan someone take a look at something ?12:38
shadeslayersoee: sure12:40
soeeshadeslayer, http://pastebin.com/MatPWq5A12:40
soeethis is installation where kubuntu-desktop was installed on ubuntu12:40
soeenow a lot of packages here are going to be removed including ubuntu-desktop12:41
soeeis it save to do it ?12:41
soeei don't care about ubuntu-dekstop want to have kde only12:41
shadeslayerno it's not12:41
soeeline 18 - starts list o pagages to remove12:42
shadeslayerI'm not sure how one would achieve that, there are multiple solutions on the web, but you can never be sure whether or not it's safe to remove package x12:42
shadeslayeryou could most likely install kubuntu-desktop and remove unity and gnome stuff12:43
shadeslayerthat should take out most of it12:43
soeewell kubuntu-desktop is installed12:43
soeei just want to get rod of the rest gnome/unity stuff12:44
shadeslayerwell ... dpkg -l | grep -i gnome12:44
lucazadehi all! Is bug #1053269 going to be solved or at least any idea why it happens?12:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1053269 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "black boot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105326912:44
shadeslayerand : dpkg -l | grep -i unity12:44
shadeslayershould give you a slight idea12:45
shadeslayerofcourse it's not a comprehensive list12:45
shadeslayerlucazade: not a Kubuntu bug, please ask on #ubuntu-devel ...12:45
soeeand how about removing unity gnone - shouldnt that take also dependiencies after ?12:45
lucazadeok.. thanks12:45
shadeslayersoee: not entirely, for eg. you can safely remove kubuntu-desktop, it's just a meta package12:46
shadeslayerofcourse, it's not advised ....12:47
soeekubuntu-desktop ? that will remove whole kde stuff no ?12:48
shadeslayerit's just a meta package12:48
shadeslayersoee: http://paste.kde.org/554168/12:49
shadeslayerhowever, if you try and remove kdelibs-bin, that'll cause everything to be removed12:50
shadeslayerwell .. almost everything12:50
soeeevil day: http://paste.kde.org/554174/12:50
shadeslayerskype is broken12:51
shadeslayerI advise purging it and trying again12:51
soeebut i removed skype :/12:51
soeeok now i purge it completly i think12:52
soeedependency problem gone12:52
* shadeslayer can smell something burning12:52
soeewell im trying to install latest skype12:54
soeeia32-libs problem12:54
shadeslayerah yes12:55
shadeslayerdon't install all of ia32-libs :P12:55
shadeslayerinstall specific things using libfoo:i38612:55
soeeia32-libs requires ia32-libs-multiarch but this one requires more stuf etc /...12:55
shadeslayerare you on precise?12:55
shadeslayerbecause the last time I checked ia32-libs-multiarch is broken on precise12:55
shadeslayernot sure about quantal12:55
shadeslayeryeah, it's broken on precise, install specific libs12:56
Riddellyay, today's images in decent state13:34
Riddellbesides being oversized13:34
Riddellseems we have no space for langpacks on amd64 :(13:35
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Riddellmparillo: going to add g+ to kubuntu.org ?14:31
ScottKRiddell: Is there some way we can make powerpc fit on 702MB?  Older Macs don't boot from USB, IIRC.15:17
RiddellScottK: remove a load of packages I guess15:19
Riddellout goes libreoffice and lots else you can think of15:19
ScottKLO is already gone.15:20
shadeslayerspin your own powerpc iso?15:24
shadeslayerremoving certain packages ofcourse15:24
shadeslayerScottK: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-backporters/+members : ZhengPeng Hou2006-09-0915:26
ScottKshadeslayer: Trying to figure out what we can unseed on ppc to get a usable image.15:27
RiddellScottK: ubuntu font reverted, fancy reverting k-d-s?15:27
shadeslayerw00t ^15:27
ScottKRiddell: Could you?  I'm somewhat tied up with stuff at the moment.  It'd have to be several hours from now for me.15:27
Riddellwill do15:28
shadeslayerScottK: oxygen gtk stuff?15:28
shadeslayerI mean, drop oxygen-gtk ... and colord-kde ...15:28
shadeslayerktorrent could go away as well15:30
shadeslayerthe mozilla ff installer15:30
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mparilloRiddell: I added a link to g+ the bottom of http://www.kubuntu.org/community16:30
xnoxRiddell: read your last blog post...... wow, amazing16:41
yofelmparillo: nice idea :)16:49
yofelguess even google webdevs/sysadmins mess up every now and then: ^^ http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pics/g+fail.png16:52
shadeslayeralso wat17:13
shadeslayerRiddell: that's OMG amazing really17:13
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=== trainlogger is now known as apachelogger
Riddellshadeslayer: shows we must be doing something right with our friendly image :)18:52
genii-around40 Euros to go is pretty good.19:02
genii-aroundOh, the counter is confusing, "minus amount over goal" kind of thing19:05
genii-aroundI guess that's the food budget now!19:06
debfxshall we revert the last k-d-s upload since the ubuntu font ships without medium again?19:39
shadeslayerdebfx: yes19:43
shadeslayerRiddell was on it from what I see19:43
shadeslayer( from the backlog )19:43
debfxok, will do19:43
debfxRiddell: have you uploaded it?20:15
Riddelldebfx: I have a .upload file20:28
Riddelloh it'll be in the queue20:28
Riddellan archive admin will get to it sometime20:28
debfxRiddell: doesn't look that wy20:29
shadeslayerI'm done for the day, night :)20:30
Riddell16:55 -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: kubuntu-default-settings (quantal-release/universe) [1:12.10ubuntu7 => 1:12.10ubuntu8] (kubuntu)20:30
Riddellit's in unapproved queue, I'd accept it myself but that's bad practice20:31
debfxah sorry, I looked at the precise queue20:31
QuintasanRiddell: ping22:57

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