
=== bigjools-afk is now known as bigjools
bigjoolsjtv: why would maasserver tests do this?04:17
bigjoolsImportError: cannot import name oauth04:17
bigjoolsI can't reproduce in bin/py04:17
jtvIsn't that the python-django-piston problem?04:17
jtvWhere _on our dev systems_ you got this error if you installed python-django-piston, but on Q/A systems you didn't?04:17
bigjoolsI'll remove the egg and see04:18
jtvWe ended up with the hypothesis that it was caused by mixing buildout and packages.04:18
bigjoolsbuildout's copy needs to be junked,we can't use it at all04:18
jtvStill a load of test errors?  Damn.04:18
bigjoolsdown to 11 failures, 6 errors04:24
bigjools    from testresources import FixtureResource04:24
bigjoolsImportError: cannot import name FixtureResource04:24
jtvLatest version on pypy is from January; still has FixtureResource in __init__.py as before.04:27
bigjoolspython-testresources 0.2.4-1ubuntu1 doesn't have it04:28
lifelessso check what that ubuntu1 upload is04:28
lifelesssomeone may have uploaded without sending upstream04:28
lifelesstrunk is :04:29
lifelessrevno: 6004:29
lifelesstags: 0.2.504:29
lifelessbranch nick: trunk04:29
lifelesstimestamp: Fri 2012-01-27 17:59:50 +130004:29
bigjoolsyeah it should be in 0.2.504:29
bigjoolsI have the egg with it in04:29
bigjoolswhy is my buildout not picking it up04:29
bigjoolsoh god04:29
lifeless0.2.5 is on pypi04:29
bigjoolsit's not packaged, that's all04:29
bigjoolsbut I  thought buildout would pick the egg over the installed package based on version04:30
bigjoolsseems not :(04:30
lifelessit trusts you have it all, if you allow it to use system packages at all04:30
bigjoolssomething in my quantal upgrade must have pulled it in04:31
bigjoolsDown to: FAILED (SKIP=1, errors=7, failures=2)04:36
jtvbigjools: need anything reviewed for that?04:37
bigjoolsno, removing the package fixed itg04:38
jtvWell, any of the fixes you came up with?04:38
bigjoolsjtv: can you look at the top error here04:38
bigjoolsyeah, starting on fixes now :)04:38
jtvSee?  I've been waiting for a chance to get in on this :)04:38
* bigjools grabs a sandwich, back in 1004:39
jtvThat top error is a Django-specified method in our XMLField getting hit by a signature change.04:50
jtvLooks fixable.04:51
bigjoolsalso means blue squad is not on quantal :)04:57
jtvReview? https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/quantal-get_db_prep_lookup/+merge/12563204:59
jtvI'm trying to test it on a quantal canonistack instance, but having some trouble getting set up.04:59
jtvDid you get buildout complaining that it can't find lxml 2.3.2?  I'm trying 2.3.5 instead.05:00
jtv(My fix does pass tests on precise)05:00
jtvCould you be unwittingly benefiting from caching or something?05:01
jtvLike lxml 2.3.2 not being available for quantal, but buildout using your existing egg oblivious to the upgrade?05:01
bigjoolsrunning tests with your branch05:06
bigjoolsI have 2.3.2 in cache05:06
jamI'm trying to run just 'make test', but it is failing because testscenarios has no attribute WithScenarios.05:06
bigjoolsmorning jam05:06
jamhi bigjools05:06
bigjoolsjam: hehe - see my email to maas-devel05:06
jamthis seems to only be in 'maastesting' vs 'maasserver' so I can skip it05:06
bigjoolsare you on quantal?05:07
jambigjools: this is on precise, though, not Q05:07
bigjoolsdo you have python-testresources installed?05:07
bigjoolsif so remove it05:07
bigjoolsjtv: approved05:08
bigjoolspasses tests now05:08
bigjoolswell, that one does05:08
jtvDamn, there goes my momentary elation05:08
bigjoolsjtv: although, it seems to have made the NoRabbit errors go away too05:09
bigjoolsno idea how!05:09
bigjools2 failures left05:09
jtvWell don't complain.  :)05:09
bigjoolsboth apidoc05:09
jtvAnd suspiciously dependency-no-longer-works-the-way-we're-used-to-like.05:10
jambigjools: 'make' installs testresources05:11
jamso it is listed as a dependency05:11
jtvOh joy my canonistack instance is full05:11
jamI don't have it from 'apt-get install', though.05:12
jamso I should do 'apt-get install' and try to match that version to the one for buildout?05:12
bigjoolsjam: oh that is fine05:12
bigjoolsno, you need the buildout one05:12
bigjoolsthe one we need is not packaged05:12
bigjoolsjam: so I have no idea why you get that error then, it works fine here05:14
bigjoolsyou could see which actual file it's importing to make sure it's the one you expect05:14
jambigjools: the isolation doesn't seem to be working properly.05:17
jamit is loading the system testscenarios (which was later than the buildbot one)05:17
jamI'm surprised it loads from system before loading from buildbot05:17
jamnote that I need testscenarios for other code05:17
bigjoolsapt-get remove python-testresources05:17
jamso I can uninstall it for now05:17
jambigjools: apt-get remove python-testscenarios05:18
jamnot resources05:18
jamI will need it to do u1db tests05:18
bigjoolswe set up buildout to prefer system packages05:18
jamso if bin/test would load from buildout cache before system, my life would be better05:18
jambigjools: isn't the whole point that buildout should override system?05:18
bigjoolsit does, if you tell it to05:19
jam(use system if it matches, but use the custom defined one if present)05:19
bigjoolsI mean, it doesn;t compare versions05:19
bigjoolsso if you tell it in buildout.cfg you want that package, then it'll use it05:19
bigjoolsunless it's already installed05:19
bigjoolsI think it was done like this to reduce the dependency on pypi, otherwise it downloads a lot of stuff05:20
jambigjools: I have testscenarios 0.3 installed in ~/.buildout/eggs05:20
jamI also have 0.2? installed in /usr/lib05:20
jambut when I run 'bin/test' it loads the system one05:20
jamnot the buildout one05:20
bigjoolsyes that's expected05:20
jambigjools: I'm pretty sure the 'reduce dependency on pypi' was that it wouldn't download packages whose versions you already ha05:21
bigjoolssadly buildout does not compare versions :(05:21
jambigjools: it did for me with ipython-0.12 vs ipython-0.12.105:21
jamwhen versions.cfg said 0.12 and I had 0.12.1 installed globally05:22
jamit would try to download until I updated05:22
jamthe versions.cfg to point to 0.12.105:22
jamnow, possibly at *runtime* it doesn't compare versions05:22
jambut it does seem to at 'make' time05:22
bigjoolsjam: it didn't download because you had a system one installed05:22
bigjoolsit ignores versions completely05:22
jambigjools: it *did* download until I made the version in versions.cfg match the system one05:22
jamI'm quite sure about that05:23
bigjoolsoh?  lifeless ^ ?05:23
lifelessbigjools: whats up ?05:27
bigjoolslifeless: version thing you mentioned earlier05:27
lifelessbigjools: if there is a pth file or egg metadata05:28
lifelessbigjools: if there isn't, I don't think it can tell, and that will depend on the package05:28
jamso I think what you want is for the 'build' step to say 'if you have the version in sys.path, use it, else download to the egg cach', and then the 'run' step to say 'if it is in the egg cache, use it, else use the system one'05:29
jamjust found out today that there is a 'great firewall of UAE': http://www.du.ae/Documents/Annex%201-IAM%20Regulatory%20Policy%20ver%201%200%2029July2008.pdf05:30
jamI was a bit surprised that online dating is one of the blocked sites.05:30
jam"social networking" is listed, but isn't that facebook/twitter/g+ ?05:30
jamand those certainly aren't blocked05:30
jtvYeah, blocked in many countries though.05:30
jamjtv: yeah fb was blocked in syria for a while, might even be now with the fighting05:31
jtvUsually all kids and subversives know how to get around it, but “decent” people get kept out of the 21st century.05:31
jamjtv: well the first blocked thing is places that let you get around blocking05:31
jambut there are lots of ways to do that :)05:31
jambut VOIP is also prohibited05:32
jamI guess because phone calls are expensive here, and they want to keep their monopoly05:32
jam(something like $0.40/min to call internationally)05:32
jtvHere too, as are VPNs.  We've had Google's appserver blocked, dropbox, twitter, youtube...  The consequences of blocking aren't usually taken into account because the people who do this are rarely fully aware of what they're damaging.05:32
jtvDidn't the UAE also have Etisalad with its infamous *.com SSL certificates?05:33
jamjtv: the main carrier here is Etisalat (has been for a long time) I hadn't heard about *.com though05:34
jamthat's pretty worrying05:34
jammy *specific* carrier is the only competitor Du, but that is just because of whatever region I'm in05:34
jtvYup.  Issued for the purpose of censorship.  Trusted by all clients, at least until a recent surge of awareness.05:34
jtvMy understanding is that typically these countries regulate their incumbent carriers' censorship policies onto other carriers as well.05:35
jamjtv: the ultimate MitM attack, carried out by your provider, and government approved.05:35
jtvCA-approved even.05:35
jamwhich is why when the government does it, it is so much scarier than when j-random-citizen tries05:35
bigjoolsquantal is doing my head in, no sound at all today05:36
jtvTime to start thinking about dual-boot setups.05:36
jtvSo that you can track which of your hardware is really, natively supported in the upgrade before you commit fully.05:37
jtvI got a message saying that I may not have a usable desktop after the upgrade.05:38
jamjtv: there is some way to get raw content out of django, though, as I think we're trying to do that for the xmlfield05:39
jam(for the file storage discussion)05:39
jtvYou mean you support a choice of encodings in the xml, without re-encoding for storage purposes?05:40
jamjtv: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/custom-model-fields/https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/custom-model-fields/05:40
jamjtv: actually, we are just trying to make it so we can run custom xpath_* queries05:40
jamwhich isn't directly supported by django05:40
jambut it sounds like something that would let you do bytea as well.05:40
bigjoolsjtv: what did you think to my packaging suggestion?05:42
jtvIt may have been something to do with the dynamicism of field conversions in django.05:42
jtvbigjools: saw the thread, but didn't look too closely.  Which was your suggestion?05:42
bigjoolsjtv: you need to read it05:42
bigjoolsit's a little involved05:42
jtvOK, I'll dig it up05:42
jtvjam: when you write field conversions in django, you get very little information about what the intended conversion is.  Basically you get “a value,” and it's up to you to figure out whether that needs any conversion.  Sometimes the conversion seems to go in unexpected directions, too.05:44
jtvbigjools: your suggestion sounds good to me — but then I never got around to understanding the distribution of responsibilities between maas-dns and maas-dhcp.  Until recently I thought maas-dhcp was de facto the seedling of the cluster-controller package.05:47
jtv(Small note: the provisioning server may require maas-cli, since it uses apiclient)05:48
jtvMeanwhile, my experiments on quantal suggest that we need: https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/quantal-updates/+merge/12563405:50
bigjoolsjtv: why do we need bzr?05:51
jtvOhhhh — that's the one Gavin added for now-unclear reasons, innit05:51
bigjoolsI think it can go, I asked on the list earlier05:51
jtvIn any case, 2.5.1 will break the build and 2.6.0b2 doesn't.05:52
bigjools2.5.1 works here05:52
bigjoolswell - it gets downloaded05:52
jtvOn a fresh canonistack instance it said no distribution found.05:52
bigjoolsnfi then05:53
jtvAhh, I think that was before I ran an upgrade on it.05:53
bigjoolsalso, why are we specifying precise versions05:53
bigjoolswhy not > <version>05:53
jtvDidn't know you could.05:54
bigjoolsor >=05:54
jtvI guess ideally at this stage, we'd be tracking Quantal's versions.05:54
bigjoolsI'd rather not be specific05:54
bigjoolswe have to QA it either way05:54
jtvDoesn't that carry a risk of accidentally relying on changes that are newer than what quantal has/05:55
bigjoolsno, because we have to QA it05:56
bigjoolswe should only get specific when a particular problem is found05:56
bigjoolsotherwise we'll forever be amending versions in buildout.cfg05:57
bigjoolsversions.cfg even05:58
jtvSo… want me to slap in a bunch of “>=” then?05:58
bigjoolswe need to review it, but don't do it now.05:59
bigjoolsyour point above would equally apply to relying on versions that are less than quantals05:59
jtvI do find I need a newer lxml though.05:59
jtvYes, absolutely.06:00
jtvWhat was causing that piston error about _is_string again?  You had a fix for that, right?06:01
bigjoolsyeah remove your local piston egg and cache06:01
bigjoolswe need to remove it from buildout and put it in required-deps06:01
jtvWeird.  This is on a clean system.06:02
jamjtv: I'd be interested in voice chatting with you about: https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/node-nodegroup-api-ui/+merge/12562406:02
bigjoolsthe only use of bzrlib that I can find is src/maascli/__init__.py:from bzrlib import osutils06:02
jamjust to get an understanding of that system, and review your code while I'm there.06:02
jtvjam: OK — but I'll need a few moments to prepare.06:02
jamallenap: you are using osutils.get_unicode_argv(), but it seems to be the only use of bzrlib06:07
jamIs there a plan to use more? Or can we just split out that code rather than bringing in all of bzr as a dependency?06:08
bigjoolsyes I was wondering the same06:08
jamright, so it was certainly useful for commandant06:08
jambut now that we aren't doing that06:08
jamthe dependency is quite small06:08
bigjoolsallenap won't be around for about 2 hours though06:08
jtvjam: ready now — name your medium06:11
jamjtv: whatever is your favorite :)06:11
jtvFace to face over coffee!?06:12
jamjtv: that would be best, I agree06:12
jtvUntil you get here, I'll set up a hangout.06:12
jtvjam: I've invited you.06:13
jtvbigjools: removing my piston egg didn't help, and I don't think I have a cache.  Wonder what else could be going on.06:14
bigjoolsjtv: clean and rebuild06:14
bigjoolswell just make check will do that06:15
bigjoolsthis definitely fixed things for me earlier06:15
jtvNot for me.  :(06:36
bigjoolsjtv: have you installed the quantal python-django-piston?06:40
bigjoolsit has the fix in it06:40
bigjoolsfor sure06:40
jtvI don't even see it in my available packages.06:40
bigjoolsyou need 0.2.3-1ubuntu206:41
jtvGuess I need some repository that isn't configured.06:42
bigjoolslike quantal? :)06:42
bigjoolsit's right there https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-django-piston/0.2.3-1ubuntu206:43
jtvThis is a quantal instance.06:44
bigjoolsapt-get update06:44
jtvI wonder why it doesn't pick up the existence of that package.06:44
jtvYeah, been doing that.06:44
bigjoolshow are you trying to install?06:44
jtvNothing there with “piston” in the name.06:44
bigjoolsapt-get install python-django-piston06:45
bigjoolsif you want to query availability, use "apt-cache search <thing>"06:45
jtv!?  How can that work in apt and not dselect?06:45
ubot5jtv: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:45
jtvOh shut up.06:45
bigjoolsdpkg -l <package> shows if it's installed06:45
jtvI know about apt-cache search, it's just a hassle compared to interactive pattern searching.06:45
bigjoolsdon't use dselect06:46
jtvBut why doesn't it see the package?06:46
jtvOh God it has its own cached package lists…06:46
bigjoolsI don't even have it installed06:46
bigjoolsfriends don't let friends use dselect06:47
jtvI've been used to it for about a decade.06:48
jtvI found it friendlier than aptitude.06:48
bigjoolsdon't use aptitide06:48
bigjoolsaptitude even06:48
bigjoolswhile it works most of the time, it does have a different dependency resolver to apt, and apt is the reference06:49
bigjoolsjtv: https://code.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/maas/fix-quantal-piston/+merge/12563806:52
jtvSome people swear by aptitude's resolver, apparently.  Again, I'm more used to apt's.06:52
bigjoolsit can offer some interesting resolutions to conflicts, but they are likely to break things even more.06:53
jtvHad some weird trouble with the “lxml >= 2.3.2” in Precise, will try in Quantal.06:53
jtvThe error is one of those things that make you go “yes, and…?”06:58
jtv«Error: Picked: lxml = 2.3.5»06:58
bigjoolsoooooo I know06:58
jtvLet's turn that smile up-side down.06:58
bigjoolswe have explicit versions turned on iirc06:58
bigjoolsallow-picked-versions = false06:59
bigjoolswhy, I wonder06:59
bigjoolswe really need to start uding system packages more instead of pypi06:59
bigjoolsmorning rbasak07:00
bigjoolsmorning rvba07:00
rvbaHi bigjools.07:00
jtvHi rvba07:02
rvba\o jtv.07:03
jtvYes, rbasak does raise the suspicion of queue-jumping.07:03
bigjoolsI have to reboot, because plugging in new usb device seems to still have a bug that is now about 4 years old which makes the mouse disconnect >:(07:08
jtvIt'll get triaged any day now, I'm sure07:08
bigjoolssrsly annoying.07:09
jtvrvba: would appreciate your input on the django incantations I applied here → https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/node-nodegroup-api-ui/+merge/12562407:13
rvbajtv: ok, I'll have a look.07:13
bigjoolsrvba: did you see my packaging suggestion around clusters etc?07:32
rvbabigjools: not yet.07:32
bigjoolsrvba: check out maas-devel07:33
rvbaReading it right now.07:35
rvbajtv: I've reviewed your branch.  Looks ok but I've got a few remarks.07:35
jtvThanks for the additional notes.07:35
rvbabigjools: I've made some experiments on how to route tasks in celery yesterday btw.07:37
bigjoolsrvba: cool, all ok?07:37
rvbabigjools: yes, queue creation works, routing ok, broadcast messages ok.07:38
mgzjtv: thanks for fixing the get_db_prep_lookup thing07:38
bigjoolsgood - I played around a long time ago and it was ok in my experiments so good to hear you went well too07:38
jtvI'm happy at last to have validation for my habit of “if it's somebody else's signature, accept *args & **kwargs and pass them in the upcall.”  :)07:39
rvbabigjools: btw, when running the test suite on quantal, I've got only 2 failures, all related to the api doc.07:42
bigjoolsusb disconnection AGAIN07:42
bigjoolsrvba: yes that is all that is left now07:42
rvbabigjools: not so bad after all then :)07:43
bigjoolsrvba: that's because we've been fixing them all day ;)07:43
* bigjools reboots AGAIN07:43
=== bigjools-afk is now known as bigjools
allenapjam, bigjools: Yes, bzrlib's there just for osutils. I considered breaking out that code. It's a big dependency, but I think it's fairly low priority to fix that.08:17
jamallenap: i guess bzr=2.5.1 fails on Q because bzr-2.6b? is there08:28
mgzjam, jelmer: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1218325/09:13
mgzwhen do I need to care about django model identity...09:31
mgz        self.assertEqual(xmlbytes, Node.objects.get(id=node.id).hardware_details)09:31
mgz        self.assertEqual(xmlbytes, node.hardware_details)09:31
mgznot equivalent09:31
mgzwhat I want it seems:09:34
mgz        self.assertEqual(xmlbytes, Node.objects.get(id=node.id).hardware_details)09:34
mgz        self.assertEqual(xmlbytes, node.hardware_details)09:34
mgzbah! cp09:34
mgz        node = reload_object(node)09:34
jampoke mgz for great justice10:51
jamand jelmer for goodness sake10:52
mgzjam, just about to nip out, but nearly there (despite django) with setting cpu_count/memory10:53
allenapjam: Yeah, I think so. It's not able to arrange for an earlier version of bzrlib because we allow site packages.10:53
jammgz: just curious where your db patch is at, since I cant evaluate tags until we have the column10:53
mgzah, I still need to actually propose the branch...10:54
mgzjam: pushed to lp:~gz/maas/temp and I need to run10:57
roaksoaxrvba: is the webui only to be meant installed on the region?11:51
rvbaroaksoax: yes11:52
jamI'm running into something strange with django.piston and nested fields12:24
jamIt doesn't seem to restrict the output to just the fields that are specified12:25
mgzjam: sounds like more joy12:26
jammgz: I'm trying to confirm w/ macaddress_set since that was doing ('mac_address',)12:26
jambut I can't seem to get it to only return just the 'name' and 'resource_uri' of the tag12:26
jamof related tags.12:26
mgzjam: I can't get UPDATE to work at all in a raw query...12:29
jamrvba: ^^ Specifically, I'm trying to expose tags, but just saying "NODE_DISPLAYED_FIELDS = (..., 'tags')" means the full tag gets exposed.12:29
rvbajam: can't you apply what we've done with 'macaddress_set' (in DISPLAYED_NODE_FIELDS)?12:32
rvbajam: DISPLAYED_NODE_FIELDS= (…, ('macaddress_set', ('mac_address',)),…)12:33
jamrvba: that doesn't seem to do what we think it does12:33
jamI can't confirm mac_address yet, as I haven't found a test that actually tests the values in macaddress_set12:33
jamhowever, if I put ('tags', ('name', ))12:33
jamI still get all the fields12:33
rvbajam: let me have a look at the code.12:34
jamrvba: lp:///~jameinel/maas/tag-list-api12:35
jamhas a failing test12:35
jamthat shows what fields are being exposed.12:35
rvbajam: cool, I'll have look.12:36
jamrvba: and I see tests about 'POST_limited_fields' but none of them seem to test the actual content of the macaddress_set field, just that it exists12:36
rvbajam: indeed.12:37
jamrvba: and I do feel like what we are doing *should* work, from places like http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2215352/django-piston-how-can-i-exclude-nested-fields-from-handler-results-is-it-even12:37
jamand here: https://bitbucket.org/jespern/django-piston/wiki/FAQ#!why-does-piston-use-fields-from-previous-handlers12:38
jambut that doesn't seem to actually work12:39
jamjelmer: any update to where you got to?12:40
mgzokay, I think I have code ready for the tag stuff now jam12:43
rvbajam: I don't understand why it does not work.  I'll have to put my hazmat suit on and debug piston.12:46
jamrvba: so at least I'm not crazy12:47
mgz...now kapil will wonder why you want to dress up as him...12:47
rvbahaha :)12:48
jammgz: https://code.launchpad.net/~jameinel/maas/tag-list-api/+merge/125697 up for review12:51
rvbajam: I got it.12:53
rvbajam: it's using TagHandler.fields.12:54
jamrvba: which I thought the definition in NodeHandler is supposed to override it for exposing tags on node12:55
jamif you know a way to do it, I would be fine turning the tags attribute into a simple list of names12:55
jamrather than a list of objects12:55
rvbajam: let me investigate some more…12:55
jambut we are using the default 'get' handler, and I don't know how to easily override it.12:55
mgzjam: I have put up some branches for review13:08
rvbajam: It does not seem to be possible to do that with piston (I even found a fork on github which adds this possibility https://bitbucket.org/liberation/django-piston); the only way is by adding a custom method like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1218559/13:10
jamrvba: well, that change looks good to me, so I'll go with that. Thansk13:10
jamrvba: which is opposite to what I read https://bitbucket.org/jespern/django-piston/wiki/FAQ#!why-does-piston-use-fields-from-previous-handlers13:11
jambut hey, tag_names actually works better for my purpose, I think13:11
rvbajam: right, but the code right here overrides the list of fields with the list from a registered emitter: https://bitbucket.org/jespern/django-piston/src/c4b2d21db51a/piston/emitters.py#cl-16013:13
jamrvba: well, update pushed. Your code actually nests the values because 'values_list' returns a list of tuples, but you can unwrap them and get it to work.13:20
rvbajam: ah, right.13:20
rvbajam: values_list('name', flat=True) will solve that for you :)13:21
jtvroaksoax, are you here?13:44
jtvIt's about bug 1053295.  I must have missed a step in introducing that upstart file into the maas-dhcp package.13:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 1053295 in MAAS "maas-dhcp does not install custom upstart script" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105329513:44
rbasaksmoser: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/105405613:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1054056 in MAAS "ephemeral images do not support multiple kernel flavours" [Undecided,New]13:50
roaksoaxjtv: yep13:51
jtvAny idea what it might be?13:51
roaksoaxjtv: yep :)13:51
jtvWhat is it?13:51
jtv(You're not getting to me.  Not at all.  :)13:52
roaksoaxjtv: missing  dh_installinit --name maas-dhcp-server13:52
roaksoaxjtv: i'll fix it13:52
jtvAhhhh.  ¡Muchas gracias!13:53
mgzjam: https://code.launchpad.net/~gz/maas/populate_tags/+merge/12572014:12
mgzwhoops, forgot to set prereq branch14:12
guimalufwhere can I edit the cloud-init config for maas nodes?14:12
mgzjam: and lp:~gz/maas/_try_migrate_hardware_details is my attempt at doing that migration... which still seems unhappy, but I'll have to look at that later14:26
mgz...without the leading underscore14:26
roaksoaxrvba: https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/install_maas_local_celerysettings/+merge/12573514:49
rvbaroaksoax: s/etc/contrib/14:52
roaksoaxrvba: yeah already pushed another branch14:52
roaksoaxrvba: and in the packaging side we need to handle upgrades, not only installations :)14:52
roaksoaxrvba: i'll get that done though14:52
rvbaroaksoax: cool, thanks a lot.14:53
roaksoaxrvba: i'll approve myself the setup.py branch14:56
rvbaroaksoax: approved :)14:57
roaksoaxhehe :)14:57
roaksoaxrvba: so there's 1 text conflict in debian/changelog, If you want you can fix that and push an updated branch or If you prefer I'll merge it myself against a local branch and resolve the conflict and push it back14:58
rvbaroaksoax: I'll fix it, hang on.14:58
rvbaroaksoax: I don't see the conflict.14:59
rvbaroaksoax: if you're talking about ~rvb/maas/packaging.set-rabbitmq-creds, I've fixed the conflict yesterday.14:59
roaksoaxrvba: did you pull the latest packaging branch?15:00
roaksoaxrvba: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1218767/15:00
rvbaroaksoax: hum, let me merge trunk again…15:00
rvbaroaksoax: conflict fixed.15:05
roaksoaxrvba: thanks! i'll test it one more time and get it merged15:06
rvbaroaksoax: ta.  Please review/test it carefully as I'm really no packaging expert.15:06
roaksoaxwill do :)15:06
roaksoaxrvba: https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/maas_local_celeryconfig/+merge/12574515:14
roaksoaxrvba: packaging needs to be updated from celerysettings to celeryconfig15:14
rvbaroaksoax: you're right.15:20
guimalufwhere can I append some script to the cloud-init running on maas nodes?15:22
roaksoaxsmoser: ^^15:22
smoserguimaluf, you mean in commissioning?15:23
roaksoaxguimaluf: cloud-init is only used for enlistment and commissioning. Not for deployed maas nodes15:23
smoserroaksoax, thats not true15:23
smosercloud-init is used on install also.15:23
smoserjuju provides cloud-init user-data to the provisioned nodes, it is available through the api15:23
roaksoaxsmoser: right, but what I mean is in already running nodes15:23
roaksoaxsmoser: i guess I should have said, not for already deployed maas nodes15:24
smoserroaksoax, well actually i think that is wrong too :)15:25
smosercloud-init is installed, and active. it will run things as it it does on regular instances15:25
roaksoaxsmoser: right, but I dind't know that you can tell cloud-init, from maas, to do XYZ after the node was installed/configured15:26
guimalufexactly. so if I want to customize some new cloud-init script for new maas nodes, there is a way to do it, right?15:27
roaksoaxsmoser: so that's what I mean, after I have deployed a node with juju, it installed the service or whatever, does it continue to poll the mAAS meta-data server?15:28
roaksoaxsmoser: or for example, can i juju deploy something and tell it a cloud-config script to use?15:30
guimalufin deed I never get maas nodes to reach metadata server and get the maas-server ssh-key.15:30
=== matsubara__ is now known as matsubara
roaksoaxrvba: i'll do the update if that's ok with you?15:52
rvbaroaksoax: have you been able to test the changes to the postinst script?15:53
roaksoaxrvba: yeah, it works15:53
roaksoaxobviously changing s/celerysettings/celeryconfig15:54
roaksoaxrvba: if you can change that real quick I'll merge your branch15:54
rvbaroaksoax: you mean renaming the file in contrib/ right?15:56
roaksoaxrvba: the file in contrib is already maas_local_celeryconfig.py15:56
roaksoaxrvba: so packaging needs ot be updated accordingly15:56
rvbaroaksoax: ah right.15:56
roaksoaxrvba: so maas.install maas.links and maas.postinst needs update15:56
rvbaroaksoax: ok, I'll update my branch.15:57
roaksoaxrvba: cool, other than that it seems to work as expected15:58
rvbaroaksoax: fix pushed.16:00
roaksoaxrvba: BROKER_URL = 'amqp://maas_workers:T1A3Ksj5wiEfOe1VrDjl@localhost:5672//maas_workers'16:01
roaksoaxso that's what I end up having in maas_local_celeryconfig16:01
rvbaThat's good.16:01
roaksoaxallenap: ping16:26
allenaproaksoax: Yo.16:29
roaksoaxallenap: so, what is the cli doing thus far? Can I alreay make changes to a node?16:30
roaksoaxallenap: idk if you recall.. but during commissioning we need to be able to modify the node's information16:30
roaksoaxallenap: and we were looking at having anonymous access16:30
roaksoaxspecifucally to set up the power_parameters for ipmi autodiscovery16:30
allenaproaksoax: It does basic stuff, including setting things. However, not everything works :-/ Bug 1052867 and bug 1052872 are pertinent here.16:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1052867 in MAAS "The metadata API description is not exposed" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105286716:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1052872 in MAAS "Anonymous handlers are not treated as subsets of their non-anonymous counterparts in the API" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105287216:33
allenaproaksoax: There's probably a view missing from the metadata API too, for the anonymous setting of power parameters.16:34
allenapI don't have a bug number for that.16:34
roaksoaxallenap: alright, i guess we can look deeper into that next week16:35
allenaproaksoax: Cool, let's talk on Monday. Have a good weekend!16:39
roaksoaxallenap: thanks you do aswell16:40

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