
darkxstjbicha, sorted out the user switching bug with halfline23:01
ubot5Gnome bug 684594 in general "slave: fix user switching for consolekit users" [Normal,New]23:01
darkxsthe is requesting a freeze break23:01
jbichadarkxst: oh great, thanks for following up!23:02
jbichaI'll package gdm 3.6.0 next week, it might magically make it in before Beta 2 or we can specifically request it be accepted if you think it should go in23:04
jbichasince the archive is frozen from now until Thursday23:05
jbichayou subscribe to ubuntu-devel and ubuntu-devel-announce, right? so you don't need me telling you these things?23:06
darkxstI am on annouce23:09
darkxstprobably should subscribe to devel also23:09
darkxstanyway would be good to ensure it lands for beta223:11
darkxstits quite a bad bug really23:11
jbichaok, that'll probably be Monday or Tuesday then23:12
jbichadid you decide what you were going to do about log out in the live session?23:12
jbichawe probably should have figured that out before beta freeze, but whatever23:13
darkxstI am not sure, I think we will break casper if we change ubuntu Uid so it shows up in gdm23:14
darkxstI think the best option would be to add the options to the first ubiquity screen23:14
darkxsti.e "try shell", "try classic"23:15
jbichayeah, the uid isn't likely to be changable, you could ask cjwatson for the why23:16
jbichawe could patch gdm to start looking for 999 and higher but I don't know...23:16
jbichapatching ubiquity to add the dual try buttons doesn't sound like something we would get permission to land for beta 223:17
jbichaI'm logged off for a bit...23:19
darkxstits not even something thats likely to get done in time for beta2 anyway23:20
jbicharicotz: are you still around?23:50

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