
bazhangAutrax, you were banned from #ubuntuforums11:36
Autraxbecuase i talking with admin of forum11:37
Autraxbut other admin or moderator enter and ban me11:37
Autraxidk why11:37
Autraxwithout reason11:37
bazhangAutrax, let me check the logs, just a moment11:38
AutraxHe's just trying to ignore me on the forum and in the chat.11:39
AutraxHe knows that he was wrong when he closed my topic.11:40
Autraxon forum11:40
bazhangAutrax, be patient I am checking. stop talking about this in #ubuntu11:40
bazhangAutrax, do you understand me, yes or no11:41
Autraxi stoped write on #ubuntu11:41
Autraxwe about environment programm11:44
Autraxno about admin problem11:44
AutraxI do not know where works administrator, but he wrote me something about Google in PM on the forum. It seems he did not like what I wrote about Google.11:46
bazhangAutrax, asking in #ubuntu , or being unkind/unfriendly to people in #ubuntuforums is not the way to solve it11:47
Autraxhe provokes11:48
bazhangAutrax, you need to discuss with that op if you wish to get unbanned in #ubuntuforums11:48
Autraxit does not perform its duties He closed my topic without reason11:49
bazhangAutrax, thats an issue with the ubuntuforums.com moderator11:49
AutraxI need unclose my topic on forum please11:49
bazhangAutrax, complaining about it on irc wont help that11:49
AutraxWhere do I complain to the admin forum?11:50
bazhangAutrax, complain about what11:50
Autraxabout bad admin11:50
ms_daisyThe resolution center. http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=12311:50
Autraxhe close my topic11:50
bazhangAutrax, what post11:50
Autraxhe is nonadequate11:51
bazhangAutrax, stop posting that. I am reading it now11:52
bazhangAutrax, the moderator told you very clearly why the topic was closed, and what you needed to do to get it accepted again11:53
bazhangAutrax, the privacy policies of Google have nothing to do with Ubuntu11:54
AutraxWhere do I complain about the board administrator, I want to replace it.11:57
bazhangAutrax, your post was closed very correctly. you were told what to do to get it accepted.11:59
bazhangAutrax, email the ubuntuforums.org administrators if you wish some other resolution11:59
bazhangAutrax, coming here to IRC to complain is not the way to get it resolved12:00
AutraxI will write in Canonical and Shuttleworth12:01
bazhangAutrax, they dont control the ubuntuforums12:01
ms_daisyAutrax, you're not listening.  You have to complain at ubuntuforums.org.12:01
ms_daisyThose are the only people that care.12:02
smartboyhwAutrax, is it really difficult to accept?12:02
Autraxubuntuforums.org use copyrights on Canonical12:02
Autraxthey can control this forum12:02
bazhangsmartboyhw, lets not get too many people involved here, please12:02
smartboyhwbazhang: Sorry. I will be watching though12:03
bazhangAutrax, as ms_daisy said, email the ubuntuforums.org moderators. there is nothing more to discuss here12:03
Autraxhe is Administrator12:04
Autraxi will write to moderators?12:04
bazhangAutrax, thats not right12:04
AlanBellAutrax: tell you what, look up information about SElinux which is the answer to your actual question.12:05
bazhangcanonical and shuttleworth have nothing to do with it. Please email the correct address.12:05
AutraxWhat e-mail?12:05
Autraxforum use copyrights of Canonical12:06
AutraxCanonical may prohibit them from doing so12:07
AutraxCanonical has a direct impact.12:07
AlanBellAutrax: do you want to complain, or find out more about sandboxing applications in Ubuntu?12:08
AutraxMe use this http://ubuntuforums.org/sendmessage.php ?12:10
AutraxI'm sure it will not work. I'm just wasting my time. I must write to Canonical.12:11
AlanBelldo you have a support contract with Canonical?12:11
Autraxbazhang, thanks for help12:12
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