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dholbachgood morning07:09
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gotwigI want a feature freeze exception for this commit for gnome control center: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-control-center/commit/?id=45ba8e89e86397df912e07df14d76373f1c7e7af.07:28
gotwigthis fixes the error message from firewallid for finding network printers in Printers panel under GNOME Shell07:29
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Laneyshould we be uploading for that?10:00
LaneyIt didn't actually add any new dependencies.10:01
geseris it perhaps related to the changes for -java packages? (and got matched by looking for source packages building -java packages)10:15
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margaSo, I have prepared a package that fixes some bugs for "myunity".  How do I go about getting sponsoring for it?12:15
ubottuYou can find out about the package sponsorship process here http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess - For !UDS sponsorship see http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/sponsorship/12:28
geserin short: attach a debdiff to the bug and subscribe "ubuntu-sponsors" to it (or prepare a bzr branch if you prefer and file a merge-proposal)12:29
margageser, ok, thanks.12:41
margaI had done the debdiff part but didn't know about subscribing sponsors to it.12:41
geserhmm, "myunity" doesn't seem to be in quantal anymore (see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+source/myunity/3.1.5-0ubuntu1)12:43
margaCan it still be uploaded to precise?12:44
geseras a SRU? sure12:44
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates12:44
geserthe sponsoring is the same, just a little bit more paper work on the bug itself12:45
margaYes, I get it.12:46
margaIs it the same process if the current version is already in precise-backports?12:49
geserhmm, good question12:51
geserScottK (or any other Ubuntu backporter): how to update a package in -backports when the package got deleted in the devel series?12:53
shadeslayerI'm trying to figure out how to make a portion of my postinst script run only when the package is installed the first time, so can I just check if $2 is zero and run my commands?13:52
shadeslayeror is there another/simpler way to do it13:53
margashadeslayer, as far as I know, it's how you said.13:54
shadeslayeralright, I'll go with taht for now13:54
Laney$1 is configure and $2 is empty, yeah13:54
Laneymake sure you don't break on remove/install though13:54
shadeslayermy script calls dpkg-divert, so I don't want to run that on upgrade13:55
shadeslayerLaney: oh?13:55
Laneyyou need to undo whatever it is you do on remove13:55
shadeslayerright ... I don't handle that atm13:56
shadeslayerhad that on my todo for tomorrow13:56
shadeslayeralright, thanks :)13:59
geserLaney: as you also deal with backports, do you know how to update a package in precise-backports which got deleted from quantal?14:00
Laneynot sure we have a precedent for that14:01
LaneyScottK: ?14:01
margaThe package is myunity.  It got deleted because it doesn't work with the unity version in quantal.  But it works with precise, oneiric and natty.14:02
margaI have prepared an upload with 3 patches for 3 bugs.14:02
LaneyI think we could probably do it14:05
Laneydo the bug fixes apply to all releases we backported to?14:06
xnox=( i want myunity =(14:10
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ScottKgeser: That's a really good question.  I don't recall it coming up before.  Are you talking about a new version or fixing a bug with the existing version in backports?14:53
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l3onHi all.. why if I use bzr lp-propose it files my propose to being merge into debian ?15:41
l3onexample: https://code.launchpad.net/~l3on/ubuntu/quantal/smbldap-tools/merge/+merge/12575415:41
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mfischMOTUs, a process question: if Ubuntu and Debian are both out of date for a package (newer version upstream), is there any link between Ubuntu and Debian updating?  What I mean is if we update a package is it up to Debian to also do the update or would we (Ubuntu) send our debdiff and/or patches to debian?16:33
micahgmfisch: ideally, the update could be pushed through Debian (but the maintainer has to be willing to update)16:33
micahgmfisch: which package?16:33
tumbleweedsyncing things from Debian is easy16:33
tumbleweedgetting things from Ubuntu into debian tends to be a little bit harder16:34
micahg(not everyone wants to upload stuff to experimental during the freeze either)16:34
Laneyweirdos, experimental is where all the fun happens16:35
mfischmicahg: just in general, I was looking at the list of outdated packages and wondering the process16:36
micahgmfisch: yeah, so best is to have an update in Debian (if you have team membership there or NMU if the package update qualifies)16:36
mfischmicahg: here's a simple one, "six", from this list: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/desktop.html16:37
micahgmfisch: that's cjwatson's package and he's usually on top of stuff...probably not updating for a reason at this point16:37
mfischso ideally colin (the maintainer) or someone else would push to debian first16:37
micahgbut speaking in general, yes16:38
micahgwe've got upgrade requests here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=upgrade-software-version16:38
micahgbut since we're past feature freeze, most are unlikely to be addressed unless needed for quantal specifically16:39
Laneywe can upload to backports now :-)16:39
micahgwell, in general, most are unlikely to be addressed unless it happens in Debian first16:39
Laney(someone should make the q-backports project)16:40
micahgLaney: indeed, was waiting for midori to get uploaded to Debian to try it16:40
micahgI was going to create the project16:40
mfischmicahg: so for someone looking to get experience in this process (updating packages) is that bug list a good place to start?16:40
* micahg isn't sure he has enough permissions to add it to ubp though16:40
Laneythere is a list of ubuntu only packages which are outdated16:41
micahgmfisch: yeah, not a bad place to start, but most of those should probably be done in Debian16:41
micahgLaney is referring to http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/no_updated.html16:42
micahgthat list isn't Ubuntu only though which is weird...16:42
Laneypossibly is it pointing at testing16:42
cjwatsonmfisch: Oh, I only missed that because apparently I didn't have a watch file16:42
cjwatsonSo it didn't show up on http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=cjwatson%40debian.org16:42
mfischcjwatson: I just mailed you one ;)16:42
cjwatsonWait, I *do* have a watch file16:43
cjwatsonWhat's going on16:43
cjwatsonAnd it works with uscan --verbose --report16:43
mfischcjwatson: six doesn't have a watch file, not one that I see16:43
cjwatsonOh well, I'll update the package16:43
mfischcjwatson: I did write one16:43
Laneydoesn't have one in the archive, anyhow16:43
cjwatsonI committed it to bzr a while back16:43
cjwatsonBut I never uploaded it16:43
cjwatsontimestamp: Sun 2012-01-22 15:14:03 +000016:43
cjwatsonSo how did ~platform/desktop/desktop.html find the new upstream for six if not from a watch file, incidentaly?16:54
mfischgood question16:58
dupondjeI know this isn't really the right place, but has anyone an idea about the following stacktrace: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=28BEEaS3 ?16:59
jtaylorsomeone familiar with php packaging?'17:22
jtaylornevermind not php's fault17:25
jtaylorif a core-dev is bored I might need some rebuilds17:26
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geserScottK: marga wants has 3 patches for myunity ready, but myunity isn't in quantal anymore so asked instead if the version in precise-backports can still be fixed20:25
micahgquantal-backports registered20:43
mfischmicahg: Here's my sync request: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfonts-mathml/+bug/105432420:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1054324 in xfonts-mathml (Ubuntu) "Please sync xfonts-mathml v6 from Debian unstable" [Medium,In progress]20:47
mfischwe have no Ubuntu specific changes and it builds fine20:47
* mfisch fixes priority20:47
micahgmfisch: so, first, you want to use requestsync to request syncs20:47
ScottKgeser: It seems reasonable to allow fixes like that.20:47
mfischmicahg: ok, it looked to be optional in the wiki, but I can redo with that, no problem20:48
micahgmfisch: second, we do have a diff with the package20:48
mfischmicahg: oh, I was looking for patches, but yes there is a diff in the control file20:49
micahgmfisch: you can cut/paste from requestsync for this one and use it in the future, it fills in the changelog from the differences automatically as well as warning you if there's an Ubuntu diff, use the -e option if you need a feature freeze exception20:49
geserScottK: as direct upload to precise-backports? and can it that be backported from precise-backports to oneiric-backports if needed/wanted?20:49
Laneydo the bugs affect the released version too?20:50
Laney(you know where this is going)20:50
micahgmfisch: PTS page is useful as well: http://packages.qa.debian.org/x/xfonts-mathml.html20:50
micahgmfisch: you'll also want to make sure that our font packages transitioned like the Debian ones did20:50
geserLaney: no idea, better ask marga about it/the patches20:50
Laneyfilling the backports bug is probably a good start20:51
gesermarga: ^^20:51
mfischmicahg: what do you mean by "transitioned"?20:51
micahgmfisch: that we have the new binary packages that the control file (and the built binaries) will expect20:52
ScottKgeser: Definitely.20:52
micahgmfisch: the package renames in version 620:56
mfischmicahg: I don't see a renaming, where are you looking?20:58
micahg    - otf-stix -> fonts-stix and moved in Recommends because STIX fonts20:59
micahg      was now officially released (not beta version).20:59
micahg    - ttf-lyx -> fonts-lyx in Recommends. (Closes: #676489, #676492, #676497)20:59
mfischah, I was looking at the uupdate processed version, let me get a clean copy21:00
micahgmfisch: try grab-merge21:01
mfischmicahg: right, so Ubuntu still is using the old package names21:01
micahgmfisch: not in the current Ubuntu version, but what is in the Ubuntu archive (you can use rmadison to check that)21:02
mfischmicahg: grab-merge is very useful, thanks21:02
micahg*current Ubuntu xfonts-mathml version, but what font binaries are in the archive21:03
mfischmicahg: yep, there they are for quantal21:04
micahgmfisch: ok, then the next questions are is it just bug fixes or does it need a feature freeze exception? (build system changes usually need a feature freeze exception just to show that the binary still has the desired contents)21:06
mfischmicahg: it contains bug fixes21:07
micahg   * Introduced dh_installxfonts now.21:07
mfischmicahg: also pitti's patch for the 0.4 version still should apply since the lyx fonts are not in main21:08
micahgIANA release team member, so not sure if that qualifies21:08
mfischmicahg: so you meant "only bug fixes"21:08
mfischmicahg: the answer to that is "no"21:08
mfischmicahg: actually you did ask it that way21:09
mfischmicahg: I misread21:09
micahgpackaging corrections == bug fixes21:09
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micahgpackaging changes ~= features21:11
mfischadding dh_installxfonts to the rules file is more of a correction isn't it?21:12
micahgwell, the rules file was changed from using ~10 dh statements, to just one21:14
micahgas I said, IANA release team member, maybe one of them can comment (I'd probably just ask in IRC if they want an FFe for this)21:15
mfischlet me properly file the syncrequest21:16
micahgmfisch: also, so, this is a merge, not a sync, since we need to keep the diff, it's generally good practice to ask the person who touched it last if they plan on working on it21:21
micahgthis prevents duplication of work21:22
mfischsync is only valid then if we have absolutely no changes?21:22
micahgor if the changes aren't needed anymore21:22
Laneysync means 'copy this package from somewhere else'21:22
mfischI believe we still need the control file change21:22
mfischmicahg: so can I file a merge request, then take the debian version, make the control file change and build the package, I can then attach the debdiff from 6ubuntu1 to 4ubuntu121:25
micahgmfisch: that debdiff and the one from the new debian package to the merged package (which the sponsor will apply to the Debian package before uploading)21:26
mfischmicahg: got it21:26
mfischmicahg: is there a special tool for merge requests?21:26
micahgmfisch: but ideally, before you started, you'd want to ask pitti if he was working on it21:26
mfischmicahg: ok21:27
mfischmicahg: in this case I'll go ahead since I'm learning the process and I'll email pitti a note21:27
micahgmfisch: no, I've kicked around the idea for one for a while, you could just use requestsync and edit it to say merge21:27
mfischif he's doing it already, he can toss my work, no big deal21:27
micahgthen remove ubuntu-sponsors until the debdiffs are attached21:27
mfischmicahg: ok21:28
micahgmfisch: also good to check on merges.ubuntu.com to see if anyone is working on it21:28
mfischmicahg: there's some stuff there, does that mean it's being worked on?  https://merges.ubuntu.com/x/xfonts-mathml/21:29
mfischlooks like it was automated21:30
mfischbut failed21:30
micahgmfisch: no, I mean here: https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html21:30
mfischmicahg: it's listed as outstanding21:31
micahgmfisch: right, which means it hasn't been merged this cycle yet, you'll want to look at the comments column to see if there's anything relevant there21:33
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mfischmicahg: okay, I've got my bug and did my changes/debdiffs, I need to do some final testing, here's the bug: eowner's insurance, and health insurance are all taxes too?  T21:51
mfischoops! paste fail21:51
mfischmicahg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfonts-mathml/+bug/105435321:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1054353 in xfonts-mathml (Ubuntu) "FFe: merge xfonts-mathml 6 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New]21:52
micahgmfisch: well, you didn't ascertain if an FFe is needed, but if it would be, what they'd want to see is an sbuild log that includes a list of the contents of the built binaries21:53
mfischmicahg: I can remove that part from the bug, should I ask the release team on IRC?21:54
micahgmfisch: well, the release people dealing with universe usually lurk in here21:54
micahgmfisch: you'll also want to close the bug in your debdiff21:56
mfischin the changelog you mean?21:56
cjwatsonmfisch: six 1.2.0-1 uploaded to Debian now.  But new upstreams really aren't a priority for quantal at this point so I probably won't bother syncing it21:58
mfischcjwatson: no worries, I was looking for a package to experiment with the process on21:58
cjwatsonmm.  this particular part of the process might be generally better at the start of the R cycle ...21:59
cjwatsonunless you find things that are genuinely interesting bug fixes of course22:00
mfischcjwatson: when does R open up?22:02
mfischmicahg: updated22:03
micahgwell, we've still got over 200 packages that haven't been merged this cycle yet, but yeah, bug fixes, especially RC ones should probably come first at this point22:04
cjwatsonmfisch: within a week (at the outside, usually earlier) after 12.10 releases22:06
cjwatsonI like that part of the cycle so usually try to do it quickly :-)22:09
Laneywoe is forgetting to start a long remote build in screen22:13
micahgLaney: it's painful :)22:13
micahgLaney: care to comment on the FFe necessity of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfonts-mathml/+bug/1054353/+attachment/3329883/+files/4ubuntu1_to_6ubuntu1.debdiff22:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1054353 in xfonts-mathml (Ubuntu) "merge xfonts-mathml 6 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New]22:14
Laneymicahg: probably doesn't need one22:17
mfischLaney: thanks22:17
Laneyare the maintainer scripts correct in light of using dh_installxfonts?22:17
Laneyits man page mentions that it generates maintainer script snippers22:18
Laneymaybe best to check22:18
mfischpostinst is pretty much empty, but postrm has code in it22:19
mfischlooks like both of those will be regenerated by installxdonts22:19
mfischfonts I mean22:19
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