
uvirtbotNew bug: #1053744 in samba (main) "package libsmbclient (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: a tentar sobre-escrever '/usr/share/man/man7/libsmbclient.7.gz', que também está no pacote centrifydc-samba 3.5.11-" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105374400:36
gerbilcabbagehaiI have my Desktop box server running. 12.04. How do I log into it via sftp from my client laptop? I'm already in via ssh, but I don't know how to use ftp01:45
sarnoldftp != sftp01:45
gerbilcabbagehaii know01:45
sarnoldwhich one are you interested in using? :)01:46
gerbilcabbagehaion my client box i am using filezilla01:46
sarnolddoes filezilla support sftp? I've never seen it before..01:46
sarnoldif it takes URLs, try something like sftp://hostname/pathname01:47
gerbilcabbagehaiok thanks ill try that01:47
sarnoldah, those screenshots don't look very amenable to URL syntax01:49
gerbilcabbagehaiit worked01:49
sarnoldoh! pleasant surprise. :)01:49
gerbilcabbagehaifilled in host, selected sftp, supplied username and password for ssh01:49
gerbilcabbagehaithanks for your help :)01:49
sarnoldyou're welcome :)01:50
gerbilcabbagehaiif I want to write/overwrite when I am logged in via sftp (filezilla), the permissions are denied. What do I change on the server to continue modifying my files from afar, but keeping them safe from not-logged in users?01:54
sarnoldgerbilcabbagehai: what are the permissions on the file and the file's containing directory?01:55
gerbilcabbagehaiyou want cli format or filezilla gui format?01:56
sarnoldI can read ls -l output far better :) but that's just me...01:56
gerbilcabbagehaiim new to cli so i want to learn how to do that. do I cd to the directory?01:56
sarnoldit isn't strictly necessary -- but it is easier to get the listing, and to read it, if you do.01:57
gerbilcabbagehai-rw-r--r--  1 root root  177 Sep 20 18:38 index.html01:57
gerbilcabbagehaidrwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 Sep 20 23:59 movies01:57
gerbilcabbagehaidrwxr-xr-x 58 root root 4096 Sep 21 08:48 usb01:57
sarnolddo you want your user account to be able to re-write this file at will?01:58
gerbilcabbagehaiyes for my account, no for others.01:58
gerbilcabbagehaithere's only one account with a strong password, however others will have access TO it, but i dont want them to change anything inadvertantly01:59
gerbilcabbagehaiTO it = the data.01:59
sarnoldgerbilcabbagehai: you will need to grant directory write access to your user account as well as file write access to that file for your user account02:00
sarnold(both are required since different programs may use different mechanisms to modify the file -- some will edit that existing file, and others will put a _new_ file in place with that filename. It's a touch complicated that way...)02:01
sarnoldgerbilcabbagehai: is this user in a group all to itself?02:01
gerbilcabbagehaiLets say my name is bob. bob is my login and username. bob is the only username on the server. I'll be the only one who changes things or overwrites things.02:02
gerbilcabbagehaiim not quite sure what i want to ask02:02
gerbilcabbagehaifor now, i only want bob to be able to modify anything02:02
sarnoldthen that's pretty easy: chown bob:bob . index.html ; chmod 755 . ; chmod 644 index.html02:02
gerbilcabbagehaiwhat does chmod 755 mean?02:03
sarnoldthat changes the directory's permissions to be owned by user bob, group bob, then sets the directory permissions to allow bob complete control, everyone else gets read and traverse permissions (necessary for a web server running as a different user, probably www-data)02:03
sarnoldthen it changes the file index.html to be owned by user bob, group bob, and allows bob to read and write the file, and everyone else can read the file (also necessary for the web server to be able to serve it up to clients)02:04
gerbilcabbagehaiso what does having root as owner do to the file index.html?02:04
gerbilcabbagehaiwhy should bob own it?02:04
gerbilcabbagehaie.g. sarah / guest can see and read bob's index, but only bob can modify?02:05
sarnoldif root owns the file, then bob has use 'sudo' to modify the file, which gets annoying02:06
gerbilcabbagehaitrue :)02:06
sarnoldif bob owns the file, then bob can update the file without having to use 'sudo'02:06
gerbilcabbagehaihence if i own that file, i login via filezilla and permissions will be allowed because I own that file, and filezilla cannot pass sudo (i think)02:07
sarnoldsarah will get the "other" permissions -- the last digit in the permissions: 755 and 64402:07
sarnoldright, filezilla won't be able to do sudo, especially because the sftp protocol doesn't make a provision for that :)02:07
gerbilcabbagehaigotcha. thanks for the explaination02:07
gerbilcabbagehainow to try it lol02:08
gerbilcabbagehainew meaning to the term, "man up"02:08
gerbilcabbagehaiyou know...many things i think are deliberate in linux02:09
sarnoldone hopes :)02:09
gerbilcabbagehaiis there a $kill bill?02:09
sarnoldback in the day, the 'make' command would print "make love, not war" if you typed "make love"...02:10
gerbilcabbagehaihow do i enable logging on the server?02:11
sarnoldgerbilcabbagehai: an old old joke stuffed in the tunefs manpage back in the eighties: http://unixhistory.livejournal.com/1808.html02:11
sarnoldgerbilcabbagehai: what operations do you want logged?02:12
sarnoldyou don't want that :) that's way too much data...02:12
gerbilcabbagehaium...let me rephrase that02:12
gerbilcabbagehaiany user who logs in and does something02:13
gerbilcabbagehaifrom where and as much detail as possible about them02:13
gerbilcabbagehaiall interactions that my username and any other initiates02:14
sarnoldwell, that's still pretty open...02:14
sarnoldgerbilcabbagehai: first, try "sudo less /var/log/auth.log" -- see if that's sufficient02:14
gerbilcabbagehaiam i going to regret this? lol02:14
sarnoldno, 'less' is a simple file viewer02:14
sarnoldjust hit 'q' to quit02:14
gerbilcabbagehaii mean am i going to regret asking for so much02:15
sarnoldyou may also like to try the "last" command02:15
gerbilcabbagehaichown bob:bob . index.html ; chmod 755 . ; chmod 644 index.html ... results in02:18
gerbilcabbagehaichown: changing ownership of `.': Operation not permitted02:18
gerbilcabbagehaichown: changing ownership of `index.html': Operation not permitted02:18
gerbilcabbagehaiwhat am i typing incorrectly?02:18
sarnoldoh bother. my fault.02:18
sarnoldgerbilcabbagehai: you'll need to run those commands via 'sudo'. If you run 'sudo -s' it'll start a root shell for you...02:19
sarnoldgerbilcabbagehai: I'm being summoned for dinner :) so I'm off for the night. have fun!02:19
gerbilcabbagehaithanks :)02:20
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Bluemalkinhi - does anyone know hot to do an approx apt cache refresh in 12.04 since the approx-update has been removed ?02:27
gerbilcabbagehaidoes root have more permissions than username? i.e. if I mistakenly make /var/www permissioned to USERNAME only, can root still access?02:29
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linociscohi all, HOw can I save jpg/pdf or scanned documents in database.?03:19
linocisconot as only link. Just physical image file03:20
linociscohi all03:54
linociscois there any LDAP like settopbox so that windows clients can authenticate and see their designated folder and their roaming home folders?04:02
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cluelesspersonDoes anyone know how to restrict an SFTP user into only their home directory?07:41
RoyKcluelessperson: use rssh to disallow normal login and read up on chrooting07:44
cluelesspersonRoyK: Is there an easier way to chroot?07:45
cluelesspersonRoyK:  I've got rssh working07:45
RoyKcluelessperson: dunno, try google07:50
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cluelesspersonRoyK: I've spent way too much time on google without results.07:56
Insomniac11Hello, I need help troubleshooting an Ubuntu 12.04 Server-amd64 installation. I keep getting the errors listed in this pastebin: http://pastebin.com/frpZkMAt I also looked in the last 20 lines of the syslog and can't make sense of it, I attatched that to the pastebin as well for all to see. The pastebin has more detailed information as well.08:11
ikoniaInsomniac11: it looks like you have errors that have already scrolled off the screen08:18
Insomniac11Hmm, I thought they were just wordwrapped down tot he next line??08:19
ikoniaInsomniac11: your first line is saying "you may want to correct this problem" - so there is obviously errors above that08:23
Insomniac11Well, I read the last 20 lines were pernient somewhere where someone had a similar problem, and I didn't know how to export the entire syslog into a separate file from within the terminal to an ourside source.08:24
Insomniac11I'm sorry, I'm not very familiar with all of this. I will try to get you more information.08:26
Insomniac11I can give you access to my VNC? Then you can see the whole log08:29
Insomniac11as it is on my screen08:29
ikoniano thank you08:29
Insomniac11Any suggestions for forward progress?08:30
* Insomniac11 shrugs08:32
Insomniac11Maybe someone can help in the #ubuntu channel. Thanks anyways ikonia.08:32
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DulcinI just accidentally chown and chgrp everything in /var/ to my user, I've put it back to root - but is that how is used to be?09:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #1053892 in lxc (universe) "failed to install quantal-core-armhf_default(20120921):  some packages(mountall:amd64, upstart:amd64, iproute:amd64) have have unmet dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105389209:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #1053893 in cloud-init (main) "cloud-init should be able to switch off password auth in sshd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105389309:11
lordievaderGood morning.09:25
jamespageDulcin, almost certainly not09:28
RoyKcluelessperson: first hit on google http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-unix-rssh-chroot-jail-setup.html09:29
RoyKcluelessperson: good choice of nick, btw ;)09:30
cluelesspersonRoyK: So I've followed the directions, and it doesn't work09:31
RoyKcluelessperson: then you're doing something wrong09:31
cluelesspersonRoyK: http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?sshd_config+509:32
cluelesspersonaccording to that I can chroot and restrict sftp users without other dependencies, that I must set up chroot to be root owned but not rw by any other group.09:33
cluelesspersonwhich means chmodding the chroot directory09:33
cluelesspersonproblem being, it's automounted by fstab09:33
cluelesspersonso, I need to dictate in fstab the umask= something09:35
cluelesspersonRoyK: do you know off the top of your head to only allow root access to either r or w ?09:36
RoyKcluelessperson: man setfacl09:37
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cluelesspersonRoyK: Oi.  I'm getting closer.  Now I've only got a permission denied09:49
cluelesspersonRoyK: Okay, so now the issue is what it's not restricting the user to their home directory09:54
RoyKcluelessperson: I've answered that question09:55
cluelesspersondo chroot?  I did though09:55
* RoyK gives up and finds something better to do than talking to rather clueless people09:56
cluelesspersonRoyK: This isn't obvious.09:56
cluelesspersonRoyK: First fstab has to mount it with appropriate permissions, which I have no idea what those are, supposedly only root read and write access.09:57
cluelesspersonsecond, this user is configured to use the rssh shell, denied scp access.09:57
cluelesspersontheir home in /media/sftp/guest/09:57
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SpamapSjamespage: did you see that ceph 0.48.2 was released on Wednesday?12:13
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roaksoaxDaviey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/105402212:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1054022 in ubuntu "[FFe] [needs-packaging] openstack-resource-agents" [Undecided,New]12:41
dokoDaviey, zul: is the maas-provision demotion ok for quantal?13:02
zuldoko: no idea13:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #1054035 in cloud-init (main) "Adding default user fails due to lack of 'netdev' group" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105403513:11
Davieydoko: I wouldn't worry about it.  It's either going to be plainly removed, or turned into a transitional package shortly.13:15
dokoDaviey, ok, demoting. transitional packages can say in universe13:15
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_val_Hi everyone. Using LTS 12.04. After a reboot I got to (initramfs). I fixed this issue once without using a live CD or else. Now how would I set the rootpat?  I did  set root=hd0,0   returned nothign. How do I beet the preivous kernel?13:57
stgraberhallyn: thoughts on https://github.com/lxc/lxc/issues/4 ?14:00
dokoDaviey, the netcf binary pops up on the demotion list, although the source was promoted this cycle. is the demotion correct?14:03
jamespage_val_: hit escape on boot - you should get a menu of choices...14:10
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Davieydoko: probably not14:18
dokoplease seed it14:19
hallynstgraber: nothing we can do about that, it's kernel enforced14:22
hallynstgraber: that's where optionalling doing chroot instaed of pivot_root would come in14:23
_val_jamespage: does not help.14:23
hallynstgraber: but that won't fix certain things like /proc/maps and /proc/mounts14:23
jamespage_val_, does the same thing? hmmm14:23
jamespagethe server iso has a rescue mode14:24
_val_I've set up a tunnel for the ipmi interface otherwise I can't reach the server. Either the Esc key is not working.. and when typing 'boot' it just says. Command not found14:24
dokoSpamapS, jamespage: you seem to care about ceph. python-ceph is schedule for demotion. is this intended?14:24
jamespagedoko, no14:24
hallynstgraber: so we *could* recommend a particular ugly combination of virtual devices set up for /var/lib/lxc/ which would make MS_SHARED work, i *think* we can make it work...  fugly though14:24
jamespagelet me seed it14:24
hallynstgraber: but the shared setting has to be right for both the device and it's parent iirc14:25
hallynstgraber: (requirements are documented in fs/namespace.c)14:25
hallynstgraber: (biab)14:26
dokoDaviey, cloud-initramfs-rescuevol demotion?14:26
stgraberhallyn: so I guess there's no way of setting the initial bind mount as PRIVATE so it doesn't bring the whole tree with it?14:28
hallynstgraber: not sure what you mean;  but a single mount won't do it14:29
hallynwe'd probably want to make a tmpfs mount and then mount /var/lib/lxc onto there14:29
hallynstgraber: it's worth playing with.14:29
stgraberhmm, yeah... ugly, so not something we should be doing by default. Maybe get the magic in a pre-mount hook that they can use on systems with systemd14:30
hallynthat's an idea14:31
jamespagedoko, done14:31
Davieydoko: Unless you are in a hurry for this, i'll process cloud related demotions on Monday.14:31
hallynor pre-start14:31
hallyni was thinking just recommending a best practice for setting up lxc at install time14:31
dokoDaviey, that's fine. just doing my +1 maint14:31
hallynstgraber: it would be fun to play with, but give we have our own priorities and time constraints, it seems like something we should guide one of our fine fedora friends through14:32
stgraberhallyn: yeah, not worth spending time working around weird systemd "features"14:35
hallynstgraber: looking back through, current->fs->root->mnt-parent must not be MNT_SHARED - that's probably the hardest one to handle14:36
jamespageSpamapS, no - I'd missed that14:37
jamespageceph 0.48.2 that is....14:38
dokoDaviey, the last one is python3-requests14:38
hallynstgraber: libvirt-lxc will of course have the same issue .  so really i expect it to be fixed in fedora pretty quickly14:38
jamespageSpamapS, release notes and commit history in github look reasonable14:43
jamespageI'll give it a test over the weekend and upload early next week14:46
SpamapSjamespage: I already started actually14:50
SpamapSjamespage: I was wondering how you've been creating the packages. I cloned git, checked out the tag, and then archive/uupdate'd from that14:51
jamespageSpamapS, use the watch file in the package - it does the right thing14:51
jamespageuscan --rename --verbose14:51
jamespageI think14:51
SpamapSjamespage: it produced a really gigantic diff14:51
SpamapSjamespage: all the generated files added and stuff14:52
jamespageSpamapS, really - odd - thats how I did it last file14:53
jamespageyou are using the official ubuntu packaging branch as source right?14:54
jamespagegrrr - now I remember14:55
jamespagebzr is crap at merging a tarball with a debian subfolder14:55
jamespageit should discard it IMHO14:55
SpamapSjamespage: I gave up on the bzr way rapidly14:55
SpamapSjamespage: I didn't spend much time investigating.. the git tag produced an expected diff14:56
hallynplars: wow, this is messed up14:58
hallynplars: i installed a precise server.  installed openssh-server.14:59
hallynupgraded.  rebooted.  i have the console that doesn't update.14:59
hallynplars: but i log in over ssh and watch ps output,14:59
plarshallyn: yeah, that's exactly what I'm seeing14:59
hallynwhile i type my username /pwd onto the dead console.  then say 'vi /tmp/ab'.  'login --', bash, and vi /tmp/ab show up in ps -ef output!14:59
jamespageSpamapS, I don't have time todo it now - if you do update it please can you update the arch for python-ceph - I think it should be 'all'14:59
jamespageotherwise I'll pickup +2 days15:00
hallynplars: so the consoles are working and getting input.15:00
plarshallyn: I haven't messed with the networking enough to sort out how to get a connection to it, what's incantation for that?15:00
plarshallyn: so it's not truly frozen, that's good at least15:00
hallynplars: yeah this looks like a bug in the vnc output in qemu-kvm15:00
hallynplars: not sure which incantation you mean.  i had the vm bridged to my br0, and watched dhcp server logs to get the ip address, and ssh'd to it15:01
hallynand, if i hit 'send ctrl-alt-f2' in the vnc client menu, and log back in, i get a second session :)15:02
hallynall right, i can file a bug on this.  thanks plars !15:02
plarshallyn: I'd be happy to file it, I just have no idea where to put it15:02
SpamapSjamespage: got it. Will do15:02
hallynplars: oh i'm just going to qemu-devel.  feel free to email yoruself if you like.15:02
hallynplars: now i'm wondernig if non-upgrade reboots will do it too15:02
hallynplars: change of locale, biab15:03
jamespageSpamapS, ta15:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #1034837 in juju "authentication token expiry with openstack provider" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103483715:07
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plarshallyn: jibel just made an awesome discovery, booting with -vga std seems to make it happy15:12
hallynplars: oh the default is cirrus?  bah.15:15
hallynplars: i suppose it could even be the kernel driver in quantal15:16
plarshallyn: that's what it sounds like then...15:16
hallynplars: so before oing to qemu-devel i'll file a bug in lp :)  to track our discoveries15:16
hallynplars: would you mind doing a bunch of reboots in both precise and quantal vms and seeing if either/both get the no console after a regular reboot?15:17
hallynplars: i'm also curious whether rebooting (without hard-power-off) can also fix the console15:17
plarshallyn: I'm doing it on the precise one right now, I can check in a bit on quantal15:17
hallynplars: awesome, thanks.  i'll start the lp bug15:18
hallynplars: say, are you using vnc, or are you using SDL?15:20
hallynif you're using SDL then that makes it much less likely to be a qemu bug (as that's a different output system having the same bug as vnc)15:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #1054096 in juju "Openstack folsom compatibility" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105409615:21
plarshallyn: sdl15:21
hallynplars: interesting.  thanks15:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #1050592 in juju "exceptions.TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len() from "relation-get"" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105059215:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #1053669 in juju ""Relation not found" when running relation-list" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105366915:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #1054129 in qemu-kvm (main) "reboot with -vga cirrus can result in broken output" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105412915:31
QueopsHello! https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/postfix.html => Configuring SASL, I can't find what it wants me to edit on /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf15:41
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fullstopHey.. I have a 12.04 server, and it appears to be trying to mount -a before starting lvm.16:04
fullstopany idea how to get it to delay or change the order?16:05
fullstopswitch to uuid rather than path?16:05
xnoxfullstop: what's the actual problem why you want it not do that?16:09
xnoxat boot we have udev running and adding lvms.16:09
xnoxfullstop: you probably want to modify your /etc/lvm.conf if you don't want thousands of them =)16:10
fullstopat boot, it states that the device is not ready and asks if I wish to skip it.16:10
hallynahs3: self-tests all passed with http://people.canonical.com/~serge/netcf022/ . not sure if i should test an ubuntu version (with libvirt) before asking for the debian one to be pushed...16:10
xnoxfullstop: and what is the device in question and why is it not ready?16:10
ahs3hallyn: couldn't hurt, y'know...16:11
fullstopThe device is just a logical volume.  I assumed that it was not ready because lvm2 had not been started yet.16:11
xnoxfullstop: please file a bug against mountall with your stab, fdisk and lvs & vgs.16:11
xnoxfullstop: well, actually lvm2 in that case16:12
hallynahs3: :)16:12
xnoxfullstop: udev rules should find and activate all VGs rather quickly16:12
fullstopI find it hard to believe that I'm the first to run into this16:12
xnoxyou have raid as well, so it's not just lvm.16:13
fullstopNo, there is no raid.16:13
fullstopIn fact, this setup only has one drive right now.16:14
xnoxwhy is it assembling "MD arrays" - mdadm -> RAID arrays.16:14
fullstopI'm guessing that it does that on all servers16:14
xnoxno, it does not.16:14
fullstopI may have installed dmraid to get around another boot-time bug.16:15
fullstopI promise you, though, this system has just one drive.16:15
xnoxfullstop: please file a bug against mountall and please attach: /etc/fstab, lvs, vgs16:16
xnoxfullstop: something odd is going on though.16:16
xnoxfullstop: ubuntu-bug mountall16:17
xnoxshould work on the server and collect relevant info.16:17
xnoxand print an URL where to go in your browser to file a bug.16:17
fullstopgot it16:18
fullstopI wish I could remember what package I installed to work around another boot-time problem.16:19
sarnoldfullstop: /var/log/dpkg.log has some details when packages were installed; if you can recall vaguely when you installed that package, you may be able to find the log entries about it..16:20
fullstopsarnold: I looked through there already.  Nothing jumped out at me.16:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #1052522 in quantum "L3 plugin exists / dies when external bridge isn't up" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105252216:22
sarnoldfullstop: drat :)16:22
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fullstopxnox: reported.  Here is a similar report: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=51146&start=016:29
xnoxfullstop: bug number?16:29
xnoxfullstop: debian is not very relevant, as we do not use init scripts for lvm.16:30
xnoxfullstop: bug 1054190 <---- this way I will get a link16:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1054190 in mountall "mountall tries to mount lvm2 volumes before starting lvm2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105419016:30
xnoxtadah =)16:30
fullstopgo uvirtbot16:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #1054188 in qemu-kvm (main) "KVM Virtual Machines go into paused a few seconds after starting up" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105418816:31
xnoxfullstop: ... and pvs16:32
xnox*sorry* =)16:32
fullstopWe'll have to wait on that one.  The server is being rebooted and I'm remote.  Somebody has to walk up to it and press some keys.16:33
xnoxfullstop: or are they on the partitions of the sda?16:33
fullstopI think that they are eating lunch right now.  :D16:33
fullstopThey are partitions on /dev/sda16:33
fullstopI have something else..16:34
xnoxand you have to skip to boot? what happens if you wait? this is disturbing.16:34
fullstopI think that it will wait forever.16:34
fullstopokay, added the output of parted -l16:36
fullstopbe back in a bit16:36
zuljamespage:  i dont see how radosgw is failing16:54
zuljdstrand: so quantum17:01
zuljdstrand: cisco and niciria doesnt use rootwraper apparently17:12
jdstrandzul: ok. can you comment in the bug?17:13
zuljdstrand: i will17:13
jdstrandzul: ping me after and I'll ACK17:13
fullstopxnox: http://pastebin.com/jggwtJ0417:16
fullstopI removed mdadm and rebooted.17:16
fullstopI've not mucked about with udev or anything like that, either.17:18
fullstopand the lvm2 init script has this in it: X-Start-Before:    checkfs mountall17:18
fullstopso I am kind of perplexed.17:18
uvirtbotNew bug: #1044632 in juju "Modify format 2 so that it supports raw strings" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104463217:21
xnoxfullstop: interesting lvm2 init script you say?17:28
xnoxfullstop: dpkg -S /etc/init.d/lvm217:28
xnoxor fullstop: dpkg -L lvm217:28
xnox(we did have an accident of dropping clvm and reintroducing lvm2 init script, when we actually want to keep clvm and drop lvm2)17:29
fullstoplvm2: /etc/init.d/lvm217:29
fullstopand the other dpkg command lists all of the files for the package.  I can paste that if need be17:29
xnoxfullstop: on precise?17:29
fullstopUbuntu 12.04 LTS \n \l17:30
xnoxfullstop: dpkg -i lvm217:30
xnoxand fullstop: dpkg -L lvm2 | grep init17:30
fullstopdpkg-deb: error: `lvm2' is not a debian format archive17:30
xnoxfullstop: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise-updates/amd64/lvm2/filelist17:32
xnoxdoes not have lvm2 init script.17:32
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fullstopThis install is quite recent.17:32
fullstopand we've not gone around changing things willy-nilly.17:32
xnoxfullstop: was it precise install or upgrade?17:32
* xnox wonders where /etc/init.d/lvm2 came from17:33
xnoxfullstop: what's the full lvm2 package version number?17:33
xnoxdpkg -i lvm217:33
xnoxapt-cache policy lvm217:33
fullstopthe first command wants to operate on a .deb package17:34
xnoxfullstop: you are mixing debian & ubuntu17:34
xnoxfullstop: if you want .95, just add quantal and pin lvm2 from quantal. But please note this is _not_ supported.17:35
xnoxfullstop: and hence the boot problems you have.17:35
fullstopI will find the person who added those repos17:35
fullstopsorry for wasting your time17:35
xnoxfullstop: it's ok =) good luck.17:36
skritehey all17:39
xnoxfullstop: sounds like you want puppet management (which goes about overwritting "customizations" like these with approved/managed configs)17:39
xnoxfullstop: or you can use landscape which does compliance management as well.17:39
fullstopI'll have a talk with a few people.17:39
xnoxfullstop: you do want to check what other crap you got from testing, cause precise froze good ~4 months before debian did.17:46
fullstopYes, going through that now.  Thanks.17:46
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hallynstgraber: pushed a single trivial fix to lp:ubuntu/precise-proposed/lxc.  NOt sure if you had other things to stage18:13
stgraberhallyn: nope, nothing on my side18:13
hallynstgraber: hm, i'm loath to start an SRU for this one-liner18:14
* hallyn tries to find other SRU-ables18:14
stgraberhallyn: oh, didn't see it was precise-proposed...18:14
stgraberhallyn: we have quite a few that probably should go as sru to precise18:15
stgraberhallyn: I'll have a look at what went into quantal, figure out what makes sense to push as sru18:15
hallynhm, there's a bunch at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/lxc18:15
chris|hallyn, would you consider #1047837 sru able?18:24
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hallynchris|: switching from sysvinit to upstart - probably not.  especially since there doesn't appear to be a bug introduced by using sysvinit, right?18:26
hallynchris|: SpamapS ^ might know better18:26
SpamapSchris|: It says wishlist. We only do SRU's for High Impact bugs.18:28
chris|right, there's no bug, but worth a try :)18:28
SpamapSchris|: and really, whats the point of migrating zabbix to upstart?18:28
* SpamapS heads out to see the shuttle fly-by18:28
chris|SpamapS, have upstart start/stop services/task when specific containers start/stop18:29
chris|ah, no, zabbix18:30
chris|well, for once the respawn is kind of nice, I can delay zabbix until my networking and database setup is actually finished18:32
hallynstgraber: uh, jinkeys.  I mistyped when fixing the debian testing container creation.  that needs to be isc-dhcp-client, not server18:32
stgraberoops, indeed :)18:33
hallynstgraber: guess i'll commit the fix to that to bzr for now18:33
arosales1utlemming: could you add appropriate release note entry for the work items completed on the https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-q-cloud-images BP ?18:38
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utlemmingarosales1: yup, will do18:39
arosalesutlemming: thanks18:39
arosalesutlemming: probably want to do the same for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-q-awstools as most of the majority of the packaging work items look to be completed.18:40
utlemmingarsoales: ack18:41
arosalesutlemming: thanks18:41
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hallynstgraber: precise-proposed lxc tests fine, i'll push19:16
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stgraberhallyn: ok19:29
hallynhm, augeas in quantal seems broken19:30
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skritein virtualbox, can i run a virtual machine in the background, or like, from a screen or tmux session?19:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #1054306 in netcf (main) "ncftool list fails" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105430620:01
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rjuneI put tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard,edubuntu-desktop in my preseed file. It installed the standard system, but not edubuntu-desktop. Is that statement only able to specify a single target to install?20:07
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hallynahs3: all right, that netcf (without the libvirt Conflicts) tests fine in quantal by itself and thorugh libvirt20:13
ahs3hallyn: sweet.  what's the url for the dsc file again?20:14
hallynahs3: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/netcf022/netcf_0.2.2-1.dsc20:15
ahs3hallyn: thx.  i'll try to get that in over the weekend20:16
hallynahs3: thanks!  ttyl20:18
uvirtbotNew bug: #1054329 in augeas (main) "Sync augeas 0.10.0-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105432920:31
ninjixanyone here ever used the python-libvirt to upload a virStorageVol?20:41
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blizzowokay, so I downloaded the iso for ubuntu server.  I ran the usb-creator-kde utility, formatted a 160 GB external USB drive.  then "installed" the iso on the drive via usb-creator-kde.  When I boot off the drive, the initial process is fine, but then during the hardware detection the thing just bitches and moans that it can't find the CDROM to continue the installation.  Anyone know a way around this?  I've tried to ln -sf /dev/sdf /dev/cdrom and that d22:07
sarnoldblizzow: cut off at "and that d"22:07
blizzow"did not work."22:08
sarnoldso close ;)22:08
sarnoldblizzow: do any other virtual terminals show any debugging information?22:08
blizzowThe debug console just shows it spinning at trying to detect cdroms or some similar verbiage.22:09
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1036172 in python-tablib (universe) "[MIR] python-tablib" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103617222:51
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