
AlanBellmorning all06:16
matttmorning AlanBell06:17
christelmorning lovelies06:37
czajkowskipopey: have you tried to shut down your 12.10 machine06:45
popeyi just shut one down06:52
czajkowskipopey: did it actually shut down06:54
czajkowskimine goes back to the login screen06:54
czajkowskiso I've to hard shut it down06:54
popeydefine "hard shut it down"?06:55
czajkowskipower button06:55
popeythere's a shutdown option in the login screen06:55
czajkowskihold it down06:55
* czajkowski goes to file another bug :/06:55
popeyI have seen this on my machine06:55
czajkowskinot sure if against unity06:55
popeyits nothing to do with unity06:55
czajkowskiwhat do I file it against?07:00
popeynot sure07:01
popeylightdm maybe07:01
czajkowskibug filed07:10
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
AlanBellI will be almost sad when the window decorations return to Quantal07:31
czajkowskibugger nautilus has just crashed07:34
czajkowskino idea why07:34
AlanBellsecond breakfast later \o/ http://www.hobbitsecondbreakfast.com/07:47
j0nrmorning folks07:47
MartijnVdSAlanBell: no Dutch candy fest with christel and the other alans?07:49
MartijnVdS(not that christel is an alan, of course...)07:49
AlanBellnot even an Alana07:50
MartijnVdSor Alanis07:51
czajkowskiI only remembered last night when I'm at UDS it's not euro :/07:55
MartijnVdSStubborn Danes.07:57
lovejoy56hello anyone07:59
lovejoy56just testing this chat 1st time here...anybody here ?08:00
MartijnVdSno, nobody is here08:00
MartijnVdSwe're all just figments of your imagination ;)08:00
lovejoy56Lol tanx08:00
lovejoy56new to this08:00
lovejoy56so is this chat open to the whole internet, those who have it that is ?08:01
pinky-irc is very addictive - Beware!08:01
lovejoy56thanx pinky08:02
lovejoy56does it get very busy08:02
AlanBellpinky-: it is indeed, it sucks you in. Once I had a job, friends, family, a house a car, some chickens and then I discovered IRC08:03
lovejoy56Lol, really that good eh ! when are the busy times ?08:03
MartijnVdSdepends really08:04
AlanBellit is always busy in #ubuntu, and busyish during UK awake times here08:04
lovejoy56so its world wide then or just uk ?08:04
pinky-lovejoy56, yes this channel is publicly logged, so becareful what you type08:04
AlanBellfor fairly insomniac definitions of awake times08:04
lovejoy56pinky, what does publicly logged mean pls ?08:05
lubotu3Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/08:05
AlanBellI think the old logs are gone08:05
lovejoy56so what is "public logging ?08:06
MartijnVdSit means that everything on the channel is put on that web page for everyone to see08:06
pinky-lovejoy56, a bot in here posts to a website08:06
christelMartijnVdS: i sometimes ponder changing my name to alan08:07
lovejoy56ah right I see, tanx08:07
christeli'm thinking "Alan Fake" to go with four letter surname theme08:07
MartijnVdSchristel: wouldn't that confuse people though08:07
christeli like confusing people!08:07
christelwe shall have a candy fest soon!08:07
diploFree candy?08:08
pinky-lovejoy56, for example http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/09/09/%23ubuntu-uk.html08:08
xnoxchristel: surely Alan Flake is better08:08
lovejoy56do we know which website text is published on ?08:08
MartijnVdSxnox: that's not 4 letters long, like the other alans08:08
christeldiplo: oh MartijnVdS sent us a KILO of dutch delights08:09
AlanBellor http://ubuntu-uk.org/todays-chatter/08:09
lovejoy56ok tanx ppl08:09
diploI've probably just bought a kilo of sweets for my sons bday next week for party bags :)08:10
MartijnVdSdiplo: not pepernoten and kruidnoten probably ;)08:10
* diplo has no idea what they are so no :)08:10
christeldiplo: party bags \o/08:10
christeli am so having party bags at my next birthday party08:10
christel(i am so having a birthday party for my next birthday)08:10
diploTaking a group of children Ten pin bowling :)08:10
czajkowskiricecrispy cakes!!08:14
czajkowskiall parties must have them!08:15
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
lovejoy56does anyone know what happens to icons in the launch bar of linux when the bar is full pls ?08:17
MartijnVdSlovejoy56: on the left side you mean? You can scroll through them with the mouse wheel I think08:17
lovejoy56yes and ok tanx but i dont use a mouse with laptop08:18
MartijnVdSlovejoy56: the right side of a trackpad is also a "scroll area"08:18
MartijnVdSlovejoy56: or sometimes 2 fingers at the same time = scrolling08:18
lovejoy56sorry but whats a trackpad ? I only installed yesterday08:19
MartijnVdSlovejoy56: that's the "mouse" bit on a laptop -- the thing you move your finger on to move the pointer08:19
popeyyou can also use the keyboard08:19
lovejoy56thanks Martin lol I call it touch pad sorry08:20
popeyALT+F1, then use the up/down arrows to navigate the launchpad08:20
lovejoy56oh really thats very useful thank you08:20
popeyanyone here got an nvidia or ati machine running 12.04 with unity on multi-monitor?08:21
MartijnVdSpopey: I had one, but it crashed a lot, so now I have intel.08:21
popeynvm :)08:21
lovejoy56is this site only UK ?08:22
AlanBelllovejoy56: this channel is focussed on the UK but we have people here from all over the place08:23
lovejoy56ok tanx08:23
AlanBellthere are many other channels for different places08:23
lovejoy56how are they accessed08:23
pinky-lovejoy56, to join for example #ubuntu type /join #ubuntu08:24
AlanBellyou can find out more here: http://loco.ubuntu.com08:24
pinky-lovejoy56, another good tip for irc is quick spelling peeps names by typing first letter or two of nick then hit the "tab-key" to auto complete08:25
AlanBellanyone else in London today?08:25
lovejoy56pinky-, thanx08:25
pinky-you can also keep hitting "tab-key" to cycle through names if alot start with same letters08:25
lovejoy56anyone in liverpool ?08:25
lovejoy56pinky-,  tanx again08:26
pinky-I'm across the land from you in Teesside08:26
lovejoy56pinky-, oh ok....is it cold there ? its freezing here08:26
pinky-hehe I've not even openeed the curtain yets.. I have no idea:)08:27
lovejoy56pinky-, lol does this chat give out your email addy ?08:27
pinky-no. but you can set a hide function with nickserv.. brb08:28
lovejoy56pinky-,  yeah i gotta go to....need to explore this linux system properly. bye for now08:29
pinky-ok I'll tll you later as I need to find it.. I'm new on this server too08:29
pinky-oops too late08:29
pinky-I need to tell him when returns /msg nickserv set hidemail on08:31
pinky-just found it again08:31
JamesTaitOh, happy Friday, everyone! :-D08:37
pinky-Friday has come around quickly again08:38
pinky-well it has to me08:38
pinky-I'm sat here today waiting for a home delivery from ASDA08:39
pinky-fun fun fun08:39
JamesTaitpinky-: I was saying the same to one of the mums at school this morning.  Last week was a grueller, this week has flown by.08:39
bigcalm_laptopHi kids :)08:39
pinky-lo bigcalm08:39
dwatkinsThis week has definitely flown past for me, partly because I've been working late most days.08:41
* bigcalm_laptop looks at the world through bleary eyes08:41
* dwatkins hands bigcalm_laptop a nice big mug of tea and a biscuit08:41
pinky-bigcalm, I always drink water before I sleep when I drink alcohol and helps me a lot with hangovers in morning08:42
pinky-otherwise I suffer08:43
* bigcalm_laptop updates his nick highlight list08:45
pinky-lovejoy56, welcome back.. type /msg nickserv set hidemail on08:46
pinky-it will hide your mail addy on a /whois08:46
* popey pokes davmor2 08:46
popeyThe following packages have unmet dependencies.08:46
popey shatter:i386 : Depends: shatter-bin:i386 but it is not installed08:46
popey spacepiratesandzombies:i386 : Depends: spacepiratesandzombies-bin:i386 but it is not installed08:46
lovejoy56pinky-,  hi, i wondered what nickserv was tanx08:46
pinky-type /msg nickerv help08:46
pinky-for all commands08:46
pinky-sorry for typo08:47
lovejoy56pinky-,  it wont work for me08:48
pinky-? /msg nickserv help08:49
pinky-without the ??08:49
lovejoy56? /msg nickserv help08:49
pinky-/msg nickserv help08:49
lovejoy56pinky-,  nah not workin for me08:50
pinky-umm I'm not in xchat and unsure of your settings, is there any notices in your server window?08:51
bigcalm_laptopFor more than a week my laptop has said that there are no packages that need upgrading. I think it's lying, but how do I get it tow work?08:51
Laneywhich mirror?08:51
bigcalm_laptopLaney: esat.net - chosen by the choose the best mirror for me thingy08:52
* bigcalm_laptop tries another one08:53
Laneythat's a good link to check on mirrors08:53
Laneyunknown for that one though :(08:53
bigcalm_laptopit's just chosen as29550.net, lets see if it helps08:54
* bigcalm_laptop hogs all of christel's bandwidth08:55
bigcalm_laptop82 updates, 151.9mb to download :D08:56
bigcalm_laptopLaney: ta08:56
bigcalm_laptopThat's odd. The system has started asking me for my password to do updates. Maybe it's adding/removing as well as updating today08:57
popeyit always asks for new packages08:58
popeyprobably new kernel08:58
MartijnVdSit needs to learn how to remove old/unused kernels08:58
MartijnVdSI had to remove ~20 old kernels the other day08:58
popeywrite a blueprint for UDS :)08:59
popeyit should remove kernels where its not been booted to for more than a certain number of days08:59
popeyand where we still have two known good kernels08:59
czajkowskione of todays irksome bugs -https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit/+bug/104743109:02
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1047431 in gedit (Ubuntu) "gedit crashed with signal 5 in _XReply()" [Medium,Confirmed]09:02
brobostigongood morning everyone,09:05
christelI HAVE A CAT09:06
christeli have never seen it before09:06
christelbut it is in my garden09:06
christelthis makes it mine, right?09:07
bigcalm_laptopFinders keepers09:07
brobostigonwell, tht could argued christel09:07
Laneyfeed it, then it'll always come back09:07
Laneysomeone nicked one of our cats when I was a kid by doing that :(09:07
Laneythey used to feed him, then when they moved they took him with them09:07
pinky-don't give cats milk as they are not lactose tolerant09:08
pinky-I have cats and all are house cats and never go out.. even if doors are wide open they stay in, my eldest is 15 years old.09:09
bigcalm_laptopReboot time!09:09
* popey wonders where his cats are09:11
popeyone of the neighbours cats keeps coming in to get our cats food09:12
brobostigongps tagging, and a camera, :)09:12
popeythe neighbours dont feed it, and basically kick it out all the time09:12
popeyso he comes round ours09:12
popeyi have been in the lounge with both our cats and heard the cat flap go.. both of our cats look at me going "huh?"09:12
pinky-I have a soft spot for them and keep getting more from Cats Protection09:13
bigcalm_laptoppopey: your cats are lovely09:13
popeypinky-, you turning into an old cat lady like you see on telly?09:13
pinky-maybe I'm infected with gonzii toxic plasma??09:13
pinky-but yeah:)09:14
* popey uses xmltv to download a list of programmes now showing in Hungary09:14
bigcalm_laptoppopey: is your electricity bill quite high?09:15
popeydunno really09:15
bigcalm_laptopYay indifference09:15
popeywifey deals with that09:15
LaneyI got my new DD amount today for the 'lectrics09:16
Laney£33, seems a lot for just me09:16
popeyused compare the meerkat to switch to another provider09:16
LaneyMartin Lewis is my god09:16
popeyi hate that guy09:18
popeyi dont know why, he just bugs me09:18
diploLaney: that's what my bill is ish, for me mainly and with the kids a few days a week09:18
diploAnd similar for gas09:18
LaneyI suppose I just phone up in a few months with readings and get it changed09:19
diploI dropped mine by about £15/20 a month last year, so the ex was the cause of my electric bill :)09:20
LaneyI had to register to pay council tax for the first time too this week09:22
Laney:( being old is crap :(09:23
bigcalm_laptopLaney: welcome to life :)09:24
LaneyI don't feel very welcome!09:24
* bigcalm_laptop gives Laney a biscuit09:26
diploGot your 25% discount for living on your own Laney ?09:26
pinky-lovejoy56, I've sent you a private message, do you see another chat window?09:26
Laneythe bill already knew everything, even the exact date I moved in09:26
Laneybut I never told them any information...09:27
diploTin foil hat!09:27
Laneysus pish us09:27
pinky-I posted him some freenode nickserv help webpages and told him about unaffiliated vhosts, not sure if he see it..09:30
* mattt is happy it's friday09:30
TheOpenSourcererMartijnVdS: I have this bash command in a script in ~/bin http://www.tolaris.com/2012/07/19/removing-old-kernels-from-ubuntu/09:33
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: ooh, shiny.. thanks!09:34
davmor2Morning all09:41
bigcalm_laptopHiya davmor209:41
bigcalm_laptopWhy am I working?09:41
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: Hey from down sowffff09:42
bigcalm_laptopdavmor2: you're south of me today?09:42
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: because you have no idea how to have a holiday?09:42
bigcalm_laptopdavmor2: correct09:43
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: I missed the "to you" D'oh I said it in my head you should just of read it in like what I did ;)09:43
bigcalm_laptopdavmor2: oh no, that would mean that we were a couple if I am meant to know what you are saying09:44
* bigcalm_laptop feels very disturbed09:44
MartijnVdSbigcalm_laptop: as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced?09:45
bigcalm_laptopMartijnVdS: I don't think that I am that one with the force sadly09:45
MartijnVdSbigcalm_laptop: several hundreds of voices, tops? :)09:46
bigcalm_laptopMartijnVdS: there is something about your user means irc away proxy emails to me arrive blank09:47
bigcalm_laptopPlease insert sensible grammar where sensible09:47
MartijnVdSparse error.09:47
bigcalm_laptopI agree, but it's not my script and I'm too lazy09:48
bigcalm_laptopCould be that it doesn't like the ipv6 host :)09:48
MartijnVdSmwuahaha :)09:48
davmor2popey: this is what I mean about the launcher http://ubuntuone.com/2xw4FPwmUBbc25GaAPdwYS09:50
popeythats hilarious09:50
davmor2popey: another 100 or so to go too and I've removed all the ones I'd installed the day before09:51
czajkowskidavmor2: wow09:54
davmor2czajkowski: and you think you have issues pfffffff09:56
bigcalm_laptopchristel has left the room yet her laptop is not locked. Oh if only I were a devious person10:00
* bigcalm_laptop continues to do his own work10:01
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: you think that devious.........10:01
bigcalm_laptopAnybody here got a windows machine that they wouldn't mind me RDPing into to check some work on InternetExplorer?10:02
davmor2christel: How could you say that on a public channel, you should be ashamed of yourself :D10:02
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: I have one but it's 7 basic so I don't think it does rdp, and I'm not sure how I would enable it through the firewalls either10:05
bigcalm_laptopTa anyway10:06
bigcalm_laptopI'm seeing if I can get IE installed on wine somehow10:06
bigcalm_laptopPlay On Linux doesn't seem to be in the USC though10:06
davmor2bigcalm: there is IE4linux I think10:06
bigcalm_laptopIndeed, quite old though10:07
TheOpenSourcererhmm, reboot time. Time for a constitutional and moar coffee then. bbl10:07
bigcalm_laptopWe don't need to know about your coffee habbits10:07
=== TheOpenSourcerer is now known as theopensourcerer
pinky-first ground frost of the year is due tonight10:31
pinky-things are turning cold10:31
matttooh, new grizzly bear album10:33
matttpinky-: yeah, despite us having basically no summer, i'm still sad when i leave work and see it's getting darker earlier and earlier10:33
bigcalm_laptopTum te tum10:44
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: what are you Tum te Tuming at it sounds ominous and evil what ever it is10:48
bigcalm_laptopdavmor2: it's boredom10:50
davmor2christel: slap bigcalm_repeatedly a) to stop him working on holiday and b)just cause he deserves it, saying he is bored10:51
davmor2christel: slap bigcalm_laptop  repeatedly a) to stop him working on holiday and b)just cause he deserves it, saying he is bored10:52
bigcalm_laptopdavmor2: she disappeared some time ago now10:52
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: Yeah but she'll be back10:52
SuperMatthttp://www.l4d.com/blog/post.php?id=8913 <- middle of next month for the steam linux client!10:55
bigcalm_laptopAnd which games will be available for it?10:56
bigcalm_laptopWishing I had left my windows server on at home. Just so that I can see a site rendered in IE as it would be natively. IE in wine just isn't good enough11:03
bigcalm_laptopAlanBell: are you alive?11:35
bigcalm_laptopIs the Slug and Lettuce the best choice for Saturday's happy hour? There have been mutterings from more than one person that there are better places for food and drink.11:37
AlanBellbigcalm_laptop: I am aliveish11:39
AlanBellbigcalm_laptop: we don't have to stay there, it is just a place to start from11:39
AlanBellbut it has been widely advertised as the starting point so I am inclined to stay there to 9PM (the end of the defined hour) then move on11:40
AlanBelltickle anyone who mutters11:40
bigcalm_laptopEven though we've revised the arrival time to 7pm?11:40
=== darren is now known as Guest69760
AlanBellbigcalm_laptop: I haven't updated that everywhere (mailing list/G+/Facebook/Twitter) etc11:45
AlanBelljust people we know are coming are arriving at 7ish11:46
zleapAlanBell, will we be able to get some 12.10 cd's from you after release please ?11:48
zleapcool, i have an SAE here all ready (well probably needs stamps) as I was going to get some more 12.04 but didn't in the end11:49
bigcalm_laptopAlanBell: fair enough11:50
AlanBellzleap: feel free to send it now and write 12.10 on it and I will hold it and post when I get them11:51
zleapi will wait till i get paid at the end of the month then do it probbaly,   when is it out something like 16th October ?>11:52
AlanBellczajkowski: presume loco CDs are happening again? or is it DVDs now?11:52
czajkowskinot sure11:52
czajkowskiwaiting to hear11:52
AlanBellzleap: it is out on the 18th of october, CDs normally get distributed a week or two later, but there is no CD sized image this time11:54
zleapyeah i read about that dvd only or iso image for flash drives11:54
AlanBelldunno if they are just going to ship DVDs in the normal card wallets or something else, or nothing11:54
zleapas long as the package has dvd on it, they should be fine, that way people know its a dvd11:55
zleapthis could be good for Linux desktops11:56
AlanBellit used to be the case that people had CD drives that would not read DVDs but I doubt anyone has such a thing on a computer that has any hope of running Ubuntu11:57
* zleap has neither11:58
AlanBellmore to the point, there is a slight cost premium for burning DVDs so the loco distribution cost will go up a bit, but on the other hand we don't have kubuntu any more (didn't for 12.04 either)11:59
zleapthats ok11:59
zleapi am guessing there is a lot more on the dvd then11:59
AlanBellthey could end up shipping USB keys even, which would be cool11:59
AlanBellno, it is an 800MB image11:59
zleapare they not more expensive usb keys,  the one in the ubuntu shop seems expensive12:00
popeycheap 1GB USB keys?12:00
AlanBelldunno what the bulk purchase price of a 1GB key is compared to DVD12:00
* czajkowski has no disc drive12:00
zleapi can get 50 dvds for about 4.9912:00
AlanBelland the cost of putting the data on USB vs pressing it to DVD12:00
czajkowskiI'd say just sit and wait folks:) speculation won't get the 12.10 image t you any sooner :)12:01
zleapmy computer group stars soon, 3rd october and runs initially for 4 weeks,  so that works out great with regard to getting copies of 12.1012:02
* zleap will wait and see what happens12:03
davmor2popey: getting there http://ubuntuone.com/1f3Nz8fc0rDBt8uyHy5d3R12:19
theopensourcererSavaloy & Chips. A Perfect Lunchtime snack :-D12:34
popeytheopensourcerer, we're off to the dodgsons for tea tonight :D12:38
theopensourcererAh yes, Katie mentioned that the other day.12:38
popeylooking forward to it, got babysitter booked! (my mum) :D12:40
theopensourcererIn the not too distant future my eldest will be able to do that for us - saving 30-40 quid every time we want to go out.12:41
theopensourcererHe now has his own key and we leave him from time to time.12:42
popeyscary :)12:42
* popey has 6 more years to wait for that12:42
theopensourcererMy youngest, Monty, and Tom Dodgson are good mates. he came for a sleepover last week for Monty's 8th Bday12:44
hamitron30 quid? :\12:46
popeyyeah, few hours of babysitting clocks up12:46
theopensourcerer£6 / hr is a pretty good rate round here.12:46
theopensourcererAnd it gets rounded [up] to the nearest integer12:47
hamitronshould be 10-20 imo12:47
matttfor babysitting?  (aka watching tv)12:47
mattti don't think so12:47
theopensourcerer4hrs, after midnight - nah...12:47
hamitronah, pubs don't open that late here12:48
hamitronwas thinking more 7 till 1112:48
theopensourcererSe we go out at 19:30 and get back at 00:30 - that's 5 hrs.12:48
theopensourcererAnd not unusual.12:49
hamitronI wonder if many give discount, if you have a games console12:49
mattttheopensourcerer: your raving days are over, it seems12:49
theopensourcerermattt: Only when I am out with my wife ;-)12:50
mattttheopensourcerer: :P12:50
theopensourcererMostly we have separate social lives.12:50
mattthamitron: i give discount if there's super fast broadband12:50
theopensourcererCheaper ;-)12:50
hamitronmattt, exactly :D12:50
popeydaviey / Laney, whats the best way to track progress of packages through proposed, updates etc? is there a website or is it just "subscribe to release-changes list"?13:08
bigcalm_laptopThis Farnham food festival any good?13:09
klpktI can't access the internet on my computer! I've tried turning wireless off, turning airplane mode on, restarting my computer and my wireless network several times, but it hasn't worked!13:18
klpktCan anyone help me?13:19
popeyairplane mode?13:19
popeydidnt know we had one of those13:19
Davieypopey: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html ?13:20
popeydaviey, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=13:20
popeyunity and unity2d unapproved, who do I poke?13:20
Davieypopey: ~ubuntu-sru13:21
* popey checks13:21
Davieypopey: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Publishing13:21
Davieyslangasek is away this week13:21
klpktdoes anyone know how to fix my problem?13:23
popeyklpkt, are you using ubuntu?13:23
christeltheopensourcerer: are you joining us for beer tomorrow? :)13:23
klpktNot right now, now I'm using another computer with Windows13:23
theopensourcererchristel: Unlikely I think. My eldest son has several "mates" around for a birthday sleepover and I think my better half would rather I was in to help and keep order...13:24
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: You have you laptop at a food festival man you need help and lots of it, christel slap bigcalm_laptop round some more will you please13:24
popeyklpkt, i mean the computer with the problem13:25
bigcalm_laptopdavmor2: no, I'm on a sofa right now. Looking at things that are happening and the food festival is one of them13:25
popeyklpkt, we don't have an airplane mode which makes me think you're using something else13:26
bigcalm_laptopAndroid has one13:26
bigcalm_laptopTurns all radio devices off13:26
davmor2popey: yes there is13:26
klpktI have Ubuntu 12.04, and in System Settings > Network, there is one to the top right.13:26
davmor2popey: look under gnome control center → networking13:27
christelthere's a food festival?!13:27
popeyblimey, sorry13:27
popeyI had never seen that13:27
christeltheopensourcerer: aw shame! i miss you(!)13:27
popeyklpkt, what type of machine is it?13:27
klpktA Samsung something.13:28
klpktI don't know how to check anything more than that...13:28
davmor2klpkt: open system settings → software sources  the last tab say additional drivers is anything listed there?13:29
klpktit says 'No proprietary drivers are in use on this system'13:30
davmor2klpkt: when you installed it did you connect it to the internet via wifi or a cable?13:32
bigcalm_laptopklpkt: does a wired connection work?13:32
klpktdavmor2: I connected via wifi13:32
klpktbigcalm_laptop: I don't have one, so I can't try...13:33
bigcalm_laptopklpkt: davmor2 showed me this when I had a wifi problem recently: rfkill block wifi; rfkill unblock wifi13:33
bigcalm_laptopklpkt: you could try running that from the CLI13:33
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: beat me to the next line13:33
bigcalm_laptopSorry :)13:33
klpktIt didn't work...13:34
brobostigonwhere in android 4.1, does android store the apk's of the apps you install from the market?13:34
klpktI have noticed earlier that the animation for the searching stops, and restart at times; is this normal?13:35
davmor2klpkt: do you see any access points listed?13:36
klpktYes, I see the one that I want to connect to, I choose to connect to it, but it just can't connect.13:37
davmor2klpkt: did you install with the text base installer or the live cd?13:38
klpktA copy of the live cd, that my friend gave me.13:39
davmor2klpkt: just to check what do you see  with cat /etc/network/interfaces13:40
klpktIf you mean what's inside the file, auto lo [\n] iface lo inet loopback13:42
klpktOr, I don't see the [\n], it was just to indicate a line break.13:42
davmor2popey: any other ideas?13:45
davmor2popey: okay rubbish bin and desktop switcher are now off the launcher all together and the dash icon is almost horizontal :D13:48
klpktI don't know if it's relevant, but I have multi-boot with Windows, and I can access the network with that...13:49
popeydavmor2, screenshot!13:50
bigcalm_laptopklpkt: in ubuntu, can you tell it to forget the connection and start from fresh?13:50
popeyklpkt, what does "lspci | grep -i net" say?13:50
klpktbigcalm_laptop: I did, but it still doesn't work.13:51
klpktpopey: it lists Network controller: [...] and Ethernet controller: [...]13:52
davmor2popey: http://ubuntuone.com/7OMqeqTQiP8eLrBjHp6vmg13:52
popeyklpkt, yeah, need more detail than that13:53
davmor2klpkt: use paste.ubuntu.com and put all the terminal info into that window using copy and paste and then paste the url for paste.ubuntu.com13:53
* AlanBell points davmor2 at 14:20 < klpkt> I can't access the internet on my computer!13:54
bigcalm_laptopdavmor2: tricky when he can't connect it to the internet13:54
klpktI don't have web access... That's the whole problem...13:55
davmor2AlanBell: oh ah13:55
AlanBellanyhow, klpkt the bits in [...] are the interesting bits :)13:55
klpktpopey: Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6235 (rev 24); Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 06)13:56
davmor2klpkt: did you try bigcalm_laptop's suggestion of forgetting the network and try connecting again fresh?14:00
klpktYeah, it didn't work...14:00
bigcalm_laptopWhat did it do though?14:00
popeyklpkt, can you "sudo apt-get install pastebinit"  and then "dmesg | pastebinit" and give us the url14:00
bigcalm_laptopDid it ask for a password?14:00
bigcalm_laptoppopey: lack of internet connection would say he can't14:00
davmor2klpkt: did you disconnect or remove it completely?14:01
klpktbigcalm_laptop:It forgot it, I reconnected it, typing in my password again, and then it was back to start.14:01
bigcalm_laptopGood, so it got as far as the password prompt14:02
klpktdavmor2: I chose forget in the system settings > network14:02
bigcalm_laptopklpkt: is there any chance that you've entered the password incorrectly? What happens when you put in a password you know is wrong?14:03
klpktbigcalm_laptop: I've written the password a lot of times, so it is highly improbable that I entered it incorrectly, but it does just the same when I put in a wrong password, except it after a while comes with another password prompt.14:06
bigcalm_laptopklpkt: so we now know that it is actually talking to the router14:07
bigcalm_laptopklpkt: do you have admin access to the router?14:17
AlanBellklpkt: can you turn off security on the router temporarily, just to see if that helps14:17
klpktbigcalm_laptop: I don't know14:17
klpktAlanBell: I don't know how to do that14:17
bigcalm_laptopI see14:17
AlanBellI have heard of problems with cards that won't do all types of authentication14:17
klpktI feel so stupid...14:18
bigcalm_laptopklpkt: no need to feel that :)14:18
bigcalm_laptopklpkt: do you know what the router make/model is?14:18
AlanBellso on the working computer in the browser go to or perhaps or perhaps something written on the back or bottom of the router14:19
klpktbigcalm_laptop: I think it's ZyXEL P281214:19
klpktAlanBell: The adresses you gave me don't work, there is nothing written on the back of the router, and my router wasn't in your site.14:21
AlanBellok, you are using windows right? can you get to a command prompt and type "route print"14:22
AlanBellsomewhere in that it will tell you the IP address of your default gateway14:22
klpktOkay, I have logged into the router, what now?14:23
bigcalm_laptop10.0.0.138 is my guess14:23
klpktThat was correct.14:24
AlanBellyay, now look for wireless settings, and somewhere there will be something like WEP/WPA/None14:24
AlanBellchange it to none or off14:24
AlanBellmight be called wireless security14:24
klpktI think I might have lost connection14:30
klpktNope, I didn't...14:30
bigcalm_laptopWelcome back14:30
klpktFor some reason, I was disconnected for a little while14:30
AlanBell:) yeah, it will do that14:30
AlanBellok, so is security off now and does Ubuntu connect to it?14:31
klpktThe Windows machine recognizes that it has no security, but Ubuntu thinks that it still has a security, and won't connect.14:31
bigcalm_laptopTell ubuntu to forget the connection and start again14:32
klpktThe only network it finds is the one with security.14:33
klpktOr did you mean restart of the computer?14:34
bigcalm_laptopNo, just the wifi connection14:35
klpktOkay, it only finds the old network with security code14:35
bigcalm_laptopBut surely it shouldn't if you have disabled security in the router?14:36
AlanBellI would try a restart of the computer14:38
AlanBellkick the wifi card into really rescanning properly14:38
klpktWhy do I get disconnected all of a sudden?14:46
pinky-klpkt, maybe because you've joined irc via a webpage, it's much better to connect here with exchat in ubuntu or mirc in windows14:50
klpktHow do I get those?14:50
brobostigonsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xchat14:51
pinky-exchat is already included in newer ubuntu and mirc is a free download from here http://www.mirc.com/get.html14:51
brobostigonpinky-: xchat, ?14:52
pinky-are xchat and exchat different?14:52
brobostigonthe latter doesnt exist, as far as i know.14:52
davmor2pinky-: xchat isn't include by default in Ubuntu14:52
brobostigon!info exchat14:52
lubotu3Package exchat does not exist in precise14:52
brobostigon!info xchat14:52
lubotu3xchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-3ubuntu12 (precise), package size 345 kB, installed size 869 kB14:52
pinky-it's just when I see people quit here they mostly quit with an exchat quit message14:53
davmor2pinky-: the default install contains empathy which although it can do irc isn't recommended for any period of time14:53
pinky-ok I'll remember14:53
davmor2pinky-: yes that is a play on words ex parrot exchat14:54
* brobostigon points out, exchat doesnt exist.14:54
pinky-ok understood now14:54
pinky-my bad14:54
klpktAre anyone still here to help me?14:58
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
pinky-they've all gone looking for ex-chat14:58
klpktFor some reason I can't connect to the channel from mirc14:59
pinky-klpkt, first of all go through all the options and enter a nick, alt-nick and identd blah..15:03
pinky-klpkt, in options you goto Servers and click on Freenode then select a server from the list and click connect. Once you have joined you type /join #ubuntu-uk15:03
klpktYeah, but now the room seems empty.15:05
pinky-you are either on a wrong server, or a split server, or you have typed the channel name incorrect15:05
pinky-oh yeah just checked out my freash install of ubuntu 12.04 32bit and yup no xchat as default15:15
pinky-I shall always remember now15:15
pinky-I can't think what made me think it was there??15:16
pinky-I thought I saw it15:16
brobostigonscreen + irssi + bitlbee, :)15:22
bigcalm_laptopDave2: are you alive?15:26
Krafty_Is anyone available to help with an issue I am having on ubuntu 12.04?15:26
bigcalm_laptop!ask | Krafty_15:27
lubotu3Krafty_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:27
Dave2bigcalm_laptop: NO15:27
bigcalm_laptopDave2: good, you won't mind me talking at you in private message then15:27
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: Man that is a new low talking to dead people15:28
bigcalm_laptopdavmor2: I find that they are less likely to answer back15:28
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: but where is the fun in that?15:29
Krafty_I am trying to use a logitech M570 mouse on ubuntu 12.04, whenever i restart the computer it does not recognize the mouse, then when switch usb ports, it SOMETIMES works but is extremely laggy and slow. The mouse works fine on another windows 7 computer, so i know the mouse is not the issue. this mouse used to work with ubuntu 12.04.15:29
bigcalm_laptopdavmor2: I like a quiet life :)15:29
Krafty_No possible answers?15:36
Krafty_alright then, thank you for the time15:46
czajkowskiKrafty_: have you  reported a bug about this ?15:47
Krafty_this is already a reported bug15:47
Krafty_but none of the fixes have worked so far15:47
czajkowskihave you left that as a comment on the bug ?15:48
Krafty_I have not, I figured I would ask around first15:48
Krafty_Then post on the website if I got a fix that worked15:49
AlanBellis it a wireless mouse with flat batteries?15:49
AlanBellmy mouse does strange things when the battery gets low15:50
Krafty_oh no, the batteries are brand new15:50
AlanBellin that case I am out of ideas :)15:50
AlanBell /kick theopensourcerer15:55
theopensourcererThanks AlanBell15:56
theopensourcererBeen looking at Webservices code for the last hour...15:56
theopensourcerertime to leave... Have a nice weekend everyone.16:02
klpktI (still) can't access the internet on my Ubuntu computer... Can anyone help?16:10
brobostigonklpkt: can you ping out?16:11
klpktWhat is that?16:11
brobostigonklpkt: it is a network dignostic tool.16:11
klpktHow do I do that?16:12
brobostigonklpkt: open a terminal window, type the following "ping google.com" and be ready with ctrl+c, otherwise it will just run forever.16:12
klpktIt says unknown host16:13
bigcalm_laptopbrobostigon: klpkt cannot make a connection to their wifi router16:13
brobostigonklpkt: ok, thats expected from what bigcalm_laptop just said. ok, have you checked you wifi device is recognised, and it showing a device for it, in /dev. ?16:14
klpktHow do I check it?16:14
brobostigonklpkt: ok two commands for terminal again. do you see it in the output of lspci and lsusb.16:15
bigcalm_laptopbrobostigon: the wifi access point is visible in klpkt's list, but connecting doesn't get past entering the password16:16
brobostigonbigcalm_laptop: wep or wpa?16:16
bigcalm_laptopThat I don't know16:16
brobostigonquite importent,as in one, wpa_supplicant is used, in the other, nothing else but iwconfig needed.16:17
klpkt_The key is (I think) WPA-PSK2 or something.16:17
bigcalm_laptopklpkt: network manager should be able to detect the encryption type, but if the wifi router is not offering the information, you might have to manually set it in ubuntu16:17
brobostigonklpkt: have you also checked, as to if, your router limits the ip's it gives out, only to certain mac addr's. ?16:18
klpkt_How do I check that?16:18
klpkt_Also, why do you speak in terms I don't understand?16:19
brobostigonklpkt: it will be in the admin interface of your router, i coant tell you ,every one is different.16:19
brobostigonklpkt_: sorry, my apologies, i need to adapt my engineering terms, into something more commonly understood.16:19
bigcalm_laptopklpkt_: we get people of all technical levels in here. Rather than sound patronising, it is best to start off at a higher level and adjust when needed :)16:20
bigcalm_laptopklpkt_: please don't take it personally :)16:20
klpkt_Well, the router has a MAC address filter, but it's disabled.16:21
brobostigonok, thats that ruled out. then.16:22
bigcalm_laptopklpkt_: how many other wireless devices are using that router?16:22
klpkt_Well, there's this computer, three more, the Ubuntu computer, my Wii and Android, and I think that's it.16:23
bigcalm_laptopAha, you have an android device!16:24
bigcalm_laptopIf you set your android device as a wifi hot spot, can you connect the ubuntu machine to it?16:24
bigcalm_laptopWe just want to make sure that the wifi chip in the machine works in ubuntu16:25
klpktbigcalm_laptop: I think it said that it wouldn't be able to connect any wifi if it was a hotspot.16:26
klpktbut i'll try16:26
bigcalm_laptopklpkt: that does't matter :)16:26
bigcalm_laptopWe just want to see your ubuntu machine connect to _anything_ with wifi. Doesn't matter if a 'net connection is available beyond that or not16:27
klpktThat wasn't me, that was a clone profile that was created because I apparently logged on before I was logged off...16:28
klpktWell, the same thing happens if I try and connect to the hotspot; the exact same thing, in fact, even to the point where it asks for password again.16:29
bigcalm_laptopklpkt: Looks to be an issue with the wifi device in your ubuntu machine. I would say that the next step would be to get a network cable and plug the machine directly into the wifi router.16:30
klpktbigcalm_laptop: Again, how do I do that?16:31
brobostigonit might be worth looking through syslog and dmesg, to see if there are any obvious things going wrong.16:31
klpktWhat should I look for?16:32
bigcalm_laptopklpkt: just before you try to connect to wifi, put this into a terminal: sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog16:33
bigcalm_laptopSorry I can't help any more right now. Time to go out.16:34
bigcalm_laptopklpkt: good luck!16:34
brobostigonklpkt: things related to our wifi device, wpa_supplicant or network-manager. or iwconfig or ifconfig, or dhcp.16:35
klpktIt seems like it gets connected, then gets an IP, but can't find a IPv6 router.16:36
lubotu3For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv416:37
brobostigonklpkt: ok, that fairly normal, but shouldnt stop it from working.16:37
brobostigonklpkt: have you checked your dns.?16:38
klpktbrobostigon: How do I do that?16:38
klpktI should Ctrl+C that phrase so I don't have to type it in....16:38
brobostigonklpkt: open the network manager control panel, and see what dns server it is using.16:38
klpktWhere is that?16:39
brobostigonklpkt: do you see network managers applet, in your top right hand corner, near your clock?16:40
klpktThe one where I can open the Settings/Shut Down etc.?16:40
brobostigonklpkt: next to it, it will look like an earial.16:41
brobostigonklpkt: or a signal strength meter.16:41
klpktOh that, yeah, I see it.16:41
brobostigonklpkt: if you right click, you should have a settings option.16:42
klpktbrobostigon: Well, that is a problem, because for some reason I can't right click those icons...16:43
brobostigonklpkt: very weird.16:43
brobostigonklpkt: left click that applet insted, you should get the same result, it should popup.16:43
MartijnVdSwrong window :)|16:44
klpktbrobostigon: Okay, there is no Settings...16:44
brobostigonklpkt: ok, go into your apps menu, and open systems settings,16:45
klpktbrobostigon: and then?16:45
brobostigonklpkt: there should be in that program, a netowkr config option.16:46
klpktbrobostigon: There is a Network, at least.16:47
brobostigonklpkt: ok, go into that option.16:47
klpktbrobostigon: It doesn't say anything about DNS.16:48
brobostigonklpkt: go into options.16:48
klpktbrobostigon: What then?16:49
brobostigonklpkt: what tabs, at the top of that window do you see?16:49
brobostigonthat should have popped up.16:49
klpktWireless, IPv4 Settings, IPv6 Settings, Wireless Security.16:50
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
brobostigonklpkt: ok, if you go into ipv4.16:50
klpktbrobostigon: Now there is a locked and empty box that says DNS servers16:51
brobostigonklpkt: ok unlock it, it will ask for your password, then change those two dns entries to and
klpktWhich Method option should I choose?16:52
brobostigonyou will need to use the unlock, to be able to change those options, so unlock it first, then add those two dns entries, with what i said above.16:53
klpktbrobostigon: No, the box is locked because I have Method Automatic, and there are several other options for it.16:55
brobostigonklpkt: ok, try this, "gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf" than add "nameserver" and save it, then ping out, like we tried earlier.16:57
klpktbrobostigon: the file says not to edit by hand.16:58
brobostigonklpkt: ignore it,16:58
klpktbrobostigon: should I ignore it?16:58
klpktbrobostigon: It still says unknown host.16:59
brobostigonklpkt: i am out of ideas now.17:00
klpktbrobostigon: This problem is really bad; so far you're the fifth person or something who have tried to help me...17:00
brobostigonklpkt: wow.17:01
brobostigonklpkt: do you have a difefrent wifi adaptor, you can try?17:01
klpktbrobostigon: By giving myself a custom IPv4 address, it finally worked! After almost 4 hours of trying to make it work!17:02
brobostigonklpkt: weird. that means dhcp isnt working properly.17:02
klpktbrobostigon: But now, the DNS lookup fails.17:02
brobostigonklpkt: use the dns addr's, i mentioned above.17:03
klpktbrobostigon: Those are the ones that I use; and, separated by commas as the prompt tells me to.17:04
klpktbrobostigon: So now I'm connected to the network, but I can't access the network.17:06
brobostigonklpkt: i really dont know, to be honest, i am out of ideas.17:07
davmor2popey: is it wrong to have to scroll for 10 seconds or so from the bottom of the launcher to the actual bottom of the list :D17:09
popeyyou can go direct to it though cant you?17:09
popeyklpkt, you may have more luck in our official support channel, #ubuntu17:10
popey /join #ubuntu17:10
popey^ type that17:10
=== WillemTheMarxist is now known as SirCrispinTheJew
davmor2popey: 190 of 229 and then over to the pdfs :D17:12
davmor2popey: infact with the bottom launcher that you can see, at the top of the page you still can't see the last launcher icon :D17:14
Azelphurwhoops, wrong window17:34
SuperEngineerDon't Panic! there's a moral in that... & this: http://superengr.wordpress.com/2012/09/21/dont-panic/18:42
SuperEngineer[& hi-di-hi folks]18:43
MartijnVdS\o SuperEngineer18:43
MartijnVdSWeekend -> SuperEngineer IRC quality time? ;)18:44
SuperEngineeryup ;)18:44
SuperEngineer[been away on "sanity break" & since then catching up on all stuff I need to do]18:45
SuperEngineerDartmouth in sunshine = good for brain!18:45
MartijnVdSI'm going to try that in May.. ish18:46
MartijnVdSthat general area anyway18:47
SuperEngineernice - let me guess.... Teignmouth18:48
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: land's end/Minack theatre18:48
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: going to see this singer sing again: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL65507731C2EBA66A18:49
* SuperEngineer never made it to land's end - no spaceship landing strip so not good for me18:49
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: it does have the entrance to the underwater tunnel to the other side of the ocean though18:50
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: which of those listed would be best 1st listen?18:51
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: It was Me18:51
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: you are Narina Pallot? nah!18:53
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: I'm not Nerina, I just like her singing :)18:53
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: she's quite impressive19:01
hamitronSuperEngineer, still talking about the singing or.....?19:04
SuperEngineerIf I see 1 more site quoting "to repair or recover grub from a live cd, first open a terminal" I am gonna scream!#19:04
SuperEngineerthe live cd doesn't wanna letme do that!19:05
hamitronchoose a proper livecd19:05
MartijnVdSthere's your terminal :)19:05
SuperEngineertry one... open dash - wait for a complete refesh... no terminal19:06
SuperEngineerprecisely! but all these sites are copying/pasting wrong info - grrrrrrrr19:06
hamitronso why won't it let you open a terminal?19:07
* hamitron is confuselled19:08
* SuperEngineer awaits hamitron to finish loading up live cd on a netbook to find out19:08
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: alt+f2 gnome-terminal?19:08
SuperEngineerhamitron: the "recommended" method does not work19:09
DaraelSuperEngineer: If thou needest access to the instructions for copy-pasting, I suggest screen (or tmux) and use of, eg, elinks.  Lets one do it all from a TTY.19:10
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: you know that, I know that - but pity the poor whatsits who rely soley on web-info19:10
SuperEngineerMonotoko: at last - a sensible read :D19:12
SuperEngineerDarael: & I thought *I* was the only instellar travellar here.... whoops, I am - just checked landing records... you were born on this planet - fraud!19:15
zleapi thought 3 state was high, low and floating19:15
hamitron1 0 and -1?19:16
hamitronalthough tri-state gates are 0, 1 and Z19:19
* SuperEngineer cheated - let gparted do its work & then use boot-repair cd [1st use in anger & wow, job done]19:28
* SuperEngineer recommends boot-repair19:28
hamitronI should upgrade to grub sometime19:29
jason88usukok so whats xchat about20:15
zleapjason88usuk, its a irc chat client20:16
zleapinternet relay chat20:17
zleapwhich you're on now20:17
jason88usukOh, this is all new to me. is everyone here logged in through linux?20:17
zleapi am20:17
zleaplubuntu 12.0420:18
jason88usukso are the different rooms or just one20:18
zleaplots of different rooms20:18
zleaphow did you get in here ?20:18
zleapi am gessing via webchat.freenode.net or some web based interface20:19
jason88usukI went to the software centre and downloaded xchat and BAM im here20:19
zleapah ok20:19
zleapyeah i am guessing as the main support channels are here,  its set up to bring users here automatically for help etc20:19
jason88usukonly ever used web site chats so thought id give this a bash20:19
jason88usukare you a helper then or just another one of us20:20
zleapwell there are loads of channels on freenode20:20
zleapi am just a user20:20
jason88usukhow do you add channels20:20
zleapusually you do /join #channel name20:21
jason88usukfound a quicker way.... right click ''freenode'' then go to channels... has lists :) so how come your on this channel20:22
zleapubuntu-uk is the main ubuntu channel20:22
zleapi am on #lubuntu too as well as a few others20:23
jason88usukis this place for normal chat or is it all about linux20:24
zleapwell mainly ubuntu chat20:24
zleapthere is #lubuntu-offtopic20:24
zleapdepends really on the channel owners and how the feel about general chat,20:24
jason88usuk:( its hard to find a chat site nower days.....20:24
brobostigonhere, we can be very general, beer and food and curry, and loads more, gets talked about.20:25
zleapjust remember its a family channel so we can have minors here,   i think that is a general rule20:26
brobostigonwithin certain limits of course.20:26
jason88usukoops seem to have broken the channels tab20:26
jason88usuksorry about that20:27
zleaphmm,  well hang around here on a regular basis and you will be more confident with what goes on20:27
* SuperEngineer congratulates jason88usuk on saying oops & not ehat SuperEngineer would have said ;)20:28
brobostigon**** **** , that ie.20:28
jason88usuklol ok has i walked in on something20:29
SuperEngineerwell, **** ** actually ;)20:29
zleapjason88usuk, naa, i think what he is saying is that he would have said something that would need censoring20:30
jason88usukbad typo I ment have20:30
brobostigonhence the *20:30
SuperEngineerzleap:  jason88usuk exactly that20:30
zleapwhere he go ?20:32
SuperEngineere.g. you should have heard me this morning when some random bod caused me to nearly kill my netbook.... that *would* have been censored20:32
zleapi hope we didn't scare jason88usuk off20:34
SuperEngineerperhaps he/she was a troll - if so, trolls are definitely changing for the better20:36
zleapnaa, sound like he was pretty genuine, just may have a few connection issues20:37
* SuperEngineer thinks too late to cook - time for a good 'ol fish finger sandwich... with open sauce on it ;)20:38
zleapoh fish finger, i mis read that first time20:38
zleapgentoo sauce,  make it your self :D20:39
SuperEngineershame on you zleap20:39
zleapfinger sandwich20:39
brobostigonnew QI, bbc2, 7mins.20:53
SuperEngineerthanks brobostigon20:55
ali1234acos cli needs a password. password is in the executable string table. wtf21:09
SuperEngineersee you later folks [was up early, eyelids now turning to lead], time for bed said Zebeddee [boing!]21:50
brobostigonnos da, sleep well everyone.22:39
ali1234hmmm what's this? ubuntu is going to use grub2 on secure uefi systems after all?23:00
r007someone know about program like that, for linux http://static.commentcamarche.net/en.kioskea.net/faq/images/8Q2jkGo3yUKrAVte-s-.png23:59

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