
greg-gsnap-l: I'm an unhappy mint user. Yes, I know.01:17
greg-gthanks for that image, jcastro_ :)01:18
snap-lgreg-g: Yeah, seems most folks use Mint or a spreadsheet02:24
snap-land frankly, if I have to use a spreadsheet, I'm installing postgresql02:24
snap-lbecause I wannt replication. ;)02:24
rick_h_woot, new saws arrived, so shiny03:33
rick_h_I should and not go cut wood right?03:34
Blazeixwait a bit for everyone to fall asleep. they won't notice once they're asleep.03:56
rick_h_gotcha, good plan03:58
brouschAny of you slackjaws joing to 1DevDay Detroit?11:54
snap-lYeah, I'm planning onit12:11
snap-lI even have a promo code if you want to save 20% off12:11
snap-lRick has one too: LOCOCAST12:11
snap-lbut mine is easier to type12:12
widoxalso planning to go12:40
brouschheh, they sent promo codes for GR_WEB_DEV and GR_MOBILE_DEV too12:52
snap-lbah, you're no fun. ;)12:52
brouschHow did you get your own personal code?12:52
snap-lThey just used decafbad as the code12:53
snap-lOw. Cat managed to run into my foot right as I was walking by a table13:30
snap-lshe forced me to stub my toe13:30
snap-lShe's quite unhappy because JoDee washed the floor, and some cat just marked the entire kitchen (ammonia)13:31
brouschThis must not be allowed to go unpunished. Bring the pain.13:31
brouschrick_h_: Plone?! WTF13:44
snap-lPC World: Smoking Crack since 199613:49
snap-lI take whatever they say with the same consideration I'd take a person completely shitfaced telling me how the world really works.13:52
snap-lThey might be completely correct, but the source is suspect.13:53
rick_h_brousch: well the guy I RT runs a PLONE/Pyramid shop in IN and contributes a lot to PyOhio13:55
rick_h_so backing the good guys13:55
rick_h_but yea, plone is wordpress on steriods13:56
brouschI'm not saying Plone is bad, I'm saying it's not something you "Try today"13:56
brouschIt's certainly not "an app"13:56
rick_h_sure it is, if wordpress is an app so is plone13:56
rick_h_joomla, etc13:56
brouschThose are not apps13:56
brouschapps are little programs13:57
brouschYou one-click install an app and dive into it's intuitive interface13:57
rick_h_app/program? Sorry, but I think you've been app-store-ized13:57
rick_h_brousch: like GIMP?13:58
rick_h_"one click install and dive in....help help I'm lost"13:58
brouschI have muggles using Gimp and wordPress. Now imagine telling them, "Hey, go try Plone!"13:59
snap-lbrousch: I'm sure they'd love it13:59
snap-lHave them do Drupal next.13:59
snap-lIt's not an app, it's a taxonomy with plugins13:59
rick_h_oh man, muggles, love it14:00
brouschRight, it's the same as telling them to go try Drupal14:00
brouschHey you, on the Windows computer, go try Drupal! It's won an award!14:01
rick_h_I'm going to force you to write out the short app into application and let's have this discussion again14:01
brouschI still think of an application you run locally14:01
rick_h_'It's certainly not "an application"'14:02
brouschIf it's a web thing, it's a service14:02
rick_h_except bookie is a pyramid applicatino14:02
rick_h_and I've heard you write django applications14:02
rick_h_and plone is a python application14:02
brouschThat's the technical term for them14:02
brouschBut ask a muggle what's an app or an application. They won't reply with a website14:03
snap-lbrousch: I'd like data to back that assertion14:03
snap-lFacebook is an app in that parlance.14:03
brouschNo, there are facebooks apps on your phone. They connect the Facebook the website14:04
brouschYou don't install Facebook on your computer14:05
rick_h_what's your email app?14:05
rick_h_oh gmail?14:05
brouschThe Gmail app on my phone is my email app14:06
snap-lbrousch: You're splitting artificial semantics.14:07
brouschI use Gmail (the website) for my email14:07
jjesseis it the actual website or a web app that loads the website?14:07
brouschThey are different things. Gmail is the web service running my email. The Gmail app is the little thing on my phone that connects to it14:08
rick_h_brousch: just admit defeat, a web based application counts as an app. App is generic, held hostage by the iFolks14:08
snap-land the Firefox is the thing I use to get to that stuff (or the Chrome)14:08
rick_h_apps on app in app ...turtles14:09
brouschIt is about scale and where they are installed14:09
rick_h_different apps for different strokes :P14:10
snap-lbrousch: Thank you for playing Family Feud, but unfortunately Apps is not what you think they mean.14:10
snap-lOur SURVEY SAID.... X!14:10
brouschOK, I'm going to get some actual data14:11
snap-lGet ready for disappointment.14:11
brouschI will ask people "What is an app?" and then "What is an application?" and then "Do you think Facebook is an app? Do you think it's an application? IF no, then what is it?"14:12
snap-lAnd it's all in the wording14:12
brouschSuggest better wording14:12
snap-lNo, we'll run with what you have14:13
brouschI will be asking the same people who say the Internet is down when they have forgotten to turn on their monitor14:14
brouschHalf of these people don't even own a smartphone, so app should be interesting14:15
jjessebrousch, Facebook is the internet14:15
jjessekinda like AOL is the internet or the blue Internet "icon I click on" is the internet14:16
brouschDamnit. Why is everyone busy when I want to waste their time with stupid questions?14:18
snap-lbrousch: Because you're the IT guy, and nobody has time for you unless you take down the Internet14:23
brouschGood plan. Then they'll come to my office to waste my time and I can waste theirs right back14:24
Blazeixsnap-l: what are the guidelines on using those 1devday codes?14:49
Blazeixlike if i have a couple (~5) coworkers that want to go, can I have them use those codes?14:50
brouschBlazeix: I think so14:50
brouschI mean, they sent ours to a 500 person user group list14:50
brouschI think they're trying to track where you heard about 1devday via the signup codes14:51
brouschSo if you heard about it from snap-l, then you and your friends use decafbad, then the organizers get an idea of where people are coming from and who is spreading the wrod14:52
Blazeixok, thanks. I think i'll use the DECAFBAD code, though I'll wait for confirmation from snap-l :)14:53
brouschOh, and just to beat a dead horse, a Django app (startapp) is supposed to be a small, self-contained piece of a Django project (startproject)15:00
rick_h_Blazeix: nooo use LOCOCAST :P15:00
rick_h_of DECAFBAD15:01
brouschTechnically he should use the code from the person who first told him about 1devday15:01
brouschI think15:01
brouschOr maybe the person who convinced him to go15:01
Blazeixi think i heard about it more through snap-l than lococast, but I'll use whatever rick_h_ and snap-l tell me to :)15:02
* brousch waits for video of the inevitable slap-fight15:04
Blazeixwhat a coincidence, that's in my email signature.15:11
rick_h_I need a Rick's Rage indicator. Kind of like a hulk-meter.15:11
rick_h_"RICK SMASH DEV'S HEAD"15:11
brouschI'd use that app15:12
rick_h_I need to quit thinking logically "Hmm, if this JS worked anything near sane I'd expect to use it this way..."15:13
rick_h_"If I was a retard doing JS fresh out of grade school...how would this work? F'in Magic yay!"15:13
widoxrick_h_: "but, but, this blog I read said it would work; so I just copied and pasted it"15:17
rick_h_it's like in one file with two different classes. In one case they have custom events that pass data as an extra arguments to the events but the other EXACT SAME CASE they don't.15:18
rick_h_written at one time by the same guy15:18
rick_h_and if the JS module is lp.app.information_type then why is the method called save_information_type15:19
rick_h_step one, write some code, step two go caremad, step 3 refactor...dammit where's the profit?15:20
Blazeixi just opened a new client's codebase. There's a "util" directory with 25 different "util" suffixed classes.15:26
Blazeixthis is going to be awesome ~15:26
rick_h_Blazeix: and I will be rocking the caremad for the Friday15:28
rick_h_I just stashed my changes and started a new branch named "fix_fin_names"15:28
rick_h_I can't type that crap any more today15:28
Blazeixhm, never heard the term "caremad", but I like it15:37
rick_h_yea, I see it on twitter all the time and I like it https://twitter.com/#!/search/?q=caremad&src=typd15:38
rick_h_I care so much that this angers me15:38
rick_h_OMG OMG OMG http://www.androidcentral.com/jelly-bean-rolling-out-some-verizon-galaxy-nexus-units15:42
rick_h_friday gets better15:42
rick_h_https://plus.google.com/110797033768165620589/posts/JoB1QE7rnet *sigh*16:01
brouschRecommend the Ubuntu distro of emacs16:03
rick_h_"Linux...it just works"16:05
PainBankif I was working on a linux machine I would setup an hourly trigger to automatically do a git commit to my currently working repos.16:12
shakes808Good day all.16:24
PainBankrick_h_ very nice, thanks!16:37
rick_h_PainBank: yea, I knew a guy that setup a io notify to run tests every time he saved a file and if the test passed it would auto commit16:46
rick_h_kind of cool idea if you're big TDD16:47
snap-lBlazeix: Feel free to use whatever code you wish16:49
snap-lI have no dog in this fight16:50
snap-lbut I will personally disown you if you use brousch's or rick_h_'s code.16:50
snap-ljust sayin'. ;)16:50
brouschArtPrize is really ramping up http://www.fox17online.com/news/fox17-artprize-day-one-of-artprize-doesnt-end-without-controversy-20120919,0,1175749.story17:28
rick_h_most awesome thing of the day https://plus.google.com/u/0/116120911388966791792/posts/Rz63iTxbb7117:31
rick_h_dad's take some notes greg-g _stink_ brousch17:31
brouschI call fake. No one's favorite train is Stanley17:35
rick_h_brousch: man that was hard to read17:35
rick_h_s/through/threw and such17:35
brouschIt's Fox, what do you expect?17:35
brouschI just started playing a game with my son. He got a Despicable Me minion from Universal Studios and it has a little magnet in it. I keep moving it around the house and sticking it to random things when George isn't looking17:39
rick_h_ok, so I'm allowed to poke fun at this guy right? http://www.nickwoodhams.com/post/3198800565517:39
brousch"The rep then encourages you to open your iPhone and shares in your excitement. "17:44
greg-grick_h_: hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha *cough* *cough* ahah *cough* hahahhaahhaahahahahahahhahahaha18:01
rick_h_greg-g: quit, you're ruining my 'magical irc experience'18:02
brouschEvery message should be like a shining gift from zombie Steve Jobs18:03
rick_h_clearly you all don't understand feeling the moment when you hand over $199 for a phone.18:04
rick_h_it's the most moving experience, right up there with childbirth. My Dr did just like he said. Shared in our excitement.18:04
rick_h_if some nurse had robbed me of that, I'd send the kid back and as for a do-over18:04
brouschSue the nurse18:05
brouschInfringing on your right to pursue happiness18:05
rick_h_heck yea, psych damange if I ever saw it18:05
_stink_rick_h_: that's pretty awesome18:07
rick_h__stink_: yea, I'm having dad envy18:08
snap-lOK, what's the approved way to do a query in sqlalchemy using filter with optional parameters?18:18
snap-lie: query.filter(and_(foo.bar == 'required', foo.baz == 'optional'))18:19
snap-lYeah, I need something a little more nuanced18:19
rick_h_going to need more info to follow18:20
rick_h_snap-l: you home or in the office?18:20
snap-lI'm home18:20
snap-lone sec.18:21
snap-lgreg-g: WOw, this is definitely shaking one's fist in their parent's basement fodder: http://twitterindependence.com/18:42
greg-git's just DUMB18:43
greg-gthat fucking "fork and do a merge request to sign, oh, and chat about it on hacker news" is just fucking dumb dumb dumb18:43
snap-lIT's just a nice way to spam github with bullshit18:44
greg-gs/a nice way to spam github with// # there, fixed that for you18:45
snap-lWell, I wonder how soon before github pulls the project18:47
snap-lbecause it's essentially copying their manifesto across multiple users18:48
rick_h_I don't know it's that bad. I mean it's extra work, so if they get any real signature count it's real people that went through effort and tied to real user accounts18:48
rick_h_if I just setup a google doc with a form to submit your email address wtf does that list matter18:48
snap-lit could hurt github's searchability.18:49
rick_h_how so?18:49
snap-lmultiple copies of the same foo on there18:49
rick_h_you've got 1000 results for pissed_twitter_dev repo?18:49
rick_h_there's always that. Go check out jquery18:49
rick_h_have fun, see you next year18:49
rick_h_the guy's a tool and just needs to stop using twitter though18:50
snap-lFranly, I hope someone makes a push request to put some malicious code in there18:50
snap-lrick_h_: ++18:50
greg-grick_h_: you sound like a "what's wrong with a voting tax?" person :P18:53
rick_h_no, just a person that finds "my internet petition" to be about useless and pointless18:53
rick_h_I have no faith in humanity and honesty18:54
rick_h_I'd love to vote online from home, and I think it would be great for turnout. But I'm also very afraid of that fact. Driving to a poll means I want to vote/put forth some effort to do so.18:54
rick_h_hopefully put in some thought18:54
rick_h_and that says nothing about the potential for fraud18:55
rick_h_"I've got 5 email accounts, I love to sign up to petitions early and often with all 5"18:55
rick_h_kind of stuff18:55
greg-gyou know there are legitimate reasons why people can't easily get to polling stations due to all kinds of reasons18:55
rick_h_and I totally know/buy/believe in that. Which is why I carefully phrased my nervousness :)18:56
greg-gdo what oregon does and vote by mail18:56
snap-lThere's no reason we can't do voting online18:57
snap-lmail people a pin number and instructions for voting18:58
snap-lif I can renew my driver's license online, I sure as shit should be able to vote online18:58
snap-lbut that's another topic altogether18:58
greg-gif I can pay my federal student loans online...18:58
snap-land yes, I think online petitions are worthless, which is why I sign every one that i believe in18:58
rick_h_people don't exactly have an incentive to break into the studen loan system and pay your laon for you :P18:59
jjesseits funny i feel more secure putting my vote in some locked box then going to some web page18:59
greg-gbut they do have an incentive to break in and get my SSN and other info18:59
jjessebut maybe i'm weird18:59
greg-gjjesse: even though we know they aren't counted?18:59
greg-gbut, we also know that those electronic voting machines don't count predictably either19:00
jjessei know the current system is broken19:00
greg-gso, ef it19:00
jjessebut i feel more comfortable w/ it in some weird way19:00
jjessei also don't believe any code that controls a voting system will be written in an open way that we can peer review it19:00
jjessei would be some corporation that develops it and is closed source19:01
jjesseso how can i trust it?19:01
jjesseand i just killed the channel19:02
PainBankIf I can watch .... online or do ... online, then I should be able to vote....19:06
greg-gjjesse: I think that assumption is just now starting to be challenged. I think those in the federal govt are just starting to see the benefits of at least peer-reveiwable code (whether or not openly/freely licensed)19:08
jjessegreg-g,  i hope so19:08
snap-lI think the last few elections have proven that what's there for computer votiing is flawed.19:08
greg-gyeah, that was mostly a "I hope this is true" statement ;)19:08
* greg-g nods19:08
greg-gheh, monkeyjuice?19:09
PainBankNo CD players in cars... make sense?19:10
snap-lPainBank: Depends. I still play CDs in the car19:10
snap-lmostly because I'm impatient, and have to listen to them on the way home19:10
snap-l(from purchasing them)19:10
PainBankI agree.  Just wondering how long before they just will not be there.  extra hardware you don't need if you have BT to the phone, usb plug in or some other form of connecting media or phone.19:11
Blazeixyeah, i wouldn't bother getting a cd player19:12
snap-lI still think we're in the "OMG, where do my CDs go" phase of the car buying public19:13
snap-lbut I wouldn't be surprised if in three years they're phased out19:13
greg-gsnap-l: wait, you purchase CDs?19:14
snap-lgreg-g: Yep. Great used CD deals to be had out there19:14
greg-gif you can find a used CD store19:14
greg-gthose were even dieing in Minneapolis19:14
snap-lTHere's a few I haunt19:15
snap-lflipside, UHF19:15
PainBankflea markets!19:15
snap-lwant to go to SOlo records19:15
snap-lTHing is the ones that sell vinyl are fourishing19:15
PainBanksolo... that's funny19:15
greg-gthere's somethign about the wordpress composition tool that gives me writer's block19:16
snap-lDamn hipsters are keeping these places afloat19:16
snap-lit's the stark blank Word 5.1 look of it19:16
PainBankiphones are like CDs... what hell do I do with v1-4?19:16
snap-liPhones are not CDs.19:16
snap-lHell, even DVD AUdio / SACD / Bluray Audio haven't replaced CDs yet19:17
snap-lmp3 is the cassette tape of audio19:17
brouschI buy a CD if I can get it used from Amazon cheaper than paying for the MP3 download19:17
snap-lGive me flac files and a digital booklet, and I'm content to forego the physical19:18
PainBankwell... 20 years from now....19:18
snap-lbrousch: ++19:18
snap-lPainBank: 20 years from now I'll have all of the music I want. ;)19:18
snap-lcashing 401k in for CD store. ;)19:18
PainBankand then you'll be the damn hipster19:18
snap-lfor when the hipster shits start appreciating the CDs instead of using them as bike coasters19:19
greg-grick_h_: wow, just watched that toy in space vidoe. That is awesome.20:59
greg-grick_h_: definitely putting that one on my list for Rowan20:59
greg-gbtw! Rowan said his first word today!20:59
rick_h_greg-g: woot! congrats20:59
greg-gBook was his first word, which is awesome/crazy20:59
greg-ghe woke up, and repeated "book" until he crawled over to a new book of his21:00
greg-ghe definitely knew what he was saying21:00

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