
Unit193jacob: I must say, for some odd reason I love your pic. :P03:22
thafreakany cbus area people interested in a unix admin job15:09
thafreakfor whatever reason a recruiter contacted me about it on linked in15:09
thafreakit's for abercrombie15:09
paultagget fly as hell while doing it15:09
thafreakso if you like unix, too much perfume and naked models...might be your gig15:09
paultagit's actually pretty temptin15:10
paultagif only abrocrombie wasn't super last-decade15:10
paultagbut it would be awesome15:10
thafreakat least they have good taste in OS15:11
thafreakwell maybe15:11
thafreakmaybe they're aix or solaris15:11
thafreakshe did just say "unix admin"15:11
thafreakwhich means she doesn't actually know15:11
canthus13"Hi, are your wifi lines down?" o.o15:15
yano"Well you better go pick them up!"15:19
thafreakherding cats...18:51
thafreaki've heard the term used...18:51
thafreaknow I think I understand when people say their job is like herding cats...18:51
thafreakGood news though, told my boss java sucks, when she asked what I thought of alfresco18:52
thafreaksaid I thought drupal was easier to use...and she knew how little I liked drupal18:52
* thafreak grumbles as he goes back to trying to create alfresco extensions...18:53
canthus13Herding cats.. kinda like getting php to work.19:47
thafreaki think it's more like convincing your boss she doesn't want what she thinks she wants...20:14
thafreakand getting her to leave your office without having her have you do more work20:14
yanoLAN Party Tomorrow at OSU, http://redd.it/109rex22:25

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